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yA ^rbnauts\w^ Space station if fired into orbit By HOWARD BENEDICT as a 33-story Saturn 5. rocket - The nine astronauts will con- flight crew. . operations^ . said like the Mercury, Gemini or physician, will handle the medi- Sunday that Conrad Kerwin : VCAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP ") thundered skyward to propel duct extensive . medical, scien- , . Apollo capsules. Skylab is as cal experiments which , have the 85-ton . laboratory toward or- tific;; earth resources, and; space and - .'Weil? are . "fully trained ; large as a three-bedroom house priority on the first mission. He — . Skylab, Americans first ' ' " : (60 space station , rocketed away btt. ' ¦:¦.':¦ ' . ' y - manufacturing experiments to confident and looking forward and has ; times more volume has a . dispensary . elaborately from earth today to serve as a determine how well man can id getting the big one off tomor- than . Apollo, equipped to monitor the health Their smaller, 22-sUiry Saturn Uve and work in space for long row and riding the little one on Each astronaut will have his of the astronauts. ¦ giant '•cabin in the sky" , for IB rocket stood on another pad is periods..; Tuesday." The astronauts : Sun- own bedroom^ There a kitch- ; Upon reaching orbit Skylab nine astronauts in the next 8,70o feet away; : ready for the : eight months.:: / ; . .What: they , learn will - set day sun-bathed on a Cape Ken^ en and a pantry packed with a will weigh 170,000 pounds. - When . V ^ signal to blast off at 12 noon nedy .beach ¦ after r flying here ton of food ranging from filet The first three-man crew is Tuesday if all goes well. guidelines for; long duration the astronauts' spaceship hooks missions of the future ; such as from Houston , Tex;,. where they mignOn : to ice cream. up with it, it will weigh a total ready to ride another rocket Also .observing . were; ; the underwent'final training; into space Tuesday to link up permanent space , stations , or There's a shower ;and a toilet, of 199,750 pounds and will be members of the Skylab 2 and 3 journeys to other planets. .' When they board : their orbit- stereo sets, books, changes of 118 feet long; with 'the station, which is as crews,: each of which is to, in- / large " as a three-bedroom ing . laboratory, they will find clothing, playing cards, a : dart .With a total of six wing-lika habit the station for 56 days lat- The information also may board , exercise machines and a - house, for a record 28-day Or- er in the year; - have far-reaching consequences "all the. comforts of home, re- solar panels extended it will be bital mission/ picture window for .' viewing a strange-looking space con- It. was the final planned flight in bringing benefits' from space ports Conrad , the . .Skylab 1 earth; And every seventh The ¦; —¦ Vs day traption. The panels convert Skylab 1 astronauts for the Saturn , the world's to mankind , expecially in the cemmanderY He is: a veteran of will be a day of resti ; ' : -,; ' . Charles Conrad Jr., Dr! 'Joseph largest and most powerfu l rock- survey of earth's hidden natu- three previous space trips,: in- the : sun's rays to; electrical P. Kerwin and Paul J. Weitz — et, which was built for . the ral resources/ .; cluding a walk on the moon. Arid the Skylab 1 crew will energy. . V watched from three miles away Apollo nioon program., . Donald K. Slay ton , director of No more cramped quarters have a Hve^in doctor. Kerwin, a In addition to the ferry: ve- hicle, which is a modified Apollo ship,; Skylab. has four major sections; • The 22-foot-diameter orbi- Skylabrjiiss ion tal workshop, two-stories high; which contains the astronauts', main living and working space. Bedrooms, kitchen, wardroom dt a glance and dispensary are located on the . first'• .- . floor., Upstairs is a CAPE KENNEDY; Fla. m- Here are the facts and fig- storage and work area contain- ures : on the first Skylab mission: ;..-. ing science equipment, a food freezer , water storage, tank and .LAUNCH : TIMES: - Unmanned Skylab station on > Saturn rocket at 12:30 p.m. CDT .today. Skylab 1 astronauts on a film vaults. Saturn IB at 12 noon Tuesday. Linkup'.' at 7:40 p.m. Tuesday. •Forward of .the workshop is ., '" ' ASTRONAUTS: Navy. Gapt. Charles Gonrad Jr;,"42 r Navy an: airlock ; module, which Cmdr. Paul J. Weitfc, 40; Navy Cmdr. Dr. Joseph P. Kerwin, serves . as part of the passage- 'a, physician, 41;. way between the: ferry ship and SKYLAB SIZE: with Apollo ferry craft attached, it is the: workshop and which is the 118 f eet long and .solar panels extend to -wingspah of 102 feet. nerve center of the cluster. It It is the size of a three bedroom house, with 12,398 cubi c feet contains ; heat and electrical of living space,, and weighs 199,750 . pounds. ': " controls . and communications " ;. PURPOSE: aboard America's first space station ill earth gear* It also will be a pressur- orbit the crew will evaluate whether meii can work and live ization chamber for astronaut effectively in space for long periods. space walks. ¦ ; .: - EXPERIMENTS: medical, earth resources, astronomy, •Also part of the passage Is solar; physics; materials processing. the . multiple docking - adapter, ¦ ¦" where the ferry ship;docks, and / FUGHT DURATION: 28 days. which contains the controls of . • ViSIBlLITY: at dawn and dusk-over areas which it pass- ; the solar, observatory ;equipr RE/U>Y TO FLY . ... Birds fly past the luge Saturn V es, Skylab will '- ' appear as a bright star. ment and earth resources in- rocket with Skylab I on its nose as a flaming sun rises out ORBITAL PATH: 270 miles high; passing over 75 percent struments. - ' ' bf\ theV oceah vaV^ Skylab of the world's land mass, that which lies , between 50 degrees • The telescope . mount, the was blasted into orbit today, with Astronauts Charles; Conrad North and 50 degrees South,: latitude;" . World's . 'first manned solar ob- ¦ READY FOR MONTH IN SPACE ... riauts flew to C&ae Kennedy, Fla., from Hous- Jr.; Dr. Joseph P. kerwin and Paui J. Weitz following aboard - . ' ' ' ' -iMISSiON -COST:, $554 million.-: . servatory which contains six . . Skylab Astronaut Charles Conrad Jr., left, . ton, for their launch Tuesday, in fear cockpit ' a Saturn I-B rocket Tuesday. The three astronauts win rein.. ;• : SUBSEQUENT FLIGHTS: in August and :November, the telescopes for studying the sun, . jokes with Deke Slayton , another astronaut,, with Conrad is astronauts' physician, Dr. stars: and other celestial or> dezvbus with the' Skylab arid are scheduled to remain in the Skylab 2 and 3 crews are to rocket up from the same Skylab; ' ;.' back to camera, after the three Skylab astro- . Charles Ross. (AP Phptofax) ; iects. It weighs 24,656 pounds. "house in the sky'' for 28 days. (AP Photofax) each for 56 days. : > - . At cape Tuesday Jo bald back in South Red charges Fo^m^r POVy^i Red*press^ df airraitJj ; /WASHINGTON tf)— U.S. intelligence analysis are study- "liberated areas" of South Vietnam, ihg indications :that Moscow and Peking may be trying to American analysts suggest North Vietnamese orders to to view laurtch restrain the Vietnamese communists from pushing for early the Viet Cong could have resulted, in part, from Soviet and lo be probed ; military victory in,South ;Vietnam. Chinese pressure. SAIGON (AP) - The Inter- By ANN HELLMUTH the twin Skylab launches A couple of recent reports point in that direction , al- For months, U.S. officials have been appealing to Moscow national Commission of Control CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. which begin today with the though the evidence; is . not; conclusive/ and Peking to curb Hanoi and make the North Vietnamese and Supervision unanimously (AP) —- When . Air Force space - station being hurled One report received through intelligence channels quoted live up to the cease-fire agreement. agreed today to investigate Viet Captain Tom Browning's into space atop a Saturn 5 a Viet Cong leader as saying Russia and China were exert- With Soviet Communist party clrief Leonid Brezhnev due Cong charges that U.S. . planes ing pressure to observe the cease-fire agreement. in Washington next month and major U.S.-Soviet negotiations plane was shot down over rocket. attacked communist territory According to this account ,, the VC leader said the Rus- under way, the Russians have an obvious stake ih tamping : in South Vietnam in violation of Vietnam in 1966; his dreams "L was a prisoner before sians , and Chinese have indicated they would provide what down the Indochina problem at least for the time; being. the cease-fire agreement. of. becoming an astronaut the Apollo program b«- was described as reconstruction aid only if the level of The Communist Chinese have reason to want things kept fighting was kept low. relatively quiet in Southeast Asia while Washington and The denied the crashed with him. gah," Browning said. charges in advance of the The VC. leader reportedly spoke of such pressure during Peking ¦are moving toward fuller diplomatic and trade rela- But during nearly seven ' 'Men walked on the moon a meeting at which he warned militant cadrernen against tions.' ' meeting¦ today of . the commis- , the reported withdrawal of sion. - ' years in a North Vietna- in 1969, but 1 didn't hear PROSECUTOR? .. . The escalating the fighting to win control of South Vietnam. All this could help explain mese prison camp, Brown- anything about that at all Dovetailing with this report was another telling of a the North Vietnamese Army's 308th Division and elements The South Vietnamese also .. Washington Star Sunday re- Le Duan, a top North Vietnamese lead- of two other divisions back above the old DMZ in recent ing, now 32 never lost his communication: from made charges, claiming that , until 1970 when the Viet- ported that former Sen. er, to communists in the South. weeks. interest in space. namese made odd remarks gist of the North Viet- However, the North Vietnamese still have 13 other army 50,000 North Vietnamese : troops William B. Spong Jr., a Vir- U.S. intelligence sources said the had moved into the South in the "I was very much inter- about it. It wasn't until De- ginia Democrat, was the'top namese message to the VC was that they should concentrate divisions inside North Vietnam and there is ample evidence (he immediate future on subversion and political tactics that the communists may be preparing for major military first three months of the cease- ested in the space pro- cember, 1971, however, that candidate for Watergate in fire, along with 400 tanks and ) aimed at building their strength among the population in action in the future. gram," he said 'Sunday I ¦really found out all about prosecutor. (AP Photofax 300 artillery pieces. from his home in Orlando, it when . some new prisoners Meanwhile, a spokesman for told us all about it." the four-nation international Fla, "I was actually con- Another former POW who Watergate p robe — sidering commission reported that three trying to get into will attend the launching 105mm artillery shells smashed the astronaut program when is Air Force Col. Joseph into one of its field headquar- my plane was, shot down. W. Kittinger Jr., 45, also ters at Ben Cat, 25 miles north " But by the time I got out of Orlando. of Saigon, Sunday night. The Kittinger rips , w h o s e F-4 Ervin I was too old. " u^z as main headquarters building Phantom jet was shot down B was heavily damaged , but On Tuesday, Browning over North Vietnam in May there were no casualties. The and his wife , Ann , will be last year, once ate a pea- spokesman said nn investiga- among hundreds of VIP nul butler sandwich while tion would be made to deter- guests who wil watch as- making a world record free ' mine who did the shooting. flight from a balloon 102,000 publicity hungry The commission, which Is tronauts Charles Conrad feet above the ground. made up of Canada , Indonesia , Jr., Paul J, Weitz and Dr. "There was considerable Bv LAWRENCE L. KNUTSON Nixon he wns disturbed that ac- > he was the only While House (AP) aides aide to cover up facts in the Poland and Hungary , met to- Joseph P. Kerwin ride a interest in (he POW camps WASHINGTON — A tions by White House day in response to Viet confusing the FBI's Wa- Watergate case. Cong Saturn IB rocket into orbit about the space progra m, " member of President Nixon 's were notes Saturday and Sunday al- to track down and link up Kittinger said Sunday. Cabinet says the Senate Water- tergate investigation. j • Dean , who has vowed he John W. leging that U.S. pianos are with the 85-ton Skylab space "Wbon I arrived lots of the gate investigating committee is •One of those aides; will not he made a scapegoat in bombing Viet Cong territory , ousted White House in station. longtime prisoners asked me launched on a "political in- Denn III the case, was quoted in an in- South Vietnam alonR a 40-mllo About two dozen former about the walk on the moon , quisition " by a publicity-hungry counsel, was reported by Timoi magir/.inc to have been nskcil terview with Newsweek maga- stretch of the Cambodian bor- prisoners of war have ac- what actually transpired chairman. | der , from Xom Mat , 7a miles cepted invitations lo watch nnd subsequent flights." The hard-line attack by Agri- by Nixon two monl lis ago toi zine as saying he did not write that! northwest of Saigon , to Loc culture Secretary Earl L Butz sign a virtual confession lhe"feport which Nixon said Ninh , 75 miles north of the cap- f?v{?t'S!.!:V;'.V.Ui; '.'Ci:3'T:^ :;T:'T^ was dismissed by Chairman in i i—lima HMMiHimni was the basis for his Aug, 29 ital. Sam J. Ervin Jr., D-N.C, ns an statement that no aide then in "absurdity," The exchange the White House was Involved The Communists reported cm* came as the committee pre- in Watergate. U. S. attack Saturday on Loc On the inside: | pared to open public hearings "Hero was the President of Thanh , north of Loc Ninh . They and coincided with several now said M persons were wounded ¦,' DnCAhu/SfT Suwslions Unit President. Nixon r«' ':¦ the Hulled Stales reassuring '; DValllVYIK. ' development s in I he sprmJing tlie American people on the in the attack by two V.S, Ph/in- siiai Ill-cause of , tho Vnlermilo alfni r ;1 Watergate scandal: 0 llirt 'iitcn the stability ol gnvi'mnicul , I'lopuhllcwi '.,: basis of a report that didn 't ex. torn jets. Nhtional Commit tcemim lludy Bosch wll/. said Sunday durins l-l •Former acting FBI director Newsweek quoted Dean as Tho U.S. Kmbassy In Saigon $ [¦¦ is!," i his commencement address at .St, Mary 's C'O II CRO — slory L. Pntrlck Gray III was snid by saying. and the U.S. Pacific Command j ;ind pictures , pane rta, ;;¦: to liavo in Honolulu both denied tho 1 ;:V been told by two FBI officials A similar report was carried , , of Slule P. Dim K ' charges. > i D/kcrarc »^ "*''"« l'>> y William HiiRers .several weeks alter the Wntcr- by Time which quoted an nss-o- :j ilUgtJl a to Mnnngiui lo Inspect the preliminary r«- |- "We have a policy of not gnto hipnk-in there wero signs oinle of Dean saying Doan doing any bombing • In South [i building of |lm enilluiiiakc-devaHlated Nicnrflguain cnpilfll — fe; ot n covcrup, made no Wnlcrguto Investiga- j. | slory, page ft a f i Vietnam ," an embassy spokes- tion for Nixon , despite wide, , >i t'' The I'OH I quoted MilU'een ns man said, "If it's an accident I rj Xfrtftnc 'Hi'' preliniliuiry lallis lo arrmiRO for neg itia- « spread assumptions to the con- don 't know , but I doubt it, I i I I UU|J3 lions nn reduclidii ot loiccK iii Central Kur- H saying the officials urged Gray trary. to alert Nixon hut. thai lie re- lMCKWKI ': PHISONER ... A South Vietnamese! young- think tboy 're making it up. Wo i ope enter a new phase , with the Iliissiiins Uir the first limn gj Dean was widely reported to lo prison when Saigon authorities arrested his are observing the cnnso-llro 3 terming thein of ureal linpoiInner . — slory, page lb. S fused on grounds It might ap- have ' conducted, such a pro be slor , who went pear he wns seeking presiden- mother for alleged subversive activities, looks up at tower- and not doing any bombing. " ¦{, fy and former FBI Director Gray In Honolulu , a military lAl n Ili'i'iil Miiiii csiit a leglsliiliirs who loured a \\\p,\wr V] tial guidance. ing guards and their weapons at Bien Hon Air -BHSC near IWMgC^ minimtim wage level for yout hs might linn w lold tho Seniito Judiciary Com- spokesman said: "Wo have find 'I t could not he determined , mittee that Poam sal In on FBI Saigon, Ho and his mother were among civilian dotninoes I: sni/ill-tmt 'ii biihinrss succeeded in K/'llin g Ibn level Irimmod > J I.ho Post said , if this occurred no combat operations over l to $1.41 lor llmsn under III — slory, ' page 3b, f t ( 2n) exchanged In one of tho current rounds of prisoner swaps. South Vietnam nmco tho ceaso- before a July fi tolophonc call JOHN MOAN 111 Conliiiiiril on page ) P n In which Gray reportedly told Asked to coiifcsh? Bute rlpN (AP Photofivx lirc." rips MONDAV Butz (Coiitlniieil from page 1) Legal action The weather At Community The dally record Inlorrogntloris of White Hoiiso ' " ¦ ¦ -¦ ¦! ¦ '¦ ' ¦!¦¦! ' ' stuff members, .:; Memorial Hospira I . '' '" " ' . ¦ ' ™ , . ¦ '. ' " j » !¦'¦¦' « I ' I , ¦ !¦¦! I . I. I PI t, III I l Ml I. I ¦ Time reported Dean wns an fillmore Crj. called Into Nixon's office in Vlslllhg hoursi Medical »nd lurglcnl TwQ-SrattB Deaths Winoria Deaths patients:-'] !o . 4 «nd 7 lo 1:30 p,m. (No Passe, .James Ender , Lawrence March and asked to sign two chlttlfbn under- 12.1: ] : Davis and Donald Caves. Mrs Mary A. Pampuch papers. It said one wns a vir- Wiaternlty pnllcnli: 1 to 3:30 «nd ' to Miss Olive E. Wobcl ; I10O-. p,m: (Adults only.) • ¦" Pampuch , 7B, tual confession , accepting nil dumping voted ' a) ' KELliOGG, Minn. (Special) ^ Mis, Mary A. Visitors lo ,« pi.llent'.-l .lmlted to two -' ' " Mrs. Louise Vyhite ; 123 E. Sanborn St. , formerly of blame for concealing facts in ' ;¦ a: 't fm.c.:" ; Miss . Olive E.Wood. .71 , • .rural in effect, absolv- MINNEAPOLlS ,VMlnn; ; (AP); : ' Kellogg, died Saturday evening MON DOVI , Wls.-Mn;.:Louise 960 E, King St., died at 4:10 the case and, ¦ ' SATITRDAY : ' ' V ' It said the ' •• dtlier — Tho Minnesota Pollution ; ., -\ / at St. Elizabeth Hospital, Waba- White, 76, Mondovi, died early p.m. Sunday at Community Me- ing others, Admission Sunday in an Owen, Wis., nurs- Hospital;after an illness was Dean's resignation. Control Agency (PCA) voted fo- sha , where she had" been a pa- morial ; : Donald Heiden, Utica , Minn. tient for two weeks. : ing home where she had been a of several weeks;" . According to the Time ac- .dny to bring legal action; if, - " y} -: " A,. Konter , :.. . SUNDAY- : ¦ . Miss Wood was born Sept; 6, resident several months. : The . former Mary count, Dea n refused to sign ei- necessary, to force Fillmore ." .' . Adhiissions^ [ ; ¦ , ' -born, in the town- of 1901, in Walopa township, Wa- The former Louise Pape she she -was ther paper and also refused to (p Harrison Gitford, Cochrane , was born in Dover; Buffalo Montana/ Buffalo County, Wis., letter of resigna- County officials curb open ' basha County to , William and draft his own ' Wis.;. ' " County , "Dec. 28,. 1896, the daugh- June 16, 1894, the daughter of tion; Returning to Nixon's of- dumps that violate state law ;>, Mary Burchill Wood. She was a Zimoski Kon Miss Maria Lucero, 924 Parks Watbpa ter of; Fred and Rosotta Knecht John arid Hedwig : fice later, Time said, Dean was and come up with a permanent - ' ¦ ¦ ¦: lifetime resident of ter. She was married to Thomas Ave. -; .- ' . towhship, where she kept house White. In June, 1920, she was - told by the President he must ;splution. . ', - ' ;¦ ' Discharges married to Lloyd White , who A. Pampuch and they farmed and that for , her brothers Wesley ; ; who until; retir- "shoulder the burden" The nine-member board unani- Mrs. Micliael- Lambrccht and died in May, 1953. She was, a in Buffalo Township there would be no full "airing ' ' survives¦ , and Robert, who has ing to Winona in 1942; He died mously adopted a resolution to ¦ ; baby, 427 Lafayette St., ". - / ;. '.: ,V- .' .- member . of Zion Lutheran : of the case." Dean Was fired WEATHER FORECAST :-i . Sunriy weather is foi-ecast ; died. May 25, 1954. She was;. ai rriem- " authorize the staff to require the \ \ Mrs. Ralph . .Hiihdqrf , Riish- Funeral services will be held Church , Mondovi. ' April 3b.' .V' - .; ";' . ; - . for most of the riatipn: Continuing" • cool weather , with , pos- .: ford, Minn. . .' . • . Survivors are:, two :[ brothers ber of St. Stanislaus Church. county to comply with a stipula- at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at Buck- , . Survivbrs are; two sons,: Jo- , : showers : is expected for the Northeast. Very ' ;warrn - : Mrs. Darrell Reutzel, Winona Alfred Pape, ' -''Mondovi, and Gor- Deaii Is one of a list of 20; wll- tion sighed last Sept 11. This sible , . man-Schierts. Funeral Home in seph R. and Thomas S., ; Wi- require some permanent forecast for the Southwest, Show-; Rt 3, Miring . ;- . :;. don Pape, Minneapolis, Minn., riesses so far scheduled to apr would weather, with showers, is Wabasha , the Rev. Steven. Oli- nona'; three; daughters, Mrs. solution such as a landfill site, Florida. (AP Photofax ) Mrs. David Althoff and baby, ' ¦; , and •.'four ' sisters, Mrs.; Clarence pear before the Senate's Water- ers are also .expected m -southern ' ¦ ver,- Church of . the Nazarene Floriah (Vema) Beck,/ Winona; investigating committee pulverizer or an incinerator. . 78ii;W.. -5th - St. :. -;; ;, Winona , officiating. Burial win (Martha) Lubinski, Mondovi; ' (Helen) Ander- gate • Mrs. Kenneth . which opens public hearings County officials objected that a Mrs.; Charles Pederson, Peter- be in Lakewood Cemetery, Lake Mrs. O. E. (Edna). Wobdbeck, son; Osage, Iowa; and Mrs. Al- observations son. Minn; > • Owen, Wis.; Mrs. L.:'" J.; (Rose) , Thursday; landfill operation would endang-; Local City. Friends, may can at . the bert (Irene) Guenther Wauman- er water tables. Roman, Westminster , Calif., and 35 grandchildren ; 38 The work of the committee BtREAV OBSERVATIONS for funeral? home today and until (Linda j dee, Wis.; OFEICIAL WEATHER BIRTHS ELSEWHERE the time of services Tuesday. Mrs^ Robert Prior, Ana- great-grandchildren;. one broth- was praised Sunday by its ' the , 24 hoiirs ending at noori 1 today, v KELLOGG, Minn. (Speciaiy- Calif' . Pallbearers will be: GJImbrte heim, . -. er, Jake Konter, La- Crosse, ranking , Republican member, ^laximum temperatux-e; 62, minimiini 32, noon 55, preci-. Mr. and Mrs; Dave Graner, a Funeral services will .be at 11 : : Olson, William Tjonahue, Marvin Wis., and¦ one sister ,; Mrs. Sen. Howard Hv Baker of Ten- Bluff Siding board ; pitation .02, ": . : son Tuesday , at St. Elizabeth am. Wednesday at Zion Luthr George:¦•(Ann) Adank , Wauman- riessee, as the "most nonparti- - . " ' year ago today: - :;, :¦ Puttbrese, Ralph Scharmer, . - - A . Hospital,' Wabasha. Herman. Ruhberg and Harold eran Church, the Rev. Norman dee, Wis. Four brothers and one san important inquiry I have to discuss time High 7J8, low 55, noon 68, no precipitation: . : . : Mr. and Mrs. Jarnes Leisen, Ruthenbeck officiating; with bu- - 48. Record Olson. sister have died.. - '. ever'-seeri;". - .. .;• Normal ternperature range for this date 69 to a, son Friday at St. Elizabeth rial in Oak- 'Park Cemetery. funeral services will ; be at high 93 in 1932, record low 30 in 1895. . As Baker was saying his for closing bars ¦:¦ ¦¦ Hospital, Wabasha: Elmer Hill Friends may call at Kjentvet 9:30 a:m, Wednesday at, Wat- fears had;: proved groundless . . .; Sun rises tomorrow at 5:41; sets at 8:26, (Special.) ' ' &: Son Funeral Home, Mondovi, , : OBSERVATIONS LAKF!¦¦ CITY, Minn. , WHALAN, Minm . .' .-•• Elmer kbwski Funeral liorhe. Winona that- the four Democrats on the BLUFF . SIDING^ Wis. - A 11 A.M. MAX CONRAD FIELD —' Mr.' and Mrs. Donald Eer- Tuesday after 3 p.m., and at St. Stanislaus ¦ (Mississippi Valley Airlines) Hill, Whalan Rt, 1, 69, died at and. at 10 a.m. at . s eve n-member . committee petitioned town , board meeting niann, a daughter Wednesday his . home Sunday. .He was a the churrch Wednesday ' from 9 Church; the Rev.. Donald Gru- aimed at reversing a 1 bar- Barometric pressure 30.32' ahd steady , wind from the ,. would take partisan advantage, at Lake¦ City Municipal Hospir farmer, in the Highland Prairie a.mi until services bisch officiating. Burial will be closing regulation passed in northwest , at 10-15 m.p.h., cloud cpver 3,000 broken, visibility ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ " ¦ '¦- the panel's objectivity was at- ; tal, - • • . .- - " .:: area. . ;.. in St. Mary's Cemetery. . April is set for 8 tonight. -10 miles. ' .. Louis Colgen tacked by Agriculture: Secre- TEMPERATURES WEST feERLIN, Germany. — The son of .George and Mary Friends may. at. the funeral '-: ; " HOURLY ST CHARLES, Minn.— Louis home Tue^'iay ; after 2 p.m. tary Butz, The board was forced by pe- (Provided by Winoria State College) S- Sgt arid . Mrs. Bradley. P. Fay Hill, he. was born at Wi- . a son Colgen , ¦ 85, St. Charles, died where the Rosarv will be said Butz told :a ; news ; conference tition to hold the meeting to re- . Saturday Buege, West , toka , Minn., June 14, 1903. He ¦¦ ' ¦ ¦ consider a rule adopted at. the Thursday. Paternal, grandpar- was educated in rural schools Saturday at St. Marys Hospital, ¦at a. - . the Seriate investigation¦¦ is an 7p.m. 8 9 10 11; midnight¦ : ' annual town meeting to close " • ' ' ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ' ents are Mr. and Mrs. Clifford in Wiscoy Vailey. Oh July 15, Rochester, Minn., after a; short inquisition conducted - "largely - ¦:. . .51 "- 50. 49 48 47. . 46. -: . for political reasons taverns -an hour earlier than Sunday ; Buege, Houston, ;Minn. 1933, he married Eva: K. For- illness. He retired from farming Two^Srate Funerals . " and ; ' syth at Houston, Minn, He was in ,194o and as an .employe of the called. Chairman Ervin "a pub- state law allows. l a-m. 2 3:45 67 .8 9/ 10 II-. - noon .: •;¦ ¦' : ¦ ' ' : 57 : 56; ; :-v ' ;FIRE. . : CALLJS;\: . ^ ;¦ a member of Highland Prairie Winona County Highway De- Archie V. Drake licity-seeking senator." ^The town's first supervisor,: 44 ¦ 42 40. 38 38¦ 39 42 44- 47 51 ¦ ¦¦ " :,: Ronald Drazkowski : ¦i' ' ' ' ¦''5 -6 . 7 8 -" 9 10 11 midnight . .' - .' •:" , '-Sunday . Lutheran Church. \ partment in 1958. j He was a DOVER , Minn. — Funeral ser- , said peti- "• p- mi" % 3 4 : ' In his reply, Ervin noted ev- tioners iapparently want 2; a.m - 54 54 49 47 46. 46 45: 44 43 41 : 40- , • - . 12:41 p.m'. ¦;— . Country; Kitch- Survivors are: his wife; two member of the; Winona County vices for Archie V. Drake, 83, . - ¦ 54 ¦ ¦¦ ¦ sons, Carrol, with the Navy sta- ery Republican in the Senate closings and to reverse the mo- ; . .' ¦; . ¦!' ; ' ¦ ' . Today en , 1611 Service Dr.j fire in , Selective Service board during Dover, who died Saturday,, will :. drip pan under broiler, no dam- tioned ait Jacksonville, Fla., and World War II, had served as a be at 2 p.m. Tuesday Jacobs voted to set up the committee, tion made by a resident in the 1 p.m. a 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 noon . ¦ at suggested Butz stick: to agricul- ,40 43; 44 46 48 50 . ;55 ; age, returned 1 ' p.m". : Raymond, Whalan;: two daugh- member . of the St; Charles Funeral Home,. St. ; CharleSj annual meeting. 40: 40 40 40 40: ters, Mrs. Wilmer (Helen ) Kel- ture, and added: "Nothing .. ¦ | | 1:11 p.m.;— Center Street be- Towhship board 33 years, and Minn., the Rev. Don Haarup of- The special session will be ^, I I I .i , ,. ,i . i .i > ;.;.;.;, i . i . . ;:- :•!.;. i. .'.;.;.;.'.'. | . ;.;.;. . . . - .. . :.! :.!.i.:.. " ' . ' t-ween : 3rd ¦ and 4th St.j V car ler, Faribault,, Minn., arid Mrs. for several years was a clerk ficiating,- with bufial in Dover would satisfy me more than to held in the' town; hall at Bluff : :\- (Carrie) fire, Julius VUpho.ff ; 1971 model Richard Ban Citlers, of his. local school board. " Evergreen Cemetery. . . have Secretary Butz testify Siding. sedan, no damage. ;, St. Louis Park,. Minn. ; four The son of Nicholas and Ur- will be: John from his own knowledge that . grandchildren; three brotherS Pallbearers i sula Colgen, he was born at Stock, ¦ Luveme Laudpn ,. Ber- the Watergate never hap- MARRIAGE LICENSES Frank; Stockton,. Minn,; Foster, Grafton , N.D., Jul 17, 1887, The Harold Nelson and pened. - ' : Winona County Court Rochester, Minn., and Guy, : Wi- y nard Busian, Richard A; Combs, Red.. Wing; family moved to tie St.. Charles Austin ;and . Milton • Gleason. ' : Meanwhile, Baker, .who said £^j23SSiLidfctiia«i«i«ii " •'• ' i 'i'1 \&iiiiiA+jJ£i£l . Liii* « 'i 'i''T *i ' i 'i ri' i ' 701 W, tpka, and one . sister, Miss Ida infaiit. He to; Civil, Criminal Division Minn., and Karen Veek, Hill, Winona. : Two daughters, area v/hen he was an Friends may call at the funeral he has no reason believe Broadway. : ;. never married A, Njbcori has not been telling Quarter ' rieyr one brother and one sister have . home after 3 p.m. today¦ and the Elizabeth Schultz, Rolling- 1st Qnarter Frill Last . Janet Grqth, Dakota; Minn., ¦¦ Survivors are" two cousins, . ' : ¦ truthy said the President faces pleaded guilty ' ' ¦ : ' "¦ ' ¦ ' • ¦¦ '' ' ' ' died. ' " . until services Tuesday. stone; Minn.^ to '' - , Jiiae,'7'i '.- ,•,' .: ;.:' ;May 16 ¦;' . ... May; 25 • . • •; : . May; 31 . . and Terry Brugger, 181 E. How- ¦ Mrs. Robert -Lau don , St. possible impeachment if it is a charge of violating the open ¦' ¦' ¦ ' ¦;¦ Funeral services: at 2 ard St. ' , . . ' p.m. Wednesday at Riishford Charles, with whom he .had Knut Wold proved he was invblved in. the bottle liaw and was fined $25. The River Francis Kearns, 850 W. 5th , made his home the past eight RUSHFORD; Minn. (Special) Watergate bugging or its al- She was arrested at 2:30 a;m. Forecasts : Lutheran Church the. Rev, Owen St., and , Elna H. Sveum , 928 Gaasedeleh officiating, with bu- years, and Lyle P a gje,;, St. —Funeral services for Knut leged coverup. v Saturday at the foot of Sioux Flood Stage 24-hr. W; 5th St.' ; rial in Money Charles. Wold, Rushford, were . held to- Street/. S.E^ Minnesota / Stage Today Chg, Creek Cemetery. Baker was interviewed on /.. Richard J. Kronebusch, 267 Friends may call at Jerison- Funeral services will be at 10 day at Rushford Lutheran NBC's "Meet the'Press," Dorothy S' e n t y, Cochrane, Mostly fair: and a little Red Wing ,:....,..; 14 8.5; .. E. Wabasha St., and Roxanne Cobk Funeral Home , a.m.-: Wednesday at St. Charles Church, , the; Rev. R. K. Livdahl, . Rus-hford As . Seriate: Wis., was fined $100 by Judge warmer Tuesday. Highs. Lake City ...... v. 11.7 /. Losinski, 712 W. 5th St. . Minn., Tuesday evening and un- Catholic C h u r c h, the Rev, Highland -P.r a ir i e Lutheran the committee Wabasha .v...... 12 10.2 ;. moved to take the investigation Dennis A. Challeen after she Tuesday opper 60s and low Catherine . A.. Mettilie, 920 til • noon Wednesday, then at the James. Fasnacht officiating. Church, officiating! Burial was pleaded guilty to a charge of 70s. Chance of precipitation Alma Dam, T.W...... 8.7 -i. Parks Ave.; and David: Wnuk, church after 1 p.m. Burial will be in Calvary Ceme- in . Highland ' Prairie Lutheran to the public,, these were ,: other ' Whitman Dam ...... 7.1 .'. '. ¦'• ' ' : ¦¦;¦¦' Watergate-related, : develop- failure to identify herself at the near zero Tnesday. 166 High Forest St. . : •;- . tery here; Cemetery.. ' scene of an accident. The arrest Winona Dam, T.W. v. 8.5 .. ¦ Mri. Edith Sampon Friends may call at-Sellner- ments: - " ¦ -, Ricky C. Plank, Altura , and Pallbearers were: George occurred at 12:15 p.m. Saturday ' WINONA H-....v... 13 9.4 -..- LAKE . CITY, Minn. (Special) Hbff Funefai;Home St. Charles, Holger, John • The Times said Hin ¦' ¦ ' Patricia K. Stark, Altura, Minn. ,. Danielsbn, Kermit at Broadway and Center Street. Tremp. Pool .U...., :. 9.3 .. V Mrs. Edith Sampon , 102, for- , in today's editions ; that Deaii ¦' Tuesday after 4 p.m. and until Hplger, Robert Stensgard , Ar- ¦ ¦ ' • ; I nc r e aitn g cloudi- •Tremp. Dam.;...... ;. 8.5 .. mer Lake City resident,, died tried to set up. an underground ness north portion Tuesday IMPOUNDED DOGS 9:30 a.m. Wednesday. A wake thur Howe and Raymond Jahr. ¦ ' ' ' ' ¦ " Dakota ,;...:;..;.> . .. . 9.1 .. . No. 152. — Small tan female, Sunday at the ; home of her service will be at the . funeral espionage ; ring .¦;•' to infiltrate ' . ^ : ., »AM; LOCKAGEV . - ; ' .V' " . - - ' . with scattered light show- Dresbach Pool.....,; .;: 9,5 .. Cockappo - available. daughter, Mrs;- Robert McConr groups planning protests at ;;: part , .. . home at 8 p.m. Tuesday. the • " ;:' . • ' ;"' ".'. . .- ' Sunday ers. Warmer over the state Dresbach Dam...... ; 8.2 .. No. 165 -^ Small black female, nell- Washington, p.C. : Blair; St, Charles Democratic and Republican na- Tuesday. Highs Tuesday 6t ...,....,. . Peterson r Sheeh ah Funeral John Thiele 2:30 a.m. -^ Opal Leasing, one La Crosse 12 9.6 .. part Cockapeo, available. tional conventionst The Times ; . . -'TV ' . - :¦ : : Home, Lake City, is in charge )- - barge, tip. - . ¦V ; "- FORECAST No. 167 — large white female; EITZEN, Minn. (Special. — . teams defeated in said it could not learn whether - . ¦ long hair, part sheepdog, avail-. )f arrangements. Dean had actuall 10 a.rn. — Doris: Lynn, eight ¦ ¦ " ¦ •¦ John Thiele, 73, Eitzen , died y established '. Tnes^ Wed; Thurs. able..: ;¦ . , ' such a, network'. barges; up.V ;^ ¦ Mef .viri R. Skadsem early Sunday at a Spring High Quiz Bowl ¦ Tonight fair arid quite cool Red Wing .... 8.4 8.4 8.3 ; No. 168 — Large' 'brindl'e- col- : 4:30 . p.m.—L. Wade Childress,:; '•' • ;.:.;, SPRING GROVE, Minn'. Grove, Minn., hospital after a • Martha Mitchell rejected as \ with lows in the lower 30S. Tues- j WINONA 9.3 ;. 9.3 9.2 ored male, long hair,' available. --- long" illness^ : LA CROSSE, Wis. — . Teams ; 12 barges, down. : La Crosse?:; .'.6:9.6 ' : 9.6 9;5 Meivin Rudolph Skadsem, 76, ' "crazy" - and "nonsense'V a day mostly sunny and warmer No. 169 — Small black malet He was born April 5, 1900, from Blair;\ Wis;, and St. Char- Time magazine report that she 6:10 p.m. — Dan C, five barg- Spring Grove, died Saturday were defeated Sun- ¦ with highs mostly In the 60s. tnbeed breed, available. at Eitzen, the son of Mr. and les, Minn., has suffered a nervous break- es, up. ' ". Tributary Streams No. 172 — Small black and afternoon at his home after an day in two quarterfinal games ChippeWa:at Durand. •- ...... 7.6 illness of a few months. : Mrs. Dietrich Thiele. He mar- down and entered a hospital for Small craft-4. 5-day forecast fcxown male pup. part shepherd, ried Hannah' - . Staggemeyer Feb. on High Quiz Bowl. Zumbro at Theilman ...... 31.3 A retired farmer, he was born treatment. The wife of former available. 2, 1.924, and the couple farmed : Cashton High School defeat- Atty. Today Trempealeau at Dodge ;..... 4.7 No. ; 174 — Large tan male, Oct.; 30, 1896, to Rasmus and ' ' ' Gen. John N. Mitchell MINNESOTA ; in.the Eitzen area before mov- ed Blair by. a-,. 55 to 50 score, called The New York Flow — 75,000 cubic feet per Black at Neillsville ...... 5.3 part golden retriever, no license, Manna Skauge Skadsem in and a team from Onalaska Lu- Times, Fair to partly cloudy Wed- Black Hammer township. He ing into Eitzen in 1954. said she was at home in her second , at 8 a.m. ' . nesday through Friday with Black at Galesville ...... 6.7 fourth day. . . '- - . • '. '. ther High School took St. Char- La Crosse at W. Salem .... 5.1 married Elida Olafsbn Sept. 29, Survivors ; are: two sons. Fifth Avenue apartment Sun- 1:40 a.m. — Mary Weathers, a slight chance of a few 1919, Glendive Fred, Caledonia , Minn., and les 60 to 85. day, eight barges, down. Root at;Houston ...... 8,2 at . , Mont. Next Sunday s contests will i but had spent a week at brief showers in the east He was a lifetime resident of Dean; La Crosse, Wis.; two ' the home of a friend. 2:55 a.m. — Magnolia, six Wednesday. Warmer In the Elsewhere be between teams from Winona Black Hammer township and daughters Mrs.' Donald (Fern) The Times quoted a source at barges down. southeast Wednesday, west WISCONSIN . Marksmon , Faribault , Minn., Senior High School and Black 10:25 a.m. — Elizabeth Ann, The first and second , col- was a member of Faith Luth- ing ; an unnamed hospital as saying and north Thursday and east Wednesday through Friday: eran Church of Black Hammer. and Mrs. William (Joan) Kord- River Falls; with Cashton vy ' two barges, down. umns give yesterday's high against Onalaska Luther. Mrs. Mitchell arrived shortly and sonth. Friday. Highs Wednesday partly cloudy with Survivors are ; his wife; five simon , Holland. Mich,;. 14 grand after midnight last Monday, re- Wednesday 60s and a few chance of showers and low temperatures, the Members of the Winona tea m , the lows sons, Rueben, Anchorage , Alas- children and one great- fused to sign herself in but was low 70s south . Highs Thurs- mostly 40s and the highs mostly third column reports yes- are Frank Kinzie, Joseph Berk- terday's precipitation , and ka; Myron , Kodiak , Alaska; El- grandchild ; two brothers , Wat admitted anyway. "That's not day and Friday 70s except 60s. Thursday fair, the lows dor, Presho, S D;;. Willis Spring ler, Caledonia , and Theodore , man, James Keller and Julie the fourth gives the forecast . , David so," the Times quoted Mrs. for the raid and upper 60s middle 30s to middle 40s and Grove, and Dean , at home; two Eitzen , and three sisters , Mrs, Keller, with alternate sky condition for tomorrow. Marg, coached by Charles Mitchell as saying. extreme northeast.: Lows up- the highs mostly 60s. Friday By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS daughters, Mrs. . Earl (Jarla) Emma Voight , Caledonia , Mrs. •John J. Caulfield , a Treas- per 30s in upper 40s north fair and warmer, the lows most- Enstrom, Excelsior Minn., and Alfred (Matilda) Deters Stephens. On the team from Hi Lo Prc Otlk , , and John Tor- u r y De p a r t m en t official, and mid 40s to low 50s south. ly 40s and the high s mostly 70s. Wanda , at home; 15 grandchild- Mrs. Anna Meiricrs, both of Black River Falls are I §M^rrnM I Is3-l-t^l Albany 61 30 .. cdy kelson James Riff , Kelan Mc- abruptly asked for and received /rp| H^11^ ren; two great-grandchildren; Eitzen. Two daughters and , ¦ Albu 'que 58 46 .13 cdy Cann and Lyn Lewis, with An- a leave of absence. This follow- ^^irwn^^^^^f^^fgr Amarillo 58 48 .35 cdy one brother, Orlando, Spring three brothers are dead. ed a news report that he prom- Grove, and one sister, Mrs. Funeral services will be at 2 na Riczinger as alternate and Anchorage 55 44 .. cdy Vcrn Severson; coach. ised Watergate „ conspirator Asheville 71 42 .. clr Selma Howard , Spring Grove. p.m. Wednesday at St. Luke's James W. McCord Jr ^bung Two sons Winners of next Sunday's con- . execu- man^ In years gone by Atlanta 71 59 .. clr , one daughter and two United Church of Christ . Eitzen , tive clemency if he remained brothers have died. the Rev. Lloyd tests will compete for the Su- Birmingham 74 48 .. clr Fried officiating, per Bowl championship May 27. silent. Caulfield served under best buy Bismarck 59 23 . .. . clr Funeral services will be Wed- with burial in the church ceme- Dean and chief domestic ad- (£a:tracts \rom the jiles oj this newspaper.) nesday at 2 p.m! at Faith Luth- tery . High Quiz Bowl may be view- $50,000 20-year Boise 87 55 ;, '. clr Friends may call at Pot- La Crosse viser John D. Ehrlichman in eran Church , Black Hammer, ler • Haugen ed on . WKBT-TV, , clecreasing term life 1963 Boston 67 48 .. clr Funeral Home, Sunday at 6 p.m. the White House, Ten years ago . . . Brownsville 77 62 ..cdy the Rev. Charles I. Wilson offici- Caledonia , Tuesday aflernoon insurance for about $11 ating. An agreement with the Minneiska school district to accept Buffalo 49 42 .02 rn Burial will be in the and evenihR and at the church a month, if you're 25. Charlotte 72 53 .. clr church cemetery. an hour before services. Police investigate Its elementary and junior high school students In the Winona Friends Lanesboro man public schools for one.year beginning next fall was approved . Chicago 54 37 .15 cdy may call at the Roble theft of billfold Cincinnati 61 3D Funeral Home Tuesday after- Julius Jahnke Lift/instate* iniuunc* Co. Ronald Jaszewski, seventh grade student at St. Stanis- .. cdy , fractures , , Cleveland ' 50 44 ' .. cdy noon nnd evening, Wednesday PRPIN Wis, - Julius Jahn- Mary Morris , Sheehan Hall , legs in laus School son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J Jaszewski , 519 morning and at the ke , ,80 Pepin, Ghatfield St., received an AAA Merit Citation , won in the Denver 61 39 .. cdy church one . died Sunday after- Winona Slate College , reported tractor Se» or Phon* 19th annual national traffic safety poster contest. Des . Moines 67 40 .. hour before services. noon at the Sass Nursing Home , to police the theft of n billfold mishap cdy Penin. GENE REGAN Detroit 48 36 .01 clr Mrs. Mary Caves from her room between 6:30- LANESBORO, Minn. ( Special) Duluth 55 31 .. clr The son of William and Slelke fi:45 p.m. Sunday. SEARS STORE Twenty-five years ago . . . 1948 WABASHA , Minn. (Soecial)- Voege Jahnke —Wayne Haug, 22, rural Lanes- 17 on the Plaza East Fairbanks 62 47 .. clr , he was born at According to Chief Robert boro, Is in satisfactory Mrs. Wary Caves, R2, Wabasha , Pepin , May 2, 11)84. On Oct. 5, condi- Phone 452-7720 C. D. Tearse was reelected president of the Winona County Fort Worth 77 60 .. cdy Carstcnbrock , the billfold wns tion at St. Marys hospital , Public Health Association . died early Sunday at SI. Eliza- 1910, he married Colin McCain R»i. Phona 4S4-227* Green Bay 55 35 ,02 clr beth Hospital here where she found later but minus $23 In Rochester, with fractures of Landlord petltioas for rent increases, under broadened ad- Helena 73 35 .. clr nnd I hey farmed in the area , re- c/ish. Pollen are , Investigating. both legs. had been a patient one week. liring here in 1945, She died in justment provisions of the new rent law, are on the increase Honolulu 86 69 .. clr An nllempl cd burglary at He was injured Saturday eve- ' in the Winona area. The former Mary Roisinger , 1903. He was a member of Im- m\\\\\\\mnSBt* ' V^« Houston 78 60 .. cdy she wns born at Wabasha Nov. Flbcrilo Corp., 501 W, 3rd SI. , ning In a tractor accident on his Ind' nianuel Lutheran Church , Pep- was reporlod police. A wit . apolls fio 3D .. cdy 22, IRflf ) to Mr. and Mrs. Henry in , and former to father 's farm six miles north Fifty years ago . . . 1 923 Jacks' president nnd said a boy had attempted of Lanesboro. villo 88 65 .55 rn fteisinger. She was married lo secretary of the congregation. Hnug was pinned v, Juneau 48 41 ,34 rn Jnmes Caves , Muscatine , Iowa , lo break in a door but wns . un- beneath Iho trnclor wlien It R ,. F, Dittberner -ill build a new frame dwelling 28 by Survivors . are: one son , Al- successful. overturned as ho 36 feet at 1152 W. Broadway, Kansas City 66 4] ., clr Nov. 15, \im, al Wabnslin. Tliey bert , Stanford , Mont.; one Tho door had n was attempt- small hole In il hut no entry ing to roll It down an incline Led by Gerlicher and Bannon 65 57 .. cdy lived nl Oswego, Knns., four daughter. Mrs. Wayne (Lucile) in . Winona High Schoo l won Louisville 66 42 .' was made. nn effort to get It stnrled. first honors in Class A In ur,e third annual Southeastern . cdy years, returning here in I92fi . Kosak , Pepin; four grnndcbil- Min- Marquette 44 34 .. cdy Jcnniffer Dorlds , 270 Center Ho was freed from beneath esota interscholastic track and field meet . He died in i nfill . .She was a dren, and one grent-grnndchlld , Memphis 72 51 .. cdy membnr of St. Felix Catholic SI., reported to police that n the tractor by Peterson Motors Funeral services will be at charcoal grill Seventy-five Miami 87 75 .. rn Church, Wabasha. 10:30 a.m. Wednesday at Im- was tnken from wrecker and was taken by years ago . . . 1898 Milwaukcfl 49 3B .. cdy Survivors arc : one son, Har- niitHide her homo Frldny. Los?, Lanesboro ambulance to St. rnnnuo! Lutheran Church, I ho $4, Mnrya Hospital. George West and Roy Jackson have returned to the city Mpls-SI .P , 56 3R .05 clr old , Wabasha; five grandchil- Rev, Jnmes Magolsson officia- was estimated at and will continue in the employ of the Standard Lumber Now Orleans 75 59 .. clr dren , and one brother . William ting, Burial will be in Oakwooil Co. Now York 68 50 .. cdy HeisinKer , Wabasha. Five broth- Cemetery. DFL women's caucus John IJ. Lynch has been elected a trustee of Oak Grove Okla. City 71 45 .. clr ers have died. Friends mny call nl. the meeting rescheduled 15, AOtn). Omaha 66 38 .. clr Funeral services will he at church Wednesday from 9 a.m , $5000 Mrs. W. W. Slocumh and Mrs , G, J. Vance attended Orlando 92 61) ,10 rn 10:30 a.m. Tuesday at St, Felix until services, A Winona County DFL Wo- REWARD the Siocumb-Burchard weddinR at Plainview , Philad' phin 68 53 .. cdy Church, Ihe flcv. John P. Daly Goodrich Funeral Home , Dur- men 's Caucus meeting origin- Phoenix 100 71 .. cdy offiel.'iling, with burial In tho and , is In charge of services. nllv scheduled tliiH Wednesday For Inlormntlon loading to th* arr«»t and conviction «f One-hundred years ago . . . 1873 Pittsburg h 51 43 .. cdy church comntery. lias been postponed until May tha ptrton or porioni raapomlbt* for th« rocant vandalltm Pt 'land Ore. 92 61 .. clr Friends may call at Ablj oll- ELKCTItt) HKCIIKTAHV DO in the lower library of Wi- to tho twinging bridge at MlnnaioU City, Miss Emma Rldgeway left to spond Uic summer in Iho Pt'lnnd Me 63 41 ..cdy Wlso Funeral Homo here this BLACK RIVER FALLS, Wis. nona Senior High School. East. Papid City 65 28 .. clr nfternoon nnd cvcnlnR, where (Special) — Dr. A. T, Lnhmay- Mrs. Robert Edel , DFh as- Furtbor vnndnllam will naceailtat* pormnmint cloning of S, D, Van Gorder, A, J. Mead and J, H, Stewart hnvo Hiehmond 77 51 .. cdy the parish council will say the or, Black River Falls, was fiocinto county chairperson, finid !h» brldgn, associated themselves to do a general ferrying business nl Rl. l/ouis 66 43 ., cdy Rosary at. 3:30 and the parish elected secretary of Iho Wb tbe caucus will meet nt l( p.m, CONTACT Winona and also to quarry, transpor t and sell slooo. Spokane 83 58 .. clr lloHiiry will be at a p.m. cousin Oplomolric AHSoclafion Tho moelln« la open lo nil Gcorgo Hlles has taken the contract to do the grading on Turn pa 89 70 .01 rn Pallbearers will bn Mills Mur- during the annual meeting hold women In tho county Interested JOHN REINKE, JR, - Mayor ol Mlnntiota City th« G.B. & L.P.II.R, to Winona. Washington 72 58 .. cdy riclilcr, Joseph SulJiruin, Tony recently at Brookfiold , Wis, in tho DFL organization. l$j^i^By C. GORDON IIOLTE basis of tho American Dream. HE PltEFACEp hlii remarks "shows Jefferson correct in lie became involved In the Viet- portctrr^If the weather is had, I think that's pretty good."; freedom of choice;. With; this , " Dally News Staff Writer | Ho urged his audience of on the vital role each Individ^ saying that all government can nam War and wasi under con- It's reported. If the weather is freedom must come responsi- 1 stant pressure ; to resign.'' AS THE students leave col- The 229 ; members of this about 2,000 to remember that ual can play in society with be ' self-corrected. . My morals nice, they don't say anything bility and if/ we have a -status year's graduating Watergate,' -Boschwitz assert- lege; he said,\ they'll be "faced class at SI. ] "a . . bunch; . of college., kids comments about politics in the and my approaches have not" ; ;./ . . . - ; -:¦ . •: of liberty -we must also have MaJy's College Sunday were ' ' ; ed, "has shown us one of the with the ; challenge . of overcom- turned around the war iri Viet- United . States.. - -. : > been compromised but we do ¦ Boschwitz :• asserted : : that a statue oE responsibility." cautioned against "putting your! nam. greatest problems in the United ing the'. basics. Ideals Seem to 1 And in Iowa, when no one "Politics used to be fun ," he have a situation that must be "these molders of public ' opin- Graduates,; the president diev ideals in -cold storage' while ' dared to take on the power- States is a lack of confidence in be under attack and we see they are coping observed/ "but recent develop- , '¦¦/¦ • our institutions. As Watergate clared, ''hiust have a respon- with other chal- fur Sen. Jack Miller, an obscure corrected '' • ion are kind of negative and '. , ' ' lenges , they must ments have caused some prob- underscores lack;¦ of confidence they should be policing them- ideals . lapse as men become sible • . commitment- to tie face in as- Iowan; Dick; Clark, walked all He termed a suggestion that . concerned with car payments future . suming new roles in society. lems and It gets a little hairy in the administration , polls selves., fd imagine that if what " He said that basic com- over the state — I don't know how and tlien. . ; ; the President resign i n the light arid women with changing : dia- mitments may be "summarized the '' -'admonition : was given by how many " . : show that politicians are held I'm saying today should be re- pair of shoes he Describing himself as "quite of the Watergate developments pers.'^. in such terms as service, con- R u d y..: Boschwitz', Wayzata , wore out — and he won over in lowest regard except for used ported in the press they'll tell an activist vin politics," Bosch- as "totally irresponsible." car salesmen.'" ' . . ' ¦ ! about how I called a congress- . The graduates, he maintain- cern for¦ ¦others¦ and helping oth- Minn.; president:. ; of Plywood the one no one else wanted to /. ¦ ers. ¦: '. " ' .; ¦' ' ;/; ;,: witz observed that "politics Resignation of the President man irresponsible but they ed , "must accept the basicsi " .: [• ; Minnesota -and Minnesota Re< take on.. And look at Ralph; fle cited results of polls which . maintain your ideals and put public these days are spelled Water- Indicated that "the only groups won't say anything about what national : committeeman; Nader ; he took on General Mo- under pressure would place the them, into practice. You must DR. ULItIC C; Scott, vice who; was the princi ; gate, and , . that's . unfortunate. held in some degree of confi- I'll say about ideals and indi- president for - pal speaker tors One man can still stand up Politics have come into a low future; leadership of the;nation become a part of the political academic affairs . ; dence were the doctors vidual achievement.'.' - - - at 48th annual commencement to an institution and win.'' he declared , re- , educa- process and not just sit within arid who served as master of exercises in the; ' ebb and everyone expects you in jeopardy, tors and only 37-percent ; ex- college field- Boschwitz „-: warned against other recent Pres- — COMMENTING on today s the four corners of your room, ceremonies for the ; commence- house at: Terrace Heights. to speak. about Watergate. They calling that pressed a great deal "of .; confi- ' any teniptation to permit ideals say politics have"'-hit ai new low idents had faced serious prob- youth , Boschwitz said "there's and feel that you've made'your ment program, reviewed events '.'to kind of vanish after grad- dence for them _ and . bank- of the past year, focusing on -7'' ¦ ¦ ; talk about youth today being contribution.'' '. ' v' .. - AT 41 THE natinn's youngest !uation. So and they say don 't become in- lems, also. - :. - ers." . - • U ' y • many think that be- volved. Of President Truman, he said, . . different. I; say they're not. . ; Boschwitz said he, personal- student involvement. He recall- national committeeman , Bosch ., fore; they accept the responsi- " Boschwitz said that he believ- ed two , ''People thought of him as kind They say they're, smarter and ly ; enjoys life '.' 'because I like that St. Mary's College witz: emphasized; that in an era ' bilities of life? they should have BOSCHWITZ asserted, how- ed the nation is witnessing "ah students had been elected dele- of "growing bigness" in gov- of a Midwestern . boob and said erosion of confidence do more. I say to some degree ideals and practice them. Ideals - ' a good time and their ideals are ever, that ''Watergate: is a be reelected. He got because they are but ho more than their gates to national ' political con- ernment and other; institutions; put ; he'd never, institutions are becoming too oi life are worth pursuing and in cold storage. You get challenge. We have to get mov- involved in the Korean War parents ' were : in comparison if you" do, your life will be ventions and that one was when many, become discour- married and your ideals suffer ing and see that it doesn't hap- big and people can't identify named a .member of the elec- aged about their ability to arid with Gen: MacArthur. and with huge institutions . They with the previous generation. I much fuller." in the face of. mortgage pay- pen again. This has t» be ac- they would have had him resign believe there's no more ideal- toral college, the youngest e-ver change things, "the single per- ments and ear payments. Your cepted as a responsibility if we can't see how, they can have a BROTHER George Pahi, St. to serye as an elector in United son can still achieve and this a half a dozen times. role in these; huge ism today than when .1 grad- ' ideals: suffer , in terms of trying don't want it to happen again." institutions. uaieu.uated. " ::.1 i Mary's president, . welcomed States history. : is so important: It: is still the to hold things together. " •The Watergate affair, he said, HE DESCRIBED President ACKNOWLEDGING th at .; In his discussion . or "An -Ag- the commencement guests, ccn- Dr. Scott • also presented the Eisenhower's as a "relatively "bigness — in government, in gressive Man's View of Life, gratulated , the seniors on suc- candidates for degrees - 181 level" administration but re- business,;-in labor unions — has Business and Politics,*! Bosch- cessful completion Of four years for bachelor ' of arts / degrees, minded that"his close associ- to , be knocked down " he em- witz - addressed the graduating of study and in reviewing the 24 for master of: science de- trouble , ates gavei him , too. Lyn- phasized that >'the ¦ individual class with the statement, "I say four years —. it was four years gress, three for master of edu- don Johnson had Bobby Baker, can still achieve." ; . that you . cannot let ideals suf- ago that , he assumed the pres- cation degrees and -21 for roas- ; fer. You have to accept the idency of (he college — noted ter of arts degrees —- to Dri The nation's press came in : ' for eastigation When Bosch- challenge of continuing in your that the ; world .'• " had emerged Hugo C. Pribor, Perth . Amboy, witz said he felt , "one of the ideals . I. say that ideals have, to From "a general condition of N.J., chairman of the college reasons we have ^such a nega- arise- and not bo "kept in: your war to one of relative peace. board of trustees; for conferral Highway study tive attitude iis . the press, and pocket." > St. Mary's during this time has of degrees: ~I' . to those who deplore exist- progressed from a situation , of Tbe bendicitibh was .pronounc- T will say . that ¦ m more far miliar with the . •"metropolitan ing conditions, Boschwitz said survival of the private Catholic ed by Bishop Loras W. Watters press. I think they're probably he thinks of "this country college, to one - which sees, its who observed that "through the bill slated for a rather intellectually stimulat- 91-93. By that; I mean,' '91 to enrollment become this year, the sacrifices of many, St Mary'f " ing bunch of; guys, but I think 93 percent; of our people have largest in the ; history of the College stands here today. ! am the press is kind of negative." plenty to- eat, adequate shelter college." : - . ' ; sure that all of you are com- He; declared ; that "when you and other necessities. Sbin 'e, peo- Innovations have provided mitted to the concept of Cath- senate hearing open your newspaper you" read ple talk about' the 7 or 8 per- programs . more attuned ;to the olic education with its emphasii LEWISTON, Minn. - A bia about, problems. When some-: cent who don't and they should. needs of . students, Brother on values and ideals." State Sen. Roger A. Laufenbur- one achieves, something, it nev- This country is capable of tak- George said, observing . that The invocation yvaa given b ger helped write should get a er gets reported , When some- ing care of .them but if; 91. to "many of the changes have the Rev. David Arnoldt, char, sympathetic hearing in the Sen- one gets in . trouble, that's re- 93 percent are taken care of, been in the area of individual lain, of the college. : ate Transportation and Gen- eral Legislation Committee he chairs.:. ¦ ; The bill introduced by DFL Sen. Robert J. Tennessen, Min- neapolis, to create a highway study commission on highway policies and financing has been sent to Laufehburger's commit- tee for a hearing. - Laufenburger, Lewiston DFLer, is listed with Minnesota . <"'¦ ^mmmmmm ^mam ^mm ^m^m ^m^mmmmmmm Republican Sen, J: A Josefson ; . TORCVIENCEMENT PRELIMINARIES. :.- ',. former chairman of the college board of trus- as; cpsponsor.' Rudy Boschwitz, The bill, introduced less than in the foreground; Wayzata, tees who received the Bishop Heffrori ^iward; 1 Minn., president of Plywood Minnesota : and Dr. Hugo C. Pribor, paitialiy obscured, Perth two weeks before the end of the Minnesota Republican national 1973 session, would create a committee- Arnboy,: N.J., president .of the board of trus- commission of; seven senators, man who was speaker at Sunday's St. Mary's tees who conferred degrees, and Brother seven representatives and 14 commencement, enters the college fieldhouse. George Pahi, president of; the college. citizens to investigate highway with C. Bernard Jacobs, left, Minneapolis, policy, including adequacy, needs for future highways; addi- tional taxes; wear and tear by trucks and distribution of high: way taxes. .Under the bill, highways in- clude trunk highways, county roads, county state aid roads, municipal state aid streets, town roads and other routes within municipalities. The commission would have authority to compel testimony, PLATFORM GUESTS . . . Standing while the invocation tiohs to the college; Bishop Loras A, Waiters, : who gave the subpoena books and records and was given at the beginning of St. Mary's College commence- benediction; Thomas Ruddy (pfartiajl y: obscured) , vice presi- require state and local officials ment exercises Sunday were, from left, Rudy Boschwitz, Way- dent for college relations; Dr. Hugo C. Pribor, Perth Ainjboy, to cooperatei with the commis- commencement speaker; Brother Ambrose Trusk, N.J., chairman of the board of trustees who conferred de- sion and produce all records and 2ata, Minn,, ; C. ;Bernard Jacobs, Minneapolis, grees, and Brother Justis Morneau, member of the board of Information tinder their. Control. chairman of . the faculty A report to the Legislature former chairman of the college board of trustees who re- trustees/ . would be required fronij tlie ceived the Bishop Heffron Award for outstanding contribu- group by March 15, 1974, detail- ing findings on distribution of motor vehicle; taxes, and a final i report with recommendatioiis i ; ' ; by Dec. 15, 1974. . : . Inferstai-e bridge JOJL ' ;, - ^' :;^ ' :: ' ' ¦¦ BIRTHRIP crash Kurts boy ^^^^ M± - • collided on the DAMAGE was estimated at STUDENTS HONORED . . . Tom Rodell, nition Two vehicles of outstanding contributions to the lo sponsor (our Interstate Bridge Sunday night $400 to the left front of the Arlington Heights, 111., second from left, and college, student body and , particularly, to a 1M9 model sedan , '¦ and a child received minor in- Hunger car, Mary Lucas, Oradell, N,J.; members of this their class. It was also the first time a juries. and $250 to tho boat and trailer spring's graduating class at St. Mary's Col- woman was an award recipient. Participat- public meetings According to city police, John belonging to Judy. lege, were introduced as "Redmen of the ing in tho presentation are : from l«ft : Tony Judy, Lamoille Rt. 1, was driv- At 3:14 a.m. Sunday, police in- Winona BIRTHRIGHT has an- when he vestigated an accident at East Year" at a pre-commencement recepti on at Piscitiello, St. Mary's coordinator of special nounced a series of four infor- ing north on the bridge the college Saturday night. It was the first events ; Brother George Pahi, college presi- slowed and stopped for a car Howard and Caiimona streets, mational meetings to be held 1077 E. Wabash a time in the 11-year history of the award that dent and Ralph Zito " ahead, which had stopped to Lois J. Dixon , , , director of alumni af- May 22, May 29, June 5 and St„ and Jeffrey Wilson Clare- it has been presented to two students in recog- fairs, (Daily Its pick up hitchhikers. . j News photos) June 12 to solicit support for vehicle driven by Marvin mont, Minn., collided, with total regarding unwanted A philosophy Hunger, Pleasant Valley, report- damage of $1,150. and unplanned pregnancies. AH edly struck the rear of the Judy The Dixon vehicle wns trav meetings will begin at 8 p.m. vehicle, which was pulling a eling cast on Howard and Wilson at the Kraemer Drive Church boat trailer, Robby Hunger , 3, was going north on Carimonn. H effron awa rd g iven of Christ, 1660 Kraemer Drive. received minor injuries but was Session I will include a dis- not hospitalized. AT 8:13 p.m. Sunday, vehicles cussion on "What is BIRTH- driven by Wayne Howe, 17, 457 RIGHT — its Philosophy and Olmslend S(,, and Lynn Bab- Purpose?" and the film "Fetal Sirloin Stockade cock , Lainoilic, collided at Main City Bank chairman Development nnd Abortion ". nnd Sarnia streets. Rabcock Session II will focus on commu- safe with $70, complained ol pain but was not C. Bernard Jacobs, chairman | Patrick Richard Heffron , socond Jacobs is director , Wntkins nity resources available as al- hospitalized. / FROM THE of the board of National City bishop of Winona and founder Products, Inc., Wlnomn , Minneso- ternatives to abortion, Session Police said Iho Howe car was Bank of Minneapolis was pre- coupons stolen , of Saint Mary's College. ta; director General TV IH will be dovotcd to tho topic southbound on . Main Street , Ihe /W , , Inc., sented the St, Mary 's College Babcock car northbound nnd r WirwncL <£mnJL Minneapolis; director, Greater "The Emotional and Psycholo- A safe holding $70 In ensh Bishop Heffron Award during coupon books was taken ninking a left (urn. Damngc was Minneapolis Chamber of Com- gical Aspects of Pregnancy" nnd 000 Sunday's 4flth annual com- and Session IV will Include n from Iho Sirloin Stockade, 3400 estimated at $400 to tho left mencement ceremonies on the merce; director and treasurer training session for volunteers Snrvico Drive, Goodyiow , some- front of Howe 's 10(15 model se- CM Terrace Heights campus. of Catholic Charities of Minne- evening or this dan and $500 lo tho left front of who will bo answering BIRTH- timo. Sunday •k Flag Set consisls of 3'x.y ' Flng , , Aluminum Polo with In presenting the award, apolis , lay advisory director of according to Sheriff Dnbcock's liWfi model hardtop. , Brother Goorgo Pahi, college RIGHT calls. inorninR Eagle decoration . , . and polo bracket for attaching to St. Mary 's Hospitnl , Minneapo- organization will offe r n Helmcr Wcinmniin. , cited Jacobs' contri- Tho house. !)rosident lis and n member of Robert telcphono volunteer service and tho snfc nnd most of the cou- nilions to the collcgo since ho Morris Associates, Former Winona pastor net as n referral service, ac- pon books were found about Lions Club Members will deliver ring Set. (City delivery was appointed to the colloge ad- Jacobs was grndunlcd in 19411 (he restaurant , gets honora ry degree * bonrd In infill. cording to Mrs. George Joyce, 100 feet north of only I) visory from Northwestern University, Wcinmnnn said. The money was Ho wns named to the St, EVanslon , III,, and from tho Uni- chairman of Wlnonn BIRTH- A former pastor of Central ¦k RIGHT. The nervlcos will bo missing, however. The investi- Clip coupon and mail now and receive your Flog by Mary 's board of trustees In versity of Wisconsin Graduate sheriff's offico United Methodist Church , Wino- Memorial Day. served ns lis chairman free. Expenses will he met by gation by tho honoi-r lttfll) , School of Ranking In lDRfi. Ho continues, lin , is the recipient of an from 1071 to 11)72 nnd now Is and his wife , Irene , pnropls of donntfons from tho public. doctor ot law degree from ¦ Gordon Addlnglon , 020 W, ary f" '"""" chairman of Iho plant and fl- flvo daughters , Hvo Jn Mlnno- Area professional resource Wesleynn Collcgo, Huchlmimon , ; of Iho bonrd, people, social workers, clergy- Howard St., reported tho theft Wlnonn Lions Club nnnco committee tonka , Minn, Items from his camp- W. Va. " ; j Tho award , which has not ¦ . men, physicians nnd psycholo- of sovornl - silo on the .South Rrnnch of Iho Dr. Truman W. Potter re- ! Box 107 j bceii presented siuco 11)70, wns gists hnvc been contacted to of- at commence- , Whitewater River Saturday ceived the degree i Wlnonn Minnesota J5007 »I originated In 11)50. It Is an hon- Lanesboro to open fer their nsslstnnco In counsel- hold Sunday. Ho * • mornliiR. M issing nrh two sleep- ment exercises •* •¦ or IwHlowcd upon nn exemplary ing on tho nlbernntlvos to Abor- has been pastor ef Christ Unit ed * grading bids May 25 tion onco the telephone service ing bugs , ono miillress , and ono ! Pleaso deliver $1 50 Flag Sals lo j IKH'flon whose nccomplishmenls Methodist Cluinii , Charleston , I « pair of jeans. I » mirror tho principles of Integ- LANKSHORO , Minn. - Bids is In operation, W, Va., sineo le.'iving Winona in I ¦ rity, sincerity nnd clinrnnlor will lio oponed May 25 on grad- Wlnonn BIRTHRIGHT Is one degrees from A.s- ; Nn mo j C, 1055, nnd bus i i demonstrated by tho Most Itov. I Heninrd Jacobs and surfacing work on Cof- of 17 such groups In MinncNoln. IlKTUniMS TO HOME i * iiifj bury College, CiarreH Hlblij inl • i DAKOTA , Minn. (Specinl) fee .Street hot wean Elmwood Approximately 20 m e m h e r s - Institute unil Northwestern Uni- ; Adtlres.i ; £HRmwK^KBBmm\\\\wKmwmwmmmmwmmmBmmmmmmwmmnnd AHlihurn streets. Work will hnvo organized In Wlnonn. Hormni) Smith , former resident i • ' versity, and lionon.ry degrees • • Wlnon* todga No. II A.P. %. A.M. boajn July (l. Arrangements for tho meet- of Dakota , who hns been hos- University and ^ italized with a broken hip, has from Ilnmllno Work on tho in-town sections ings hnvo boon mndo by Mrs. p Morris Harvey College. I Clly I JBL. TUESDAY, HAY 15, 1973 of H ighway 2!>0 ami CSAH ft Is Hnrvov Krngo , chairman, Mrs, relumed to Valloy View Home, ! If to bo mailed out of town plcnso include 05* for posing!), j (— St/ited Commuiilc/itlon —7:30 p.m. lo hi If o n nuixlniiin ) of on work- Tom Gibson, nnd Miss (Vlr-slo Houston , Mnyor John N, Kolh , i i JCVJU!' Aj\/\ Duant Rlnol«r, W.M. Inn 0 Oermsn J .' . ' ex- . water!" Tho Skylab Is scheduled for launch at 12:30 p.m. Networks ¦ . . Hogan'i H«ro«j 13 Yesr 3-4-1 ' did you learn to play such trons: until the sum js him- some may interrupt programming for.ctiycrage. Nsws" -WJ41HM* - . To Ts!| tin Trulh 1» »iS0 Wh«l About a great drunk?" 1 asked hausted." Silver Wonders Worker opened ono eye and rrumor . con- . ¦ • ¦ 7;b0:Guiulri(ik« . : J-4 I TomorrowT ; 3-4-I Earl Wilson ¦; " -:*tqumcu-. • - - •*• -. '. ' News 11 Jan Miner, the Madge the if he should invite the LOCAL NEWS, 5:00, Cable TV-3. nawah f ¦' '¦ ¦ asked, V'How far does a guy to t«ll lh» Trulh « • Mirllh ¦ ¦ I-IO-U UiOO Newi" . . i-4-l-«.|.M0 Manicurist of the TV com- neighbors in — or servo STALIN—PROFILE. Impressionistic; portrait of the com- . 4i30 Stalin; . 3 . Jtcqtiat Ptrry Mlson ll • not one bit of bitchery back- customer have to fall for Whiskey" , Sporlsir»m« 3 : cousleau «-M» . . N«ws I3-1» . mercials, who portrays the ' orie drink to a munist leaderj including, films, poerhs and . folk soiigs. Pro- L«t;s M'ktis p«»i « ¦¦ ¦ '; St iige."- . . ; ; " ¦'' ¦ H|gh ctiapsrral 11 10i3« Movlt >- . 3+ tipsy Countess de Lage in and charg 5-10-13 her when was 13. My 2d anniversary of his death It is an examination of scientific efforts to.cope with harmful Andy OrlHIIh ¦ • 1» . . . 1st Av, & 63rd St,, just read ¦ ; ,? ii ¦ ¦ ¦ t-ocol News. '• • • Temperatures: weight .. goes from 128 to ' - ' Wilson of together as the dress that 1:30i« Hollywood'^ t ' I'M the will of wealthy Doug: in July . . . Mary effects of current technology,.9:30, Chs. 6-9-19. . . ¦;¦ Cabls TV . 1 Rising : t-MO 158. I got manicurist uni- zips up the back:,: ' ¦¦ . Talklna •. 3^-8 . .; . . Ho»m't Heroes : -High Chipara l 11 whpy left the: Supremes and . Pedro . •Tuesday ' . '. ' . Return tp - *. : las McKelvy N.Y.C. Lindsay ¦ ¦ . . Newt «-Mf ¦ 7:30¦ Bill Moyer . J forms in four sizes — 10 to Roig, Puerto Rican law . stu-- .Mayor/- ¦ .' ¦'•¦ ' • ' Peyton Place SK.13... . 8 ¦ ' .". Hawaii Fivt-0 3-4-8 ; $12,000 to :Chez Madison , SCIENCE GAME, 1:00 and 5:30, Cable TV-3. .. Draonet ¦ 14. Somebody's always say- didn 't really want to go to ¦ ' .. dent , seemed very serious ; °1" , ,"• Petticoat Junction 10 ' ; Movie . .- *M» Jcihnny Angel's (since clos- ' LOCAL NEWS, 5:00, Cable TV-3. „ *" " • .-¦ Andy Orlflllh :.: '¦ H l:C0 Behind Ihe Lines 3 ing: 'Jan , take off that Moscow,; but he figured It - 1:00. -« Reading.,, . '" '!J ¦ : ed) arid Gregory 's "to in San Francisco but denied THE FROG POND, 5:15, Cable TV-3. 5:15 Th* Frog Pond » ' • • : Merv Griff in .11 weight.'/-" : • - V :. was the quickest way to get Secret Storm 3-4-8 . ix "Electric ¦ Co. J- 8:30 Sew Sniart 1 liquid re-v marriage piahs.: ',- • SIX WIVES OF HENRY VIII. The ; aging king weds- Somersn, . - - y^ defray the cost of; ' ':¦ : 18- _ . . : M0-13 .. . . Science Game » .. Movie . 3-8 Jan slides off a chair onto Ryan p 'Neil turned down cross-town, ., That'; s earl, year-old Catherine Howard. 8:30,. Ch.. 4. . Love, American; . :.,. Hewi • 4-S-«-8-M0-lS • Henry VIII 4 the floor in;-a drunk scene brother.. , Style l-Ult star Trek • ¦¦ - 11 »:M College Concert 3 $; Cosmo centerfold . ¦:. . '-, AMERICA. Ahstair Cooke takes a look at Las Vegas, New ' n - ¦ '• ¦ Beverly Hillbillies 1» - :' America 5-10-13 — and experts say, 'Ts this 1:30. .. i'J!"Thirty. " Mlnules.;•..\ . , " Some news stories how quote Hampshire and Hawaii in an attempt to demonstrate; . J : ninn :. .. Marcus Welby 6-M9 really Madge the Manicur- "the Sesame Strut a ^ CVp^ ln9 "sources." They don't even 9:00) . A . , v " . »:J0 Black Journal: I s known as Fran* seat more abundant life" of-Americans. , Chs. 5-10-13. Movie «•» . 6:00 Supervisor * News 11 ist? " . She' New toilet say "reliable sources" any .• ,\ MARCTJS \VELBY, M ,D. ''Unto the Next Generation" Is Mike Douglas .3 Nswia . 3-4-5-M0-l]rlJ> IO - OO News 3-4-5-e-J-MO- : coise the; Manicurist In . Trulh or . :r» lh oi Conie-: 13-l> more . . . . With Miss Uni- .. , Consequences :• , 8 quences ' ', ¦ e France,;' '. M-arissa in '.', Italy, a . dramatic exploration of Tay-Sachs disease rare killer of ¦; Perrv Maseii 11 . verse going to Greece, pub- ¦ ¦ Beat the cioclc .? -Tr Tell -the '. Truth • ,. ,. \i" - . ,, Jewish . babies. Of special, interest its impact .upon parents. ¦ ' Munslers 10 6:30 Thii Is The- Life1 :3 H>:M Mov ¦ Tilly in Germany. She does makes farmer . J" . .,.,! lic relations ace Hank Mey- 9:00, Chs. 6-9-19. Pefflcoaf joncflon¦¦ ¦ tl• '. '.: To red tlte Trutft i3 n„Pr .„ i. the . foreign speeches her- .¦' ' ' :¦ ¦ ¦ 4; . ,D|ck Cavetl'" . . 6-9-19- ' ' er of Miami Beach, who CAVETT; Carroll O'Connor discusses his role -as Baffle . 13 - ¦ Life Around Us. self ; ¦;• . phonetically; "Some- DICK : Green Acres . 19 - ..' .;- . Price Is Right . :5 10:50 Movie :\¦' .. ' . . .. 4-lt . hosted the pageant for years, Dr. times with- a; dub if my Archie Bunker and reminisces about his career as a charac- 4:00 Mister Rogers ' Green Acres : * ^-OO Joyce . million says it's a good idea and it ' ' Western 8 Jeannle ; : . a ' • . Brothers ' 5 Boston accent come s feel like ter actor —a 90-minute interview. 10:30, : Chs. 6-9-19. : Green Acret 9 : ¦ ^ . Trulri or C0n- . Western 9 TAMPA, Fla, (AP) — Donon- should be staged in a diffeiv " m\\\\\mm\\\\ ^f^^^^^m^^Hmmmi*M&fi ^W Ponderosa 10 tequencet J Movie . 13 through." : ; - ent country every year. ''The . room was ' "¦ full of van Kipplinger . bought , his fa- beautiful young girls when a $250 toilet seat so the Show Biz Quiz: What in- Television movies ^W^S^'S'J^S^^^TS ^S^S?^ ther . struments did comedians I auditioned eight years North Dakota grain farmer can SM ; Phil Silvers, Phil Baker and v * «?^S BHK^HWRWS«R > ¦ Today;, ago. It was the only job I K,w j» m*m\mvfx&Gr™$£Li. jie^fc^b8ieB "feel like a/ millionaire:— for 15 Bob Burns play? ArsV to C\ /[£& "RAMPAGE," Robert Mitchum. Adventure s"tory- about ;^KIliKia ^MBirt ever went to where the boss 3mmmm ^^^^VaM^Se^b^m\\\\\\\7m\\u Mlnneapolls-St. Paul STATION LISTINGS \ Eau. Claire WEAU; Ch, 13 ' minutes a day.'' : yesterday's: There were no a trapper and a professional hunter \vho head for Malaya Ch. » said right away 'You're the WCCO Ch. 4 WTCN Ch. 11 Auslin-KAUS Ch. * La Crosse-WKBr. Oscars for supporting roles in search otva strange animal known as the Enchantress. ;KSTP Ch. 5 KTCA Ch. 1 Rochester—KROC Cri. 18 La Crosse—WXOW Ch, ' 11' one, you got the; job,' and The novelty bathroom fixture in 1934; they were added M I ]^^ (1962 ) :." • - KMSP Ch. 9 Winona—Cable TV l programs sub|ect to change went home." is made of transparent plastic, ¦ ¦ ¦ in JeBsBni 'WBB TMl^nnWif ae^L^L^L^L^B 3:30, Clh. 4. • • ; . Mason City—KGLO.CIi » -'. ' .¦:;¦ ' ,;¦ '. ' " . ' , ¦ . Truck; drivers and cab- '36: . "SON OF. SINBAD," Dale Robertson. Adventures of . a i. 6:30 Not ' Tommorpw 1-4-8 . inlaid with 13 crisp $1 bills, half 99^^^^^^^ HI3lle^^^BBm&^^P%i^B ¦ ¦ . for Nevi Zoo Revue• M ¦ Hefty singer Julie DeJohh dashing rogue a Caliph . . . and the latter's harem. ( 1955) .. . ¦. . " Women Only .5 Sesame Street 13 . Who, What, ' :; bies yell at her not know- * ' dollars, quarters and dimes. 3:30, Ch.:6. Sunrise Raligtoh ' 13 10:00 Electtic Co. J ' Where 1-10-13 ing : she wrote and perform- fVrtaped commercials for 7:00 News 3-8-9 Gairihit 3-4-8 . Spill SecoiiiJ 6-9-19 , ' Tt's a steep price for the Weight Watchers . V. Liber- "THE PRIVATE NAVY OF SGT. O'FARRELL," Bob Cartoont 4 Sale of the Variety 11 ed radio commercials from ¦ ¦ ¦ Today •' : - .1-10:13 ' . '. Century -5-10 11:55 Newt 5-10-13 18 on, did soap operas, throne, I know," said Kipplin- ace asked Hermioiie Ging- Hope and Phyllis Diller. World War II comedy featuring a hunt ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦• ' ¦ for a shipload of beer. (3968) 8:00, Chs. 5-10:13. . , . -" Zoo ReVua -11.: Haiel •' . '. t 11:00 Sesame Street . 1 spends ; summers doing ger, a 23-year-old Tampa drug old (of "A Litttle Night 7:30 Popeye .11 ' : Falhcr Knowi News 3-4-5-10 ; Music") to be on the Mike "WHERE EAGLES DARE,", conclusion, 8:00,.Chs. 64-19. 6:00 Cartoons . 3-4-8¦ : Be!,l " . II All My Shakespeare at; Stratford,. ¦ '' '«¦' Galloping : Children store employe, after purchasing "THE IMPOSSIBLE YEARS," David Niveii Comedy Variety . - ¦ •-••1* Conn., is married to; set Douglas show with him: "I . Newt .' »¦ ¦- . ' ••' Gourmet : If Noontime . 8 the commode, seat. "But it'll be about a psychiatrist and his troublesome 17-year-old daughter. 8:30 Movie . 8 . 10:30 Love-ol Life :l-4-t 13:05 Sewing. : 10: decorator Richard Merrell,. cahn't imagine why he ask- (1968) 3-8; Cartoont : 9. Hollywood 13:15 Variety v . 5 and ; has S step-chil- the only one in North Dakota;" ed for rae," said Herinidne, 10:30 Chs. Mister' Ed :. 11 '¦- ' :¦¦' Squares 5-10.11 12:30 World Turns J-4-8 is 56, ¦ ^ ¦ ¦•¦ ¦ ¦ '¦' Kipplinger said ; his father, mystifiedl, "except maybe to "McLINTOCK!" John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara, 10:50, f:00 Joker-t Wild [ ¦ ' . 3-4 •. ' ,' Bewilched 6-9-19 Let's Make A dren. VjL ;Ch. -4v - '' .;";. ' ,'. Dinah Shore - J-10-13 . ' Anoy Griffith¦ . II: Deal 6-9-19 Myrna Loy and Sylvia Theodore Kippjinger, collects hold his candelabra" . . .- . 75^1.50<$i.75 J.& 'J'JI :Jeanille ' • . , •' .' .! 10:55 News ' • . : J-l Three on t : coiiis as a hobby in his. native Rocky Grazianbj the emin- NO PASSES "INSIDE DAISY CLOVER," Natalie Wood. Drama about Romper ;Rodhrt 9 Religion ¦ f . . Match 10-13 Sidney. . were her brides- JCtUtaUA a tomboy vfho becomes a film star of the Thirties in spite of 9:30 X10,000 Pyramid 34-8 11!00 Young tV -' ¦- ¦ 1:00 Guldlnj Lljht 3-4-8 maids; Now. she's with Heatori,, N.D, and "that's why ent TV conuherciaust, said ; Fllntstonti Tl , Restless . . 3-4-! Dayt ol Our : shattering: experiences; (1966) 11:00, Ch. 11. :¦ ¦ ¦ , ¦. ¦• ¦; "J-I0.J3 and 32 other ladies when I saw it r said, "That's , it, he'd just seen ex-fighter Bil- ¦ Variety - . 19 .'-opardy ' S-IO^IJ . tivei Myrna-' ' • ¦ • • ¦ ¦: jeannla . ll . Password . . 6-9-39 : ' . Newlywed . I have to have it."' ly Conn, "and if I had dat "ISLAND OF LOST WOMEN," Jeff Richards. An island ¦:. ' in 'the Women' and I no- Baffle ' - • 5-10 Gomer Pyla II . ¦ : Game 6-9-19 Now he says lie can't wait to is the scene of adventures for a newspaperman, a scientist, : Line? 9 11:30 Sejrch for . - ¦ ' •' Movie 11 body * ll believe it but there's bum's style and looks—I'd THisiwwraK ( 9) What's My. see the look on his dad's face be on relief today!" : a reclus? and his.daughter. 195. 12:0QVCh. 13, EI JOHN'S DAYT . Tuesday-, .; when he flies home ; for a visit The MGM Grand Hotel, * S!I£fe "THE CADDY," Jerry> Lewis and Dean Martin. Comic tliis July with the belated Fa- opening, in Las Vegas in the spoof of .the golfing world as two entertainers recall their ther's Day gift. /. fall,; will cost $83,000,000 ¦"It'll golf;prowess and subsequent stage success. (1953) 3:30; Ch. 4. be interesting," mused . . ; A prominent; actress "IMPACT," Brian ponlevy.; Psycholojgical melodrama Suburban legislafdrs KippUngen ; "That's ; the sticks isn't getting any job - offers about a man who is genuinely disturbed when his wife at- but there; The closest neighbor here so she's moving to Eur- is 1% miles away, They've nev- ope. (Ori the ; other hand, tempts murder. (1949) 3:30, Ch. 6. . ; "COMPANY OF KILLERS," Van Johnson. Police thriller er -seen anything like this.'' Elga Abiderson, - . who co- about a psychopath hired to .commit murder. (1970) 7:00, Chs. . Kipplinger bought .the seat starred m ;"Le :Maris," is 5-10-13. . . : form own cbilitiori from Albert Karda, a :coin deal- moving here from Paris — "WOMEN IN CHAINS," Ida Lupirio. A sadistic matron er, who had it as a 'window .dis- lock, stock and 700 bottles and a parole officer are featured in this drama of police ST. PAUL,- Minn. / (AP) —' makers could theoretically out- propriations Committee. . Chair- play in his shop. • of vintage wine.) . brutality; (1972) 7:30, Chs, 6-9-19. House lawmakers from, the sub- vote , the big city bloc, New- man Fred Norton is from St. ."What the heck," said Karda. TODAY'S; BEST LAUGH: ' ' " :' ; "It's something that people "THE FAMILY RICO," Ben Gazzara. The power of a syn- urban '. • ¦•- ':¦ Minneapolis-St. Paul come says the "hard, cold facts Paul. - "- - ;, ''; . -- ;' -i' - : will A .:, steel worker fell three talk about." , stories (relates Phil Wise) dicate boss is threatened when a younger brother escapes a area will meet Tuesday in an of .life" are that big city legisla- ' contract killing. (1972) 8:30, Chs. 3-8. . . Newcome and '. other suburb an vpRETTY POISON,'! Tuesday Weld. Chilling tale of mad- effort to counter what they feel tors hold the key leadership po- lawmakers contend the suburbs :S® ; ness and murder. (1968)10:30, Chs. 3-8. is; an alliance between Twin sitions in the House,. did not receive fair treatment %kiim' ¦' ¦ ' ' outstate .. ®^ . '. -; • . . ' . $i-"So-- "THE IMPOSSIBLE YEARS,'' 10:50, Ch. 4. Cities lawmakers¦ and. House Speaker Martin Sabo in the 1971 , legislature. They DFLers. .' ' , - ' " 7:15-?:20 "THE PRIVATE WAR OF MAJOR -BENSON," Charlton is from Minneapolis, and Ap- say the relief bill . : -i y. Heston, The suburban :. lawmakers Comedy about a tough: Army officer at a military and the $1 billion school aid for- ENDS TUES. IViKWgfJ academy run by nuns. (1955) 11:00, : Ch. 11. from both parties believe that mula were drafted to give more "I BAILED TO TAHITI WITH AN ALL GIRL CREW " the alliance has shifted the state financial help to the two FOR . YOUR Gardner McKay. Tale of romance and adventure, (1968) property tax burden from : the Farmer no longer big ' cities at the expense of the 12:00. Ch. 13. two central cities onto the sur- suburbs. ENDS TUES. ¦ | T rounding suburban area. wants home where If the suburban coalition L^[^|^t iti\ One suburban legislator said takes shape; Tuesday, Newcome buf f ak roam thinks its first task will be to CLUB OR the idea for a suburban coali- monitor :¦ negotiations between tion sprang up spontaneously SOUTH ; ST. PAUL, Minn. after big city, lawmakers and House and Senate; conferees outs tat e DFLers rammed (AP) .— Farmer Jerome Sten- who will write the final; tax re- through a bill¦'; last week that zel apparently no longer want- form bill. shifts some welfare costs . from ed a home where tlie buffalo ''We're going to talk . about COMPANY: ¦ Minneapolis and St, Paul to roams. So he sent his to Union that and try to exert our in- fluence so it's not going to hurt suburban Hennepin and Itam- Stockyards in South St Paul. sey counties. , . the suburbs," he said. ACTION is a growing movement of volunteers "It was kind o; like kids go- of all ages and skills v/ho vmnt to help people "It was just power politics on l\X\j the part of . Minneapolis and St. ing to the; circus around here Jt^llo< • • • help themselves. In Venezuela, in Appalachia, Paul representatives ," said when that thing came in , " said Winona Daily News , in Ethiopia, in South Chicago. Anyplace in the. Rep. Thomas Newcome , ;R- MONDAY, MAY . 14 1973 Max Alberts, head cattle seller VOLUME 117, NO, 150 .. , Whatever kind of get-together you' re plan- world -where people neecl h olp. ACTION is the Whit e Bear Lake. , Newcome, an assistant GOP for the agency which got the Published dally nxcept Saturday und ' eer- ' Peace Corps; VISTA ; RSVP Retired Senior Vol-; 780-pound buffalo bull on con- lain dolldays by Republican and Herald ning, get together With the Colonel and floor leader ,, and Rep. John Bo- Publlshlno Company, 601 Pranklln SI., If you had a mother like this, unteer Program); SCORE (Service Corps of signment. Winona, Minn. 55987 . - land , Maplewood , an assistant you'll have a finger-lickin' good time. It who would you be today? Retired Executives); AGE (Active Corps of Ex- DFL floor loader, announced "I. haven't seen ore hero in SUBSCRIPTION RATES the 2i> years I've been hero," fO\, 0^1 "We starte d tailing a poll on hobby." addresses In the continental United Slates ; or owrscas with APO or PPO addrossrs: ss^si ^—y^is^ijo the floor of the House (hat "Th*! heifer died ," she said, I Vfjr *?! CO 9 month!! «0 75 . people in mighty fine style, L : ' ._ ' ' " night and it was almost unani: nnd the bull , » months . , . JI5 CO 3 months . . . » 9 Oo " lie just wouldn 't Elsewhere In United Slalei nnd Conndn: mous that all of us would be stay inside the fence. He'd al- I ycjr »<0 00 9 mnn1hs . . 110 .50 doing a belter job for our con- ways be getting . .out. Me was Ii months HO 75 7 months , .: *l 100 j So com e to your Kentucky Fried Chicken stituents if we organized BunrJey News only, I J15.C0 ! ," he just as stubborn as could be. " Slnolt dally coplns rt\t,\\lit 35 cnnll each j said . Cieno Krofjli , of Faribault , SlnqU Sunday copies msllwl 75 cents ' store and see the store manager for details There are .18 House members bough I Ihe buffalo , at 42 cents f»ch. ¦a Suhscrlptloni tor lest th»n one mnnthi who live outside Minneapolis pound for a total of $327.00. II p«r wook. Other retai on request, on catering. BIO DOUBLE FEATURE and St. Paul in the seven-coun- By comparison , Ihe price for Bond change ol "rtdrt'.i. notices , un. 8:40 —ENDS TUESDAY ty metropoliUri area t-o delivered conies , subscript ion orders and , compared p-quallty beef slaughter olber mall Hcmi to Vtlnona D/tlly Newi, If you cook up the occasion we'll $1.50 —NO PASSES with 28 from the Twin Cities. steers Thursday wan 44 cents a P.O. Oox 70, Winona , Minn. 8J9H7, , cook up "It's not a partlsnn thing at pound, For circulation Informitlon call <)<- Mil classified ' artverllllnu, 45?-33? b the food. all , " Newcome said In an inter- "I guess I'll kecr. It around display advertising, 4W-7»30j nev/i, 45) view. "Most of the- real con- as an attraction ," aaid Krogh. 1134, Area code, 507. Second class postage paid al Wlnoni, troversial issues cross over "If times really got tough , I Winn. party linns. " guess we could cat Ihe dried-up Even though suburban law: old thing, " K«nti<«kijfrl«d Jki^keit. Travel in Comfort. .. See the "BIG M" for CATERING SERVICE AT 8:45 1558 Service Drive Winona, Minnesota ^^ft r MOTOR HOME, ^"Jri^'^ CAMPER GENE HACKMAN "it's f inger lickln' good" SHELLEY WINTERS & TRAVEL TRAILER LOANS PLUS SECOND FEATURE ^ NEW or USED . . . Talk to Dick, Doriny, Fr«nk or Max~ln»tallmervt Loon Dopf. • Field EeUrpri**., Ir*-, IVIZ ^ ^ ll . ^ ^ *>~^_ _J^/

tmua%Sm\^9k\r^•'mwssi^mm^fMM M 'i^uamtU^malA^kmm 800-424-8580 ^^mm mZ ^S^^^S^^^S^mm%> ^ TOLL FflEE. MERCHANTS ^J'^&I^S:^^ In T?rtu,n, ewrtrftutrt *• IOOOI NATIONAL BANK OF WINONA ftw«*-^! '»' P"*>«lc cooperati on wllh lAW ¦ ¦tl . WlWrtfUUm Council ind ID* inUrnttlonil Newscaper Adv«rtlifns brocullvei W» 102 on the. Plaza Eait Mombor F.D.I.C. Phono 454-5160 rlfi fAf AT 10i4O PG r N^lfau^ . - By CEIUIY NELSON act this week." panies. . . ;,•:• / ' '' ilar to fire insurance and health doesn't prohibit lawsuits at; all. tices , representing plaintiffs in the . present system , doesn't passes and doesn't ; rrieet Its St.;PALTL, Minn; (AP) — If rDavies , 41, is; a professor, of however and accident insurance, where It does, , allow for re- personal injury cases. : work. Bein g in private practice promises ,, the blame rests on; Minnesota gets a no-fault insur- law at William Mitchell College I)avies says he hopes It will covery of damages from people are paid by their own driv^ His whole; carec r as a legisla- didn 't cha nge; my mind ,'': he ¦' ance law this year, it #11 be a of Law in St. Paul. He repre- be looked on as "a people's ers'. own ihsui'ance companies tor has been wrapped ' : Davies' shoulders. - companies without suing some- up iti the says.-;- - : . -;: ; " monument to the determination sents a south Minneapolis dis- bill," not Davies; bill; if: the injured parties , want it no-fault effort. In .1959, his first Davies was not shaken by the :. ¦ ' ¦' ' ¦¦ * one 'else.; " Will no-fault save money for of a single legislator-state¦ Sen. trict, / :-\ . - - ' :" In Davies view, the people that way. term,, he began a file dri the Minnesotans? ' ' responsibility. ; ., •: ' ; VNo-fault haB been an unqual- . -- ;:< Jack Davies. want . no-fault , even ; though "Even that law is producing subject of auto accidents. Davies says "yes, -claiming He wound up the Senate de- At the moment, however Since lflilT he more (hah any Ifiecl success . in Massachusetts " " , the many lawyers and insurance premium reductions," Davies But it wasn't until : the no- a statewide reduction of 15 to bate by calling no-fault "one of fact that rio-fault ^nd Davies other, lawmaker has been iden- and;Florida..Both accomplished ¦ . the best bargains this : legisla- tified with 'lib-fault auto insur- companies don't and many leg- more . than the: propoiieTits says.;-; . fault concept surfaced several 20 per. cent in insurance costs. are synohomous is one of the ' ' islators are hesitant. ,¦; "People really want com- years Others . aren 't so sure. ture has ever offered the peopla big drawbacks to the nb-fauit ance', - - ' - /"-;• ' .' promised or even dreamed," later that he began to . "I think the people: under- ¦ ¦ pensation for their economic focus on that particular issue. In an unusual windup. to the of Minnesota."' bin :.: . ' Me has been recognized na- Davies says. ,' -. ; This week will, , ¦' stand no-fault better than the ' losses. When . they get paid , He graduated from the Uni- no-fault debate last week, one determine tionally _ for . his • knowledge of ... The: proof ,.he says, is a .- 'phor ¦ whether he has convinced ; the It passed tlie Senate Inst present system,^ Davies says. they don't sue." .';; ' versity of Minnesota Law lawmaker said Davies . carries . the subject, and also , has been hy'' no-fault law enacted in : Minnesota House.. Wednesday, .52-11,. but is still in called ii; "radical" by an execu- "There aren't many issues Delaware. As a lawyer, Davies finds School in 1960 and handled a ari "awesome responsibility." cornrnittee in the House; appar- tive of a major insurance com- that touch every household. himself at odds with many of fey/ auto accident cases as a . If np:fault .passes and saves Winona Daily New* C. ently destined for 11th hour ac» pany that opposes no-fault; This one does," Tlie Delaware law is labeled his colleagues, especially those lawyer in private practice. money ' for Minnesotans,; he Winona, Minnesota **•* He says, tion before lawmakers adjourn .Under the no-fault concept, the concept is sim- as. no-fault but Davies says it who have built thriving prac- "I learned In law school that said , Davies will be a hero. If it MONDAY, JMAY 14, 1973 next Monday. persons injured in vehicle acci- The drawback for he-fault dents would collect from their backers isi that rib one in. the own ^insurance companies for House , has ; the . single-minded hospital and doctor bills, loss of commitment arid the depth of wages and other "economic ' . knowledge that Davies has for lOSSeSr"; ¦ • ;:¦ the ho-fault concept. . C Tlie other half of the picture Thus, unless : there is wide- would be a ban agabvst; many spread feeling in the House that of the lawsuits that mow stem some sort of no-fault bill must from auto accidents. pass, it may falter for lack of In essence, people would give zealby a single sponsor. : up: the right to sue. other driv- "It's out . of : my hands,'' ers-Hexcept in serious cases—in Davies. says. . "It's in: the hands return for a system that would of the House of Representa- provide quick benefit checks tives. There's still time if they cigarette from their own insurance com- Can your Coleman predicts FlexibI© sessions give 1110 pass these to budget studies ST; PAUL, • Minn. .(AP ) — site.; ; ,; The majority leader of the Min- "it may be unfair '-to pick on nesota Senate predicts - that; fu- Waseca ," he said,. ''but it's a ture legislatures will consider decision that some people must the budget during sessions in make - . ' on ' - . '¦considerations :"; of odd-numbered years and other where the state needs these in- legislation . in even-numbered stitutions." years.; Asked about the Sehaters de- Sen. Nicholas Coleman , FL- cision not to meet -with the St. Paul, says; the legislature House to consider appointments to the University ? of Minnesota le tests hasn't got the rhythm of a flex- 5 simp . " ible, session yet. . Board" of Regents , Coleman "We're still geared up for said; Senate DFLers would like 120-day: sessions," he told; Asso- more liberal nominees. He said he believes the regents may be ciated Press¦ ¦ newspaper editors Saturday - ¦'¦' ¦ ' night;. . - ' ' "However choosing a new university pres- . . . , ident, . and- ' . : said the we're leaving more ; than . 100 . . . . Senate bills; for 'next year, bills : which "would like to have something if to say about that;" : pi^ people want and which we will , get to." .;' ' ;. Coleman also predicted that a ; bill protecting a newsman's lie^ Under the ricwly-cstablished right to :keep confidential his a^ flexible sessions, lawmakers sources, of information "would be spread their .120 - legislative approved, either this year or in days over , two years. Bills that 1974.:- - .- ' l^site si ri^ aren't acted on .this year will , still be .alive for the. 1974 ses- ^ ¦¦ Minnesota AP sion.-. -;: .:; . - '.• these Coleman said he's been both elects Twin Cities Aod if jmim^ te^ pleased and disappointed dur- ing the 1973. session , , but is: con- editor president vinced the first . Decontrolled snadl^ legislature in state history has done, a good job. - ST. PAULi Mirni. ; (AP) - Among the accomplishments Robert King,, editor oif the Min- neapolis Star, Mi heen elected of the legislature, he said , are . passage of a .state minimum I president of the Mjndesota As- fi wage bill,: an; ¦'occupational-!sociated Press Ne'wspaper As- S^t sriiM health and safety measure that sociation to succeed Ken Berg, exceeds federal law and a bill editor of the Mankato Free ¦ Pres. : ' • '¦ .- - . • " . DcIUTC 1 gll S protecting some consumers who . . ; :' - Takeawhirtbf the tobacco: Roll the cigarette in your hand. Pinch it sligKtty y buy hearing aids. Elevated to first vice-presi- ¦ ¦ ^^^& dent at the spring AP news- ' ¦ .' ' ¦ andDoes it smell rich and fi-esh: Does itfeel stale? A cigaiette that's been wait^ He cited among his dis- ; MW^^y l ^%. appointments ; the legislature's paper association meeting Sat- A 15^m appealingMf you^ failure to approve bills to con- urday was Thomas Daley, man- v^ - ¦ " aging editor of the Duluth Her- ^^% * "^1, XViristoiri, you'l 1 recogr- C^ sW canlokis ¦afo'utfetei^^.ahdAe - : trol . sale of handguns, reform ¦ ¦^^^^-^^ - ^^^ rette is P-^r ^^ A < ^^ ¦ the wholesale liquor industry ald and News Tribune, ¦' ' ' - ' ' ^^^ freshness. And some of its tefi If u can te?te Jerry Ringhofer, editor of the '^Er^^^li - - - -'- - nize the aroma of costly W^ ^ \ fM^^ . - V4|^*iPm - y° ^ ¦ and permit advertising of pre- ' ':'. j^^fir#: , taste But, because Winston tobaccos withoutAnd; ligKtit>g "_ _ ' scription drugs. Owatonna People's Press, was v : Vintage Leaf Tobaccos. \ \:i^J^^^-- - ^| up, you elevated to second vice-presi- ¦' ¦' ¦ '' ¦T ^>^^^M know there's rich-. Under questioning, Coleman dent. Roger Matz, editor of the ' VT^ V^W^ T'lt^B iiess fent. ^^: ; ' ' ' ' :' . comes to you fresh.The fact up that said he is sympathetic to con- Fairmont Sentinel, was elected 1 iJHP^' nearl V' perfectwe leaves, ' money, ' •^ . V^, r^gf4 ,4^^F tinued funding for tho Univer- third vice-president. v 5|W ^ can buy Then age these rare ^^^ \ is, on any given day,Winston f^^^mthe filter doesn't get in the sity of Minnesota Technical King, 42, has been with the is to be \0M\l^ ^ - College at Waseca , but said the Minneapolis Star and Tribune " tobaccos in wooden casks. We do it V ^ l ikely the freshest y ^W my of the taste. Winston's Senate believes the school Co. for eight years. He joined cigarette your money can buy. exclusive Filter-Blend, a would tie better situated else- the firm as an editorial writer for the same reason you'd age a fine wine. Aging \ \ W Y where. He mentioned Southwest for the Minneapolis Tribune makes our tobaccos mellow and brings out that * top-secret blend of different tobaccos, State College, which has 2,300 after serving as managing edi- works with Winston^s modern white students but a capacity for 2,- tor of the Fergus Falls Daily extra dimension of natural goodness. 700 more, as an alternative Journal. filter to deliver satisfying taste in every purr.,

Rogers to inspect Test#4Lightit ' : ^st^ Sn^ ft j ^^ : ^^^^ 5^.. ifc!^ iff the ofa Can n. AnUHtns lo Ho innr.H 'H ro- group hoadod hy former Ally. Rlmo is not, expected to publish (Jen, Herbert Urownoll will in- its plans for tho now cnp llnl un- volve "a considerable ex- til .Inly. Meanwhile workers are penditure by Ihe UnlUii l clearing away rubble and now Slates, " Qiinllflcrl observers nnd then recovering human re- predict $.10-70 million over the ^as*- mains in the process, next 10 years. The U.S. Embassy was Under a 1044 treaty the among the many buildings de- United Slates guaranteed to de- GOOD ITIS. stroyed In tho qiinko , nnd Ro- liver lTi-mililon acre-foot of us- JJOW gers during his brief visit will nl ilo water from Iho Colorado lrmuffurate the now embassy of- River nvory yonr, Construction fices and lay tho cornerstone,of nn Irrlgntlon project In Ari- for a hospitnl bolnR built with zona In 1002 turned tho wntor U.S. assistance. thai machos Mexico snlly, ruin- Nlcnmgun Is tho aocond of ing fnrniH In Ihe Mcxlcnll re- eight countries Hogcm Is vis- gion, iting In a 17-dny Latin Ameri- Sinco llien , the United States can taiir Hint Is a forerunner of him reduced the flnlintly nomo- Warning: The Surgeon General Determined n similar trip by Prosldonl Nix- wlinl , but Moxlco wants furlhor Has o,, , 0, on inter Ihls yenr , Improvement. The problem I K ^ That Cigarette Smoking Is Danqerous „ .,, .. . ' " rT^' Rogers Is spending five hours considered tho grcnlciit jiolnl of 20 mg.' tar ,1.4 ma.nicotino ov. por ctrjarQtto .:;:7FTC RopoitTFEO. 73. In Mnnnguu nnd Is tho first sec- dlsngreemont botweon tho two. ^ _^ rotary of «tnt« [o visit Nlcn- generally friendly neighbors. How to triakie Ni^<>rt^ und^ ; NEW YORK — President Nixon , harping oh the mistakes of the past. :sl ums;:and; tvho has never ; been noted for un-. But it is not at all clear, even at ^-;^ after all the disclos- dcrstatement, now describes the Wa- James Reston, this late date, ' ; ' ' ¦:¦ ¦ r: ' indictr tergate scandal lis a "deplorable in- yy , ;.; . : ..; ; . ¦/; . ,; ; '' ures, convictions, resignations, cident" This: is the mildest use of ments : of Mitchell and Stana, cor- philosophy. :' '; barbarians the . English language since socne- . ruptions ' of the CI A and the State This may not be fair — probably An extract from m •conomle etfueetlon bullf body referred to tlie San; Francisco Department, that (he President is ¦ is not (fair _— to the old players tin ' . ¦of- His American Iristlfute : for ^Economic R«- earthquake as "an unfortunate oc- , prepared to get at what he calls Richardson , Haig, search, Gr«at Barrington ,- Mass. The institute currence." and it sueecsts that Mr. Connally, Ruck- "the- bpttorh of this thing," or, even elshaus and the others who first published the portion on the land value based Nixon still • hasn't- are that he understandsi what, the bot- shuffling from one jobi . to another property fax in, 1.941 and now has reprinted and identified the source tom of this thing is. .". ' - and leaving the; government . expanded If because, in part, of Interest (n urban or measured the with ; The; bottom of it is the corrup- hew leaders who won renewal. magnitude of the 't be able to tion of power, and the attempt of a understand their tragedy'. . ' ; ;"; assignments or personally loyal staff to prepetuate ¦ . , master their problems for ' ,'¦ In order to clarify what might otherwise be ..The reorgaiuza-: many the President's power, even ' if it . / months; But the fact is that we Invite readers to assume that they tbri of his Cabinet' the has to; break the law, defy the Con-- .obscure, White House and the become the elected managers of their re- and White House Cabinet are gress,: bend the Constitution or;ig- have now a shambles, ' ' staff suggests the while the President '"ribre ." and vilify the press. spective cltjes!. ; . - :.; Is pretending same thing. He has that the whole thing is .;• ' Not consciously, of course, but merely a . ' 'deplorable, incident." . . reminding you that this is; fantasy,. we done what he had carelessly and even self-righteously, First/ ' '' ' ' , the ; most evil inten- to do, but - tardily '"" : ;¦ ' : ¦;. ; HE IS ACTING boldly, But he is still talking about a "de- shall assuine; that'vypii have on but talking tions .and that among your boon companions is a and; grudgingly;;;He ;; l?" - defensively ; He is still talking about plorable incident," still acting as • if friendly devil. ;. - ' - . .^: '. \ ' ; has got rid of his losing cards, "the abuses practiced too often by this were merely a legal problem of Haldeman, Ehrlichrhah, Dean, etc,, both parties oyer the years," as if catching burglars, who can now be "HAVE A PLAN," said the devil, Vol : bring- which is all to the good, but he is the espionage and sabotage of the left to Elliot Richardson, John Con-r ing a: lasting; hell to our " city/ far more devastating still reshuffling the same old deck, 1972 presidentiaWection campaign pally and the courts, .while he goes were about the same as Bobby Bak- on to the more important problem than fire. : My- scheme will divide^ our fellow citi- a: good ' ¦ . BACK COMES Connelly, er of ''buiidirig a hew structure,. of zens that those . in the hell will; become . virtual tough guy to have ;at your side in a 's influence-peddling or H a r r y Vaughan's deep freeze or Sherman peace ih the world." ;barbarians -prepared to ; tear down , all that bur bet- brawl, but scarcely a symbol of ob- ' ' ter citizens can build. :¦; ,;. jective truth. Big , John is tod Adams vicuna cbat. . : ' : . Also, the men around him are ap? smart and experienced in the ways;;• After ducking for many months the pare.ntly still encouraging his self- . "We now are in one of the residential parts of politics to tolerate ; a lot of zeal- published . charges against his sup- delusion. Secretary of State Rogers ;Watergate, of the -city, but it is an . ;older; section that was 'ous amateurs and burglars around porters in the burglary, is iquoted as telling . him at a;Cabi- ^ now, not burned a few years ago. The| houses are some- ^ the White ; House, but. with all his who have been convicted or net meeting: "I know .that the Amer- . including what crowded, but they once-were occupied by guts and talents,, he is still an in- forced out of office -^ the ican people are . with-: you' -; and some of . our leading citizens." sider with presidential ambitions, second attorney general who has George Bush: "I want you to know: been, and scarcely a disinterested seeker ever indicted — Mr. Nixon is that Republicans everywhere are ' ; still proclaiming: "I didn't get strongly supporting you." And ; the .. • "¦; "yes,'-of course, but;, what of that?" you; re- after truth.; . . . ¦ where; I am; by ducking: tough is- President,: at; least ;in\ public, pre- plied!- '*"-:' ' , ".:¦ ¦;¦ ' ¦ '" ¦ ' ' . '. . - : The ' ''source- ' ' .of this;tragedy is sues. "He is even , taking credit for tends to believe it. "Simply this. You arrange with the tax asses- that power has. been exercised by confronting and deaiing with issues sors to raise the assessment and therefore the tax- the "insiders," whb were more loy- that were forced oft him by the "LET ME SAY/' he observed at raising dinner the oth- es on any building in the city that is repainted , or al to the .President than to the. law, courts, the Congress and the press. a party fund- of or their path , of office Under the ' ' ' er ; night in. Washington,; "I don't ¦remodeled , or improved . . in any . way. Moreover, nti^fu ;• . This, is; the same sort of self-de- ¦ ^ stahd:here;as a loser. We stand here caution t'fierri;' to assess at full value, or more near- Paris ^-,, The Watergate scandal Constitution . The remedy; was to ception that got him into trouble . in bring in a; few outsiders, who would ' tonight as winners, and we're going ly full vaiue; any: new building that is constructed. Isn't even remotely concerned , with . the fi rst place. He created the at- y,, and your' serve; the President faithfully, but mosphere of suspicion and secrecy to vviri again/' If this procedure fc followed assiduousl . United States foreign policy. Nev- C. 1^ Sulzberger tax rate is high enough, you soon will observe the "¦ ¦ ' - .' ¦I ' ' "' ; . '. ' . ¦ • ¦ be independent enough to tell him in which all this dirty business flours Well; the chances are that no- ertheless, should the affair . ;. . ; . following results: . ;;. result in when they thought he was wrong. ished, \ch6se the men who walled body's going to win on this kind of perceptible weakening of President mand, there was a perceptible dirriin- . And, what is probably . more impor- hirrt off from reality and organized seltdeception. The President's only ¦¦ ¦ . ishment in the chances of confronta- tant in this;crisis, that they should , refuge now is the truth and a new ¦¦ ' ¦:' "l. hout the older section of the city, Nixon's pesition, misinterpretation of the; centralized White House staff . ^Thibug tion between United States.and Rus- be recognized by the people to be adniinistration, not of insiders, but buildings will at first riot be painted and maintain- his powers or nusjudgment of his in- . system . under which they operated y sian forces. But now a curious new independent. of disinterested men who can tell , some mil become dilapidated;, and vir- tentions, ; o e r- on his instructions; ed ' then . development has again heightened the difference between a national tually, nonie will ' be improved or replaced.' .; seas crises couId PRESIDENT NIXON has not done IF IT WERE clear that the Pres- ¦ the threat of internatldnal explosion a- '¦ 'deplorable; incident. suddenly develop. . has improved the situation; ident had finally understood the crisis and " ; ; in the event of another round of the this. He' the two areas ago. He has put Gen. meaning of these scandals, it would ¦' "2. Into; this area will move the poorer famil- Palestine war- .,; from a month New York Times News Service ,'. . most sensitive to Alexander Haig in Haldeman's job be pointless arid even cruel to keep ies of the city;. They will gravitate to this locality, this ; possibility : are The Egyptians hay'e devised a clev- . them prefer to live in a slum ternpprarily, arid Cbnnally in the riot because most of , those familiar trou- er new strategy to avoid, another but because our clever taxing method will prevent surprise attack by Israel's air force White House as a consultant on dd- ble, spots, Southeast which' or at least limit the. remodeling or new construction • like that which facilitated her vic- rnestic , and foreign policy, and Southwest Asia. . ¦ may help replace Ehrlichman' and of housing that these families can afford : . When I: was in "Viet- tory in'- ,', the ' - 'six-day', war. Ground equipment able to service and di- worry Kissinger. But while this ¦¦ harri last month changes things and may be better . '• .' "3. Then, .given another decade or two, - as there was rect : Libya.'s' .; Trench-built Mirages A page of op . already than before, it; is still a reshuffle of children are brought Tip ; in these depressing sur- considerable Snhberger and the British Hunters' and Light- ' specu- insiders, a new defensive unit and a roundings, our city will; first have increasing prbbr lawon that, i. nLngs owned by Saudi Arabia,. Ku- ; under cover of the tat- riew game plan, rather than a new. 6a Winona Dally News, Winona, Minnesota, Monday, May 14, 1973 lems of juvenile delinquency; then the former; juven^ tered cease-fire, Hanoi was rebuild- wait arid Abu Dhabi has been em- lie delinquents will become; competent criminals and ing its placed at Egyptian bases. ' ¦ '¦ ¦ forces in the South and pil- racketeers'." .¦: ;.; ' ' ;¦. .'• .• '¦ - ing aip hew supplies with the inten- THIS STRATEGY would safe- tion of renewing a military offen- guard against, a repetition of the "IN ADDITION to taxing all improvements sive when the monsoon .season ends 1967 pre-emptive strike. Either d ca ¦ ¦ it TrMth #il heavily, you must reduce the taxes, on land; values ' ' '-; * next autumn would keep a large reserve of planes especially on land values in the - slum , areas. As LONDON—Tie priginal arrests in one involving President Kennedy lii available to el-Sadat but far from the, original buildings deteriorate arid the; neighbor- WASHINGTON'S warnings that the Watergate break-in occurred , 6ri the death of Ngo Dinh Diem. this course risks renewed bombard-, the scene of possible ; outbreak , or hood becomes a slum, encourage the landlords to . June 17, 1972. Two weeks later, - to Anthony Lewis THE PRESIDENTS former coun- ments and the rather symbolic ces- it .would tempt the Israelis into ¦the : John N. Mitchell resigned apply for reductions in their taxes. day, . sel gave the- evidence of that fake sation; of de-minirig operations in bombing non-Egyptian aircraft and as manager of President Nixon 's; re- In suddenly resigning from the cam- cable to the director of the F.B.I. Haiphong plus interruption of bila- thus automatically; exteriding. any election campaign; . "You will combine the maximum of discourage- new round of war. paign he gave Nixon, a hint, no for destruction. , teral talks on American , aid have • - Mitchell had managed the suc- ment to improvement with ; the miriimurh of dis- If Libya, Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi warning against trying to dismiss Numerous other White House men failed to deter the build-lip. More- cessful Nixon run in 1968. For three couragement to land speculation. Even when build- or Kuwait w-ere to be engaged in the affair as a mere caper? , and campaign officials were Involv- over; Cambodia's anti-communist attorney general. ings are condemned and closed as f iretraps or are. in conflict , this would immediately be years he had been Questions, of that kind have disap- ed. And the handful of incidents re- regime is collapsing and there seems Now he was resigning at the very danger of collapsing, they will not be replaced; mirrored in a Worsening energy cri- peared by now in the daily outpour-, called here do not begin to convey little the United States can do to start ol the hew campaign. Is it The tax remaining will be so small that the owner sis for the West; which depends ing of Watergate confessions, ex- the gravity of what was done. The patch it up; A Cambodia wholly the. President- had will not be forced to sell to someone who might heavily on their oil. With this back- conceivable that lanations and charges. It is worth effort was to destroy the political ¦;¦ ' ' ' available to communist forces all real discussion with him p build." , ¦;. . .;. ground — plus the record of el-Sa- no , recalling them because in a sense opposition, pervert the election laws, along the flank would seriously about his remarkable decision to dat's menacing talk of renewed mil- they lie at the heart of the difficul- funnel money and power into cen- ¦ weaken Saigon 's chances of beating withdraw at that point? Was their . " ' .' "YOU SAID, 'Think of some improvements in itary action — is it not possible that ty in knowing how to deal with the tralized hands. Stewart Alsop in off new; attacks. • . farewell chat, limited to bromides your plan?"; in the Middle East there also might larger political consequences ; of Newsweek says Watergate was "an In this continually shrinking geo- about the; sultry weather in Wash- ¦ be a misjudgment of President Nix- Watergate. attempt to alter the very nature of political world , it can be conjec- ington? ; "Well ," replied the devil, "I do know . of a subtle tured that a shabby political ruckus on 's firmness in the event of an- The point is that there probably the ancient American political sys- ¦ - modification of this scheme that has produced grati- that , had to do with American -mor- other war? "'. ACCORDING to John Mitchell's never can be conclusive answers to tem." I would add : and the system fying results. In parts of England when a property als and American voters could nev- This kind of speculation is cer- recent statement, he had three such questions. With or without ex- of law. becomes so dilapidated that it is no longer used, or ertheless conceivabl y produce dis- tainly ugly, Yet it is surely the sort times been present when Republi- ecutive privilege, we are likely to Those are the political dimensions even when the slumlord simply chooses not to rent tant repercussions. And what is true of argumentation now going on in can officials proposed espionage be frustrated as the characters in of Watergate. The very best that it, taxes are canceled altogether. It is most en- for Southeast Asia is also true for the cabincls of governments that against the Democrats. He objected , "Rashomon" in learning the abso- President Nixon can offer in ex- , couraging to slumlords not to have that nagging Southwest Asia , familiarly called are ruling areas already inured to he said — though evidently with not lute truth of what Richard Nixon tenuation Is a plea of ignorance annual payment, however small it might be. My the Middle East. crisis and not appalled by the pro- enough force to have any effect. In knew and did. That could be enough to permit his friends abroad tell me that England has some of When Moscow withdrew the bulk spect of extending it. any case, he must have known in survival in office, but it would not the most Impressive slums anywhere to be found. y, BUT THE suspicions will remain. repair the damage to American in- of its Egyptian military mission in New York Times News Service June, 1972, what was reall involved response to President el-Sadat's de- in Watergate,' Is it conceivable that Anyone with knowledge of Wash- stitutions. "BUT YQU still were not completely satisfied ; ington will find it hard to believe Authority is what ultimately is at consequently, you questioned further. 'The scheme that, a- man as experienced as this slake . — the sense of authority in as you outline it Is indeed convincing; but I won- President took from June 17, 1972, American society, and its exercise der, do you have any further proof of its sound- to April 17, 1973, to discover that at home and abroad; For even over- ness?" Losing by a hard nose Watergate involved serious official seas the poison of Watergate is hav- 1 ¦¦ wrongdoing. ing its effect. This time last year , the White '. 'I but he ought to be offset hy 20 government are not us- . "Yes, the devil replied , "in many cities of the We are admonished not to follow Heads of House was full of tough guys with years of experience in a City Hall , the morals of world the opposite of my scheme has been applied. or Congress McCarthy tactics and jump from ually finicky about hard noses. Russell Baker , or even dog-catcher 's Leonid I. Brezhnev office. hearsay premises to guilty conclu- other powers. It is always the fatal weakness Pompidou have not cities are exempt from Another solution sions, Helen Gahagan Douglas and and Georges All Improvements in those at the White House these decades. scarcely believe the granitic density , and better , Is: saints. But when they y the land values are taxed for all Have all the guys who are slated Jerry Voorhis may find some Irony lived only with taxation and onl Under Kennedy, who was it look - us of the Mitchelline proboscis, llalde- Americnn President, to become in that advice, but it is fair enough. deal with an community expenditures. The results: into Vietnam to the point of no re- man 's left us in raptures. big White House noses that he speaks be named on the ticket at Ihe nom- In terms of hard evidence, no out- they want to know turn? Tough guys with hard noses. with authority : that he can bring WHAT NONE of us ever made inating convention. All we get now sider can prove today that the 1. Such cities have no slums worthy of the Under Johnson , same thing . Tough along on a trnde agree- enough noise nbout in the Is the potential vice president President was Involved in the orig- Congress name, guys( hard noses and catastrophe. papers was , security treaty, that not one of these tough , hard- which is no use at all since he is inal crimes or their subsequent con- ment or a bewildering dally drnmn of US MEDIA wizards (Hunter nosed , brilliant guys had ever the one man in the whole country cealment. In the 2. Even the poorer citizens have no difficulty been have only be- Thompson 's term) who will have no say about 'Hint is a wise caution, but ft does Watergate, Americans in renting adequate housing. have a weakness elected to anything. any- on their thing that happens. not relieve the political dilemma of gun to consider the effects for tough guys with hard noses. It The people in Washington who had world. ¦ Watergate. For presidents are society, nnd therefore on the 3. New construction is greatly encouraged; Is an occupational disease, like sec- been elected — Congress types — Once we can go to a convent ion ond-rate novelists didn judged by broader standards than In fad , Hiose cities , in Australia , for example , seem ' passions for pros- 't interest us sufficiently , They and get a presidential ticket head- New York Times News Service titutes with hearts of gold . lacked the dynamism we admired. ed by, say, Nixon , with Kissinger personal guilt. They are responsible to enjoy a never-ending progression of building and for the Give us a new lough guy with a People who have to get elected us- publicly nominated for foreign policy character of their associates remodel ing. . nnd for what Is really hard nose at the White 'House ually can 't afford to be caught hard nose, Khrllchman for domes- done In the name of walking over their grandmothers , tic-policy tough guy, Hnldcmnn for Ihe White House. And In those terms 4. Industries come to those cities, because com- and watch us do tho media equiva- much less go around boasting about genius-in-resldencc , and so on, wo there is ample basis for the deep- panies are taxed only on the value of the land lent of whistling, stamping and cry- they It, They have to take public sensi- are hack in democracy. est concern, occupy (this value, of course largely reflects the- ing, "Gee whi'/." Which equivalent is, , ¦we bilities into account before engag ing Put them in the pnddovk heforo Consider what Is known, even at services provided by a city ) rather than on their puff the guy up until , If he reads In colorful activities . Ihe race so we can look tlieni over, Ihis early stage of the search for plants , equipment about himself in Ihe-papers — and , and subsequent increase of those This is the source nnd the odds are fair lo good I hat trulh. facilities, these tough guys alw.iys do, just of the fatal like everybody else — hu soon can- weakness of all the hard-nosery at the White Mouse will stop filling up A former member of the White not tell where he ends and the mar- the White House. The constituency with dynamic mess-makers. Com- House staff has admitted directing ¦ 5. Surprisingly enough , In many such cities velous hybrid that Is Koniievell , Slid- of Ihe tough guys is a hfindful of pelled to go on the tiekel , Kissinger Ihe burglary of the psychiatric files where the landlords were Ihe only citizens entitled lin and -lack Demsey begins. media wizard s, and the stuff that would soon slop playing Prince Mel- of a defendant In a pending crim- lo vole on land-value taxation , they voted for it. That McGeorge Bundy, we wrolo wows colmnnnsts is not likely to get lernich — arid come on like William inal case, Daniel Ellsberg. The help Although their taxes as owners of land were in- long ago, Is not only Harvard bril- a guy circled City Hall spittoon Jennings Urynn. of the Ccntrnl Intelligence Agency I/) ;IM creased , the great benefit the community, of this liant , but hanlnosed to boot. MeNa- shiner , especiall y If it is coupled The llaldemans and Khrlkhmaim W obtained for that operntlon—la law, method of taxation so increased the demand for mnrn , dillo , wild a tendency to trample grand- of the world would grow IIONCH «oft direct violation of the land in Ihe community that land values also rose." mothers In order to show devotion as soap, which Is to say senntorlal- The chief domestic advisor lo the That Chuck Colson , we wrole when f homnn A, Mdi Hti to the Mayor. lype noses , and all us media wizards: President met twice with the Judge . Ihe old hard noses had been honied presiding over tho Ellsberg am, out of town and a new set muster- would have to find a new «et of ONE OBVIOUS remedy would be cliches , or else start reporting from while It was going on, to offer him FuriaKAL nomtt, ed in the White House, Why, that for them to fill l*tmn\ Winona Daily News big White House Peking, where the old-llmnrs soy the directorship of tho I'.B.J. f Chuck Colson! lie is so hard-nosed jobs with people PII HIKW Meilltt tHiienl lUma who have exper- the noses haven 't been so hard since Another While House staff mem- he would walk right over his own ience in elective olficc. An Independent Newspaper — Established j«53 Ten years (ienghis KImn hung up the gloves. ber (H'lit one of Ihe Watergnto crim- IM Ui\ »«Hil< • Wlmuia grandmother f or love of Richard on a faculty in New England might inals over lo the Stnto Department to NikM ('«, >• Mf« lil 1*40 ^^mmaam*mmtmm0m» ^mma>4tmm i \a^m^mmmramtHim*** *fm»0ti MEMBEB OF TBI ASSOCIATED PRESS Nlxon. And John Mitchell! We could qualify a Kissinger here and there, New York Times News Service copy past diplomatic cables nnd foko

¦ ft nesota, said dairies do not Want Tornado protection interim legislative eommittet School contracts to bid a firm milk price On could study safety measures. school contracts because they meeting slated bothered by milk have no way of knowing how Last Wednesday, a tornado much the price may rise in the MINNEAPOLIS, Winn. (AP) struck the Connelly Mobil* ^iddj^ price fluctuation future. — A meeting on greater protec- Home Park in Lakevllle, killing ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) - A Hill suggested that the Min- tion against tornadoes for Min- one boy and destroying 12 trail* Minnesota dairy Industry offi - nesota Department of Educa- nesota mobile home dwellers is era. cial says uncertainty over price tion be given authority to re- being planned between the Some mobile home park man- increases expected In raw milk quire price adjustment clauses agers have resisted the idea of has caused problems in bidding in school milk contracts. He state and industry officials, an mandatory storm shelters on for school milk contracts for said such clauses would ensure Industry spokesman says. mand among American consumers; This, accelerated demand the grounds many conventional tbe coming year. the prices paid by schools T.H. Walters, executive direc- homes aro built on concret* has supposedl y created a gap between demand and supply* James Hill, president of the would rise or _fall as the raw tor of the Minnesota Mobile leading to inevitabl ; slabs without a basement re- y higher food prices, Most Americans, Dairies Federation of Min- milk price change's; '_, ; Home Association, also said an treat in case ot storms, ;i ^iJ;^;!^^ however, see increased consumer consumption of food as only .^ a secondary caUse for the escalation of prices at the super- ; ¦ ¦¦ ¦ . : In their deep frustration : over soaring food prices, the .market. ¦ ' '¦ ' >;' T ¦ - ' '¦" ' ' ¦'¦ ' Prices Effective 5 p.m. Friday, 5-11-73, thru 6 p.m. Sunday, 5-13-73. American v \.V . ... . ^mm\9B&mm *>. people do not Mania »uperzriarket operators or Price Increases imposed by ''middlemen'' are also seen farmers so much as food middlemen and processors. Sixty- as . one of the principal causes for the . continuing inflation five percent believe the latter are the "major cause In the which most Americans feel is more serious than ever. Fed- rise of food prices." eral spending, however, receives top billing as the villain of TWa feeling on the part of the public Is ironic, for most the inflation; spiral, followed by the high costs of construction of the public would be hard put to name precisely which arid high food prices. ;; ¦ ¦ "middlemen'' they have tn mind, But firmly planted In the Tlra cross section was. asked: . .; ' ; ' ¦ minds of most Americans is the notion that neither their : ':' " ' ' .' • ' ;; ; Major Cause ;';. local grocer nor the fafm«r who grows their food is making April Dec. Oct. June ¦¦ ' excessive¦ profits on his products./.• , ;¦¦ :- '73- -;- ' '72 '72 :• '72 ¦ ' ' ' "¦'¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' .. ' ; - ¦ ' ¦ ' - ¦%: -; - ¦ ¦% ¦ ¦ "• ' - .%'; ¦ . The "fat" in food prices, people feel , Is put there by: the .;. ;^ : ;- ; . v. :;. - . . . . . % . - meat packers arid other ' ' / agri-business concerns, whose job Federal spending ...... * ...:... 68; : 74;; 72 .76 it Is to take the Output off the farms, process and pack ; it, ¦ Building costs .,....;....;...... 66,- : .".; X . : X ':-V' ..X .' ; and distribute it to the food-store operators who, in turn, "; Food prices ...... ;..,... 65 ; X; . ;X ; X ; sell it to the ' ; ' ' ' ' public. ; . ; .Business raising prices : ...... , 64; v 65 ^ 66' .; "; ' . 64 "; A NATIONWIPE cross Middlemen price increases .... fiO :56 ,; 59: 54 section of 1,537 households was ' : ¦ '.' asked between April 18 Union wage demands .:...... 57 ; ;;A9 : 59 ; . .59 aridv23v . : ¦' ,.¦ ' ;' '59 ' ¦ 60 ;;"' .56 "Do you feel that (READ LIST) Business profits ;. -.....>.;. 1.. . 56: ¦ ; = . Is a major cause The Vietnam; war:' .' .' ::-:- i' '..".\...:\ 49; '¦ '; 53 ; 56 55; of the rise In food prices, a minor cause, or .: hardly; a ; canse at all?" Spending hy the public ....;... 35 33 32 34 ;;¦' ¦: •;' -' Farrn;prices ...:....;;...... 25 ;1T . 22 17 MAJOR CAUSES OF RISE IN FOOD PRICES; • .>' Major Minor Hardly Not . X — Not asked

' Cause Cause a Cause Sure ' ' ' the public does not lay blaine ' AGAIN, It IS ' evident that " ' ' ¦ v " " ¦ ¦ ¦ ' - ' : ¦ ¦ - - ; ¦/- ¦ ;¦%¦ :¦ -\- %¦¦ ¦ ¦) . '%"' . : % , . : ; ; for inflation; generally at the doorstep of the farmers nor Food middlemen, processors;.. 65 " : 21 ' -. 8 . 8 upon spending by consumers. Instead, the major culprit is ' , ' ?' - People wanting to buy more .. 34 . 32 . 27 7 believed to be the federal government in; its spending policies, WEED FEED ¦ ¦ 'N ' ;.. Farmers v.;.:. • . •.. ..;..' . '. >. " ...,;. ... 20 40; 35 . . : 5 with majorities also blaming both business and labor for ex- *j" ¦¦' ' v " ¦¦ . Food-store operators ,;..;..... 20 . . . 43' -; ; 31 ;, ;, .6: . ' . cessive profits and wage: demands. The Vietnam war, long for the inflation, clearly public ; seen as one of the chief reasons It is interestirig that-no more than 34 percent of the is beginning to taper off as the target of public wrath. ^ agrees with the claims of Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz ' scapegoat AlAIMC hi ;; The public is obviously in a mood to find some and others that the principal reason for the sharp; rises " prices. Although 62 percent of ^^^^^^^^ffi food prices can be attributed to unprecedented growth in de- for the current press of high the nation's families participated in the recent meat boycott, 71 percent agree that the protest did not have much impact in bringing down food prices. Given this abiding sense of tl• *«''« Weeds , Too Colorful Coneref. In Greer?. frustration, most people have favored some form of govern- but also to bring to IBK jtm Red and Rust mental action not only to curb prices, ^ ^ account some of the institutions in the economy they believe **

¦ have been responsible for the rise in the cost of living. • ' M^iMMWM-eiiMaSMMMMiaaMai ^^ MWMM ^M^MaawHi ^ Added to his woes over the Watergate issue, President ; $088 Nixon has been receiving almost uniformly negative marks on his handling of the inflation issue- By 83-15 percent, a siz- J A n $1 able majority rated him negatively in April on "keeping Per Bag Ready to Lay ^T R I down the cost of living"; by 69-25 percent , he was rated Ju|lgfs sbft negatively for his : imposing a ceiling on meat prices; and, by 67-28 percent, he received negative marks for his "hand- ling of federal spending:" ¦:¦¦:. NIXON ON KEEPING ECONOMY HEALTHY, Positive Negative Not Sure ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " ' ' ' ' ¦ ' " ' ¦ "%' ¦ ¦ ¦ • " - ¦ ¦::¦ ¦: . ¦: ¦ on crirnirials ;• : .-- % . :% , . . ' ' s paper was ah account of the ferocious . ;J. . April 1973 ^...... ;.'. 25U , - - ',. -71 - ' ; " '4 . In Wednesday' ¦ ¦ ; ¦¦ ' : ' ¦: ¦ '" :-;' . v.. ;> : 26 ' ' "-.- ., 69 ', . " .- 5' „ . attitude of some of our judges toward some of the poor Inno- . March ...... ¦ ¦ . . . ¦ individuals have expressed then* resentments February ...... ;,... 38 • - '58-; .:; 4 ; cent who¦ ¦ ¦¦;' ' •¦ ¦ against society. "/¦ ¦ .• -,: ; ¦ : - , January;,;...... ,.. 34' : . ., -.61 • - - . 5: . something and took It as their December 1972 ...... 38 , 58 These individuals "wanted" ¦ ¦ ¦ ^ -¦ right, as they are being taught dally that it is no crime to ' "; April :.,;:::::.:...,.: 25 '. ' . '; . . " 70,, ;.-.. ' •; .. "5 ' ¦ ; " express their resentments." Why should : they be cruelly •;-;. July I97i;.,v.;.>...;, . : 22' . -; '.' .73 ..; . .; ; 5 " ;.;..;•; their punished for innocent little burglaries? They wanted ¦ ' standing on: loot and the owners had no right to have it as long as Miney" - • Although not at its all-time nadir, Mr. Nixon's there; would no punishment for economic issues is close to it. The public is in; a mean and wanted it? And besides, be repercussions their crimes. angry mood about inflation and the political Three 15-year old boys in juvenile court charged with had begun to mount before the President's recent moves :to five counts of burglary—two charged with five counts and the tighten somewhat the regulation of price increases. third with three counts. All admitted' ' . their crimes and re- leased to custody of parents. The pair charged with five counts were ordered to observe a 9 o'clock curfew* restricted OSCILLATING .,„. to Winona County unless accompanied by their parents and $6W v to perform 15 hours of labor under the departiheht of court Leaking to press SPRINKLER ,services, work program. Wow 1 what cruel and tahumane. $*|47 tmAoo WASHINGTON — The reason • 8,000 sq. ft. coverage " treatment. How inconsiderate of their poor feelings. J ^ J QQ The lad charged with three counts of burglary was re- why the. Watergate case has a ^—- - JttM • Won-c/oggfng desfgn ^ ¦% leased to custody of parents until a social history can be broken open is that everyone Art Buchv/ald • For lawn, garden use ^m made. Tough going for him to have to be under parental care involved is leaking toI the press to save their ¦ for. a while. " » II 'I I ' n i i i A 17-year-old boy. was released to custody of parents and own skins. here, sir. These people are des- Sentenced to a ghastly five hours of work under the depart- I work in a perate and I don't want a riot." ment of court services' work program for illegally having ; building on beer in possession. The;used cans of beer not recovered are Pennsylvania A MAN slipped me $5,000 In probably lying along the highway for the State Highway Avenue which new $100 bills. "Take me up- department to pick up—a $250,000 plus annual taxpayer ex- also includes stairs with you to Newsweek's pense. the offices of office anl I'll give , you another y example. ''Stays on Probation." Proba- the Boston ¦ Then this dand : ' ' '¦ " ¦ : ¦' " • • ': tioner appears two years later for an eight-year probationary Globe, News- $5,obo:''- . • - . . -. . period for violation of his probation in an "indecent liberties" week magazine, The offer was tempting, but I crime with two college coeds.. In August 1972 (less than a N e w .hou s . e. gave the man his money back. year later) he was charged in Lake County, 111; with assault Newsp aipe r s , I /said, /'It would be unfair to and fined $250..This with a broken bottle. However ihe was Bnchwalil , the Dallas the other suspects in line. I'm "making slow progress" and so should have been forgiven Herald , the Kansas tity Times 'll all get in to leak and his probation violation disregarded. Star and the sure you In five years this individual was charged with or proven other morning when I ar- your stories." guilt The y of assault on five women—four involved sexual miscon- rived there was a long line out- "Thai's what they told me at duct and four involved the use of a sharp weapon. side the building composed of the Washington Post. But when Why go to all Me bother to pick on the poor fellow and . people implicated in the Water- I got up to the head of the line harass him as it will—from his apparent propensity—be only around gate affair. Tlie line ran they said they didn t need any a short time until ho really does kill some poor young girl! the block. True, "cases like this are not cured in prison," but the more on the Watergate bug public will be protected which is the function of prisons. A POLICEMAN stopped me ging. They had enough leaks ou Recentl in y in an eastern city a judge freed a man convicted at tho doOr and said , "Get that. ¦ of rape because "the girl did not protest long and hard Mac , like " fajg^yPJP : TU F BUILDER the back of the line, "I can't understand why all V^^ f . KeepsR grass $- 45 . enough." This decision stinks. everybody else, Some of these . How tough are those judges going to continue .to be be- all you people are so desperate to greener, *) . people have been waiting talk to the press," I said to ^^^Haf mj f fore there will bo no least protection for a law-abiding citizen? night to tell their stories to the ^^^mH^^mm^S0 10,000 iq. ft., $10.45 »7ooo THOMAS F. RICHARDS several of the people, all for- 15,000 .q. ft., JR75 •Q.rT.. . press." mer White House, aides. $ the SAVE 28 StniHPik . "I'm not a suspect in "You dummy," one of them HALTS PLUS $ 5 Power to cut speed Watergate ense, officer , I'm a shouted. "If wo implicate others cuD o cDEcn JffiS f^Sm fc?ll« ' ¦ going up to my t5"Mr Z~OrtkU / T ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ FcrtiliTAe 7' WE ¦. > : newspaperman then wo can get immunity from remiizos, Kdis weeasweed* j _ limit asked for office." prosecution." nKvinu I ' l i 1*1*1¦ 5 ft., $14.95 ed FT. Some people in tho line heard ROTARY If li f I r*« I '°°° *i. WISH fey shortage of fuel shove docu- "Why should we bo the scape- mo and tried to goats?" another mnn shouted. SUPER TURF BUILDER $795 ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) - ments at mc TILLER mm I IV^ I ¦ YOU ^-^ ," tho "We want to got fho guys who Leaves your lawn The governor would have "Let's have none of that put. us up to this. • Tills 26" wide , 8" deep «H I I M extra green] cop said to tho crowd "You " / standby power to reduce Min- . "If wo got our stories in Rugged gear UM M ™ ¦ nesota speed limits to SO miles can show him your documents • case, reverse ^k^^^^^* r ,'?*«« •"• U" * - - GOOD HEALTH print ," n third said, "then the Briggs enginB ¦ 19 S per hour in the event of a'fuel when you gel Inside." public • & Stratton '"' . . " * '' a former White will know wo wero just ^^^k^F in- shortage under legislation to be Ono man , little fish in a big stagnant In event of a head House aldo, shouted , "I can tell introduced today. ¦¦¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦¦¦ »¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ <> pool." ammammammmaam0mm»m»Maammma»,

^GRADUATIONS ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION . . . Charter members Lackore, who were in charge of the anniversary program , and past presidents were among those who received special the Mmes. Donald Burt and Mrs. Hermon Curtis , past presi- recognition Saturday when the Winona Branch of the Ameri- dents, Mrs. John Williams, retiring president ; Mrs. Robert can Association of University Women celebrated its golden Crandell, newly elected secretary and Mrs. Leslie Applegate, anniversary. A luncheon and program at the Winona Country new president A brief history of the organization was pre- Club highlighted the event. Seated are two charter members, sented during the program portion of the celebration The Miss Helen Pritchard, left, and Miss Myrtle Moore, La Crosse. Winona Branch was organized in 1923 with 27| members. Mrs Standing from left, Miss Ruth Xottschade and Mrs. A G. Ernest E Shepard was the first president (Daily News photo) Charter members, past officers ^K$&m ife SWEETHEART ^T^^^Xr*^.. mmm m tm mM honored at AAUW celebration ^BBWr^^^WvC'J^^UIIP ^ £9 m\m\\\\mW Miss Helen Pritchard , Wino- past presidents before 1950 and then intellectual abilities to aid Edna Nelson, volunteer worker na, and Miss Myrtle MooTe, La the Misses Irene Sherman Ann humanity of the Winona County Historical Crosse, were honored Saturday Lynch, Daisy Dean Urch, and At last week's state division Society, with a monetary gift as charter members when the Irene Garngan served the meeting in Minneapolis, the Winona Branch of the Ameri- group as leaders in its early Elizabeth Crary Donath endow- from Winona AAUW. years. ment fund was set up to honor A check will also be given to can Association of University project Women celebrated their golden Officers who served during Mrs. Arnold Donath , a former the Save Lake Winona anniversary at the Winona the first year (1923) included Winona branch president She Table centerpieces and acces- Country Club Mrs Ernest Shepard, presi- is currently historian of the sories in gold emphasized the More than 60 members, dent , Miss Dorothy Prentiss, Minnesota division. jubilee event The Mmes. Rob- among them seven past presi- vice president and chairman oi i ert Crandell and Leslie Apple- OTHER PAST presidents who dents, attended the anniversary program , AIISS Leslie Gage, gate were in charge of arrange- received recognition Saturday ments with Mrs. Williams event with Mrs John Williams, secretary , Mrs Charles Buck, ; retiring president, presiding treasurer, Mrs Guy Maxwell, were the Mmes Elmer Boiler, New officers were also In- counselor, and Mrs Ceorge Lit- Donald Burt, Hermon Curtis, troduced. They are the Mmes MISS PRITCHARD is a for- Donald Morgan, C Stanley Applegate, president , Mrs H9 ? BS *^'* -^^ .ifflB^^^^M "" tle and Mrs B P. Rosenberry, ^•JPHHK S^SS^^^^^B j af i* * * "^li^^MSV^f^^^^^BHlWC!-^^^ ^^^^^H^BiBBH^^££- S^I mer registrar at Winona State directors McMahon and Miss Margaret Lackore, vice president and Dnscoll College and Miss Moore, a for- Mrs A G Lackore and Miss programs, Mrs Crandell, re- mer biology teacher at Winona Ruth Kottschade, special re- A tour of the Bunnell House cording secretary , Mrs John Senior High School searchers for Saturday's histor- in Homer was made by about Clark, corresponding secretary, 20 AAUW members Four other living charter ical program, distributed sou- prior to the Mrs.7 Guy McLaughlin, treasur- members were cited Saturday. venir gold-covered booklets to luncheon. During the program, er, and Dr, Augusta Nelson They include the Mmes. S. A, each guest. Mrs. Lackore read 'Mrs. Williams presented Miss and Mrs. Williams, directors. t * J M Boyd, Xaguna Hills, Cahf.;.Rob- excerpt highlights, .contrasting *i# * ^^B^B^^SB^BHBH^k^^^^^^^^^K»r ^^^'4 ^ *"i * ni'^^^^^^ "^T^ iii tv mmwSsRnL i^m4 flRjvI P^ Cf ' ' ¦^^M I i g I 8 Hit i ert A. . Henry, ' ¦¦ * l m , ¦ Marshall, 1923 college . customs and - stu- ^B^gBB^B^^BB^^^^^^MMfc^^ »| lfm ^^mm ^* rtlil'Bi rt^mmV* il^^^^BJt fl &* \ fl ' mlivt ii "*{ '* || ^jTSlH^Bcfi » a E* I T«\^R( Mini, and E. M. Davis, Wat- dent behaviour with these of to? Cotter High ; Mrs. Jaycees I* feajR Wr JKi waW »f kins Methodist. Home, all for- day. ::. ' - - * ^^B^B^^ B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ B al ^Br^p f > JJPJ^^^ BGBII ' 1' M^Su m %* n _»*L£^ ra?*» SJHlS Aatla im mWW ' mer instructors at Winona Sen- riarrie officers * ior . High School in 1923; Mrs. WHEN THE Winona branch; Boyd and Mrs. Davis were began, natioial AAUW was al- names prdrti : '. Mrs':!' - ,Frank - Wohletz was past presidents,. Mjss Mildred ready 40 years old,, but then elected president of Mrs. Jay- Ward, another charter member calledI itself College Women's cees at a recent meeting.: Club. Oldest units in Minnesota resides in Florida. ¦ royalty ;: Other officers elected were: . Several prominent Winonans, were.'.. in Minneapolis : and St. flow deceased; who were among Paul and were organized; in Mrs. Craig Espe, vice presi- the 27 members of the original 1889. Minnesota : state 'division dent; Mrs. James Mausolf j Winona branch were Sister . Al- of AAUW was formed in 1923. secretary ; Mrs. .Gordie Peter- Qualification for son, treasurer; Mrs. Jim Han- oysiiis Malloy, the Mmes.- D. membership ' ¦ ' ¦'¦ C. Alexander, L; L. Brown, then as now was a bachelor's sen, state delegate. - • . . H. M. ( ) degree from an accredited Standing committee ; chair- Gretchen Lamberton ¦¦ ¦ col- Jr., William Lott Miller, A. E; lege or university. . .. '" .' ' •• women are: Mrs. H. P. Hewitt, Rau, Milton Spencer Sr., Ever- An important part of the as- social; Mrs. Doug Ravenholdt, program ; Mrs. Larry Meyer, ett Tawhey and the Misses sociation's goals has been con- ' Grace Chadwick, Florence Rich- tributing /funds . to fellowship publicity ; Mrs. Jim Wagner, ards and Louise Sutherland foundations which provide fi- membership; : Other chairwom- nancial assistance to women in- en are:. Mrs. Jerry Jahdl, Mrs. THE MMES. Stuart Adler, terested in doctoral disser- M. Saehler Hann Tom Jackson , Mrs. Russ 'Ault, P. A. Mattison, James MeCoh- tations and research. Gifted Mrs. Walt Kelly, Mrs. Charles non and Russell Johnson were women are thus enabled to use Miss Mary Saehler and Jim Hanson and Mrs. Jim Kerken- Haun were crowned king and bush. queen and led the grand march The Winona chapter won first *¦• //>•¦ Oak veneers; select hardwood Am\\\\m Am\\\\W Saturday evening during the place in money making, cystic • yr solids; selMsIng tray. . m%\W . m\\\\\\W' annual Junior-Senior Prom at fibrosis and miscellaneous at . 'A-*' .- 45xl6-H IB km\\\W m\\\\W Cotter High School, the district meeting held re- cently in Stewartville. They ' < Theme for th© prom was : ¦ -fc. ; ;.¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦' ' ¦ ¦ • : • -V- • ¦¦• ¦, • • . "Strawberry Fields Forever." also won a second place for - . . . . " -• ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦«¦ ' ¦ ' - - - • - ¦ • • ' The same theme was carried out aid to retarded children and • . . . . ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' . I ¦ ' ' " ' mmmmmmmm ; at the junior-senior banquet Sun- an honorable mention for Jay- . . . ' ' . . .., . " 'I ——*— '**• . . . ' . "——'—* day. cee assistance. Playing for the dance was "Ginger.'' ' The activity, room was decor- Grace ALCW a ted to resemble a strawberry garden with pink and green as PETERSON, Winn. (Special) the primary colors, — Grace ALCW will meet The queen is the daughter of Thursday at 2 p.m. Gratitude Mr. and Mrs. William E. Saeh- circle is in charge of the pro- ler and the king is the son of gram which will honor senior Mr. .and Mrs. Ray Haun. members.

U \\\W'' \' Mtplt vtneini Hlttl hirdwood en HMiltn Caileri ' ' ° Aijai %^J •olld» wl».rl,in« lr.j- 4«xU- KnillfmiihSBMk , LYLE'S INTERIORS... C7Q / SI 47 Also ivil liblti 1IM.01 Pint Wltf ______„ • ' ¦ ¦ ^aammmmmt i i ¦———— — ¦ ¦ ¦ mm . at vwotri , .T: . ' . w^—— ami |^H |pBj| People .differe nt ages slaws ¦""¦ WST" ""?» °t "ie'r ufis have chanflirifj needs , plij/«i- cal{ '' wWhsulMk V' and emotionally. The young house. Pp^^ l«f*ffl u>i/e urilh several children needs nn eany- care casml home where a spilled glass Wmt^^f^ ' , :' m'"c doesn 't result in spilled tears ! l mm&*'ffl^ ' *^y ,? v% WtWm ^^ '^i k *-,E '' 1eela everything should be p lan- ^^ MSc iBtay ncrf /or her comfort and efficiency , h'o- |R|| ^ f|HH cause no home , jto mailer hnm beautiful , Wata WaWm will delight her if it requires so much maintenance Hint she is lirrd nil the /imp. There ate so 3&L Sujuiy. (DaijjL many wander Jul jabrics available today, /lint rnn he tbipc.d ClhmcL clean viith a sparine , lovely floorings that require, no wax , will coverings that take all Ihe abuse children rnn give Heady for a mm day's play. Smock lops and them nnd retain their good looks, that the young fa m ily ¦ elephant pants geared to your little girl's active hardwood tolldii ulK Q1 CD . T"'" Point fabric; galltry AJ A . should be able to have not rmlj/ a pretty home , but a happy rlilhg tnyOxH - irovmt topi eoramlc knnbi, lire. Hnrd on wear nnd tear H VI? I «lvww Vi Uil . . . and easy on mother as well. ll'/i " lalact hardwar* tolldi. I^J T care qualities for you, O Sizes 7-14 in a variety mmmmm ' of colors nnd styles. (In* ix nfliicr too |/ouiifl or (no old In respond wild plea- .———— —aamm ————A— «———¦— ' ——awa——— ^a«^M sure to n well-p lanned personal environment; This Is the SMOCKS ...... $4.50 reason l.YLK'S feels that Ihe exp loration of the world of interior design and decoration is a life lono adventure. A 0PEN M0W' & FRL NIGHTS 'TIL 9Pw- ELEPHANT PANTS ,.. $8.50 home., like a family, is alumye chnnging, alumys in a slr/ f/» -ji ill BI I of becoming snmething else. Don ' t despair if it is not "finished." As long on yon live, j/ou should be making- chnngesi ¦ Call l.YLF.'S for all your home 's interio r surface needs. S*~~ S flVO CHILDREN'S WEAR- SECOND FLOOR Just dial -t\A-m:, or take a short tri p out In /.Y/.K'S [ ^j trtf showroom, CARPETING - DRAPERIES-LINOLEUM FURNITURE B 9 Hlqhwny 41 Wait r^A 0

Spring Goncert L;C. pops concert, "V MONDAY/ MAY. 14, 1W3 set at VVJHS J art show s lafed : Qsseo woman LAKE CITY, Minn., (Special): The Winona Junior High : Or- - Lincoln High School will chestra; will /present a spring wins award sponsor its annual' Pops Con- ' concert Tuesday at .7:301 p.m. in OSSEO, Wis; - Mrs, Lois G, sex not d@€@iffyl the Winona Junior High School cert and Art Sh^tw Tuesday at recently ¦ Bailiett, Osseo, was .¦. DEAR ' ABBY, Re the letter in your column from gal;; auditorium. . The orchestra di- 8:15 p.m. at the high school. honored at the; Sale.«( and . ' a who met a giiy, when she accidentally got a wrong number rected by Jerry Lehnieier ¦will A bake: sale will be held in Achievers Conference or Royal oh;(ihe phoh e perform full-orchestra, ¦ ' string in . Oh Iheir first in bed Ithen dad will always Spanish Dane* —- '.String ' Band Parents ; have an itch that needs, scratching. Likewise, a man can ' Orchestra ...... J M. Mojikowjkl states as a: salute to the Amei;- ¦ Suite ;...„:...... J»an P ' '¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ : ¦ ' : ¦ ' ' ¦' "¦¦ • - ¦ . Rameau CALEDONIA, Minn, (Speciai) Icah heritage; membership cam- . & • .". -terrific- >;¦ " , - - .' " . " " V ' . . - . " . ." - ' . ; --' • ¦ String quartet of ' : -^•Tlie Band Parents Caledo- paign. .:¦ • ¦ ¦ : ¦ Coriccrtone ..,...... ;,. ' PJeyal : ; ¦ ¦-; r -V- : ' ' ¦ . String. Ensemble. '. nia High School will meet Tues- iPeai'- .ii^bbac- - -J r . J- " - Allegro .;. . - .. .. '•¦: .-." Jeen-Js'seph Flo'cco fflK' 1SE-t . ¦ day at 8 p.m-. at the band room. ¦ ¦ •• ' -. String Quintet . ; '¦ ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ " • ¦:¦ Mazurka .. Ej Mly'narskj: Plans will be discussed for the tqurhanrient: ' .. " - y ' :¦ " GC ;Lrir5Sa ' .' - ' ' . B Ablaqii.yawBureh. , . . . Violin solo — Keren Lehmeler ' : - . - - ¦ : ¦ ¦— ' purchase Of hew band uniforms. -— ' . ' ¦ — ' ' r March, of the British . . . ¦ ' ' ' lpusy in bed, . *~—————. .. - .;. ¦;.. . . . ' . "- ¦ " ¦ ¦ Wihona Country Club women 'Grenadiers . . -^....: '... ..,...... English . : ., morri will al- ? : : will play a low net tournament »rr. cllve Richardson . ; ;. MALE IW1.UENCE , ". . ;Male foreign ways have an itch that needs scratching. Carpenter Highlights...... Carpenter MORE MOZAMBIQUlANS from the oven prior to serving. Supataraporn Tuesday. Golfers are asked to ' ' When women and men start facing this reality arid, deal- . I'll . Say Goodbye , BEIRA, Mozambique (AP) — students from "Winona State College proved was Instrumental In arranging the dinner. - News ¦ Mehran Habibi, Iran, remove a large dish day junior golf league. • :¦¦: DEAR TIMOTHY: Why is^a girl wiio "holds some-v 'thing-'back" promoting a .marriage: "based on deceit and How Carolina Lady (3ets {Relief \ \ dubious dealings?" What is ''deceitful'^' about refusing: : premarital sex? Ear Hours.:]F¥p0:I^^IMii]^;: Sure, a man or woman can be "lousy in bed" but ;. Your horoscope -----Jeane Dixon otherwise terrific, What .'. if either is . "terrific" in bed Of iJemorrlioidalTissues ' ¦ but iousy otherwise? '"While sexual compatibility is im- In Many Cases Medication Gives Prompt, Temporary : . . For TUESDAY, May '15 '¦ ; portant in marriage, there are: other reasons why irhar- Relief from Pain, Itching in Such Tissues. ; , riages fail. Moreover, 1 don't agree that most . men re- ' Preparation H* in many tasei hirthday ; today: Consolidation is your ". Mra\ G? McKinn«y of Ruther- ve . ; Yoiir theme this gard women as prostitutes. ford , NO. says : ^Preparation H p » F*I«mPt. temporary: relief lor year.; You have a great deal to do, Unsuspected talents come ; relieved my pain and itch, for "ouri ro.r \W- n ir,djlchmg in - ¦u;.^ i, nemorrholdal{ P tissues. It also actu- DEAR ABBY: To the woman whose husband refused to h0UI*- Tr c.nnn ' vin.V'vu^.0 a--Jd u,. alive; Relationships adapt themselves, to . your heeds/ To. shave' at night; although his rough beard irritated his wife's" . * "^ : . '. PS ally Tielps shrink painful swelling comfortable I've told^ lots^ of 0< juch' tissues taused by inflam- day's natives are thrifty and have a rich imagination and a sensitive face when he became affectionate: A friend of mends who ve had the same mation and infection. There's no sense of poetryi.- ' ;.' . \ ' mine solved that problem by writing the following poem, results." other formula like Preparation H. (Note : Doctors hare proved Ointment or Suppositories.) Aries (March 2l-ApiiI 19):; If you. .have. put aside . cash or and placing it on her husband's pillow; "I can go without hats other resources , there is a chance to make a good investment. I can go without shoes, Keep; dealings confidential. and whiskers may force me ' ' ' Taurus (AprH': ^-May ;20.) :...Reaiize ' '.that^jus(.' 'having; done to go without youse." this well thus far; is in itself an achievement. Let : finances (P.S. R worked.) PRAIRIE VILLAGE, KANS. stay pretty much as. they are. Loved ones need you, . DEAR ABBY: Your advice to "Mother" to "dig into the Gemini (Way 21-Jiine 20): Young, people attract attention sugar bowl" and help her married daughter when "Dad" and perhaps, concern. You have much to discuss before decid- refused (because son-in-law was always short on the essentials, ¦ ing What course to f ollow. • ' "¦¦' ' ¦: but gave 10 percent to the church) prompts this letter. May I suggest that "Mother" wait until she's asked for Cancer (June 2t-Jiily 22): Positive, cheerful behavior at- help? My own married children feel free to ask me to "butt tracts response in kind. See; what;caii be organized for eda- out." catipnal diversions. .. : . Parents can help their married children too much. If they ¦'¦ confine their gifts to small surprises now and then and ;. ' ' . Leo; (July 23-Aug. 22): Everybody's willing to discuss , perhaps a more generous gift at Christmas, they will be your situation, but little of their advice is useful. Sort things giving their children more than gifts. They will give them out, then follow your own judgment. ; V ' ¦' ¦ strength and courage to face reversals, or unexpected crises, /:.. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) : In being fifrri, with associates, ' ' . ' •• NATIVE; DIS& . . -;,Okey Akwari, ; left; Nigeria,' and Tse-; should they arise. be, consistent. Restrain yourselL : Their reservations may be . hay Elias, Ethiopia, add the finishing touches to a foreign "I was only trying to help," said through tears of be- meaningful.; Listen and lean); dish called dororwatt, ;a native - Ethiopian''dish; served at the wilderment when things don't work out as the parent had Mother s Day event. More than 25 foreign students,, from hoped , is a sad excuse for the chaos created over a longer Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) : Finances come under scrutiny . ' . ^ period of making children dependent. SADDER AND WISER Winona State College participated. Several Students .donned today. Simplify keep and dispose of what you don't ¦ (Also HAPPIER since I caught on early enough!) want. You need clarity as to what's appropriate. : native attire to give the evening;added authenticity, Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Your business talent is at a First District Legion peak along with some deserved lucky breaks. - On the other hand, be wary of how; you spend your money. Legion auxiliary meeting begins Friday Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec, 21): Avoid ; arguments. Bring ALBERT LEA, Minn. — The Belected companions to sports events or pastimes; if hot al- elects bfficers : First District American Legion ready ; accompariying somebody important.. Mrs, Bernard : J;; Korupplwas and American Legion Auxiliary Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jam 19): Travel Is featured. Friends reelected president of the Wi- are likely to speak candidly — listen before reacting^ Solve convention will be hosted by nona Legion Auxiliary to .Leor Bome personal mystery. ; : Leo Carey American Legion Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb 18): J. Wetzel Post 9 at the regular OMJVL ! . Indications of increasing earn- ¦ Post 56, Albert Lea, Friday S& ing power are showing, Do what you've agreed to do. Work meeting held Tuesday,' ; ¦¦ through Sunday. t # - thinking of a swimsuit overtime if necessary. '¦ '; Other officers elected were: First District membership! head. For girls — One- Pisces (Feb. lO-IWarch 20) : Personal ventures are fa- Mrs. E. G. Callahan, first vice vored. Get to onl the people who can stands at an all-time high of ^ and two-piece styles by "Catalina" and "Dune y help the causes ¦ you president; Mrs. Carl Jackson, "believe in, Speak frankly. ' . ': . "/ ¦¦ :¦; ¦'.; 13,561 members. Deck." Vivid colors. second vice president; Mrs. R, Sizes 4-6x — $5.75. and $6.80 C. Lang, treasurer; Mrs. Byron Sizes 7-14 — $7.50 and $8.50> A. Schneider and Mrs. ; John For boys — Colorful trunks, bright motifs. FREE INSURED STORAGE Prosser, executive board mem- (^cotts) Sizes 2-6 — $2,75 bers ; . Mrs. Frank . Nottelman TURF BUILDER FREE MOTHPROOFING and Mrs. Alvin Beeman, color ^— S~ \ CHILDHEN'S DEPT. - WITH THE FINEST IN DRY CLEANING PLUS 2 ^ ^ SECOND bearers, and Mrs, Arthur Dorri f ^^Tf // FLOOR , SAVE 75* TO 52.00 J SPECIALIST IN DECORATOR FOLD chaplain. DOlDD BROTHERS Contributions were voted to If UPD STO RE, Inc. DRAPERY CLEANING the Winona Day Activity" ; Cen- ¦ ter and Project CARE, Plus many other expert services: ' ' .; " ' ¦ - ^ Q Where Personal Service * • Delegates were selected to at- OnmiAwhW mnowxwi /y I ^ ^ ^ ^ A P As-Important As • Rewoaving • Dyeing • Complete Linen Service tend the first district conven- / \_y ^ ion in Albert Lea May 19 and 378 I. 4lh St. . Prion* 452-4007 The Merchandise Itself Suede and Leather Processing ¦MMMMHHHMiMMIi ^aaili ^Hi^i^MH • 20: IJItEAD MAKING ... Engaged in bread making early • Free Pick-Up and Delivery Mrs. Donald Gray, Red Cross Sunday morning were Jess Hari, Guiana , South America, chairman, announced that , Trinidad , who turned out.a large bloodmobile days will be May left , and Davika Ragbir Wabasha Gleaning & Linen Service 21-25. recipe of chapaiia ,. a natiye bread. Decorations for the din- " Call us or our tine agents: Dial 0, ask lor Zenith lOOOj ¦ ¦ ner followed a foreign theme. Von'i 1GA, B8.0 Grocery, Wlnonn Sowing Co., Ruppcrl's . . Grocery. . Caledonia concert Lake City sets directed by Gordon Johnson CALEDONIA , Minn. (Special) junior band concert will play songs from "My Fair —The Music department of Lady," "The S t a r-Spangled Caledonia Public Schools will LAKE CITY, Minti. ( Special) Banner," "Morning Has Brok- S^ & T^Si Time for Siebrecht's present a choir concert -tonight — The Lincoln IllRh School en," "Sounds of Silence," "Ce- / T* to do Junior Band will present "Con- at tho hifih school. Dale Mc- cilia , anl "Hall of the Moun- Curdy will conduct the choirs cert in the Park" nt 7 p.m. Fri- " ^S&LW its "SPRING THING" which will feature the freshmen day at Oahuta Park . . tain King." The and senior hi fill choirs. The 75-mcmbcr ' junior band Tho seventh-grade art stu- mB LONG-AWAITED dents also will display their /^ works. There is no admission RE-OPENING of ¦ The public is invited , W^f iZ***"** ' \ ¦' §I BL JhtL charge. 33T The Ga rden House Is Coming I ¦;¦ j0^^ tikbfihLbu : The livestock handled each ^^\ : year by Canada 's meat in- ^• ^^ Tuesday/ May 15. dustry would fill 200,000 freight cars. ^ */ mw\s. /m^S ^°0jL

Featuring — All the Summer Annuals, everything to make your - , ' It's \fi % , yard Bright & Beautiful and Special Hours for » •*.>•>» I , I f t jaxtw-.. }iy &¦ •****", : "A *^> , / '¦mf Cleaning j r^^] "Your Convenience." *^ ,c s0,s ' ***ySi. ' r 'X* 1 ' ft,lt nm'M ~ fl " 9£L f ibouLJimsi... , ^ , v"" *^ "*—>** j n( w stmjiinsses slmpes. Time (V5v.V Mon.-Fri. Open til 8:00 Si|ii/ires, clrclt's, hcxMRom. to liny, a Timex Qnnllly Watch. Many stylos' In g j& / Again I I'Mnd your ' flattery ami Saturday Open 8 till 5:00 men's and women 's wnlelies. .Inst in time for EffStt^^ f I ' ' ¦¦ffl My^r l-rea l. your eyes. All sizes x^-a grmliiullnn — Tinvx makes I ho perfect gift. ^v^agQb Great Tomorrow With Sunday Open 10 till 4:00 Nl RIM'S " Watches -- $7.1)5 lo $3(5.00 SPARKLING CLEAN Up- holMory nnd Carpeting. WOMEN'S Watches —$10.l)!i to $40.00 Visit... We'll mafco your e«rpnt and furniture like NEW Men's and Jewel ry agninl . Pcpurlmruls — 22Q0 Homor Road ^„^ Flowers and I K A Y ijAAlfi vS TTtaMfd, *m k Jr .... m, C«isnu'llcs — FURNITURE & mwWf* s . ^m^ ° /Qipa te f^tfoQTG Muin i,,hK,r RUG CLEANING // ll A Where- Personal Service Where PerKonnf Sei ujee 452-2048 ^**/y ll "5 and " get a good thing growing" kW^Jr \* S Is As Itiiiiorlcitil As jy / s ''"(""'loul As . . . \^ '" ^ 14 Y«ar» Sorving You The Morchandisf Itself **-"^ The Merchandise Itself f^ate17th ANNUAL *£\ J L> MAY MARATHON W ...WITH. A TONIGHT 'TIL 10 P.M. TUESDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 9 A.M. TONEW 10 P.M., SATURDAY 9 A.M. TO 5 P. LOOKM. LOW . , ,. LOW MARATHON PRICES J **- $e#Mifi^ LADIES fiflciMlhm. P ^^'TR^^ 3^ ^AancL f ijajfu! WARDROBE ( S SJ^Sf !S| 7 $100 I D ^ l^^^SS 8 q,]i^ J | ^

PV H^K V ^^PSS^^^^ -- \NC^58^^^^^^\^T^I* V*s*-S. ^¥^^^^^^^*m?&tr^^Z ^j i> ^^^ " I IIL 1 ^ i^^ltt^^^^B ^^ H \^_ j>fc /"* ^ ^ ^ftrvvv ySr*4L*maT i rmtCT^fr g^^^ fc ^fc ^^r ^J^S^*^"""—^^S^^*-''' ^^^^^^^ ^^H Sif lpjomcLCoht V. ... <£t £foifi, fo (Real OL tyic I ^^^ S^BS ^^^^^^^^M J. <^ C^ $et! I Whirlpool FREEZER ° ^ 6 DAYS0N LY! I ^ ^^ ^ ^^ ff ^rff-

i^l anti-goof color tuning system. F^kw ^— JW4WY OTHER MODELS *****^** 'llll! ^T%#l \l,ttMlA 1 111 1 P fc ^^iW 0 ^^ ^ SPECIALLY PRICED ... SHOP TOD AY I m ill II ^32f UH^¦l^ "" " I KUffl I p ^^^^^^—^^g^ ^ ^1 \\\\\\ ^^ Gibraltar 90TM chassis for solid-state k^Ll till ^m^M ^M " ! I HI i • re- ¦ II ¦ I f T »* P"*-»~ Additional Low Ma rathon Prices On 9 lil C O U I K \ / ! I' Plu§ in transistors for service ease A ii A I -i i r- i !HH ¦ ill IB 1111 I * • All Whirlpool Freezers ! jl JIB J Model NO. 0,2221

Shop Choate's Appliance Dept. Til 10 p.m. Tonight 'ji \jfl | [^ ^^—^^ T l $ A O O

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Extra large throw- Shop our appliance Additional Se rvice ¦ ¦ ¦»¦¦ ¦ ¦ • d L^h=* dept. ^ Ilffl ' " dirt-change less duri ng the marathon and Warranty P /vj^j m see the newl remodeled nSSSSof r°l y J I On All New Svlvania TV's K kitchen with piie new appliances J l Purchased During the V ^S^Lj L T fc * ' l H n^it^ow to in operation. ' 111 ' . '] U ¦ ¦ Marathon K ¦ with d^ j l/jr' .' .l '^ T&W ^^^^ W^W ^^S ^^ ^^ '

^ REGISTER FOR THE GRAND PRIZE ^4 (ffi ^h HNL"/ TH ewi • if* • \{ P/ ' FREE DELIVERY WITHI N 25-MILE Regularly $69.95 ( PTO| / U "" V"*^^ || : • K . BE S (;RK TO ASIC JACK , KRKI ) OR fcl NO TRADE- I NS REQUIRED ^p 11 Y^J • O. dWDVStfL... D N DU mNG THE MARATI I0N ADDITIONAL SERVICE j^^^Bl ifl ° pi • WARRA NTIES (jJi)ML ' ¦ FOR vouR -SBcnBT BONUS - ^^f Mt NO CHARGE FOR NORMAL JhSL j/i^^^^jLlWM • WDAL fijopulcOL / ^ NAME BRAND MERCHANDISE ^^^^J m m ' ' * m • ALL

CHOOS E FROM OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF APPLIANCES AND TELEVISIO NS AND RECEIVE LOW MARATHON Jh ^g& PRICES. ^ K JACK, FRED AND DON WILL BE ON HAND TO HELP YOU IONS , MAKE YOUR MARATHON SELECT •jff|# y^v —, J/Jv^ Goodview boy ;; Prices effective 5 p.m. Mon. 5-14 ibrij Troop^ 9 p.m. Wed. 5-16. While Quahtitiei laitl pslagle talks enter te^ Tf mv\xl^^sStL^UaaimLaJ ^aLJ ^BIm ^ Scout award -"VIENNA CAP); The East- garrison in Hungary from the and Polish leaders agreed dur- — ' Erik _rom, son of Mr. and West talks to arrange for nego- forces that wo>uld; be subject to ing Breshnev's visit to Poland ' Mrs> Leo J.TV Brom, 3B55 8th tiations on a reduction of reduction; ' Friday, ori . the; "great • impor- armVedforces in Central Europe The 19 nations now move 11 St;, .Gp»dview, on . tance" of the Vienna talks. To- B ; received his Ea- moved into a new phase today to such, prbce dura! matters ; as day the Soviet ; military com- i " i^_i__iV__k^^__8____l1-,li gle Scout award at a Court with the Russians for. '; the first the agenda and rules of proce- mander of ther Warsaw Pact, Of Honor held Saturday at time publicly terming them of dure ; for; tho fMurc negotiations the communist equivalent- of Goddyiew Elementary School. "great importance'' and "great and a Soviet proposal for the the North: Atlantic Treaty. Or- A member of Goodview Scout significance." r inclusion of neutral nations. ganization, said in an Interview 1 ; P_H_4^ Troop 202,. Brom has been in The 19 nations were still . The. Vienna talks are a com- that EastWest. reduction of • the scouting program six years, months away at least from get- panion to similar exploratory forces was of "great signifi- ¦ ' ¦ three as a Cub Scout and three ting down to talking about how talks fri Helsinki, Finland, at cance."/ /' -' . • ' .' . . . -.;.;¦;. ¦ as a Boy Scout. He received the many of which nation's troops which 34 nations are laying . the Ad Altare Dei Award in Jurie, might be . pulled back. ; There groundwork for a conference on Brezhnev in a stlll-unpnb- lished : policy review two. weeks 1972, completed his work for were hopes that such substan- European security. The Rus- ' Eagle and participated in a ca- tive negotiations could begin in sians have been seeking such a ago reportedly told the central noe trip out of Charles L, Sbrh- the fall. But it has taken 14 conference for several years, committee of the Soviet Coriar mers Wilderness Canoe $ase, weeks of wrangling to decide while the United States and its munist party that relations be- Ely, Minn. He will enter Cot- Whether Hungary should par- allies demanded the negotia- tween Moscow . and its ; Eu- ter High School next fall ticipate in the conference as a tions on reduction of forces' as ropean satellites permit the Awards . were presented fol- full member or just as an. ob- their price for participation in withdrawal1 of some Soviet '' troops. He attributed this to lowing a potluck supper. Dr. J* server. ^ . '. . the security talks; Vincent VWadden represented NATO's failure to challenge the The United States finally Moscow displayed a more 1968 Soviet invasion of Czech- business and the professions, arid the Rev. forced Britain; and its Other al- sympathetic public attitude to oslovakia. Joseph Mountain, lies, the idea of force St. Mary's Church, religion to yield;to the Soviet de- . : cuts during Brezhnev told the committee , mand that Hungary get observ- the "weekend with a report in that reduction of Soviet forces with the address given by Wil- the Soviet liam Torhashek er status¦ . only. The British con- Pravda^ Communist in Central Europe would free , Siigar Loaf . that this in. effect re; party newspaper funds, : : ; Scout district commissioner. tended .-; ,' that Soviet large for use on economic . COURT OF HONOR ,;.. . The Goodview Boy Scout Troop moved the 40,000-man Soviet party chief Leonid . Brezhnev projects. . ; " 202 Court of Honor, held at Goodview School Saturday, in- Other awards presented were to: Ed Nix - ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ _¦ cluded the presentation cif the Eagle Scout award to .'¦ Erik arid Allen Schnei- p .; ¦¦ m CLIP AND SAVEI _| der, new Scout; Ed . 'Nix; Allan Brom, right, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. T. Brom , *655 6th . ; Schneider ; and James Beard, : ¦ e, 33 , : ¦ w ; ; , Mr. , " ' ¦ -^ :: 1: St., Goodview arid Mrs;. Brom . watch as Scoutmaster first aid ; Rick Schooiiover and i j^^lfe KXAAL^^ i-CUlTHES— - John Beard makes the presentation. (Daily News photo) Bill Anderson, second class; ¦ ; ¦ Brad Buerck j first 6lass; Tim 1^811^^^^r^ : Mueller, star; Tim Mulier arid James Beard, canoeing merit James Beard, wobdearving mer- : BIS& ¦ it, and Erik Brom, home -'re* ¦ 1 i 1 I Itrfcf*^i i ^aW^mW: "r* . . • Vinyl rwb-sulter J ¦¦ ¦ I ¦ 42 inches long , | GaiB^diarii pairs. ;¦;/ ;,- • ' I II m^\ hT^ ¦ ' " * ; The troop is;, sponsored by the 1 ; ¦ Goodview S c h o o 1 Parent ¦ qajpgP* . Limit i Obod Thru Wed.» M»y 1« . " . Teacher Association. -. :•. . ¦¦ HI ¦ _B REDEEM AT TEMPO _1__ _1¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ Bad headlights p %m m BB M CLIP AND SAVEI WM WM B| ' most common |4'jd^\ :^jiis/fe^ vehicle defect fo^rripad PHNOM PENH, Cambodia — one month's pay for. an en- : : : >IADISON,. Wisi (AP) - -^ m (AP) . -^- About 500 Cambodian listed man. Out of this he has *WK: Faulty .headlights were ¦ iv¦"-¦• ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ troops, .. hungry and vilpaid, to buy his own food, . . ' ten cited as a defect last year JmXim' -m^^ B ¦;. . . m^^S^^zttJ- ' *' " _T^ ' • Teflon*-coat cover —,: whooped through Phnorri Penh . The ., ofrmer commander of when; the state Department of ¦ '^^^^^^ U Resilient | "Transportation conducted 51,523 . LAA/^ ' • today, firing their . guns in the the troops blamed an adminis- r ¦' vehicle inspections the depart- ;|pjg3 _ 2S=r--* ;. -. .' oood Thro Wed., Miy Ti air. They : promptly got a trative muddle for their lack of j ^^.^^ ^S^ | ment says.. -, month's pay and some bread to pay. Since February i pay has It said about 60 __ ¦_ ¦¦ ¦_ _l ' '¦¦¦ ' . - , •'¦; ' ¦• ;¦ ¦ per . cent of fa Bi Hi REDEEM AT TEMPO eat. - . .;. - beeii handled by the central of- the vehicles inspected, both.pri- As they straggled . past the fice whereas previously it was vate and .state-owned; had some ¦_ _¦Hi _¦¦¦ CUP AND SAVE! ¦¦ ' Hi _¦¦¦ If capital's, principal hotel at distributed tby individual com- defect.' ' ¦ ' :\ i v.' ;/- ' ' ;:¦.¦ : . . . . ;. lunch time, guests dived for manders/ , ; :: . . ; The inspection -report said f : : ; v' ' y -; cover , under restaurant .tables The new systerh was devised there was an average of 3.4 de- '' ^we >4 : ^ ^; : .B. and ducked behind trees around _^^IIS_t^^>i ' -;' 'f ^ in a bid to curb wide-scale cor- fects per car among those with '¦ the swimming pool. ruption in which senior officers problems. Cars were inspected— Ili« Soldiers , complaining they pocketed funds by drawing at the¦• ". state's facility near ¦m^SS? y.#^^rnVBt^t WWW- W had received no pay for a wages for phantom battalions Madison arid on state roads. ¦ r which, existed only on paper. . Incorrectly aimed -or .; B ; ' : month and .no food for three . burned t^^« ^' > i days marched in from Fhnom out headlights : made up. about I '-Mn B1 M - A • Ki,ls motns larvaB ¦ ' 30 per cent of the defects offi- ¦ : ¦ ' ¦¦ 0l,e ound' ' • ¦;:¦ : '• ¦¦; Baseth, 14 miles ¦ to the¦ north- * _Bi^_^i^l«i ' ' AL - • ; P *>PX :• ; ' " , ' ' ' '' ¦' ¦' ¦' ' • - ' cials said, problems with ex- I^T^ west. . . -. v- - Runaway stock : ___sP¦ - . r T' They said they had left their haust and fuel systems or tires I. . -!^^^_ . . . . . Ooofi Thm Wed.> Miy U I about 20 per cent, windshield officers behind and threatened car kills __¦¦ ¦¦ ¦_ ¦_ ¦_ to move ori Marshal Lon Nol's wipers .6. per cent ; and brakes 4 fa REDEEM AT TEMPO presidential' palace if the gov- Milwaukee mail percent! , ELK OF THE YEAR . v. Winona's exalt- award is for outstanding service to brother ¦¦ " ! ¦ 1 _¦_¦ _¦ MB CLIP AND SAVEl BB Ml ¦_ MB ernment failed .. to pay their ' The report said that based on ed Elk ruler James Casey, left, made the Elks. Tpmashek has been a member of the Mg M 3 L W A U K E E . (AP) - defects discovered in the spot . wages. presentation Saturday nighty when; Kobert . local lodge since 1969,-; when he transferred, The troops showed no hostil- Charles C; Acheson, ; Mil- checks, there may be 1:2 mil- ;; aV - retail sales manager for Union his . membership from California. He lives at I ¦ ' ®! ity to civilians, and newsmen waukee, ;. was killed Sunday lion , defective vehicles oper- Tomashek, • M^>T, . : ^ ^' : ^: 1 1 Goodview. (Daily News photo) ^ saw no looting although a num- when he tried to drive a modi- ating ori state highways. Oil Co., was named Elk cf the Year; The 835 Mh Ave., ¦ ^^^^^ Reg.3/$1.99*T BIilNK ; I ber of soldiers carried full bot- fied stock car from a trucking ^^^^^^ firm's scale and collided with a HE tles of liquor. / ^W^^ %IM ^L 1 ; 1 They converged on the army parked. 42-foot trailer.. \\ ™CASSETrtS The Milwaukee County medi- Survey indicates - pay office, where they were V^^^/M WS" 1 met by the division ' command- cal examiner's office said Ach- B v&Wilr JF ¦ ' '* S'xry-mlnutetape* a . eson, 32 ¦ lL* Record, play back ¦ er, Brig. Gen. Urn Khaav, who , weighed the car at V^i^^T^lAA/^ r"^ •Oood Thru Roadway Express; Inc., and be- ^ Wed., promised all would be paid if ^CJ ^^ Miy 1« I they assembled at a huge city gan driving it off the scale. The I vehicle suddenly accelerated at Poor T j^^j^y^ijgjr;^ ^ sports stadium a mile away. ^/^^. ^esKa^^^^Qf fa B Bl Pi REDEEM AT TEMPO Bl BB BB al a high rate of speed and ram- WASHINGTON (AP) - A 50- sored by eight organizations in- day on the heels of President OEO to a new corporation. The army paymaster hastily med into supports for the trail- ^ ' m Ml MB state survey indicates the poor volved in antipoverty law con- Nixon's proposal Friday for a "If OEO can do the things Bfl Bl BRLBBBl CLIP AND SAVEI Bl BJ produced a sack of money and er, which then collapsed onto national legal-services corpo- we've detailed, then certainly a are receiving less aid from the cludes that many Legal Serv- the troops formed up to collect the car's top and crushed Acta ices lawyers are handling fewer ration, "independent of political private corporation which is not • ¦ Regular 594 P the equivalent of about $17 each eson ¦to; death, the report said. Legal Services program than cases, postponing major litiga- pressures," to replace the Le- held to the same standards, can Es ^Jj l NA^V i before Howard Phillips became 2% - Advertisement tion, or turning clients away. gal Services program currently certainly do the same and more AQUANET ¦ acting director of the Office ol '' ¦' B mm^ Many frustrated lawyers, it within the OEO. ,, unless they're watched like a 0Z. Economic , Opportunity early said , are quitting the program. Nixon has ordered Phillips to hawk," Cahn said. 1 ^Qcri3 HAIR I New Way Found this year. dismantle OEO, with the ex- The report accused OEO offi- &$> A report on the survey spon- The report was released Sun- ception of its Legal Services cials of withholding grants vital l 4J O SPRAir 1 program, by June 30, to the survival of local pro- «Il7s rf* • Regular, superhold B To Stop Hair Loss, ¦ LWNsfiB L- ¦ The report of the National grams, isolating national bar I BsWaAm 1* . . NP orunscentedw-mr&fo Colloquium on Legal Services, associations from the antipo- ¦ m SkWffm 1| Grow More Hair headed by Edgar S. Calm, dean vcrty attorneys, and placing ¦JHj Eni y ^^LI P < ' Oood Thru Wed., Miv 1t ' also under , if you arc not already of the Antioch Law School, the program's lawyers " BB MB Bl ¦¦ HOUSTON, Texas — If But River xJmlWg asserted that political motives virtual house arrest to prevent l l Br__ Bl REDEEM AT TEMPO slick bald , how can be - sure you don't suffer from male >u of Legal Services officials in (hem from acting in concert to nnitprn haldnesq vnn nn Nvl,at 1S actually causing your pauern Daianess, you can hnlr ]o5s? Even i( 1>aldncss mny Washington ; are compromising protect the program's profes- now stop your hair Joss . . . secm to "run in your family," the integrity of tho current pro- sional integrity." PBBBB MM MH CLIP AND SAVEI MM BH Bl Bl Bl and grow more hair. Oils is certainly no proof of die gram. It said federal officials For years "they said it couldn't cm,se of Y0UR 'mlr/Ioss. at St. Louis have adopted strategies to turn lo- 3rd Ward city sA/l bo done." Bui now a firm of lab- "nir loss caused by sebum can By CRAIG AMMERMAN levels. If that happens, the Mis- control over local projects to J l also run in , your (amily nnd cal politicians or to local bar ¦ ^ 0PAQUE oratory consultants has developed Associated Press Writer , sissippi will have stayed above council meet i^^W i- I a treatment f or both men and many other conditions can cause The Mississippi River began associations "with known hos- ¦ ¦ women, that is not only stopping hair loss. No mutter which one flood stage at St. Louis for tility tward the local legal- ¦ ¦ hair loss . . . but is really grow- is causing ' your linlr loss, if you to recede today from St. Louis nearly three months. Today is is scheduled C H0SE . - . to the Gulf of Mexico. But the service program involved ...." VHP3 1 # > " ing hair ! wilt until you arc slick bald and the 66th consecutive day it has OEO policies under Phillips , ; •¦ hn»" roots -are dead , ym; proMems of farmers whoso City councilman and staff I rf 1 I I' ? lbs. up ' . Tlicy dtWi even uuli you to 7™~, - been abovo flood stage there. the report, said, "have had the members will meet with Wi- - [N. h . A* Fits 165 take their word Tor it, They j1"' beyond help, So if you still lnncl lines tlie long and rich val- ¦ \< rrasn,on colors I ] r nny hnir - on op of your ley were going tho other direc' In Memphis, officials widespread effect of generating nona 's 3rd Ward residents Wed- J V A A./"^ * invite ynu to try the Ironlmcnt ™ , Tenn., funding crises , disrupting pro- ^ licnd and would like Io stop Hon, nesday in Central Elementary ^0 ^ M II »od Thru Wed., May Ii I for 32 cloys , at their risk, and were pointing toward another grams, increasing attorney nnd IV/ A 7*0 ' J ». -> ° see tor yourself ! r hair loss _ mid grow more "The entire nation will feel problem — ticks and mos- School. ¦. ', not. „ J™ , staff turnover; lowering (ho vol-i ^atiirnlly,. . „ they.. would, offer in r . . now is h« time to do the effect of this great trage- qultos. This is the third in a series fa Bl Bl Bl REDEEM AT TEMPO MM MM MM di snin ot,, nR nlMnit iL bcforc iVs time of services rendered and of ward-level meetings intend- this opportunity unless Hie treat- j dy, " says Howard Waters, Mid- Damage estimates ranged (0 n(c* west regional director for tho undermining the confidence of ed to inform citizens about city mnnt worked. However , 11 is im- from a $420 million figure is- attorneys and clients in the sta- Bfl Bi B1.B1 BB CLIP AND SAVEI BH BB Bl Bl B| possible I o help everyone, Lnosch Lnboraloiy Consultants, Agricultural Stnbllizalion and sued by llio Mississippi nivcr government, Howard Hovclnnd , m. , . .. . Inc. , will supply you with treat- Conservation Service. bility of the program." 3rd Ward councilman , will lend The great majority of cas- , Commission to a $4110 million vA/ m( nV for 32 days, «t their risk , tag set by tho Corps of Engi- Calm, who led n slx-mnn tbe 7:30 p.m. meeting. es of excessive hair fall and if they believe tho treatment will Wnlcrs wns In Missouri , ' neers. Moro than 35,000 persons team In drafting tho report , The full council nnd City ! ^8f r-H Hr FORMULA ' baldness are the beginning "dp yon. Just send them thci where IB per cent, of tho state 's remain homeless; Manager Paul G. Schriover 's 1 ¦ Intermailon listed below. All in- fnniilnnd was at least 27 said local programs could face m&A h 409 and more fully developed in arc den inundnlcd by deaths have been attributed to similar probloms If Legal department heads are expected fn m -.?„«„ ^r «,«i~ »nnnnn U„I#I rlcs answered conf 1- floodwaters. A stale official Serv- stages of male pattern bald- by mnil nnit tho floods. ices is transferred from the to attend. 1 C WINDOW I wilhmit „,,„. tliero predicted on Sundny that M£$ffi# Al S ncss and cannot be helped, jjntion.^ Adv. "no moro than 25 per cent" of CLEAHER l p . NO onuaATioN COUPON Missouri's cotton crop will bo * ^'X Jmw\* ¦ Oood Thru Wed,, N»y II To: I.oeich Laboratory ConiuiltnnU, Inc. planted this yenr. ' \J$$cLt/lm1 %\ AA/S IIox 6riOO|, 3311 West Mnln St, Entlro farms In Missouri, Il- Want a Better Car? See the "BIG M" for . LlmlU I PM'' m Houilon, Tcxns 77006 linois, Louisiana nnd Mis- Wl. 'O .' .'>, ' ') ,!¦/ I niu fuihmiltlng the followiiiR Infnrmntlon wllh (lie uinler- sissippi remain covered by fa M BOBi REDEEM AT TEMPO BB BH Bfl fll RlnniliiiR Hint it will he kept Miiclly cnnfldentinl mill that I nm llnoclwnlcrs. The cotton crop In under no ohlip,nilnri \vlinlsocvcr. nffn top of your lirnd? today. Only thon can tho bnck- i /MMmKT z » How long . In ll? U it dry? In it oily 7 wulera of tributaries In Loui- R. Attach any oi lier Information you feel may he helpful. siana and Mississippi drain '^fflW l X 77 ' from farmland. ¦ ¦ A»A«F Limit I I NA.MP. At St. Louis, Mo,, tho rlvor MERCHANTS III,fillIII I l M,y A DDK RSS crostcd on Satu rday at olglit I 'V\\\\\(( I io<"' T ,,ru w,d I fed. almvo flood stage. Officials NATIONAL BANK OF WINONA ' " " CITV S TATU ZIP predict It. will ho the end ol 102 on tho Plaza Eatt Member F.D.I.C. Phone 454-5160 faMBlBl REDEEM AT TEMPO Bl MH HI fll May before It falls bolow Hood A'W^

Sp^ ^rhe room Is 23 feet long and pressive 10-foot bay window for By ANDY LANG is a cross between the indoors plenty of light. The bay also One look at the latest House and the outdoors, protected ov- contains r window seat, which of the Week; and you may be erhead by a roof and oil both doubles as a piece of furniture. tempted to , let loose with a few sides by walls. It is open only The dining room is connected to a Spanish bars of "El Ranclio Grandei" at the •ends, with a wrought iron the living room by, ' " grille serni-enclosing it at the arch 6 feet wide, one half of . .-, For it's a Spanish ranch, au- front; At the other end it melds which has a decorative turned thentic in styling in nearly all into the rear terrace. Since large pole grille built in. . The fire- respects. In typical fashion, it sliding : glass doors open..onto it place flagstone hearth:. extends gives special importance to in- from the living room and there's air the way to the grille, enhanc- : clooT-outdopr .living', - featuring a service door from the kitchen, ing the apparent size of the foy- what architect Rudolph A. Ma- overflow partying can be hand- er. Sliding doors located to the tern calls a "hacienda room." rear open onto the open ter- ' ' Since hacienda means house, it race,- ::¦:. ;:' A ,;: .; . . cart only , be assumed that the R-ll STATISTICS The kitchen contains a break- HE : : architect intended the name to fast space, modern equipment @ ^; imply that the room is an In- Design H-H, has a; living P E K' - room, dining room, kitchen, and a corner sink overlooking tegral part of the house even ' two corner windows; Through though it is located between one three ; bedrooms, a bathroom ; : ; :r^ the service door, outdoor ser- :B ETRK>;- ; : SE^RAL . WALL and ;T end. of the basic structure and and a foyer, totaling 1407 square !I : iJ^ - ': large ving is no chore. •tyling, add to thei chartn and mterest of Uiis three-bedrooia :;. . '/: the garage/ ; ; feet. There is a "hacienda room'' between the Three bedrooms open to a house and the one-car garage, private rear ; hall In which the at the rear of which is a sizable well-appointed bath is located. storage area. There is a full The bath Is designed along Hol- 963 W. HftJi More detailed plans basement, Tlie over-all dimen- lywood lilies with a curved coun- Pull study:plan information on this architect-designed sions of 75 ft 8 in; by 30 ft. 8 in. ter top, vanity, double mirrored House of The AVeek is obtainable ; in a $1 baby blueprint include both the hacienda room walls, Spanish grille window, which you can order with this coupon. and the garage. separate water closet compart- Phone / Also we have available: two helpful, booklets .at $1 ment and a moulded plastic each: "Your Horne — How , to Build , Buy Or Sell It" and tub. The bedrooms have more 452-9215 "Ranch Homes," including 24 of the most . popular homes led . with ease. For the family than sufficient closet space, and that have appeared in the feature. . and guests, the hacienda room two of the three rooms have an is a place lor playing or relax- Thei House of the Week unusual ; side-by-side arrange- in2\ ment of window seats contained ¦ ¦ Design No. R-ll. . . " . . -/ - " ¦ .¦ Winona Daily News:. ' . The front porch spans 23 feet in a single exterior bay. ; '.' ' , Winona, Minn., 55987 in front of the three bedrooms Exterior materials of Design and foyer while three arches RTli are stucco on wood frame, 1 ; Enclosed is $1 for —-—-baby blueprints . support the protective roof. The boulder stone, wrought iron and Enclosed is $1 for Ranch Homes ^booklet ...... Spanish tile roofing. ' Enclosed is $1 for ; .Your Home booklet .;..;.. ;.;.. large stone chimney starting at the porch runs inside, creating ¦ ' the foyer wall and containing iialilO •>••••,••••*(•¦•••.•.•••¦•««•,•<¦ *••••»•> . ••• • • • •»;« •. ••••••'•••« the fireplace facing the living ^¦ room. A guest closet is also lo- ¦M^^WHy^lieW into Oil *-t*t . ' (• '•• • • i i . ••' ¦•• •• • • • • •• • • • •*•.« • •«••¦••' •'••••¦' * * * * * • • * * * * * • *• cated , in the , foyer. \-y : B^ HWRENT Facing the front , the living , Hr ¦ month after month, after month? ; ' - HT LpWEST PAVMSNTSANYWHERi: PRECUT/OR USV ASSEMBLY^ W City ... i.,,. - ..,. - . .vyi. ;...... State Zip ...... room is large arid has an im- • • ...... ^...... ' '¦•FREE ' ^ . '». • STEP BVBIEI" INSTRUCTIONS DELIVERY . ; : , 1 ¦ ¦ Rintric»lpUhiv«non«I;. . and comfortable like it ;., ¦ .,' ¦' ' iy; ' ' MILESim UNDUE HOMESJMINN.M412»621.«56 WM k . MINNEAPOLIS, ¦ - ^ HH ^. * "• y should be. Qver75 choices all-'offering convenient ' , Tlttriits a Miltt Icctl"rajgmirite'ffirt In rtyr tret ^^ . mmmuummmfm\\': ' ^ mBmmmA. ^ a\a\\\\\ ,' ';fJoorjj 'desig' . .. / BEQm A N1TW LIFB . - Wmmmmmmmw^m\ ' .lansv ned^p>:fit..your:familY:.^ H^^^^^^ ^^e^^^^M . .;: ;^^^^^^^H| ::¦ With poheled walls and pretrimmed interiors^that : . | yp '• and ¦: : ' - ¦j ^ l^ l^ e i u move right in " to the good .life; \ V. , | ^^ B ^ I Beautiful interiors bedutjfyl^ejeterions.;';'. : ¦¦ : ' In ;¦' •; WK/K m\m\W:-; - Ranches, Split-!evels and Split-foyers that are ; ^ ;;; i- i- - mmmmmmmj ^A'/ erected on your foOnddtion in just one day, ;^^ PP^^^J| : ; complete^ with plumbing/ heating and electricdr^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^ ; • '¦¦ • ¦ ¦ stalied.;' That' '^^ ^mm\/; - mB - .V^rklh. s good... xind so is the v ¦ ;! ^ I :V : invesrnrient you'll be;making;; ;, ; t H with - ,.^fc ' ¦ because Wausau ; Homes last a /lifetime^ ; i^ i ^[^k .- ¦ . better ; ^^ B|H p^ »J Go one Wausau Homes. ^ ¦¦ ; ' : into' the gdod ; ;¦"': FLOOR PLAN: Plenty rborn -W^ ±mY '^/' ^- - *?** fife. of in this over 1400 places the house in Uhe. modest cate- layout for both indoor ; : ;:; ' : ; ' I -W Am Priced froni $10,990.00 to 425,000.00 and outdoor living, gory../ , ,. ;• . ./;; :: ' : . - ;-; ' .: ] even though; total square . footage of . slightly ;... i;jP *mmJ^ FOR G^ G<>nsensus I^Gkirtg bn ^ Uniite^ : : ¦ 50 Sfliiares Odd Shingle* .. Per Sq. $DaUV mmm*4 * ' 4. i^^\' . I ' ¦: I ^ ^^^^ 27 Rolls Staggered Roofing ...... Roll 4>3iaW ¦¦ Please fishing obener Wausau luck '' ' • '^ 5' .. - L; - 11' . B8 wosio BOIKES. mi CHERBT JT., WAUSAU, WI, M5ii2 . catalog , nearest By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Man. Janice La to wski of Brai- : ;¦ High winds in the , Fergus ¦^^m^!H^^ send a full color ¦ nerd caught a 7 pound , 9 ounce Falls area kept most boats off \' J and the name of the Homes dealer. v, ! The weekend opening of fish- 37 5-Gal. Flbered Roof Coating ...... Eai4 )4.95 , walleye on Pelican Lake. Otter Tail . Lake but in the Will- Name ' . ; - ;., Key: VVN-5;»: ing season in Minnesota was re- | N^^ | ; . \ ported cold and windy but there Fishing in the Brainerd area mar area more than 100 boats ^^^^ J Address ...... ,.;,;... iW ..,...... ,..».,... 15 5-Gnl. Aluminum Roof Coating ...... Ea. $•&•#«#«) . ^^^^^^^^ ...... Phone: ? was no consensus on how the was slow Saturday and picked were reported taking advantage of good fishing , ^ ^^.^^^ ^^aaH j City ...... ,.;...... ,.,...; County fish were biting; up Sunday with many limits. oh Green Lake. ^ tate | . Walleyes apparently weren't The weather cut down on 15 Slip Head Garage Windows ...... Ea. $lliv5 S .....v....;...... Zip ...... i ...... ;,. The state Department of Nat- H^ Pl^ J B ural Resources said it counted biting in the Park Rapids area, fishing in Lake Bemidji , but ; D ' 4 564 boats on Mi lie Lacs Lake fcut one angler said "it's diffi- Bill Okerman and his sons Bob, 16 93(12 9-Lt. Sash .;...,;...... ,...... ,..,.,. Ea. 5S,i69 W mJ \ «alefships available in some a/eas. , D I am becoming a dealer. . . I , ^^ m mmmmm Saturday, down slightly from cult to. know when you're trying Kurt and Greg of Bemidji about 5,000 counted last year. to fish in a snowmobile suit." caught 18 walleyes, four in the 6 Will Safes (For Basement Wall) ...... Ea. $18i48 Walleyes in the Park Rapids 5-pound class Fishing on Mille Lacs was re- . PATIO DOORS ported best close to shore by area were reported found most- Intermittent snow showers one man , who said jigs with ly in the depths of 20 feet or along the Gunflint Trail slowed 5-Foot ..,,..,.. ,..,...... Ea. $211.95 more. minnows, night crawlers or ar- fishing. The largest walleye re- tificial baits worked well. Big Sand Lake catches in- ported was a 9 pound <-Foot ...... Ea. $225i07 Chuck .Johnson , Shakopee, cluded a trio of walleyes landed , 2 ounce caught a 24 pound , ft ounce by James Henry of Grand catch by Robert Schiller of Ex- 8-Foot ;.....,...... Ea. «PuU*i*il3 norlhern on Vlnland Bay of the Porks , N.D., which weighed a celsior, In the Seagull River, f 8-Ft. Available Now) Mille Lacs Lake. total of 12 pounds, 1 ounce. Howard Hanson ol Minneapolis Other catches In the Braincnl Jack Worley, Park Rapids , caught a 7 pound walleye. All Blfold Doors in Stock ..,.., r?5% Off area included V pound , .1 ounce hooked a 6 pound , 7 ounce wall- walleye hooked in Gull Lake by eye. In the Ely area , Oliver Carl- All Windows In Slock ., 20 Off Mrs. Robert Dehn of Champliri son of Virginia hooked a 20 ^ , Tlie largest northern reported pound , 3 ounce northern on Redivood Bark Ea n Big Sand was a 12 pound , 3 Dircli Lake, Carlson said he . Iplii ^O )unce fish landed by Gordin had to hit the fish over the Oennis , Park Rnpids. head to get it in the boat. Ga* Retarding Flefll Billetl, 12"xl2"-8 Ft. .... Ea. ^9ROO £v&ujt0u/n0 OaU Flooring in Stock ...... 73 Off BnMam 568 Pes. 12x12 Carper Squares Ea. 49C glyJ^^^^ 1 Easy Lift Trail»r Hitch $44«44 J g^^^^JTO^jljg \ BABY BLUEPRINT Paneling, 30 Different Patterns to Pick From .. Ea *jOaOO • NEW . WIRING GRAB BAG DRESS UP WITH .. . For ^^a^f^^tteL • STAIRWAYS • REPLACE OUT- MJPVIIH^^v DATED WIRING .H ASSORTED G*4 fnlH • ROOM /\ ^li ll ll ll l • DIVIDERS • EXTERIOR HHffiV | TfB|H LIGHTING c8sh ^^H^^aUa ^a^a BeflUt/ la ^^^ H s ^BBHBBHHB BH^ Easy to • COMMERCIAL IU l BUILDINGS Published In the past by this See Our Decorative Wood Spindles! • FIXTURES newspaper. ($5 Value). Exclusive Dealer for 7" Uff\nr\ CALL 454-5564 NO REFUN DS OR EXCHANGES) H«1„ "HnnnUfffRD MHC Y X" AHractlve^', easy* way to make ^ by Ornamontal Decor 3-dlmenslonal ilons, eayinqs, Beautiful and Distinctive! Initials and numbers, Saving energy makes cents/ B A U E R Mail Orders 50c Extra ELECTRIC INC. S)J 41 »t Ave,, Goodview Winona Daily & Sunday News KENDELL-O'BRIEN Residential—Commercial1 601 Franklin St. P.O. B-ox 70 LUMBER COMPANY 11J Franklin St. "Here to Serve" Phone 454-3120

¦ ¦ » i Property Transfers gr in \Vin6ria County aht^ WARRANTY DHBD P^riTtite d Ed Kolhenbouiol, el ux to Norman Cralhin, ux to Gears" i l i i ^ Volume . .-. • - .... i.,... . 12,564,535 W. Kraft; «t uxr-Lot 17, Blrge/i Third Public (noh- : St, Chorloi L tusemint over - for 2 new W. 20 ftel o( Lot .16.. . . Comrhercial ... .;... 603,273 hous^is «t ox to Joitptl A. David E.: Lurid*,: Residential ...,,..... 627 &79 Housing starts In Winona in- Korzorowikl, Addition to Winona. the 55-1 tally. The bill went home with attached garage at two months. William L. Wleczorek; at ux to Winona imum wage law. It passed the Mouse constructi^fi sin's 1972 traffic fatality toll to 625 Sunset Dr. and Royce will : Bernard Smith , 394 Orrln Sti, Warehouse Corporation—Part ot Lota 7, House earlier but did not ex- back to the House for con- 336 today compared with 346 on & 8, Subdlvlilon Sec. 20-107'7. currence with amendments. . be the contractor. Cost is esti- $500, siding, three months. Helen Kuhlmsrv lo John F. Wooden, at clude young people under 18; tie sariie date in record 1972. ' mated at $32,180 with comple- WMC, Inc., Real Estate, 51 E. ux—Lot . 12, Block 11, Fairfax-Addition A wage floor would cover The main sponsor, Sen. John Three young persons ; died : ' to Winona. ' V seldom Guaranteed Chenqweth tion in; five nionths. The one- 4th St., $450, remodel room, two Marl W. Milltr, et al: to Joieph H. about 200,000 JMinnesotai work- ¦ ¦ ¦ , DFL-St. Paul, said Sunday in a fiery two-car crash ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ Btory home will have oil heat. months WMC, Inc. ; McLaughlin—Part of N. 112 ft. of Gov- • ' ¦•• -By. JOHN '- CUNNIFF ' • ' As described by George Mar- the bill has the support of, all in Brown County. : , ernment Lot 2, Sec. 56-106-5 lying North- ers who do not now come under . - . Winona State College, 151 W. Westgate Motel, Inc., 1501 east of Railroad. the $1.60 an hour federal min- ; NEW .YOIIK (AP ) - Ameri- tin, president , it wouid provide major farm, labor and business : They .were Mrs. : Nornpari Sanborn St.; drew a; permit for Service; Dr., $2,000, 14-by 16-foot William E. Tlmrri, at ux lo Jamas J. a 10-year warranty protection organizations '}n the state. Knieger, 18, of New- Holstein Wagner, et iix—Lot 76, Block 3, Pleasant imum wage. cans have long been accus- ; an $88,193 project for a tunnel addition and 12-ay 20-fppt stoPr Valley Terrace — Subdivision No. 3.- . backed by insurance, somewhat The Senate iDennis M. Defrierath, 21^ of 1 tomed to obtaining guarantees • named four extension; for heating and elec- age room, Ralph; Scharmer. Paul D. Holtt, et ux to.Vlrglt C. Aakre, The proposed law would ex- similar to a successful program DFLers arid one Republican to Kaukauna and Donna Clark, 16, ; at ux—Port of Lot 20, Subdivision of . trical facilities. Winona Plumb- Norman Johnson, 527 W. 5th Sec. 35-107-7. clude babysitters, firemen, taxi or warranties; which are the now operating in Britain. its conference committee to re- of Greenleaf. ing Co. is the contractor and the St., $2,000, 12-hy 15-foot addition . Ferdinand W; Elltnghuysan, af ux to drivers, outside salesmen and same thing, for products tang- solve Senate-House differences Jeffrey S. Smith,. 17, of Gen- . months, Marvin Harold E. E. Elllnghuysen, et al-Lots The study, now being Eroject is to be completed with- to house, four 3, 4,: 5, 6, 7 & I '. EW of SW/4 of See. camp counselors; It covers ing upward in price from in the DFL-backed tax reform eva, 111 , died Sunday in a Mil- * ' • ¦ ¦ analyzed by actuaries, is de- : ' i seven months. Huff. 6-108-10; ::¦' ". - '" '. ' .' farms, that employ thiJ equiya; bubble gum and shoe laces bill. ; . vaukee hospital: of injuries re- .-,. Walter Baeder, at ux to ' Rosemary scribed as being a prim? subr Stevenson's. Women's Apparel, WRECKING PERMITS: Baeder—Part Lots 1, 2, 4 J, Block 14 lent of two fulltime workers, or Oddly, on; the biggest, par- ' TheyV ceived Saturday when a. car in is ¦jec t for decision at the: NAHB are Majority Leader 71 W. 3rd St;, will: expend $25,- Edmund Edie, 303 Mankato «,. ol Mill Lots 6, 7 t 8, Village ot a farm employing more than chase of; a lifetime^ which al- ^which he was riding with a. Dresbach., directors meeting, sciieduled Nicholas Coleman;. St; Paul; 000 , for remodeling and altera- Ave.; $250 wreck building at 767 " four worlers on any given day. most always a house, Ameri- teen-age. companion struck a Martin Lendro, et ux to . Eugerit J. for later this morith. . Senate President Alec Olson, tions. Included will be a rear E. Broadwayj tyro months Ro- Karasch, at ux-S. 10 ft. N. 100 ft. of But it would exclude workers cans are neither offered nor dp tree beside Wisconsin 67 near *; E; And there's no question at all Spicer ; Tax Chaiririari Tony entrance and expansion of show man Baker../- Lot 1 & of 10 ft. of Lot 2, Block under 18 ori farms. they expect a guarantee from ;. Fontana;;/^ 41; Original Plat of: Winona. that it is ripe also for consumer Perpich, Eveleth; Sen. George : window facilities. The project is David Stark, dismantle home Donald Harlow, et ux lo Scott- F. Mc- the builder regarding, materials, Michael . J; Muldowriey, 29, bf of Lots and 2, The Senate vote was ; 49-9, acceptance. Housing costs are Conzeinius, Cannon Falls, and to be completed in two months at . 1213 W. ; Mark St., five Laughlln-^Part 1 Block and workmariship. : Madison died Saturday when 7, Jenkln's and Johmton's Addition to sending the measure back to rising. Repair costs ares rising. Sen. William McCutcheon, R-St. and L.: L, : Dysart, Hopkins, months.- Winona and Part of Lots. 2 and 3 , Block ¦ ¦ :¦ "his car overturned beside a Co- " the House,, and then likely to a And , many homeowners claim Paul. - . - . . Minn., is contractor. Ervin. Hornberg, 521 E. 3rd 10, Norton's , Addition to Winona. , As this decade began, there , lumbia County road. Robert J. Czaplewskl, et ux to Henry conference committee. ¦ i. The Hot Fish Shop, fl65 Man- St., wreck shed, two months. were about 63,4 million occu- workmanship is declining../ . Judith Weakley, 24 J. Eckert, et ux—Lot 6, Block s, Fos-. ; Sen. Howard Olson, DFlrSt. The: conferees. Including four , of . ..New kato Aye., will have aluminum Total valuation for building in tor' s Addition to Winona/ - pied dwelling units in the coun- The NAHB denies thisJ Mar- House DFLers and Berlin was fatally injured Sat- . Roger W. Poole, et ux to Roger Laulen- James, offered the amendment ' one Republi- and fiberglass awnings installed Winona so far this year amounts try, and" close to 63 per.cerit of tin told a meeting of mortgage can urday when a car driven by her burger, ef ux—Lot 8, Block 1, Original to reduce the minimum to $L44 ,, meet at:2 jpi. today; : : at a cost of $2,168. Pacesetter to $2J564,535 ebfjipared With $1,- Plat of Lewiston, except a parcel along them were owner occupied. lenders : last week!: .that such husband collided; with another the W'ly side thereof. for persons under 18. The Sen- ¦ • The Senate completed ; ac- ' ¦ products is the contractor and 437,954 on this date one year : Since .then, about 5 million charges 'strike at our pride." car in Cudah^. '" .' •; ' '¦ ¦ : . Hiawatha Valley .Corp. to Kendell cor- ate Labor arid Commerce Com- tion on the Community Correc- will be completed within two ago; \ ¦¦: :¦ ';. ;- ' -. ", ' : ;- .; poration—Lot 4, Block 7, Repfaf of Wfn- units have been built, tev/ ct The overwhelming number of Knute. Arnstson Jr., 67, of crest >'Secbrld Addition.' i bad set it tions Act. The measure aims at m ttee at $1,62. /,\ them guaranteed; NAHB members, he said, "are Raymond died Peari Bailey, et . mar to Betty Ann ¦ establishing county, and ; multi- Saturday when Walz^-Lot 20, it. Charles" ' . ; Tli e •- . Olson amendment In some: communities,' insur- not simply building houses Uke Limits:• -. ' ; his car collWed with a mo~ O. G. Odcqaarden to Ronald F. .Ready, squeaked ;by ; ^i-29, : as nine ance programs have been de- they used to, but are building county programs to replace the et ux—E. 50 ft. of Lot 1, Block 152, torcycle and- overturned hi , DFLers joined Republicans in veloped to offset the absence of present state-operated prison Laird's Addition to Winona,- except:the' them immeasurably, better, Us- Greenfield. . - . ..' . and probation systerii. tJ hiversity expands S. .49.3 feet thereof. .. supporting the reduction; . Ori guarantees,:and there is some ing all the latest materials and . Audrey Rarrilow, 51, of Mil- \ John F. Wooden jr., ef ux to Helen .The bill,., which was sent to, Kuhlmann-Lot: 12, Block ' 11, Fairfax the final vote to pass, only Sen. likelihood: that they could be de- techniques available and per- . waukee: died Saturday in a ' the governor Ma- Addition -to-Wirioha:' "' . C.R. ''Baldy" Hansen deserted veloped on a national basis. mitted^ to us." . - , would appro- nitowoc County accident. Winona National fc: Savings Bank to priate $1,8 million to subsidize Hiawatha Valley Corporation — Lot 15, DFL ranks to vote no. /; Now, however, the . National . Whether or not this is so, the Eugene J, Sweere, 34, of Hil- recorder the community programs; with tape Block 1, Skyline Subdivision In Winona. Association of Home Builders is more than 60 per cent of Amer- . Con- bert and Eugene Sloan Jr., 21, Leslie. W, Sahford, et ux to Paul D. Critics of the bill called It a zemius the Senate sponsor NEW: BRUNSWICK,:;; : N.J. Tutors are available at the Holf2, et ux—Part of Lot 20, Subdivision planning; its own program, ican families who live in their , , Milwaukee, died Saturday vhen ' ¦ ' ¦ "mandatory ; urieniployment called it study , centers as are related of Sec. 35-107-7. . - . which buyers would join on a own" homes know that frequent the key bill in correc- their trucks collided in Brown (AP) — The tape recorder is Casper Mueller, et ux ;io .- 'August H. bill" for. . young tapes, films and other mate- people on voluntary basis . and presurn- repairs are needed : and that a tion- reforms this session^ County..: being used by Rutgers Univerr ¦ ¦ Gensmer, et ux—N. 13 ft. of tot 4, Block grounds employers won't pay rials.;- ' ¦' ' •' ' 2, Schuh & Spelt* ."Addition to:. Rolllng- ably pay: for. Following a Study visit from the doctor is : often The model for the program is sity :as an educational tool to • • .;- ''' • ' stone.. . . the minimum for part-time stu- in January,: the association now less costly than a visit from the the PORT rehabilitation system distribute lectures arid other Nicknamed : "The University G'erhar'f Wlskow, et ux lb Gerald P: • '¦ Haas, et ux—W. 45 ft. Of 5. 65 ft. .of dent help.; ::: declares the plan feasible. plumber; ; at Rochester. class material to students as of the Second Chance," and Lot 2, Block 3, Blrge s Addition to St. ¦ ¦ ¦ ' far away as Alaska. "Everyman's Classroom," the Charles. ..- • . - , '" ; Open University is aimed, ac- Abts Agencv,: Inc. to. Russell A. FIsk, Isfoos The students, who receive the et Ux-^Lot • 5, Block 2, Jenkln' s and pavid tapes by mail, are members of cording to director Jessie C. Johnston's Addition to: Winona. •, ' . . Bruc^ ' QUIT CLAIM DEED : theI'-.-Operj ;TJniversity, which is Hartline, at ''those whose life- '¦¦ :¦ Anna S. Matlas to Earl R. Matlas, at completing its first year at Rut: styles or , personal , situation al—Southerly 20 ft. of Northerly 40 ft. ElaECTRIC a -state University. make a traditional classroom Of Lot 10, Block " 10, Original Plat of gers, Winona; W'ly 34 ft; 6 inches of E'ly 112 ROLLINGSTONE, MINN. arrangement undesirable.'' ft; 9 In: ot Lot 1 & W'ly 34 ft. 6 In. of The multi-media progra m al- " The program sets no formal B'ly 112 ft. f In. of .N'ly 40: ft. of Lot / Harold 8k Myrton : . ¦:. loy?s the 201 students , to study 4, Block 91, Original. Plat Winona. ^.S. ' ' ¦ ¦ entrance .: requirements; ^candi- Jayne Wilier to Robin O. Miller—Part '. " ;. -LPHONE--- ' ¦;, on their own. If they want to dates are chosen through of SW'/i . of: SE'A Sec. 15-107-9. HONG KONG (AP) -^ij^l^ Amer- . inter- The Chinese delayed the Can- John P. Johrisoh, et ux to Elaine W16c- It will have a staff of 31, in- Tse-tung's companions : ori the supplement their; home study Views; . . ica's first diplomatic represent ton flight for three hours for cluding 10 Foreign Service offi- V 489-211* V , lorek-^-Lot 7, Block 3, Bolconi's Addition taong March in the 1930s and and if they live close enough, to Winona, ' - tative to Communist China, Da- the American envoy, his;wife; cers. Although Bruce will have most : recently ambassador to they can visit a study center The Open University project Loren ' -L,'. Kramer, et al to John . G. ¦ —W; 27.75 feet of Lot 9, Block vid K.; E. Bruce, crossed the Evangeline, his deputy John the title of U.S. representative, '- - ' RESlpENTIAL at the University Heights began in Great Britain Kramer Sr. France. . • here, , where 10, Chute's Addition to Winona. ' border from Hong Kong today Hplderidge and his aide Brun- he will be accorded the full campus across the Rarit an Riv- $44 . million: was invested in set- George T. Ruden to Donald G. Ruden ' Because of his age, the same and headed for Peking. son McKiriley and his wife. privileges of an ambassador. as Premier Chou En-lai, his es- ? INDUSTRIAL er or; at the University College ting-it up as an independent (Continued ori page 6b) The -veteran 75-year-old diplo- •: Before crossirig the borclerj ; Bruce said he wants to see office in Paterson. program. ; ; Property transfers : perierice and his charm, Bruce mat told newsmen he consid- Bruce met there with Charles how his mission develops and was; considered an ideal choice # COMMERqiAL ered his new assignment "very Freeman, a State ; Departmerit that he has no firm pattern laid for the post in China, a country intriguing." He'also said he did interpreter returning to Wash- out in advance. The envoy which puts high score on those not expect the Watergate scan- ington after six weeks in Pe- added that he hopes to estab- attributes. dal or the irieffectiveness of the king. Freeman told Bruce of h'sh "relations with the Chinese cease-fire in Vietnam to affect the American advance team government , in the normal his job in any way. that has beeri in the Chinese way.''' ' ¦ capital for six weeks getting Much of Bruce's job will be Two Chinese soldiers checked ready for the opening of the identical to that of any other the passports of Bruce, his U.S. liaison office Bruce will American ambassador. He will wife, and their three compan- head.' ¦•• .• '• . encourage trade, report on po- ions in the middle of the border litical and economic conditions, bridge over the Shurn Chun riv^ The mission is not expected transmit the views of Washing- er. Then a Chinese government to be ready ; to open its per-; ton to the? Peking government official and a member of the rnanent office for another three ¦; and facilitate the exchange of China International Travel or four weeks. Until then Bruce scientists, educators, business- Service greeted them. will work out of an apartment. men, cultural groups and news- The group lunched at the A U.S. spokesman said the WALLPAPER j men, v. - ' - , . Shum. Chun railroad station, liaison office will start function- then took the train to Canton. ing as soon as Bruce arrives China will soon open its liai- Now is the time to do that ^ From there they were to fly to but there, will be no formal son office in Washington head- , ¦• ¦ .) Peking. opening. ed by Huang Chen, one of Mao Living Room Dining Room, O^ Bath, Bedrooms, Halls, Kitchens. I Quality materials and construction. In Libya Many beautiful Wallpapers in Flocks, Hand Prints, or • ¦ \ . Vinyls. Prefer a design? Or Grasscloth? Or texture? • Reasonably priced. All sizes and styles. Thousands to select from ! • Two ways to buy... 1. Completely built. 2. Pre-cut materials "package" for U.S. oil firm accused build"it«yoursel£ erection. For "That Other Thing" USE • Farm operators. ot emp loying Israelis Special farm garage designs to fit your TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) - under investigation. Oasis has Unilateral action, he said, VALSPAR PAINTS President Moammar Khadaf y been negotiating with the gov- would only drive Western oil in- Paints in all finishes, all pastel or dccoralive shndos. Use ernmeri for months over gov- terests to other Arab nations. individual needs. has charged that the largest "VALSPAR" Paints chosea by experts. See "The Top IS" American oil company in Libya ernment participation in the Khadaf y said the Oasis in "Color Profile." Stop in for your color cards today! employed several Israelis in its company. The government re- "people's committee" is one of desert fields, but the Libyan portedly is asking a 50 per cent many such groups in univer- PHONE FOR HGUBES leader gave no indication of interest, and Oasis reportedly sities, state institutions, and in- action. rejected this arid made a count- AND FACTS. NO any retaliatory dustry which have the powor to I Store Hour*; 7:30 a.m. to SiOO p.m. J^f^ J^ Khadaf told a six-hour news er offer. advise, guido and at times take > ' y Monday thro Safurda/ OBLIGATION -n "^ conference Sunday that n "This is a scandal for Amer- action. [ _- i -* - 1^ , , I ..* , X , H "people' committee" of com- ica, that IsrnoliS crept into our J OPEN FRIDAYS UNTIL 9:00 P.M, ^ ^ s On other matters, Khadafy ^^ pany employes discovered that oil fields," said Khndnfy. "We said arrests nnd purges would tho Israelis worked for the can sacrifice our oil if iwccs- continuo until "wo ellminnto nil Oasis Oil Co. snry to kcop Israelis off our enemies of the people." Ho In- Winona Paint & Glass Co. ^rifllif y^t:%>%]^< There wns no comment from soil." Later he commented : cluded among these commu- 276-278 Eflst Third St. J T the compnny, which is owned "No doubt the day will come [ -f ju' r ' nists nnd the radical Moslem 1 "LOOK FOR THE VALSPAR SIGN" \ ^~lL_J_J ' ' 1 Ml \^y-\ 4i :. b y Amprndn , Continental , when oil will bo used as a Brotherhood. weapon by the Arabs in. tho Marathon and Slinll "People everywhere try to \ Phono 451-3652 W« Dell/or j [^~"T Middle East," but ho would not " on 3rd & Kansas Streott i ri ' 3" The president suirt ho be- arrest such elements and give f Convenient Pnrklna JT*"""1 ^Ij say if or /when his regime lieved seven Israelis were dis- them to tho police," the 31- would nationalize foreign oil ycnr-old colonel said. covered , but tho matter is still companies,

Recently, in reply to PH I CN UII - A Good Nolghbor inn gucrrilln lenders who said Anywhora Libya should nationalize) nil House need lixin? See the "BIG M" lor a U.S. oil interests, Khndnfy said ho would do so only if othor Arab nations did likewise. —— Monthly payment plan available -j aMaMMMMMaWMaaMaIMPROVEMENT alMaMBMHaaraaVMMaaB «aWHHManaaa>aLOAN aVM At Low A» , . . (10,990 •NMMMMaMHHOME MM CompUtt—Includo •notion on your lot anil foundailon. M7 To Ik to Dick, Denny, Frank or Max In our Installment Feature *Include: W«st ^ Loan Dopt. about your plans to improve your homa. • B«autlrul bathroom With Cljtr ^¦V Bollovlew STAI\IDARD paramlo i^r^i\ r= Hxturaa, llfatlma til * • Caratraa Mtahtn with g«nu> In* blroh oablnita, ^BEr Phono 45*4-3130 • Roomy btdrooma, hrga cloi at* LZ] LUMBER • Hydremia radiant hailing— mmaWmmw Your service center fox building «lMn and dr«f(|«a*. QiudanL fiuUL • Cathadril baamad oalllnga • Kllchan Ckblneli low Coitf/ninclnpAv'l/ibti— rormlcijo Limlnatid Topi MERCHANTS Phone 452-3373 350 W. 3rd St., Winona • BILL WIECIOREK • wardroliu • Tippin Applltncn NATIONAL BANK OF WINONA Star* FlHluru Duki « VtnltlM - DBALBR - * • 102 on th» Plata East Mombar F.D.I.C, Phono 454-5160 PHONI m-\m FREE ESTIMATES Woodson blanks Royals 5-0 ¦ '' ¦' By ROBERT MOORE guys." - , - - : ' ; '" those days you have that con- takes."" . .; | Manager. Jack KANSAS CITY (AP) — Min- .-Woodson"- .-ended' Kirkpatrick's fidence in yourself. I had a Royals . nesota pitcher Dick Woodson 18-garhe hitting streak-. good fast ball all the way to the Mckeon said Busby "was not knows what to do now to stop end, and it was hopping pretty as sharp as he has been. He "I had i rhythm today," Wood- ' : ri'ches , , John Mayberry ,;. concen- just felt super even good.""' ¦:i : . better with . extra resit son said. "I 1: we'll go to a five-man rota- trate. ; before the game. It was one of The only hits , off Wotnlson, all * Woodson was at Ms con- tion starting this week to give ' singles; came off the bats of Busby the extra day. He bad centratirig best Sunday., turning Steve Hovley and Amos Otis the big Kansas City slugger seven days rest when. : he with two out in the sixth ahd pitched the no-hitter. He: has away with nothing to show for Paul Schaai; the leadoff batter his day at the plate except a pitched twice in four days, and in the eighth. Woodson struck didn 't have the same kind of walk, and pitched the Twins to he ¦¦ out seven and walked three. stuff ." , ' • • ' " a 5-0 victory over the Royals. Twinsi got to Steve Bus- who - slammed The . Ivlayberry, by, 3-4, owner of a ho-hitter at three home) runs off of vWoodson Detroit April 27, for a run in last season, struck out twice Braun In the second when Steve ahd flieid out the other time. walked, .went to second when his final time at bat, Mayberry on an er- oyer the? right Joe Lis reached first drilled a shot ror and scored on . Danny field fence but it was slightly . Thompson's. double. ioiilr Larry : Hisle doubled in the "I made a mistake on that third and went home on Tony one but J was lucky, -'- said Oliva's single. Rod Cafew; hit Woodson, 2-1, who didn't allow his second , home ruh .of the sea- a. hit for 5 2-3 inningsi and son off reliever Mike Jackson ¦ ¦ ¦ ~* ¦ ¦ wound up with- a three-hitter. in the ninth. :-.>*,ii.vJ.^wftKJWvc^*-/- w*i*.v*«Rwm,»«-ivw«™''f'-~ -f— .- ' _ - .- '' .'¦ *' "If you make a mistake, May- "I thought I pitched pretty PACESETTERS ... The front row for this year's running winner Mark Dm von the inside ppsi? berry can kill you. I know. Ed well, better than. I have in the of the famed Indianapolis 500-mile auto race will feature tion with a new track- record, qualifying with a three-lap vv : last couple- of games," - said Kirkpatrick also kills rne. I had pole winner John Rutherford, right, Bobby Unser, and 1972 ; average speed of 198.413 miles " per .- 'hour. (AP Photofax) to super '«»ncentrateMrs on those . Dick Woodson Busby. "I just made some mis- T^iii^s . C Weiskopf nips Johnny Rutherford claims Crampton for Colonial title FORT WORTH, Tex. (AP) - By BLOYS BRITT ... drivers in racing, Was killed ih death , was the 35th driver to the elusive 200 hi.p.h. barrier , , b/aifl^ "It was," said Tom Weiskopf, ;INDIANAPOLIS - . (AP): — a searing, grinding, crash of his lose his life at the nation's old- so narrowly missed by Ruther- ford ,, a handsome figure of a EAM0I*f A,.'; Calif. (AP) — As in issuing " a- challenge to all- 'kind .of . contest,, you know, Va heck of a way to w'11 a golf There apparently won't be . any Cobre-Eagle during a vvarmup est /racing facility. . ¦ . preceded Satur- man who: shows burn scars ' on ah. early, ancestor of .Bobby women playersi' Riggs: scored battle of the : sexes, ',' match of tpurnameht/'/ 200-mile-per-houi' laps at In- session that There was gloom in the ga^ " ¦'¦ ¦ ' talkathon and all But he wasn't complaining/ . dianapolis Motor Speedway this day's initial qualifying runs. rages after Pollard's crash, but his- face! and a withered arm Riggs might have; put- -it , . the an effortless 6-2, 6-1 victory arid the: century,, to be race is hot always to "the swift,. pocketed $10,000, plus , another that, she was out ot her depth." . ''I^doh't want hypocriti- May. And Johnny Rutherford , a Pollard , who had celebrated it > wasn't noticeable en the that resulted from a near-fatal • ' cal. You got to feel happy. But cool-headed Texan who bears ,46th ;- driver after driver crash in a sprint !car a few ''She's better than ihe in ev- $7,500 from television coverage. Riggs" : started his "attack" his birthday in the garage track as ¦ roses it's.a different kind of win." the scars, of battle, could care area exactly a week' before his went to the line for a shot at years ago. '/ • . - '! • ery department," the frail-look- -'She has a better serve, a Sunday;with a .bouquet ' or h Men ^M ther s The . tall, blond Ohio. , strong- less. ing, 55-year-old Riggs said Sun- . better volley, a better forehand , * ^_ °PP ^.°^ p man plucked the $150,000. Colo- day after seemingly proving Riggs said. D . l wl11 The 35-year-old veteran , driv- . a better backhand," ^- ^ff, £^3 in nial National Invitation title Tex.," victim just the opposite : in his cele- "But the question is, can you so£®n ner UP.• ne, asKe(i-. er from Ft, Worth, ,, against the slas from Bruce Crampton's hip of trail of broken engines and brated match with, women's pUu that game out when you Tfien S ' a ™w>teu of the 30-year-oia ^Mrs. pocket on .the 72nd and final parts at Indianapolis over the tennis- .. champion Margaret need it? Can you play your best a¦ hole Sunday. ' Court. - •/: line? Court, , rangy Austrahan; .at years, captured the front row whehi the money'sVthe; - It was more a gift than theft, pole position for the May 28 i THIS WEEK¦ S SPECIALS i ) Tutting. his racket and court "Margaret' s a >great player (Ohtinned oh page Sb actually. 500-mile race in first-round : : ' ' ' prtsdom where his rnpiith yras and a great sport. But ; in this ' . V' :V' ; ' " . '; ' 'BJGGS ' ' , : ¦ But Weiskopf quoted his old p : a^ :i'^-> : -v ; :'.^,^ '^^> -" i: ^ qualifying. Saturday, • ^^ , v' : ' friend and fellow Ohio State He, did it by pushing his alumnus, Jack : Nicklaus, in Teak ; McLaren car around the summation: - .- .1 At Nelson Tire Service | ' ' 2%-mile oval at a four-lap "A golf tournament is : 72 speed of 198.413 m.p.h; to top holesV You have to play all of Bobby Unser's old 10-mile them. Your scores on the first standard by almost three miles hole is as important as your per hour. His fast lap of 199.071 scores on the. last." . ci;p.h , missed the 200 mark hy And it was the last hole, 21 one-hundreths of a second. where Craihpton took a double- bogey six, that Weiskopf won A few minutes later, Ruther- the tournament, sitting at the ford was telling newsmen: "It time rather nervously on a fold- wouldn't hurt iny feelings a bit ing chair behind the tree. if they slowed these cars down ¦ » Clean sidewall AH tf| |ffi-H I POPUUR SIZES ONE LOW PRICE + Weiskopf collected the $30,000 2o miles an hour, or even more. design, radial flflMM :^ 7.75 ? top prize by a stroke, finishing We're going too fast for close darts oa. ¦ . . *1* f$|,#%©E ' ¦ • ¦ B JS8mxMmxM ' 7.75x14- ¦;. ¦¦ ^ Sl S S -;y. ? with a one-under-par 69 for 276, competition." shoulder . .- , H JkWW ' '.-: , 8.||xi* inVV which The first weekend of quali- ¦ 5 : al^P :" , A^ included a . par on the • Triple-tempered H fflT ^i» 6 50xi3 . . "=" • last hole, some. 10 -minutes be- fying :':.' for. the world's , richest fore Grampton showed up. auto race—the 1972 payoff .ex- : ; ceeded $1 million for the second ..^^ 'ipi 'ssags: straight year—saw, 30 drivers ;v' L Bobick stops make the lineup; leaving,! only —- ^^ ^^ H| three spots to be filled in. final \ COMPLETE UNDER CAR CARE ^^t Wniiams on TKO runs next Saturday . and Sun- - ¦?' .. Are you, the American motorist, having finding the I DENVER, Colo. (AP) , ' ' - '' - day. .../ . I fcM of under c^r ,i' Duane Bobick of Bowlus, " care" • The 30 qualifiers averaged a your Minn., gave away almost 50 sizzling 192.572 m.p.h.—almost i local Goodyear dealer, come to the rescue! We offer I pounds to Jim Williams but still nine miles per hour faster than ? the finest, most up-to-date equipment and experienced person- I punched out his third victory last year—and forecast a min- I nel in the business, Front-end alignment ball joints brakes .'¦ ¦*) without a loss as a heavyweight , , , imum speed of almost 190 even shock absorbers ? professional. to make the field. 4 , tie rod ends, mufflers, tail pipes, packing, Bobick stopped the Omaha , The weekend thus was/a mix- ? . wheel bearings— you name it, We do itl 1 Neb., fighter on a technical ture of blazing speed , so high Come in today ; knockout at 1:15 of the fifth that even Rutherford was 4 and have our experts check your car.V No T round Saturday night. Williams, somewhat troubled , and trage- ? charge! We will give you o free estimate on just what has ? mmmaaaaWamaaawaramKtMftimimmiatwma\»4mamiQtamaaum4mmam(»W *Hm*viaWfmmaaa*mvxi'i4m-- im *mmi. ' now 2-1, started fast but be- dy. - ' v I to be done to your car to put it In first class driving condition. t MAKING HER. WORK ... Bobby Riggs Mrs. Court, ranked as the world's No. 1 wom- came arm-weary by the third Art Pollard, a 17-ycar veter- You may be driving an accident-about-to-happen. Avoid ? watches Australia's MargaretXourt, 25 years an player, appeared to be off her game as round. an and one of the best liked 4 " " this his junior, make a successful leaping effort Riggs controlled play and won 6-2, 6-1. (AP ? ,.. come out today. ; , f to return one of his taps, in their $10,000 win- Photofax) ner-tabe-all match in Ramona, Calif., Sunday. Pacelli ambushes X J[ Nelson Tire Service, your local Goodyear dealer, offers the 5 f 4 ][ finest custom truck tire retreading in the area. Here's a J| ? ? !• chance to save big money on your truck tire needs. We re- |[ I Cotter, 8-1 10-0 At } tread all sizes In regular or traction treads. J| • AUSTIN, Minn. — Winona FIRST GAMa ? |» We also have available complete front end truck service, such 5 I Cotter ran into a steamroller Pacelli (J) Collar (!) • brli abrh. I J » as: expert alignment, balancing, tie rod end replacement and j! here Sunday as the Ramblers Rock«rl,2b 3 0 0 Schulll,ll> 4 0 0 \ a-snyder l o o B.Smlin.M t ' oi I J» shock absorbers, jf ? dropped a doubleheadcr to Aus- KociK.lf a 1 J v-Luock 1 0 0 tin Pacelli, 8-1, and 10-0. Chrltlphrsn.rl 2 11 Lynch,n ] o 1 In the nightcap 2 2 0 w-Swamon 10 0 I j ! No rig is too big or too small. Bring your truck to Nelson j! f the Shamrocks oawek.Jb 3 2 0 Ntll.rf 111 rapped 11 hits while Bill Rinaldi Judd.c 4 11 Huiman.lf 2 0 0 4 ji Tire Service and have Gary Langowskl keep you going. Call !» t limited the Ramblers to just b-Kolb coo D.Wonek .p 3 o l ? or stop in at West Highway 61 for an appointment. Phone Heioclb 410 Brandon.p 00 0 | *\ t With Joe Nett's single. Slmciciy.ia 4 0 1 Ntllon.c 3 0 0 I 454-U13. I Ralph Donnhua Karmlt Selke, C.L.U. Jamai Sokollk , Mgi Dave Morrlion Winona took a 1-0 lead after Rlnoldl.p ]02 Browni,lb 201 | | ajtlttf 492.4111 451-2IM 454-1J1* —— M.SmllMU 10 0 ? two innings of the opener but the Tolali 21 I 1 . 6 «IA«a*yiWVWVVWVVVi>V |aVWVUWiaVWI»V^^ Shamrocks- broke the game open Totals 5« it ....,. Small •¦Oroundod out In llllh. Employee Benefit Plans with four marks in the bottom b-Pinch runner (or Judd In 4th. ' ] Business of the third nnd four moro in v-Slruck . out Ira 7th. FRONT END AU6NMENT ¦ w-strucK out In 7lh. j ¦ ^rr^J _ \ ;f. for r -—— the fourth. ' ta, As As ^ Bob Rinaldi collected the win COTTBR 010 010 0-1 ,CE cnd Few Members in tho first flame , giving up just PACELLI 004 400 X-l 0NEl0W PR •£pff„ ' l J l ^ 2 £—Rwac, Rinaldi, Lynch 3, Wanek. IH ^K^t^V~~~~ • Precision equipment- ^^^ five hits while' striking out 10 RBI—Wanok, Judd 1, Rem, Stiaddy. 2B lW^^ I f '^'^mlr /' ^ — m, mma^ mAm kX^^k I L set camber, coater, ^ ¦ ¦ ¦ Blfi $25,000 maximum nt no increase Ramblers. —Koclk a, Judd. SB—Chrlilophirion. I-| \SSiVV A vF'^fci ff fflQC «> ltMW$W * Tii^lg LOB—Collar «, Pacalll ». ^ 7(| ^ ^^B moil KOf'IK was tho offensive I" 1 ^jair I ,| T -^fiSS W *¦ m9 and toc-ln «> PITCHINO SUMMARY 1 0*** ^^ *P All fldjuatmont s mndo ? lender for the winners with two IP H R ER BB SO /TrVi<«wH»^ai»K^tr^fe k^^k hits in throe trips in tho opener J.Brandon . ., ... 1 0 o o 1 l t^'lJ'Vr^ v to manufacturer's ? ^IplKaMP^'-'- Available on n scheduledto b.' 'there tire Rinaldi NELSON TIRE ! In tho nlghtcnp ns ncclll jump- SERVICE j I' ( f l < (Indopendfnt Goodyear Dtalar) jj I ed to n 4-0 Wind after tho first Branaon c o frame , added Uiree in tho see- Tolali 11 I l 4 AUTO SERVICE CENTER g M pj HM |^ TRUCK SERVICE CENTER | ? • Grounded out In llh. || • find and three moro in Iho fifth v-Wenl to contsrflalD In llh. ? !j 4th and Mnln S s<>rvlc Dr Hw 6} w lo end Hie Hume , w-Wont |o rlflhllHld In llh. ^^P^a^^b^,P^H"° * - f' - It x-Wanl bahlnd plala In 4llt, I Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7:30 a,m. Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7:00 a.m. 4 Tlio two \tmi:v.n to the Sham- y Want to ahortltop In 4lh. |v| ^V^rfrfffiSvWrT ^V | Metropolitan Life rockn ilronjiwl Iho Ramblers ' 4 I fo 5:30 p.m., Sat. 7:30 am, M\j^jAUJ^MlJu^AfMa0 5.30 p ln jaf. 7:00 a.m ^iSP^j i COTTHR ¦ .. 000 00- 0 ^ . i 4 ' ^ESKl fc'ra.'ton mark lo 411 while I'a- fACHI. t.1 410 0J—to ! cnlli is now 12/, F.-notin ], Drown; M. Winak, Ichulti, I [ t0 U ? RIH-Koclk 7, Dawak, Judd, Rtiac. LOB l^^^^^l^^^^l The. Raml»k:r« will I KI Ityln fl - Cottar 7, Pacalll I. I ¦BHHHHHHH 4 Rick Rit/a OFFICE: PHONE 4S2-4»99 »r« 10 0 0 4 4I L:,^;*.;:,.,:;,.,.^^ 7 , nnd pl«y hast to Mill' - neckor, scliulli. PB — Nalion, Aqulnim Tueiidny, t.uuk 3, I Dodgers wallop Giants 15i3 as Aaron ii^m^^^rM. I riirirl iiii ?*^ By HAL BOCK runs with a pair of singles, Lopes knocked in three runs Associated Press Sports Writer leading . New York to.its :third with a homer and . a single in On a day when tennis hustler straight victory over Pittsburgh the big inning for the Dodgers. I^MMi^i^^iBy LARRY PALADINO lead , won the ganie with a as the Pirates dropped their Chicago extended its winning Bobby Riggs struck a blow for (AP) fifth straight. streak to; six games, sweeping DETROIT — Detroit Ti- leadoff homer off John Hiller in the elderly men of America ger Billy Martin has had his the 10th. i Jack . Biilingham : shut out two games from the Phillies. baseball slugger Hank ::Aaron Houston ori, four hits as the share of disputes with umpires. Tiger Gates Brown tied the ¦ Fergie Jenkins took the open- - But Sunday he was super- score 4-4 with a homer in the struck two hlows for them. .' Reds blanked . the Astros. Cin- er, in a showdown of Gy Young critical of the men In blue and bottom of the fifth. The Brew- ; Aaron, 39, is a kid compared cinnati's first run came on a winners. besting- Steve Carlton. ; burgundy and said he will con- ers pushed across a rim in the to. Riggs, 55. But he's in a .daily disputed hbnier by. Bobby Tolan Jose Cardenal and Rick Mon- with the Astros arguing: that day drilled a pair of vert his displeasure into a foft- ninth - .'but Detroit tied things in battle with time ..and history; ¦ twe-runv ' mal protest :—' .: only his ; second the bottom of the frame to and, like Riggs, he won Sun- the batl .was foul and first base homers to ease the . Cubs' , to : in: . liis - three seasons as man: force the extra inning. day's showdown easily..; umpire; Augie Dqriatelli insist- their second game victory. ¦' '¦ ' ager of " ''" ¦'' ing it was fair. : Bernie Carbo's bases-loaded, . the Tigers. • :• The triumph kept the surpris- Aaron slugged a pair of horne ¦ ' "He missed the ballgame to- ing Brewers atop the American runs, one in each game, as: the Los Angeles erupted for nine twb-out single,.. deljevered two- day," : Martin said of third base League East standings with a Atlanta Braves .split a double- runs and half of its 18 hits in runs arid climaxed-a three-run umpire Joe Brinkman. "He 14-14 record. The Tigers dipped header with ; Sari Diego. The the fourth inning to wipe out St, Louis rally in the eighth in- should have seen it. It was a from second to fifth ; IVfe games Braves wasted his . tw.o^riin the Giants. Joe Ferguson had a ning as the CardinalsJovertook . , hell of a game/' . ; ' behind. pinch homer in: the ninth inning three-run homer and Dave Montreal. • Baltimore split a double- of the opener, losing M. But Martin i lodged the protest header with New York and both his: 10th horrier of fhe season after Tiger Dick McAuliffe. was are tied for second, one game and No. 683 of his career tagged in a rundown between helped Atlanta: take the second out and just .003 ahead of ; third base arid homes with De- fourth-place ' Boston. Cleveland gaihe. ' 6-2. :. ' '. troit trailing 6-5 against the is last, two games off the pace. Milwaukee Brewers in the bot- For the season, Aaron, stead- WSC • ' "Their catcher (Darrell Por- f|^5$ji^ .- -.. ". torn of the 10th inning. ter) ily advancing on Babe Ruth's threw to third base and all-time homer record of 714, Detroit stranded two runners then made contact with the after McAuIiffe's out, losing by now has: 22 hits, almost half of runner," Martin said of the them homers. He now traiLs that: same score before a Free crucial lOth-iiining rundown. foui'ney ir oxAr ¦ ' Rilth by.31. : " 'n ; Ball Day crowd of 23,810 at Ti- "According to the rule it' ¦ ¦ ¦' ' s ob- In other . .. National League Winona Stated woriieri's in- vus Adplphus 8-2 and Dr. Mar- .•. '. ,ger Stadium. : struction if anyone who doesn't tin Luther College of New Ulna, Dave May, who climaxed;a games . Sunday, New York tercollegiate Softball team came have the ball makes contact Minn.* 14-9.: Southwest won the ;.three-ruri..' rally , off Jim Perry downed Pittsburgh 6-4, Chicago away with the title in the first with the runner. swept , a."; doubleheader from consolation title with a fr-3 trir with a solo home run in the "McAuliffe should have been Minnesota Women's Intercol- umph oyer Gustavusl , . fifth inning for a 4-3 Milwaukee Philadelphia; >2 and ?-3, St. '. ¦ ' . ' awarded home and the runner Louis, edged Montreal 3-2, Ginf legiate. -.. Athletic Association on second (Ed Brinkman, state softball tournament held : AFTER A PAIR .. . . New York third : rate infielder forced out the sliding Met and cinnati shut out Houston. 2-0 and ' Bee Jay edges brother of the umpire) should : Los Angeles walloped San Saturday at Athletic Park. - . . -: have been given third. That baseman Jim Fergosi (2) tried to take Pitts-. completed the play without a hitch. The -Met's; Winona blanked- the Univer- Cathedra l, 5-4 -4. (AP Francisco 15-3. ,in SLOW-PITCH SOFTBALL would have tied the; score with . biirgh's second basenian Rennie Stenhet f6) went on to take; Sunday's:' outing 6, in sity, of. Minnesota 7-0 the " ; ' Aaron was on the bench : charnpionship . contest Saturday • -' . -Ciass.A- ''' ' - - one out and a man on third. out . of this double play attempt, but the Pi- v :P;hotofaJ {): , the first game, when the ' ' ' ;¦' : : and evening as Pat Bigalk fired a .:-^: . w .u : . w t. Braves got around to using hifn Daily.Newt 2 o Homa Bsv. I 1 OT "There's no way there's an two-hitter. The winners jumped Bet Jay 2 0 Midwest Fib. a (ContinuedP from page 4b) ¦ ¦ • umpire s jud gm ent in the ninth, it was too, late. By " " ' '!¦ St; Mat1hew' the peak of her career; Riggs ' involved but to a 3-0 in the first . inning K. of C. . -- •« » • a * , here.:; It's right in the rule then, the Padres had a 6-2 lead Cathedral Jl . after, collecting five hits in the the 1939 Wimbledon champion, book." : and his two-run ' homer . just. Don Troke's run scoring dou- offered patty-cake tennis. He made it a bit closer. Jerry Mo- frame,.they scored twoi more in ble capped a two-run rally in Rule 7:06 in the Official the second and single runs in hit spinning chops and lobs to American : League rule book rales had driven in three runs the bottom of the seventh inning the back hne, a floating serve Gophers retairi the sixth and seventh. to boost Bee Jay Construction states: ''If a play is being in the: opener for the Padres like a sidearm curve : Barb . Schutt, Karen Feye, that broke made on an obstructed run- with a:¦ single and a: sacrifice to a 5-4 win Sunday, and knock ball and , bounced, like a foot- 'fiy. - ::- ' .¦ ¦: ' ' Merg Schmidt and Miss Bigalk Cathedral from ;a share o! the ner.;the obstructed runner . • each had two hits in the victory ball, a drop shot that seemed to shall be awarded: at least In the nightcap, Aaron was in early leadership in Class: A. clear the net by mistake and one over the University contingent, . base beyond the base he last le- the lrne-up and tagged No. 10 Sunday's game, rescheduled . died like a pitch shot On a wet against loser Fred Norman. His En' route to the finalSj Wi- from : May 2, was CathedraVs gally touched before the ob- Big 10 race nona disposed: df Southwest , bad in . green. ; ¦ . struction." ; two homers raised his batting " first loss and dropped it from Big Teh Baseball Indiana Friday arid then was Badgers to quality, they would average for May to a youthful State' 8-1. with .Karen Ries pick- the ranks of the unbeaten while He ran her from one side to Martin, who must forfei t $50 W. L. Pet. kayoed by Ohio. State Saturday, have to sweep all four games, ,405 oh 15-for-37, five of the , hits ing; up the win on the riaound, Bee : Jay retnains among the the other, toyed with her big if his protest is turned down Minnesota: ,i...... :. . .10 4 .714 arid then outfought Bethel Col- , Michigan ;...... <..:;..... 9 5 ,«3 10-2 and 8-2. Mike: Stange tossed which would result in two more The hot streak has lift- : :¦ : : . serve until she started to miss said, he would homers. league leaders. write the neces- Wisconsin ..;.. 7 J .583 a four-hitter against the Spar- losses f or Michigan, while Min- ed his average for the season lege 11-6 with Miss: Ries earn- with it, fed her overheads that sary letter to League Commis- Ohio. State ..*.....;....-.. * 7 .543 nesota would have to drop at ing the victory in relief: Northwestern ...... ¦** ¦ -. 6 .500 tans -in the opener and Lyall from .125 to .237. : : , out of court sioner Joe she netted or hit , . Cronin today ex- Michigan State .,...... ,. 7 . 7 .500 Fiilks followed with a two-hitter least two of its : final four The U of M ¦advanced to the joined with the crowd in ap- plaining his. position. Indiana 8 8 .500 ' '¦ ¦::r- : Jim Bcaachamp drove in four title game by vvhipping Gusta- Illinois ...... ;...;... 6 8. .«9 in the nightcap. games.:: plauding her : winners, and Umpire Brinkman, who said Iowa ...l;.;...,i.w..;.v. 6 8 .429 " ' •:¦ - ' ' In the only other conference ' : : . •'. "•.made the world's best woman he would do the same, said purduo ...... ;;..i v;. .v-... ; t KM V:- :: iviARk':TRAiL ^, °y Eci'Dodd-: player—maybe the best ever^- Porter "may or may not" have SATURDAY'S RESULTS action . Saturday, Illinois pound- lqok very much but of ber brushed McAuliffe during the Indiana 3-4, Michigan 2*. ed Purdue 8-4 and 17-2 as Greg ¦ ¦' Oliio State .10-8; Michigan State 2-2. ¦;. league. :< . .- ' .. ' " rundowns Illinois. 8-17, Purdue 4-3, Colby homered in each game. She won only two games on FRIDAY'S GAMES - Colby : also had a double and her service and a third when '•But if he touched him it was Illinois .at Iowa,' 2. .. two singles and drove in six when McAuliffe had fallen Northwestern at Michigan Stale. J. ¦¦¦ ¦: " Eiggs, playing to the camera Wisconsin at Michigan. J; . .- - .. : funs. . ' . ' and. a largely pro-Court crowd down. Since McAuliffe wasn't Purdue at Minnesota. 2. - Minnesota kept in shape by :-;' . of 3,500, nearly missed; the ball moving to third or home there SATURDAY'S OAMES sweeping, a noricoriference dou- . Illinois at Minnesota, 1, ¦ on an exaggerated spinshot arid was no obstruction. There's a Ohio State at Indiana, 1. . bleheader from .Wisconsin at fine; line there, but it's a judg- Wisconsin at Michigan State, 2. La Crosse 2-0 and 14-3, . committed his only doublefanlt. Northwestern at '-Michigan, 2. .'..- ' ."He kept changing . his pace ment play,'' the umpire said. Purdi/8 af Iowa, 2. Aside . froni Minnesota arid and breaking up my rhythm," Brewer Manager Del Cran- Michigan, Wisconsin retains a dall agreed. ' • '.¦ • ' By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS reasonable chance for the: Big Mrs. Court said afterward, "i . Michigan ruh- ¦ ' ¦: ' started badl ''The umpire saw it one way Minnesota and , Ten -title.:, ¦: . ' ." y and never got . ning one-two in the Big Ten into the /ihatch." > :; .' . . and Martin saw it another. . The Badgers, . 7-5, are at Two years baseball race, both will have Michigan for two Friday and ago Riggs said There's no rule involved. No the advantage of being home ; he'd like to play the top-ranked basis for protest." then play two more at Mich- :;¦ : ;:tlGER : :\v By Bud Blake woman this weekend as the conference igan ,State. > In order for the , BHlie Jean King, "ev- Porter, however, admitted race winds up. . :- ery day and twice ori Sunday." touching him. My shin guard, I Minnesota , holding a one- The remark eventually led to ing the . ball. game edge over - Michigan with Sunday's match with Mrs. Shorty ' s leads "I just barely touched ' him. its 10-4 mark, takes on last Court, after Mrs, King rejected place Purdue in a doubleheader : the challenge. As Riggs the catcher " explained. "I Open slow-pitch in- , Friday and finishes up Against tended, his victory cast a re- thought he was going to hold V SLOW-PITCH SOFTBALL but he sped up and then fell Illinois in another doubleheader Open League flection on all of women's ten- W L W L ¦ just as I threw to third. There Saturday. g . . . ' . ms. Shorty 's 5 St. Stan's 1 1 was no way I could avoid Michigan, 9-5, faces Wiscon- Levee Bar 1 0 Coch. Lnnes 10 touching him. My shin guard I sin in a . Friday doubleheader Oasis Cata 1 0 Oasis Bar 0 5 "I guess It proves that the , East. Side 1 1 Steve's Lounge 0 2 top ladies are about equal to a think, grazed his thigh. and then takes on Northwestern 15-year-old boy or a 55-year-old "I just barely touched him. in Saturday'a windup. '. ' Shorty 's maintained its per- man, or maybe not as good," You can't call it interference if Indiana scored two runs on fect record in Friday's make- commented Jack Kramer, the he's on the ground." three errors in the sixth inning up action with an 18-1 win over former star who promoted both But Martin said emphat- of Saturday 's first game Steve's Lounge, with Greg Sey- men's and women's pro-tennis ically, "I don't care if Mac's against Michigan to post a 3-2 kora delivering a pair of round- several years ago. dead on the ground. It's ob- victory. Craig Foran, the start- trippers, Dave Zimmerman "That's the way those women struction. ing and losing pitcher for Mich- three hits, including a homer, THE WIZARD OF ID By Parker and Hart should play Margaret," said "They ought to read the rule igan , came back to win the sec- and Gene Schultz a homer for Riggs. "Give her a lot of deep, book once in a while," he said ond game in relief as the Wol- the winners. verines outlasted the Hoosiers Cochrane Lanes trounced the high, slow stuff. I just played ¦ of the limps, "I've had more ¦; ¦ my sloppy, municipal park arguments this year about the 8-4. . . ' . Oasis Bar 20-5 nnd Johnnie's game. I didn't have to hit a rules.. I know the rules better Michigan remained in con- East Side tripped St. Stan's 18- 8. The East Siders rnpped 23 really good shot all day." than they do." tention with a doubleheader sweep over Oiiio State on Fri- hits with Mike Semling going day. The Wolverines beat the 5-for-5, including a home run , Buckeyes 9-6 and 10-3. while Don Lukowski went 3-for- Michigan State, which went 5 with a homer. inlo action 6ver the weekend League games slated for May tied with Michigan for second 7 have been rescheduled for WANTED place, split a doubleheader with May 25. FOR SCHOOL BOARD Scoreboard GRIN AND BEAR IT DENNIS THE MENACE AMERICAN LEAGUE NATIONAL l,KA(JUE EAST EAST W. L. Pel. OO W, L, Pet, OB Mllwauka* 14 1* .JOO Chicago 20 13 .104 Baltimore 14 la Ml 1 New York 17 14 ,J4« 2 Now York 14 H ,4»7 l Wonlreil 13 15 .t»4 QS notion U 15 .4t< I Plltshurofi 12 14 .442 4Vi Detroit 14 17 .452 1» » Philadelphia 11 11 ,W 7"i Clovolnnd 14 11 .431 1 St. Louis ... ,., I 22 .147 Wt WEST WEST Clilcaao II ¦ .»»! san Francisco 2S 11 .»7i . Kaniai City 20 11 .334 4 Houston <... 2) 11 .447 1»« i Oakland 17 15 .531 4 Cincinnati 1» 13 .514, S(, Minnesota 12 14 .4*1 « Los Annelia It IS .Sir 4>t Toxin 10 17 .370 e',t Atlanta 11 It .387 10 SATURDAY'S RESULT S San Dlono 11 21 .351 1IH N«w York (l. ii«fllnior« 0.. Cleveland 10, noil tin 7. SATURDAY'S RESULTS Milwaukee 6, Ilolrcill ]. New York 4, Plllshurgh 0. Oakland 4, TexAS 3. Chicago 3, Philadelphia 1,

¦^^ m^m^^ mmmm ^mM ailia^aa^SSSM J^ lli ^SSSaj ^aiJlJ ^ Blllllll ^ Kansas City 4, Minnesota 1. San Francisco S, Las Antilles 4. California t, Clilcaao 5. Atlanta 14, San Olono 2. SUNDAY'S RBJULTS Montreal 3, St. Louis 1. DAVID YEITER JOHN R. BILIER New YnrK 4», Baltimore 0 4. Houston 7, Cincinnati 1. Mllwaukne 4, ruitrnlt 5, 10 Innings. Naslnn 0, Clovilanit 3, SUNDAY'S RB5ULTJI Conscientious Minnesota J, Kimtss city 0. Chicago i», Philadelphia J>>- Capablo • • Concerned California 3, Chicago 0. San Diego 4 2, Atlanta 4 ». Tones 7, Oakland 1, New York 4, Pittsburgh 4, TODAY'S OAMEJ St, Louis ], Montreal 1. VV» are cnndldafai (or th* District No. 300 School Board Minnesota IKnnl 4-1 anil Cnrhln 01) «| Cincinnati 2, Houston 0, Texas (Paul 11 and Stenhouii 0-3), becnuie w« «ra Interested, conccrnad partnt* and wilting to nlnlit, TODAY'S OAMHS work dlllqcntly on behalf of th* taxpayers of the District. Oetioll (Coleman »11 at New York New York (Koosman 501 at Chicago (Peterson 3-41, nlnlit, (llonlen 42). flnltlmoia (Aloxawlnr 3 0) at tloiton Montreal (Ronko 2-1) »l Plllshurgh (lis School Board, (Ion ,10), nlnlit. (nrllce 1-3), night. At motnhors of w* will face each Issue Cnlllornla ISIngor J-)) at Kansas Clly Philadelphia (Droit 0.1 or Lonhorg 14) responsibly and conscientiously. (nrann j-j 1, ninw. al St. Louie (Cleveland Jl), night. Clovolanil ITIrtrnw 3-4) at Mllwaukea Atlanta (Morion JO) at Houston (Orltt- (Champion o-l), night, In 0-1), nlohl. support Clilcaao (Wood ll) at Oakland (Holli- Ian Francisco (Bradley 21) at San Wo ask for your and vote on TUESDAY, MAY 15th. nian 4.3), nlohl. Diego (Corklnt 2-3), night, TUKJOAY'J OAMB5 TUBIDAY'S OAMES Dnlroit at New York, nlnht. Philadelphia at St. Louis. PAID ADVRIHISHMI Nil Prapared hy llnwld Y«ll«r anil John H, nillor, nnlllmnra at nosloii, nlnlit. Now York at Chicago, T i w L* CmtutU Minn... ami Inaarteil at lha r«uular advertising rale. Minnesota at Temn, nlnht, Montreal al Plllihunih, itlaht. "I undoisland one of them conloiiu a Watergahi OUMB,.. Mion&mmim cnlllornla at Kenans Clly, nlqhl Los Angelas at Cincinnati, night, W TfMTis Clavalanit at Milwaukee, nlghl. Atlanta at Houston, night. WitllBail" CHARM DUM / Chicago at Oadlanit, night. Ian Francisco at fan Dlioe, night. \TM&/&woitvtsr u ^ * PaiietnaiV . . 7 H«lp—Ma\% w Femaft 28 HOI-MI, Cattit, Sfdclc 43 tgg? •¦; . Stag, lilght, tb- STOCK CLERK,. Malntananca. mechanic, PRODUCTION TESTED.". ReojlHred An- DON'T FORGET .. yearllnos, CHICAGO WHOLESALE . nlgtil; American Legion Post Meeting electrician*/' - ' factory--' workori. ' Parma- ova bull*, 2 year old! . and ' Want Ads Whalan, Mlnn> s box scores Grade A medium whlla .« tomorrow, 8:00 sharp; LEGION . CLUB. . tiant full-flma tntploynwit . Apply In Gordon Rein 1. Son*, ¦ Saturday • , ' ¦ ¦' - " . ¦-.- ' '. - -¦ Gratia A large while ...... ; .^7 . . .panpn; Flbarlla Corp., 601 W, 3rd,, . Tal.. 467-M7B, . , ; . . : Grade A: extra laroe ..-...... AiVt HAVING A DRINKING problem? for Cotter Winona State experienced, CONFIDENTIAL aid to IMMEDIATE POSITION for a fulitlma TWO REGISTERED APPalwia mV*!/ 1 ¦ ,; aide. 1 New Albln Kee (5) Cotter (I) . ' . . FIRST. GAME : Start Her© holp.' men and women stop drinking beautician. Experience mcanary. Wrlta with loud colored atud colt by abrh abrh St. Cioud (2) Winona (5) : . Tel. 454-4410, ALCOHOLICS - ANONY- C-47. Dally - ' Mtwa - ' . - reoiitered Apjialooia qeldlno, . 7 yjari ' ¦ ' ; ' : ' : ¦ . " . . ' Larry Ka«- Kthwfifi, >« 41 1 Schultfcn . ¦ o o ' abrh - • .abrh market :\^^;&ain '' . "¦ '' MOUS, for yourself or a relative. V old, broke to ride. Contact Slptk . * -: ;i : NOTICB. Youngbautr,ct 410 . Minn Tel.,734-2315. p.Bulrnn,ss-1b J 2 1 Nelson,c 2 1 0 l 0 0 CAN YOU talk to farmariT 3«t. tham up ten, Caledonia, . ' 0 1 Onbo.Jb . .'2)8 = Flnk,cf-p 4 12 4 0 p Stoulll.H 3 Bay State Milling Co. This newspaper will bea responsible for to buy premlx feed tupplaihentc direct 3 2 t: Rosi.c 411 Transportation 8 bene ahoilno oradu- Darllna.e 410 Nelt,rf 4 23 ¦ ; Elevator A Onln Prlcea : only ona Incorrect. Insertion of any / from Iho nianufacturtr at dealer PROFESSIONAL 2 0.0/ Sau«ri3b' - • ¦ ¦• . 311 ¦ yeara on |ob. experience. R.Renk.rf 4 0 0 Husman.ll . ¦ 4 0 2 Robak,3b.¦ ¦ . No. 1 northern aprlno wheat- ' ' .;... 5.17 classified advertisement : published In prices? Good Income, full er part-time. ate farrier, 8 ' '• ¦4 ' ¦ ' 3 0 0 Boltiwoll,lb 212 Black Hills-, .Yel- references fromi ownera ,ol • JOO . . 1 2 Brllzic No. 2 northern spring wheat .... 2.15 ?he Want Ads section. Check your ad INDEPENDENT TOURS ; Write Ron Clements, Box 63, Dept. Can olve Bigalkcef 20 0 B rccht.p 3 0O> plunge lowstone and Glacier National Parks. tap atiow hofjea In itate. Tel, Boo ; 2 0 1 Wahek,3b 4 0 2 prices No. 3 northern spring wheat .... 2.11 and call 452-3321 If a correction must " - 2Z53, Freoport, . III. 41032. • • . 46S3 or 4J2-9744. . Rente Jo- ZOO . 2 0 1 Grahtm.c :' . . 3 ,0 0 lirbach,rf - 30 1 .(AP) No. '.-* northern tpriho wheat ..... 2.07 ':¦«?»' mada. 7-9 days. Carlsbad Caverns, Lai Vegas, Pnybylakl 453: Preuchte,lb ' ' , »¦ M.Smlth.n . , 110 Chanflka.rl , ' 3 0 0 Ev|«n,s» " .' .;¦ 3(1 ; NEW YQRK ;- -^ Stock No. 1 hsrd winter, 2:H Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam. Visit .?• whut ...... >. SALE—Slmmental-Anou* and Buegt'iP ' ' 2 0 0 3(1 market prices plunged, today in No. 2 h«rd winter.whsat ..,,'.... 2.12 : friends. J250 or less. Leaving June-July. EXPERIENCED COOK wanted, one of BULLS' FOR ' " : . Tolali 31 4 10 1 0 0 —— . Tel. Fountain City 687-4762. Winona area'i finest restaurant!. Write "Cha'rblalJ-Angui *rom beet Carnation . : Totali 17 s 5 . ¦ ¦ No. 3 hsrd winter wh««t .....i,. 2.08 ¦ ¦¦¦¦¦ • ' . • :.';- " . . . . Totals 271 ¦ moderately active : trading as -C-^0 Dail/r-NeWii-;- -,:¦ - :- - -~^^~y-- • tjreedlrtcr&+larlan Kronebuech, Altura. FIRST GAME No. 4 hard winter wheat ...... ;., 2.04 BLIND ADS UNCALLED FOR — . - ' ' ; ¦ : ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ; " ¦' ¦ ' '' KEE '....,.' .'...'... .' .. 310 :«M 0-5 Tetais isa J : ;. ..: ¦ • ' '1:06 ¦ 7el »" ¦ ; : ¦ -- - . ¦ ' . " '¦ ... >.. investors lopled at the dollar No. .1 rye :;..:.. ;.;. ... ¦ " - , r -...... •-.....:.. 010 «02 1- ST. CLOUD ...... 000 . 101 0-* Buckwheat, cwt. ..;.., ...... ;;.': 1.04 '37, ' 40, 49, 59, :: , - , ' . ' \ Business Services 14 WAITER -. AND WAITRESS tor Fri. and COTTER . - . X-26, ;. f \ 250 Ibi. Tel; E—Schulti 2, C. Wanek 1, Bulman. WINONA ST. .. - ¦ ... .. 103 010: X-S taking a beating in Europe, the Sat. nlpjhts 8 p.m:-4 a.m. Sea Al Schloe- YORKSHIRE BOAR-Abbut ¦' : RBI—Bolman I, B. Smith, Browne 2, M. E—Caiighey, Llnbo,.Saver; RBI—Brills price of gold skyrocketing, the GENERAL BUILDING needs and roof- ael. Steak Shop, 125 Main. .".: ;. Houston 8M-3IM. " ; ; , .' -. . -. . ;. Bothwoll, samp. 2B—Robak, Urbach. HfS ing. Free estimates on all building . Smlthi 2B—Browne, Bulman. 3B—Flhk. . , bank I 1 (Flnk-Oarlinj-Bul- — Bolhwell.- SB—Saiicr, Evlen. S—Stoulll. continuation of the Watergate Card of Thanks and . Interior work. Ceilings, paneling WE'RE NOT JUST fan: udder " S—Rank. DP-Ke* Livestock 1 11 You LOB-rSr. Cloud Si; Wlnma-«.'. ' . . SOUTH ST. PAUL and - cabinets thBdVto order. Tel. 4S4U - ' Take - ".Mock ot your , situation. . man). LOB—Kea «. Cotter *. affair, and the Federal - Re- ' ¦ - ¦¦ •¦ : '' . • • slaughter , aleera and heifers (airly ac- and relatives LAWN AND: Garden Equipment Sales 1lon or any worthwhile ¦ . - • . - : made our. 50th Wedding you how a bank can ¦ - : Rethwlsch (WP) .. . » -• » 4 4 2 5 Breclit (W, . 7-l) .. 7- . 3 2 2 2 5 tive Monday and 2K0 higher; cow* cards which and. Service. Howard Larson, old Min- lo ui. We'll abow . ¦ such a wonderttil. day, Our you: See MER- Flrik •" ..: ,• ...... •- 1 l o t 0. o HBP — Glalimalcr and Robak (by The noon Dow Jones average about: steady . with Friday's low close; Anniversary nesota Ctly Road. Tal- 454-14B2. .. " be put to work lor ' ' to out children/and their and tiova WP—M. .'-Smith. - Balks-Rethwlscti. Brechth PB—Graham,: bulls and vealers steady; lew loads high : special thanks . CHANTS. NATIONAL BANK . . of 30 industrials was . off 13.3i at the A/Vary Circle of the ; " choice including some- prime 1,100-1,292 families and to WILL DO all those remodeling carpenter .a Happy Dayl . - .; 914 Church. .It was a day ' SECOND OAME SECOND GAME .66,. well below the: year's lb slaughter . steers 46,00; most choice United M&thodlsf lobs. Free estimates. Tel, 507-767-2241. ; -always remember." God bless K'J' Kt» (7) ; ¦' . Cotter (5). St. Cloud (3) Winona (7) : h low of 1,W».1,250 lbs 44.50-45,50s. mixed , WsJh we will ¦ ¦ Ernest Gusa, Kellogg,.Minn; !V?v; ; , 921. Declining issues on you all - . ¦ ' . .. : ' ' . ¦ ' -^ - abrh : abrh . abrhbl - . . . . abrti good and choice 43.50-44.5Oi -tew. corislgn- . • . , ^ the Nevv York Mr. & Mrs, Sordon Becker 5 1 1 M.Wanek.Jb 3 10 Shea,lb 313 :Youhobauer,ct 10 1 Stock Exchange .menls. ' h'igh choice .1,020-1^130 lbs slaugh- ¦ ' , ' . Plainview Do.Bulrnan,2b 5 2 3 B.Smlth.ct ' , 4'1. 1 Dlftburn«r,cf 0 0 0 : Llnbo,2b V 42 1 led advancing issues by a 5-to-l ter heifers 45.00; nioil choice 850-1,050 Painting, Decorating ; ' 20 ¦ ' ^AtES PERSON ¦¦' S.FInk,ef-p s t"1 .' . . husman.ll. - 3 0 ,0 . 0 1 0 Ross.c " - -42 2 ' ' ¦ lbs 43.5M4.75 ; mixed high good and : ' ¦ margin. - ;- . HOUSE PAINTING, Interior* exterior; ' Darllng,e-p 5 1 2 Netf,rf 1 1 0 Bigalke,cf 3 00 D.Sauer,3b 30 « choice 42.50-43.50; utility and commer- Lost prid Found . 4 - ' - '¦; Da.Bulman,lb 4 21 Lynch,lb-p 30 1 Brlti.c 3 0 1 M 0 "There 's just a general un- cial Slaughter cows 34.00-34.50; cutter - '. roof- '.coating. Fully Insured. T«l. 43* \-: ;-JnZ : ¦ " R.Renk.rl :' 3 9 1 D.WaneMb 4 1 1 Robak.Sb 4 0 3 Urbach.rf 511 32.5O-34.O0; canner 27.50-32.50; utility and : 2133. ' . ' . : ' rFurniture and 110 0 2 R.Sauer,ss: 21 t happiness showing itself in the commercial slaughter bulls 38.00-42.50; ; 3 4 o 4. . . . ' • FREE' FOUND ADl - /. , B .Renk,3b' 4 82 Nelson.c 20 1 Carlson. Ib . 4 01 Fleck.lf . 111 market today, said Monte Gor- Individual commercial 44;O0; - cutter 35.00- Floor Covering Dept. ' Plumbing, Roofing 21 S.Balley,p-cf 2B1 Browne.p 1 «0 -Loehcr. If - 4 0. 2 Shea.p •.. ' ,10 1 37.00; choice vealers 60.00-68.00; prime SERVICE to our readers, ¦ don of Dreyfus Corp; "There AS A PUBLIC LIVESTOCK . Qrant.e 2 00 301 Potrlch.rl 3 10 . . . up to 78.00; good 50.O0-61.Oi). / free found ads- will . be published when - ' 1 p o - . Totals 2S7 I are.doubts. as to what President Koos 6,000; barroivs and; silts fully 30 a person finding -in article calls the . ' ¦ PLUMBING BARN- : 'Apply in person ;: ALietlON Totals 38 7 11 Totals 25 5 J .Voss.p ;¦ : 0 6 .0- . . higher; tradlno active; 1-2 190-240 lbs Winona Dally 8. Sunday News Classi- ' Nixon can accomplish now."- 154 High Forest., Tel. 454-4246. V ¦ KEE ..'.....,...:...... 310. 000 12-7 10 o 16.75 to mostly 37.00; couple Shipments fied Dept. 452-3321.- An i frword notice - ; ¦ " :¦ ' ' '- ' ': ' " - .... ¦ :. '. , 400 100 00-^5 Kancp • ' 2 0 1 General Motors was the 37.251- 1-3 190-240 lbs 35.50-37.00; 2-4 240- free for 2 days In ; ; / - 7' to/,V - .- '- / SPARTA; COTTER . . :: . will be published PATCH YOUR ROOF while It's leaking, . E—Di t, Rethwlsch, Foreman 260 lbs 36.2S-35.75; : 2-4 260-280 lbs 35.50- finder and loser . Bulman: most-active issue on ihe> Big an. effort to bring , renew your roofs at- (4 cost of hew MON. & WED. SALES , M. Wanek. RBI-Fink, Dar- Totals 323 12 . 36:25; sows • strong to mostly 25 higher; - ' ' Mr. Untiet or Mr. Murray 2, B. Smith . together. ; roof; 1 coat,. 10 year warranty. SPELTZ 1 ling, D. Bulman 2, R. RenR, B. Renk, ST. CLOUD ST. - . '. 200 001 t-^3 Board, d6wri 1% at 68%. '. 1-3 300-400 lbs 32:00-33.00; wllh a few at C HICK HATCHERY, Rollingstone, **• B, smith. Lynch, Nelson 2, M: Smith. WINONA ST...... :. :..!00 002 X—7 33.25; .14 400^600 lbs -31.00-32:25; boars bag containing ' llshlng For Trucking Call On the American Stock Ex- ¦ LOST TUES., Minn. Tel. 689-2311. 2B—B. smith. SB—Rethwlsch, Darling, M. E-Robak 2,- Brltz I,- M. Shea. RBI— strong. - ' . ' ' ' '' '• ' tackle, by Boiler Lake. Tel. 452-9150. D'. Wanek. s—Nelson 1 !/ Bothwcll. 1B-- change, Lafayette Radio Elec- -trading" on -slaughter lambs Montgomery Wa rd GORDON NAGLE Wanek, B. Smltli, Robak .2, Shea, Fleck Sheep 560; . THERE'LL. BE a hot time Ih the old 2. SF—Lynch, Darling. LOB—Kee 11, CoN Ros s F/leck, Brlt2. SB—D. Sauer: S-R", rather active; spring slaughter lambs ¦ tronics was the most active is- : ' ¦: ' ¦:. ;' .5. . tub tonight . ... or will there? . An Dakota , Minn. . ' Sauor. DP—Winona (R.; Sauer-Llribo-Btlli- 50 -.'higher'; '- shorn old crop .' lambs steady Flowers y . . : . ; ter I. ' Inadequate or : ' Improperly functioning PITCHING SUMMARY ; well); -LOB—St. Cloud 10, Winona I, sue, down % at: 9/ The noon to . strong; slaughter ewes and feeders PLANTS. We fill cemetery water heater can ' give you the cold Sltuationt Wanted-Fem. 29 Tel. 64J3-6372. IP .H' - ' R ER BB SO PITCHING SUMMARY steady; choice and prime 90-100 lb shorn BEDDING price-change index was down .10 Open 7 days a week. Rushlord shoulder. If you have been experiencing ' ¦ ' Baltey -....::..i.. 3'A ' 3 5 5 1 IP H R ER BB SO ¦ slaughter lambs . No. 2 to .fali-sho'rh pelts urns. ¦ ;¦ * ¦ " ' ' Greenhouse, Tel.• W-«75. this type of. problem, now . Is -the time EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESS will do " Please Call Early Darling (WP) .... 3^4 .2 0 . . 0 3 1 Voss (LP) :.:' . .' . '.•."1 3 5 0 1 « at .23.43; : ,;.,.:. 34.50-35.50; 100-110 lbs .33.00-34.50; 110-130 to call ' ', .- ': ; hemi and alterallons. Tel . 451-1275.;' Fink ...... ' .. 1 ,0 0 . 0 00 Kan« . ¦: . ' . '.:.. - . -. 5' : - s i o . 4 . s The noon broad-based , index lbs 26.O0-33.00; choice and prime 85-100 ¦ ¦ ¦ : Browne :;.,... ..:•• 2^4 t 4. 4 2 2 Shea (W, 5-0) .' ...: 7 12 3 3 1 5 lb spring slaughter lambs 36.00-37.00; ' ' '' ' Personals - - ' . . 7 Frank O'Laughliri BABYSITTING In- my horne. Reliable. 0-j) .... ' j' - ' -J. ' i 1 3 ¦ ' ' on some 1,500: NYSE common Wanted—Livestock . Lynch (L,. . 514 . - . HBP—Dlttburner (by¦ S. . Shea).. WP— utility and good slaughter .ewes- 10.00; PLUMBING 4 HEATING - Tel 452-2317. ^6 ' ¦¦,. ' ' ¦ . PB—Darling. Balks—Bailey. Kane. PB—Brltz. . stocks was. down 0.78 at 56.65 13:00;. .good and choice 40-90 lb feeder WOULDN'T IT be. nlcas It spring would ¦ ¦•: ' . 761 E, 6th " . -;: Tel. 452-6340 , any breed; lambs 30.00-33.00. . . /,. finally get here? Here's a couple of day BABYSI-rflNO In my home. Tal. 452-7278. THREE- 300-ib. calves wanted when dining brlghteners for you . . . THE L R. ROOFING & Maintenance Co. .:- T>!. 6S7-W2<>, ' get to at the WILLIAMS HOTEL you Commercial, residential, <- - municipal 1 p rn. New York • ¦ with . HIGHEST PRICES on all classea of live- Transfers - ' enloy a fabulous sslad bar along painting, aluminum coating, slid seal- Situation* Wanted-Male 30 Huskie netmen Prdperty Wed- Dave Benlke; Tel; 452-2401. Col- 3b) your regular meal . . , and on • ing, building rnalntenance, whitewash. stock. stock prices (Continued from page nesdays we feature a delicious shrimp Ing, blacktop sealing and : patching, CARPENTER and concrete work wanted. lect call accepted. your dinner for only «.25. . You get sandblasting, floor resurfacing; Spe- Guaranteed workmanship. Tel. . 454-3270 rap Warriors — Part of. WWV4 of-'-NE'A of Sec. 21-106-5, dressing ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦/¦: ¦ HOLSTEiN CALVES wanted, S dey»-old. W^ AlliedCh 32% Horieywl 107% choice of potatoes, choice of cialist In flat roofs. -Free estimates. All -after 6, - Melvin Beriter to Kathrene Benter — Ray Norbert Greden. . Altura, Minn. Tel. : ST. CLUTJJJ, Minn. — xeo : : on. tossed salad. Brlns the family- work guaranteed. Rt. l; Lewiston, Minn. Amerada 36?6 IBM 403 tot 11, Block 7, Norton's Addition to - 'Wi- ; . - ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦- - ¦noi. : .- Kopren continued his unbeaten Meyer,, innkeeper, .. , : ' 'Tei; 5751..; .: • ¦; ': •- .;- WILL SCRAPE and . brush paint homes . siiap Jwp school nona ' except - the E. 60 ft. . thereof; '., during the summer monhti.. Tel. 452- AmBrnd 39 IntlHrv. 28^4 , streak against Northern Inter- '¦' ¦ ' ¦ Elaine Wieczorek to John P. Johnson SOL-VISTA, a natlonallv chartered nudist . 9341 for an estimated 1 AmGan 32% . InlPap . SS'/a et ux—Lot 7,". .Block 3, Bolcoms Addition has ' bought land • In the Winona- Farm, p»|ry Product* 47 collegiate Conference competi- ¦ - club, Electric Roto Rooter , ¦ '¦ '¦ ' to Wfriona. . . La Crosse area and now Is accepting ¦ • ' - YOON<3, AMBITIOUS carpenter : wahfl AmMtr '. 7Vs Jns&L 21% ' • ' ' . ' . For clogged sewers and drains. • : amount! tion here Saturday as he col- . .. . " CONTRACT FOR DEED memberships. Write Sol-Vista Recrea- work* 2- years experience, eood refer- FREE FOR THE tiaullnB,:iaroe records at Loras Ancohda 18% Kencott 24'/4 Helen F. Tharp to .' William- Tralnor, Box 6104. 'Minneapolis; Mlnn; of corn cobs. Free lo a hauler wllti tion Club, Brovyhs Roto Rooter ences Tel. «pe-«8-2243, ask for.Rick. lected the only Winona State ' ' " of Lot 5, Block 11, Chutes ' • ¦ ¦ ¦:¦ ' ¦ ¦ large truck. Farmers Exchange, 51 ¦ ArchDn - . 27% Kraft - . 48% ef. . iix—EV4 : . 554067'. '. . " " ' ' '- - '. ' " ¦ . ''¦ ' : " Tel. 452-6509 or 452-4315, T^yr. guarantee. •College points with 6-3,: 7-6 wins DUBUQUE, Iowa . - Bob - Addition to Winona. : . . Main St. Tal, 452-2030.\ ArmcSl 23% EXPERIENCED CREW to dp fenclno, in singles play. Brewingtoii and Roger Deets . Kresge . . 37% Gale City- Agency, Inc. to. Frank J. LOSE WEIGHT with New Shape tablets both ornamental and farrn line fences, AvcoCp .11 Loew's ' 25% Budnlck, et at—Lot 14,. Subdivision of and Hydrex Water Pills. Gibson Phar- Female—Jobs of Interest—26 Reasonable rates. Can start Immediate- Farm IniplewentJi; ;' 48 broke school records here. Sat? Wi- ¦ ¦ ¦¦ - : - : The remaining .members of Bla nk Block, Riverside Addition to macV: - • ' ¦ . ¦:,- - ' " \- ' ' ly. Tel. 452-5280 after 4:30 ¦ ; BethStl 29V4 Marcor - ¦ ¦ ¦ . . ' . - . . . ; the WSC tennis, urday as Winona State's track 22% nona. . . - • JOHN DEERE VX> corn planter with disc ; squad faltered ^ Information or Boeing . . 18% MMM 18 J/4 Adolpti Mueller Jr., et ux fo- Frederic GOT A PROBLEM? Need FULL-TIME waitress : wanted, Apply In PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT seektno new openers on fertilizer and corn, Hydrau- and ' the Warrior record fell to teani staged an admirable ¦ J. Huff, et ux—That part of the SV4 ot ,? rap"J Coll YES evenings lust want¦ lo person,, Watklns Meniorlal Methodist accounts. Experienced In Individual, lic lift. $150. Jerry Baures, on County showing BpiseCs . . 10% MinnPL 20% SFJVi: and all the part.of NE'A of-SE'.i ' ¦ ¦ l-15 ;with an 8-1 loss. in the annual Knights ¦452-5590. Home. partnership, corporate accounting and "M'V Bluff Siding. : Brunswk . 21 MobOil 63% of . Section 30 lylhg S. of road; Also N'A tax work. Write B-59 Dally News. Iii singles, -John Parrot fell Cf Columbus-Loras College In- " 30, 1973) . Mn Chm ¦ ' ':¦' of NE'/i of Section 31-106-4. , (First Pub. Monday. April WANTED—a lo 8 can milk cooler. Good vitational. BrlNor. 37^ • • 52!4 Glenn Schultr, et ux to Anthony: Jllk, 6-2, 6-0, to Bob Colleran; Mark ; , ) .. . . . Male—Jobs cf Interest— 27 condition. Reasonable, Tel. 454-41J» eve- ¦ : et ux'^-Parf of the EV4 "of NW'A of NE'A State of Minnesota Business Opportunities ' 1 :¦ .- . - Brewington won the 000-me- CampSp 31V4 MontDk - 36% ' Winona ) ss; 37 nings. ' " ¦ ; . " QttUm lost 6-3, 6-2, to Tony 3, ¦ of-sW of Sec. 35-106-6.- • County of , ' *4- : . " . ' . - . - Counly Court " ter steeplechase with a time Gatplr . . 62%' NNGas . . 40% Graham to G & S Feed & . in : MAN—experienced in homeowners and MEN-WOMEN, part or fiiil-1lme, to supply JUpkes; Dan Cplgan was on the of George A. Probate Division . SUBSET BULK : tank, 306-gal„ 6. yeari J —N'/j .bf SE'A of Sec. 33-105-6. - auto Insurance.: Salaried Mr. .Kinsley, 9:31.4, breaking his own mark Ghryslr 29% NoStPw 28 /4 Supply Co. No. 17.736' . . . Disney books to established retail ac- old; 4 Surge buckets, narrow shell) Uni- short end of a 6-3, 6-1 score ' to Robert N, May- Tel -286-3950 - 32V 100 1st Ave. Building, Cit ' ¦: Margaret Richmond In Re Estate 01 . . versal milker pump; Surge stall cocks, by more -than a second Srv 45% NwAir 24% ' ' SEli of SE'A' of -SE'A ' ' • '¦ counts. High monthly earning potential vdth Randy :Schwitchtenberg; , and ¦ er, et ux—Wh of ¦ . Holland, Decedent. . Rochester.. .. stanchions/ Darrel Lund, Whalan, Minn. ¦ ComEd . ' . . ' ' Edward T. with only S2,moo required for Inven- Deets, who placed , third in Doth . 33% NwBaiic — Of Section 24-105-5. - Hearlngj on Petition fo Tel. 4e7-2284. tarry Nystedt was blanked 6-0, PROBATE DEED Order for CARPENTERS WANTED — Experience tory , and , training, call COLLECT Mr,- GdmSta 49% Penney Determine Descent. ¦¦ 6-0 by the discus and hammer throw, . 82% . Anna. M. Dorn, deceased by: Exec, to helpful but rot necessary.. Benefit pro- Hall (214) 243-1981.:' 1 Neil Olsen, and Dave : Lehnerti having filed In this MINNEAPOLIS MOLINE .IO low rubber ConEd 23% Pepsi 82% David John Stevens; et ux—S'A of SWA Francis gram. Will be working Winona area. ; Mller fell .6-3; won the shot put with a heave petition representing, among drill, grass, seeder, like new, Wheel 6-1 to Pat Utter, of SEVj except W. 12 rods thereof and Court a Lester's Engineered Building System. FOR SALE—TV, radio sales and service, ContGan !29% PlphsDg that said decedent •: died discs: 8'-l0'-12'-14'. Plows: 4-bottom .-.- " ¦; In doubles of 47-9, also snapping his own 39% of SE'A of other things, Tot. 454-4411 for appointment. top brand franchise established 10 . , Kopren and > Ot- E. 5 acres of WVi of. SE'A . five years -prior to IHC No. 70, like - new; . serhl-mounted ConOil 32% Phillips 46% Intestate more than years In S.E. Minn Gross . $75,000, Fl- mum ' varsity record. Section 26-107-9. leaving certain pro- . John Deere F145 5-bollom; two 3-bot- went three sets before fall- Adminis- the filing thereof, CHEF WANTED—Area supper-club.: Send nanclnfl to responsible party with good Dartlnd 35% RCA . . 27»/ Arthur G. Jung, Deceased by County; Minnesota, and tom Oliver 434f/i; John Deere 3-1*" ing to Matter and Colleran Frank Baures was clocked In 8 - Dlngfelder, et ux—Lot perty in Winona resume to C-44 Dally News. credit. Electronics experience a mustl , trator to Otto G. said decedent has been and 14"; Ford 2 and 3-bottdmi two 3- : ContlDat . 44 . Polaroid 1238 Block " 13, Bolcom's that no will of Wrlte C-51- Dally News, ': -«r3,' 2-6y .6-3.' ; 10-flat . for third place in the 4 and W Vb of Lot 3, administration of his estate / bottom IHC : fast hitch, 1 seml-mounfed; . \ Addition, to Winona. proved, nor EXPERIENCED MAN for general farm and 100-yard dash wile Dartlnd . 35% RCA : . 27% granted, In this Slate and praying that ; many others. Two 4-sectlon drags. John ^V7itchteiiberg Gary . Gary: Gray Anna M. -Dorn, Deceased by ExeeV 1b . work. Tel. Galesville 539-33J9. V'V " DowCm. : 50% Reylnd 44% the' descent of. said /property be deter- BUSINESS Deere 50 tractor, Three 4-row planters, Thdreson beat Parrot and Ny- of the University of Wisconsin- . Amalla E. Fischer—WA of SWA of Sec- : disc fertilizer arid openers, also 2 rows '¦ . . ' mined and that it be assigned to the INTERESTED IN 'a. demanding; profes- . River, duPont .:: . 173: Rockwl 26% tion 34-107-?. - thereto; OPPORTUNITY; Wide elevator for bales, and more com- Btedt 6-2 6-1 and Upkes team- Falls won the eventwith Deceased by Exec, to persons entitled sion? Like to work with your hands? > L. J. Casper, ORDERED, That the hearing Man or Woman ¦ ing In. Christ Moen, Beaches Corner, a meet, EastKod 131V8 Sear E , 96% Inc.-Lot - 20, Pleasant IT is Willing to travel? Want to get ahead In ed with Olsen to stop Colgan record time of 9.6.. . Winona Realty, Way 29, 1973, at 10:45 Reliable person froni this area " to Ettrick, Wis, Tel. 507-246-5372/ 3 •'. Subdivision No.- 1. thereof be had on an established business which . has not ¦' ' Winona Esmark -24 4 ShellOil 47 Valley Terrace . — before this Court, In the service :and collect from automatic - , and Miller:64), 64). " . . - : 's other place^finisheTS Deceased .'by.:Ad- o'clock A.Mi, hod a lay-off In 10 years?.Write P.O. ' , . Dominic-C..Bambenek^ . . Room, In the Court House, dispensers No experience needed — TRANSFER SYSTEMS weret;Dan Olson-:second Exxon - • S3; . Singer 54% ministrator to Raymond: D. Bambenek, County Court Box 75, Winona,. Minn; : - 55987 giving . The Warriors will be looking in tie Minnesota; and that notice we establish accounts for you. Car/ Permanent or portable. . et ux—Part of Lots 5, 6, 7. S, 9 & 10, in Winona, : phone number and age, All replies hammer throw; Al Petri Firesth ;. , 21% SpRand 38% . the publication of references, and $995.00 fo $1,995:00 Ed'a Refrigeration » Dairy Suppllei ; . to boost their win total .when , fifth : US/. Original Plat " " of- Winona'.' hereof be given by strictly confidential. ' . ¦ ¦ Block ' In the Winona Dally News cash capital necessary, 4 to 12 hours 555 E. 4th ,:' . Tet 452-5532 in the steeplechase; ; M FbrdMtr 57% StBrnds ' 54V4 FINAL DECREE OF DISTRIBUTION this order they host Rochester Junior Col- a r k notice -as provided by law. weekly could net opod part-time ¦. ' Burfelnd, Deceased to ' Elsie and by mailed PART-TIME help wanted In refill shoe lege today, Smith, fifth in the high jump GenEl 58% StOilCal . 76% Ernst.A. 26, 1973. . Income. . Full-time more; For local 1 IHC 560 ; LP gas tractor, wide, front, and will begin play at—WA- of SWA; E. !S Dated April store; approximately 20 hours per Week . Burfelnd, et S. A. Sawyer .Interview, write. Include telephone ':¦ torque , amplifier.: 1971 Ford F600 truck, in the Lynn Gulbransori GenFood 25% StOMndx 87% 15 Acres Baker's Shoes, 123 E. 3rd St. . NIC conference meet in , fourth in tie : Acres of NW'A of • NWA; W. . Judga of County Court number: IS' stock rack, 43,000 actual miles. Star- javelin GenM . 59% TelexCo 378 of SWA of NW/i Section 9; NW'A of Winona Thursday. : , and Jon Neidig* fifth in / ¦;¦ ' ' (Court Seal) SALES CLERK—Lawn eV Garden Depart- line tank spreader. Harry Trowbridge, ' NWW Seetlon. 16-106-8. .; - - ; . . EAGLE INPUSTRIES the 440-yard dash with a fine GenTel "29% texasln 185 Sireater, Murphy, ment, 30 hours weekly, Experience pre- Arcadia, Wis. Tel. 323-7207. Brosnahan & Langlorel . Department BV , Gillette 56% UnOil. . (First Pub. . Monday, April 30,, 1973). ferred but. not necessary. Apply In per- ' time of 50,7. 37% Attorneys for Petitioner . ¦ : . 3938 Meadowbrook Road . FACTORY AXLE mounted duals to fll ' ¦ ' : son at -Tempo, Miracle Mall. The Warriors took Goodrich 23% UnPac 58% :staie of Minnesota )., ' -. . .. ' : .. . St, Louis Park, Minnesota 55424 . 3010, 4020; 15.5x38 tires; »400. Narrow Onalaska hips third in ; ;. ' • front fits 41010,. $45 Tel. 60WB7-723». - .- the . 440-yard Gdodyr 27% USStl ' 32 bounty of Winona , .) ss. (Pub.- Date Monday, May 14, :1973) REPRESENTATIVE needed In Winona , : relay and fifth in ' . v- " In. County Court area to help us save lives "and earn up Greynnd 15% ¦ NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Dogs; Pets , Supplies 42 14.?x3J axle mount duals. 13.6x21 snap-on the mile relay with, Mark Al- WesgEl 32% ¦ Probate Division to $400 per week . Excellent opportunity Cotter netmen '. - No. .17,735 . .; Notice Is hereby given that HOME duals. Don Wall, Nelson, Wis. Tel. 715- schlager Gulf Oil 24% • Weyrhsr 56% was Incor-. for right man. Tel. collect Rochester AKC REGISTERED Labrador Retriever, • '¦ ' A pair of singles victories . ^elly Stephens, Nei- In Re Estate Of - BEVERAGE SERVICE, INC., Moist • 673-4B66. ¦ . as a Minnesota 289-5423-or 288-5096, ask for Mr. . 1 female, 9 weeks old well shaped. dig and Homestk 48% Wlworth 20 - ¦• ¦ .- .' ;'. ' ¦ Gerald Green, Decedent, porated on May 10,1973, , and two more wins in doubles Gary Mueller combin- ' ' - pursuant to the Minnesota Parents both good hunters. $40 Tel. Order for Hearing on Petition for Corporation . ¦ GUARDS—stationary full-time and part- . WD 45D wide front, good condition; Paul- ing for a time of 3:27.6 - ' "Act , Minnesota ' La Crosse, Wis. 783-2261 weren't quite enough for the . Administration, Limltlns Time to Fill Business . 'Corporation time weekends. Stapt at $1 .80 per: hour.'. . son loader; new ; 4-14 semi-mounted Statutes, Chapter 301. Allis Chalmers plow;, 6' JD Van, Bureni Cotter High School tennis team Thursday Coach Myron Claims and for Hearing. Thereon. For appointment Tel. 612-784-3468. . . ' " ; having filed herein The general nature of .Its business Is: PEKE-O-POO, St. Bernard, Spitz, Elk- grain drill; . 2-rbw John Deere corn Smith's squad Capital Investments Minnie M. Green ' hound to stop Onalaska High School will depart for general administration This corporation' , shall have .. . general .: Tel. Altura M2-4433. planter. Sfeva Cooper, Galesville, Wis. a petition for : Morris'to compete decedent died Intestate business purposes;and shall have unlim- DISTRICT SALES MANAGER Tel; 582-2803. . last Friday as the Hilltoppers in the North- stating that said NINE COONHOUND puppies, 5 male, . 4 income up sharply and praying that Ray R, Jewell be ap- ited power to emage In, and do any- WATKINS PRODUCTS, INC. will fill sec- ern Intercollegiate female, father Redbone, mother Black dropped the Ramblers 5-4. Conference pointed admlnlstrator i lawful act concerning any and all lawful ond level sales management position, DEUTZ :Tracfori, Owners report up to Sales and/or sales management exper- -and Tan Tel. Alma 673-4957, , meet the following two days. MILWAUKEE ' UP) - A IT IS ORDERED, That the hearing businesses for which corporation may be . $1000 per year saved on fuel cost Paul Van Deinse and Paul ience preferred College education re. thereof be had on Juno 4; 1973, at 9:30 organized under the Minnesota Business . alone. Arens Motor-Implement. Kellogg, Waddea started the Long jump star : Jeff Bunke limiting the quired. Send resume to M, D. Awes, ST. BERNARD—registered, 1 year old, Ramblers cash dividend and a 56 per cent o clock A.M.,' before, this Court in the Corporation Act. Without . Minn. 767-4972. ' corpora- Box 570, Winona , Minn,.- , S40. Tel.: Caledonia 724-2738 or 498-5247. off with singles wins, with Van will make the trip having near- increase ia net income for county court room In the court house generality of the foregoing, this the tion shall have Ihe following . specific NEW HOMELITE CHAIN SAWS Deinse winning ly recovered from a pulled ham- in Winona, Minnesota; lhat the time SHELTIES (Mlnl-Collles). A gilt of living his pro set 10- fiscal year ended March 31 wilhln which creditors of said decedent powers: Good Seledlon of Used Sews. V* string in his leg. (a) to enter Info one or more part- love ! Sables, Trls. Hart' s , La Crescent, Your Chain Saw Headquarter! and Waddeh his 10-2. were announced by Capital In- may file their claims be limited to sixty Minn, Tel, 895-4711. days from Ihe date hereof, and that the nership agreements or one or more |olnt - SALESMAN - POWER MAINTENANCE «. SUPPLY CO. The Hilltoppers took the next vestments hie;, a Milwaukee- venture agreements v/lth any . other per- 2nd & Johnson Tel. 452-2571 ¦ claims so filed be heard on June 21, CHESAPEAKE male puppies, 6 weeks four singles • ' ¦ ' son, firm or corporation. matches, with won 10-5. ' . '; ' . ' . based . small business in- 1973, at , 9:30 o'clock A.M., before this old, full blood, non-registered, Tel. Court In the county court room In the (b) to become surety for or guarantee EXCELLENT FITZGERALD SURGH Ramblers Barb Van ' 452-3426. Sales & Service Deinse, Wadden and Pelowski came vestment company. court house In Winona. Minnesota, and the carrying out and performance of any contract, lease, or obligation of any kind Tel. Lewiston 6201 or St. Charles $32.4851 Rich Pelowski, Dave William- close to pulling out a win and The firm will pay 26 cents that notice hereof be alven by. publica- OPPORTUNITY BEAUTIFUL PUREBRED Blue Heeler tion ol this order In the Winona Dally of any person, firm, or corporation; and Bon and Steve Mattison falling. the match when they fell 12-¦ per share May 15 to share- (c) to acquire; hold, pledge, mortgage, pups for tale, 6 weeks old. Tonl Muel- ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ' News and by mailed notice as provided for energetic hard working . ler, Tel, Lewiston 5781 . Fertilizer, Sod 49 In doubles, Paul and Barb io. ' . ', ; ¦; " holders of record May 1 it by law. hypothecate, sell or otherwise 'dispose of . , bonds, securities and other Da ted April U, W3- the shares, salesman. If you know sell- DECOMPOSED COW manure, Ideal for Van Deinse teamed to come The Ramblers, now 3-5 in said. Net income was $305 202 evidences of Indebtedness of any person , , S. A. Sawyer' Horses, Cattle, Stock 43 lawn and garden, ii a load, all you can ' or foreign corpora- ing, this is for you. Selling away with a 10-5 win while dual meets, will travel to Prai- compared "with $196^89 for fis- Judge of ' Counly Court or of any domesllc haul. » miles from Winona. Tel. 689- tion. wholesale fruits and vege- Williamson and Mattison also rie du Chien Campion today. cal 1972 it said. (Court Seal) ' HERE'S POTENTIAL-reglslered Appa- 2578. , Gartner, Burkhardt & Shulman, P.A. The address of Ms registered office tables plus all ready cut (oosa yearling slud. Toby line on top Is — 203 First National Bank Building, Attorneys for Petitioner ¦ salad items for largest firm side . Started In halter. V. R. Abra- BLACK DIRT, fill dirt, fill sand, crushed Winona, Minnesota, hamson, Canton, Minn, Tel. 507-743-8564. rock, gravel, SOD, shrubs, complets (1st Pub, Date, Monday, May 1, 1971) The name and address ot Its Incorpora- in Twin Cities area, landscaping. Cat and front loader work. tor Is — Walter R, Thompson, Old Elms, PALAMI NO riding mare, halrsetler, Pol- State of Minnesota ) VALENTINE TRUCKING Winona, Minnesota erold camera, tape recorder, woman's County ot Winona ) si, S«nd resume toV Mlnnoiota City, Tel, 454-1782 and Its tlrst Board of Directors con- electric shaver, fencing equipment. Will In Counly Cour t ' sist of: trade. Tel 454-4111. Black Dlrf - All Top Sell Probate Division Duane M, Peterson, 411 Hiawatha No. 17.740 H. BROOKS & CO Also Fill Dirt Blvd., Winona, Mn, BREEDING STQCK-13 Charolals heif- ARCHIE HALVERSON, Tel. 452-4571. I Raise Chinchillas In Re Eslale ol Walter R. Thompson, Old Elms, Wino- 2521 E. Hennepin Ave. ers, ready to breed In July or Aug. Edwin S. Aanas, Decedent. ¦ ¦ na, Mn. Tel. Arcadia, Wis. 323-7433 alter . < ' ¦ ^ Order for Hoarlng «n Petition lor Minneapolis, Minn. 55413 LANDSCAPING H i* TV *'•* h/^^NJ * 'fi !'M \mn\ Stephen J. Delano, 257 West Broadway, P.m. or weekends. SOD — laid or delivered. Summary Distribution, Probata ot Wlnonn, Mn, Dale E Welch, Tel, 454-3452 or Will, Limiting Time to File Claims . Peterson, Delano & Thompson, Ltd, BULLS, 1 purebred . Charolals, - 2 three 454-1411. "Over 20 years experience," j for Profit and for Hearing Thereon. Attorneys for the Corporation quarters, 2 halves) 4 half Limousin ll' Lucllo M. Annas having tiled a peti- I' bulls. Black mare, registered quarter H increase your income right in your own ^Hl tion for summary distribution and pro- Hay, Grain, Feed T2tii&- S&Biam Oaf Pub. Data, Monday, May 7, 1973) horse. Tel. La Crescent 695-2445. 50 H basement 81' bale of Iho Will of said decedent, which CAREER , garage or spare room. Will li on file In Ihls Court and open State of Minnesota > *tti «^»' fl SIX HOLSTEIN heifers weighing between EAR CORN-Henry Etchman, Rt, 7, Wi- to Inspection; County ot Winona ) is. H If you love animals and desire extra 300 and 400 lbs, Tel . 452-9614. nona , Tel . 454-5611 , Income, ^^fmS^ammWKk ' m ' IT IS ORDERPD, Thnt the hearing In Counly Court OPPORTUNITIES ¦ ¦ Probalo Division chinchilla-ranching Is tho field for you! Ihereot be had on July 17, 1973, at 9:30 . FIVE PUREBRED Brown Swiss bulls, 2 EAR CORN, $1 ,15 bu. Also cedar posts. ^SW ^^^^^ aV ^i R o'clock A.M., bclore this courl In Ihe No, 17,572 years old, Owen Vaaler, Spring Grove, Tel. 454-1448. H Have a' business all your own In Rt Estatt Of , and prosper! J^^^^f^^^AW county court room In Ihe court house Farm & Home Supply Minn, Tel. 498-5343, H What other Industry In Wlnonn; Minnesota, and that nb|oc- Arthur C. Tarrai, also known EAR CORN, dairy end beef hay deliv- offers 1hese advantages? " j ^^^ '^^^ nS^T' ¦ as A. C. Tarrai, Docedent ¦ ¦ tlons lo the allowance of said Will, II TWELVE JERSEY cows, mostly ail reoli- ered. Eugene Lehnertz, Kellogg. Tsl. ' D No competition D No labor problems any, lio tiled hnlore snld time of hear- Order lor Hoarlnpj on Final Account Sales & Service lered, Tel. Rollingstone 6B9-2675. 507-534-3763. W^^W^^- Wvh I ' ¦ ¦ D No customers to pfeaso ? Ho machinery to i<&wW4 ^V!\W ¦ ing; tliat the lime within which creditors and Petition for Distribution. H wear out p ol snld decedent may tile thoir clnlms The representative of the above named Steady Rood paying jobs REGISTERED HEREFORD bulls, Anxi- GOOD ALFALFA dairy hay and beat No fixed hours p No location be limited to 60 days from Iho dale estate having filed Its. final account and available for tho qualified ety 4th breeding, 2 years. Ruth Arbor. hay; also strew. Delivered. Joa Fred- M?Ml^^y^% I hereof, and that chilms so tiled ho petition (or settlement and allowance Rushlord, Minn. Tei. 864-9122, rlckson, Tel. 507-753-2S11. heard nn July 17, 1971, at 9:30 o'clock (hereof and for distribution to Ihe per- candidate wanting a chal- ¦ ¦ You receive Guarantood production A.M., bolnro Ihls court In the counly sons thereunto entitled; lenge and an opportunity to n /^Mdi)d^kjkI court ron' m In Ihe court houso In Wi- IT IS ORDERED, That the tiearlno responsibility, and D P Guaranteed market Q Llfotlmo Income J«ffi *iW *W^3A H nona. Minnesota, and 11ml nollce hereof Ihereot be had on May 29, 1973, al 10:15 assume ¦ ¦ p And a fun business vx.;muJk£m\aj *£a*iM5a H bo given hy publication of this order In o'clock A.M., before'this Court In Ihe thereby Rain success. Iho Wlnonn Dally News and by mailed county court room In the courl home in rirl 1111 1 cooperative nollro as provided hy law. Winona, Minnesota, and that nollce hor«i- Ida^^H J ¦ M And you could bo making a profit oqua! \o or chinchilla*103 fl If your skills are good , agri- 11 n JI hi KM 0< "r^Su"8 Dated May I, 19;). of be giver) by publication of this ofdrr cultural background helpful greater than your present Income, right In ¦ ?7 !. w !,' B ¦i, / . SAWYER In The Winona Dally News and by your own home. ' .. Ovorl and Park, Kansas 68202 ¦ Jnrtda nl Counly Court milled nollce as provided by law. but not necessary, enjoy Counly Court teal) Dated May 4, 1971. sales nnd service work , this A herd of tiny chinchillas takes up vory little room, yot thoir furs aro precious I Hull nnd Hull 5. A. SAWYER tunity . as gold. Attorneys (or Petlllnnar Judno ot Counly Court am ho your oppor They make tho softost and most boautiful of all furs, desirod by ¦ (Counly Courl Seal) women everywhere. (HI Pub. Date, Monday, May 7, 19/3) Harold J, Libera • Farm nnd home hard- ¦ Attorney for Petitioner ware and TDA sales su- Begin by writing Stale of Minnesota ) Coi/nty Court _— ^J^ Jl^-H * MlJI^B^BBfll^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^BHi^fi^B^B^B^Bl^l^^B ~^\^r us today. Your Investment will bo according to Income County of Wlnonn ) Family Division pervisor you desire; ¦ I (1st Pub. Date, Monday, May 7, 19/3) David Lawrence SUck, State of Mlnnesoll ) • TflA sales and service fu l nf0rrT,a!ion n how wo can h0,P u sot started and how profits can I Plaintiff, Counly ol Winona I ss. (Met'hnnlcnl ability ncc- build[ !.i w, filll i.l ,. ?,.u, y° VI. In County Court out and mall this coupon today. B Belinda M. Slnr.k, Probate Division CHHiiry) Defendant. Ho. 17.M1 Farm nnd homo supply "^ In Ri Eslale Of • UBC soils at quantity-purchase prices! " SUMMONS store retail sales . H neys an answnr to the complaint which petition for selllnmont nnd allowance A complete benefit package 16-feet; 5-,nch t0Ps ca $10.99 Ii on tile In the oflfcn of the Clerk of ihereot and for distribution to lha p«r- ^ * W y . *^«i""« —______—_ the ohnve nnmori Court within thirty (10) snm tliarounlo entliledi I day* allrr service , upon ynu, exclusive IT IS ORDrMiD, That the hwlnn For nn Interview contact I ¦ POSTS - SpecialI of the dny of nrrvlr.n. If ynu fall to do Ihereot be had on Juno 4, 1973, a| 9 10 so, Ihe plalnlltf liernln will apply to o'clock A.M., Iiefnre Ihls Courl In tlia Jerome Hungerfoid Hi 6^-feot; 3-Inch tops, ca $1.25 counly court room In the court home Jfj .,. I I , ,r\ga ¦ Ilia court for lha relief prayed for In ' " . .. . H , Minnesota, and that noticn f Jcnerul Manager l For both pola buildlnRs nnd fttficoa. ont n«n»paiion ¦ the complaint. In Winona UBC Pfaaant Tho otilar.t nf Hill m.tlon Is In divorce hereof be olven by publication ol tills Jf/ /~~~\ quantlty-puichasa pricos (or your complete J0IJ. the p lnlnillf from lha defendant. nrdor In Ihe Winona Dally f(ow« and Facllitlot to roloB Chlnchllloa: Strentnr, Murphy, by mailed notice as provided by low. Alma Farmers BaatMnent_>«___Out Bulldlno. porch^ I Itrnsnnlinn 8, l.angtnrrt Daled May 4, 1W3. - Spare Room Olhor I by l\l Roharl t). Lenglnrd r,. A, SAWYLI) Union Co-op Judge of Counly ' nur t Rolwrt I), Lnnulord (Court Send Almiv . WI K . Tel. MWI-OTi-MlS UNITED BUILDINGCENTERS Attorneys for I'lnlntllf Sireater , Murphy, 68 rati Fourth street llrosnahan & l.anolord "A Cenex Co-op" 75 Kansas St.—Erv rcarson, Mgr.—Tel. 402-3384 Winona, Minnesota MV87 Attorneys for Cautioner ¦' '¦ ' ' Seeds, Niirwry Stock S3 Furn./ Rugt, Linoleum 64 Apartments, PUf« 90 HouMi for Salt / : w Matoreyclss, Bicycles 107 - Uit^ :C«r«';r-;- .;. . .-; . '. . 109 Auction 8»ht ; IEED: POTATOES, plants, tomato, cab- KELLY - FURNITURE will cafpit any tPACIOUS. DUPLEX—Certllled for 4 each GIRLS' 26" blk«, In good shepe, tlo. Tel, PONTIAC-i-V969 Bonnevllt* 4-door power FOR YOUR AUCTION: tile ih*; Boyum ' 457-2593, steering, - power brakes, alr oold with bage, kohlrabi, pepper, eogplanl, . living . room, dining room and attached unit. Near college. Double . Bsreg*. Tel, . . ,. System, BERTRAM BOYUM . Auction- . ' ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ;¦ black fop, :jo'ld Inferior. A sharp carl ' . . . .. ;.;. :.: ;;:. - . . :: , : . ;. f - groumtctierry, flamy, , petunia , salvia, hall, wall-to-wall, In Berwick 100% NOW RENTING 452-1554.;- ¦ eer, Rushford.Mlnn. Tei: 864-9381. ' • - . . . ° . . giranlu'nt, coleus. Winona. Potato Mar- nylon - for only Including . carpet', ' MOTO-CROSS cycle races. Sun., Mey 20, Only $1295. Tel. 689-2331; .;. ' ' ' ' i399 . .;.: keh . ' • ' "! ' '- NEAR SCHOOLS library and doWntown 1 p.m. 9 miles E. of- Zumbrb Falls on ¦ ¦ Auction Sales; ...... ;: . rubber padding <• Installation, Kelly's, ¦ ¦ " ' ' ¦' ¦Weslgale ¦ ' : Ultra -Modern plaza/l fcodroom down and 1 up, Good Hwy. to. A . HWInders production, ¦'- ' " POMTIAC—1973 Ventura hatchback, 350 . ALVIN KOHNER . , Shopplno - Center. • . . ; ' ": PLANT!, ASPARAOUS, tomato, peppar, rental properly. Only $13,500, MLS 854. V 8, excellont condition . Owner leaving AUCTIOMEER-Clty and afats- licensed ¦1 FREDDY FRIGKSON . . '•".- . -. Furnished or Unfurrilsb43d ' - I0J and bonded -1, ' ¦ itrawberry, eggplant, cabbage, brusset «,50/ TRADE-IN allowance for your old CORNFORTH REALTY, Tel, .452.6474. HONDA TRAIL 70i 1*71 Model. $250, Tel. tov/h. See at T764 W ,6th, Apt . . . ' ¦ . Rt. Winona. Tel. 452- . Auetlonwr ' . . . *Ho. ¦ iprouli, pitunlai, coleus, morlooldi. dining room set on a 1249 40"x72" oval i5r 1 JBcdroom EffioJencJej -..;¦ 4J4-3559. . .\- Will handla all sties *nd kind* *f Jim Buggs, Goodview Road, Tel. 454- table and 4 tall back chairs. BURKE'S FOR SALta by owner. 3-unllr apartrnent FORD—1966 Falrlene convertible, good auctions. Tal.: Dakota 443-4I4J. ; ' ¦ ¦it l.BfxJroorh 5CHWINN. CRATff bicycle, like new, less condition, Tei. 452-1604 weekdays »ft*r MAY 1»-Sat. 11 «,m, 2'A mile* H. of : :«7.l. ; - ;;. .' FURNITURE WART, 3rd s, Franklin. house certified for 12. Full lot. $29,900. ' than 1 year old ' - . . - . ' . - .. '. - ;- - Hokah oh Co. Rd. 7 : '- . Open Mon. and Fri. evenings. Park be- 1 •^2 Bedrooma . TeL 452-3778 for. appointment , wllh speedometer Over. , : 5, . . . , Dale Gllssehdorf, MAY 19-Sat. 11 a.m, Household Ul», '• SIO0 niw. First *75 fakei If. Tel, 454- -owner; Schroeder i Horlhan,. auction- 107 Burr .Oak St. N., Rushford, Minn. hind the store; . - - . - . ; '¦ W»nftKtFarm Product 54 TO BE SOL D at euctlon oh May 22 et ,3130. ' ; . . ' -. /AONTE CARLOr-1972, 11,000 miles. LlV» eers; Thorp Sales Corp., clerk. Altons Folne, owner/ Bertram Boyum> ¦ ' - ¦ ' LAKE PARK 4:30 p.m;:Charles Greothurst 4-bedroom new . Tel.- .45 4-1.136 efter . 4;30, auctlonear; Boyum Agencyi , el*fk;- , - ¦ ' MAY 19-Sat - .— ¦ , " horn*'In,the village of (JIlea on large WINONA'S COMPLETE . 12:30 p.m. 6'/i miles N.W. . » WANT HAY (for mulching, quality not. Muilcal : ' ¦ ' iMerchartdli*¦ - ' 70 lot with low taxes, A nice comtdrtable MOTORCYCLE HEADQUARTERS DATSON—1970 ' 240Z. Excellent ccndlflon. of . Lanesboro, Mr . S, Mrs. Adolph MAY i»—s*t. 1 p.m. Household Auction, Important. jo«\Freflricksoii^Jjtf- SOZ^ —^Vtf.:. - : - . ;- , .. .: ' ' .; ;- . ¦ - ¦ - - ¦ ;¦'¦ VALLI VIEW home In good small town. Open House New—Used—Parts— • ' . - . Tei.."608-539-.3298. . . . . ' Moen, owners; Redaleh, Olson & Mbnt- 310 Second St., Alms, Wis. Mrs. Bill 73.i23«9 - '»venlnfiir or iWrorfw* -*-^-' ' ' ¦; FOR SALE: Nine rank Hall pipe organ Sat., May 19 from 2 to 5 p.m or Tel. Service—Accessories , - gdrnery, auctioneer s). ' Lanesboro. • State Areola, owner; Hll Duslfman. auctlon*.'" - -;- time. : - . : ¦ ' ¦¦ - ' In regular use. Being replaced by new APARTMENTS -St Charles 938-4282 or 932-3756 for ap- Honda, BMW, Triumph TWO 1946 Volksv/agens, Make of(er, Tel. '. Bank, clerk, . . . atr i Loul*, clerk. ' . ' :. twenfy-ihree rank organ lit tale May. At The.Foot Of Sugar Loaf polnlrherit. Terms, 20% tfov/n on solo ROBB MOTORS INC. '. 608-539-3298. . - Antiques, Colni) Stamps 56 Call or Write Our' Saviour 's Lutheran ' " ¦ ¦ date, Balance when tlttb Is transferred . - 34lh and Service Drive . Cliurclt/:.Whitehall, Wis. 54773. Tel. 715- :: ,:- ;- Tel. 45!f>fl4$p "Penney's Good Neighbor" CHARGERl-1968/ 3)8, air, maps, good mileage, 53,000 miles. Must sell. 578.W, 538-4611 or 715-538-4144. THREE-BEDROOM , home, large lof/ Re- " . ' ' "SECRETARIAL DESK-glasi front; - Seal- ¦ ' • . «"• •: ; : duced In price. Minnesota Clly. Tel. 689- ' ; -. -:• ed bids by June I. : We reserve right Apartrtients, Furnished 91 ¦ ¦ Trucks, tract's. Trailers 108 : ' RENT MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS (row 2375. .; - , . ;./ |':;. -k -;H»tiUSBKKa^;. v^;:!v to accept or re|ect all bids Tel 452- . , HARDT'S Pianos, violins, ' .- .clarinets, • - " 9)33, or -454-1886.' . ¦ FURNISHED COTTAGE—Including utili- . - . " New Cart ¦- -; -.trumpets,,.' etc. - Rental paymonls apply BY OWNER 3 bedroom :hou»«. newly re- WHITE FREiGHTLINER 1967, .250 cum- .; ties, lor working man or married cou. . ' toward purchase price : decorated - mlns, tandem, new tires, . sleeper cob, " : . HARDT'S pie. Off-street parking. No pels. Tel. , extra corner lot, washer and ' ; : MUSIC STORE air - conditioning'. Truck reconditioned ill KEN'S SALES '«, SERVICE— Jeep'^- :V- v; - - :;; 'AKiTlQUE-:. - .> ;; ; , 116-118 Levee Plaza E. 452-3141. ' . dryer Included, Wlncrest Addition. For - - appointment Tel. 454-2452. , V . the way, Road ready I 1972' .International, . .wheel drive." Vehicles .8. accessories. AND newer furnltura strlppfhg. Free low boy tractor, twin screw with ciim- Hwy. 14-61. tei. 452-9231 . . - " , ' estimates, pick-up and delivery. ' - Tel: TWO BEDROOMS, newly decorated, part- ' W; LOCATION—1 to 2-beiiro«rn; will, go rnlrjs engine. Priced cheap!.Miller Used At the Ella Accola ' Fountain City ' 6B7-9751 after 5. ly. furnished Inquire 168 Mankato Ave. i^i#iE5L|#^%|J;| Residence,. 310 Second St.^ Alma Wis.-, J HAL LEONIARPMJSIC .-.' G.I. $13,000. -126 .Fairfax. Tel 452-1224 . Truck ¦ Sales, Sparta, Wis¦ . Tei. .' 60B-249-¦. Mobile Homes, Trailers 111 ^ . . . 6748; ' " - .: ¦.; :¦ ' :¦; ¦ : WANTED TO. BUY-all stver coins, , ill- TWO-BEDROOM , house suitable, for 4 " Musical Instruments NEW HOMES ready for occupancy; vor dollar*, gold pieces, coin collec- • girls, all carpeted, neer-WSC, Alio 3- 2-J DETROITER—1969 mobile home,, «t . //le- ¦;; bedrooms.-: Financing available. Wllmcr CHEVROLET—1962 2>/i-ton truck. New -nornofile ;;;;:;§ tions, accumulations and hordes. Pay robm apartment iullabla tor 2. Alt fur. ". ,.te|. 667.7326.. , • Electronics • Supplies sjfr'son . ': Construction. - Tel motor . clutch and paint |bb. «-cyllnd«r, the fop prices , around. Tel. efter 6 nlshed Including ufilllles. Available June , 452-4533 or ¦'' |; ; '¦¦ ' ;¦¦ ;452-3801. ' . : 2-speed axle Wllh flat bed. Tel. 454-3370 ROLLOHOME —12x68', 1969 model Ex- Starting at l p,ni; Shairp V ;- . .;. . P.m. 507-454-2274 or write Dick DrUry, • Instrument Repairs - . ; 1, 452 Msln. TeL 452-4036. ' .alfer ». ' " • ' ' Rt. . J,: Winona, Minn., 55987. - pand? living room with 7x17 Insualted 64 E. 2nd : Tel. 454-2920 INCOME: PRODUCING property for . sale, . shed, : stove, dishwasher, ' .washer . .and Kelvinator refrigerator; ONE-BEDROOM furnished apartment FOR SALE 1963 Econdllne pickup or " Frigidalre electric kitcheri range; | . near th* laundromat, all utilities paid. . 1 block , from colloge, $8000 plus In- dryer, some furniture, -set on let or can kitcheh table and 4 come per year. Building In good stale : trada for Volkswagen; Tel 452-4537 be moved. Tel. 452-3136 afler 1 P-rri. ¦ chairs; buffet ; dropieaf table, with | \-. Articles for Sale 57 Suitable for young couple. Available • -' after I . :¦ * ' ; of repair, Tel. - 608-323-3754 betvyeen 6 . p.m. '. leaves and pad ; 6 dining roora chairs ; writing desk; | June 1st. .Tel. 45M724 altar 3 p.m. ' ¦ ..NOTICE; sjlOO drawing. : and '8 -|3,rn. .; . , -/ . ', SUGAR LOAP TOWN J, COUNTRY K ¦ "Be a winner " Sewing Machine* FORD PICKUP-19W. . excellent runmr, Singer sewing machine, electric; sewing cabinet; A-l I Tel. 454-2979. '.' " 73 NOW RENTING In Lewiston, new 1 and MOBILE HOMES ¦ ¦ COMFORTABLE-REDWOOD and brick 3- .' good body. Tei. 452-6876 alter 5. leather davenport and chair; green davenport and ,' • 2-bedroom aparlments, central heating Fr«* washer and dryer or * month* chair; | - NEW HOME llgiag sewing machine, built- air: bedroorm home at 1322 Parkview. Beam- free lot rent with the purchase of any i FIVE-ROOM electric oil burner, 265-gal, and conditioning, fully furnished. DODGE—1962 dump D-500, V-B, 4-5 yard 23" color TV and stand, in very .good running order; 3 1 • .. -¦ in buttonhole*, . etc, .599,50. WINONA ed fornlly room, dining area and spa- - .new home, . . tank, all fittings Included.: Tel. 452-5039. References required. Tei. Lewiston 523- box, 4-speed,; 2-speed axl;- Ideal Auto ^ piece bedroom SEWING. CO., 915 W. 5lh. . 9431. ' " cious living room with fireplace. Cen- We now . hay* a good ieledfon ' of . | set; metal bed; wardrobe; A-l cedar 1 Sales, 4^0 - Mankato Aye, . ' - RUMMAGE SALE-316 Vine St. Clothes, tral air. conditioning with/ built-in re- new end used mobile homes on dis- . - | chest Maytag washer; Westiiighouse. dryer ; dresser; frigerator freeze ! all sires; occasional-cards, scraps of , r, dishwasher and ' play. ' . oven; Tel. 454-1101 after 5 p.m. FORD—1968 Vi ton, 6-cyilnder automa- I electric appliances; vacuum cleaner; coffee maker; |- panelling. Typewriter* : NEW EFFICIENCIES tic, radio, llkt new condition while it SUGAR LOAF TOWN & COUNTRY 77 , -.- .MOBILE HOMES toaster; can; opener;, waffle- iron ; .fan; -kitchen utensils; |-', ' TASTEFULLY furnished with a decora- lasts, »S$ Fehske ' Auto Sales, 4(0 E. , I NICE, COMPLETELY remodeled 4-bed, Hwy. 43/ next io Budget Furnltura. ALUMINUM AWNING-78', brand new. tor's flair and featuring luxurious shag ¦ 2nd. ' . ¦• .- '. ¦ y dishes; beddmg. Some tools, garden and others;; silver- I TYPEWRITERS arid: adding machines rooift al 316 E. Bth. Close 1o school and ..; •;. Tel; 4J4-5287,,evenings 452-7984,- . . Tel. 4i±mD alter-i; - ¦ carpets, cqlorlul draw drapet, contem- ' , " , for rent or sale. Low rates . Try us park. - .319,500. Te|. .454-10 5t>.: , . .: ware; lamps ajid end tables,...... ; | | porary ' furnished and all electric appli- NEED a Pickup? We ve got 12 Chevro- P - ' for all your .office- supplies, desks, ' LOUCKS AUTO SUPPLY -. - GOOD SELECTION of . antiques In most ances and heat. . " let & Dodges 1964 to 1969, 3 and 4- ' ¦ ¦ ¦ files -: or 'office) chairs. LUND OFFICE THREE. BEDROOMS, UJ baths, , kitchen . , 503 vy. 5th . , -,' :¦ '• : ". categories. : Reasonably priced . MARY ' speed . | ARTIGLES OF; ANTIQUE VALUE : high back rocker ; | . SUPPLY CO., 128 E.. 3rd. Tel. 452-5222. ' with - 'dishwasher, and disposal, family . :ldeal-Auto Sales, 470. Mankato.. TWYCE ..Antiques:«,: Book's, .920 W. 5lh. KEY APARTMENTS SEE. the- all new. 1973 Jayco tent and |; center table; -wood box; chest; wall mirror; flat irons; | 1258 Randall St. robm 'WIfh fireplace, double garage. .3V1 ¦ ' travel' trailers, -the ' qualify built line et : years old, Located across Hwy. . 61 at ' ' ' ¦ " - : ' " USED LUMBER , 2x6x10, : 1x6x16; old Edstrom Really . Used Cai-s .; ; .- . ;/- - :- VlsJ0- , a price, : you would , jike to pay. Sea :p some dishes; kitchen wood range; crocks; clock ; 2 trunks; | . Lyle's Floor Covering, 3rd house ori ; ' wooden antique chairs;-, bicycle parls; Wanted to Buy 81 tei. -452-7760 or 454-1920 Jayco before . you buy. We take trade- If. , lots' ot f ruit jars and many, jnany other articles too num-:. • '% right or TeL 454-130 evenings or T ' ins: Bank financing. Hours:- . 8 -to 5 Maytag wringer washer. 1061 E. 7th or ' FORD- 1968 Galaxie 500, In good condl- . ¦ ' '¦ ' ¦- ' ' JUNE 1st—suitable for employed couple, : .weckerwsi' - ' . ' .'/- .' : tlori Priced reasonable. Robert H«lm, weekdays,. Fri. 'Ill 9, Sun, 1 to 5. f eroiis to mention. - ' ,% . - . - Tel. 454-318?,-; USED SMALL Honda, In fair condition, . No pets, 321 Washington St., Apt. 4. Dover, . Minn, Tel. 932-403B. . ¦ Tel. 452-1266 ' evenings.. •' • ' . - / ' ; ONE USED central atr conditioning unit, YOU Invest In a home every day, yours TOMMY'S TRAILER SALES | :. - .; MRS. ELLA ACCOLA, OWNER ,j ^ U' . -v V' 'j. V ' ' ' AVAILABLE: for summer months for or your . landlords. , FIRST -FIDELITY HORNET: SST-1970, 32,000 miles,' - 'plaid " WE SELL family happiness dally from . 3-ton with . collj one used gas fired ANTIQUES, furniture, glassware,' com- ¦ ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' : girls, near WSC, furnished and carpet- Savings & Loan helps you jet a home! Interior, vinyl top/ power steering, auto- 9 a.m. to sundown, Sundays from 1 to ¦ ¦¦ ' "¦ ¦¦' '¦ ¦;¦' (Herk : .' • ' ' ; ' . 100,000 BTU furnace, . May be seen at plete: households, any used or hew sale- %¦ :. ' . . ' ' " " ' I^uis, . - . - -V'^ 1 - • 404tf W 4th : Goodview after 1 p.m ed.: Summer rates. Tel. 454-2561. matic, 232 cu. In., 6-cylfnder, excellent :t p.m. Selection and lavlngs. Fuji fine . , . ori able Items for auction or . consignment " ¦' ¦ BEST BUY—Expertly constructed 2 and tires. Top condition. Tel, 452-4527 alter : recreational . vehicles. Motor ' Hn-ies, ' ' .. ';¦' , Auctioneer " . -Mon. and Tues. ' §. -. ;. - - . Ml Duellman . v Auctions held every Sunday at 1 p.m. 3-bedroom Tdwnhouses,. some complete. ¦ ¦ \ VERY NICE furnished apartments for <• ; / Mnl Hoiries, Van Conversion*, v-cfth La Crosse Auction Center, 515 Clinton : girls,, available now end. for. fall Tel: ly decorated, swimming pool. Come and Wheels, Travel Trailers,, Tent Camp- NEW KELVINATOR deluxe 20- chest '-44601. ¦ . St., La Crosse, Wis. Tel, 782- 454-3710/ see. Tel: 454-1059. CHEVROLET—1969 4-door, very good con- ers, Pickup ; Camper*, Tommy's Top- : frceier with light, lock, dividers and 7800. -• ' dition throughout, Will sell reasonable, per*.' Also rental units. Ty/o servicemen t^mjmmmm^^^^m baskets/ Sale price S269.95, FRANK ' - ^m^mm^^^^^mm^o^mi^^&i^- .A¦ CENTRAL . LOCATiONr-Furnlshcd. apart- ATTENTION APARTMENT Dwellers, -Tel.. 454-2165. . '.- ". on duty. We service all makes. Tom- ,;. LILL ;¦*' SONS, .761 E. ith . WM. MILLER SCRAP IRON & METAL ¦ ^ ment for 3, 4, or 5, . First floor. Utilities " own.a new 2-bedroom Townhouse with my's Trailer Sales, Hwy. 53-35, .7 miles CO. pays highest . prices for scrap Iron, ' ' . furnished. Openings for summer and garage,, monthly payments ' -.*.! a low CHEVELLE^-1967,' 4-speed, 396, gaujes. | , S. of Galesville, Wis. Tel. 582-2371, ' -.- NEW GAS RANGES at reasonable prices. metal and raw fur. ' fall. Tel. 454-3230. $150. , Tel, .454-1059. -'- „ • Tel, 452-6153 or may be seen |n WItoka. AUTOCRAT & HARDWlCK, 20-inch, 24- : Closed Saturdays . : ' Irtch, 30-Inch & 36-Inch. All colors; na- SCHULT 1967 12x50 mobile home, ex- . 222 W; 2nd;. ', - . Tel. 452-2067 INCOME PRODUCING properties for ; rura l or bottle gas ' . THREE-ROOM efficiency apartment, . , FORD—1967 Custom, J-cyllnder, falrvcon. cellent condition, completely furnished, . GAIL'S . APPLI- sale. Terms to .qualified.' -JIM -, ' -6rd; - available June 1. Tel .buyers.. . ditlbn $150. Tel. -452-1266 evenings, . J399S. Red top: Trailer Court. Tel. 454- ¦ . AN.CE..115 E. .:. HIGHEST, PRICES PAiD , 454-4579.. : 8 ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ 107 Burr Oak St. No;,; Rushford, Minn. "I ROBB REALTY Tel. 454-5870. a.m. - 1167. '' ' :! " I?;^iiiplsfiI p for scrap Iron, metals ; . . . ' . , rags, hides, to 5 p.m. Mon. throuoh Fri. FORD-1968 Convertible, red with :vvhlfi. : . ' IT'S TERRIFIC the way we're selling raw: furs and wool. GIRL WANTED to. share large) comfort- ¦ top. Inquire MERCHANTS NATIONAL 17'—1971 travel trailer, self- ¦ Blua Lustre for cleaning rugs and up- able 3-bedroom apartment. : Furnished, ¦ PENGUIN , : ' MODERN . 7-room : house,. V/i story, en- BANK.; ;. ' . contained, hitch electric brake hookup, :; holstery. : Rent electric shampooer : Sli Sam Weisman & Sons all utilities paid. "S40 perXironfh. Avail- ./. , ,19 closed porch,; large air conditioner May , 3-car f . '%mAf : i ; side mirrors, Reese stabilizer bars. . - 0: j - able June I ¦ r .. - . J2 - and. $3. H; Choale & Co. ; . Tel. 454-4812. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ J INCORPORATED : -garage, concrete driveway, over VJ acre. LTD 400—1972, plliard hardtop, power 454-3594; ' .' ' ' ' ' ''' ¦- ' ' ' : '|, - - . $1800, . Tel, . ,. fy. . . . • ' Starting-at-il a.m; ' :: " .. ' - . 450 W; 3rd . . . . Tel. 452-5847 Garden. Norman Semllng, Bluff siding. ¦' . brakes, power sleerlng and 6 like-new , ALL NEW bedroom aets, $97.56; sofa and STUDENT APARTMENTS-Centrally lo- ¦ ¦ ' ¦ Tel. - ffl-mX. - -. tires.: S2B00. Tel.. Caitdorila' 724-2382. Mobile Homes. 14X70 -|: ;. Lunch on grounds by Echo Ridge Pioneers . 4-H Club' . chair . sets, $89.95; recllners, S39.95; catcd renting now. for . summer and . GREEN TERRACE | large coffee ' tables. $12. Bargain Cen- fall. JIM ROBB REALTY. .Tei. 454- 1973 Blair house, regular price.- 18,600, : ' ¦ • ¦ ' ' '¦ ¦'• ¦ ¦ QUIET 2-unlf house, near St Teresa's. PLYMOUTH-1971 ; GTX, air conditioning, sale price J7.950. Tel. 454-1317 for ap- % Auctioneer's Note: There are.too .many items to give . | ter, 253 E :3rd.. • ': . Rooms Without Meals 86 5870. .' . ./. . '' -. ' . ' • ', ' . ' : Investment or moderate, cost living with low mileage plus extras Tel. 454-5949 ' ¦' ¦ : ¦ , , pointment. . .; % a complete listing. Some of the pieces are in good con- 1 Income. One bedroom Up, 2. down. Foil after ' ' ;. . : OARAGE SALE—134 Fairfax St. SINGLE AND DOUBLE room*, clean, . 5. . . . ; basoment, oil, garage, garden space. FURNISHED 12x68, excel- 1 dition, others are old and niay have collector's value. 1 carpeted, .rilcely decorated. Well-equip- ARE YOU HAPPY? COMPLETELY Tel, ' 452-2424, . 1967 MUSTANG, 2B9, V-8, automatic, ra- lent condition, parked at Green Terrace. ; ' C. E. r GARDEN TRACTORS, no gas or ped kitchen, TV lounge. By week or : Is YOUR Apariment too noisy? ; I' '; ; HOUSEHOLD GOODS Combination china' closet- 1 " - dlo, etc. Beautiful red exterior, whlti Must be seen to really appreciate. Tel. — oil. 3 demonstrators available at $400 ; month. Till; 454-3710. 'Try the ¦ - . discounts. TRI-STATE ' MOBILE LEWISTON-^CIrcle Pines Estates, 3-bed- Interior, like hew fires. Only J895. 457-3359. After 5:00 452-2046. Make offer, I writing:desk -with curved glass; i refrigerators; 2 .dinette | ¦ room home with full basement , and dou- 1969 IMPALA 2-door hardtop, 327 V-l, ' : HOMES, Breezy Acres, Hwy. 14-61 East. CENTRALLY LOCATED ' sleeping' ' room KEY APARTMENTS sets with chairs; Day bed; 2 portable television sets : ble garage, Tel. Lewiston 4664. . power steering, automatic, radio;-etc. - travel-trailer* from I p for gentleman only. Separate entrance. All 1-bedroosn, completely furnished; NOW YOU CAN buy ; on stands; 2: gas kitcheh ranges; 2 RUGS a mess? Clean for less with Blue 1752 W. Broadway : Vinyl roof, green metallic with match- th* people who know camping I For I twin beds; Hoover i . Tel. 452-6479. STURDY 4-be'droom 2-story , or Luttrel Rent elecrtlc shampooer SI, $2, ; • '". Tel. 454-4909 or 454-2920 . horn* ing Interior-. Only J1295. particular* or new "Lark!? Iravel trail- I portable wasliing machine; End table; Easy, Spin-dryer ' easily converted to duplex. Full bast- 1960 CHEVROLET Bel Air 4-cyllnderv av- :\ $3, Robb Bros. Store. SLEEPING ROOMS for men, students between 9 a.m. and ? p.m. / er*, tee Gary at Winona KOA. ment, double, garage. W. central loca- ' ' • ¦ i washer; small RCA stereo; Dining room table and 8 1 and working; Cooking area available. tomatlc. Si50. . tion. Needs updating to be really sen- 1965 IMPALA 4-door. hardtop, 327 V-«, IPRAY TEXTURING of ceilings or walls. 252. .Franklin. Tel. 452-7700.. THREE-ROOM efficiency apartment, $100 SEE US NOW FOR A DEAL | ; chairs; room size nig; White treadle sewing machine; 1 sattonall Only $15,900. Owner will fi- automatic, power steering, power New and old. Painting and Interior monthly plus utilities. Tel. . 452-1076. ¦ ' ¦ . ¦b Real Sharp AViON 23 ft., rockers; vanity table and bench; 2 utility tables; Frig- 1 nance. .TeL 452-5709. • - brakes. Needs a little cleaning. First i 3 remodeling. Brooka oV Associates. Tel, self contained, ' ' ' '¦ I idaire 5,000 BTU air conditioner (window); pool table " - . . 454-5382. :' " UPSTAIRS—S rooms, private. Nq .-chli. $450 takes It. tVNEW old model -24 ft. COACHMEN. | Apartments/ Flats Fehske Auto Sales, 460 E. 2nd. 90 -dren or pets. Working couple preferred, Big Discount. - with ing pong top; number of agates; several ; unhol- » - ¦ f . p . '. - .. 'NOROB . VILLAGE dry cleans clothes, Tel. 452-0561,: - - . /- " UVi ft. TRAILBLA2ER lelf- CENTER ST — 2 : rooms, with iV stered chairs; dresser; high chair; s old trunks; single | drapes, sleeping bags, 8 lbs. for 12.50. . , private contalned, like new. I bath. Stove . and : refrigerator furnished. on old Also wash your clothes,, 20c : lb; Your Full Line "COACHMEN" Dealer : I bed;Pedestal:fiower stand|^2: tubs Btanc; Maytag | Air conditioned Adults/ $110. Tal. 452- Business Places, for Rent 92 . ' : 1970 IMPALA : Full Servtce^-Bahk Financing ; ;;67y0.. ;. ' • ' . " ¦ ' ; 1 square tub washing machme; several occasional tables; 1 USED MELROB Bobcats, Tel. Lewiston . _ ". . - ' .' . THE F. A. KRAUSE CO. ¦' ' ¦ - 3500 FT, of new offlc«. space, furnished 4 door hardtop. / Power ' ' I magazine rack;vDpminioti; electric sewing machine; fruit : - ." ..:-S7j>1. -.- . . Breezy Acres; - . | NEW.3-bedroom flfst floor apartment in with power,, heat, , air - conditioning, . •sounnl barrier , walls,, sprinkler system, brakes, power steering, : 1 jars; movie camera; copper boiler; some old pictures 1 BUY YOUR, IWJ Toro Power Mower now Galesville, Wis. Stove and refrigerator over with no ¦ carpeting and very : agreeable rates. FACTORY AIR CONDI- PAYMENTS CAN be taken icture frames; table lamp; floor larapV suitcases; . '. ' . while stocks are complete.. Prompt ef- furnished. Private garage. $123 plus Interest to the right party on 14x70 Art- I and p ^ | utilities. Available June. 1st Free parking Vi' block away. Will rent ficient service Is part of every sale. , Tel. 582- TIONING. Radio, : EXTRA craft mobile home 2 large bedrooms | large vanity set, comb, mirror, brush, etc; electric : , ¦' •.;;¦ ¦•• all or part. 122 W. 2nd St. Available : . | WINONA FIRE.J, POWER EQUIP, CO. . 2271 days. . gi^ONfe: plus family room, den or 3rd bedroom. March. PSN Building, Jack . Neltzke, /¦CLEAN. .; ¦/.: / fans; old phonograph; mirrors; bathroom scale; pressure : ;.54 E.' 2nd st. ;. Tei.;. 452-5065 ; fireplace with - stereo: S | Tel. 454-5830; nights, 454-2680. ; Air conditioned, TWO BEDROOMS, newly decorated and Family room and kitchen completely | cooker;- stone crocks; old typewriter; linens; kriickknacks;,: | [ remodeled. Inquire '168 Mankato Ave. PROMPT - COURTEOUS SEEI R. W. " WEB- / "BOB furnlshed.'.Tel.. 687-9802. ; . -' " flower pots; pots dishes, , MAY SPECIAL. :; r OFFICE 3PACE for rent. First or second ¦ , pans,, wooden kitchen chairs; | .floor available In former NSP building,: . SERVICE. ; STER for a money saving r ' G.E.-AUTOMATIC WASHERS ... ONE-BEDROOM apartment / available HILTON-1970, 14X68; 3 bedrooms, double .. numerous otier miscellaneous items. ;; June 1. Sunnyslde Manor ' Aparlments, 79 PIOJB E,i corner of Lafayette and J ¦ Call Us Anytime . DEAL. - ' ; Insulated, partially furnished. Tel. 445- ' ' "^¦ .' .Tel.- "454-3824 ,'¦ 3rd. Will remodel to suit. Tel. 454-4071 ./-;' . . . v .,w$i£8/- -: ' . , . - .'5837 ;¦ -. '• • . MISCELLANEOUS ITEiMS -• Cub 8 h.p. riding lawn; | ¦ or 4527600. : .' / ;; Day or Nij^it ' . . .. _ B & B' . ELECTRIC, 155 E . 3rd . Home Phone: 452-9580 : mower with electric start; 2 boat motors; bench sadder; | AVAILABLE JUNE 1,-2.bedrooni apart- ' ¦: TRAIL BLAZER—trailer, camper* from ¦ : OFFICE AVAILABLE: June 1st: Approx- 601. Main Street ,. . numerous garden tools; 2 garden cultivators; sewing. ¦:¦ ment, all electric kitchen, air condition- $1695 and many motor homes from | : ¦;' imately 450 sq. ft. private office, • • ;- :;K E -E- t?E $ ed. Prefer couples, no pels. Tel. 454- or. Weekends "Home, of; Personal Service" $5995. Pickup covers from $145; also machine for harnesses; bird houses; numerous large old I- i> ' : carpeted, paneled air conditioned, 2nd I '. . . For All Makes 4904. - . , , ' used tent and trailer campers. floor, across from Clly Hail.. George ,*ome traps and gopher traps;, gas heater; cow bell; gas lantern; M: of Record Players ' Office Hours: F.M.B. Ltd., I Holmen, Wis. , Tel. 608- 1 TWO-BEDROOM apartment "Falkl. Tel. 452-3939. ia*** n*i*Biii ^*** sBi *^******* i**** BW ; ¦; ' , stove and ;. / : 52M33«.: . 1 tent, stepladder; some carpenter tools. -: m Hardt's Music Store refrigerator furnished. No students. 8 a.m to 8 p.rri. '' :; ¦ ¦ OFFICE SPACE : for rent. : - ' - . ."" ' 116-IU Plaza E. West location. Tel.-452-1517. Levee Plaza STA RCRAFT CAMPERS 8. | " . TEBMS: CASH ! .- : . r M . East. Inquire HARDT'S MUSIC STORE. Wondsy through -Friday/ ¦ ¦ ¦ TRAVEL TRAILERS .. . ¦: O^NER;- :- ; , ¦ : MALL APARTMENTS—Large 2-bedroom . 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturdays ; Pickup. Toppers & Camper* J . • ; ALTONS -FEINE, -§l OFFICES FOR RENT on the Plaza. .apartment In 4-plcx. Stove, refrigerator, . . DICK^S SPORTING GOODS Sllrneman-Seiover Co., | No items to be removed froin premises untUjpaid for! || . 7V\A IL air conditioning, drapes, extra storage Tel. 452-4347. GENE KARASCH, REALTOR Durand, Wis. ¦ area, garbage • " disposal, .Close 1» every- • Tel. 454:4196 . Tei. 715-672-8873 or 672-5199. " I : \ Boyum Agency, Rushford, Minnesota; Clerk m DAILY NEWS thing. Tel. 454-2023. . § Bertram Boyum, Lie. 234M, Auctioneer : If PATHFINDER—1969, refrigerator, stove, SUBSCRIPTIONS Available Right Now Cement Block color avocado, drapes and carpeting and Lots for Sale 10O large fue l tank, all In A-l condition. Tel, Deluxe i& 2-Bedroom parage CUSTOM 1963 Ford Thunderblrd, 1600. 452-3202, 4S4-1334, 454-2696, 4541641 alt- ¦ ' May Be Paid at Apartment - CHOICE LOTS available in two locations, - 1970 engine, new front end, new shock*, er 6.- ' in Centerville, 'Wis...35x50 ft. beautiful Hickory Lane and West 9th new |ob. Abraham Rice, Park Carpeting, large closets, asilgned park- paint' TED MAIER DRUGS with office and electricity. St, In Goodview, right across from new Plaza Hotel. RICHARDSON 12x55 2-bedroom,. par- ing, laundry facilities. No single stu- Goodview school. -Tel. 454-2707, 454-4232 tially furnished. Tel. Peterson 875-2271. dents. ' $75 month. Tel. Winona 452- ¦ ¦ or 454-3533. IMPALA—1969 Custom 2-door hardtop, No Telephone Orders Sugar Loaf Aparlments 4070. . ' .'. V-8, automatic, power steering, power TAKE OVER PAYMENTS DEVELOPMENT LAND—30 to 35 half 1972 14x70 MANCHESTER 3-bedroom mo- . 358 E. Sarnia. Tot. 452-4134 after 4 brakes, white with blue vinyl top, Will Be Taken ¦ ' acre building sites ad|olntng Minnesota bllo home, located Lake Village Mobile ' . p.m.; ' except on Mondays call alter 6. = matching . Interior. ' Excellent condition, (Anytime weekends). Or Tel. 452-1507. arms, Land for Rent 93 City on blacktop road. Don't wait on low mlleaoe. Sea at 802 E. 2nd, Tel. Home Park, Winona; 1973 14x70 TITAN fills one, Tel. Sugar Loaf Real - Estate, 2-bcdroom mobile homo located Tam- ¦ 454-1947. IN LEWISTON — New 2-bcdroom apart- ABOUT 116 acres of cropland (or rent 454-2367. : ka's Mobile Homo Park, Fountain in Pleasant Valley. Tel 454-4196. Coal, Wood, Other Fuel 63 ment In 8-plcx. . Stovo, refrigerator, . . DODGE—1970 Dart Swinger, 340 cu, In., City, Wis. Contact SUGAR LOAF TOWN ~ disposal, carport furnished. Available Wanted-Real Estate 102 4-speed manual transmission, Tel. 452- a, COUNTRY MOBILE HOMES, Winona. ENERGY CRISIS June 1, Tel. Lewiston 4705, Houses for Rent 95 . 2061. . Tel. 454-5287. tl'MilJIPU DDirCCl TWO-BEDROOM house wllh furnoco nnd YOU CAN do your share to helpl Keep DELUXE 1-bcdroom Golfvlow Apartment CORVETTE — 1968, Must sell, Tei. 454- MOBILE HOME lots for rent , Walk to CENTflALLY LOCATED 4-bcdroom house oath, East location preferred, $11,000 ' your furnace air duels and burner 'available. nDW. BOB SELOVER REAL- ' 26B7. , large pool, 9-hole golf courso and minia- : ' avalablo-Juno 4. Tel 452-6372 niter 5. clean. Your homo will not only bo more . . range. Tel, 452-4400. . ture golf. Water, scwor end garbage TOR , Tel . 452-5351. , . . . '/¦ L pleasant and comlorlable, but you will MONTE CARLO-1972, fully equipped In- pickup furnished. Low rent. Tel. Lewis- Jiffi ^ THREE-BEDROOM house In country. Tel. *^B WE NEED HOMES to still Our sales In savo on fuel oil and - electricity, '-Don't THREE-ROOM aparlmont, private bath, cluding air conditioning, 10,000 miles, ton 6451. Dakota 643-6224. Ihe past 2 woeks havo depicted our ' wait—coll us Indnyl JOSWICK FUEL prlvnlo entrance, ground floor. 722 E. 1-owner . Tel. 454-2784 for -appointment. slock . Call us (or quick, courteous, snlo V OIL CO. Tel, 452-3407 . m SI. Tel. 452-5558. THREE-BEDROOM, 2 full baths , flre- service In the translor of your property. 4-speed, Starcraft Campers plnco, 2-cnr oarage, basempnf . Very FORD—1969 Cobra, runs good, M NOW Wo hnvo many buyers walling. Sugar Tol, Fountain STARCRAFTSMANSHIP 5t«rfS Wllh You. w good area ,.available Immediately, fur- 390, 2-barrel or 4-barrel. Loal Real Eslale, Tel. 454-2367. WE THINK Starcrall's compact travel ^iam four door nished or unfurnished Tel. 454-4427, City 687-6371. 1972 Pontine Catalina Broui , trailer should bo oven more than our Mlko. ' hardtop. Boasting all new tires, cruise con- ~ "1 NOVA—1969, automatic transmission, top Idea ot comlort and convenience , II , r\rt Laura er 5 1972 Pontiac 1V53 Gilmore Ave, alter 5:30 or Sunday. family budget; equipped with power disc brakes, power W^r/«w^ •-•••• 4mm Stop out and see our flna s deprecla- . I ul/ VV V Wanted to Rent 96 custom convertible, selection ' of travel trailer*. with all the first year' . tfoiqc I \$ii t/vVv Norn Heinlcn .... 452-3175 BUICK—196J Skylark steering, ; very good condition, Trade considered. PISCOUNTED PRICES ' Hon off. . $3395 Marge Miller ...454 -4224 - ' JUNE 95July 20, Furnished 2 bodroom 702 Grand. SUGAR LOAF TOWN 8, COUNTRY r ^'^ I il REALTOR apariment by toncho' ' BE^^^SB MOI1ILE HOMES Myles Petersen .. te-4flfl9 r in summer school M, iod 1972 Volkswagen "Super Beetle" with low JiaO xCMTER at SI Teresa 's . 1137 E , Patten, Pala- KM M 454-MU GTO C0NVERTIBLE-1966, all power, ex- Hwy, 43, next to Budget Furniture. If you're suffering from "Gas /ir.')-r,i 'io llnc, III, Tel , 3I2-35B-J70J. SSB cellent condition, new tires, 5 h.p., out- Tel. 454,5707, evening s 452-1904 . mileage. «tlQ(K« 77J WllUWlillllMllllllWWilWWWMilll*»»»r Uonrd motor. Reasonable. Tel. Eyola Pains" buy this near new economy car. .. $2195, *t? M. ^«aij>^MGK mam 12x60 mobile home, Farms, Land for Sal* 98 MIS 545-2318. PARKWOOD — 1970 control nlr , 2 bedroom, jet up on lot 1971 Pontine Grand Prix sports hardtop jiK st In Goodview , Tel. 454-1558. HAVE A NICE FO R EVER WE NEED FARMS urftonlly for our cus- Mulllplo Listing Service traded on a new Grand Prix. It's got a pow- tamers. Wo nre hnlllnfl I000'."n with Will Pay Top AMP SKAMPER and air con- in this three hedroom home. Study or fourth bedroom , elioul¦ er sent , tilt steering, vinyl roof ¦ ENJOY IT THIS SUMMER! eslfllo of any typo contact NORTHERN turing front don and bedroom wllh sling INVESTMENT COMPANY, Real Estate Tlio homes in our listiii( !a Big fenced yard for the children comes with this roomy Sales Mgr. at carpeting, 2 bedrooms, dishwasher and 1971 Ford Torino station wnfion . Ready to Itrokers, Indepcndenco, wis., or Eldon are well worth seeing. For garbaoo dlsposnl, full kitchen and bath, take you on your vacation equipped with nir four-bedroom , two-bath home in Goodview. Carpeting, W nerg, Real Estate Salesman, Ar- completely sol vp and skirled, low lof cadia, Wll. lei. 323-7350. 0 plus all tho driving con- kitchen with built-in stove and oven, eating area , family a look n't tho good ones , feel TOUSLEY FORD rent, iO ', down wllh an excellent loan conditioning , bedrooms, four baths and powder room , library, sewing Under 120,000. Located at 865 W. Mark. trade-in. See it $2185 S "^«> Tel . 451-3056 nllor 5:30, CHA.GER MAG whnoh, nil nlres ami Coronet cluded. J34V5 . room nnd ft family kitciicn — there's a separate apart- adaptors. 1 weak dullvory, SIV .v.l and HILTON 14x70 1977 mobile home, 3 bed- 39G9 Pontiac Catalina four door sedan, DY OWNER - 2 slory family home, 34 up, See John it Coast to Const Store, 1 door sedan. Equipped with rooms, center living room, full large ment too. bath, gas lurnncn, com- power steering, power bedrooms, 2 hnlhs, nlr conditioning, log flora E. V-a (Miplii o . Automatic trnns- kllchcn and Equipped with larlia yard, garnun, west location. Upper piololy fumlshrd and skirted . An excel- brakes, automatic drive, n good dependnblo steering, ra- limt lionin and In beautiful shape. Take CI/tQC EXCEPTIONAL VALUE! Iwantlei. Shown by appointment, Tel, mLssion, power price, $1605 *P « *»7J 457-5151. Boats, Motors, Etc, 10$ dio, now whitewall tires. over pavMirnl* . , car nt a fantastic Sugar Real l-:»tala, Tri, 454 2367. PRICE SLASHED HOUSE7 and nul-hulldlngs by the Mllwau- FACTORY PONTOON hnnl, ir, wllh Boautiful dark Rroen with If no nnuwer 452 6446, 19G7 Pontiac Catalina four door hardtop. on this comfortable family homo with three bedrooms pill" kon Rnaif nt Lamoille, ' Minn. Slriiclurai cnliln. Laru* fencciMn front cliuk, with innti'lilng interior. IMMAC- Honsling near new condition, four new tires. must he removed Irnni rallioad nrnp. or without motor, Tel, 4.SJ-4IMI . Auction Saloa special that will den or fourth: largo kitchen, carpeted living room and orly. Cnnlart It , P. Pnncork, Division ULATH CONDITION, hero 's a renl "Turn On"

flY OWNI'H -Wesl Inrntlon, 3 bodroomi, PIIMIROLASS 14' liont mill « h.p. Words HIGI1T TRICK FOIl "YOU. Auction Service INSTANT INCOM E FOR YOU Kotwnr Inriie complain kllctien, fiallo, ll'i motor ,' Tel, 452-4.1/2 aflnr 5, CAM, HIM TODAY! K vorelt J. Financing At Bank Rates Available Invest In this completely, carpeted nntl drnped duplex, biillin, good tncnllan, nlco view, doubts Wlnonn, Tol. 4527814 rhree bedrooms down , plus pimolcd don and kltehen gnmoe, 130,500, Tel, 4»-4C66, BOATS-Atiimlnum 14' tl,» t Imllom tinnlV. Jim Pnpentuss, Dakola Tal. 643 6152 Dergaln Center, 35.1 1;. :ird. Home pliono: 454-infi« with refrigerator and deep freeze. Ono bodroom iipnrlinent SUNSIJT AREA — spnclnus 4 bedroom MAY 15—Tues , 5 p.m. IsHwoon Texaco up. Hen room, fenced yard. West. homo at luno W. Kino, LoVoty view ol OLASTRON 1969 II' , 10O h.p. MermrV Station a. Hoot Boor slond, on STll 31 "Iiomo o/ Personal Scrt'ice" Clly, Wis. 1 ownern llll th* bluffs from picture window of llv with power trim and llll, plus i cmo at Fountain nucllonoeri Louis, clerk. Office Hours 9. io fi Weekdays mid Salurdjiys-; Ing room , lib bains, double oarage, cen- lb , Snowco Irallar, Leu than .lon hm'i * Duellman, tral nlr, large family room, stove and on Ihe rig, 12995,. Shnkay'i I'l/ia far- 15—Tues . 5 p.m . rurnllurt) Sale, s, NYSTROM'S 5 Sundays and every evening by appointment. refrlgnrator stay wllh Ilia house . Kitch- lor. MAY 1 to on Hwy, 41, en has large dining area, lot, edge ol Wlnonn limit* Overall* Kohner, —- Toyota Dull! ( years ago by Caspar, lixtra nice Oladys Lohse, ownon Alvin Cadillac — Pontiac F.verelt Kohner, dork. carpeting. T*l, owner 451-5J79. Motorcycles, Bicycles 107 •uclloneori S DDQA,, f kolttfi. 2nd & WashiiiRlon Tel. 452-40B0 Bob I |9~Sat 10:30 a.m. J blocks p. nt S TWO I1EDHOOM hnmn, 111/I0I nelghlHir' lilKIHWAYS-fl.M W, 5lh II. Uahlwdobl MAV . Wis , hiislness illslrlct to Oak Tel , 4fi2 - n:i!i lioiitl, Inruo lot , 14/0 I' .irk I nun, MnMor EnropMii likyclos 10 spr-r-d anil 3- Arcadia, 120 Center St. l St. Weaver CnnMiurtlun, owner; Alvin Open Monday & Friday Evenings linliiHini , llvlnti loom, Million, spnilnuv »lined, I' nscnn, I Imclll anil llntavus auclloncuri Norlhurn Inv. Co., Slova, rolrlgernlor, wdilur , dryer In and other*. Onen 1 lo t p.m, Ttl. Kntinor. eluded, 11.1,700. Tel, 457 2243 after 5:30, 45MS60. clork, ¦;¦ ' ' ' > ; j • -. , BUZZ-':SAWYER >: ;^ v: ':; ^': ' V/• / > ¦;>• " -^" -v - ;JM^' - "V ' ^^'^Py;.Cra,'f ^

' :: ' PEANUTS .- ;;' . -' ; By Charle»;.Schijli - ''; ;

¦: ' " : ' : ' ' ;' ^¦• .' . BE!gTLB ;-\.|:/;' ;. -V :; - - _ : -v-By •Mprt::Walk«f- - ¦¦ Young \ ^ ' /V BLONDIE By Chick

' ; LI'L ABNER .' .V/:/.;;;.; /,-By--W ; ; ¦ ' : Be» '\ - ;-\ - REDEYE/ '-^¦' - .' . -v- ::\- &Y Gordon _ _

: BARNEY GOOGLE and SNUFFY SMITH By Fred Laswell -\C STEVE CANYON By Milten Canniff

' ¦ ; V¦ . ; APARTMENT 3-G ' - . / - By Alex Koftky /\ ' Sure! Quality Buyers Pay ¦ i^—^ p||| ' " ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ '¦¦¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ; ' • .' •' «¦' .' :¦ " ¦. - ¦ ' V ;;:' • "more' " " mmwBfli "w" ' - ' %f~\ i- wM^P^^^^H

¦ ¦ COMBINATION WINDOW^ &::D00RS : ; ¦; 1 REX MORGAN, M.D, By Dal CurhV 4-^*^R . , . But There Are - vM Jfcjflllij ¦ 6 Good Reasons Why! : :Vmm\ma\wmW 1. EFFICIENCY Only Ruscos are made pf all tubular steel for insulation within fhtr frame, plut waterproof felt weatherstrlpplng between the moving parti for un- equaled seal. .;- . 2. BEAUTY .z i .^^ ^, ,*™,, ' Ruscos are available in 16 popular window colors and fit flush on your t^^^^^^mmmamm& i house Ilk* windows were, meant to fit, without flanges and irregularities ~ ^R] HHH! **** HHIK L»* to catch unsightly dirt. H***^ i*^ i*^ i*^*^ Hfffi I

MARY WORTH 3. ECONOMY - t By Saunders and Ernst Welded steel frames are> strong and protect against glass breakage and I^EH ' _ &^p*^iiW^*ifel9****B*V$t Injuries that can be very expensive. Mo window comos near to Rusco """ MaWBaWL^5' **»»*»Bif J for insulation qualities arid fuel * saving. *" OU!?MIIWI «MOT 1^S ' l "»* 4. CONVENIENCE ' " ¦ Ruscoi ar» famous for their easy operation that's guaranteed lor 20- ESfr'mm\W« j> ^''"''3»k.TO /*""* years . Soring or Fall, you don't change . . , you just arrange. Just ask ' f * __ iisY * * M V%* ' ^f l a Rusco user how easy lr really Is. ~ '* """"* ~ BMW'* M" <# ' '* ^ fflp 5 RELIABILITY Winona has enjoyed Rusco years) t 's good service for moro than 30 Can \t_\\\\\_i^iWMSii ^l\^^^M^ ^ you name another combination window company that can say that? Iff filMyffinTOiK^^^Ww T*m Can you name another