Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 5-14-1973 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1973). Winona Daily News. 1273. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/1273 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Mostly fair *h£% | GET SOME BICTOP BUYS... a jrd warmer Wig*.J |^<Read the Want Ws on Tuesday yA ^rbnauts\w^ Space station if fired into orbit By HOWARD BENEDICT as a 33-story Saturn 5. rocket - The nine astronauts will con- flight crew. operations^ . said like the Mercury, Gemini or physician, will handle the medi- Sunday that Conrad Kerwin : VCAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP ") thundered skyward to propel duct extensive . medical, scien- , . Apollo capsules. Skylab is as cal experiments which , have the 85-ton . laboratory toward or- tific;; earth resources, and; space and - .'Weil? are . "fully trained ; large as a three-bedroom house priority on the first mission. He — . Skylab, Americans first ' ' " : (60 space station , rocketed away btt. ' ¦:¦.':¦ ' . ' y - manufacturing experiments to confident and looking forward and has ; times more volume has a . dispensary . elaborately from earth today to serve as a determine how well man can id getting the big one off tomor- than . Apollo, equipped to monitor the health Their smaller, 22-sUiry Saturn Uve and work in space for long row and riding the little one on Each astronaut will have his of the astronauts. ¦ giant '•cabin in the sky" , for IB rocket stood on another pad is periods..; Tuesday." The astronauts : Sun- own bedroom^ There a kitch- ; Upon reaching orbit Skylab nine astronauts in the next 8,70o feet away; : ready for the : eight months.:: / ; . .What: they , learn will - set day sun-bathed on a Cape Ken^ en and a pantry packed with a will weigh 170,000 pounds. - When . V ^ signal to blast off at 12 noon nedy .beach ¦ after r flying here ton of food ranging from filet The first three-man crew is Tuesday if all goes well. guidelines for; long duration the astronauts' spaceship hooks missions of the future ; such as from Houston , Tex;,. where they mignOn : to ice cream. up with it, it will weigh a total ready to ride another rocket Also .observing . were; ; the underwent'final training; into space Tuesday to link up permanent space , stations , or There's a shower ;and a toilet, of 199,750 pounds and will be members of the Skylab 2 and 3 journeys to other planets. .' When they board : their orbit- stereo sets, books, changes of 118 feet long; with 'the station, which is as crews,: each of which is to, in- / large " as a three-bedroom ing . laboratory, they will find clothing, playing cards, a : dart .With a total of six wing-lika habit the station for 56 days lat- The information also may board , exercise machines and a - house, for a record 28-day Or- er in the year; - have far-reaching consequences "all the. comforts of home, re- solar panels extended it will be bital mission/ picture window for .' viewing a strange-looking space con- It. was the final planned flight in bringing benefits' from space ports Conrad , the . .Skylab 1 earth; And every seventh The ¦; —¦ Vs day traption. The panels convert Skylab 1 astronauts for the Saturn , the world's to mankind , expecially in the cemmanderY He is: a veteran of will be a day of resti ; ' : -,; ' . Charles Conrad Jr., Dr! 'Joseph largest and most powerfu l rock- survey of earth's hidden natu- three previous space trips,: in- the : sun's rays to; electrical P. Kerwin and Paul J. Weitz — et, which was built for . the ral resources/ .; cluding a walk on the moon. Arid the Skylab 1 crew will energy. V watched from three miles away Apollo nioon program., . Donald K. Slay ton , director of No more cramped quarters have a Hve^in doctor. Kerwin, a In addition to the ferry: ve- hicle, which is a modified Apollo ship,; Skylab. has four major sections; • The 22-foot-diameter orbi- Skylabrjiiss ion tal workshop, two-stories high; which contains the astronauts', main living and working space. Bedrooms, kitchen, wardroom dt a glance and dispensary are located on the . first'• .- . floor., Upstairs is a CAPE KENNEDY; Fla. m- Here are the facts and fig- storage and work area contain- ures : on the first Skylab mission: ;..-. ing science equipment, a food freezer , water storage, tank and .LAUNCH : TIMES: - Unmanned Skylab station on > Saturn rocket at 12:30 p.m. CDT .today. Skylab 1 astronauts on a film vaults. Saturn IB at 12 noon Tuesday. Linkup'.' at 7:40 p.m. Tuesday. •Forward of .the workshop is ., '" ' ASTRONAUTS: Navy. Gapt. Charles Gonrad Jr;,"42 r Navy an: airlock ; module, which Cmdr. Paul J. Weitfc, 40; Navy Cmdr. Dr. Joseph P. Kerwin, serves . as part of the passage- 'a, physician, 41;. way between the: ferry ship and SKYLAB SIZE: with Apollo ferry craft attached, it is the: workshop and which is the 118 f eet long and .solar panels extend to -wingspah of 102 feet. nerve center of the cluster. It It is the size of a three bedroom house, with 12,398 cubi c feet contains ; heat and electrical of living space,, and weighs 199,750 . pounds. ': " controls . and communications " ;. PURPOSE: aboard America's first space station ill earth gear* It also will be a pressur- orbit the crew will evaluate whether meii can work and live ization chamber for astronaut effectively in space for long periods. space walks. ¦ ; .: - EXPERIMENTS: medical, earth resources, astronomy, •Also part of the passage Is solar; physics; materials processing. the . multiple docking - adapter, ¦ ¦" where the ferry ship;docks, and / FUGHT DURATION: 28 days. which contains the controls of . • ViSIBlLITY: at dawn and dusk-over areas which it pass- ; the solar, observatory ;equipr RE/U>Y TO FLY . ... Birds fly past the luge Saturn V es, Skylab will '- ' appear as a bright star. ment and earth resources in- rocket with Skylab I on its nose as a flaming sun rises out ORBITAL PATH: 270 miles high; passing over 75 percent struments. - ' ' bf\ theV oceah vaV^ Skylab of the world's land mass, that which lies , between 50 degrees • The telescope . mount, the was blasted into orbit today, with Astronauts Charles; Conrad North and 50 degrees South,: latitude;" . World's . 'first manned solar ob- ¦ READY FOR MONTH IN SPACE ... riauts flew to C&ae Kennedy, Fla., from Hous- Jr.; Dr. Joseph P. kerwin and Paui J. Weitz following aboard - . ' ' ' ' -iMISSiON -COST:, $554 million.-: . servatory which contains six . Skylab Astronaut Charles Conrad Jr., left, . ton, for their launch Tuesday, in fear cockpit ' a Saturn I-B rocket Tuesday. The three astronauts win rein.. ;• : SUBSEQUENT FLIGHTS: in August and :November, the telescopes for studying the sun, . jokes with Deke Slayton , another astronaut,, with Conrad is astronauts' physician, Dr. stars: and other celestial or> dezvbus with the' Skylab arid are scheduled to remain in the Skylab 2 and 3 crews are to rocket up from the same Skylab; ' ;.' back to camera, after the three Skylab astro- . Charles Ross. (AP Phptofax) ; iects. It weighs 24,656 pounds. "house in the sky'' for 28 days. (AP Photofax) each for 56 days. : > - . At cape Tuesday Jo bald back in South Red charges Fo^m^r POVy^i Red*press^ df airraitJj ; /WASHINGTON tf)— U.S. intelligence analysis are study- "liberated areas" of South Vietnam, ihg indications :that Moscow and Peking may be trying to American analysts suggest North Vietnamese orders to to view laurtch restrain the Vietnamese communists from pushing for early the Viet Cong could have resulted, in part, from Soviet and lo be probed ; military victory in,South ;Vietnam. Chinese pressure. SAIGON (AP) - The Inter- By ANN HELLMUTH the twin Skylab launches A couple of recent reports point in that direction , al- For months, U.S. officials have been appealing to Moscow national Commission of Control CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. which begin today with the though the evidence; is . not; conclusive/ and Peking to curb Hanoi and make the North Vietnamese and Supervision unanimously (AP) —- When . Air Force space - station being hurled One report received through intelligence channels quoted live up to the cease-fire agreement. agreed today to investigate Viet Captain Tom Browning's into space atop a Saturn 5 a Viet Cong leader as saying Russia and China were exert- With Soviet Communist party clrief Leonid Brezhnev due Cong charges that U.S. planes ing pressure to observe the cease-fire agreement. in Washington next month and major U.S.-Soviet negotiations plane was shot down over rocket. attacked communist territory According to this account ,, the VC leader said the Rus- under way, the Russians have an obvious stake ih tamping : in South Vietnam in violation of Vietnam in 1966; his dreams "L was a prisoner before sians , and Chinese have indicated they would provide what down the Indochina problem at least for the time; being. the cease-fire agreement. of. becoming an astronaut the Apollo program b«- was described as reconstruction aid only if the level of The Communist Chinese have reason to want things kept fighting was kept low. relatively quiet in Southeast Asia while Washington and The United States denied the crashed with him. gah," Browning said. charges in advance of the The VC. leader reportedly spoke of such pressure during Peking ¦are moving toward fuller diplomatic and trade rela- But during nearly seven ' 'Men walked on the moon a meeting at which he warned militant cadrernen against tions.' ' meeting¦ today of .
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