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Pressemappe-THE-WOMAN-WHO 1/5 THE WOMAN WHO LEFT LAV DIAZ (PHILIPPINEN 2016 , OT: Ang Babaeng Huma !" Filmstart: 04. Februar 2018 Spielfilm: 228 Min., DCP-2 , #$W, !m" #e$isseur: 1a2 Dia- %&ee ' (u)*: 1a2 Dia- amera: 1a2 Dia- +,n: Mar. 1,)sin +,nmis)*un$: C,rinne &e San 3,se S)*nitt: 1a2 Dia- S-enenbil&: P,p, Dia- Pr,&u.ti,nsleitun$: ristine intana Pr,&u.ti,nsassistentin: /n&rea 4i&a Man&a #e$ieassistent: 5a-el !ren)i, Pr,&u-entin: at*leen Pa&,r /usf0*ren&er Pr,&u-ent: #,nal& /r$uelles Pr,&u.ti,n: Cinema !ne !ri$inals, Sine !li2ia P*ilipinas mit: C*ar, Sant,s, 3,*n 1l,6& Cru-, Mi)*ael &e Mesa, S*amaine Centenera-(uen)amin,, 7,nie (uen)amin,, 3ean 3u&it* 3a2ier, Ca)ai (autista, Mar8 1,ri),, Ma6en 9staner,, 1a, #,&ri$ue-, 3,-/nn #e:uiestas, #,mel6n Sale ur-s6n,psis: Die P*ilippinen, im 3a*r 1;;<: Die uns)*ul&i$ =e$en M,r&es 2erurteilte 1e*rerin 5,ra)ia =ir& na)* >0 3a*ren 5aft aus &em Strafla$er entlassen. %n Frei*eit fin&et sie ni)*t nur i*r pers?nli)*es "mfel& 2?lli$ 2er@n&ert 2,r, s,n&ern =ir& au)* mit einer $e=an&elten p*ilippinis)*en Aesells)*aft .,nfr,ntiert. Sie bes)*lieBt, si)* an &em Mann -u r@)*en, &er f0r i*re un$ere)*tferti$te %n*aftierun$ 2erant=,rtli)* =ar, #,&ri$,, i*rem e*emali$en 1ieb*aber. C@*ren& sie i*m na)*spi,niert, freun&et sie si)* im S)*atten &er Mauern seines /n=esens mit an&eren 7a)*t$estalten an, Mit $r,Ber Ae&ul& =artet sie auf i*ren M,ment &er #a)*e... 2/5 ÜBER DEN FILM E% &%' 1(() un* H!+a,&a %&'-' %e&' .0 /a0+en 1egen M!+*e% &m 2e34ngn&%5 Dann 'au,0en neue Be1e&%e au3, *&e &0+e 6n%,0u7* be1e&%en 8 un* *&e #,0u7* &0+e% +e&,0en L&eb0abe+% au% /ugen*'agen5 H!+a,&a &%' e&ne 3+e&e F+au, *!,0 *&e/a0+-e0n'e 0aben &0+ a77e% genommen5 Wa% &0+ b7e&b', &%' *&e 9a7'e Wu' au3 *en Mann, *e+ %&e e&n%' &n% 2e34ngn&% b+a,0'e5 De+ &%' n!,0 1!070aben*e+ a7% -u:!+, :e+ba++&9a*&e+' %&,0 abe+ au% Ang%' :!+ e&ne+ En'3;0+ung &n %e&nem An1e%en5 Im #,0a''en *&e%e+ Maue+n 7e+n' H!+a,&a 1e&'e+e Na,0'ge%'a7'en 9ennen: e&ne '+an%%e<ue77e P+!%'&'u&e+'e, e&ne :on Dämonen ge=7ag'e Ob*a,07!%e un* e&nen bu,97&gen E&e+:e+94u3e+5 W40+en* %&e &0nen e&ne g+!>0e+-&ge Freun*&n 1&+*, 1a+'e' H!+a,&a ge*u7*&g au3 &0+e 2e7egen0e&' -u+ Ra,0e5 Lav Dia- ge7&ng' e&n :&%ue77 ;be+147'&gen*e%, a+,0a&%,0e% un* '&e3 men%,07&,0e% Drama ;be+ #,0u7* un* #!7&*a+&'4', Ab%!7u'&on un* ?a,0e5 (Que77e: Fi7m3e%' Hambu+g" ÜBER DEN REGISSEUR Lav Dia- (geb!+en 1(AB" &%' e&n =0&7&==&n&%,0e+ Fi7mema,0e+, *e+ :on :&e7en a7% E7*e+ #'a'e%man *e% *+&''en 2!7*en Age *e% =0&7&==&n&%,0en C&n!% be'+a,0'e' 1&+*5 #e&ne Fi7me -e&gen *&e ND'e *e+ Men%,0en au3 *en P0&7&==&nen, un'e+ *em /!,0 *e+ %=an&%,0en un* ame+&9an&%,0en C!7on&%a'&on, 140+en* *e+ au'!+&'4+en Ma+,!%EF+a un* &n *e+ Dia%=!+a5 V!+ *en Fe%'&:a7=+em&e+en :on NORTE, DA# ENDE DER 2E#CHICHTE (Canne% 201." un* FROM WHAT I# BEFORE (L!,a+no 201H", ga7' Dia- a7% un&n'e+e%%an' 3;+ *en C&noma+9' auße+0a7b A%&en%5 Da% 7ag &n *en Augen *e+ Ve+7e&0e+ an *en en!+men #=&e774ngen %e&ne+ Fi7me, *&e :on *+e& b&% -e0n #'un*en +e&,0'en5 Da% gem4,07&,0e Tem=o, &n *em %&,0 *&e%e Fi7me en'3a7'e'en, %=&ege7' *&e ma7a &%,0e F%'0e'&9 &m An%a'- :on Lav Dia- 1&*e+5 Die 9u+- au3e&nan*e+3!7gen*en NORTE un* FROM WHAT I# BEFORE -e&g'en e&nen neuen 2+a* *e+ P+!*u9'&:&'4' un* au,0 e+1e&'e+'e FD+*e+mög7&,09e&'en 3;+ Dia-5 Die &n'e+na'&ona7e C+&'&9 +eag&e+'e 4uße+%' 1!071!77en* au3 *&e %&,0'ba+ g+öße+en Bu*ge'% un* IP+!*u9'&on%%'an*a+*%I *&e%e+ Fi7me5 Dem Pub7&9um mu%%'e man na,0%e0en, *a%% e% *en E&n*+u,9 be9am, *&e e&n-&ga+'&ge 9;n%'7e+&%,0e V&%&on *&e%e% Fi7mema,0e+% 94me au% *em N&,0'%: ob1!07 e+ -u *&e%em Ze&'=un9' %,0on -1e& /a0+-e0n'e a9'&v 1a+, 1u+*e NORTE -um e+%'en Fi7m, *e+ 1e7'1e&' &n :&e7en L4n*e+n e&nen Ve+'+&eb 3an*5 Dia-J Le0+Ka0+e 3;0+'en &0n &n *&e I=&'!E=&'!IEFi7m%'u*&!% *e+ P0&7&==&nen, 1o 3;+ V!+=+!*u9'&on, Dre0 un* P!%'=+!*u9'&on Ke1e&7% nu+ %&eben Tage :e+an%,07ag' 1u+*en5 Von *&e%en 3+;0en We+9en en'047' nu+ NACED 6NDER THE MOON (1(((" An-e&,0en %e&ne% %=4'e+en 3!+me77en E&n3a77%+e&,0'um%, au,0 1enn %e&ne 0 =n!'&%,0en Qua7&'4'en :on #e<%-enen un'e+m&n&e+' 1u+*en, *&e *a% Fi7m%'u*&o :!+%,0+&eb5 Dia-J e+%'e% 1&+97&,0e% Me&%'e+1e+9 1a+ %e&n 7e'-'e+ au3 Ze77u7!&* ge*+e0'e+ F&7m BATAN2 WE#T #IDE, *e+ *&e a77'4g7&,0en C4m=3e :on m&g+an'&%,0en Commun&'&e% &n /e+%e G&' -e&g'5 Cu+- -u:!+ 0a''e Dia- be+e&'% m&' *e+ A+be&' an *em e=&%,0en Fi7m EVOL6TION OF A FILIPINO FAMILL (3e+'&gge%'e77' 2004" begonnen, *a% e+%'e %e&ne+ We+9e, 3;+ *a% e+ M&n&DV nu'-'e, e&n 3;+ *en He&mgeb+au,0 ge*a,0'e% D&g&'a7:&*e!E# %'em, 1e7,0e% neue 9+ea'&:e F+e&0e&'en e+mög7&,0'e5 Ohne *&e 'e,0n&%,0en un* 3&nan-&e77en 2+en-en, *&e *a% A+be&'en m&' Fi7mma'e+&a7 m&' %&,0 b+a,0'e, 1u,0%en *&e Fi7me :on Lav Dia- &n *e+ L4nge, %!1!07 &n *en E&n-e7%-enen, a7% au,0 *&e 2e%am'74nge be'+e33en*5 De+ ;be+ *en Ze&'+aum :on -e0n /a0+en en'%'an*ene EVOL6TION -e&,0ne' *a% %,01&e+&ge Leben e&ne+ Baue+n3am&7&e au3 *en P0&7&==&nen &n *en 1()0e+ un* 1(B0e+ /a0+en na,05 M&' *e+ 1a,0%en*en Zug4ng7&,09e&' *&g&'a7e+ Came+a% 1u+*en D&a-J Fi7me -une0men* amb&'&on&e+'e+ un* be*&en'en %&,0 -u+ In%=&+a'&on g7e&,0e+maßen be& +u%%&%,0e+ L&'e+a'u+ 1&e be&m gegen14+'&gen %!-&!=!7&'&%,0en #'a'u% Muo *e+ P0&7&==&nen5 Die 4%'0e'&%,0e Han*%,0+&3' :on Lav Dia- b7&eb 140+en* *e%%en &mme+ &n'a9'5 In Anbe'+a,0' *e%%en -e&gen %e&ne -1e& K;ng%'en We+9e e&ne &n'e+e%%an'e Di,0!'!m&e: e&ne+%e&'% *e+ a,0'%';n*&ge A L6LLABL TO THE #ORROWFUL ML#TE?L, *e+ %&,0 a7% %,0&e+ un*u+,0*+&ng7&,0 3;+ *&eKen&gen -e&g', *&e %&,0 n&,0' &n =0&7&==&n&%,0e+ 2e%,0&,0'e un* L&'e+a'u+ au%9ennen, an*e+e+%e&'% *e+ 1en&ge+ a7% :&e+ #'un*en 7ange THE WOMAN WHO LEFT, D&a-J b&% *a'o :&e77e&,0' -ug4ng7&,0%'e+ Fi7m5 >/5 REGIENOTIZ Was macht uns zu menschlichen Wesen? A7% In%=&+a'&on 3;+ *&e THE WOMAN WHO LEFT *&en'e T!7%'!&% I2!'' %&e0' *&e Wa0+0e&', abe+ 1a+'e'I5 I,0 0abe *&e E+-407ung :!+ %e0+ 7ange+ Ze&' ge7e%en5 I,0 9ann m&,0 nu+ n!,0 an *&e 2+un*-;ge e+&nne+n, *&e 2e%,0&,0'e un* *&e Namen *e+ Figu+en 0abe &,0 %,0on :e+ge%%en5 I,0 9ann m&,0 abe+ e+&nne+n: 1a% m&,0 *ama7% be&m Le%en 1&+97&,0 ge'+!33en 0a', 1a+ *&e E+9enn'n&%, *a%% n&eman* :on un% 1&+97&,0 *a% Leben :e+%'e0'5 W&+ 1&%%en n&,0'%5 Da% &%' e&ne *e+ 1&,0'&g%'en E+9enn'n&%%e un%e+e+ E<&%'en-5 Ode+ E *a% 9önnen :&e77e&,0' me0+ Leu'e :e+%'e0en E *a%% un%e+e Ta'en Con%eMuen-en 0aben5 6n* n!,0 04u3&ge+, *a%% 1&+ *en Zu3477en *e% Leben% un'e+7&egen un* %&e au%0a7'en m;%%en5 4/5 PRESSESTIMMEN IE&ne Nbe+7eben%ge%,0&,0'e, e&n B7&,9 au3 e&ne 2e%e77%,0a3', &0+e 2e1a7' un* C+&m&na7&'4' un* -ug7e&,0 e&n Nbe+EFi7m, *e+ *&e M&''e7 *e% C&n!% &n ?&,0'ung e&ne+ =oe'&%,0en Fre&0e&' +;,9'5I Ca'Ka Ni,!*emu%$Die Ze&' IM&' JT0e Woman W0o Le3'J 0a' Lav Dia- e&n Le0+%';,9 ge%,0a33en, e&n Be9enn'n&% -u+ *&*a9'&%,0en E&n3a,00e&'5I #;**eu'%,0e Ze&'ung IAn &ne<=7&,ab7 '+an%,en*en' Kou+ne '! '0e en* !3 '0e 1!+7*“ L!+en-! E%=!%&'!$G&nema#,!=e IT0e 1oman 10! 7e3' +e:ea7% '0e 1!+%' an* be%' !3 0uman&' O Bang9!9 P!%' IT0e %7!1Ebu+n&ng +e:enge %'!+ =a&n'% a nuan,e* =&,'u+e !3 &neMua7&' &n 7a'e (0% Fi7&=&no #!,&e' 5O One R!!m W&'0 A V&e1 II'P% (G0a+!" #an'!P% %!3' %9&nne* bu' %ee'0&ng =e+3!+man,e '0a' :&e1e+% mu%' %ee '0+oug0 '0e 3&7mP% m!%' ,0a77eng&ng =a%%age%5O Va+&e' AUSZEICHNUNGEN: 2!7*ene+ LD1e be& *en ).5 In'e+na'&ona7en Fi7m3e%'%=&e7e :on Vene*&g weiterführende Lin!": 0''=:$$1115&m*b5,om$'&'7e$''ABH.((0/ 0''=%:$$1115n '&me%5,om$201)$05$1B$m!:&e%$'0eE1omanE10!E7e3'E+e:&e1E7a:E *&a-50'm7 0''=:$$11159&n!E-e&'5*e$3&7me$'0eE1omanE10!E7e3' 0''=:$$1115-e&'5*e$2016$.($3&7m3e%'%=&e7eE:ene*&gE1e''be1e+bEge1&nne+ 0''=:$$11153&7m3e%'0ambu+g5*e$*e$=+og+amm$Fi7m$2)26A$Ang_Babaeng_Huma ! 0''=%:$$11153&7m,!mmen'5,om$a+'&,7e$+e:&e1E'0eE1omanE10!E7e3'E7a:E*&a-$ 0''=%:$$11150!77 1!!*+e=!+'e+5,!m$+e:&e1$'0eE1omanE10!E7e3'EangEbabaengE 0uma !E(261).
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