Published quarterly by the New York Chapter, Inc. of the Adirondack Mountain Club, Inc. P.O. Box 1119, Grand Central Station, New York, NY 10163-1119 Camp Nawakwa on Lake Sebago, 845 351-4135 Http:// September-November 2007 Publishing Schedule: Not-to-be March/April/May June/July/Aug Water Safety Sept/Oct/Nov Missed! Dec/Jan/ Feb Water safety has been the subject of special training sessions at Inside this issue: ANNUAL BBQ Camp Nawakwa this summer. The annual fall BBQ is scheduled for Sat- urday, September 29th. Rob and Rosalie Goldberg will be hosting this not-to-be missed event again this year. September Calen- 2 Your reservation and check must be received by September 22nd. Board of Directors 2 You can e-mail Rob and Rosalie at Nominations 2
[email protected] to make reservations. Please specify if you want vegetarian . Upcoming hikes & 3 The charge for dinner and day fee is $20.00 hosted weekends for each adult and $10.00 for each child between 4-12 years of age. Please mail Water safety pictures 4 your check, payable to Robert Goldberg to the following address: Minutes of July 21 5 Mr. Robert Goldberg 37 Van Sickle Road October Calendar 6 Lafayette, NJ 07848 Committee Chairs 6 See page 4 for pictures of the ac- Money for overnight camp fees and addi- tivities with our President Barry Wood Day/Clean Up 6 tional meals will be collected on the 29th. Bunnell as the instructor. Upcoming hosted & 7 by Julia M. Krause weekends MEMORIES of Nawakwa I remember my first ride day breakfast (one stands “ringer” was made.