Calorie Restriction and the Exercise of Chromatin
Downloaded from on October 3, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press REVIEW Calorie restriction and the exercise of chromatin Alejandro Vaquero1,4 and Danny Reinberg2,3 1Chromatin Biology Laboratory, Cancer Epigenetics and Biology Program (PEBC), ICREA, and IDIBELL, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona 08907, Spain; 2Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Department of Biochemistry, New York University-Medical School, New York, New York 10016, USA Since the earliest stages of evolution, organisms have (Masoro2005).Inahallmarkstudyin1935,McCayetal. faced the challenge of sensing and adapting to environ- (1935) demonstrated that, compared with rats fed with mental changes for their survival under compromising a standard diet, rats fed under CR lived longer, weighed less, conditions such as food depletion or stress. Implicit in showed heart hypertrophy, and had smaller livers, which these responses are mechanisms developed during evolu- they explained at the time as an effect of growth retarda- tion that include the targeting of chromatin to allow or tion. Since then, considerable research efforts have revealed prevent expression of fundamental genes and to protect that, surprisingly, the effects of CR on life span are highly genome integrity. Among the different approaches to similar among diverse eukaryotes (e.g., yeast, insects, fish, study these mechanisms, the analysis of the response to and mammals) (Kennedy et al. 2007). Although we can only a moderate reduction of energy intake, also known as speculate on these findings, they suggest that the follow- calorie restriction (CR), has become one of the best sources ing general survival strategy has been conserved through- of information regarding the factors and pathways in- out eukaryotic evolution: In low-nutrient conditions, volved in metabolic adaptation from lower to higher metabolism is adjusted to enable more efficient use of eukaryotes.
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