Huldrych Zwingli the Implementation of the Lord’S Supper
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Huldrych Zwingli The Implementation of the Lord’s Supper Translation and Introduction by Jim West Occasional Publications of the Pitts Theology Library Published by the generous support of Dr. and Mrs. Walker L. Ray in honor of Susan Snow Hope Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Zwingli, Ulrich, 1484-1531, author. | West, Jim, 1960- translator. Title: The Implementation of the Lord’s Supper / Huldrych Zwingli ; translation and Introduction by Jim West. Other Tites: Action oder Brauch des Nachtmals. English Description: Atlanta: Pitts Theology Library, [2016] | Series: Occasional Publications of the Pitts Theology Library Subjects: Lord’s Supper -- Early works to 1800 | Reformed Church -- Doctrines. | Reformation -- Switzerland -- Zurich. Classifcation: LCC BR346.A2813 2016 | DDC 230.4--dc23 1 cult project himself. His translation translation His himself. project cult f dif this undertook then and translation for scholarly engagement with Zwingli’s work, helped us identify a Zwingli pamphlet pamphlet Zwingli a identify us helped work, Zwingli’s with engagement scholarly . We are delighted that Dr. Jim West, widely known for his his for known widely West, Jim Dr. that delighted are We . century sixteenth the Supper, one of the most divisive issues among Protestants in the third decade of of decade third the in Protestants among issues divisive most the of one Supper, to document the vigorous debate between Luther and Zwingli about the Lord’s Lord’s the about Zwingli and Luther between debate vigorous the document to lecture at the 2011 Reformation Day at Emory. This rare volume was acquired acquired was volume rare This Emory. at Day Reformation 2011 the at lecture Valerie Hotchkiss for her her for Hotchkiss Valerie Prof. honor to bookplate a given and 2010 in Collection was purchased for the Kessler Reformation Reformation Kessler the for purchased was (1525) … Christi Dancksagung Actio[n] oder Brauch des Nachtmals, Gedechtnus, oder oder Gedechtnus, Nachtmals, des Brauch oder Actio[n] Zwingli’s Huldrych rst time in English translation. English in time rst f the for available The current pamphlet represents Pitts’ latest effort to make Reformation materials materials Reformation make to effort latest Pitts’ represents pamphlet current The from the Kessler Reformation Collection available to the church and academy. academy. and church the to available Collection Reformation Kessler the from research via the Pitts Library’s home page—has made thousands of woodcuts woodcuts of thousands made page—has home Library’s Pitts the via research collections at the Pitts Theology Library, freely available to all for teaching and and teaching for all to available freely Library, Theology Pitts the at collections Archive—with its 60,000 digital images of woodcuts and etchings from special special from etchings and woodcuts of images digital 60,000 its Archive—with more widely known and accessible. In addition, the creation of the Digital Image Image Digital the of creation the addition, In accessible. and known widely more print and electronic publications that make the riches of the Kessler Collection Collection Kessler the of riches the make that publications electronic and print musical programs of the annual Reformation Day at Emory University and the the and University Emory at Day Reformation annual the of programs musical Reformation has been accompanied over almost three decades by the lecture and and lecture the by decades three almost over accompanied been has Reformation The acquisition of rare and important materials related to the German German the to related materials important and rare of acquisition The both sides of the sixteenth-century debate. sixteenth-century the of sides both Kessler Reformation Collection. The aim was always to enable researchers to hear hear to researchers enable to always was aim The Collection. Reformation Kessler in collaboration with the Kesslers and the Standing Advisory Committee for the the for Committee Advisory Standing the and Kesslers the with collaboration in from the beginning, carefully articulated by Pitts Librarian Channing R. Jeschke Jeschke R. Channing Librarian Pitts by articulated carefully beginning, the from Such diversity in the collection was part of the collection development policy policy development collection the of part was collection the in diversity Such by other reformers who were engaging Luther and his supporters along the way. way. the along supporters his and Luther engaging were who reformers other by hundred works by Roman Catholic authors, the collection also includes works works includes also collection the authors, Catholic Roman by works hundred of which 1,052 were written by Martin Luther himself. In addition to several several to addition In himself. Luther Martin by written were 1,052 which of This corpus now includes more than 3,700 manuscripts and printed works, works, printed and manuscripts 3,700 than more includes now corpus This of early sixteenth century imprints related to Luther’s reformation in Germany. Germany. in reformation Luther’s to related imprints century sixteenth early of Reformation Collection to build one of America’s most remarkable collections collections remarkable most America’s of one build to Collection Reformation with the Kesslers and almost 150 other supporters of the Richard C. Kessler Kessler C. Richard the of supporters other 150 almost and Kesslers the with Richard and Martha Kessler, the Pitts Theology Library has collaborated collaborated has Library Theology Pitts the Kessler, Martha and Richard Since 1987 and the gift of the 41 early German Reformation imprints by by imprints Reformation German early 41 the of gift the and 1987 Since Editor’s Preface Editor’s OCCASIONAL PUBLICATIONS OF THE PITTS THEOLOGY LIBRARY THEOLOGY PITTS THE OF PUBLICATIONS OCCASIONAL A Preface The Practice or Use of the Supper, Remembrance, or Thanksgiving of Christ as it is instituted or a long time God’s word has strongly and clearly at Easter in Zurich in the year 1525. revealed that the supper of Christ is greatly misused. Thus it is necessary that everything that does not conform to God’s word must be abolished. F he bishop or pastor turns to the people and prays And since this remembrance is a thanksgiving to and rejoicing in the almighty the following prayer with a loud, distinctive voice: O’ almighty, eternal God for the grace that he has shown us through his son, and since this grace is God, whom all creatures rightly honor, worship, and praise as their Tmaker, creator, and father, grant us poor sinners that we praise you and give you apparent in this festive meal or thanksgiving, and since he assures them that he belongs to those who believe that they are redeemed by the death and blood of thanks as you have commanded us believers to do with true sincerity and faith our Lord Jesus Christ, the disciples, who come in faith and in the knowledge in remembrance of your only begotten Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, of God and who want to attend this thanksgiving and Supper, should gather through the same Lord Jesus Christ, your son, who lives and reigns with you in together on Holy Thursday at the front of the church—the men on the right side the unity of the Holy Spirit, God eternal. Amen! and the women on the left—while the others remain in the nave, the narthex, and in other places. And when the sermon has concluded, the unleavened bread and The assistant or lector speaks with a loud voice thusly: What we now read is the wine should be placed on a table in the chancel, according to the meaning and written in the frst epistle of Paul to the Corinthians, chapter 11 [1 Corinthians practice of Christ as he instituted this remembrance. The words should be spoken 11:20-29]: “When you come together in one place, you do not eat the Lord’s by us in understandable German (as they follow hereafter). Then the bread on a Supper, for each one eats his own supper beforehand; and one is hungry and fat, wooden plate is to be distributed from one seat to the other, and each person another is drunk. Do you not have houses in which you may eat and drink? Or is to break off a bite or mouthful with his own hand and eat it. Thereafter the do you despise the church of God and shame those who have nothing? What shall wine should be similarly distributed so that it is not necessary for anyone to move I say to you? Shall I praise you in this? I do not praise you in this matter. For I from their seat. received and learned from the Lord that which I also reported to you, namely, that the Lord Jesus, in the same night in which he was betrayed and given into Once the elements are distributed, God should be given praise and thanks death, took bread; and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, ‘Take, eat; with public and clear words and with a clear, distinctive voice. Then the whole this is my body which is broken for you; do this in remembrance of me.’ In the congregation should speak the concluding “Amen.” On Good Friday those who same manner he also took the cup after supper, gave thanks, and gave it to them are middle-aged should go to the named place of the chancel and participate saying, ‘Drink from this all of you. This drink is the new covenant in my blood. in the thanksgiving in the same manner, although men and women should This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.’ For as often as you eat be divided as noted above. On Easter Day the most senior members of the this bread and drink this cup, you should proclaim and highly praise the Lord’s congregation should do so in the same manner.