S^Sti^Ej Bulletin
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S^STI^EJ BULLETIN JTJmrST 1970 Ccfoa ftlaMA 4035 Pacific Hwy. San Diego, Calif. 92110 Phone (714) 295-8887 Finally there is a superb American mast — extruded, tapered and rigged for Snipes. It is proven — having been used to win the world championship along with the U.S. Nationals. If you are replacing your old mast or getting a new boat, make sure it is with a Cobra. Why? Because— This mast is an improvement of the aluminum masts in use on Snipes today. The section is not unlike the other popular makes — but we have used our experience of Snipe sailing to come up with some very functional and improved fittings and rigging techniques. For Instance— Special Hound fittings. No Super taper, considerably Special new spreaders. Air foil Halyards inside tube, won't windage, everything on one, more than X models. shape incorporates its own shape come out of sail groove. setting inside mast. for a stop. WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP SAILS Elms Sails were used on the boats that finished 1st, 3rd, and 6th in the 1969 Snipe Class World Champion ships. We also won 10 National Championships in 1969. This would indicate to us that we can deliver the finest Snipe sails available anywhere in the world. Improve your 1970 performance. ORDER A SET OF WORLD WW iwi CHAMPIONSHIP SAILS NOW! •:-.yi lE^-v. 4035 R. PACIFIC HIGHWAY SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92110 ELMS SAILS Telephone (714) 295-8887 An Other* See It WINNING SAILS by LEVINSON Voice Of The People QUALITY - CRAFTSMANSHIP MAKES THEM SHOW MEMBERSHIP CARDS " We are on the verge of sending a pot-full of dues money for 1970. Collections have been good, since we continue to gain new members and our somewhat fascistic approach to gathering the money in has had the desired effect. The approach, of course, is very simple. We have a mas ter sheet posted on the bulletin board at the waterfront, on which results are posted immediately after each race. Each boat has a separate line. Three columns preceed the column for the first race — one each for (a) payment of dues; (b) weighing of hull; (c) measurement of sails. Unless the appro priate officer lias checked off compliance with each of these three requirements, no credit is given for that boat's partici pation in any race. The rule has been enforced in several instances, so far, including a case in which the boat that won the first race of the season was summarily ejected from the list for non-payment of dues. As might be anticipated, this has had a very healthy effect upon overall compliance with the class requirements. " Paul Festersen Iowa-Nebraska Fleet 309. 1969 CHAMPIONSHIPS This is the way all fleet captains should keep their fleet mem 1st—JUNIOR NATIONALS AUGIE and bers in line with good SCIRA standing and eligibility. Many 3rd—SENIOR NATIONALS GONZALO times a list of participants in a sanctioned regatta are checked 1st—CLEARWATER MIDWINTER DIAZ and it is surprising how many are delinquent in current dues, 1st—CROSBY NATIONALS BUZZ did not have SCIRA membership cards, and were not asked to 1st—INDIANA OPEN (93 Snipes) LEVINSON display them by the regatta officials, which, of course, is contrary to the agreement made when official sanction to the WRITE FOR OUR SNIPE TUNING AND TIPS regatta is given. Whendiscovered, these violators are prompt- thrown out (to say notliing of a rising blood-pressure) and the list of standings revised. If you find your position has improved LEVINSON SAILS or been omitted entirely, you can figure out what happened. PHONE 813-446-2695 Recently, 2 of 24 entries were dropped; fortunately, they were 900 N. OSCEOLA AVE. CLEARWATER. FLA. 33515 down pretty far on the list, and did not attract much attention, but if they has finished on the lop 5, no doubt the wires would have burned. And it certainly is not fair to the other entries in good standing to have to race against "illegal" sailors. All of this boils down to the fact that many officials simply do not Wherever Snipes sail enforce the class rule of eligibility enough—probably because they are too timid to ask good Old Joe whom "they know is all you'll find Boston Sails right" and thus avoid mutual embarrassments. Get tough, FCs, and follow the guide of FC Festersen. Otherwise, your regatta they go great where the might not be officially recognized next year by SCIRA. competition counts! HAS A SLIPPERY DECK — WANTS ADVICE "I bought a used fiberglass Snipe and the former owner advised me not to wax the deck as it would be too slippery. What would be the best thing to do with it to reduce absorption BOSTON YACHT of staining material ? It is white, and stays dirty most of the time. There is bound to be some kind of sealer or non-slip SAIL COMPANY wax I couldn't be the only one having this problem. Many thanks for any advice." Bob Calvert, Jr. 216 S, Louisa St. U.S.A. A Rayville, LA 71269. WHY HAVE A BLUNT BOW? MT.CUMfNS MiCh |U POINT EDWARD Bk " The article in the May-June BULLETIN of "Reworking a ii.iiu' Fiberglass Snipe Hull" by Ed Grier was an excellent one. I had UUIU a strong urge to rush right out and rework mine after reading it. Sailntakers for Ine Onampiom In fact, what appeared to be one of the fastest boats in the Dis trict I Championship last weekend had a sharp bow. On the other hand, the introduction to the article indicates a dilierence of opinion on the subject. Before all the new 38807 HARPER AVENUE Ml. CLEMENS. MICH. BOSTON SAILS skippers.who think they have the problem that Grier had. redo •48043 their hulls, would it be possible to print the other side's opinion? AREA 313 LIMITED I, for one, woikl appreciate it. — Bob Turrenline 468- U88 Quamiapowitt Fleet 628 CANADA Perhaps this plea might produce a pro article from Francis 120 MICHIGAN AVE., POINT EDWARD, Seavy, Red Garfield, or the World Champions of Brasil ( Schmidt SARNIA, ONT* CANADA . 619/344-5236 twins, Conrad brothers,or Nelson Piccolo. They win with them!) THE COVER Cut-Off Dote is July 15th For the first time, a picture showing •a • It • • ^— As previously announced in the BULL- Snipes sailing in Colombia, South America, TIN, the .Tune issue was the last one sent is published in the BULLETIN — and it is THE INTERNATIONAL SNIPE CLASS to all on the free list for the second copy a great pleasure to give it the place of to all individuals serving as crews on the honor on the cover. free list for 1970. As stressed, it is *^ Starting from nothing about 3 years necessary to renew this list every year igo, Snipe activity there has culminatedin by specifically asking that your current their first national Championship regatta. crew be put on the current list. 'Die re JULY 1970 In front of a forest of masts, crews moval is automatic, so if your crew com gather before a race, close to the locker plains, get busy with a postcard, etc. facilities — the palm trees are real! But Vol. XVIV No. 11 BUT MOST IMPORTANT to all is the there was no crew from Denmark - the fact that this is the last copy that all Snipe boat 15035 (D on sail) was imported from owners will receive if they are delinquent Denmark just before the regatta. Sailors S. C. I. R. A. OFFICERS in the payment of current 1970 dues. All were quite enthused over the success of the stencils will be pulled on July 15th and re —••^. Commodore —*^- affair and the prospect of more Snipe placed only when goal standing is restored competition in the Pan-American Games Dr. Angel Riveras de la Portilla There will probably be some errors (al in Colombia next year. ways are!), but they are not hard to Juan Vigon, 23 The Snipe family of 32 nations con correct. So, if you have neglected to pay Madrid (3), Spain gratulates Colombia "on coming of age", clues for any reason at all, please do so at Vice Commodore and welcomes them into full international once. Not only do other members want William M, Kilpatrick class competition. you around as sailors, but SCIRA needs Photo by Gabriel Anzola. P.O. Box 18876 your moral support and financial assist Oklahoma City, Ok. 73118 ance. Both are imperative to the welfare of the Association. Rear Commodore THE SCORE Major Richard Tillman Numbered SNIPES—189 93 The 1971 Pan-American Games 1609 Boone Hall Dr. The Pan-American Games for 1971 Charleston, South Carolina 29407 Chartered Fleets 690 will be held in Colombia, S. A. July 25 - Executive Secretory and Treasurer 46 more Snipes in the last 30 days — not August 8. Snipe, as one of the 7 recog - nized sailing classes, will participate as Birney Mills quite our daily average of 1. 70 Snipes per day for 38 years! But we have 3 more in the past. 856 Sunnyside Ave. It is expected that SCIRA/USA will months to get 98 more to make our annual Akron, Ohio 44303 average of 486, so we should do it easily. follow the same procedure and rules in Tel.: (216) 836-8131 Wonder who will get #19000? picking a representative champion team as it did in 1967 for the Games at Winni Rather an unusual distribution in that RULES COMMITTEE Norway got 41 of them,the U. & only 4, and peg, Canada, i. e. the top 3 winners in -^ Chairman: TED A.