Proprietary History of the Township
CHAPTER II . Proprietary history of the township . therefore thought fit for the due en- Previous to the establishment of an in- couragement of settling a new plantatio n dependent state government in Vermont , within this State, and other valuable con- in January, 1777, New Hampshire, whic h siderations us hereunto moving, and do province claimed the jurisdiction of al l by these presents and by the authority o f the territory now contained in this state , the Freemen of Vermont, give and gran t had issued many charters of townships . In unto said Phinehas Lyman and th e this way, more than one half of the land of several persons hereafter named, his Vermont had been granted before she associates, viz : Joseph Hawley, Esq .; assumed the responsibility of self- Timothy Lyman, Samuel Clark, Noadia h government, and the remainder was in a Warner, Samuel Cook the second, John few years granted by the State authority. Smith, Nathaniel Brush, Elijah Dewey , The process of securing and grantin g Lucretia Colt, Elisha Porter, Esq ., charters was something as follows: Upon Stephen Goodman, Moses Hubbard , application from a company of men, resi- Oliver Smith, Benjamin Colt, Daniel Colt , dent and non-resident, who wished to Edmund Hubbard, Moses Hubbard, Rev. become the proprietors of a township, the Samuel Hopkins, Eleazer Porter, Samuel General Assembly appointed a standin g Gaylord, Jr ., Rev. Joseph Lathrop, committee to examine the grounds of thi s George Breck, Heman Day, Samue l application, and to act upon it . If this Lathrop, Seth Lathrop, Joseph Lathrop , committee reported favorably, whic h Jr., John Eastman, Timothy Eastman, usually occurred, a vote was accordingl y Obadiah Dickinson, Obadiah Dickinson , passed by the Assembly, and the Gover- Jr., John Chester Williams, Esq ., Elijah nor, immediately upon the payment o f Dickinson, Elihu Dickinson, Elisha Ellis , the required fee, issued the requeste d Jr., Peter Olcott, Esq., Ichabod Hyde , charter.
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