Natural Experiments in Macroeconomics∗
Natural Experiments in Macroeconomics∗ Nicola Fuchs-Sch¨undeln Tarek A. Hassan Goethe University Frankfurt University of Chicago, and CEPR NBER and CEPR March 2015 Preliminary and Incomplete Abstract A growing literature relies on natural experiments to establish causal effects in macroe- conomics. In diverse applications, natural experiments have been used to verify underly- ing assumptions of conventional models, quantify specific model parameters, and identify mechanisms that have major effects on macroeconomic quantities but are absent from conventional models. We discuss and compare the use of natural experiments across these different applications and summarize what they have taught us about such diverse subjects as the validity of the Permanent Income Hypothesis, the size of the fiscal mul- tiplier, and about the effects of institutions, social structure, and culture on economic growth. We also outline challenges for future work in each of these fields, give guidance for identifying useful natural experiments, and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the approach. JEL classification: C1, C9, E21, E62, H31, O11, O14, O43, O50 Keywords: Permanent Income Hypothesis, Fiscal Multiplier, Institutions, Social Ties, Net- works, Social Structure, Civic Capital, Trust, Multiple Equilibria ∗Chapter prepared for the Handbook of Macroeconomics. The chapter has benefitted from helpful discussions and comments from Daron Acemoglu, Chang-Tai Hsieh, Nathan Nunn, Rob Vishny and Mirko Wiederholt. Leonhard Czerny, Denis Gorea, and Philip Xu provided excellent research assistance. 1 Contents 1 Introduction 3 2 Verification: The Permanent Income Hypothesis 6 2.1 Reaction of Consumption to Unexpected Income Shocks . 8 2.2 Reaction of Consumption to Expected Income Changes . 11 2.2.1 Random Treatment: Determining an Appropriate Control Group .
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