The Illustrated Historical Souvenir Of
C?7 CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Cornell University Library F 59B54 C87 Illustrated historical souvenir of Bethe 3 1924 028 837 800 olih Cornell University Library The original of tiiis book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. THE ILLUSTRATED HISTORICAL SOUVENIR OF BETHEL, VERMONT. Containing a Brief History of the Eari^y Settlement of the Town, The Schools, Churches, Medical and IvEGal Professions, Old Families, Business and Manufacturing Interests, Together with Portraits and Biographies OF the Citizens, Past and Present. In presenting this volume to the public, the publishers have labored earnestly and faithfully to arrange the available material in a manner to interest the people of Bethel. The citizens whose portraits adorn this work, by their public spirit and liberality have enabled us to complete this book, and to them we . extend our thanks. COMPILED AND ARRflNQED BY PRED G. COX BETHEL, VERMONT. 1S95. fJ' XS1S6ZB — — : his request, and excused from future charges, BETHEL on his resigning his right to this body. No adventurer to be admitted but by consent of the body, except by purchase from some of us. By William R. Adams. Signed at Hanover, State of New Hamp- X> ETHEL is claimed to be the first town shire, the day and year aforesaid. -Lj in Windsor County, chartered the by John Payne, Benj. Day, State of Vermont. There were several towns John Ordway, Joshua Hendee, chartered or organized before by either New Comfort Sever, Pelatiah Bliss, Samuel Payne, Hampshire or New York authorities.
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