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IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT IT'S BECAUSE YOU'VE NEVER LAID EYES ON THE JAVATM BEFORE. THIS HIGHLY RESPONSIVE CREEK BOAT MEASURES IN AT 7'9:' WEIGHS ONLY 36 LBS AND ANSWERS YOUR EVERY DESIRE WHEN PADDLING AGGRESSIVE LINES. AND WHEN IT COMES TO DROPPING OVER FALLS. ITS STABILITY AND VOLUME PROVIDE EFFORTLESS BOOFS AND PILLOW- SOFT LANDINGS.WHETHER YOU'RE 7 A BEGINNING CREEKER OR AN OLD HAND, ONCE YOU CLIMB INTO A JAVA YOU'LL KNOW WHY THEY CALL IT FALLING IN LOVE. Forum ...... 4 Features Corner Charc ...... 8 Letters ...... 10 When Rashfloods Hit Conservation ...... 16 IFERC Takes Balanced Approach on Housatonic Access ...... 18 IAccess Flash Reports Whitewater Releases on the North IFlow Study on the Cascades of the Nantahala Fork Feather IGiving the Adirondacks Back to Kayaks IUpper Ocoee Update Events ...... 24 Canada Sechon IIf You Compete, You need to Know This IMagic is Alive and Music is Afoot Dams Kill Rivers in Canada Too! INew Method for Paddlers JimiCup 2001 IRace Results ISteep Creeks of New England, A Review Saving the Gatineau! River Voices ...... 64 IGauley Secrets Revealed IBlazing Speedfulness s Dave's Big Adventure IWest Virginia Designed by Walt Disney INotes on a Foerfather ILivin' the Dream in South America Whitewater Love Trouble ...... 76

Cover: Jeff Prycl running a good one in Canada.

Issue Date: JanuaryIFebrua~2002 Statement oi Frequencv: Published bimonthly Authorized Organization's Name and Address: American Whitewater P.O. Box 636

Prmted OII Fit3 ,pled Paper Margreb~lle,NY 12455

American Whitewater Januaty February 2002 ing enough for most normal purposes, but he does have a girlfriend and she has a gun and knows how to use it. "Turn and face the strange changes. "David Bowie Ambrose is no stranger to the pages of Ameri- By Bob Gedekoh can Whitewater. He has contributed several ar- Beginning with this issue I will be sharing the Ambrose is a little too big for Tricky Whu, but he ticles and served as an Associate Editor for about editorship ofAmerican Whitewaterwithmy young is just the right size for extreme boating, since he ayear. He is Bobby Miller's personal editor and he friend Ambrose Tuscano. After ten years alone at is far too big to fit into any siphons. He spent last aspires some day to be asked to join Bobby Miller's the helm of this peculiar ship, I welcome the summer following Roc Skribar down classic Class posse. Ambrose really loves poems about company. This means that I will have more time V runs in California, then went slumming and whitewater and hopes that you will all send him to think, more time to write my own articles, paddled the Grand this fall. Now he is some to edit. Unlike me, Ambrose actually knows more time to get wasted and raise hell, more time back in the Sierras, working in the ski industry when it is appropriate to use a semi-colon. to chase women and, most importantly, more (ski bum) and waiting for the rivers to rise so he The Staff and members of the American time to kayak. And it means that Ambrose will can set a world record by running afalls six inches Whitewater Board are also very excited that have less time to do all of those things, which is higher than the one Tao ran. Ambrose has agreed to come on board as Co- good, because those things were starting to get Ambrose graduated from Davidson College Editor of this magazine because, like me, Ambrose him into trouble! last spring with a major in Field Biology. (Aside will work for nothing. Besides, they think he is Ambrose's father and I started kayaking to- to certain WW students who kayak, it only took less perverted than I am and will be a good gether about fifteen years ago. Back then Ambrose him four years.) As best I can tell he minored in influence on the magazine and me. They think he didn't want much to do with whitewater. All he paddling the Green River. He spent a semester will keep me from publishing nasty things. Boy, wanted to do was play hockey. Naturally, we fig- doing fieldwork (and, of course, kayaking) in are they in for a big surprise. Wait till they read ured he was going to grow up to be a real wuss. Costa Rica. Like his parents, Ambrose is a granola his first Forum! You won't find stuff like that in Then one spring day when he was about sixteen, eating vegetarian tree-hugger. But he does drink Paddler! Ambrose decided that he wanted to learn to kayak. Coke when they aren't around. He is also one of As for me, I'm really looking forward to our Aweek later he paddled the Upper Yough. About the world's foremost experts on the mechanics of collaboration. Between the two of us we should be a week after that it became obvious that he was bluebird fornication. able to come up with all sorts of wild and twisted more fearless and a far better paddler than his dad. Ambrose is adevoted fan of Britney Spears and ideas. By this time next year American Whitewater It took Ambrose a little longer than that to get the World Wrestling Federation. In fact, he re- will be the most talked about whitewater maga- better than me. (But not much.) cently had a picture of Britney and The Rock zine in the world. And quite possibly every hair on Since then Ambrose has paddled rivers all over tattooed on his hind end. AW Executive Director Risa Shimoda's head will the country. Ambrose is single, very smart, and good look- be whit. ac cnnwl

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American Whitewater v January February 2002 ps Forum

By Ambrose Tuscano airy Peter was the kind of man who AND THE was a woman. He nearly marched right up to attracted attention wherever he her and spun her around forcefully, but fortu- H went-and it wasn't just his size nately he realized his mistake just in time: the either. He seemed to rub people the wrong bag was not his. Instead, in his most suave way; you might say hewas a bit coarse. Itwas voice he tried one of his bombproof pick-up not uncommon to find him at the take-out of THRONE lines. "I think I see some good hard paddling a popular river in the midst of a crowd of in your future," he crooned. p$%%ed off boaters. The big Hairy Peter, a "That's a good one," she said, laughing. head taller than the rest, would gesture cock- "You must be a boater." ily at his fellow paddlers, until they looked "How did you guess," Hairy asked in amaze- like a pack of rabid dogs with hackles raised. ment. Now, what, you might ask, could one "I think your sleazy line blew your cover," boater say that could offend his comrades so? to Morgantown, fled West Virginia for the woman answered. Well with Hairy, it could be any of a laundry Asheville and finally reached his ultimate, "So what brings you to California," Hairy list of issues that might drive his mild-man- friendless dilemma: boating alone was dan- asked, with something close to genuine inter- nered boating partners to sputtering and gerous. The day this point became painfully est in his voice. Truth to tell, he was shocked speaking in tongues. Sometimes itwas some- obvious to him he was dragging his boat that she hadn't tried to smack him. thing as innocent as, "Tell me you really down to the put-in trail to the Green for "I'm doing a feasibility study," she replied believe the Cheat's a better run today than it another lonely solo run. Suddenly he heard with a smile. was fifteen years ago." a rumbling sound coming from up the hill. "A what?" he asked, puzzled. "But Hairy," ableeding-heart boaterwould He turned around just in time to dodge a "You know, a first descent," she simplified. protest in disbelief, "back then the Cheat was kayak, skipping madly down the trail. As he "Oh," he laughed, "why didn't you say so the dirtiest river in the east." stood there frozen in shock another boat before. Actually, I'm looking for someone to With a patronizing smile Hairy would say, came flying out of the trees to his right, sailed boat with. Mind if I tag along? I'm a pretty "Yeah, but Coliseum was so much better." off the bank, and smacked him right in his good Class V paddler-after all, my name is What really got his friends' collective goat, mid-section. Hairy doubled over in agony as Hairy." however, was his stance on dams. His views a herd of Green regulars cheered loudly from She stared at him, trying to absorb all of the even managed to offend boaters who fell into their position up the trail, thinking they had information. "I guess I'd have to ask John," the moderate Republican camp. After re- scored a direct hit. To their disappointment she finally answered. "He's in charge of every- turning from a commercial trip down the Hairy only suffered a couple of broken ribs. thing, after all. By the way, my name's Patty." Grand Canyon, Hairy was heard to claim After the ribs healed, Hairy knew it was A look of disappointment flashed across that, as marvelous as the Canyon was, he was time to set out for new territory. His face was Hairy's face as they shook hands. Obviously, more impressed with the Hoover Dam, just posted in so many kayak shops and cheap this John was the boss of her. But Hairy downstream. "Have you guys ever seen that riverside bars in his favorite eastern towns admired such devotion and subservience in thing," he asked in awe. "To me it's the that he did not dare continue boating any women. He immediately began plotting to greatest of mankind. It's a water flowing into the Atlantic. The solution steal her for his own. symbol of our domination of the earth." was obvious. Hairy would have to set out for Five hours and many drinks later Hairy and To Hairy Peter, a dammed run was just as California. While he was suspicious of a state Patty stumbled out of a Sacramento night- good as a free-flowing one. "Take the North made famous for its liberal sentiments, Hairy club. They were laughing and Hairy had his Fork of the Blackwater, for instance," he figured there must be some sensible people arm around her shoulders. So inevitably they would argue, "it's a great run, but the Nar- living there. After all, California's rivers were weaved their way to a nearby hotel, and the rows of the Green's better because it runs all some of the most heavily dammed in the rest, as they say, was history. summer." It was Hairy's view that boaters world. "Obviously," he thought, "someone At this juncture, a bit of background on our should stop fighting with power companies. out there has their head screwed on straight." new character is warranted. Patty, or more "Instead," he said, "we should get down on When Hairy stepped off the plane in Sac- formally Patty Busch, was the daughter of a our knees and thank them for dependable ramento, he felt an enthusiasm that he had wealthy beer tycoon. Having been fed her water." In his opinion, there was a natural not known for years. Something about corn- family's horrible product from her baby bottle, balance to the world of whitewater: dams ing west made him feel like he was on a sort by age 4 she was on record as the youngest would be built for profit and groups like of whole-body Viagra. He was humming to alcoholic child ever. The condition really American Whitewater would fight their con- himself as he made his way to baggage claim. didn't bother Patty much in her life as a va- struction and nag at their operators for rec- The first bag to roll onto the conveyor belt grant kayaker, though. In fact, reliable statis- reational releases. There was no need to was his paddling gear. As he waded into the tics show that she was only ten years ahead of interfere at all, he would say, just let these crowd about the carousel, he was stunned to the average paddler in this respect. forces battle it out and reap the benefits. see a hand reach out and snatch his bag. Hairy, no stranger to macrobrew himself, All of this tedious background on Hairy Hairy started shoving his way through the had willingly become heavily intoxicated as he Peter is necessary only to explain how, at the press of travelers, trying to keep sight of his and Patty painted the town. And so he had only age of 24, he found himself alienated from all bag. Behind him he heard someone mutter, his own self to blame when he woke up the next of his potential boating partners on the en- "What a d$#k!" morning with a murderous headache. tire east coast. He had begun boating in up- As Hairy started gaining on the thief, he The first thing he heard when he came to state , been forced by lack of friends was struck by the unmistakable fact that she full consciousness (besides the pounding in American Whitewater v January February 2002 his skull) was a female voice talking. Open- sissy liberal organizations as American ing his eyes slowly, he discovered that it was Whitewater. Perhaps Patty just hadn't been Patty speaking into the receiver of the hotel mature enough to understand his opinions. telephone. Evidently Hairy was only catch- And then again, maybe Hairy had just thrown ing the tail end of her conversation, because away two opportunities of a lifetime. Surely just as he attempted (and failed) to sit up, he would never get a chance to paddle this Patty said, "Well then we'll see you tonight, new stretch of the Stanislaus that was being John." explored. Even if the damnable organization The mention of this name drove Hairy could secure a few releases, Hairy's high- into fits of jealousy. "So you were talking to minded principles would never allow him to him again," he almost groaned. go near the river. Also, memories of Patty "Well, yeah. I do still want to boat." would forever be so closely associated with "Why can't you just boat with me," he the name itself, that he could barely stand to asked plaintively. think about the river. "Because if we aren't part of the official These and other gruesome thoughts AWflow study, we don't get on the Stanislaus. plagued Hairy all morning and afternoon as And John's running the show, comprende?" he knelt alone on the floor of the hotel At this point, Hairy's knee-jerk political bathroom. To a casual observer he may have views came spewing out of his mouth (fol- appeared to be a guilty parishioner, praying lowed shortly by more substantial matter). to a holy statue for forgiveness. But in reality The rest, as they say, was history. he was just one sick d$#k. Lest you feel too rwer trtp I've ever been Afterwards, Hairy may have had what sorry for him, though, let me remind you b I OM YOU two are amounted to slight feelings of regret. He that Hairy Peter was no stranger to the Por- really had a hard time distinguishing these celain ~hrone. from his stomach's attempts to jump out of The moral of this story: don't be a Hairy his chest cavity. Maybe this hadn't been the Peter; support American Whitewater. proper time to espouse his views on such

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American Whitewater v January February ZOO2 Rlsa Shlmoda Executive Director American Whltewater

Wlll L1113 VVIIIL~I3 ldlll dllU 311UVV bring? It is a bit too early to tell, yet while the snow is falling in Kooski or Burlington, you may ca- On the North Fork Feather in northern In other words, we've accomplished a lot, California (Class 11-IV),you'll be able to and there's more to do. sually be planning a Spring trip. In count on runs for the first time in half the southern Appalachians or a century! The Rock Creek and Cresta Before the thaws, think about how Cascadia, you will likely be run- sections will run in June. After years of you can help your local and favorite rivers. meetings, we finalized our agreement There is a lot of work to be done. .. and that ning rainfall and loving it. with PG&E last October. means we need you! You can make a differ- ence. If any river or issue update in the The Middle Ocoeewill start up inMarch journal this month raises your temperature, Wherever you are, you know and run according to the scheduled contact us, and we'll do some work together, that later in the year you will see TVA posts... for the sake of your rivers. all of your old friends on some On the other hand, While we are on the subject ofvolunteers, predictable controlled flow runs: The South ForkAmericanwill run from meet the new AW Board members for 2002. ...well. ..uh.. . They were profiled in the NovemberIDecem- The Nantahala will float thousands per The Forks of the Kern will run, but ber journal and we are indeed fortunate to day and introduce many lifetime boat- you'll need to take off on a Friday to get have their experience and skills on board. ers to the treat rivers provide our body a permit. Help me welcome Eric Eichberg, Sarah and soul. John's Creek will be running and you Stephenson, Aaron Pruzan, Dave Cernicek, can't boat it. and Pam Fitz with your support of their past TheTallulah will run the first twoweek- The Sky will be running but you'll not volunteerism and willingness to personally ends in April and the first three week- be putting-in at Sunset Falls and there invest in AW. How can you help them, ends in November. This will be the will be the issue of crowding on rail- fiduciaries of the organization? Become a second no permit 'evaluation' year, af- road property. monthly donor, help organize a fund-raiser, ter which we hope to initiate a long- You'll wonder how long and hard the train to be a judge at an AW Freestyle event, term plan that meets boater expecta- fightwill be to save Canada's whitewater work on a local river issue. Thanks to you all. tions and minimizes environmental crown jewels. impact.

North Fork Feather Ocoee Tallulah

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American White water Januaty Februaty 2002 *-- Uear bdltor: the ability of your group to rescue you. connected with), which make a "PAS." In as Thanks for "The Danger of Boating with The group will always try to rescue you (for much as it is commercially available using it is Others" by R. Moldover (Sept. 2001). It's about hero points if nothing else) but there are now only a matter of choice and a few bucks; one time someone pointed out the dark side of limits to what any given group can do in any no longer has to be an inventor! Speaking of group dynamics on the river. Macho behavior, given situation. It's up to you to determine "inventions," by the way, I will also note that peer pressure, misunderstandings, miscom- what those limits are. If you need a rescue and there are other systems, some more complicated munication, boat collisions, missing scouts to they can't do it, for whatever reason, then you and expensive (like Spare Air - in the PFD), and keep up with the group, ignoring your own made a bad mistake. And you might pay for it some simpler (like the tube through / down the safety during rescue attempts, being more con- with your life, just like twenty some other paddle jacket -which to my knowledge was first cerned about personal humiliation than per- boaters did in the first half of this year. tried out by the Snyder's in the late 80s.) Neither sonal safety, etc., etc. None of these problems Being on the river with a group of friends of these latter two has been commercialized for are caused by the river and none ofthese things can be a wonderful thing, but we must guard kayaking, but I've played with my own crude happen on solo trips. They are all created by against the many problems of group dynam- versions of the latter two and both work quite group dynamics and have undoubtedly con- ics. And, most importantly, we must never let nicely. tributed to many fatal accidents over the years. the warm glow of trust and friendship confuse Scuba type re-breathers have been talked Since these problems are all related to basic the issue of accountability. We are each re- about as well. I mention these items not to human nature, they are not about to go away. sponsible for our own safety. Always. promote any particular product, only to en- But if they are pointed out to us (as Moldover courage considering their use and further de- has), we can learn to recognize them and take W. Scott Morris velopment. steps to protect ourselves from their dangers. Santa Fe, N. Mex. Of course, as will be pointed out, these But the most dangerous dynamic of group things have drawbacks. They cost some, (al- trips, ironically, is the thing we all like best though less than a funeral by a long shot!) They about groups, that comfortable, secure feeling 'Tot an issue for are a bit of extra bulk and hassle, and they need of boating together with friends. Having faith Denial" to be practiced with to be used effectively in in the group is a great confidence builder. It emergencies. As well, they will clearly not work allows us to do things we would not feel com- Dear Editor, in all conceivable accidents, and they may in- fortable doing alone and serves us well in situ- As has been reported elsewhere we have timidate the technophobes and irritate the tra- ations where rescues are easy. But the same learned with great sadness of the death of ditionalists among us. Finally, the wearer may feelings can work against us when the rapids Stephen Korinchak, 28 of Gibsonia, Pennsyl- be looked upon as geekish or timid by the macho get more dangerous and the possibility of res- vania, while paddling in Ecuador. Steve was types. (Heaven forbid!) cue gets more remote. In these situations, the paddling with a top shelf outfitter, and the Furthermore, in any discussion of the sub- comfort of friends canworkagainst us, offering river, the Papallacta was at a low level. In the ject itwill inevitably be stated that these devices little more then a tranquilizing effect that midst of a Class III+ rapid there was a log that will encourage people to "run things they allows us to put aside our fears and paddle into stretched diagonally across the current, ap- shouldn't," or "rely on them too much." Of oblivion. Even after 19 years of both solo and parently invisible. Stevewent first and pinned, course, that same argument could be made for group boating, I am occasionally amazed, and head just out of the water. His boat never the seat belt, but do you use yours? I must say disturbed, to find myself blindly following an- folded, but the log was across the cockpit, that the position above strikes me as a rational- other boater into something that I would never making it impossible for Steve to get his legs ization for denial. Kayaking denial takes the run alone without shore scouting. out or remove his sprayskirt. His boat then form of either the "it won't happen to me" or "I How often does this lead to serious prob- shifted, putting his head under water. Heroic don't want to think it" syndrome. lems? You can get an idea just by asking your- efforts succeeded in freeing him in "2-5" min- Personally I'd opt for the presence of the self if any given accident victim would have utes, but Steve was dead and could not be safety factors, run the same stuff, but with the gone solo on that same run. If they would not revived. comfort of knowing that if the unforeseeable have been doing this stuff alone, then clearly This is truly awful. Not only a loss of life, (but clearly, not so unexpectable) occurred, and group dynamics played an enabling role in the but in circumstances that would normally the Grim Reaper came knocking on my door, I'd tragedy. My guess is that this insidious prob- seem so safe; superb guides on rivers they have at least a chance of making him wait there lem is a contributing factor in at least 70% to know well, taking the time to scout even a for absolutely as long as possible. Maybe, just 80% of all fatal whitewater accidents. moderately difficult rapid. In short, sounds maybe, he'd get tired of waiting and go bother Sowhat can we do to alleviate this ? like they did everything right. No one could someone else. Boating alone is one solution. It also elimi- blame Steve, or apparently the outfitters, for Dana Castro natesall those other problems ofgroup dynam- being foolhardy and "bringing it upon them- Connecticut ics and offers large helpings of freedom and selves." My sympathies go to the friends and adventure as well. But solo trips are not for family and to the paddler himself. everyone. Humans are not really designed to be This also makes me wonder how much Not Enough Beer? alone, and almost all boaters get uncomfort- longer it will be until the "PAS" (personal air able without others to share the experience. supply) becomes as standard as the PFD. The Dear Editor, For the great majority, who prefer to boat 2-5 minutes it took to get him out of the boat David Krueger (Letters, TOO MUCH BEER???, with others, the solution is simply a better might have been survived even with a rudi- American Whitewater, NovemberIDecember understanding of who is responsible for whose mentary air supply. Same would perhaps be 2001) was concerned about the number of cans safety. We are all told that, except for children, true with many of the flush drownings that of beer he calculated that Jeremy Deem and his we are responsible for our own safety on the keep occurring. Pardon me if I am too melo- 19 friends had taken on their seven day raft river. But, aside from solo boaters, few ever dramatic, but despite all the advances in gear trip45cases x 12 = 540, or 27 cans per person. think about what this really means. Quite and technique, we still paddle powerful rivers He probably should be twice as concerned be- bluntly what it means is if you die on the river only one breath from death. Acceptable, I cause as most boaters know, there are 24 cans of it's your own fault. And if you die on a group suppose, if there were no choice in the matter. beer in a case! trip, it's because you not only misjudged the However, I note that there now is a com- Bill Stehlin Charlottesville, VA river and/or your skills, but you also misjudged mercially available product (which I am not American Whitewater January February 2002 VOU are at RISK.


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American White water January February 2002 ties are also accepted. Pieces that incorporate humor are especially welcome. Open boating and rafting stories are welcome. I'lc;~t-t.;ril lhi~ci~~-t.lully I>tslo~.i. scildii~g 11s youl. send us duplicittcs it possible; we cannot guaran- Don't be afraid to let your personality shine articles and photos! This is avolunteer publication, tee the sate return of your pictures. If you want us through and don't be afraid to poke a little fun at please cooperate and help us out. Do not send us to return your pictures, include a self-addressed yourself... and your paddling partners. your material without a release - signed b.y all stamped envelope with your submission. Because Profanity should be used only when it is abso- authors and photographers (attached)!!! we publish in black and white, photos with a lot of lutely necessary to effectively tell a story; it is not The editorial staff ofAmericanWhitewater care- contrast work best. our intent to offend our more sensitive members fully reviews all material submitted for publication. American Whitewater feature articles should and readers. We are particularly interested in receiving full- relate tosome aspect ofwhitewaterboating. Please Please check all facts carefully, particularly length feature articles, conservation and club news, do not submit articles pertaining to sea kayaking those regarding individuals, government agen- special event announcements, articles pertaining to or flat water. The best features have a definite cies, and corporations involved in river access and whitewater safety and short, humorous pieces. slant... or theme. They are not merely chronologi- environmental matters. You are legally respon- Articles should fit our established format; that cal recountings of river trips. sible for the accuracy ofsuch material. Make sure is, they should be stylistically pattered to fit into our Open the story with an eye-catching lead, per- names are spelled correctly and river gradients Features, AW Briefs, River Voices, Conservation haps by telling an interesting anecdote. Dialogue and distances are correctly calculated. Currents, Safety Lines, Humor or End Notes sec- should be used to heighten the reader's interest. Articles will be edited at the discretion of the tions. Exceptional photographs and whitewater car- Don't just tell us about the river... tell us about the editors to fit our format, length, and style. Expect toons are also welcomed. people on the river... develop them as characters. to see changes in your article. Ifyou don 1 want us If possible, articles should be submitted on a Feature articles should not be written in the style to edit your article, don't send it to us! Because of of a local club newsletter. our deadlines you will not be able to review the 3-112-inch computer disk. (Microsoft Word if pos- If you are writing about a commonly paddled editorial changes we make prior to publication. sible - others accepted.) Please do not alter the river, your story should be told from a unique American Whitewater is nonprofit; the editors margins or spacing parameters; use the standard perspective. Articles about difficult, infrequently and contributors toAmerican Whitewater are not default settings. Send a printed copy of the article as paddled, or exotic rivers are given special consid- reimbursed. On rare occasions, by prearrange- well. eration. But we are also interested in well written, ment, professional writers receive a small hono- Those without access to a word processor may unusual articles pertaining to Class 111 and IV rarium when they submit stories at our request. submit their articles typed. Please double space. rivers as well. Feature stories do not have to be Generally, our contributors do not expect pay- Photos may be submitted as slides, black or about aspecificriver. Articles about paddling tech- ment, since most are members of AW, which is a whiteprints, or color prints. Keep your originalsand niques, the river environment and river personali- ...... volunteer conservation and safety organization. Release For Publication I understand that the contents of American Whitewater Magazine, including my contribution, will bearchivedon the American Whitewater I hereby release my work (literary, graphic or photographic) for publica- web site. tion in American Whitewater magazine. I understand that my work may be edited or cropped at the editors' Signed discretion. I understand that I will not be paid for my work. Date II accept responsibility for the accuracy of the information included in my submission. I have not libeled or slandered any individual, corporation or This release must be signed by all the contributing author(s),photographer(s) agency in this work. and graphic artist(s). I understand that all or some of my work may be reprinted at some future date in an American Whitewater publication. I promise that this material has not been and will not soon be published by another magazine or publication and the rights to this material are clear and unrestricted. I understand that once this material is printed in American Whitewater it may be reprinted or reproduced in other publications if I wish, providing Send your material to Bob Gedekoh, 8245 Mentor Road, Elizabeth, PA. 15037. I notify them that it has already appeared in American Whitewater. Please use regular first class postage .... Not certified mail. You san save a river forever...... by planning a gift for Your gift can: Secure permanent access to rivers for generations to come American Whitewater Protect andlor restore an endangered whitewater river Promote whitewater safety LI Support the world's leading whitewater organization

Will bequests real estate !B trusts stocks insurance k- Please direct inquiries to Ken Ransford, attorney and CPA, 970-963-6800, I or by e-mail at [email protected].

American Whitewater January February 2002 RIVER- - ACCESS: To assure ~ublicaccess to rivers (the International Scale of Whitewater Dif- whitewater rivers pursuant to the guidelines pub- ficulty) and publishes and disseminates the inter- American Whitewater lished in its official Access Policy, AW arranges for nationally recognizedAWWhitewater Safety Code. river access through private lands by negotiation Our mission is to conserve and restore or purchase, seeks to protect the right of public EmNTS:AWorganizes sporting events, con- America's whitewater resources and to enhance passage on all rivers and streams navigable by tests and festivals to raise funds for river conserva- ouuortunities to enjoy them safely. kayak or canoe, resists unjustified restrictions on tion, including the Ocoee Whitewater ~odeoin The American Whitewater [AW) is a national governmentmanage~w~itewaterriversan~wor~s Tennessee, the Gauley River Festival in West Vir- organization with a membershiu consisting of with government agencies and other river users to ginia (the largest gathering of whitewater boaters thousands of individual whitewater boating achieve these goals. in the nation), the Arkansas River Festival in enthusiasts, and more than 100 local uaddilng , the Kennebec Festival in Maine and the club affiliates. EDUCATION: Through publication of the bi- Deerfield Festival in Massachusetts. monthly magazine, and by bther means, Ameri- AWwas incorporated under Missouri nonprofit CONSERVATION: AW maintains a complete can mitewater, ( AW) provides information national inventory of whitewater rivers, monitors education aboutwhitewater rivers, boatingsafety, corporation laws in 1961 and maintains its princi- threats to those rivers, publishes information on technique and equipment. pal mailing address at 1430 Fenwick Lane, Silver river conservation, provides technical advice to Spring, MD 20910 (301) 589-9453. AW is tax ex- local groups, works with government agencies SAFETY: AW Dromotes addling- safely,.. .pub- empt -under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal and other river users, and-- when necessaw- lishes reports onwhitewateraccidents, maintains ~evenueCode. takes legal action to prevent river abuse.

American Whltewater Journal Staff Barry Tuscan~,President Editor: [email protected] Bob Gedekoh, 8245 Mentor Road, Elizabeth, PA. 15037 AW STAFF Bolivar, PA 15923 Associate Editor: Jeff Leighton, Treasurer Risa Shimoda Ambrose Tuscano and Dale-Marie Herring Landis Arnold [email protected] Executive Director Art directionIGraphic designProduction: [email protected] 1430 Fenwick Lane John K. Victor, David Scardena, assistant LaFayette, CA 94549 Niwot, CO 80503 Silver Spring, MD 20910 Contributing writers: Kevin Lewis, Vice President Dunbar Hardy, Sam Drevo, Lee Belknap, Bobby Miller, Michael Phelan Mark White, W. Scott Morris, Joe Greiner,Teresa Lee Belknap [email protected] Gryder, Barry Grimes. Marion Boyer, Charlie [email protected] Anderson, CA 94549 Events Director Nalbridge, Bob Woodward, Man Terry, Andrew Zimet. Hendersonville, NC 28739 20 Battery Park Ave., suite 302 Bill Hay, Donnie Hudsputh, Whit Deschner, Tim Kelley, Asheville, NC 28801 Rip Harwood Sherry Olson Tom Christopher [email protected] Photo contributors: [email protected] David Knox Tanya Shuman,Tom Ullman Cumming, GA 30040-2836 Lancaster, MA 01523 Events Coordinator Production Assistant: 20 Battery Park Ave., suite 302 Teresa Augustin Norwood Scott Chuck Estes [email protected] Asheville, NC 28801 Advertising Director: estesoa [email protected] San Francisco, CA 94121 Phyllis Horowitz, Box 636. Margaretville, New York Kevin Colburn 12455 (845) 586-2355, e-mail: Oak Ridge, TN 37830 Dave Steindorf Eastern Conservation and Safety Editor: Access Associate Charlie Walbridge, Route 1, Box 329F. Bruceton Mills, Bob Gedekoh [email protected] WV 26525, Paradise, CA 95969 20 Battery Park Ave., suite 302 Asheville, NC 28801 Consewation and Access Editors: Elizabeth, PA 15037-9105 Rich Bowers, Jason Robertson, John Gangemi. 1430 Charlie Walbridge :enwick Lane. Silver Spring, MD, 20910 Phone (3011 589- Jennie Goldberg [email protected] John Gangemi 9453 Fax (301) 589-6121, e-mail: [email protected] Bruceton Mills, WV 26525 Conservation Director;; 482 Electric Ave. Seattle, WA 981 16 Kara Weld Bigfork, MT 59911 American Whitewater Magazine Task Force: Jeff Espey, Dunbar Hardy, Gree Herring, John Mason, Joe Greiner Immersion Research Charlie Pettygrove,Tanya Shuman, Ambrose Tuscano, [email protected] [email protected] Jason Robertson Andy Zimmerman Raleigh, NC 27615 Confluence, PA 15242 Access Director Missing Copies and Address Changes: 1430 Fenwick Lane Contact Phyllis Horowitz Barry Grimes AW OFFICERS Silver Spring, MD 20910 American Whitewateris printed by [email protected] SPENCER WALKER PRESS, INC., Newark OH. Richmond, KY 40475 President: Barry Tuscano Phyllis Horowitz All rights resewed. Vice President: Kevin Lewis Administrative Director Secretary: Jay P. K. Kenney EDITORIAL DISCLAIMER Chris Kelly P.O. Box 636 [email protected] Treasurer: Jeff Leighton Margaretville, NY 12455 The opinions expressed in the features and editorials of Columbia, MO 65203 American Whitewater are those of the individual i/ authors. They do not necessarily represent those of the , -e-.-."--9 rl Executive Assistant Directors of American Whitewater or the editors of this Tim Kelley I publication. vm=v ' ------Silver Spring, MD 20910 On occasion American Whitewater publishes official organizational policy statements drafted and approved by the Board of Directors. These policy statements will be clearlv identified. www. americanwhitewater .org American Whitewater v January February 2002

American Whitewater January February 2002 FERC Takes Balanced Approach on Housatonic River, Connecticut The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), "The relicensing of the Housatonic hydro projects has now transitioned to the FERC arena" stated John Gangemi, American the agency overseeing private hydropower dams, re- Whitewater Conservation Director. "Clearly, the FERC has taken a cently initiated a flurry of activity for the relicensing of more balanced approach on resource issues in this proceeding. Prior to this the Connecticut DEP has skewed instream flows for angling two hydroelectric projects located on the Housatonic interests at the expense of river restoration. The studies requested by River. On October loththe FERC issued "Additional the FERC will enable stakeholders to make sound decisions based on objective information." Information Requests" on the application submitted by FERC's prolific list of additional study requests, forty-three in total, is indicative of a deficient license application from the utility. Northeast Generation Company (formerly Connecti- Before any further decision can be made on Northeast Generation cut Light and Power) for their hydropower facilities on Company's license application, the information and additional stud- ies requested by FERC must be completed by the applicant. FERC the Housatonic River. On October lgththe FERC issued also stated the application should include all comments of the their intent to prepare an Environmental Impact State- USF&W, EPA, National Park Service, American Whitewater, Trout Unlimited, the Appalachian Mountain Club and others. ment for these relicense proceedings. On October 23rd FERC wrote, "In order to assess the effects of the proposed flows the FERC released the second scoping document for on the visual resources of the project area, please provide any narratedvideotapes and other supporting data of the whitewater flow this proceeding. studies at Falls Village and Bulls Bridge. If videotapes are not

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American Whitewater (1(P1I January February 2002 Conservation

available, please provide any videotapes of other studies (fish habitat, the utility. Their action advocated "run-of-river" operation and left instream flow analysis, etc.) that can be used to assess minimum all bypass reaches in a degraded condition, clearly choosing to ignore recreation flows in these reaches. Also, please consult with appropri- the economic benefits provided to the region by a well-established ate stakeholders, including the AMC and the American Whitewater boating public. Affiliation, regarding acceptable minimum recreation flows for FERC went on to request additional information on public access whitewater boating experiences and report these results to the and a discussion of how the proposed recreation facilities may add to Commission." or relieve congestion at Bull's Bridge, and to assess the potential for FERC continued," Please quantify the economic costs and quali- development in the project area. Other areas mentioned by FERC tative benefits of whitewater activity based on a range of flows, included the effects of flows in the bypassed reaches and increased including the proposed recreation flow and release schedule con- recreational use resulting from proposed enhancements on the tained in the license application and the release flows contained in recreational, aesthetic and natural resources of the Appalachian the Section 401 Water Quality Certificate. Please include in the Trail, with an emphasis on facilities at Bull's Bridge. analysis the costs and benefits of whitewater boating as: (1) a flow of While there is no guarantee boaters will be able to overcome the 2,300 cfs; (2) the flows based on the schedule of releases contained in legal setback of an inadequate and faulty 401 Certificate, it does the license application; and (3) the flows required by the Water provide an opportunity to leverage the FERC requests into a full- Quality Certificate. This information is necessary to enable staff to fledged, unbiased flow study that, hopefully, FERC will use as a tool evaluate the cost versus benefits of the proposed operational changes in balancing use of the Housatonic resources in a way that will which would enhance the whitewater recreation opportunities but enhance whitewater boating. What is encouraging is the request for could reduce the project's power generation benefits. Note that economic studies relative to the benefits of whitewater boating and while the costs to implement such measures can usually be quanti- the impact of this activity on the local region. This is only the second fied, the benefits often cannot. Thus the benefits typically can be time FERC has requested this type of analysis in New England, the described qualitatively." first being the Kennebec River in Maine a few months ago. The difficulty presented to American Whitewater and other stake- American Whitewater and its partners will continue to press for holders concerned with improving river flows for recreation came equal consideration on this troubled project and will exert every about as a direct failure of the Connecticut Department of Environ- effort to resurrect and rescue this important resource from an ill- mental Protection to consider the balanced use of the resource. advised and devastating decision made by a recalcitrant state re- Foolishly, the CDEP issued the 401 Water Quality Certificate prior to source agency. Contact us if you would like to assist in this effort. all studies being completed, thereby playing right into the hands of


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BOO F bear " 8870 barrow Road A Suite F106 - #311 A Twinsburg. OH 44087 American Whitewater Fr Janua~y February ZOO2 Ubiquitone held a special Halloween benefit jam for American Whitewater's access program at FairfaxVirginia's Firehouse Grill. Over a hundred people came out to preview their costumes, dance, talk, and party late into the night.

Ubiquitone ( groovedforover three hours with their distinctive sound blending funk, jazz, bluegrass, and reggae. Lead singer Eric Starr is a long-time American Whitewater member, Class V kayaker, and an avid supporter. Formed in the summer of 2000, Ubiquitone is a mainstay on the mid-Atlantic festival circuit, including regular appearances at Sunshine Daydreams in Terra Aka, WV and mainstage sets with Keller Williams, Leftover Salmon, and Ekoostik Hookah. Ubiquitone also headlined the 2000 Gauley Festival for American Whitewater.

This kind of festival is important because it pulls the boating community together. It also provides an essential funding source for our access program. Since few founda- tions fund access, preferring to fund direct conservation, we rely heavily on creative support from our members to help us with this vital work. Ifyou have a band, or ties to a band, that is interested in jamming for river access, call Jason Robertson at 866-BOAT-4-AW (866-262-8429).

Skykomish River, WA Rich Bowers, Jennie Goldberg, andTho- Great Falls, VA The Park Service is planning to im- mas O'Keefe are meeting with the Washington Department of prove the overlooks and trails on the Virginia side. American Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) to discuss plans for permitting Whitewater supports ALTERNATIVE C1 with the caveat that boater parking at the Sunset Falls Trap and Haul facility on a some trail safety improvements at Fishermen's Eddy should be seasonal basis. More at: www.americanwhitewater.orP/rivers/ implemented immediately. More at: id122091 www.americanwhitewater.or~/archive/article/298/

Chattooga River, GAISC Jason Robertson met with W Tohickon River, PA In October, American Whitewater Senator Cleland's (D-GA) staff in November to discuss the learned that the scheduled releases were not held due to Forest Service's failure to plan for reopening the headwaters of maintenance problems with the dam, "When the upper gear- the Chattooga. AWvolunteers, Don Kinser, and Bruce Hare had boxes were removed from the bunger valve it was found that it more than 300 boaters at the Tallulah write letters to the Forest contained approximately one of the two required gears." The Service on this issue. More at: www.americanwhitewater.ord PA-DCNR explained that releases could occur at a later date archive/article/230/ following repairs if the current drought watch is lifted. More at: www.americanwhitewater.or~/archive/article/300/ W Colorado rivers, CO The courts ruled in favor of boaters in the opening rounds of the Colorado's navigability crisis and W Michigan rivers, MI The Center for Biological Diversity and allowed American Whitewater and the Colorado White Water others filed a lawsuit in federal court alleging that hundreds of Association to intervene on behalf of the defendants in the Lake miles of rivers in the Ottawa National Forest (U.P.) have been Fork Gunnison case. Meanwhile settlement talks are continu- purposefully neglected by the United States Forest Service. The ing on the South Platte. More at: htto:l/ suit tries to protect some ofthe finestwild and scenicwhitewater www.americanwhitewater.orglarchivelarticle/304/ runs in the state including the Black, Ontonagon, Paint, Presque Isle, Sturgeon, and Yellow Dog Rivers. More at: W California rivers, CA The California Department of Boating www.americanwhitewater.or~archive/article/313/ and Waterways asked boaters for comments in December about our needs for non-motorized access and facility improvements. Savage River, MD Jason Robertson met with the Upper This was a tremendous opportunity for the whitewater commu- Potomac River Commission and Maryland Department of the nity to get river access improvements particularly on rivers Environment to plan for whitewater recreation on the Savage with upcoming whitewater releases like the North Fork Feather. River. More at: More at: www.americanwhitewater.ordarchive/article/297/ m

American Whitewater January February POOP Access Boofing Into the Future: A Flow Study on the Cascades of the Nantahala. By Kevin Colburn In 1989 I opened the AW "The Horns of God," flew journal to a photo of a guy down the slides and off the named Forest Calloway 10 footer at "Big Kahuna," running a big stompy drop skipped over the hole at on the Nantahala River. "Junkyard," and threaded This article was titled our way through "Chinese "Nantahala's Upper Cas- Feet." cades, Not Where NOC Another group of pad- Holds Roll Clinics," andwas dlers put on the Upper my first introduction to Nantahala and made their creek'in. I was thoroughly way down that stretch, intriguedwith the Cascades through the fog. Many of the and with creek'in in gen- paddlers from the cascades eral. Some girl named Risa study continued down the wrote the article, "hmm," I Upper just for kicks. We did thought, "she must be a four progressively higher rad boater." I was 13 then runs and as the levels got and now that rad girl is my higher the Upper got more boss and making sure that fun and the Cascades river flows is a big part of changed in character from my job. American precise creek'in to a big wa- Whitewater is currently ter romp. The last flow was helping to drive the pro- great for the Upper but was cess of ensuring a balanced juicy enoughon the Cascades flow regime on all sections that we decided not to study of North Carolina's famous it due to safety consider- Nantahala River. ations. Folks still flocked to The regular flows on the it for fun runs though, and Nantahala that we all know there was a great deal of car- and love are the product of nage. There was carnage on a hydro project that diverts the Upper too, at least one of water around a 10 mile the rafts dump-trucked and stretch of river that lies dry dumped out some Duke most of the year. This sec- Power folks and members of tion of river holds the Class the previously mentioned IVNCascades and the Class raft in^ team. Those Buvs 111 Upper Nantahala and is havego much funwithrheir virtually dry except when White wonderful job that will help us for the study. I arrived at the jobs. Oak Creek flows big. Perhaps show what a great resource the powerhouse groggy and might All this wonderful creek'in not for long though.. . Just after Cascades and Upper Nantahala have helped give an introduction over 2 days was interspersed with Gauley Fest 2001, American are. The unofficial Western North speech. I was still asleep when I filling out surveys, having dis- Whitewater worked with Duke Carolina Resource Agency Raft- noticed the ice coating my boat cussiongroups, and meetingwith Power to pull off yet another ing Team were laughing and and slid into the steaming lake- AQ and the various other groups controlledwhitewater flow study swimming their way down the warmed water. We ducked to talk about the process of dam in the Southeast. Surely this Upper Nantahala. Adventure through the vegetation and did relicensing. By the end of the was one of the most successful Quest was there to learn about cheesey boofs, not to be confused second day the focus groups flow studies yet, largely due to river conservation and to paddle with cheesey poofs, off the first 6 nailed down the optimal and the characters that showed up. as part of the study. American footer. We rounded the bend to minimum acceptable flows for Local boater of NOC fame, Whitewater volunteers and re- the V crack, a seldom run 10 foot both reaches. The data is still in Bunny Johns, was Duke's con- gional boaters were there to vertical U ledge. We all tried the mill but the group felt that sultant and did a great job at paddle and objectively describe different things with similar out- 250 and 350 cfs offered two arranging all the logistics and their experiences for the study. comes, meltdowns through light unique and good flows for the working with AW in study de- The many boaters that showed warm foam. Just after the slot we cascades. The 175 cfs flow was sign. John Wishon, whose fam- up to paddle that were not part of rounded yet another bend and runnable but below optimal and ily has lived in the Upper the studywere incredibly respect- lined up on the true cascades the 500 cfs release was fun but Nantahalawatershed for genera- ful and waited to put-on until below the confluence of White would exclude a lot of boaters. tions, was one of the folks repre- after the study groups had fin- Oak Creek. The Cascades drop The group felt that 350 was a senting Duke Power. The Lunch ished their runs. And most im- wicked steep through a roadside likely optimal flow for interme- Video Magazine crew was there portantly, no one got hurt! canyon and were still shrouded diate boaters to enjoy the Upper to shoot the video that is a criti- I slept in a gracious boater's in thick fog. In groups of six we Nantahala, and that people would cal part of the study. They did a basement andawoke before dawn launched off the 12 foot boof at paddle it at 250. The 175 release

American Whitewater January February 2002 A Access Giving the Adirondacks

r By Kevin Colburn

American Whitewater devoted a week and a half this October :xclusively to the conservation of New York's amazing Whitewater iivers. The entire full-time staff attended the Festival .o support that great event and to spread the gospel of the glory of lowing rivers. Particularly glorious was a 5-staffer simultaneous lescent ofAger Falls. Moose Fest provided a great forum for us at AW :o learn about the threats to New York Rivers and where we can be )f help. This was grassroots outreach at its finest, and we were all mpressed with New York boaters' knowledge and passion for their state's rivers.

was too low and the 500 release Both photos , page 19 and was not significantly better than above, are flowstudy jsu.--,. American Whitewater would paflicigants soaring off a Of like----- to-- extend~ a big thanks to COUPle the drops in the everyone involvedwith thestudy, Cascades of the Nantahala and also to all those that avoided in late September 2001. paddling the cascades those days to ensure a positive outcome of the study. We could not have pulled it off so well without you.

American Whitewater & MeetingOne I ~ Join Forces

Do your audio conference calls save a river? They should!

The trip was nvt all talk though, we got out there and got our feet Contact MeetingOne to make your wet. Unfortunately though, given the drought conditions and the seemingly endless number of dams in New York, our feet were about next conference call count! all we could get wet. John Gangemi, Tom Christopher, and Kevin Colburn toured hydro projects, hiked dewatered riverbeds, met with outfitters and boaters, metwith power companies, and logged a huge All audio conference calls made through MeetingOne amount of miles on their rental truck. All across the Adirondacks we by American Whitewater members return a percentage to hiked into waterfall laden canyons and rock-hopped up massive dry slides. the association for conservation and river access. These travels took us to the Hoosic, the Oswegatchie, the Saranac, the St. Regis, the Raquette, and the stunning Ausable rivers. There is no doubt that New ~orkis whitewater rich, however the prolifera- Contact MeetingOne for details tion of dams on New York rivers has radically limited that richness 720.946.2170 or by flooding runs under reservoirs or dewatering them with diversion pipes. The following is a summary of the projects we visited while in New York this fall.

American White water January February 2002 sa Access

Hoosic River: Located ten minutes north ofAlbany in the town of Schaghticoke. The Hoosic contains a gorge dropping 146 feet in just under two miles. The hydropower project capitalizes on this same gradient diverting water around the gorge to a powerhouse down- stream. Few boaters in the Albany area are even aware this resource exists because boating flows rarely occur. American Whitewater is working closely with the utility on this relicense proceeding. Oswegatchie River: American Whitewater staff attended a site visit with FERC staff from Washington, D.C. in October. This relicense contains two hydro projects encompassing four dams. The project is located just outside Hailesboro, New York. The dams dewater the Island branch, a seven-mile braid of the Oswegatchie that contains at least one twelve-foot waterfall. Another section contains a great looking play hole downstream of the Fowler power- house. American Whitewater filed written comments in early No- vember on this project. American Whitewater is looking for local boaters to work with us to restore flows, access and flow information on the Oswegatchie. whitewater is ashort bedrocksection helow Kent Falls Damandastiff two mile (?) Class V-VI section below High Falls Dam. This proceed- ing is just getting underway. American Whitewater is looking for some dedicated boaters to assist with this relicense proceeding. Raquette River: The Piercefield Hydro Power Project influences flows on about a ten-mile section of the Raquette River. The powerhouse is located at the dam. The lake formed by Piercefield Dam (located in the town of Piercefield) appears to have considerable water storage. The downstream river contains distinct sections for Class 111 and Class IV-V paddling. Contact Kevin Colburn if you have information about these whitewater resources or would like to assist with this proceeding. St. Regis River: American Whitewater recently signed a settlement agreement / with Erie (aka Orion Power, formerly Niagara Mohawk) for the licensing of this ' hydropower project. The settlement grants vublic access to the reach as well as release bf flow information. ' With the help of volunteers, American f * Whitewater looks forward to creatingmore paddling opportunities in New York on )" " these and other rivers. The Runs we inves- tigated are all up for relicensing and range from remote scenic float trips, to dynamic park and play, to Class V steep rivers. Thanks to the research and exploration work we did on this trip, we hope to offer boaters of every ability and genre a new place to do their thing in New York in the coming years.

Ausable River: New York State Electric and Gas (NYSEX) is relicensing the Rainbow Falls hydroelectric project on the Ausable River. American Whitewater has pushed hard for access to the Ausable River in this proceeding because it is the start of the Class IV Ausable Chasm. The downstream property owner, Ausable Chasm Company (ACC), doesn't want boaters in the Chasm claiming that it will impact their private business. During the whitewater flow study in May 2001, an ACC representative falsely stated that boaters could not get out of their boats to scout individual rapids in the Chasm. Six out of twelve boaters declined to participate under those conditions. Under New York state navigability laws, boaters do have the right to get out and scout or portage up to the high water mark. The November 1 and 2, 2001 scoping meeting and site visit was well attended by local boaters thanks to American Whitewater's organiz- ing efforts. This is a hotly contested proceeding that could potentially set a precedent thereby threatening access on more than just the Ausable. Saranac River: NYSEG is also relicensing four dams on the Saranac River just outside of Plattsburgh. From the looks of the geology, the Saranac probably contained some great whitewater paddling aesthetically comparable to the Ausable Chasm prior to dam construction. All that remains within the hydropower project for

American Whitewater January Februay 2002 A Access Upper Ocoee Update

No quick solution has been identified for the dilemma of TVA's refusal to provide free recreational releases in the Upper Ocoee. However, American Whitewater has made major strides in ultimately reaching a fair agreement on flows in the Upper Ocoee. In September, members of asubcommit- tee of TVA's Regional Resource Stewardship Council metwith Kevin Colburn (AW eastern conservation and access associate) and sev- eral other stakeholders to discuss TVA's man- agement of the Ocoee River. The group quickly grasped the complex issues and be- gan brainstorming on possible ways of equi- Upon request from American along, a public process to work with! Kevin tably managing the river. Presumptions were Whitewater, the group decided to recom- Colburn has even been nominated to repre- laid to rest and much progress was made. A mend that the Ocoee-be included in a 2-year sent downstream recreationalists on a coun- few of us even went rafting the following day operations study that will begin in February cil that will help shape and analyze the study. and had a great time. In October the group 2002. This study will act similarly to a dam We now have a framework through which reported back to the full subcommittee, as relicensing since it is a NEPA (National En- releases may one day be granted. We will be did several TVA representatives. The exciting vironmental Protection Act) process that alerting boaters every time there is an oppor- process began at the Ocoee was largely shut will have ample opportunity for public in- tunity for comment on this process through down during this meeting but all was not lost. put. We now have what we have wanted all our web page and through the journal.


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American White water January February 2002 Access

Canadian Rivers Update As we head to press in December, we have learned that Action Plein-Air Haute-Gatineau, the Canadian river protection association working on protecting the Gatineau from development, will be called in early 2002 before the 19 mayors who form the regional government, to argue against the private hydro project. Action Plein-Air Haute-Gatineau will explain their vision of development and management of the river in the "natural" way.

We hope that a final decision about the proposed dams, in our favor, will be made shortly after, perhaps as early as the council meeting the last week of January. This may be overly optimistic, but local river advocates have been encouraged by what they sense as agrowing consensus for protecting the rivers from development. However, we can not take this decision for granted and strongly encourage you to read the complete article on the proposed dam construction projects and write letters to Canada's government expressing you concerns.

Triggers for Brown's Canyon Permits Approached (CO) Denver, CO - Mike Harvey reported in early December that the State Parks Board decided to table Brown's Canyon Permitting for one year on the Arkansas. This means that the Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area (AHRA) will do more thorough counts next year on Brown's to determine if private boaters have in fact met the triggers set forth in the management plan. This means that boaters have one year to disperse use on weekends. In other words if you have always done Browns on the Fourth of July weekend you might consider paddling somewhere else this year. Check www.arkrivertrust.or~for more information.

American Whitewater Advocates for Wild and Scenic Director

Washington, DC - In early December, American Whitewater's Access Director Jason Robertson joined Bill Meadows, President of The Wilderness Society, and Rebecca Wodder, President of American Rivers, in a meeting with the Forest Service to advocate for the creation of a Director for Wilderness and Wild and Scenic Rivers.

This directorate is critical to ensuring that the Forest Service fulfills its mandate to protect and enhance the crown jewels of the National Forest system. Wilderness, wild and scenic rivers and other congres- sionally designated areas make up at least 20% of National Forest lands, and are at the heart of our most valuable remaining intact ecosystems. These areas provide recreational opportunities and places for spiritual retreat, and they are critical sources of clean air and water. They provide important wildlife habitat and are rich in biodiversity. Proper management of these complex areas requires leadership and field staff that have the ability, and the authority to protect the many values for which these areas were set aside. The current Administration has placed an emphasis on better management of existing protected areas, and a Director for Wilderness and Wild and Scenic Rivers is critical to ensuring agreater field presence and increased funding for these programs. It will cost little, and will greatly benefit our nation's natural heritage.

Grand Canyon Suits Progress Boulder, CO - In December, as settlement talks continued on American Whitewater's Grand Canyon lawsuit, a small working group of interested parties including Access Director Robertson, private and commercial boaters, commercial outfitters, environmentalists, river guides, and others met in Colorado to talk about what a future river management plan might look like for the Grand Canyon. Robertson observed, "We laid our cards on the table and every aspect of use was fair game for discussion. The basic question was how to maximize use while protecting the resource and wilderness qualities of the experience?" Following the meeting, all participants agreed that the final plan should be structured so private boaters would wait no more than three years to get on the river from the day that they chose to go. The computer models and permit systems under discussion appear to make this an achievable goal.

American White water January February 2002 1. Better communicate the conservation and access issues specific to the various regions within the United States. 2. Provide a competitive model that supports and nurtures If You Compete, amateur competitive paddling. 3. Raise additional revenues to assist American Whitewater with achieving its mission of conserving and gaining access You Are Going to to whitewater. 4. Improve the planning, implementation, and management Need to Knowu~his!! of paddling events. "Jizstthe facts, folks!" Changes for 2002 American Whitewater has been working very hard this past Michael Phelan, Events Director year to make significant improvements to the state of competitive paddling. The goals of these enhancements were to better serve From the beginning of competitive whitewater paddling, Ameri- athletes, sponsors, and event organizers. In order to create a can Whitewater has been incredibly influential. It is the only seamless transition into a more refined system, NOWR was organization that has stepped to the plate and offered the skills, dissolved and a new organization was created called American experience, and resources necessary to support a new developing Whitewater Freestyle (AWF). Guiding this new organization will sport. Even if you only consider the influence it exerts through its be an advisory board of some of the most influential and represen- conservation and access efforts AW influences are significant. Virtu- tative people in freestyle paddling. ally every single event in the United States is held on a river stretch that American Whitewater has or will work to protect or restore. In addition to providing access to the rivers necessary for events, AW Karla Westcott Wausau Rodeo Organizer also offers affordable insurance, obtains corporate sponsors to defray Dave Slover Oregon Cup Organizer costs, purchases advertising, coordinates a national calendar, and Joel Heath Vail Invitational Event Organizer maintains competitive results. AW then uses its events as a platform Peter Lataille Gillman Falls Event Organizer for increasing access to whitewater for the greater paddling commu- Dylan King Amateur Competitor nity. American Whitewater has been and will continue to be the Aaron Pruzan Wyoming Whitewater Organizer driving force behind whitewater paddling of all types and levels. Shane Benedict AthleteILiquid Logic Ben Coleman President of USFKA For 2002, AW is proposing a number of changes and enhance- Dan Gavere Team Manager for USFKA ments that have been gleaned from a variety of sources including Adam Druckman Teva Director of Sports Marketing event organizers, sponsors, pro and amateur athletes, and the AW Liz Ferrin Teva Promotions Coordinator staff and its Board of Directors. These changes are being introduced Keith Wallace Wave Sport Team &Brand Manager for four reasons: Terry Valle Kern River Festival Organizer

5. An athlete's home region is the region that the athlete must you (30th Know qualify in to attend the National Championships presented by '10Things Teva and American Whitewater. 1. Teva and AW have joined forces to host the "2002 Teva a. Amateur athletes may not register in more than one region, Whitewater Tour." The Tour will include twenty-five events but they are encouraged to compete in as many events as in four geographic regions and will culminate with the Teva possible. Whitewater National Championships sanctioned by Ameri- 6. Points received in an amateur home region are worth 25% can Whitewater. more. 2. Allathletes must be current members ofAmerican Whitewater a. The Pro Am event in each region is worth 50% more points prior to competing. Athletes will be able to join AW at events to both amateur and pro athletes. or purchase a one-day membership for $10. b. The Wausau Double Up is worth double points to all athletes 3. All paddlers must register with AWF prior to competing. despite region or status. Registration allows for the tracking of points and ensures that 7. Amateurs placing in the following categories, according to all necessary insurance information is on file. Once regis- earned AW Freestyle and Boatercross points, from each region tered, athletes will receive a membership card that must be will be eligible to attend the Teva Whitewater National Champi- presented at each event in order to receive a bib. onship. a. There is no registration fee for Beginner, Sport, or Expert a. Junior (15) Men & (15) Women competitors. b. Junior Expert (15) Men & (15) Women b. If an Expert wishes to have their points count towards a c. Beginner (15) Men & (15) Women spot at the Teva Whitewater National Championships then d. Sport (20) Men & (20) Women they must pay a registration fee to the AWF. This fee is the e. Expert (25) Men & (25) Women same registration fee that has been charged in the past. The 8. Pro athletes will compete for (60) spots for Men and (60) spots fees help to cover the costs of maintaining the necessary for Women to attend the Championships. records and the Championships. 9. The Teva Whitewater National Championships will be held at 1. Expert $20 the Olympic Whitewater Center on the Ocoee River in Ducktown, ii. Pro $40 TN, October 10-13th. 4. The state that an amateur chooses to register in will deter- 10. All American Whitewater Freestyle information including mine that athlete's home region. schedule and rankings will be available at

American Whitewater January February 2002 sEvents American Whitewater presents Athlete Ranking Among the many other enhancements, the AW National Events Calendar has been reworked into the "Teva Whitewater Tour." "The A River Steward Teva Whitewater Tour" will include four geographic regions: South- east, Northeast, Rocky Mountain, and Pacific Coast. Each of the regions will include between five and seven events. These events will Training Seminar include both freestyle and boatercross events and will encourage canoe, and rafting competitions when and where appropriate. Ath- letes will be ranked in two categories according to points collected in freestyle and boatercross events. Sunday. Febru'ary 24.2002 Athletes competing in the "Teva Whitewater Tour" will be able to earn both freestyle and boatercross points. An athlete's freestyle or University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY boatercross ranking will be based on the points gathered in each (National Paddling Film Festival Weekend!) discipline at "Teva Whitewater Tour" events. In order to compete at the Teva Whitewater National Championships sanctioned by Ameri- This one-day workshop will provide whitewater activists with can Whitewater an athlete must qualify for freestyle and boatercross separately. tools necessary to work on their local river issues. American Amateurs will be ranked in their home region and a limited Whitewater's staff of nationally recognized experts will present number of athletes from each region will be invited to attend the first modules on access, conservation, hydropower licensing, events, Teva Whitewater National championships. Pro athletes will not freestyle judging, the Website Streamkeeper Project and safety. register in a specific region, but will continue to compete nationally for a limited number of spots to attend the Championships. Through the combined efforts of Teva and American Whitewater, Limited spaces available. For information and registration, AW will reaffirm its commitment to ensuring that all whitewater contact Nick Lipkowski (301) 589-9453. events act as a platform for conservation and access issues. Each [email protected] event will address regionally specific conservation and access con- cerns. *American Whitewater is attempting to organize Schedule transportation from central locations in the Southeast, Mid- Look for the Official American Whitewater Freestyle Series Atlantic and Northeast as well as the Colorado Rockies. Schedule of Events on

National Paddling Film Festival 2002 February 22-23, Lexington, Ky The 2002 NPFF is dedicated to Supporting Rivers Celebrating the Memory of William Nealy. for Over 19 years!

Join us to support this FUNdraiser for river causes! Door Prizes! Silent Auction and Raffle for dozens of items! Saturday night Awards Party will feature Bands. Limited seating so order your tickets on line and save! You'all come! Major Sponsors: Ace Adventure Center, American Canoe Association, American Whitewater, Dagger, Kokatat, Ky. Outdoor Center, Kayak Magazine, By Susan Taft Mountain Surf, Nantahala Outdoor Center, Nature Ouifitters, The history of American whitewater canoeing H kayaking, Paddler Magazine, Perception, Performance Video tracing the evolution of paddling through the people, rivers, For more information on entries, attending or H events over the last 60 years. Covers wood/canvas canoes 8 to order tickets on line at a Discount Price: folding kayaks to composites 8 plastics, from slalom 8 squirt to rodeo 8 extreme boating. or contact Dave Margavage 502-867-0468 email: [email protected]

American Whitewater January February 2002 P". Events

Magic is Alive

The 2001 Russell Fork River Rendezvous

And Gas Drilling Threats are Dead - for Now

By J. Brent Austin

ast year, the Bluegrass Wildwater Association's 2000 Russell Fork River Rendezvous ended on a promising note: the Loriginal dam threat that spawned the event years ago was in the past. An impressive river survey had been completed by Blue- grass Wildwater Association's Steve Powers. Money donated by past Rendezvous receipts had helped finance Appalshop's film project on the Russell Fork River and the Breaks area, featured in an article in American Whitewater's MayIJune 2000 issue. The local organiza- tion, Headwater's, founded by native Jerry Elkins, was gaining prominence in the fight against rampant and careless environmental practices in the area. And, proudly, we looked forward to donating more money to our river champion, American Whitewater.

American Whitewater January February 2002 fi Events The 2000 Downriver race, whose results By April, 2001, things had changed dra- Festival, where boaters paddled down to the were not published ti1 now, yielded the fol- matically for those supporting environmen- city beach where a local group burned a gas lowing times: tal interests when the unthinkable was sud- well in effigy to the insistent rhythm of the denly announced: plans were being laid for Russell Fork River Renezvous drummers. October 2000 gas drilling INSIDE the Breaks Interstate Television crews and locals were captivated Russell bork River Rendezvous Park, home of the Class V section of the by the opposition to the drilling, which con- Race Results Russell Fork. Paddlers, environmentalists tinued gaining momentum. and local groups immediately voiced opposi- Soon, locals and paddlers were voicing 1 Danny Inman 11:OO tion. Petitions were circulated on behalf of their opposition to the plan before the Park 2 Tommy Hilleke 11:30 the Russell Fork River Rendezvous all over Board and Kentucky's Attorney General and 3 Eric Strittmatter 11:34 the country. Local signatures were collected several Kentucky legislators had joined the 4 Nate Helms 11:39 at the Elkhorn City annual Apple Blossom fight. By the time of the 2001 Russell Fork Cory Hall River Rendezvous, plans to drill were indefi-

5 Howard Tidwell 11:45 ra__ nitely stalled. After the Rendezvous, the Jason Hale .iginal culprit, Blue Flame Energy, with- 6 ChrisYoung drew its application to drill in the park. 7 Clay Wright Thousands of petition signitures and 8 Greg Hoskins vigorous vocal opposition at the lo- 9 Duarte Morais cal level clearly were major factors 10 Eric Hendrickson in this environmental victory. 11 Peter Persolia 12 Eric ~olston By the time the 2001 Russell 13 Buffy Bailey Fork River Rendezvous, held from 14 Jon Lord October 1 through October 8, 15 Daniel Talley rolled around, it had become clear Steve Matz that it was unlikely that the gas 16 Willy Witt drilling would go forward. As a 17 Kyle Winkler result, the immediate focus of the 18 Josh Bethea 13:13 phestival became to do what we do 19 Harry Field (C-1) 13:35 best: celebrate. However, this was 20 Todd Miller 28:32 not just a celebration of the defeat of - .rR 21 Alan Jones and About 2 hours s drilling: it was also a celebration of Rob Anderson (Shredder) UIIILY in the aftermath of the September 11

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American Whitewater January February 2002 d?c Events

tragedy in New York. So, with spirits soaring ceeded to lose balance, hit the ground with a and love in our hearts, we set out to make the tumble and roll to my feet, where amidst energy of the 2001 Rendezvous the best yet. laughter from brothers and sisters, myself We believe we succeeded. included, I realized that I couldn'twalkwith- At mid week, things were going smooth out pain. Soon my ankle was the size of a at the phestival site - perhaps too smooth. softball. The various encampments were taking form, The next day, as I hovered in a camp chair the firewoodwas being delivered, the weather with foot elevated, I could hear the occasional was perfectly clear with temperatures in the exchange over the walkie talkies: "Don't let 70s. The moon hung nearly full under crys- Brent out of the chair or we'll duct tape him tal clear night skies, amplified against the to it." Pleading with Betsy, head of Security vivid background of the Milky Way. Down at and otherwise an Amazon warrior on a golf the Spiral Encampment, asteady family vibe cart, I desperately wanted to make sure the of drumming and flute wafted up to the signs were hung in the right spots, the tapes- Journey Beyond Encampment. It sounded tries hung at the stage, tiki torches put in good, so I took another big drink of Rum and place, all sorts of things to contribute to Coke and headed down the hill, making a ambiance and function that I had wanted to quick stop at the new BoatHenge Encamp- create. But Betsy was resolute on my staying ment to gather more energy to take to the still: "Dragonfly has everything under con- groovin' session down below. trol. She has volunteers galore and every- With the infrastructure of the Rendez- thing is getting done - relax." vous in place, and people, especially volun- As Friday rolled around, a number of pad- teers and foodvenders rolling in, I knew that dlers did low water runs though the gorge if I was going to engage in celebratory liba- (about 125 cfs) and the stage was ready for the tions, this was the evening. By the weekend, P.A. system and sound guy who was volun- hordes of paddlers and festivarians would be teering his services. Friday is the really big present, demanding a more sober reality for pulse for the Rendezvous, as the weekend me. But not this night. The rum flowed warriors come in to paddle and/or participate freely, just like the gargantuan rolling logs in the phestival. Musicians, boaters, locals, by the bonfire that I decided to dance upon. and numerous others streamed in, predict- Holding my large cup confidently, I pro- ably, with one hitch: the sound guy and equip-

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American Whitewater January February 2002 cia Events

ment broke down on the way. He was getting Oclober 6,2001 As the 3:00 p.m. race kicked off, back at the vehicle repaired and was going to be late. the phestival site on stage, Bluegrass was A drum circle broke out in the Spiral En- Russell Fork River Rendezvous flowing. At 4:ZO p.m., Born Cross-Eyed kicked campment, and soon the energy was crank- Race Results into gear with some of the best covers from ing. About 9:30 p.m. a big thunderstorm hit, 1 Chris Hipgrave (Big Sea Kayak) the Grateful Dead ever seen at the Rendez- seemingly out of nowhere, and people 2 Tommy Hillebe vous. They were followed by Kuchi Guru, scrambled for shelter. At the same time as 3 Danny Inman Rhesus, Barnhouse Effect, Dreadnot and Geo music was beginning to take off on stage with 4 D. Jackson Funk. Drum circles migrated Saturday from groups such as A.M. Flavor, Redgrass and 5 Jason Hale the Spiral Encampment to the Journey Be- Inner Vision Collision. Rain fell in buckets 6 Peter Persolja yond Encampment where one fire guru, Joe andwinds gusted 30 to 40 mph, creating chaos 7 ChrisYoung Coon, had constructedafire belching Dragon among the various tarp cities, but the music Corey Hall out of a big hollow log. Sensual dancers spun still flowed into the night, seemingly in rhythm 8 Eric Strittmatter between it and a huge bonfire to the flowing with the intermittent torrents of warm rain. 9 Toby Ressing percussion of the drummers. Back at the Around 4:20 a.m. at the tail end of the rain two 10 Toby McDurbin stage, the other fire guru, Paul Fantetti, had east coast drummers showed up and kicked off constructed a humongous bonfire which kept a Phat drum circle at the Journey Encamp- 11 Kyle Wingler "Lap Dancer" hundreds warm and enthralled with pyro- ment that lasted past dawn. Greg Hoskins technic props and antics. Saturday, Race Day at Garden Hole, saw 12 Caeleb Copeland 900 cfs heading through the gorge. The racers 13 Willy Witt met at 11:OO a.m. to get bibs, free entry into 14 Kurt Williams (Hand paddled) the Rendezvous, sign waivers and do a prac- 15 Jon Lord (Ride in Climax tice run through the gorge. Greg Hoskins, Hole - 1:OO) Meanwhile, a with assistance from race coordinators Willy 16 Ben Burgen Witt and Jay Ditty and Lee Belknap as Safety 17 Jay Ditty (C-1) whole other scene at Fist, coordinated the race and recorded the 18 Matt Walker times as follows: was taking place at the Acoustic Bon- fire, where musi- cians strummed, picked and fiddled .)

American Whitewater January February 2002 - Events

protect the headwaters of the Russell and Levisa Fork rivers. Sunday was another picture perfect day for paddling and as sudden as the onslaught was Friday, the camp cleared out, leaving little evidence of the event that had just transpired. Being an environmentally con- scious group, everyone picked up after them- selves. By Monday, as we handed the keys back to the Kiwanas they shook their heads in disbelief and said: "You rafters are sure environmentally conscious and we really appreciate you keeping our place so clean - Serving piping hot and fresh vegetarian ing threats from corporations and other ex- ya'll be comin' back next year won't ya?" I meals were the usual groups from years past: traction interests, threats that would de- reckon so. Heartwood and Earthheart. They were joined grade the river and its fabulous surrondings. How about September 30,2002 through by others including Stone Heart, Ruth Cox These threats persist in spite of a healthy October 7,2002? We'll do the race Saturday, and family, and Carlos and family who also Russell Fork's incredible potential to foster October 5th. See you there. took care of the carnivores. The race results eco-tourism and environmentally sound eco- were announced on stage and attendees were nomics. Lee Belknap explained American For more information on the Russell Fork reminded what the phestival is all about, Whitewater's role in protecting the Russell River including the fight to prevent gas drilling in Fork, then turned the mike over to Jerry Rendezvous, see our web page at: the park. The attendees were also reminded Elkins of Headwaters, Inc., who explained http:llwww.surfbwa.orglrussellfork/ that the Russell Fork watershed faces ongo- what their locally based organization does to

American Whitewater January February 2002 Events

- Championship The World Rafting Championship (WRC) was held in Summersville, WV for the first time this year. Governed by the International Rafting Federation, this annual competition brings Sweet Briar College, a women's school located about 80 miles together the best men and women rafting teams from around the northeast of Roanoke, Virginia, recently got a genuine boost to its world. The WRC has previously taken place on some of the world's outdoor program. The twenty-year-old program, still using much most exciting rivers, including the Orange River (South Africa), of its original whitewater equipment, turned to alumnus and and Rio Futaleufu (Chile). The WRC has also been a popular renowned whitewater instructor, Juliet Kastorff for help. With her subject of the international media, with the television coverage assistance the college was able to purchase new boats and gear for reaching 140 countries and more than 1 billion viewers yearly. its students. In addition, Juliet and her husband, Ken, offered free Teams of rafters from a dozen different countries competed in clinics to Sweet Briar students. "Not only did Juliet and Ken help three separate events over the course of Gauley Fest weekend. us with the boats and gear, but they gave us the gift of their own 1.Head-to-head sprint: Two teams set off simultaneously to experience," says Laura Staman, director of the outdoor program. race through the Fayette Station Rapid on the New River. She hopes the new equipment will allow more students to become The winner of each heat advanced through a series of heats involved in whitewater. until two rafts were left in the final. The final two teams battled for first and second place. 2. Raft slalom: Each team had two chances to race the course, consisting of 12 gates hung over and throughout Fayette Station Rapid on the New River. This event tested the teams' technical skills. 3. Downriver Race: This race consisted of nine miles of fast- paced, adrenaline-filled rafting down the Gauley River. Teams raced for the title of fastest in the world. Important Race News! By Ric Gusic/ Race Organizer April 13th, 2002 - Lower Big Sandy Race Last year during the annual Cheat River Festival, a race was planned down the lower Big Sandy. Unfortunately, due to low water, the race had to be cancelled. This year another attempt will be held on Saturday, April 13th. As last year, the race will be dependent upon rainfall and water levels, so hope for rain! The appropriate water levels for the race are still being decided, but there will be a low and high water cut-off. Tentative plans are for the race to be a mass start, beginning at the bridge in Rockville and ending at the take-out (the confluence with the Cheat River). For information regarding safety,prizes, sponsors and rules visit If you have any thoughts, opinions, or ideas, let us know via the site. Cheat River Race 2002 A few weeks later, the annual Cheat River race is scheduled. The race will take place the Friday evening before the festival. The start will be 5:15pm. The race will be held in a format similar to last year, using a mass start. Entry donation will remain at $20, which will include refreshments (yes, beer) at the take-out, shuttle, t-shirts, afestival pass, prizes, and a post race party.Again, only $20 for all this... plus proceeds benefit the Friends of the Cheat. Plans are also in the works to address last year's top suggestion, food. We hope to have arrangements worked out for some type of meal at the party. No promises, but we're trying. Finally, similiar race classes will be used and the team competi- tion will return. As last year, a minimum of three people or groups will be needed to form a class. The team competition will include both a corporate and a club ... because it works! competition. American Whitewater Affiliate Clubs may enter teams and we hope that the race will serve as a national champi- ph. 301 -746-5389 fax 301 -746-4089 onship for club teams. Check in with for all changes and updates. www,

American Whitewater January February 2002 rn Events

A New Hand Paddler Green Race Results Head to Head Winner The Sixth Annual Green River Race was the biggest 1. Jimmy Hopper Method for and best ever. A record breaking 63 people turned up to race. and the showing of spectators was three times SHORT BOAT CLASS New past crowds. Top times were almost 20 seconds better 1. Pat Keller ...... 5:19 than previous years. and the head to head was huge. 2. Jeff Owen ...... 5:27 3. Lane Rankin ...... 5:30 featuring heats with as many as 5 kayakers at once 4. Brad Kee ...... 5:32 Paddlers racing through the drops. 5. Brad Hinds ...... 5:38 By Risa Shimoda Big thanks go out to the follbwing organizations who 6. Shane Benedict ...... 5:39 7. Jason Parker ...... 5:50 We have become a pretty impatient gave us their support: Pyranha. Watershed. Diamond 8. Rick Gussic ...... 5:50 lot. We want to get a meal and our Brand. Asheville Pizza and Brewing Company. 9. Riley Carthart ...... 5:53 change in minutes at a fast food drive- Stahlsac. Impex. Red Bull. Perception. Penstock 10. Thomas Oliver ...... 5:54 in window. need to peruse the entire ProductionsRVM. and Wildflower Bakery. 11. Billy Price ...... 5:54 cable network before settling into the 12. Matt Gaudette ...... 5:56 next half hour of tube.watching. and 13. Katie Hilleke ...... 5:58 love to know that we can purchase a 1. Tommy Hilleke 49. Josh Bethea 14. Jeff Goulden ...... 6:03 couple of books and a closeout rain 2. Al Gregory 50. Chip Smith 15. Andy Grizzell ...... 6:06 jacket on.line. inminutes. Fortunately. 3. Clay Wright 51. Jimmy Hopper 16. Jay Moffett ...... 6:07 fast food can sometimes be healthy and 4. Chris Harjes 52. Eamon McCollough 17. Robert Pearson ...... 6:09 a good value. we often find an enter- 5. Bo Wallace 53. Donnie Kemp 18. Pat Bradley ...... 6:16 taining show that is worthy of our re- 6. Chris Young 54. Jeb Hall 19. David Kahn ...... 6:18 search. and the books and rain jacket 7. Jason Shephard 55. Dan Glauser 20. Stacy Heer ...... 6:18 usually arrive with minimal hassle! 8. Jason Hale 56. Maria Noakes 21. Chip Smith ...... 6:28 Now. paddling instruction has just 9. Nate Elliott 57. Jeremy Womack 22. Eamon McCullough 6:32 entered the world of addressing our 10. Eric Stritmatter 58. Brad Moulton 23. Maria Noakes ...... 6:54 need for convenience and demand for 11. Pat Keller 59. Toby McDermot 24. Jeremy Womack ...... 7:07 'deliverables.' This year. the Nantahala 12. Glen LaPlante 60. Amos Shuman 25. Tim Bell ...... dnf Outdoor Center is introducing Rapid 13. Scott McClusky 61. Eli Helbert Progressions. (an instructional pro- 14. Dave Hepp 62. Neil Killiam OPEN CLASS RESULTS gram from which you 'Learn to paddle. 15. Fred CoreiL 63. Tim Bell guaranteed.)' 16. Adam Hunter 1. Tommy Hilleke ...... 4:42 Rapid Progressions involves instruc- 17. Andrew Wilmont 2. A1 Gregory ...... 4:45 tion packages aimedat novice paddlers. 18. Jeff Owen HEAD TO HEAD 3. Clay Wright ...... 4:49 For each of several packages that are 19. Nate Bahlinger 4. Chris Harjes ...... 4:56 20. Corey Hall 1. Chris Harjes 5. Bo Wallace ...... 5:03 available. students begin by reviewing 2. Bo Wallace alist of skills that they should be able to 21. Chris Buckner 6. Chris Young ...... 5:03 22. Lane Rankin 3. Eric Strittmater 7. JJ Shephard ...... 5:07 achieve. The NOC's highly experienced 4. Jason Shephard staff members support their progress 23. Brent Meadows 8. Jason Hale ...... 5:13 24. Brad Kee 5. Tommy Hilleke 9. Nate Elliot ...... 5:13 and provide a great environment for 6. A1 Gregory learning. 25. Leland Davis 10. Eric Strittmatter ..... 5:14 26. Brad Hinds 7. Chris Young 11. Glen LaPlante ...... 5:21 If. at the end of the program they 8. Jason Hale feel that they have not achieved their 27. Shane Benedict 12. Scott McClusky ...... 5:21 28. Kirk Williams 9. Nate Elliott 13. Dave Hepp ...... 5:22 goals. they can return for another class. 10. Pat Keller . Further. if they decide to 29. Daniel DeLavergne 14. Fred Coreil ...... 5;24 30. Jason Parker 11. Glen LaPlante 15. Adam Hunter ...... 5:25 retire early from a budding paddling 12. Scott McClusky career. the NOC will return the in- 31. Rick Gussic 16. Andrew Wilmont ..... 5:27 32. Todd Scott 13. Dave Hepp 17. Nate Bahlinger ...... 5:27 struction fee. 14. Fred Coreil This is a creative program designed 33. Riley Cathcart 18. Corey Hall ...... 5:28 34. Billy Price 15. Adam Hunter 19. Chris Buckner ...... 5:30 to encourage potential students to 'go 18. Jeff Owen for it.' Itwill also create a challenge for 35. Thomas Oliver 20. Brent Meadows ...... 5:31 36. Brandon Roy 18. Andrew Wilmont 21. Leland Davis ...... 5:37 staffers of the well-respected staff at the 18. Nate Bahlinger Nantahala Outdoor Center to put their 37. Matt Gadette 22. Daniel DeLavergne .. 5:49 well-deserved reputation on the (bot- 38. Matt Sheridan 23. Todd Scott ...... 5:50 tom) line. No guts no glory. 39. Katie Hilleke HAND PADDLERS 24. Matt Sheridan ...... 5:57 American Whitewater wishes the 40. Jeff Golden 1. Kirk Williams ...... 5:45 25. Casey Mitchell ...... 6:09 NOC the best with their new program. 41. Andy Grizzell 2. Brandon Roy ...... 5:56 26. Josh Bethea ...... 6:21 First of all. they deserve kudos for ag- 42. Jay Moffat 3. Drew Refshuage ...... 6:17 27. Jeb Hall ...... 6:45 gressively pursuing a new method to 43. Casey Mitchell 4. Jimmy Hopper ...... 6:30 28. Brad Moulton ...... 7:25 reach and teach new boaters. In addi- 44. Robert Pearson 5. Donnie Kemp ...... 6:42 29. Toby Mcdermott ...... 7:56 tion. Rapid Progressions students will 45. Pat Bradley 6. Dan Glauser ...... 6:44 30. Amos Shuman ...... 894 become members of American 46. Drew Refshauge 7. Luke Garland ...... 16:07 31. Eli Helbert ...... 8:33 Whitewater. as a part of their program 47. David Kahn 32. Neal Killiam ...... 10:lO enrollment. 48. Stacy Heer American Whitewater v January February 2002 cn Events

Author: Greg & Sue Hanlon Reviewed by Barney Bonito

LefT: Paddler, Lance Alpi running the last drop on he Mettawee River, N.Y. Photo by Barney Bonito.

Bottom: Paddler, Lance Alpi nailing the 1st descent of Shelburn Falls, MA. Photo by Barney Bonito.

northeast. Greg knows this creek very well. According to the guide, the Big Branch located in Danby, , received the highest rating of three stars for its qual- ity of whitewater and outstand- ing scenery. Brian Totten and Steve Heanue first ran this bench- mark creek in 1997. Cascade Brook is another creek that has almost no docu- mentation at all, except in Steep Creeks ofNewEngland. Flowing down the backside of one of the largest vertical walls in all of New There are only a handful of the runnable hair before they an easy-to-understand format. England, Cannon Mountain, this Northeastern whitewater guide- moved away from their home The descriptions are very accu- 650 feet per mile creek defines books to choose from, but none state of Vermont. Hanlon's book rate, but not too lengthy. why New Hampshire is called of them are as specialized and exposes these creeks and others Consider the Big Branch, one "The Granite State." informative to the seasonedcreek to the whitewater community in of the standards for Class V in the The guide does not document boater as Steep Creeks of New Englandby Greg and Sue Hanlon. This guide picks up where all the others left off. Greg and Sue Hanlon give the Class Vwhitewa- ter community the vital logisti- cal information it needs to run the steep, in-your-face whitewa- ter of beautiful New England. The guide contains 29 descrip- tions of creeks located from southern Massachusetts to the northern woods of Maine. Spe- cific details are broken down into 6 categories: general informa- tion, description, water levels, shuttle, history, and additional information. The guide also con- tains topographical maps. The book also includes rare pictures ofthe most famous boat- ers from New England, the Kern brothers, who, to this day, set the standard for safe New England creek boating. The biggest myth about northeastern creek boating is that the Kern Brothers paddled all American Whitewater January February 2002 Events any boating in the great state of New York. ' Steep Creeks of A'eul England also does not cover all of the creek boating possibilities in the northeast. Nor does it claim to. In the final pages of his book, the Hanlon's list a handful of these runs that define the future of hair boat- ing. Such runs like Black Brook in the Rerk- shire Mountains of Massachusetts, which is 100 yards of game day \vhitewater, 1" descent by Steve Heanue and Lance Alpi. Greg also mentions Kent Falls " ' ' ' ' ' " ' Connecticut. This is t the outer fringe of h even consider as the boating. Kent Falls BI descent. It is this kin1 Greg's book, Steep C gains respect from tl New England creek bc According to the spreadsheet, found in trend of springtime starts in March and el really essential to any

I i and absolutely mandatory for the Top: Paddler,Barney BO- seasoned creek boater that just nzto runnlng Button Falls, needs a little guidance. Steep VT,photo by Lance A@. 1 Creeks of New England is pub- lished by England Bottom: Lance Alpi scout- Cartographics, costs $14.95, and the yet to be run Li;nper can be found on sale online at ing Gorge of Bourn Brook, VT. Photo by Barney Bonito. Editor's note: If you access Amazon.comvia the AWwebsite, you help AW out!

American White water January February 2002 WHEN FLASH FLOODS HIT: The first descent of White Oak Canyon By Bobby "ZoneDogg" Miller

Nestled by the Skyline Drive was a raging torrent with trees steep this creek was going to be. in Madison, VA lies a famous can- barreling down it. We hiked all There was nothing but a small yon named White Oak. It had the way up to the bottom of Two- eddy separating this rapid from sparked my interest because of Headed Wriekazoid and prepared the next gnarly drop. its reputation for big waterfalls to put-in. The next rapidfeaturedasmall (6 of 35 feet high or greater) and Two-Headed Wriekazoid is the ledge into a boil and down an 8- 1000 feet/mile gradient. I had smallest of the major waterfalls foot slide. It needed to be run on hiked it in the summer of 2000, on White Oak (listed as 35 feet), the right to avoid a stiff piton. but deemed it unrunable. How- but it is probably the least Below this a steep slide was split ever, the more I reflected upon it, the more I thought that it could be paddled. So I decided to go back for a second look. We walked up the trail to On Sunday, August 12,2001, Flaming Moe (the last major wa- my friend Joe Stumpfel and I terfall), then hiked the creek bed decided to hike White Oak and from there. We cut several trees clean out the trees. (There was out on our way and were feeling nothing to paddle; everythingwas good about the prospect of even- too low. We had looked long and tually making a run. Then, as hard. I stuck to the main roads luck would have it, we got ham- and the gentleman's clubs, while mered with aviolent down pour, Joe searched the back alleys and just as we reached Two-Headed the whitewater houses of ill re- Wriekazoid (the third major wa- pute.) So we headed to White terfall from the top). We retreated down the trail to the car. As we 9 runable. It slopes about 15 feet in the middle by a sloping rock. into an undercut wall, then The water was going over the plunges 20 feet onto rocks and rock, rather than to the right of into a cliff. The cool looking boul- it, as we had hoped on our hike. der drop immediately down- The water going over the rock stream had a large tree, so we headed down the left into adeadly started in the eddy below it. slot littered with large trees. If The first drop was a small that slot were an ice cream flavor boulder garden leading into an it would be praline and puke. The 8-foot drop, followed by a 3-foot right side was a cool slide that boof. This was great fun, but it dropped 12 feet. We decided to gave us the scary sense of how walk the approach to make sure

Oak to start our mission. raced down the trail, water was We brought our boats along running off the side gutters in because you never know what is epic proportions. We suited up in going to happen. After many the pouring rain and headed back wrong turns, thanks to the up the trail at around 5:45 with DeLorme Gazetteer that I wasted our boats. $20 of my hard earned money on, The first part of our hike with we finally arrived in the parking our boats wasworrisome because lot at the bottom of White Oak the creek was still basically dry. Canyon. We packed in Bow Hack However, the further up the can- and his big brother (bow saws) yon we trekked, the more water and prepared to do some damage we found. By the time we reached to any strainers we might find. Flaming Moe, White Oak Creek

American Whitewater Janualy February 2002 we didn't end up in the death slot 75-80 degree angle. There is an called A11 American Slam. This shell, Flaming he1s I:I

the woodshed beating to this per hour (using actual Aircraft drop. I peeled out and launched measurements.. .they use Air- such a SIKone I that flew through craft in Virginia). But I hit a rock the air and bounced off the cliff at the crux of the drop that shot on the left (Oh Yesh! It was me left. So there was nothing I SCHWWWWEEEEEEEEETTT!). could do but run the left slot. I Joe followed with a boof that flew down into the slot and would have brought a smile to launched aerial as I dropped in, the face of even the strictest boof landing back on the s1ide.A~soon connoisseur. as I landed, I bounced again, this After a cool 10-foot slide time on top of a large piton rock. through a slot, we were out of Had I not bounced, the im- ourboatsscoutinga narrow slide. pact of hitting this rock could This slide had looked awesome have hurt a lot more than a good when it was dry, but it looked kick in the ass. Once I had horrendous with water in it. The bounced, my boat did a complete waterwent downa 10 foot plunge, rock 360 and I slid down toward perfectly and came screaming Energizer's Big Brothers (boul- piled up onto the left bank, then the pool. On my way, I caught a down Flaming Moe at a speed der drops that fall on and on). fell off a cliff that was creating a weird shelf that shot me in the that I never thought possible. It I hope to run White Oak from boil of epic proportions. We knew air and flipped me. I fell about 10 was quite a rush flying down this the top some day soon when I that the slot was clean, but it still feet before landing headfirst in drop, but my fun did come at a have plenty of daylight. Just pad- looked like it could slam you. We the pool at the bottom. I rolled price. I went straight into the dling the bottom half was one of made a quick portage, but ran quickly and beached my boat. I pool at the bottom and the im- the steepest, dangerous, andmost the cool 4-foot slot drop in the was okay except a sore elbow from pact knocked me into next Tues- challenging things I have ever run out. impact at the top of the slot (I day. You have to expect a mon- done and one of the greatest ac- After a good clapper, we were forgot my elbow pads). Thevideo strous impact when you attempt complishments of my paddling out scouting the 4th major wa- footage of all this is awesome and a drop as large as 60 feet, but this career. terfall, Minnie Moe. This water- should be up on time I was seeing stars. I was I can'twait to return to White fall is listed as 41 feet high, but it soon. knocked out of my boat, so I Oak for another incredible has a long approach slide that Joe wisely walked around this swam to shore. My boat came to creekin' experience. drops close to 20 feet. So the monstrosity and met me at the rest against the strainers in the "grand total" drop is about 60 bottom. We both decided to walk run out, but I was able to pull it feet. The 41-foot plunge is at a the next drop as well, which is offwithout any trouble. In a nut-

American Whitewater January February 2002

A W: When did American Whitewater, rapid flow fluctuations, and high summertime tion issue0 by the FERC in 1995 did not contain Shasta Paddlers and Chico Paddleheads first water temperatures. Whitewater recreation requirements to provide whitewater releases get involved in the Rock Creek-Cresta hydro- is virtually nonexistent on the North Fork in the new thirty-year hydropower license. . power relicense? Feather due to the lack of 'spill* overthe dams, American Whitewater sawthe writing on the KL: In June 1996, American Whitewater, coupled with an absence of flow information wall backin 1996 and jumped in to change the Chico PaddleHeads,Shasta Paddlers, and Caii- to the public. In fact, nearly 97% of the river outcome: American Whitewater jumped in to fornia Outdoors filed comments on the FERC was diverted for power generation in the pre- save the North Fork Feather for present and Draft Environmental Assessment for the vious license. The license we have just nego- future generations of paddlers. project. We actually got involved late in this tiated allows continued diversion of water for relicensing process but the project was far power generation, but prohibits PG&E from The real difference came when American behind schedule-the previous FERC license monopolizing the resource to the point of ex- Whitewater's Conservation Director, John had already expired thirteen years earlier. cluding all other uses of the river. The new Gangemi, began the campaign to restore the When we filed our comments asserting that license takes a more balanced approach, al- North Fork Feather. John's expertise in river the new license proposal failed to include a locating a percentage ofthewatertoinstream ecology gave him the ability to work closely provision for whitewater flows we were basi- uses. PG&E will continue to produce a signifi- with agency biologists to craft an annual callytoldtofocus ourenergy on other relicense cant amount of power with these projects but hydrograph focused on restoring the ecologi- proceedings by stakeholders already at the the impacts of that power production will be cal integrity of the Feather. This was invalu- table. In their eyes Rock Creek Cresta was a mitigated. After all, we all like our lights to go able in our success on this project. done deal. We didn'ttaketheir advice and the on. rest is history. A W: What were the major obstacles to restoring whitewater flows to the North Fork A W: How do PG&ES hydropower projects A W: Why didAmerican Whitewaterput so Feather? impact the North Fork Feather? much effort into this hydro relicense? KL: Actually, the obstacles seemed end- DS: Clearly, PG&E was attracted to the DS: American Whitewater recognized that less. Due to the advanced stage of this North Fork Feather by the same attributes that the North Fork Feather offered some of the relicensing process,the FERCwould notorder attract boaters; gradient and water. Unlike best roadside accessible whitewater in Cali- additional studies. We were lacking nearly most other California rivers dominated by a fornia. Furthermore, prior to construction of every study imaginable necessary to address spring snowmelt hydrograph, the North Fork the hydropower projects, the North Fork flow allocationsforfisheries, wildlife and rec- Feather River receives substantial input from Feather contained sufficientwaterto be boat- reation. The existing studies were outdated groundwater springs keeping base flows able all year long. Diversionsfor hydropower andthe data questionable. I would say thetwo around 800 cfs even in late summer and fall. operations completely dewatered these greatest obstacles were the lack of a Fifty-years ago PG&E constructed a system of reaches, robbing the public of a recreation whitewater boating study to identify boating dams, canals and powerhouses capable of opportunity and depressing commerce op- flows and speculative arguments about divertingmostofthewaterfromthe riverchan- portunities in the local economy. whitewater flows damaging the fishery. nelfor much oftheyearexceptduring extreme storms. This series of dams, canals and pow- W A W: What would have happened if Ameri- AW: How did you overcome these ob- erhouses has had massive environmental and can Whitewater did not get involved? stacles? recreational impactstothe North ForkFeather DS: To be blunt, for the next thirty years KL: Our first goalwasto complete a boating River. Prior to dam construction, the North boaters would have stared at the dry riverbed study in orderto quantifythe number of boat- Fork Feather was rated one of the top five wondering whatthe North Fork Featherwould ing days available under current operating rainbow fisheries in the country. That fishery be like with water in it. The FERC failed to conditions as well as the number OF days lost collapsed shortly after the hydropower recognize the whitewater potential of the due to project construction. This data was projects went on-line due to sedimentation, North ForkFeather. The draft license applica- essential to make a strong legal argument to '* (~ndry and critically dry years). Waterwill spill the U.S. Forest Service and the FERC that impacts. That's why the whitewater releases jf f.7 project impacts on whitewater boating oppor- are phased in overtime. We are confidentthe over Cresta Dam on Saturday and Rock Creek , tunities had to be mitigated. Unfortunately, releases will actually have a positive effect Dam on Sunday. The flow volumes will de- - PG&E refused to conduct a whitewater study on the river. ,- r. crease with each passlng month to mimic the c claiming instead that periodic spill over the downward slope ofthe natural hydrograph f?r. dam crest provided ample opportunities. A W Describe the whitewater resou;.ces th~swatershed. +,; a American Whitewater carefully undermined on the North Fork Feather. PG&E's argument at a stakeholder meeting by DS: The Rock Creek and Cresta reaches AW: Is this release schedule permanent? " ' providing detailed flow information proving contain a wide spectrum of whitewater op- IKL: The Settlement Agreement contains an that whitewater opportunities did not occur portunities, ranging from Class II to Class V. adaptive managementclause based in part on . ::4,s regularly. PG&E then consented to provide Furthermore, the granite domes lining the the demand for the river by whitewater pad- ..s,+ water for a whitewater flow study but refused Cresta reach create the most scenic section dlers. This clause, referred to as use triggers, :r s.8 to fund a qualified consultant to conduct the of roadside whitewater in California. Rock is activated in the fourth year of the license. :b study. American Whitewater organized the Creek actually contains two whitewater Whitewater releases may be added or re- &. * study which took place in June 1999. The reaches distinctly different in difficulty. The moved to each month based on usage levels *X- study truly marked a turning point-now we four mile Class IllRogers Flatsection starts at during the previous year. There is also an r* y! could definitively quantify the water neces- Rock Creek Dam and ends at the Dump Road adaptwe management clause requiring eco- -Y sary forwhitewater opportunities and overlay access point. Below this the Class V Tobin log~calmonitoring of whitewaterflows aswell ' $ '.?, that on the natural hydrograph of the North section begins the first two miles of which as monitoring potential conflicts with anglers. p Fork Feather River. We then began to work contain some of the best IVtI V - whitewater Negative impacts detected by either of these ,. with the Settlement Group crafting an annual imaginable-house sized granite boulders monitoring efforts could result in changes to . whitewater release schedule based on the sculpted by geologic time andthe flowsof the the whitewater release schedule. hydrograph. Feather. There are over twenty drops in this -. ) two-mile section creating a maze of slots and W AW: How will boaters know about the DS: Speculation about whitewater impacts boofs! The lasttwo miles of the Tobin section releases? UII thefisherv was more difficultto overcome. are fun Class Ill-IV drops. DS: American Whitewater will publish the First, we made a decision to only request release schedule annually. Changes in the whitewater releases that would have natu- The Cresta Run starts with two miles of in- release schedule will be posted after April 1, ' " rally occurred onthe Featherwithoutthedams. credibly scenic Class IV. Granite domes that once the water year type (based on snow- ' We felt flows in this range were ecologically stretch out of sight and waterfalls cascading pack) is determined. For up to date informa- important for both restoring health to the river down the sheer walls of the canyon. I think tion visit American Whitewater's >> - and providing boating opportunities. This the Cresta reach is the perfect introductionto Streamkeeper pages for the Rock Creek and & helped us distinguish between the interests in Class IV paddling-something that is lacking Cresta reaches (Rock Creek 4b protecting fishery verses angling opportuni- in the summer in California. The last three cwww, L. .. * ties. Some stakeholders referred to the pro- miles provide great Class 11-Ill beginner run >; Crestacwww.americanwhitewater.org1riv- 4 posed whitewater releases as high flows, that sports some good play spots. ers1id11971~). r A~ A 2.,s3.. when in realitythese were the natural flows of I?,. -- the Feather. People had gotten so used to AW: matisthe whitewaterreleasesched- 1 AW: Would you do it again? seeing only a trickle of water in the North Fork ule? I KL: Of course: there is so much to gain. .* $: .*. Feather that anything greater seemed like a KL: For the first three years of the license, There are hundreds of opportunities for re- flood. Secondly, we developed a plan to moni- releaseswill occur onthe firstfull weekend of storing whitewater flows to rivers impacted ' .?.- - tor the whitewater flows during the first three the month, June through October (in normal by hydropower projects all over the U.S. In $ ! years to determine if there was any biological and wet years) and June through September California alone there are 167 dams impacting =: =: L lay Day!

whitewater opportunities. I am currently in- AW: Now that the FERC has issued the year term of the new license. As part of the volved in a relicensing on the Pit River where license is there more work that needs to be ERC, American Whitewater will be required to hydropower projects dewater about 15 miles done to secure releases? commit resources for the next thirty-vears to of riverbed that would normally be great DS: We expect a huge response from the protectthe interests of whitewater recreation, whitewater. , ,, boating communitywhen releases begin. Un- and the many other conditions of this license fortunately, construction on Highway 70 com- agreement. bined with PG&E1s dams limits access and power relicense proceedings on the North parking in some places at present. To accom- AW: Do you have any advice for others Fork Feather: The Upper North Fork hydro modate the increased recreational demand trying to restore whitewater opportunities on project operated by PG&E with an 8 mile Class American Whitewater is working closely with dewatered rivers? Ill and 10rnile ClassVsection (see"0ld School the U.S. Forest Service and CALTRANS to KL: Show up at the meetings: otherwise, Meets New School," Journal of the American improve access to the river in both the Cresta other partiesmake the decisionsfor you! Start Whitewater, Volume XLI, No. 1, pgs 14-18 and and Rock Creek Reaches. This will require early inthe process and be persistent. Build a "Who would haveThought.. ." pgs 21-22,same some capital improvements. The Settlement data set based on sound scientific studies- issue); the Poe hydropower project also oper- Agreement callsfor PG&Eto ~rovide$100,000 avoid uncertainty and assumptions. Forge ated by PG&E dewatering a 9 mile reach con- f& access improvements with another strong alliances with other interest groups taining two distinct sections of whitewater- $200,000 in matching funds. American and agencies. Be aware of the utility's strat- 4.5 mile Class V and 4.5 mile Class Ill section Whitewater and other stakeholders will be egies - particularly the "divide and conquer" (see "Poe Flow Study," Journal of the Ameri- seeking those matching funds to phase in the tactics and attempts to "drive the process." can Whitewater,VolumeXL, No.4, pgs24); and access improvements. Alwaysmaintainthe moral high ground. Lastly, a the Oroville hydropower project operated by contact American Whitewater-they have a California Department of Water Resources. In addition, American Whitewater is part of wealth of knowledge based on a legacy of the Ecological Resources Committee (ERC). successin hydro relicensing availableto boat- The ERC is responsible for monitoring the re- ers. You can contact American Whitewater at sources of the North Fork Feather for the 30- www.americanwhitewater.orq.

Release Schedule for the Rock Creek and Cresta sections on the North Fork Feather River, California.

*Dry and Criticaiiy dry years +*Normal and Wet years $5'

OJason Robertson

Les Barrages Tuent Les Rivieres! "In a move suggesting Fin du Monde por Rivieres Canadian. that the provincial By Jason Robertson government has either It's not like I need a new river conservation cause. I don't. Especially not one in another taken leave of its country, I've got enough river and social issues on my plate as American Whitewater's Ac- senses or is gearing cess Director. But, sometimes, a place or a purpose worms its way under my radar and I just can't look the other way. This summer, one such crisis inveigled its way into my per- up for the next ception when I learned that ALL OF MY FAVORITE CANADIAN RIVERS ARE THREAT- election, Natural ENED by dams. Resources Minister If you've been to Ontario or Quebec for a paddling trip in the last six years, you've prob- ably seen the poster. You know, the one with the crazed childlike drawing of a paddler Jacques Brassard has with teeth clenched on a paddle and a broken blade. This is the logo for the Gatineau River announced that festival, which takes place on the last weekend in August. private buyers can This year's poster carries a new message, a simple message, in blood red handwriting, "Dams Kill Rivers. Les Barrages Tuent Les Rivieres." build hydroelectric Why now? Why 2001? Earlier this year, as the United States began experiencing power dams on 24 of the shortages, Natural Resources Minister Jacques Brassard proposed building 36 low power province's most dams on 24 rivers by 2005 to generate a measly 425 megawatts. Without exception, the beautiful and well- used recreational waterways." The Montreal Gazette 5/29/2001 Tool

At left background photo is by Julie Keller? Insets are photos by Jean Marc P0ey.O

American White water January February ZOO2 proposed dams are on infamous whitewater rivers of all skill The first time I went boating in Canada, my friends and I levels, ranging from wilderness canoe runs on the Mistassini heard about something called the "Sept-Soeurs" (Seven Sis- to the classic surf on the Class I11 Gatineau and the Class V+ ters) on the Rouge. People talked in hushed whispers about Seven Sisters on the Rouge {See sidebar for complete list- discovering the Seven Sisters as though they had found the ing}. Holy Grail. EventuaIly, my group found a kayaker who could I'd heard rumors about the dams earlier this year, but tell us where it was, and Brooks, Christian, Cameron, Paige, didn't believe that they were real. After all, if someone were and I set out on our . proposing to dam 24 classic rivers in the States, wouldn't The Rouge has since been featured in countless videos, boaters and conservationists throw their paddles in the air but at the time, it was still an unknown. The river had not and scream bloody murder until someone took action to yet become a destination in itself, like the Green Narrows in protect them? North Carolina; instead, it remained the stuff that legends The problem in Canada is that the population is too were made of, in fact the legend came complete with a small, the environmental laws are too lax, the rivers are too guardian tower, a foreign tongue, objects, naked remote, and people simply don't know about the resources sirens on the rocks, and six terrifyingly exciting adventures. in their backyard or that these invaluable rivers are about to We knew that we'd entered somewhere special upon see- be lost in order to line some banker's pockets. Regardless, ing the old log and rock tower at the top of the gorge, which Canada's government knows the value of the American Dol- bears the cautionary yellow legend: R-VT Danger Chutes. lar, and it's up to us to remind the nation's leaders that our Moments later, we came around the bend and were con- tourism brings money to the hinterlands of their nation and fronted by a bleak horizon line. When we got out to scout, that whitewater boaters are prepared to spend money on we immediately knew the first 12-foot drop was runnable, their vacations to protect these rivers. but it was followed closely by a second with a monstrous


(Jason Robertson

American Whitewater v January February 2002 "Hydro-Quebec has revised its estimates and says that a dam project with production costs estimated to be more than three cents a kilowatt/hour is unacceptable. Not one of the small-dam projects can produce electricity at less than three cents a MW/hour." The Montreal Gazette 5/29/2001 keeper hole and a narrow boof point. Following the bubbles, facing with time for one solid boof stroke that launched me we counted 1,2,3... 7 seconds from the base of the first wa- cleanly over Number Two. terfall to the lip of the second. Not a lot of room for error. In The third drop, sometimes referred to as The Slut, was a moment of comical hysteria, Brooks leapt down between deep, thrashy, trashy, sloppy, and easy. Tear around the the rocks into the mysterious remains of an old motorboat, bend, throw your wad, drop about 20 feet, and go deep. The posing alternately as a pilot, mermaid, and masthead. The longest I stayed down was four seconds. The Slut looked tension broken, we ran both drops clean then hiked back up fearful, but it didn't hold any of our group, though Jimmy and ran them over and over again before finally heading fifty Blakeney tells a scary story about Hewe Amalbert and Steve yards down river. I treasure the memory of a wonderful run Fisher getting pummeled there at this year's Montreal Big on the first drop, launching my Fury, landing and sinking Water Invitational high water rodeo (view the video on-line through the boil, pulling a complete mystery move, and sur- at

Ken Whiting, Tyler Curtis, Brendan Mark, Kevin Varette, Chad Hitchins, and more,.. -2,s and 5-day courses for all skill levels -Fully equipped base camp at River Run Paddling Center -INCREDfBLE VALUE FOR THE US DOLLAR!!

-Ottawa Valley Experience 7 day road trip that includes rivers like the Ottawa, Gatineau, Rouge, Petawawa, and more... -EX River Experience Paddle the best of the west, including the Kicking Horse, Clearwater, and the legendary Skookumchuk Tidal Rapids! -Top quality, all inclusive kayak trips. Call for a free video brucfiure! I

American White water v January February 2002 "These new small power plants will strip the Quebec tourism sector from vital assets and Quebec citizens from a unique part of their heritage. On the other hand, at the economic level, small power plants benefit essentially to a few private promoters, since they generate no employment." Federation Quebecoise du Canot et du Kayak.

Deeper in the canyon, around the bend, lurk drops Four and to a guy I've never liked or respected. Five. Four is a devil's choice; go right down the run-out If the Rouge was the only river on the dam list, I might slide feeding directly into the crapper on Five, or snake be complacent, but it's not. The dam list includes other clas- through the boofs and broaches on the left, hoping to stay sics loves, like the Gatineau, which is only two or three upright long enough to launch over the sweet spot on Five. hours from the Ottawa, and the Mistassibi in Northern Que- Either way, the margin for error is high, and the hole below bec. Five looked trenchy. Ultimately we ran both drops clean and One lasting memory of the Gatineau will be of watching our group cruised through with primal screams echoing giant meteors burn across the night sky under the Milky over the roaring rapids. Way. My friends and I were laying in the grass at the Bonnet Moments later, at Six, my nemesis, I had my glasses Rouge take-out, and one meteor in particular bounced in ripped off my head and was left with an arm in my Chums. green, blue, and red across the field of stars leaving a yellow Since then, I've run the drop about 20 times, in 20 different arc flaming in the atmosphere for several minutes. ways, and I've only had a clean line once. I don't know what Much will be lost if the Gatineau is dammed. Sure, the it is about the drop, it looks easy, but it's got my number. I river has some flat water, but nothing as bad as the lakes on think, I just relax too much before running it. the Ottawa and the holes and waves aren't give-me's. But Seven, is the redheaded stepchild of the run. It's the runt, there are five or six phenomenal big water play waves and and hardly bears mentioning except that there's a nudist holes with names like Lucifer and Haute Tension, and there colony on the left and you often see more flesh then you'd is NEVER a line to get on them. Imagine playing at McCoy's ever expect in a remote Canadian river when you paddle on the Ottawa or Hell Hole on the Ocoee without a soul in through the drop. sight, and you get an idea of what a visit to the Gatineau is It would be a crying shame to lose this river to a dam; like. and for me, it would be like watching an ex getting married I honestly don't know if I like the rapids, solitude, or the

American Whitewater January February 2002 names on the Gatineau better. Lucifer had a series of named out he'd roll up, place a bracing stroke on the right and ac- holes; the first center hole is "L'Ange Gardien" (Guardian cidentally throw himself in for another violent trundling. Angel), which is followed closely downstream by "L'Agneau When he finally rolled out of the hole the rest of us took de Dieu" (God's Lamb) on the left and the aptly named turns surfing and spinning in the hole and joking about "L'Anus de Lucifer" (Lucifer's Anus) on the right. Chad's cosmic trip before getting flipped ourselves. Haute Tension includes three fast surf waves with a deep, There's more to the Gatineau than awesome play waves; clean play hole called "Transformateur" (Transformer). I there are also the songbirds and raptors, the skeletal logs can't recall when I've ever laughed so hard on the river as and other remnants of the last proud bonnet rouge log drive when I watched my buddy Chad drop into the in 1994, the "bleuts" (blueberries) hanging over the eddies, Transformateur, blast the hole, bite the bow, and get a and broad six-foot waterfalls that remind me of the dozen un-intendo cartwheels. Every time he started to come Chattooga in Georgia. Beyond the whitewater, the most amazing and irreplaceable thing that would be lost if the Gatineau is dammed are the quartzite canyons. These crystal- line white walls look like icy gla- ciers with hard chunks of coal on the surface. In all my traveling, I've never seen anything like them, and neither words nor pic- tures do them justice. You simply have to visit the Gatineau to ap- preciate the canyon cliffs in all their chipped, polished, and re- flected beauty. After a run on the Gatineau, you can head 10 minutes upriver from the tasteful and friendly riv- erside, beachfront campground at Bonnet Rouge to Maniwaki and eat at the fabled Centre Cha- teau Logue for a five star meal at cut-rate Canadian prices (three beers, four courses, and great

American White water January February 2002 ambiance for less than $40 American), and sample regional The Mistassibi is a broad, shallow draft river where the wa- hi-octane brews like Blanche De Chambly, Fin du Monde, ter runs in thick sheets across multiple 6-foot ledges mak- or Maudite. ing phenomenal play and keeper holes. A night's drive northwest of Ottawa, the government is The crux rapid must have a local name (perhaps "Ha- proposing dams on five sections of the Mistassini and three waii"), but I've never run into anybody that can confirm sections of the Mistassibi. Both rivers feed Lac Sainte-Jean, what it's called, so my friends have alternately dubbed it the and both have long, continuous rapids with play holes that Funnel or the Firehose. The river necks down to about fifty make the ones on the Ottawa look tiny. These rivers are re- feet, forcing all the water through the canyon walls. This mote, have no local advocates, and are true wilderness runs forms a giant 10-foot high funnel that gapes upstream and ranging from multi-day Class I canoe sections to easily por- jets water and air out downstream through a closed siphon. taged Class V+ whitewater. The Funnel is a hungry and sloppy eater, and I've never seen Though I haven't boated the Mistassini yet, I've scouted another rapid like it. the last few drops into the lake. This rapid is visible from My memory of running the Funnel is incomplete but in- the highway crossing. The river constricts and plunges into volves gunning into the funnel and getting shot out the a monster hole that has a foam pile on the back that is at back. I recall a young Andrew McEwan going in low and get- least 20 feet high. Just upstream, there are a series of clas- ting troughed, while Ryan B went in high and got thrown sic falls rivaling the Streamers on the Potomac's Great violently into the meat. My vague memories are the result Falls. of too many nights driving and too many days playing on A few miles further North, the Mistassibi enters the lake. Canada's incredible rivers. So far, I've described visits to four classic rivers that would be shoe-ins for Wild & Scenic status in the States and protected from dams, but Canada doesn't have America's legislative protections, and their government is proposing as many as ten dams on just these four rivers. Unfortunately, the dam list goes on, and includes other Canadian whitewater treasures like the beautifully named Metabetchouane, Sainte-Ursule falls on the Maskinonge River, Neuf Falls on the Batiscan River, Kipawa, the Grand Canyon of the Chute Sainte-Anne, Matawin, and the epic falls on the Petite Nation. Canada's dam policy is truly a tragedy in the making. In my last Canadian trip, I spent five days playing on the Ottawa, Gatineau, and LaChine. I never used cash to pay for anything, only plastic. My credit card receipt was about $250 Canadian or just less than $175 American. I ate great, slept hard, played harder, and would've spent a lot more for the same culinary and living experience in the States. Sure I Brooks line of whitewater and touring skirts has a model to fit every paddlers need. Even raft guides in the far north. had to drive 12 hours to get to Canada from Washington And we're not just blowin' wind up your skirt! DC, but it was worth the overnight haul and loss of sleep for such an awesome experience and rewarding memories. Now, I can't believe that this experience is at risk of becoming only a memory, and that in just four years I may only have Brooks Wetsuits Ltd. Toll Free 1-888-986-3441 Fax: (604) 986-3443 e-mail: [email protected] the crowded play spots of the Ottawa to enjoy on my sum- mer vacations to Canada.

American Whitewater January February 2002 Back home in the States, I'm looking at the wall in my of- Want to help? fice, staring at my copy of the 2001 Gatineau Festival poster. Write to the Federation Quebecoise du Canot et du Kayak Dams Kill Rivers. If enough of us write to the Canadian gov- and let them know what you think of the government's plan ernment and share our dreams, stories, and experiences to destroy 24 of Canada's rivers for an inconsequential about visiting the rivers and spending our money in Ontario amount of power. The Federation will forward your com- and Quebec, we might just be able to look back on this ments to the appropriate authorities: threat and say with pride "Americans Saved Canada's Rivers for Canadians." Federation Quebecoise du Canot et du Kayak More information is available from Federation Quebecoise 4545, avenue Pierre-de-Coubertin du Canot et du Kayak at: and from the government at: Montreal, QC c Canada H1V 3R2 liste-preliminaire-site.asp>. Dams Kill Rivers in Canada Too!

"ean Marc Poey American White water v January February 2002 By Deb O'Keefe Welcome to JimiCup 2001, a boaters has blossomed into a Friday started with a clinic squirt boater festival! The an- unique whitewater event. Par- taught by Jim Snyder. Here pad- nual event takes place on the Ot- ticipants represented three dlers could learn new moves and tawa River and was attended this countries, four provinces and sharpen their technique. We year by over 40 people. This was ten states. Scott Docherty orga- were all lucky to have the oppor- the third annual JimiCup even nized JimiCup with the help of tunity to learn from one of the though it was my first year in at- several local paddlers. During masters and founders of squirt tendance of this great Canadian the three day event, participants boating. Many paddlers spent river celebration. What started had numerous opportunities to Friday at Smoothie, a superb with just a small group of squirt play, both on and off the river. mystery spot at the top of

American Whitewater January February 2002 JimiCup 2001

Left page top: Group picture of JimiCup participants. Photo by Ed Skrzypkowski.

Left page bottom: Squirt boaters relaxing and playing at Smoothie. Photo by Chris Martin.

Top: Chris Towles in a mystery move. Photo by Chris Martin.

Bottom: Eric Zitzow setting up for a mystery move. Photo by Chris Martin

McCoy's Rapid. Paddlers were bonfire and much socializing. able to achieve consistent down- Saturday was a glorious day, time in the five to ten second sunny and warm. More paddlers range. Someone should have arrived to enjoy Smoothie and posted an addiction warning on run the river. The Ottawa is a the side of the river; once you beautiful river, with big Class I111 got to ride Smoothie, all you IV rapids separated by deep, boily Madawaska Kanu Centre wanted was more! After a fulfill- pools. Some of these pools are Since 1972, MKC offers highly personal ing day of playing, we retired to big enough to be called lakes, instruction from Beginner to Expert in River Run Campground for a but the whitewater action in the Kayaking and Open Canoeing. Located on the Madawaska River, we provide all the comforts of a vacation resort. And better yet, our Rivers are clean, warm and uncrowded. Weekend and 5-Day Courses.

American White water January Februau 2002 rapids is more than enough to second could be added or deleted Langford Canoe, Shred Ready, justify the flatwater. However, depending on the exit move. Fat Eddy's Threadworks, and Joel extended periods crammed into a Paddlers had a total of five rides Harris' mom. A group picture squirt boat have a tendency to to complete their score. First was taken at this time to show off cause frequent stops; it takes a prize went to Joel Harris for a all the squirt boats and lot of discipline to persuade your total of 80.8 seconds underwa- metalflake glitter! feet that they WANT to return to ter. Second was Jason Rodwell The JimiCup was an excellent the boat for the next rapid. The with 80.5 and Eric Zitzow event celebrating all aspects of group stopped to play at rounded out the top three with squirt boating. It was great to Pushbutton and Brain Douche. 75.8 seconds. The longest single have a chance to paddle with a Near the end of the run, orga- ride of the day went to Joel: a to- large group of squirtists on such nizer Scott Docherty had an un- tal of 23.6 seconds! Back at the a beautiful river. Plenty of ideas fortunate run-in with a rock that campground, prizes were about outfitting, new moves, and deprived him of one blade of his awarded to all participants. boat designs were available for1 prized wood squirt paddle! The Thanks to the following compa- from all. All told, the event was rest of the group tried their best nieslpeople for their generous a tremendous success. If you to console him at the end of the donations: Dagger, Jim Snyder, were unable to attend this year, day by serving up large quanti- Level Six, Murky Water, Percep- be sure to make plans for ties of Kawartha Lakes Cream tion, PS Composites, RapidMag, JimiCup 2002! Ale, with some degree of success. Wild Rock Boatwerks, SiV, The evening activities contin- ued at the campground with bids for Nerf Golf teams. Both U.S. and "Canada A Teams were well represented, with a strong show- ing from the Voodoo Rocket boys and Team Bermuda. The course was rugged, with traps and pen- alty shots in abundance. Occa- sional interference from cars (running over the Nerf golf ball) made for added excitement. The golf participants were a hardy bunch, continuing the game by flashlight well after dark. Team Canada took home the trophy this year, while Team US. vows to take less penalty (tequila) shots next year. A fun-for-all downtime (mys- tery move) competition took place Sunday. Almost everyone participated in this event. Each ride was timed and an extra .5

American Whitewater January February 2002 $. A# Look for the e loose in 20 1;1 4 k,4

American Whitewater Januav Februav 2002 Saving the Gatineau! Upper-Gatineau Whitewater Festival By Don Karn Photos by Jean Marc Poey "

t one of the early editions of ship of the Gatineau was in the hands tion of development of ecotourism, but the Upper-Gatineau of a succession of lumber barons and there seemed little understanding that Whitewater Festival, Jasmin pulp and paper companies. They used once given over to hydro development, Lefevre, co-founder of the the river to drive raw materials from the unique of the river for estival, stood admiring the the region's forests to manufacturing ecotourists would be compromised. Acrowds of paddlers at the Bonnet markets. Finally during the early It is not surprising that the local Rouge Rapids pull-out. He was heard 1990s the log drive ground to a slug- community was slow to realize the true to mutter, in an odd mixture of awe gish but inexorable halt. For the first value of the River. It is bounded by pri- and exasperation that he found it in- time the river became accessible to the vate property, no public roads run par- conceivable that anyone, who had ever local community. Judging by many of allel to the rapids section of the river, paddled the Festival sec- aid the Kitigan Zibi tion of the Gatineau be- Algonquin Indian Resewe tween the towns of lies along five miles off it's Maniwaki and Bouchette, west bank. As Mayor Robert could ever let anything Coulombe of Maniwaki ob- happen to it. The awe sewed with some irony in came from the magnifi- his welcoming speech at cence of the river, the ex- this year's Festival, it took a asperation from its vul- canoe club from Montreal nerability. to help the local population Of course what Jasmin discover its own river and was talking about was appreciate its potential. proprietorship and if put- In the summer of 1996, ting people on the River the Portageurs Canoe Club gives them a stake in its of Montreal organized an future, then the Festival exploratory canoe trip. has to be considered an Aware that the log drive unmitigated success. Every year there the local newspaper reports of the had recently been terminated on the have been increasing numbers of pad- time, the initial reaction was to return Gatineau, they decided to explore the dlers on the Gatineau. From a modest control to outside, allowing export& Maniwaki Bouchette section of the beginning five years ago, the 2001 edi- tion of local raw materials, this time river. To their surprise and delight tion saw over 1000 kayakers, canoeists electricity. As with the lumber trade they stumbled upon a rare treasure. and rafters take to the water during of the past, the region itself would lose They also learned that this new found the last weekend of August. the benefit of the full potential of its treasure was threatened with hydro de- For close to 180 years, proprietor- own resources. There was some men- American Whitewater January February 2002 velopment. Jasmin range of skill levels. There are Lefebvre and club presi- several lines available on all dent Alain Bonin decided rapids, from the cowboy-rodeo to organize a canoe festi- route of the RIVN (Class IVN) val. From the start, the to sneaky RII (Class 11) lines objectives of the Festival following the inside turns of were clearly spelt out: to the river, to the sure-footed make people aware of the path of the well-marked por- natural splendor of the tages, all this running through Gatineau, to lobby to pre- pristine wilderness less than serve the Gatineau in its 90 miles north of the nation's natural state and to work capital. for the preservation of all But the Gatineau experi- threatened Quebec rivers ence is more than the river. As by donating Festival pro- - Karl Gesslein, a kayaker from ceeds forceeds the to Preservation the Committee of Quebec Rivers. Ithaca, New York, wrote on his to the organization of the Festival, and web site after the 1998 Festival, "...the The Festival started quietly in late in a perverse sort of way, leads to it's Gatineau Festiual was by far the best August of 1997. 150 paddlersi gathered success, the river itself cannot be ig- paddling weekend all summer. I was in Maniwaki to experience the thrill of nored as a drawing card. There are sev- skeptical about the 6 hr. drive but... I the Gatineau. By pure accident, I hap- era1 park and paddle rapids in the vi- can safely say that it was worth it. I pened to be present. During a short cinity of Maniwaki, among them La haue never met any culture that is as break in the frivolity of that first Festi- Gueule du Lion, (Lion's Mug) and La hospitable as the French-Canadians. val Saturday night, I listened with in- Bouche du Chaton, (Kitty's Mouth), They fed us, shuttled us, let us camp terest as president Bonin spoke of the but the main Festival run is a surpris- and gaue us hot showers and kept up a importance of remembering the objec- ing compact stretch of 8 km. (5 mi). nice five that burned all night long. tives, one of the most important being There are 8 separate rapids packed into Never once was I made to feel as stu- to make the local community aware of the run with minimal flatwater be- pid as I felt for not being able to speak its own river. I was intrigued, and tween the breaks. Names such as French... " shortly after, I introduced myself to Haute Tension, (High Tension), Le Two of those hospitable French-Ca- him as a local who wanted to check out Mur (The Wall) and 1'Anus de Lucifer, nadians "bookend" the main festival the river. I wondered route. Access to the if he had a spot for me river is provided by in a canoe the next Margueritte day. He hesitated a Lafrance, (the name moment, asked me if I Margueritte is also knew how to swim French for daisy, and if I had any hence the flower logo whitewater experi- on the access signs), ence. "Lots" I lied, while Isabelle and that's how I dis- Gagnon is owner-op- covered the Gatineau. erator of the en- The next morning I chanting and spec- jumped into Alain's tacular Bonnet canoe. I've been there Rouge take-out and ever since. But my ex- campsite. Nicer perience is far from people you would be unique. One ride is all hard-pressed to find it takes and lots of and they are precious others have clam- collaborators. They bered on board. There is now a dedi- (no translation necessary), give an idea share the paddlers' vision of sustain- cated group of local preservationists of the types of waves and holes on the able tourist development of the river that helps with the logistics and opera- river. But even at festival time, with with scrupulous respect for the natural tion of the Festival site. Hydro Quebec cooperating with a re- setting. But on the Gatineau, collabo- If it's the vulnerability of the lease from the Baskatong Reservoir, ration can never be taken for granted. Gatineau that lends a sense of urgency the river can be paddled by a wide In at least two instances, under pres-

American Whitewater January February 2002 sure from private hydro de- the economy. Indeed, the velopers, cooperative land- success of the Whitewater owners have changed their Festival attests to the vital- minds and now deny river ity and growth potential of access to paddlers, and the adventure tourism. Festival. And what about the Up- From the put-in camp- per-Gatineau Whitewater site at Margueritte's to the Festival? Do participants take-out at Isabaelle's, the get their money's worth? river drops 55 feet. Talk to You be the judge. At this a whitewater paddler and a year's Festival for a $30.00 hydroelectric engineer Am. pre-registration fee, about drop and we all know you got shuttle service to that they see two different the Festival rivers, two things. The paddler sees breakfasts, a supper, camp eddy lines, souse holes and grounds, hot showers, in- haystacks, the engineer sees mega- Brassard's own figures, 425 megawatts door washrooms, campfire, marquee watts. The curious thing about the represents only one year of what he tent, and a Saturday night Festival Gatineau, is that Hydro Quebec doesn't projects to be Quebec's annual in- party complete with entertainment, see enough megawatts to find develop- crease in energy needs. Admittedly, as auction, music, laughter and camara- ment profitable. we go forward in the new century, en- derie. But you also got something in- But Hydro Quebec, a provincial ergy needs will increase but one has to calculably more important. You had crown corporation isn't the villain in wonder if sacrificing 24 rivers to pro- the satisfaction of knowing that your this story. For several years the provin- duce a paltry 425 megawatts is a rea- presence on one of Quebec's threat- cial government has been talking of sonable trade-off. Instead, preserva- ened rivers will help shape local and stimulating regional economies by al- tionists encourage investing in re- native decision makers' choices. Your lowing private enterprise to enter the search and alternative sources of pro- continued presence, as a valued, visible ring. In May of this year the talk be- duction including wind, solar and en- visitor, will reaffirm their choice. Fi- came a real threat as nally, as Jasmin the Quebec govern- Lefebvre would muse, ment announced that you got to buy into a it would proceed with piece of a river. One its privatization pro- iide, that's all it takes gram for small scale and it becomes yours, hydro projects where yours to enjoy and local and native com- yours to look after. Any munities agreed. The other conclusion is in- Gatineau was on the conceivable. list of 24 rivers, with two of the 36 proposed The Gatineau sites. Hydro develop- ment at either of the River Gatineau sites, the General Description: Corbeau or Cgdres From lac Pain de Sucre Rapids, would drive a (Suagar Loaf), 47d52' stake through the north latitude by heart of the festival. 75d31' west longitude, There are many arguments against ergy efficiency. All of these endeavors the river flows almost due south for the government privatization program. produce more power and create infi- 363 km (230mi) where it empties into Ironically, Quebec Natural Resources nitely more permanent jobs. By spar- the Ottawa River. Minister Jacques Brassard, father of ing the sites, Brassard would leave in- Lac Pain de Sucre / Baskatong Res- the program, acknowledges one of the tact Quebec's image as an attractive ervoir: The first 130km (80mi) section most compelling. If all 36 sites on the adventure-tourism destination and al- from lac Pain de Sucre to the privatization list were to be developed, low the regions' to control the sustain- Baskatong Reservoir merits consider- their combined production would be able development and exploitation of ation for a 5 or 6 day canoe trip. It is 425 megawatts. According to this exponentially expanding sector of on this first section that you can paddle the so called "Scenic," a 20 km American Whitewater Janua, Februa, 2002 Neither should your outfitting Whether you're just trying to Eskimo Roll, or you're reaching fo Superclean Cartwheel, the goal of your outfitting should be to hol you in your kayak, NOT to restrict yolour movement. No matter ho www.riotkayaks.corn hard your body is, it's still elastic. So is our outfitting! Tel: (514) 931 0366

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(12mi) stretch of almost continuous Class I1 1 111, and marvel at the magnificent Trinity and Serpent waterfalls. Baskatong Reservoir: The 400 km2 (160mi2) Baskatong Reservoir was created in 1928 with the construction of the Mercier Dam. The dam is owned and operated by Hy- dro Quebec and has been used to control wa- ter flow to Hydro's three generating plants downstream. After 75 years of operation, Hy- dro has recently decided to install turbines with a capacity of 60 MW. Baskatong Reservoir / Town of Grand Remous / Maniwaki / Town ofBouchette: A 60 km (40mi) section containing numerous falls, chutes and challenging rapids. The heart of the Upper-Gatineau Whitewater Fes- tival lies in this section. It is also the section that has been targeted for private micro hy- droelectric generating projects. Town ofBouchette 1Ottawa River: The re- maining 120 km (75mi) is mainly flatwater, interrupted by three Hydro Quebec operated hydroelectric dams. Don Karn is founding member and presi- dent of Action Plein-Air Haute-Gatineau, an association dedicated to the preservation of the Gatineau River and its tributaries in their natural state. Visit the official festival web site at .

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American Whitewater January Februay 2002 Gau ky season 2001 has come and gone folks, leaving behind memories A: Although the project was autho- of blissful current-miles. well-deserved pummelings, a spectacular Gauley-Fest, new bags of rized by Congress in 1938, construction was tricks, perhaps some seemingly unjust pummelings, and, for sure, a renewed appreciation not initiated until 1960. Under the supervi- and fondness for that splendid sixweeks spent in our spectacular gorge. I have been reflecting sion of the Army Corps of Engineers, the upon the season from the perch of a treestand (fortunately for us West Virginia natives, bow project was completed in nearly seven years, season opens the last Saturday of Gauley season every year.) Although my freezer remains and was dedicated by President Lyndon B. empty, the treestand think-perch has yielded some food for thought about the Gauley. In an Johnson September 3,1966. effort to set the record straight on some very common myths/misconceptions often repeated on the tailwaters of the Gauley, I paid avisit to our friends at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers a: Will the new hy- in Summersville. Amaze your paddling buddies with the answers the next time you head to the Mountain State to paddle. droelectric power project together in 1983 to make some decisions effect the releases dur- a: Why is there a regarding future usages of the dam, includ- ing Gauley seasons in ing the commercial whitewater faction, pri- the future? Gauley season? vate whitewater boater's factions, upstream users, marina concessionaires, campground A: This could be a very long and com- concessionaires, the DNR, the state tourism plex answer, but we'll try to keep it simple. board, the DEP, the NPS and the Army Corps The Summersville Lake Project is, prima- of Engineers. The main resolution that came rily, a flood control project. The reservoir is out of this concerning "Gauley season" was kept low in the winter, allowing plenty of the 1986 addition to the Water Resources space to accommodate the spring runoff in Development Act, section 1102, which out- the 803 square mile drainage, and kept higher lined and legally enacted regulations specifi- during the summer for, among other rea- cally denoting whitewater recreation on the sons, lake recreation. Water is releaseddown- 26 miles of river below the dam as a "project stream throughout the year as needed to purpose" of the Summentille Lake Project. assist in flood control, lake shoreline stabili- To put it quite simply, Gauley season is a zation, downstream water needs, and other federally protected entity. causes as deemed, in order of priority, by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Water needs a: When was the to be dumped in larger quantities every au- Summersville Dam con- tumn as the cycle continues. So, a bunch of Continued page 66 folks from all sorts of organizations got structed?

American Whitewater January February 2002 , . DOUBLE DIAMOND

-- <- . Foam Core Blade -- Neutral Bent Shaft "the ones you see on the water" [email protected] WERNER 800.275.33 1 1 A: Because of section 1102 of the Water Kesources Act , "Except in cases of emergency, no suspension or modification of (normal releases) may by made solely for reasons associated with the generation of hydro-electric power at Summersville Dam." On top of this good news, the hydro-power project operates when approximately 800 - 4000 cfs are releasing from the dam, which happens to be the standard range of naviga- bility on the Upper Gauley. This has been making, and should continue to make for By Travis J. Graham more Gauley days during wet times of spring and summer. What follows is a more or less actual account of one a: Is it true that the man's attempt to complete the Upper Gauley Race as Summersville Dam is the quickly as possible without looking stupid or becoming largest earthen dam east needlessly winded. of the Mississippi? 6 Saturday, September 22 (T minus 2 days): A: At 390 feet high and 2,280 feet Attend Gauley festival. Observe fancy kayaks which, to open boater, do not appear long, the dam was in fact the largest rock-fill to differ from one another except with regard to color. Observe giant trucks with dam of its type in the eastern United States giant racks, giant RVs, giant inflatable gorilla. Make rounds of various booths; upon its completion. However, the dam at make trips back to van where lemon drop shooters are located. After several trips Carter's Lake in northern Georgia now has tovan, observe that point of Gauley festival itself is not necessary to have fun, only that title. Our beloved earthen blockade is lemon drop shooters. now second in that category. ) Sunday, September 23 (T minus 1 day): Day of rest. Avoid all substances which smell of lemon andlor vodka. Disabled for Is it true that the several hours after brief contact with "lemon fresh" dishwashing detergent. a: @ Monday, September 24, 9:00 a.m. (T minus 5 hours): dam was almost called Arrive at Summersville dam. Cold and rainy. Fortunately, every man, woman, the Gad Dam? child, and dog in Gauley River corridor owns $415 Gore-Tex parka. Odd, since many otherwise appear to be homeless. Register for race, obtain T-shirt. Consider A: Sure is! The Army Corps of Engi- backing out after obtaining T-shirt, since obtaining T-shirt is real goal of neers generally names each lake project for whitewater events in general. Decide to hang tough. the nearest post office or stream on which it ) 11:OO a.m. (T minus 3 hours): is located. The nearest post office on this Race meeting. Get bib, instructions, takeoff time, directions to food, beer. Amble project was located at the small town of Gad, around parking lot, listening to unintelligible but intense-sounding talk from which was actually flooded out by the new foreign raft racers. By their hand gestures, I can pick out the word for getting lake. After briefly considering the name "Gad worked in several languages. German: "gehammerschmacken." Dam," it was determined that the name ) 12:50 p.m. (T minus 12 minutes): Summersville would be more acceptable. Get in boat, drift down to starting point. Interviewed by nice English guy with Sorry, Gad! professional-looking camera. Tell him I am not really a racer, but Canadian fur trapper. He asks if I am looking for beaver. Jocularity all around. *Author's Note: A very special thanks to ) 1:00 p.m. (T minus 2 minutes): U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' employees Observe fellow open boater Steve Frazier. Has paddle that appears to be con- Kevin Brown, Park Ranger, and C. J. structed of 4' x 8' sheet of plywood and landscaping timber. Also notice that he has Hamilton, Resource Manager. a waterproof digital watch attached to boat to time himself. Wonder if I should American Whitewater January February 2002 have small waterproof calendar attached to my boat. He starts at 1:01, atwhich time massive reactionary waves from giant paddle swamp my boat and wash away nearby mobile home. Little do I know that this same water is to plague me for the rest of the day. He bounds out of sight. @ 1:02 p.m. (start time): Race official holds onto my boat as countdown commences. At end of countdown, boat is dramatically released. Somewhat anti-climactic as I then stop to puff on airbag. ) 1:10 ish: Negotiate warm-up rapids, Initiation, etc. Using high-powered binoculars, can discern competitors in the distance, speeding away. Boat dry, strokes solid, but beginning to think I shouldn't have worn long-sleeved paddling jacket. @ 1:30 ish: Run Bud's Boner. At bottom, notice that some water from Frazier's giant paddle is still in my boat. I thought I had emptied it all. Stop to dump boat, at which time I notice gaunt figure dressed all in black, paddling black canoe, approaching rapidly from behind. Grim Reaper come to carry me away? No. Dennis Huntley come to whip my ass in race. He passes, splashing further water into my boat. Damn! @ 1:35 ish: Run Insignificant without significance or incidents, but, at bottom, find still more water from competitors' damnable splashing in my boat. Must bail again. Check under airbag to see if more water is hiding there. Paddling jacket was bad idea; feel like wrestler cutting weight in sauna suit. ) 1:40 ish: Iron Curtain. Run drop completely dry, but rain and sweat from paddling jacket almost fill boat to gunwales. Must bail. Decide to remove paddling jacket, so take off helmet, bib, gold chains, life jacket, shoes, contact lenses, wrist watch, St. Christopher, hair net, paddling jacket, etc. All is well until try to put bib back on; hung up on fashionable buckles on back of life jacket. Can't reach back of bib. Feel Continued page 68

rolls, the 89 Worlds, Rodeos, Pot

wave and hole surfing, Cl;rs$V,wipe- ~\, outs, Tunes by'.wmld famous fiddkrnder' PAPPA JOHN CREACH! stereo.25 Mir HI-~f~, (1 4' J" I, ,;' ";; '. ,. yd .c4 '.. * TTwr affi#nmym@ a&"d.&&iRAND CANYON. See the 6ig drops and an innertube run of Lava Falls, with some really wild tunes. HI-FI stereo 43 Min. / "1 +he &$, ~~gh,~~i8s

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American Whitewater January February 2002 Blazing Speedfulness continued from page 67 Dave's like four year-old unable to put on coat by himself. Mommy nowhere in sight. Dance around on rocks trying to reach behind my head like the guy in Deliverance for at least two minutes. Aluminum canoe full of Cub Scouts passes by. ) 1:50 ish: Pillow Rock. Run drop dry. Feel cocky. Hit small wave in run out. Stop to bail boat. Feel stupid. ) 2:05 ish: Approach Lost Paddle. Raft of determined-looking Slavic types tries to pass in pool above rapid. I cut corner, they follow current. Arrive at rapid at exactly the same Adventure time. Raft bigger than canoe; Slavic types lack western concern for personal space. Decide to catch eddy. ) 2:07 ish: By Russ Mueller First drop, second drop of Lost Paddle go as planned. Still some pesky water from un-sportsmanlike splashing left in boat, but no time to stop. Approach fourth drop. Am momentarily confused: it appears that someone has taken 50-foot inflatable "Help! Foot entrapment!" gorilla from Gauley Festival and placed it on rock in mid-stream. Turns out to be Charlie Walbridge. Experience feeling of relief that all boaters secretly feel upon The sound of every boater's seeing Charlie on river. Now know that if anything bad happens, Charliewill simply come and save me. Meet Slavic types again just above Tumble Home. They appear nightmare came from some- not the least bit concerned that I will crush their tiny raft with my canoe; in spirit of international diplomacy I yield right of way. where upstream. As soon as I ) 2:15 ish: Iron Ring. Run drop dry. Really. Look around to see if anyone saw. Nope. Sure heard this dreaded phrase I plenty of people saw while I was trying to get bib on like feeble-minded hunchback. ) 2:20 ish: Approaching Sweet's Falls. Decision time: boof or main line? Main line will was out of my boat and run- probably result in flip, roll. Roll in open canoe gets cheers from crowd, which is funny, since you only have to roll if you screw up. Boof, however, calculated to get ning up the shore, throw bag bigger cheers, since result will be either spectacular run or spectacular crash. This writer is all about spectacular; decision made. Hear roar of falls, almost drowned in hand. I could only imagine out by roar of boaters drinking beer and eating high quality commercial rafter- food. Moment of truth: boof executed, run through box canyon. Happy with run what deadly situation Dave through Sweet's, almost cancels out the fact that other competitors could have paddled to Gauley Bridge by the time I got here. Expect to be honored for hot boof had gotten himself into . . .. by award of cool hip-hop nickname, hopefully not Big Doggy Loaf or similar. ) 2:30: It had been a dismal year for boating. In Exit, river right. Woman climbing down rocks offers me a beer, says she can't carry fact, the past three or four years had left a it across river on back of kayak. I turn her down, expecting to get own frosty beer great deal to be desired. All the spring trips in matter of seconds. Fate plays cruel joke: beer on other side of river only. Lesson: had been cut short due to bad weather. My never turn down anything woman offers. Gorge self on rafter-food at rafter area. usual boating partner, my daughter (and, While gorging, notice fellow open boater flip and roll at Sweet's. Crowd cheers. truth betold, myself aswell), had turned into Give second half of interview concerning beaver joke to nice English man with a fair weather paddler. We usually did not camera. consider boating if the temperature was be- ) 2:40: low 70 degrees. This year was no exception. Take-out. Notice that foreign rafters do not seem especially sensitive to nudity, We spent three days on the Tuckaseegee, particularly their own. Everywhere I turn, am confronted by the bare ass of a then home, due to rain and cold. Maybe if we stranger to our shores. could hook up, we would do the Wolf once or ) 7:OO: twice. Race party at Class VI. Once again, overwhelmed by quality and quantity of Though Dave and I worked the same commercial rafter-food. Can't understand why rafters don't fatten like hogs on watch, we never spoke much, except maybe such a diet. Humbly take my award (T-shirt)when my name is called. Discover that to say "Hi." The day this all changed, I was nice English guy is actually the guy in charge of the Horizon Line video of the race, working the desk and it was quiet in the and that beaver joke has made the video. Therefore, am now Famous Boater. Look station, which in and of itself meant this was for boat manufacturer to give me RV. Doesn't happen, probably because I lack no ordinary day. You see, Dave and I are cops, goatee, nickname. I offer to work as team mascot for Rivermen Chicks Raft Team, big city cops. So we don't have many quiet especially for the one with the long blond hair and glasses. Same result as with RV. days. Anyway, while I was at the desk, I heard Drink until besotted, smuggle out giant cheese wheel. someone mention the word "kayak." Sud- denly I was all ears. I had never met another cop who boated. As I eavesdropped, I learned .Tuesday, September 25 (T minus 364 days): that Dave, an insomniac, and had recently Begin training for next year with lemon drop shooters. seen an extreme sports film about kayaking on late night television. He was telling some of the other guys that he had just bought a boat so that he could start paddling whitewater. American White water (((g January February 2002 My jaw dropped to the floor. Before I downstream in an eddy. my boat and flipped it over. To add insult to could stop myself from interrupting I blurted That evening, after the obligatory camp- injury, as I completed my wet-exit, Dave out, "Are you nuts?" fire had gone out, Dave slept outside the tent, yelled, "I'll help you" and plowed into my "Huh? Why would I be nuts?" he asked. "I not wanting to waste the rare sight of high boat, sending it out of my reach. As I pulled saw those guys on TV and it looks pretty easy. mountain stars. I thought he would never myself from the water, shivering from the If they fall over, they just come up again." stop talking about his foot entrapment or the cold, Dave floated by with a guilty look on his I no longer found this conversation amus- number of stars in the sky. Finally, he drifted face. After a hard walk down stream, the ing. I was starting to believe that he had off to sleep with a smile on his face. River Gods, punished me for my insolence by serious brain damage. I began to grill him on The next day was cloudy and cool, and producing two boaters with amused looks on his river-running knowledge: "Do you know before putting on the Nanty I made sure their face. They asked if I could use some how to read water? Do you know what a Dave had his wetsuit on. I told him that the help. I hitched a freezing ride on the grab strainer is? A weir?" word Nantahala was a Native American term loop of one of their boats and retrieved my Of course, all of his answers were "no." meaning, "Icy of death." If he gear. Dave was sitting on the shore, trying "How do you know all this stuff?" he swam, he would be glad for the warmth of the not to laugh and failing miserably. "Don't asked. wetsuit. Then, tempting the River Gods, I laugh out loud," I explained, "or the River "Because I'm a whitewater boater; I have decided to wear just poly-pro and a paddling Gods will hear you." He scoffed at the idea of been for a long time. You just can't buy a jacket. Dave asked why I wasn't wearing my river karma. boat, find a river and go down it," I said. wetsuit, and I sealed my fate: "I don't swim We continued down the river and both "There are things you have to know. How to on the Nanty," I declared. made it through Diagonals, the next named roll, , make eddy turns.. .." A thick mist hung over the Nantahala so rapid. Just downstream sits a large rock on A quick look at his face told me I had that we could not see more than a few feet river right. I was turned around, floating shattered his dream. Reluctantly, I asked if ahead. With Dave on my butt, we started out down stream backwards and talking to Dave he wanted me to teach him all that stuff. His on Dave's Big Adventure! about the falls. I noticed he was heading eyes lit up, and we made arrangements for straight for that rock. "Dave," I said, "put him to bring in his gear the following day so We paddled along smoothly some angle on your boat to avoid that rock." I could look it over. Dave hacked at the water with his paddle, not As you might have guessed, Dave had for the first few rapids. Dave's even turning his boat a little. His eyes got been "had" at a local sporting goods store. really wide and, as he hit the rock sideways, They had sold him some strange half kayak, boat control left something he (yup) leaned away from it. As his boat half canoe, and told him he could take it on flipped he started yelling at the top of his white water. The PFD they sold him was to be desired, but what the lungs, "I'm broached!" made for water skiing. The paddle would Dave bailed and suddenly understoodwhy either kill him or give him arms like a ste- hell! It was his first time on I told him to wear a wetsuit. His eyes got as roid-abuser. Dave didn't find this nearly as big as baby moon hubcaps and he was gasp- funny as I did. In between fits of laughter, I the Nanty and things were ing for breath. told him of a local store where he could get all As we were getting his gear to shore, Dave the right gear. going pretty well. The River said through chattering teeth, "I read about The next week we were off to the river, this stuff and now it's all happening to me! where he began his education in moving Gods started to take control Foot entrapments, broaches, what else can water. I won't bore you with the details of his go wrong?" I told him not to tempt the River training. Suffice it to say, it wasn't as easy as at Whirlpool rapid. I told Dave Gods by asking. "And while you're at it," I on TV. I will say, however, that he provided said, "throw that book away!" me with more than a few laughs that sum- The rest of the trip was mostly uneventful mer. With fall arriving and warm weather to follow my line. Well, not except for Dave's run of he falls, which I must waning, we headed out to the mountains of say was unique. He stayed upright all the way North Carolina for a paddling road trip. only did he miss my line en- through and didn't stop grinning until we Now Dave, being Dave, had wanted some got home. books about kayaking to augment his practi- tirely, he came all the way Nowadays, Dave has a new book that he cal training. Big mistake! Somehow he came brings on all the trips. He has given up his up with a copy of the River Safety Task Force from river right to hit my morbid fascination with river death and has Report.You know the book I'm talking about; obtained a talisman against evil: Nealy's book the one full of death, carnage, and destruc- boat with his, and sent me on kayaking. Dave won't leave for a boating tion. Not good light reading the week before trip without it. your first river trip . . .. over the top of the rock, into Adding Dave to our paddling group has As I made my way back upstream (fearing rekindled my passion for paddling. I am now the worst and cursing myself for not having the whirlpool. It was all I could involved again with pool sessions, sponsored a third boater along, even on the Tuckaseegee) by the local paddling club. Dave is a joy to I saw Dave, sitting on rock in the middle of do to stay upright. boat with because every trip is new and excit- the rapid yelling, "Foot Entrapment! I read ing, each new river he runs becomes his about it and now it's happening to me!" A Things smoothed out for a while, and favorite, each line is an adventure. What quick assessment brought me a sigh of relief, then came Quarry rapid. I ran the hole then Dave lacks in paddling skills he more than and then a fit of laughter. I realized that if he did asweep stroke and turned my boat around makes up for in good humor, love of paddling was sitting on the rock, his foot could not be to see if Dave made it through. I caught the and enthusiasm. No drive is too long for him; stuck. I told him if he got off of the rock and small eddy to the right of the first wave, and no run is too short. Bad days on the river, that into the current he would be fine. As he was sitting there with my paddle on the deck would have you or me talking about giving floated free, I fell over in the water laughing. of my boat, when suddenly I was upside down up paddling, have no effect on Dave. His Gathering his boat and paddle, I met him with no paddle. Yup, swim time. Dave had hit passion for the sport never dampens.

American Whitewater January February 2002 west virgin- ia~ctuall~ Designed by Walt Disney You Be the Judge! By Rex Dalrymple Illustration by Anita Eaton The Flashback The memory came back like it was yesterday: relaxing and fun, and reminded me of the beginning of the Splash "What on earth was that?" my wife exclaimed. Mountain flume ride. Floating through the calm There was a long pause before I answered. headwaters I could hear Brer Rabbit singing his tune. The words "It looked like... dancing chickens on a riverboat." seemed appropriate: There was another long pause. I'm lookin' for... a little more adventure "Yes," she replied, "that's what I thought, too." I'm headin' for... a little bit of fun now We were on the train around Disney's Magic Kingdom, and had I'm hoping for... a little more excitement just caught a brief glimpse into the show area of Splash Mountain. If Time to be movin' along you've not seen Splash Mountain before, it can be more than a little The Splash Mountain similarities continued. Sometimes the puzzling. Now, several years later and a thousand miles away, that trees would close in, choking the creek like a thorn-less briar patch. bizarre feeling came back as I caught the eddy on Otter Creek. What As we struggled with overhanging and downed trees, another verse was it I had just seen? came to mind. This time a turtle, concerned for Brer Rabbit, sang: He's lookin' for... a little more adventure But he's headed for... a little bit of trouble Enjoy Your Ride I He's headin' for... a little bit of danger West Virginia's Otter Creek begins in a Rhododendron bog, Time to be turnin' around meandering through low trees and pleasant meadows. The creek is At one point, the trees formed a thick, gloomy canopy. A side barely a boat-length wide, and as Chris Dangler, Jan Ardner, Ed stream flowed in, almost black with tannin, and the creek became Bumpass, and I floated along single file, occasionally the first person dark and sinister-looking. Suddenly the river reminded me less of in line could talk to the last as we negotiated a tight bend. It was Splash Mountain and more like another Magic Kingdom boat ride,

American Whitewater January February 2002 Pirates of the Caribbean, which starts with the haunting phrase: of the eddy. To river left was an island I couldn't see over. The "Dead... men... tell... no... tales." current on my side of the island flowed into a rock and log sieve As the gradient picked up, I tried to purge the thought of Pirates where Ed's boat had stopped. Chris had caught a micro-eddy just of the Caribbean by singing the second song from Splash Mountain. above it, and he was currently busy hauling two boats and two In this tune Brer Rabbit goes to his Laughing Place. As the river paddles around the obstruction. Through pantomime gestures, I became more bouncy and fun the song seemed fitting. Perhaps, I asked if I should come down where he was. No! was the emphatic thought, rivers are my Laughing Place: reply. He already had his hands full without another boat in that Everybody's got a Laughing Place confined space. A Laughing Place, to go-ho-ho I paddled up in the eddy to check out my other options. The little We found one that's filled with fun waterfall drummed on my helmet like a heavy rain shower. Attaining And you'll find yours we know-ho-ho the previous eddy was not possible. It looked like I could ferry over above the island and run the river left side, but I couldn't tell if that Keep Your Hands and Arms Inside the Boat side was clean. What I could see was a piton rock and a tree across the river on that side. They looked avoidable, but I couldn't see the The gradient kept increasing, and the rapids got longer and water, just the things that stuck up. The only way to get on the island harder to scout. Successful negotiation of the rapids required both and scout from there would be to broach on the upstream point and tactical river reading (watching the water immediately in front of risk being swept down one side or the other. Hmm.. .. I looked at the you), and strategic river reading (looking farther downstream to find shore side. I'm not a climber, but I grabbed a piece of the bank wall a line, an eddy, or potential hazards). At one point, strategizing about to see if it was possible to climb out. It came off in my hand. I was the next 20 yards, I failed to pay sufficient attention to a hole I was stuck. punching, and flipped. As I set up to roll, I remember thinking, "Wow In Splash Mountain, Brer Fox and Brer Bear do eventually trap this is really deep; I thought it would be shal-" Brer Rabbit, and things look bad for the fuzzy bunny. At this point Bam! Bam! Bam! I washed over the rock, rolled up a second the ride plunges into a dark cavern where Brer Rabbit is to meet his later, and made a beeline for the first eddy, with blood pouring from fate. At the lip of the drop, twovultures perch above the boats, saying: my knuckles. "Time to be turnin' around... if only you could" Beeline - hmm.. .. That reminded me of the scene in Splash "If you finally found your Laughing Place, how come you aren't Mountain where Brer Bear, chasing Brer Rabbit, follows him into his laughing?" Laughing Place, and somehow ends up with a beehive on his head. Eventually Jan was able to scout the far side of the island for me It's funny for everyone-except the bear. Was I to be Brer Rabbit that - it was okay. Thanks again, Jan. day, or Brer Bear? Be Aware, the Boats May Slop at Any Time Hang On to All Loose Articles A short time later, I was punching a hole at the bottom (so I A few rapids later, I was running sweep. Everyone had bounced thought) of another rapid, when I was blinded momentarily by the down the center-right for 50 yards, then made a sharp left behind a splash. As I cleared my eyes, I missed taking two critical paddle big rock, presumably catching the eddy that must be there. After an strokes that would have brought me into the eddy with my friends. appropriate pause, I followed, expecting to turn behind the rock and Looking downstream for the next eddy, I saw every boater's night- find my friends in the eddy. As I came around the rock, I was mare: a fallen tree across the river, and no place to stop. I had brief dumbfounded to discover visions of popping my skirt and climbing over the tree, but instead 1: no friends I saw a high spot that I could get under. After some furious 2: no eddy backferrying, a limbo move, and a dropped paddle, I was under and 3: a mysterious voice from the trees on the left bank saying, "Go past the tree. One 30-yard boulder garden later, I recovered my Mumbrimlbt!" paddle and eddied out. There's nothing like a river-wide strainer to "Huh?" I thought, "this might be important." get your heart rate up! "Go RIGHT!" the voice helpfully repeated. At this point, Chris said we should stick a little closer together, I took some hard strokes to the right and concentrated on so everyone could see the lines. Since he was the only one who had negotiating an angled four-foot ledge with a weird boily hole - but on done this river before, we complied. Bouncing down the very next my left was... (long pause) dancing chickens on a riverboat? No, it rapid, we spied another tree blocking the bottom of the drop. A slot looked more like... an overturned root ball from a giant tree sitting along the bank might have been clean, but we couldn't tell. Chris just behind a big pour-over. Next to the root ball was an upside-down caught the only eddy available, a sporty one-boat model on the left kayak and a swimmer; just below it sat an upright kayaker. bank. Following dutifully close behind, as instructed, I squeezed in I eddied out and did a head count. Ed was standing in a shallow next to him, not fully out of the current, grabbing a rock, then a eddy, gathering his wits. Chris was chasing Ed's boat, and that must rhododendron branch, to stay in. We looked up with dread as Ed, have been Jan shouting advice from the left bank. Thanks, Jan. How already committed to the rapid, tried mightily and failed to stop he got there I still don't know. higher up. A flurry of bouncing boats, flailing paddles and grabbing After a brief exchange with Ed, I ascertained that he was okay, but hands ensued as Ed joined us. In a few moments we stabilized, with his paddle was missing. The next hundred yards looked fairly safe, so water, rocks, boats, people, and a tree branch forming a delicate force I followed Chris downstream, looking for the paddle. I spotted it, and balance puzzle. Janwatched, grimly, from the top of the rapid. After caught up to it in 100yards, but I couldn't grab it before it floated into a careful discussion of physics, and deliberate execution of our plan, the next rapid. Chris had eddied out in the rapid, and the paddle was Chris was able to get on shore and scout the slot. headed right for him, so I got his attention, and he fished it out. It was okay, though not easy. I screwed up and ran it backwards. In Case of Emergency, Please Notify an Attendant Please Remain Seated Throughout the Ride "Okay, mission accomplished," I thought. Then I assessed my One long, steep, blind rapid followed another. I saw and used current situation. I had ended up in a river right eddy under an pantomime signals I had never needed before. Imagine trying to say overhanging rock wall. Water poured off the wall from a little stream without words to someone 50 yards away, "boof this rock angled 20 feet overhead, forming a waterfall curtain around the upper part left-no, not THAT rock, THIS rock you can't see from there-then American Whitewater v January February 2002 cut back right and paddle hard through the V-hole-oh, and watch A: I tried to boof the top rock but the current pushed me too far left. out for the tree." That didn't happen to you? The happy Splash Mountain song was gone, replaced in my head B: No, remember that tree at the beginning? - I hit that with my by the Pirates of the Caribbean song. As if the proper lyrics weren't bow, and it spun me around, and I had to run that first ledge grim enough, I would occasionally come up with new verses: backwards. Then, when I finally got straight, I was lined up for the "Yo Ho, Yo Ho, a pirates life for me boofs. We kindle and char, inflame and ignite A: Lucky you. I got creamed in that hole. Drink up, me hearties, yo ho B: Yeah, I saw. Are you okay? We boof and we piton, we're really a fright A: I'm fine. What's up ahead? Roll up, ka-yakers, yo ho B: Another horizon line. We kidnap and ravage, and rifle and loot Drink up, me hearties, yo ho Exit Quickly and Carefully to Your Right We get stuck in holes, and pin on tree roots Roll up, ka-yakers, yo ho After about five hours on the river, we saw some hikers, who We're rascals, scoundrels, villains, and knaves presumably had hiked up from the take-out. Drink up, me hearties, yo ho "I think there's only a mile or two left," said Chris. What's over this ledge? I hope it's just waves We all breathed a sigh of relief. An hour and a half of steady Roll up, ka-yakers, yo ho" progress later, the lightwas beginning to fade, and a mist was forming By this time I had six deep scrapes on my hand, a bruised elbow, that made it hard to see the rapids. We saw some more hikers. a sore wrist, and one finger was numb. This was definitely not a ride "I think there's only a mile or so left," said Chris. suitable for the whole family. But the rapids kept coming, and it was This time he was right, and as the gradient eased, we knew we were fun, in an intense, scary sort ofway. Atypical eddy conversation went close to the take-out. At last, the Splash Mountain theme was like this: complete, as the final, celebratory song (with dancing chickens) ran Person A (arriving in eddy): Wow, that was interesting. How did through my head: you run that? Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah, Zip-A-Dee-Ay Person B: I boofed the rock. Seven hours boating, what a tiring day A: The first rock, or this bottom one? Thankful that every-one is OKAY B: Well, both, actually. Wonderful feeling, wonderful day!

Filed original lawsuit against Auburn Dam 1Helped found Protect ~mericanRiver Canyons Lest you end the day feeling that the world should (to oppose Auburn Dam) thank you for gracing the planet with your smarts and Wrote initiative and ran campaign to great accomplishments relative to helping rivers, have Stanislaus River (Proposition 17) a seat. American Whitewater recently received a note 1980 Founded Tuolumne River Preserva- from Jerry Meral, PhD., AW member, with a financial tion Trust gift to the organization. He referenced a letter we'd Helped Organize American Rivers - wrote ar- sent to a few members to ask vaddlers to match the ticle in American Whitewater calling for such award for Perception's ~onsehationistof the Year an organization (2000) that the recipient, John Gangemi, has donated to AW on behalf of the volunteers who drive our conservation efforts. The letter was signed by past recipients of the Jerry has made an enormous impact on behalf of the conservation award who are past and present board members: Pete Skinner, Mac community in California, having worked as Staff Scientist for the Thornton, Pope Barrow, and Tom Christopher. Environmental Defense Fund and as Deputy Director of the Califor- nia Department of Water Resource (In this role he supervised the Jerry, currently the Executive Director of the Planning and Con- Energy and Water Development and Planning Programs, the Office servation League (CA), politely noted that he is also a member of this of Water Conservation, and the Delta Planning Program) and now at illustrious crew, and it created a bit of embarrassment to have PCL Under Meral's direction, PCL has been instrumental in the omitted this oh-my-gosh-important emeritus board leader from our passage of every recent piece of key California environmental legis- the letter, and more importantly, our thoughts. lation. Jerry is an early American Whitewater board member and was Okay, to get this over with - he was a first descender of Cherry honored with the Perception RCOY Award in 1984. His numerous Creek Section of Tuolumne, Wild lum Section of North Yuba, and the other awards include: Sacramento Pride Environment Award, 1989; Highway 395 section of Walker, Moccasin Creek. Gnarl noted. California Trout, Roderick Haig-Brown Award, 1989; California Common Cause Public Service Award, 1984. The list of his full set of conservation accolades would fill this page, so let the following river-related kudos suffice: [Hey Jerry, thanks for keeping us on your radar screen. Admit- tedly vulnerable to the pitfalls of collective memory and record 1973 Founded Friends of the Rivers keeping, we hope to I) never let you down in our pursuit of our 1974 Filed lawsuit against New Melones Dam Founded Friends of mission and 2) avoid silly omissions that may indicate our lack of the River care.]

American Whitewater January February 2002

Livin' the Dream... . . in south America By Mark H.White has no doubt been awestruck by the Andes Mountains. This massive range stretches from the narrow isthmus of Central Americaall the way to Chile's southernmost tip. Even at the equator, where the sun's rays bombard the Earth with incredible intensity, the tallest peaks are perennially covered with snow and ice. Them rugged Andes serve as a gigantic weather stopper, catching the moisture laden El Nino and El Nina storms that thunder in from the Pacific. As the snow melts and the rain percolates down the Andes' eastern flank, thousands of streams merge, eventually forrning the planet's mightiest river; the Amazon. It was to be our destination. We flew into and spent our first night in the capital city of Quito; a crowded city that resembled other crowded, noisy South American cities. Armed, flack-jacketed w~h~center for ~i~~~~~control has reported policemen standing at every other corner quickly led us to suspect that crime is a cases of yellow fever, typhoid, malaria, hepatitis, serious issue in Quito. Our modest hotel featured its own machine-gun wielding rabies. dengue fever and schistosomiasis....and security guard that provided some sense of comfort during the night. We surmised not to'menyion the very real possibility of traveler's diarrhea, infections and severe sunburn." The nurse seemed gravely concerned about the health conse- -A quencesi might suffer during my upcoming adven- Clockwise: ture. "Of course." she said. "vou'll probably. be .just P * fine as long as you stay away from water..... especially Gringas Revueltas, . - the rivers." Land of the Giants, I explained that three friends and I were making j .+ a. the trip specifically to immerse ourselves in treach- Vida es Dulca ,i.%. erous whitewater rivers. The good nurse gave me one Rapid, and on the of those 'You're being foolish, but I'll try to respect opposite page, your decision' expressions that I so often received as Quarry Surf Wave. a boy. She shook her head, then sunk a needle deep into my shoulder. She paused, then dramatically extolled thevirtues of sunscreen. "And be sure to get the waterproof kind." As my medicinal guardian angel scribbled on her that Quito was an interesting place to visit, but an even better place to leave behind. prescription pad, she did her best to offer a parting, Once in the countryside, I began to appreciate Ecuador's impressive diversity. positive observation about my objectionable travel Semi-active, snow shrouded volcanoes reaching 20,000 feet rise from the lush green plans. "At least you won't be riding on any rafts-you'd valleys, while the warm Pacific coast is only 100 miles away. The modern capital city really get wet!" I considered describing the Class V of Quito serves as home to over two million residents, yet only a two hour drive away whitewater experience I was anticipating, but in- are humble hut villages inhabited by indigenous Quicha peoples. They lead stead, just thanked her and promised to take my primitive lives, with no electricity and plumbing, often miles from the nearest dirt malaria medication. road. Standing at the clinic's counter to pay my bill, I The world's largest and rarest of birds, the Andean condor, rides the mountainous opened the newspaper to see that five Americans had thermal currents, while the world's largest hummingbird and countless other been recently been kidnapped while in Ecuador. species of songbirds and parrots dwell in the forested Ecuadorian lowlands. In a They had been abducted near the Colombian border; diminutive country the size of Colorado, the geology, climate, people, animals and not far from where I was headed, and were being held hostage in return for an outlandish ransom. The article insinuated that the Americans' fate looked bleak. This was not encouraging. But it was too late. Mv buddies and I had uurchased non-refundable aihine tickets and were kmotiona~l~committed to paddling in the tropics. I set the newspaper down and made a mental note to keep this information from my wife. Two of our party had kayaked extensively in Ecua- dor during the previous year. They had returned home with fantastic photos and stories of wild land- scapes and stunningly pristine rivers. The place sounded like a whitewater paradise, and I could only resist their promises of a whitewater dreamland for only so long. Disease and kidnappers be damned, I was heading south. Any intrepid mountaineer, climber or kayaker who has gazed at a map of South America

American Whitewater January February 2002 unimaginable downpours that caused the river's volume to double every few miles. We encountered no disappointing or mediocre runs while in Ecuador. But the Jondachi was my favorite. In thirty years of paddling, I've found very few rivers that match the Jondachi's whitewater, scenery and exotic soul. We accessed the river by way of a narrow, half mile trail that the local folks had improved by creating a yard wide 'board walk' out of ten inch diameter logs. Where the trail neared the river, it became completely encased in an overhead canopy of vegetation. The tunnel opened onto a suspended foot bridge from which we discovered a clear, effervescent stream snaking its way through a labyrinth of granite boulders. It looked like a set from a Tarzan movie. When not boofing, boat scouting or scrambling over the rocks to peer down into the Jondachi's next drop, we were marveling at the waterfalls, supernatural ferns and precarious foot bridges. Frequently, groups of green parrots, pendulum birds and yellow tails would fly from one side of the river to the other, then disappear into the thicket. Every inch of the river and surrounding land teemed with life, including the rivers are diverse and wondrous. boulders that were blanketed in thick coats of brilliant green moss. From the spongy Traveling around Ecuador proved to be nearly as moss, seedlings and ferns took root, providing sanctuaries for countless little fun and probably more dangerous than paddling the creatures. While eddied out to watch a companion kayak through yet another rivers. Taxis; both cars and small trucks, are common photogenic slot, I noticed a hand-size spider erratically jogging along the mossy cliff. throughout the country, so getting around was cer- The 20 mile-long lower Jondachi was equally stunning, and considerably larger tainly much easier than I had anticipated. It would be in volume. Countless Class IVpool drop rapids offered complete entertainment and possible for a party of kayakers to rely on the very infinite photo opportunities. Of course we wanted to document the beauty and good inexpensive public bus system for their transporta- times to show our friends back home, so we stopped to take lots of photos. We stopped tion, but this option is limiting, and not nearly as so often in fact, that we ran out of daylight before running out of river. Watching the efficient as using the privately-owned taxis. sky turn from blue to brilliant orange behind the horizon was fantastic and We once waited over three hours for a bus that had surrealistic. It was also a bit disturbing. As the jungle darkened, the natives became been delayed due to a mudslide. When it finally did restless. Croaks, chirps, buzzing and a hundred other indistinguishable sound arrive, we discovered our boats would not fit into the created a symphony that seemed to actually vibrate the night air. Silhouetted by the luggage compartment and the bus was not equipped fading light, bats frantically pursued flying insects all around us. In every regard, the with roof rack. The inside of the bus was already immediate place and time was perfect. packed with Ecuadorians who crowded toward the However, we were still a long way from the take-out and not prepared to spend the open windows, curious to witness the antics of boat- night among the creatures. We carried no sleeping gear, no dry clothes and no wrestling gringos. I wasn't sure if the passengers were protection from the bugs. I had long since consumed my treated water and allotment disappointed or relieved when it became apparent of energy bars. I began to mentally prepare myself for what would inevitably be an that therewould be no room for the Norte Americanos uncomfortable night. We would of course survive, but the thought of being crawled on the bus. We signaled the next passing pickup upon by hand-size spiders and who knows what else for the next 12 hours was truck. definitely not part of my dream plan. When riding on top of a stack of kayaks piled high About the time I reconciled myself to being spider chow, we heard our shuttle onto a bald-tired truck that is speeding along a nar- driver Marcos calling from a distant gravel bar. He had waited three hours beyond our row, winding mud road, velocity is not a desirable agreed upon arrival time, probably wondering how four people could have so much thing. Over time, I developed an appreciation for the free time and excessive wealth, yet so little common sense. We thanked Marcos older drivers who seemed to drive more conserva- profusely and loaded our boats onto his little pickup truck to continue our South tively than their younger counterparts. I was espe- America Dream Tour. cially pleased to make the steep, wet drive over the misty Papallacta Pass with a 45 year old driver who GETTING THERE brought along his wife and young daughter. I figured The logistics of an Ecuadorian kayak trip are not as challenging as one might that my insurance policy was the driver's regard for believe. However, a sense of adventure and the ability to speak a little Spanish goes their safety. a long way. Numerous runs can be tackled in one day and there are many rivers Steep, densely forested mountains cradled practi- located near villages or towns with cafes, taxis and even small hotels. Keep in mind, cally every river we ran. In many places, the walls however, that these cafes, taxis and hotels are not exactly comparable to what we rising from the river's edge were nearly vertical, but encounter in the United States. In an effort to stabilize their economy and attract nevertheless coveredwith huge trees, broad leaf plants, tourism, the Ecuadorian government just established the US. dollar as the official bamboo, and ferns and vines, that often hung 100 feet currency. This, of course, takes the mathematical challenge out of financial transac- down to the water. The water's clarity was excep- tions for us gringos. tional. Although the Ecuadorian foothills and low- There is a well-written guidebook that features about two dozen tried and true lands receive an incredible amount of rain, the lush runs-including the spectacular upper Jondachi. The book also sheds light on local forest acts like a gigantic sponge, soaking up all that customs, shuttles and places to eat and sleep. The book's authors humorously created falls, then releasing it gradually into the rivers. There their own 'Fiesta Factor' and 'Degree of Suffering' rating system, assigning one to six is very little erosion except in the areas that have been beer mugs or skulls respectively. (I believe the Jondachi received an honorable six cleared of native vegetation for farming and ranch- beer mug Fiesta Factor ranking.) Rental boats are available at several popular ing. destinations. Of course a sustained, torrential downpour can For those who would rather leave the hunting and gathering to someone else, so overwhelm the jungle sponge and cause the rivers to to speak, along with locating river access points, arranging transportation and rise dramatically. It was not uncommon to see small whitewater equipment, there are two reputable outfitters to chose from; Rios tributaries gushing into a larger river every fifty feet Ecuador at and Small World Adventures at or so. Waterfalls of all sizes and heights were a The Kayakers Guide to Ecuador can be obtained spectacular, yet common sight. We made runs during from Small World Adventures.

American Whitewater January February 2002 The Doctor is In!!!!! I I Having a difficult time reconciling your love life with your whitewater addiction? Share your troubles with Dr. Juste Kantgettenuff, American Whitewater's expert on aquatic and romantic Tricky Whu. Dr. Kantgettenuff will do his best to help you negotiate the treacherous shoals of the River of Love. And Dr. K is always happy to address and exploit even the most depressing and disgusting personal situations for the edification and amusement of our readers. So send your pathetic whitewater love troubles to Dr. Juste Kantgettenuff, care of the editor of this magazine. And if you're on your bike, wear white.

Talkaboutunrealisticexpectations!Imust to believe in such things, but sometimes I THE TROUBLE have been out of my mind. Ludnig isn't think that Ludnig is demonically possessed. anything like that at all! By comparison to Ludnig, Linda Blair's char- WITH LUDNIG Honesty Dr. Kantgettenuff, I can't be- acter in The Exorcist looks like Martha lieve even that Ludnig is a normal human Stewart! Dear Dr. Kantgettenuff, baby. Nothing as awful as Ludnig could be Ludnig has absolutely filthy personal hab- I have a horrible problem that is destroy- normal! We Episcopalians aren't supposed its. He spits and farts and slobbers and incl mv life and marriage. Worse still, it is I - keeping me off the river-^^ problem's name is Ludnig. Up until a year ago my wife Britney- Lewellyn and I had a truly blissful existence. We both had fantastic jobs and made so much money that we could afford new rodeo boats every month of the year. We had every week- i end free to paddle. In the winter we boated in Chile and Ecuador, in the summer it was I Alaska and France. I figured, "This is as good as it gets." Unfortunately, my wife wanted more. I should have known trouble was coming when she started to put little booties on the dog. Then she came home from her sister's baby shower in tears. Next Britney-Lewellyn can- celled her subscription to VOGUE and started to read WORKING MOTHER. Before I could say Peek a Boo, Ludnig was on the way! Amazingly, by the time Ludnig popped out four months ago I was almost looking forward to his arrival. I imagined my golden haired boy fearlessly following me down the South Fork of the Poudre. I envisioned him dutifully making hotel reservations, loading the RV.. . carrying my kayak down the steps to the Tallulah and up the mountain at Panther Creek. I was certain Ludnig would love and respect Britney-Lewellyn and I uncondition- ally, because he would realize that he was

American Whitewater January February 2002 drools. He pukes and pees and poops all over changes Ludnig's sh*##y diapers! Dear Mr. Regal, everything. He even throws it at me! What And when I decide to take a day off to go Dr. Kantgettenuff has some good news does he care? He doesn't have to clean his boating, Britney-Lewellyn goes ballistic. She and some bad news for you. messes up. We've gone through three maids says I'm being selfish. As a consequence I've The good news is that Little Ludnigsounds in the last six weeks. only managed to kayak fifteen days during like a perfectly normal baby. Little Ludnig is very demanding. He the past three months! The bad news is that Little Ludnig sounds screams all the time. Nothing ever satisfies Britney-Lewellyn thinks that I should like aperfectly normal baby. That means, Mr. him. The only time he isn't squalling is spend all my free time with Little Ludnig to Regal, that you are going to be stuck taking when he is eating or sleeping. And, of course, prove to him that I really really love him. She care of his sorry ass for at least eighteen he refuses to sleep at night like everyone says that sometimes she wonders if I love years. (Actually, given that you live in Upton else. Oh no, not Ludnig! He raises hell all Ludnig at all. To be honest with you, Dr. Downs, you will probably be stuck taking night long. The nanny is completely ex- Kantgettenuff, sometimes I wonder about care of him for a lot longer than that.) But do hausted. (And I know damn well that when that too. not despair. Dr. Kantgettenuff can help. and if she manages to get a valid green card, But deep in my heart I suppose that I My dearest Grandmamma, Connie she'll expect to be paid!) really do love Little Ludnig. Just like I love Kantgettenuff, always used to say, "Naughty And the worst thing about all of this is the the Republican Party.. . or Dick Cheney! But babies arevery much like plump weenies, the way my wife is acting. In spite of all of his I wouldn't allow them to foul my house and best way to deal with them is with a long, nasty habits, Britney-Lewellyn insists that ruin my life! And I damned sure wouldn't let straight stick." Ludnig is just the dearest little thing. She them keep me off the river. But no, I am not suggesting that you thinks Ludnig can do no wrong. She calls I tried to find a prep school that would should go to the nearest Home Depot and him her Little Fuzzy Wuzzy Teddy Bear and take Little Ludnig, but they won't enroll him purchase a baby whacker. God forbid! Time Mommie's Lovin' Puddin'and Pie. This from until he is toilet trained. Can you imagine? have changed since Grandma's day and I'm a woman with an MBA from Harvard! I'm My god, Dr. Kantgettenuff, that could take a certain that Britney-Lewellyn would never really getting worried about her. I think year.. . or, in Ludnig's case, even longer! I stand for that, especially there in Upton Ludnig may have driven her over the edge. need help and I need it now. Downs. Even more worrisome is the fact that my Instead, you need to purchase the follow- wife hasn't been in her kayak since Ludnig Respectfully yours, ing supplies: six 4'X8' sheets of stainless arrived. In fact, she shows no interest in T. Barclay Regal, 111 steel, a French drain, a heat lamp, and a boating at all. Britney actually tore apart the Upton Downs, Connecticut garden hose with a powerful spray nozzle. last issue of American Whitewater and used With these simple materials and a set of it to cover the table on which the nanny blueprints that I will provide (just $14.95,

women's paddles, ,f lifejackets, gloves, water I-, wear, helmets and much more

American Whitewater January February 2002 check or money order), you should be able to construct one of Dr. Kantegettenuffs pat- GOLDIE ented Deluxe Infant Care and Containment Centers, also marketed as Dr. K's Sooper CHECKS IN Dooper Baby Kennel. Once you have finished your little project, you can toss Little Ludnig My Dearest Juste, inside. Then you won't have to mess with I am living on the road now, sleeping in him more than four or five times a day... my pickup and competing in whitewater ro- only at feeding times. deos all over the country. And I am meeting And cleaning Ludnig up will be a snap.. . lots of fascinating people. I just have one just hose the little darling off. The heat lamp question for you. will do the rest. No more nasty diapers to Do you think I should embark on a rela- mess up the environment. One precaution: tionship with one of the male rodeo boaters? Ludnig should not be left in the box unat- tended for more than six hours at a time. Awaiting your reply, (Still, that's long enough to hit the river, Goldie Digere don't you think?) Somewhere along I- 70 And you need to do one more thing.. . and do it immediately. Ban all trendy periodicals and manuals from the house that pertain to child rearing. The Good Doctor believes they My Dearest Goldie, contain nothing but rubbish. Articles like "Teaching Your Child to Deal with Schoolyard No!!!!! Bullies, Tell Himto Cry and Run" or "Smarter, ~iggerand aster: A GOOD MOTHERS Guide Forever your servant, to Breastfeeding School Aged Children." I Dr. Juste Kantgettenuff kid you I not. Dr. Kantgettenuff has seen such things!

American Whitewater presents A River Steward Training Seminar

Sunday. Februby 24.2002 University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (National Paddling Film Festival Weekend!)

lhrs one-aay worKsnop wlrl provlae wnlrewarer acuv15~sWIL~I tools necessary to work on their local river issues. American Whitewater's staff of nationally recognized experts will present Whetstone" modules on access, conservation, hydropower licensing, events, Pot Hole Woode freestyle judging, the Website Streamkeeper Project and safety. Sin Squirt L, - - Limited spaces available. For information and registration, contact Nick Lipkowski (301) 589-9453. [email protected]

-American Whitewater is attempting to organize transportation from central locations in the Southeast, Mid- Atlantic and Northeast as well as the Colorado Rockies.

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American Whitewater January February 2002 Get your friends to join AW And win a 7-day trip in ECUADOR! For every 2 people you bring into AW we'll enter your name in a drawing for a 7-day trip in Ecuador with Small OUTFITTERS World Adventures. DRY BAGS PFDs INFLATABLES NEOPRENE CLOTHING Why should your friends join? CAR RACKS ACCESSORIES 1. It's about time they got their own PLUS: sub to AW Journal! BACKPACKING 2. AW represents their rightswhen river CLIMBING access is threatened FAhlILY CMING 3. AW is the only organization dedi- RUGGED CLOTHING cated solely to whitewater boating & FOOTWEAR issues NAME BRANDS AT 4. It's only $25! THE LOWEST PRICES 5. THEY COULD HELP SEND YOU TO ECUADOR.

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