NCAA GOLF TOURNEY CONTINUES AT MISSION INN, SPORTS B1 LEESBURG, FLORIDA Friday, May 16, 2014 NEW YORK: President Obama, families CLOSED: Local McDonalds briefly help dedicate Sept. 11 Memorial, A5 shut down for health reasons, A3 MASCOTTE Lawmakers lament losses City may create Springs, sidewalks and student safety set aside domestic LIVI STANFORD | Staff Writer
[email protected] en. Alan Hays, R-Uma- partner registry tilla, and Rep. Lar- Sry Metz, R-Yalaha said ROXANNE BROWN | Staff Writer this week they were pleased
[email protected] with the outcome of the 2014 Florida legislative ses- Mascotte officials are looking at sion, which strenghtened creating a domestic partner registry protections for human traf- within the city. ficking victims, improved City council members will talk transparency for special about it at their meeting scheduled districts and allowed par- for 6:30 p.m. Monday. If they agree ents to object to instruc- to pursue the registry, an ordinance tional material used in the will come up for a formal vote at classroom. some point in the future. Mayor Tony Rosado, who pro- But at the same time, the posed the idea and requested it be legislators said they were placed on the agenda for discus- disappointed that sever- sion, said he wants to know what al bills they fought for pas- board members sage did not succeed, from a think about a bill that would identify and registry. “I think correct hazardous walk- “I’m bringing nowadays, in ing conditions at local ele- it to the coun- mentary schools to legisla- the year 2014, cil first, so that it’s important tion that would designate they are not a school employee or vol- blind-sided by to give equality unteer to carry a concealed the issue,” he to everyone and weapon on school grounds said.