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Theses and Dissertations


Sun, Moon, and Star

Christopher Kimball Bigelow Brigham Young University - Provo

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BYU ScholarsArchive Citation Bigelow, Christopher Kimball, "Sun, Moon, and Star" (1998). Theses and Dissertations. 4530.

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thesis presented department english brigham young university

partial fulfillment requirements degree master arts

christopher K bigelow april 1998 thesis christopher K bigelow accepted present form department english brigham young university satisfying thesis requirement degree master arts

av4v insinzdjsljs bruce wayne jorjorgensenr neinelensen committee chair

I1ya ly U 0 john serge benmonbennion committee member

j 7 uftw0 f- Wf douglas H thayer committee member

2&mzelzem ff U W date ririchardclardC lard Y duerden graduate coordinator

11 TABLE CONTENTS chapter 2 chapter two 7 chapter three 16 chapter four 23 chapter five 27 chapter six 33 chapter seven 38 chapter eight 45 chapter nine 58 chapter ten 63 chapter eleven 70 chapter twelve 76 chapter thirteen 80 chapter fourteen 85 chapter fifteen 92 glory sun another moon another glory stars star differethdiffereth another star glory

1 corinthians 1541 42


smoot working hallway split missionary bungalow

down middle daubing plaster smaller bockspocks halls

graffiti covered walls bigger bockspocks need babaliansbabakiansBabakians expert touch plaster wouldnt look like melting normally knocking doors mission president given them special permission renovate house known missionmissionwidewide zoo owner wanted sell mate come look babakian called smoot found him crouched bedroom near foot smoots bed cleared away dirty laundry you ever noticed wire before asked pointing cord tacked along baseboard

smoot said where does go im interested where comes babakian pulled smoots bed away wall exposing wire move end ordered smoot bumped nightstandnightstand knocking books pamphlets mornings study floor dropping fours babakian followed wire disappeared hole drilled two feet below where smoot rested head night

1I think weve phone freak living here babakian said

crawled along wire direction moving fast chasing snake plunged closet

mate shouted voice muffled suits white shirts go

2 unplug phone bringbringitbridgit here smoot returned phone saw pile silk ties floor babakian must bumped hanger kept them draped

weve got dial tone mate babakian yelled moment later what smoot said dont want hear zone leaders call early you dont understand probably illegal trunk line poor wanker rigged himself talk girlfriend home give me ailaftart overseas number thinking probably middle night utah smoot started say parents telephone number west jordan then stopped babaliansbabakiansBabakians finger remained poised scratch smoot said then gave another number salt lake number duh need overseas code babakian said hanging again smoot ran get melbourne phone directory few moments babakian handed him phone sounded strange hear americas long ring instead australiasAustralias two short rings felt scalp prickle samantha asked unfamiliar voice said third P greeting samantha insisted receiver clankedclunked down smoot pictured echoedechoey wood floored kitchen house samantha rented corner third avenue P street salt lake city hed practically lived summer before mission hello samantha said

3 samantha me dennis babakian smiled your sheila asked smoot waved hand negative though answer complicated samantha said you sound like youre moon voice sounded warm throaty hoped didnt someone bedroom im australia wow isnt overdoing bit im mission wow again deep down you really believed let me talk babakian said grabbing phone adaygday imfm elder babakian said elder smoot good bloke you going marry him gets home smoot watched babaliansbabakiansBabakians face went smiling puzzlement

1I dont reckon sounds smoot wrenched phone away sorry said receiver samantha asked my companion funny mormon missionaries knocked our door just saturday first time ever while ive home did you let them

nah woke me anyway I1 got enough crap my dad dennis why you calling me

4 1I guess I1 wanted let you know what up7upa missionary thing repairing past hurts

I1 just unexpected chance make free overseas call least I1 hope free smoot looked babakian gave thumbs

did you notice I1 never tried reach you your parents samantha asked 1I dont believe pressuring people im pursuer

1I diallerdialled your number few times I1 decided might better leave things alone you know way things headed whatever samantha said you sure did just leave things alone well what you did night freakesfreaked me

1I gathered

hey whats new third PTP smoot asked 1I heard new voice elsie still

yeah elsieseldies here boyfriend left cold too our new roommates named brenda house always smells like pot now how you new boyfriends

nah maybe now I1 know youre australia freakin mission oh you still hey few months im rebounder elsieseldies next shesashes trying too hard

your voice sounds like you might smoking again may well brenda here

you mind I1 call you later my companion wants use

5 phone babakian making hang motions smoot complied

what babakian wanted ask questions hey I1 thought matesmates7matesa said major girlfriends ever come sounded sexy supposed confession sessions smoot said dumb theyd filled dozens door knocking afternoons stories pasts babakian knew smoots pot smoking during high school smoot knew babaliansbabakiansBabakians punk rock days before joined church come mate what do freakesfreaked you got you short curliescurliesllesiles way I1 reckon shift your gears you didnt take dip I1 hope smoot said went hall stirred plaster few moments later heard babakian phone tone voice smoot guessed old aunkerpunker friends


smoot becoming companions babakian like moving next level video game setting challenging music

weirweirderweinderder opponent wilder unpredictableunpreunpure dictabletabie exactly opponents babakian said once smoot best yankee companion hed day found phone line babakian went another toot smoot knew coming babakian came back shower eyebrows peaked boomerangs sign thinking intensely something becoming either dangerously righteous dangerously rebellious smoot wondered today personal study babakian spent longer usual knees smoot hear him muttering gasping during prayer during companionship study focused scriptures usual bossy looking like righteous day those worse smoot rebellious days often involved fun sure enough during breakfast babakian announced too long since spent full day knocking doors usually worked house morning then did missionary work afternoon both frankly agreed quite nice way toot change everything 930 arrived babakian kneeling street map area elder smoot called wasnt good sign called him

7 instead mate today lord going send us someone golden

I1 feel inspired hes going do through you smoot sat down indian style across map babakian glared each moment then elder gibb companionship patted smoot shoulder elder layton went door fun day gibb said smirking door shut babakian caught smoots hand pulled him kneeling position traypray street elder said going come you me smoot prayed loud lord tell them street start working then stared map babakian again babakian said smoot prayed again you distracting spirit thinking old girlfriend babakian asked

just I1 dont necessarily believe 2 didnt sound like mormon baptized dads tongan joined moved utah then married nonmember white woman ill tell you what you work hard keep me today you call again tonight

1I hate you start pulling rank telling me what I1 cant do somebodyssomebodys got stir us once while im natural leader youre oh thing you talk you teach

8 something gospel I1 dont get impression you doing much you

give me freakingbreakingfreaking break im serious you do well count our stats fact im counting investigator starting now oh great im breaking several mission rules probably breaking law stealing phone time you want count sounds stupid paying tithing money you stole babaliansbabakiansBabakians eyebrow boomerangs growing tighter higher hey havent newgatornew gator two weeks big kingdom how do you know lord doesnt intend you get church marry dont tell me youve received revelation

babakian jumped feet I1 youre supposed discern our street morning going smoot let finger divebombdivebomb random spot far enough away theyd take tram eat time babakian dangerous unleash public mood like

tram babakian placed tracts several empty seats bothered old woman until accepted copy book mormon

least dozen backpack instead usual two three smoot thought glimpsed unaccountably hammer babakian made smoot load own backpack old filmstrip projector

9 found closet zoo missionaries carried around videocassettesvideocassettes now almost everybody australia VCRs

inner city area where fewer people them walked avondale avenue babakian kept ahead smoot few paces speeding smoot overtook him time rounded corner avondale fists clenched scowling smoot

almost hear him thinking damn imI1 m goingoing force stupid missionary program yield results quickly fell rhythm actingtractingtrtracking two answers peekpeek through curtainscurtainsbains disappeardisapp ear two answers got me own religion slam babakian slapped pamphlet each doorstep usually tradedtractedbracted comment tell stories much fun possible occasional answered door almost unwelcome interruption during righteous toot marched silently between doors housewife did debate them through reinforced screen door ten minutes wouldnt make appointment husband home wouldnt open door accept copy book mormon hate tell you boys said local op shop

plenty your books shelf I1 ever feel need read where op shop smoot asked part hip minority mission rejected usual missionary uniform flappyfloppy cheap pin striped suits wide ties thintllin labeledlapeled funky patterned suits narrow ties found opportunity shops mission president never

10 seemed notice babakian wore them too elbowed smoot woman smiled gave them instructions before faded back house leaving just screen door shut though melbourne undergoing sudden cool changes you personally make three good book mormon placements babakian said pretty much our way back tram houses part melbourne small close together almost front yards many decorated wrought iron lacework along eaves porch posts came large house set back farther block babakian regarded moment before marching front door looks like boarding house now whispered listened someone fiddling doorknob side long haired bearded old man stood before them holding hand playing cards behind him three men peered missionaries seats around card table smoot smelled cigarette smoke unwashed bodies adaygday gentlemen babakian said stepped forward room servants god here teach you meaning life old man stepped back let babakian pass seated men put down cards stared babakian walked around table stubbed cigarettes smoot couldnt believe babaliansbabakiansBabakians nerve watched see babakian inhaled cigarette smoke babakian

11 smoker before joined church admitted still enjoyed fumes babakian kept disgusted look face boomerang eyebrows peaking again

what your names77names 77 babakian asked sat down vacant chair smoot displaced old man looked each neither moved man stood fished half smoked stub said 1TI reckon ill go pick me cheque now walked front door two men rose looked each started giggling then left through inner door babakian sat arms folded everyone else left looked smoot old man well said come here sit down both seated babakian began removing things backpack took pamphlets copy book mormon filmstrip cannister cassette tape smoots surprise two pieces wood hammer what your name asked old man

richard man said hoarsely started picking beard richard do you believe god babakian spent next half hour teaching man first discussion god jesus christ occasionally asking smoot read scripture show flipchartflipchart picture normally alternated concepts things different during toot richard sat

12 picking beard tongue sticking sometimes letting soft raspberry sigh surprised smoot couple times answering babaliansbabakiansBabakians questions coherently

came time introduceintroducethe book mormon babakian pulled two nails shirt pocket picked hammer putting piece wood top hammered nail richard retracted tongue blinked every strike someone cracked open inner door then shut quickly nail represents babakian said handing wood pieces richard bottom piece us top piece god whats wrong having nail took crucify our lord said richard wincing pulled hair beard true remember nail represents bible babakian took back wood pivoted pieces cross see nail you twist things way you want then pivoted pieces various positions calling names different religions anglican methodist seventh day adventist catholic Jehovajehovahshs witnesses babakian then realigned wood pieces hammered another nail look book mormon lord brought true relicionreligionrelirellreilfelicion0cionclon back line men cant fool mingling own philosophies bible calling religion

may I1 keep richard asked touching head each nail sure you take too babakian said sliding copy book

13 mormon across table you promise read passages before come backbackaback7 richard picked book flipped through upside down babakian turned around him

cigarettescigarettes77 babakian said holding hand your body temple those defile richard bit tongue then pulled pack pocket handed babakian tucked suit coat pocket smoot remembered irritation used filmstrip projector lugging around morning prayer babakian asked come back tomorrow richard looked them both didnt answer babakian took yes


cool teaching toolatool7tool smoot said backtracked milk bar

spotted earlier down another street I1 dont think richards accountable enough baptized oh come elder may our same level hes

definitely accountable enough I1 feel assurance hes golden lord mind us today spoken like true prophet smoot said relieved toot seemed ebbing do you picture babakian asked finished wolfing down four twenty meat pies gulping big M strawberry flavored milk outside milk bar smoot just thinking samantha chewed gristle stared colorful cigarette

14 ice cream posters covering milk bar windows said spitting flavorless blob onto ground

ask tonighttonight77 babakian said you want


you ever read book mormon samantha what you trying convert me what you got lose your lifes going nowhere you still working musiclandMusicland

yeah gave me key samantha two three years older smoot wasnt twenty yet year under belt university utah taken four years do

do you anv your house well advI1 scriptures believe brenda nice leather ones name gold front you read those then uses paper roll joints shesashes almost through whole old testament

youve got joking I1 hope ink gives cancer

thats what I1 said I1 hope probably well you still read book mormon

I1 look mormonism first thing I1 do take class somewhere read boring old scriptures myself look paper sometimes advertise institute classes beginners whats you

16 hey im missionary I1 want see people join church choswhos say things couldnt work between us religious values common yeah right like im going wait two years you come home closer year half now samantha just snorted first girlfriend made him realize mormonism sunk head spent high school years smoking dope playing dungeons dragons listening rush attended church appease parents passed time thinking dad adventures sometimes even left sunday school get high walter crawley then graduation hed met samantha nightanight club called pink submarine pretty soon doing everything intercourse avoided smoot couldnt quite overcome upbringing sex outside marriage next murder seriousness do you reckon shesashes going read book mormon babakian asked phone call ended eyebrows level now doesnt look like yet smoot said encouraged me call back again what does look like oh you know those halfbreedhalf breed women best both worlds shesashes too big like tongan woman nice skin tone great features great hips blobsboobs long straight black hair thing bugged me wore fake looking colored contact lenses green just didnt go

17 rest plus didnt fit right sometimes you see little bit brown smart stupstupididT pretty smart id say shesashes witty reads lot enterentertainmenttainmenttaintaintmentment took astronomy class together U got better grade

I1 did C though I1 still tokingboking little time im going help you convert babakian said you watch maybe shell become your wife my turn ring next

few mornings later finished sanding walls zoos main hall painting lunch elder gibb took several photos missionary graffiti fifteen years history dudes said smoot found names home towns mottos emblems mission dates two people knew them finished mission 1987 written procreate 88 missionary hipness missed visiting zoo sometime during mission make mark them went home brown red kangaroo skins covered signatures doodles oil leathery furless backsides third visit richard babakian packed hair clippers purchased op shop near richards house relented let smoot go suit shopping first day even though smoot instrumental placing copies book mormon during rest afternoons tractingtrading smoot found good suit fit didnt buy pants pockets stained yellow

18 dribbling old man

what clippers asked assumed babakian going get flatmatesflatmates try cutting hair always trying save money church back home perth supporting him parents wouldnt anything do paying mission even writing letters him immigrants albania algeria armenia smoot never remember lord given us lump clay named richard babakian said smoot thought traces toot left today going clean him help him look like latter day saint arrived richards babakian asked meet somewhere private richard took them stairs room men first day whooped passed him mates hall still letting bible bashersbachers get you huh richard called richards room small sparse open closet contained five six shirts pants hangers dresser top eyeglass case pack cards rubber band around them opened unopened cans soda nightstandnightstand dust filmed glass water tube ointment two prescription bottles full ashtray nailed block wood babaliansbabakiansBabakians demonstration copy book mormon bend spine floor covered bits debris sunflower seed shells lint food crumbs paper scraps toenail clippings bed chair completed furnishings drifts dust

19 lint visible corners smoot see photos art signs music books newspapers magazines first thing babakian did empty ashtray trash hall you wont needing anymore said dont even let your friends smoke here then babakian pulled chair center room sat richard down first smoot thought going give richard priesthood blessing then remembered clippers babakian grabbed towel hanging closet doorknob draped around richards shoulders soon long strands greasy grey hair falling floor richard stopped blowing quiet raspberriesraspberries hair stuck tongue showed signs caring haircut babakian scowling richards head under boomerang brows beard came off richard ended choppy crewcut youll priesthood before you know babakian said pulled own electric razor backpack turned razor put richards hand richard applied razor cheek didnt move around until babakian nudged him heres plan babakian said richard ran hands face head blew concerned raspberriesraspberries first bringing vacuum next time well teach you third fourth discussions today fifth sixth friday well come pick you church ten oclock sunday morning please showered afternoon well hold

20 baptismal service you you reckon sounds right already baptized richard said im talking being baptized proper authority true living church face earth richard didnt say anything settled then lets prayer then well tell you restoration gospel these latter days finished richard fallen asleep while smoot read him chapter third nephi book mormon babakian wanted return op shop first smoot thought searching suit himself then purchased same suit smoot earlier rejected way too short legs sleeves babakian think fit richard asked

got outside smoot said dude I1 think what doing just bad hard missionaries baptize asians local membership list full unknown asian names government housing highriseshighrises close downtown taken refugees southeast asia richard obviously isnt fully accountable babakian whirled around yelled my fault richards kind person idiotic missionary system works smoot looked sky lightning bolts mate like set us fail babakian said put hundred hoops us jump through dont make every arent worthy led spirit then give us blandestblankestblandest

21 boring costumes scripts think im really getting sick itait7ity well mission submitting being obedientobedienteobedient77

thats bull I1 think lord heaps intelligent creative church looks like just lowest common denominator crap babakian plucked little white handbook missionary rules shirt pocket tossed bushes article faith cards imprinted home address scattered dirt below

hey lets just move ahead richard I1 dont think hes ever going anything lump clay though weve still got borrow trailer haul rubbish tip backyard zoo full broken bicycles old mattresses worn furniture suitcases split seams junk hell my budget babakian said lets go chinese


wants know why you went back churchchurch7churchy7 babakian said wap sprawled bed talking samantha smoot looking through lingerie ad come mail tell just gut feeling memey said im ilotriot sure im too thrilled alternatives make me queasy literallyliterally77 still sometimes wondered why hadnt taken chancechalice lose virginity why dont you tell how you joined church said few moments later

oh I1 dont think shesashes ready yet babakian said phone guaranteeing samantha draw him did brief exchange im bit like joseph smith babakian said oh brother thought smoot my first spiritual encounter dark side hold samantha let me start beginning im electrician trade I1 worked job mormon bishop I1 mohawk tattoos pierced nipples I1 bit anarchist I1 believed forces destruction just valid forces creation lot interesting anyway bishop drew me questioning my path life

way did make me feel I1 closed minded I1 didnt explore everything came my way including mormonism I1 tried turn him ask hed explored anarchy wiggled saying hed

23 already accepted mormonism therefore saw anarchy through eyes mormon something opposedopposed77 Samanthas voice came squawking through phone weilweliwellwellawell7 babakian said said way convinced me I1 hadnt fully accepted anarchy I1 couldnt turn argument around same way I1 agreed meet missionaries started taking discussions bishops house mainly I1 liked bloke I1 intrigued lifestyle religion I1 thought quite vanilla actually good sense humor knew how make me think hitting me time I1 sort questioning anyway how committed I1 wanted my current pathway I1 punk band gaining following throughout perth I1 being invited live anarchist squat id snorted heroin considering shooting anyway I1 did bit what missionaries asked far reading scriptures trying pray

I1 focused trying figure direction way I1 wanted go night I1 writing my journal I1 didnt realize time what mormon thing do kind demon attacked me

Samanthas voice squawked again babakian continued 1I didnt see anything im telling you real force freakesfreaked me I1 stayed rest night hugging my dog pretty jittery too sense unseen world morning my mother said shed terrified night felt evil house anyway first I1 felt pretty intimidated thought maybe I1 just go flow avoid

24 further spiritual attacks I1 talked bishop missionaries gave me spiritual advice worked here I1 am babakian listened samantha then continued oh you know prayer reading scriptures receiving priesthood blessings fasting avoiding bad influences I1 dropped my band flat hardest thing far way harder cigarettes basic reason I1 joined church

I1 figured evil force wanted stop me must mean church good im sure ive cut through bull yet momentum carried me far mission im beginning wonder church got systems worked little too well babakian paused several moments while samantha spoke then said well I1 do think church understands purpose life basic teachings help us get I1 think theres lot life

church say should world I1 think take too far im thirteenth article faith man samantha said something babakian quoted tf anything virtuous lovely good report praiseworthy seek these things anyway my favorite mormon scripture pretty much sums man god once god man may become thats scrip smoot started say sahhshhh babakian said hand mouthpiece prophet god said scripture while babakian samantha started talking polynesiansPolynesians babakian said knew quite few church perth

25 during mission worked maori companion samoan companion smoot knew samoan elder taala famous throughout mission being able stuff whole big mac mouth chew swallow known missionmissionwidewide during taala companionship babakian shown zone meeting black eye claimed got playing basketball everyone knew taala popped him unknown offense

now thats kind teaching I1 like babakian said hung samantha asked speak smoot smoot asked speak yeah talking yourself whole timetimer smoot said im counting first three discussions our stats babakian said weve got two good investigators now richard samantha you going bring samantha correlation meeting smoot asked correlation meeting met leaders local congregation report coordinate missionary efforts hah babakian said then reached under bed pulled electric guitar small amplifier speaker box wanting hear babakian set church childrens songs punk rhythms thats honestly what doing smoot left room wandered main hall received first coat paint morning wondered how much coat paint own soul received since came mission


richard ready arrived boarding house ten oclock sunday morning babakian brought own razor again just case indeed needed smoots stomach turned glimpsed richards stained underpants babakian helped him climb op shop suit fit him tolerably well babakian brought him own white shirts tie zoos closets found abandoned pair black forward thrusters squarest missionaries bought mac utah dressed richard looked like rip van winkle missionary sitting next richard priesthood meeting smoot aware richards boardinghouseboarding house smells cigarettes body odor several members gave skeptical glances trio smoot babakian richard smoot didnt blame them richard shuffling along blowing air around obscene blob purplish pink tongue few members greeted richard smoot see eyes acting duty richards clammy limp handshake caused grimace during sunday school babakian accompanied richard class while smoot ran errands related afternoons baptism choosing white baptismal jumper relief society closet starting font filling water brother mclntyremcintyre ward mission leader stood smoot few minutes watching font fill water looked green

27 smoot wouldnt surprised see clump moss shoot spout havent convert stay longer fortnight two years now brother mclntyremcintyre said fiona taylor shesashes fantastic shesashes young women president now anyone get baptized I1 reckon new members make temple wh0 stay closest temple sydney new members take temple endowments baptized full year sitting through endowment sessions provo temple during three weeks missionary training center smoot felt like religion star wars planet creating movie hollywood portrayals adam eve even synthetic mesh garments wore beneath robes seemed very science fiction cool true knew remembered given aaronic priesthood age twelve dad compared force elder babakian two baptisms mission smoot explained brother mclntyremcintyre kids inactive sister

I1 seen tattoo skull crossbones through shirt took suit coat off yeah punk rocker before joined those arent freckles ears theyre old piercing holes what you elder baptisms ive few months my first area bairnsdaleBairnsdale country found him actingtradingtr just got

28 shower told us come back later did main emotion smoot felt calvin tomkins jealousy watching calvin respond discussions book mormon made smoot wonder what missing envied calvins spiritual experiences couldnt quite believe them enough imagine having own still church asked brother mclntyremcintyre

far I1 know small branch gave him calling right away wont let him slip away hes baptism since missionaries came back bairnsdaleBairnsdale year ago branch strange experience smoot growing big utah wards met rented house used wet bar sacrament table nursery priesthood holders met

class instead dividingdividdividingupingup quorumsquorums members said damn hell fanatical drindrinkinodrinkingkino coke missionaries told careful walking under eucalyptus trees behind house koala dung didnt come white shirts well pick richard sunday mornings few weeks cant keep forever brother mclntyremcintyre said hell learn make here own you blokes need move new investigators I1 cant imagine what calling give him perhaps assistant library few minutes brother mclntyremcintyre left babakian found smoot still standing font eyebrows boomerangs caught

29 richard smoking toilet

taking long time I1 went him babakian said 1I smelled tobacco smoke I1 call name then I1 hear phatphht toilet flushes where nownow77 elder gibb interviewing him baptism gibb district leader hope doesnt lie said smoot 1I made him recommit keeping word wisdom babakian said 1I reckon understands what hes doing during sacrament meeting smoot surprised richard knew words green hill far away able figure what made him shell man time told them originally scotland another time said worked plumber queen mary point wife kids barely remember names did apparently know whereabouts besides elder gibb elder layton brother mclntyremcintyre family ones attended richards baptismal service sister mcintyremclntyre gave short talk baptism holy ghost then babakian stepped font richard looked like mental patient choppy crewcut white jumpjumpsuitsuit richard bend knees properly babakian dunk him three times came third time blew alaraealargeajarge plug snot nose

30 smoot felt what might spiritual warmth confirmed richard member church gave him gift holy ghost blessing followed short generalized least felt less nervous baptizing calvin satisfied smoot asked babakian tram taken richard home theres got better way babakian said played air guitar rest way home


smoot transferred soon richards baptism babakian left behind zoo finish remodeling work another companion smoot sent spend hot australian summer lilydale comfortable prosperous suburb east melbourne foot fern covered mount dandenongDandenong wasnt much higher foothills utah lilydale environs seemed lot like united states smoot big highways big homes big yards big shopping centers living close downtown zoo claustrophobic times newer eastern suburbs charm character far smoots companion lilydale elder passey kansas city missouri quickly became apparent similar temperaments approaches life problem both little too mellow lenient both just naturally wokeupwokewakeup 830 every morning instead 630 prescribed mission handbook companionship study instead spending hour tedious missionary study guide read aloud chapter each morning book mormon alternating verses got roadblock 2 nephi where several chapters row quoted obscure passages isaiah old testament flipped ahead jacob 1 without either having say anything passey master filling time activities knocking doors both agreed despised ever

33 home irritated missionaries bothering them passey smoot agreed both too smoot told passey how neighborhood provo Jehovajehovahshs witness defense system someone jay dub knock door start telephoning neighbors warn them answer doors passey said thought sometimes similar things happened australia nation didnt whole neighborhoods filled cormonsmormons friendly each australians almost friendly besides aussie summer intensified got too hot spend much time outdoors fully clothed everyone went long holidays smoot certain australian sun hotter brighter north america harder look burned cheeks forearms neck faster australian flies awful bigger noisier aggressive flies ever seen bumping ticklishly brow earearlobeslobes three four times before swat away reason seemed attracted white shirts dozens ride missionariesmissionaries77 backs given chance now smoot fully understood why aussie bushbushwalkerswalkers wore those hats corks dangling around brim well joke spastic swat ones head being australian salute

mornings passey usually say something like 1I need film my camera four missionaries flat climb baby blue toyota corolla assigned district cover rural areas never went bush unless remote

34 member invited them tea word even latter day saint australians used dinner go big shopping centers errand take morning different missionaries thought different things needed shop once while missionaries attempt say something church friendly cashier smoot wasnt aware anything concrete resulting contacts mission program missionaries holding clipboards stopped passersby public places asked them take survey amounted few loaded questions you knew your family together death you do what needed ensure lilydale missionaries never used survey approach once missionaries asked leave shopping center doing passey said

another thing passey good dropping membersmembers77 homes just time asked stay tea smoot rarely buy groceries lilydale ate every day lunch fed members nearly every night four five core families whom spent whole evening once twice week constantly trying make new member contacts approaching members church calling them phone skit present first visit encouraging family members refer friends might open listening gospel visited family beyond first time always purely social let community service suck allotted share

35 time supposed work two mornings week sheltered workshop mentally disabled adults usually stayed lunch part afternoon strangely comforting work repetitive tasks filling baggies rubber gaskets stuffing envelopes workshop supervisor kept radio rock station smoot enjoyed few activities made time fly faster mission those days sheltered workshop felt little guilty secretly entertained quirks foibles mentally disabled people probably wasnt exactly kind charitable attitude community service designed encourage didnt get little bit productive missionary work done family them teach six discussions great aunt visiting england accepted very graciously went back england without having baptized another member house tore themselves away TV long enough each visit help oldest son learn missionary discussions preparation mission philippines smoot couldnt imagine living working midst poverty hed heard returned missionaries describe although missionaries lot baptisms few weeks companionship smoot calmed slightly itchy conscience proposing tract hour day just stay practice feel like fair dinkum missionaries older lady met tracting invited them back two discussions finally admitted just enjoyed company religious teachings welcome

36 bickiesbeckies milk anytime wanted took oilolloly few times counted stats five months passed quietly painlessly smoot admit wasnt making much progress spiritually few weeks tricked himself thinking holy ghost prompting him through occasional L shaped tingle right cheek then realized tingle couldnt holy ghost came really strong time caught sight girl sunbathingsunbathing backyard unless holy ghost telling him wife highly unlikely troubling thing day while sorting gaskets next favorite down syndrome woman sheltered workshop found couldnt think temple name wasnt sure what name really newly endowed members given first time through temple told remember diedle rest life recalled old testament sounding name afternoon went home paged randomly through bible didnt see anything triggered memory lapse bothered him time went began pray earnestly help remember name even fasted once

time smoots next transfer came feeling downright favor god passey taught discussions seven weeks still couldnt remember temple name once almost talked himself accepting isaac name knew wasnt although ninety nine percent certain name began vowel


sitting mission presidents office old burke road north balwynbagwyn day transfers smoot wondered should ask president badger trouble temple name president badger eager talk elder babakian im sure youveheardyouve heard erratic behavior president badger said indeed smoot babakian become talked missionary mission grapevine done anything bad enough sent home definitely acting weird talked companion taking paid jobs music shop then member spotted them reported them mission president gone running through deserted streets small bush town horsham middle night garments told rest flatmatesflatmates caught him running devil claiming awakened dark figure red eyes standing next bed another report said awoke morning claiming spirited away sleep witches mount dandenongDandenong what strange produced dirty feet sprig fern proof walking home evening visits known urinate sidewalk looking showers mornings walked around nude flat until 930 refusing wear even garments horsham missionaries presented branch sacrament meeting program

38 once babakian volunteered do musical solo played bizarre discordant piece piano branch president went stopped him teaching investigators refused follow standard six discussions instead gave rambling personal accounts mingled obscure scriptures deep doctrine humans gods embryo savior probably wives children during mortal ministry pushing missionary dress code too slicking hair back ears wouldnt cut wearing colored shirts sometimes tie occasionally putting silver hoop left ear youre missionary hes spoken highest president badger said im going make you companion again im going put you same flat him see what you do calm him down help him follow program few months left I1 dont want send him home state mind doesnt snap ill pull him mission home babysitbaby sit him myself I1 think hes still salvageable I1 dont want humiliate him elder smoot id like you serve district leader dandenongDandenong smoot felt honored finally brought presidents inner circle way nearly three fourths finished mission yet made even senior companion let alone trainer district leader zone leader thing brought mission presidents inner circle quite another brought heavenly fathers neither heavenly father nor jesus made themselves known smoot recognizable way even though smoot asked them numerous times

39 faith muster wasnt seeking sign looking what thought kind special effect voice light dream anything dramatic vision angel something recognizable come mission lasted far through wasnt way enough given woman really quite attractive him probably beautiful intelligent woulwouldeverdeverever able snag again didnt want start brown nosingsing god maybe thats what took babakian met him train station dandenongDandenong contrary reports babaliansbabakiansBabakians hair shorter ever spiked mousse almost blue black hed dyed you gained weight first thing babakian said smoot got pretty soft lilydale well im opposite you mate ive bikinghiking bush try grab my thigh thanks wheres my companion

splitting off mine well doing lot I1 anything

say youre district leader now I1 reckon yeah whatever means babakian guided smoot taxi queue helped him load suitcases soon way 101 gladstone street babakian sat companionably front taxi driver smoot sat back staring window streets fourth area dandenongDande nong definitely grittier less rich lilydale old crowded inner city

40 passing lotoflot big apartment complexes especially bad tractingtrading born againsagainst big here mate7mateamatematey saidbabakiansaid Babakian partition between front back seats american cabs missionaries cant walk down street without someone yelling bible bashersbachers drive past sometimes people even throw rubbish sounds fun smoot said noticing first time babakian llad small spike left ear voice sounded little husky youse Jehovajehovahshs witnesses asked taxi driver definitely mate said babakian latter day saints known Morcormonsmormonsmons you ever look book mormon

nahnan I1 dont read much said driver babakian proceeded talk him accepting copy seemed doing missionary work just fine undercurrent him bothering smoot dandenongDandenong flat appeared less battered missionary flats though sour smell bad cooking poor housekeeping hit smoot soon babakian opened door blokes member visit probably wont back until late smoot noticed single unmade bed corner lounge room near french doors opened onto covered porch sleeps here lielleile asked

1I do said babakian elder harwood snores something fierce sleeps back bedroom alone

41 sleeping separate bedrooms big nono mission rules clearly stated missionaries werent sleep same bed sleep same bedroom smoot slung suitcases onto unoccupied bed front bedroom babakian flung himself onto smoots companions tidy bed clasped hands behind head im sure you know question im dying ask babakian said what hows your sheila you keeping touch mail

yeah I1 assumed you call few times before you left zoo

I1 did mate shesashes pretty cluey well did tell you going group called cormonsmormons transition what hell support group found newspaper people trying leave mormon church get together every week said shed rather come behind waltz front door like everybody else

well anti mormon rubbish backfire them I1 saw Godgodmakersmakers

I1 baptized increased my testimony

1I dont see how going help shesashes just going hear lot bitchingbitbatchingching moaning insensitive bishops unclear doctrine

1I pray every night babakian said took smoot off guard thought mention samantha own prayers though

42 thought several times day disappointed letter waiting him mission office passed through morning

do you remember your temple name smoot wanted ask next instead said tell me my companion whats name again

dont get me started mate I1 cant stand dunlap look stupid thing babakian sat threw dunlapsdunlappDunlaps pillow smoot pixilated photo big nosed girl lots curly hair imprinted onto pillowcase dialogue bubble mouth saying im waiting my missionary babakian rummaging nightstandnightstand look said throwing smoot pad letter writing paper corny missionary cartoon corner each page sheet stickers put envelopes

slogans I1 love australia repent baptized please send cookies

dude must raided missionary emporium smoot said missionary emporium chain shops utah malls sold missionary related kitsch suddenly realized what bothering him

babakian see babakian wearing colored T shirt beneath white shirt didnt necessarily mean didnt white temple garments underneath T shirt weather still warm why need extra undershirt babakian looked abruptly down chest then walked toward kitchen

43 you want yellow death called mission slang macaroni cheese


elder dunlap overweight guy too much enthusiasm mouth too little body babaliansbabakiansBabakians companion elder harwood burst flat 1000 night sending babakian diving volume personal stereo upon playing music

punk band los angeles called X what smoot tell far babakian respecteddisrespecterdisrespecteddis dunlap didnt want set off dunlapsdunlappDunlaps alarms dunlap kind guy tell zone leaders mission president anything amiss talks talk babakian said doesnt really walk walk hes too fat lazy oh welcome elder smoot dunlap said smoot emerged bedroom where almost finished unpacking dunlap rushed down hallway gave smoot crushing bearhugbearhug then pushed him back down hall bedroom shut door

1I want start our companionship right foot said kneeling side bed straightening girlfriend pillow weird vibes flat rolled eyes back toward lounge room I1 dont want them get you me youre district leader do you want pray smoot blinked fell knees already feeling quite bit distaste dunlap pock marked face short greasy looking dirty blond hair unusually wide open blue eyes renremindedandeddnded smoot dr seuss drawing

45 1I guess you your idea smoot said dreading thought spending next several months person wore polo cologne smoot heard missionaries referring horsey sweat please bless us work hard obey rules withstand temptations adversary those influenced him dunlap said during prayer spoke excessively humble spiritual tone made hair smoots neck bristle please help us find good

gators please help born againsagainst act like christians leave us alone dont investigators smoot asked enjoying abashed expression passed dunlapsdunlappDunlaps doughy features strained undo shoes socks tough area elder dunlap said eyes solemnly round theres born again group meeting every empty warehouse jay dubs two kingdom halls within our district dunlap turned lights promptly 1030 spent nearly half hour talking phone bed friends missionary training center working next district smoot overhead him say something meeting lunch next day restaurant border between two districts

you awake asked smoot hung phone 1I earplugsearplugs you borrow next time you need em you might

harwood down hall sometimes I1 hear him snoring through two doors

46 another few minutes dunlap said well elder I1 think tonight

night me I1 havent good dream monthmonthamonth7 then let cartoonistcartoonishcarto onish laugh ended snort smoot rolled faced wall next morning dunlapsdunlappDunlaps alarm went off 630 dunlap groaned sat garment top askew shoulders heaved himself bed go empty bladder then crawled back opened scriptures onto belly asleep again just moments later smoot lay motionlessly bed unable fall back asleep unable motivate himself get bed closer 700 heard missionaries stirring babakian always fairly energetic morning person smoot saw him enter bathroom wearing earphones robe never worn robe zoo again smoot wondered babakian still wearing temple garments thought heard front door slam before 800 sure enough dunlap got few minutes 800 two gone where going early smoot asked dunlap inspecting underwear frustrated expression

oh I1 dont know do almost every day wont tell me anything except theyre working special project related missionary work dunlap made huge breakfast four eggs each whole pound bacon split between two them potatoes cooked grease smoot got shower dunlap polishing smoofssmoorsspoors shoes

47 bedroom what hell you doingdoing7777 smoot asked havent you ever heard serving your companioncompanionicompanion77 dunlap said ingratiating smile fat hands surprisingly deft shoes smoot couldnt bring himself tell dunlap leave stuff alone left flat 1030 you probably need groceries stuff dunlap said lets go dandenongDandenong market market large enclosed area booths selling everything fruits vegetables leather coats video games smoot noticed lot antagonistic stares missionary badge then face often people steered clear missionaries heard variation bible bashersbachersbashers several times once someone hit him back wadded food wrapper passed booth born again congregation called potters hut woman called them dunlap muttered go just wanted bash missionaries tried running booth here said safely past born again booth disaster people passing throw trash booth day long born againsagainst started passing anti mormon literature nearby then even started showing Godgodmakersmakers booth anyone stopped just wanted argue mock missionaries gave went back actingtradingtr I1 guess do do much tracting here smoot asked picking tomatoes

48 dunlap gave him surprised glance shocked smoot ask blunt question

well reallyreally77 dunlap said heftingeefting tomato pudgy hand

youve longer I1 you know how try work

members mostly like evening I1 thought wed go introduce you wingatesWinweingatesgates whose daughter friend get baptized once though went inactive within few weeks what afternoon

dunlap turned toward him again uncomfortably your call I1 guess do magatorpermagatorper visit dont let us teach them anymore theyll insist calling you your first name what way dennis mines jonathan peoplevepeopleve always called me waldo smoot said hed bought everything needed dunlap said

time go back flat lunch 1I special treat you said my mom sent me jar real american mayonnaise best foods brand ill make you tuna sandwich runny australian stuff I1 bottle real american ketchup hard go back sour australian stuff

I1 take you dont like vegemiteVegemite

oh I1 dont know member showed me way I1 actually quite liked put english muffin avocado cream cheese pretty tasty hey I1 might need lie down awhile ive got bit

49 headache next morning dunlap sick smoot went harwood babakian offered stay home clean house deserves break harwood said smoot left flat weve putting tons effort lately half dozen good investigators how did you get them smoot asked im under oath say until few details worked babakian freakin brilliant I1 think hes going revolutionize missionary work reach people missionaries never even come close using old ways lord didnt give him much talent nothinbothinthin you havent formed secret combination you smoot asked recently read parts book mormon Gadigadiantonanton robbers secret oaths covenants harwood antsyantey condescending air bothered him very funny harwood said elder babakian really onto something

im doing everything I1 help him both slowed down reached milk bar corner smoot said where going anyway

1I thought you knew said harwood well where you tractingtrading lately

Tracting babakian I1 havent tractedbracted once since got here I1 dont think ever im eakinfreakinfredkinfr door door salesman ill go knock few doors thats how you want waste oh I1 mean use

50 time im big fan tractingtrading either especially these apartments around here go visit those investigators youve got definitely said harwood babaliansbabakiansBabakians got things totally under control them I1 do another idea I1 havent tried while my trainer taught me what buy train ticket ride train morning downtown melbourne back air conditioned sometimes people talk you ff what get caught area mission strict rules leaving ones assigned area downtown melbourne especially off limits wont even get off train theres lot cool scenery between here coolest graffiti ive ever seen began walking direction train station passed through dandenongsDandeno ngs small downtown area handful mid level skyscrapers harwood pointed nightclub called impulse shiny reflective metal walls

wait right here while I1 pop inside second harwood said what hell smoot said

our investigators may I1 dont want see you shell get confused smoot stood corner watching paranoia passing

51 members might report lone missionary mission president you werent ever supposed sight your companion except bathroom you couldnt even go down different aisle grocery store smoots trainer lashed him bairnsdaleBairnsdale harwood came jogging back few moments later wasnt said train smoot probed information babakian seems calm I1 expected ive hearing lot weird rumors him well since got me started project hes something worthwhile sink teeth hes those restless geniuses I1 think standard missionary program drives him crazy

smoot decided risk 1I thought I1 noticed dark T shirt under white shirt whats upwiththatupwith harwood appraised him moment idea working sometimes need casual clothes doing lifting cleaning stuff just puts missionary shirt T shirt sometimes through

community service something dunlap I1 use service project well maybe time come babakian let unfold just right way

1I hope you guys arent breaking mission rules big way really waiting until results show

52 president badger before start asking permission do anything ordinary do zone leaders know wed like keep way now you dont mind main thing you do help us keep your fat companion off our backs hes just lazy bum himself tends tattletale hes main reason being careful you far looking opportunities speak people train upon ridershipsidershipridership quite light anyway time day smoot harwood actually moved someplace private italian widow dressed black sat too near them harwood sat back stared trains window while amused smile then leaned forward again said smoot I1 show you something do you swear your mothers grave you keep yourself you mean right now yeah harwood reached down pulled left pant cuff then pulled down sock smoot saw tattoo angel moroni blowing trumpet harwoods inner calf wow real asked running finger tattoo still looked little red around edges felt scaly touch

damn straight real babakian chest guy got tip trumpet bit high you sometimes see bit even hes got tie

53 how much does something like cost smoot asked thinking quite cool well custom expensive mine hundred bucks babaliansbabakiansBabakians probably double

1I wonder what happen president badger found 1I dont know id rather ask forgiveness permission

way youve ever got permission I1 dont think youre supposed get tattoos once youve endowed well thats why im glad mine isnt noticeable place babakian really went limb better try do washings anointingsanointings temple anymore didnt surprise smoot harwood wanted go aboveground downtown melbourne just minute stop newsagentnews agent sold current editions USA today check sports scores ill pay your fare

get back dude said please I1 bet youve never seen long escalatorsescalators theres mexican restaurant youd love way overpriced place melbourne you get anything halfway authentic arent you sick asian stuff theres place sells cheap froobrooroo skins cool lookin boomerangs made real aborigines way home afternoon talked music harwood said babakian really expanding horizons musically especially liked australian band called midnight oil babakian him listen smoot said hed thought hed heard them before probably babaliansbabakiansBabakians companion maybe even back home harwood said

54 anything harder midnight oil turned him off saw tons good power midnightmidi light oils use music wake australian kids political injustices environmental concerns especially related aborigines babakian asked question makes total sense me7memea harwood said point why arent mormon beatles why lords servants left rock roll almost completely alone force spreading gospel well what mondsosmondsosmondoOs smoot asked dead gone corny anyway said harwood talking rock roll like u2ua REM I1 happen really like rush babakian theyre poseurs anyway stuff really high quality original why let adversary good music himself good stuff produced twentieth century anyway I1 mean cormonsmormons break through world better appropriated music forms really do lot inherent goodness talking raunchy stuff like rosmithaerosmithAe rolling stones led zeppelin mean really thoughtful moving stuff like pink floyd harwood reminding smoot scene wizard oz whent scarecrow finally given diploma starts spouting stuff square roots isosceles triangles babakian obviously filling harwoods brain personal beliefs doctrines apparently even persuasively fed them smoot back zoo babaliansbabakiansBabakians ideas didnt value little creepy see harwood act almost like troupiegroupiegroupie

5555 now mormon pop crap dunlap listens harwood continued tone disgust entering voice stuff may well flushed down toilet totally unoriginal emotionally manipulative same thing dunlap puts fake spiritual voice hes saying prayer smoot caught himself looking see harwoods eyebrows lifting boomerangs course werent lord tried raise musicians good paul mccartney john lennon mormon culture wouldnt let him tolerate pap within our own ranks sure dont problem turning hollywood rock roll industry stuff really feeds our brains sounds like babaliansbabakiansBabakians really gotten you said smoot does your new project something do music stuff harwood looked sharply maybe

wellweilwelivVelleileli I1 really do wish you best I1 think babakian lot good ideas I1 just wouldnt want see him move fast flames takes you him hey ive mission long enough know stuff like tracting just waste time maybe worked nineteenth century future now maybe babakian successful church recognize value better exploiting media letting members use god given talents original compelling ways deeshjeesh listen me talk babakian explain better

56 two three stops before dandenongDandenong harwood walked down aisle now crowded train holding book mormon talked him even made eye contact reported smoot sat down embarkeddisembarkeddis smoot left book mormon lying seat copies book mormon discovered unexpected places converted people before church film italian man fished coverless copy trashcantrashcan new york city spent years trying find church published join too bad missionaries couldnt afford plant copies book mormon town really flooding earth book mormon prophet asked passed impulse way back flat harwood again poked head inside then hewavedsmootwaved smoot shouting babaliansbabakiansBabakians already here smoot walked rest way home alone fearful what devil might able do him without companion protect him did want like babakian joseph smith first spiritual experience dark side hair neck stood dog growled him behind fence dialdiat actually grateful darkness hid him raudingmaraudingma born- againsagainsagainst dunlap snoring lightly bed smoot walked half eaten pan rice crispy treats lay floor beside him


before smoot knew weeks passing seemed way

missions days crept weeks went faster months flew contrary what babakian said splitting off smoot lot seemed avoiding much interaction two companioncompanionshipsships didnt cross paths often flat smoot dunlap time Babababakiankiall harwood very little smoot suspected babakian didnt want harwood dunlap getting together harwood blabbing too much dunlap taking notes next chat zone leaders president badger babakian harwood wrapped around finger maybe didnt want bother smoot asking him harder questions maybe even suspected president badger sent smoot down dandenongDande nong partly watch him president badger telephoned smoot first week embarrassing him catching him home 300 afternoon should working smoot told him babakian seemed calmed down wasnt running around flat naked talking demons witches doing anything weird church far smoot heard what see babakian harwood getting every day doing good proselyting necessarily actingtrackingtr something getting results bunch investigators babakian even cut hair short smoot never seen him wear anything flat white shirt though didnt mention dark

58 T shirts underneath

wellweliweiljwell thats good hear keep eye him you notice anything I1 should know you give me call OK president smoot said then felt little guilty hung probably should mentioned tattoos connection nightclub loose following rules companions always being together seen anything really alarming babakian spending time alone women getting drunk besides little curious see exactly what babakian sitting phone smoot decided babakian trusted bit longer unorthodox approaches maybe really make breakthrough lord knew needed passey demonstrated genius wasting time outside flat dunlap master staying flat making seem productive get dressed shirt tie spend whole morning flipping through old ensign magazines cutting pictures mount posterposterboardboard missionary lessons presentations hed ever opportunity use them without investigators hed spend whole afternoon baking zucchini bread take favorite members missionaries eat half themselves pull white pages do phone contacting ringing people random asking them theyd like missionaries drop present free book mormon lesson god person agreed address turned outside districts proselyting area dunlap filled referral card

59 sent through mission office every third day smoot suggest tract couple hours much find golden investigators simply get flat two middle aged women let them time pretty clear lesbians missionaries didnt return smoot got bored dunlapsdunlappDunlaps puttering around flat day newsnewsagentagent bought couple thick paperbacks read tom clancy stephen king sinister clown cover seemed do trick far making time pass quicker dunlap nagged him carefully removed cover jesus christ looked way too intellectual him read put around stephen king novel pretty soon dunlap started wanting companionship study midday since never got around morning smoot again came dread slogging through those scriptures different topics practicing discussions done much since first area something religion incredibly boring him babakian right why did god let way dunlap seemed eat like instant pudding snackpakssnackpaks always spooning mouth smoot made dunlap wear earphones wanted listen afterglow mormon pop music once dunlap folded garments smoot customarily jammed dresser drawer smoot threw fit said f word wadded them again

you really should sort your colorscolors77 dunlap said subdued smoots uncharacteristic outburst disrespectful lord let your

60 garments go grey7greygreye

maybe lord made himself known me I1 keep my garments whiter smoot wanted say instead said 1I really dont think lord

cares how I1 do my laundry im sure garments keep themselves white celestial kingdom day zone leaders made surprise visit 1030 morning caught smoot dunlap dressed ties without shoes eating late breakfast dunlap immediately fell brown nosing mode offering make zedsbeds pancakes real maple syrup shipped states saying overly earnest spiritual prayers food making comments how much looking forward getting tracting morning zedsbeds each wilfedwolfed down plate pancakes draining several inches dunlapsdunlappDunlaps syrup bottle watched helplessly then told missionaries put shoes splitting off zedsbeds day actingtractingtrackingtr though half doors answers day actually produced three halfway decent callbackscallbacks between four them copies book mormon placed first discussions taught zedsbeds hung flat 500 till almost 700 waiting babakian harwood usual never showed dunlap fixed zedsbeds beef stroganstroganofstroganoff while waited

sang them 1TI am child god maori learned companion

point zed sat unmade bed lounge room looked around interest fortunately babakian kept gear

61 bedroom should sharing harwood dunlap looked like wanted spill beans smoot said sometimes elder babakian comes here sleep companion snores too loudloudaloud7 man you aint kiddingiddin zed bed said 1I lived flat harwood footscrayFootscray dude sucks air through kazoo sounds like those two must working hard zed said lefleftt

doing what I1 couldnt tell you said dunlap well zed replied stats look good must doing something right


late night leafing through pile mail zedsbeds left oil kitchen table babakian asked smoot word samantha

month ive written three times without arlart answer

1TI think time call again babakian said

1TI cant afford liiilltiltii figure way babakian smoots first split off together involved going impulse nightclub using managers phone upstairs office babakian said manager owed him favor passing through nightclub area smoot thought recognized babaliansbabakiansBabakians metallic blue guitar resting against speaker stage woman answered third P said samantha moved

where did go smoot asked

1I think dads woman said smoot then struggle remember Samanthas tongan name dial utah information get fathers number several minutes phone operator smoot surprised realize strong utah accent felt reasonably confident name tukuafutukuafitTukuTukuaafuaaufitjit first number under name turned belong manthassamanthasSa uncle gave smoot dads number

63 1I reckon lanllianlllanillanel string me gets phone billabill7bill babakian said staring flyer advertising concert band called rameumptom why did name seem familiar smoot flyer photo sultry looking female singer tank top platinum blonde crewcut nose ring then Samanthas voice said hello smoot said samantha you dennis here oh dennis wow what hell happened you why havent you written me what you doing your dads month two really weird really weird kind your fault started mormon transition group I1 going

hey I1 never told you go anti mormon group

well I1 wouldnt found you aussie guy hadnt gotten me stirred religion pronounced aussie sound instead z sound im really kind screwed now how

1I met hippy guy named richard carter group really charming cool religious ideas said cormonsmormons

truth sold mainstream long ago invited me little religious group going friends dont tell me theyre polygamy free love thats worst turns

64 take LSD sacrament you took knowing fully what yeah ive eaten shroomsshrooms before

I1 thought like lots pretty swirling shapes oil ceiling I1 thought like fireworks show my brain I1 guess I1 what youd call bad trip im still wigged samantha im sorry

well I1 cant even think religion now without coming back without what coming back

everyone started turning these bizarre animals I1 starting realize theres really thing human beings totally terrified me I1 cant talk anymore wow

1I just hope goes away soon ive watching TV nonstop keep my mind off creepy feeling I1 feel almost hovering nearby waiting chance get back my head I1 look mirror I1 start imagine myself turning those animals even arviewrearviewre mirror car samantha may crying point smoot sat wordlessly clutching phone few moments then babakian grabbed away adaygday sam whatd you say spook smoodysmooty boy then babakian hung phone crying said bad LSD trip smoot said what babakian said

65 tried again next day answer smoot hung around surprised babakian went stage started fiddling equipment what does rameumptom mean smoot called walking stage coke bartender given him sound word came either old testament book mormon remember those dissenters nephitesNephites started own religion zoramitesZoramites rameumptom high stand built top synagogue where said those bizarre prayers you read

alma 31 you play your songs here smoot asked yet babakian said play our first gig friday night tonight get rehearse till 800 stage get feel how well actually sound club you wanna listen harwood here soon what dunlap dunlap under control smoot sat back bar waited soon babakian came stage

black T shirt tight black pants joined crewcut woman flyer took center stage microphone another woman dressed what looked like old prom dress took position behind bank keyboards stocky bald man cutoffs leather jacket worn bare chest sat behind drums guy shoulder length hair striped shirt suspenders picked guitar smoot spotted harwood back control panel looking sound technicians

66 shoulder fiddled knobs while band started warming few early patrons drinking playing pool didnt even look stage rameumptom launched first song smoot immediately recognized words primary song began im

glad daddy gets home glad I1 next song featured babakian chanting lilburn boggs two women sang persecutions early Morcormonsmormonsmons another song joseph smiths experience devil just before first vision another song smoot heard mention Gadigadiantonanton robbers book mormon references master mahan though couldnt remember master mahan scriptures another song based primary song golden plates book mormon translated rollicking song set popcorn popping lyrics sung verbatim band members made smoot laugh loud music sounded great smoot babaliansbabakiansBabakians lead guitar pinkishpunkish snarly times rhythm section brought him back earth keyboards female vocals balanced him thick dark eyebrows boomerangingboomeranging second song sometimes lead singer picked acoustic guitar sometimes songs veered off minor chords rameumptom played quite complex moody music varying tempos rhythms intricate textures sound smoot definitely bought

CD band finished playing babakian announced upcoming

67 gig dozen patrons applauded smoot walked stage where babakian talking band members except drummer disappeared smoot saw lead singer move try put arm around babakian babakian moved away flashed look warning then babakian sitting edge stage legs swinging lead singer sitting next him smoot congratulated them expressed honest enthusiasm music then said what you going do your gig friday invite everyone cottage meeting teach first discussion babakian laughed lead singer put hand mouth looked back band members started unplugging equipment coiling cords cables smoot thought look passed between lead singer bass player striped shirt harwood stage helping seemed interacting him wearing jeans denim shirt smoot noticed lyliesrylieskyliesRyKyliesllesiles agreed come church sunday babakian said imtm going teach gospel essentials maybe eric greg terri come babakian said sentence loudly turning back toward bandbandmatesmates stage harwood beaming hands hips looking him except smoot

afterward three missionaries walked home together 1I havent got details worked yet obviously babakian said important thing gain following first then well start concentrating getting

68 everybody off grog cigarettes everyone band except drummer already quit smoking what yougoingyou going do start rock roll branch church smoot asked babakian gave him dark look thats thing church still got learn do I1 reckon tolerate little diversity australiasAustralias

culture bit tall poppy syndrome like I1 said im sure how going pan way back flat same dog growled smoot noticed night walked alone dunlap asleep couch clothes unusual him undressed even take nap midday smoot unable rouse him babakian put blanket him beached whale smoot heard babakian mutter under breath while pouring himself glass milk something bothered smoot kitchen then realized what signs dunlap having cooked anything evening opened fridge again counted pudding snackpakssnackpaks couldnt remember how many previously snooped around couch again time noticing blue striped cup recognized takeawayjakeawaytake away shop near flat pried open lid saw what looked like residue chocolate thick shake

passinopassing hallway kitchen harwood called should I1 got you too


shesashes talking crazy babakian whispered hand mouthpiece phone nightclub office smoot put hand babakian gave him phone

chain produce shops said I1 manage few them sam dennis what you talking im coming australia said my dad cousin perth husband offered me job why you want do too many weird vibes valley ive got get here my dad thinks great idea my mom care less what you need good spiritual counseling samantha you tried contact full time missionaries maybe you need kind psychiatrist something

hey I1 know dennis since I1 started thinking these plans ive doing lot better

1I still think you should contact missionaries

maybe I1 I1 feel like point now your dad offered give you priesthood blessing what

1I guess dennis ive got hang now call my cousin

70 I1 give you our number you call us flat

my dads bill already big enough I1 promise ill write you coming

1I dont know yet look ive really got go ill touch babakian took phone smoot hung what do you make asked

pretty freaky smoot said

1I reckon you right needing shrink does come maybe help

x x-

on day rameumptoms concert babakian toot hadnt sold very many tickets advance spent day around flat doing calisthenics reading scriptures cleaning dunlap smoot went tracting morning hour then dunlap went home take nap smoot walked harwood dandenongDandenong market hand concert flyers before went inside took off ties missionary badges you sure you dont want come tonight harwood asked smoot point give dunlap another shake thats cool smoot said what hurts him how many times you done twice now legal drug nothing harmful eric band getsbetscets them sunday concert kylie terri came church

71 relatively tamely dressed kylie taken nose ring kylie stayed right next babakian terri stayed right next harwood looked smoot like kind double date curiosity smoot dragged dunlap gospel essentials class three four members italian convert didnt speak much english couple recently returned activity adult lives away slow witted bachelor handed programs each week sacrament meeting babakian taught pretty straightforward version plan salvation drawing circles

chalkboardchalkboard represent premortal life earth life spirit paradise prison three degrees glory brought favorite quote man god once god man may become quoted

genesis 127 god created man own image image god created him male female created them quoted matthew 548 ye therefore perfect even your father heaven perfect

explaining perfect meant complete went off tangent how mother father giraffe baby giraffe baby grows like parents powers skills attributes reproductive capacities kylie let little laugh point terri grabbed harwoods knee big smile thats same relationship between god us babakian said grow like our heavenly parents do you want able create planets your own day kylie populate them your spirit children

sounds fantastic I1 reckon kylie said smoot overheard terri

72 whisper sounds like science fictionfictionsfiction77 should focusing atonementatonement77 dunlap whispered smoot hes making sound like everyone grows like god whether obey commandments noty raise your hand smoot whispered back dunlap did babakian called him pointed through following savior repenting our sins receive falnessfulness fathers glory highest degree glory reserved those baptized true living church face earth endured end righteousness life probationary state big test sober look passed between kylie babakian terri looked closely fingernails harwood leaned back stretched arm across back terris chair

well I1 special announcement babakian said kylie agreed baptized member church well hold service afternoon sacrament meeting


babakian harwood gave kylie few discussions during cram session empty classroom district leader fell smoot interview kylie determine worthiness baptism never conducted interview before though glanced instructions heard details how went kylie wanted babakian come interview smoot

73 began saying 1I lanttowanttowant congratulate you great choice you wont regret just want make sure you understand solemn obligation covenant lord oh does said babakian shesashes already quit smoking good said smoot you prepared follow commandments including paying tithing keeping law chastity kylie looked babakian shifted chair babakian gestured speak

im dole I1 reckon I1 still pay tithing ill keep track me busking tips better though you ever participated same sex relations abortion smoot asked heard investigator replied yes either those questions cleared baptism mission president babaliansbabakiansBabakians eyes got wider kylie considered few moments without looking him time

im pretty sure I1 miscarriage once I1 didnt do anything cause ive slept naked girlfriends I1 dont think did anything you call sex good enough smoot youve read book mormon you feel you strong conviction truthfulness church

tony read me book Morcormonsmormonsmons I1 trust him completely smiled babakian put hand knee quite beautiful feminine despite short bleached hair smoot thought

74 big brown eyes well defined cheekbones dime sized freckle

lefleftt left eye smoot couldnt see reason approve baptism signed form babakian held then said youre fantastic singer way kylie I1 hope your talents contribute church tony sure reckons said then babakian stood interview babakian lifted water baptismal font aylieskylies white dress clung skin dunlap made unintelligible noise harwood gaped terri put hand mouth babakian walked stairs womens dressing room door babakian waded back through font mens room door gave two thumbs dont forget pull plug harwood called counselor bishopric tapped dunlap shoulder handed him new set scriptures still shrink wrap 1I dash meeting said please give these our new convert my congratulations


during next week dunlap suddenly began showing initiative tractingtrading do we7wea said lets make our goal baptize someone during our companionship ive my whole mission please maybe make zucchini bread our neighbors them join smoot said dunlap apparently serious heaved himself bed next morning right 630 headed shower

hey smoot heard dunlap yell 1TI dont think guys came home night what makes you think smoot called bed theyre here now thing true serious enough breach smoot probably needed call zone leaders didnt want jump conclusions while dunlap shower smoot saw figure pass hallway harwood headed bedroom wondered how long going got went toward kitchen glass milk hey youre dressed already called babakian sitting bed diedle lounge room pulling off shoes socks babakian saw him started pulling sock back

yeah early appointment today said

76 smoot stood doorway glass milk debating whether confront babakian brushed past him way down harwoods room what youblokesyou blokes doing early asked smoot

dunlap wants baptize someone like you guys did I1 think hes turning new leaf maybe you harwood should given him extra strength milkshakemilkshake night babakian shut door harwoods bedroom without saying anything else dunlap followed official recommended missionary schedule day long having hour personal study hour companionship study leaving flat right 930 morning actingtractingtrtracking taking hour lunch tracting again afternoon taking hour dinner then visiting three members during evening staying longer hour each asking them turn off TV trying bring missionary work conversation smoot went along willingly couldnt envision either them keeping long dunlap looked miserable end evening usually enthusiastic social personality becoming quite mechanical kept ungracefully cutting people off turn conversation back missionary agenda two missionaries already flat smoot dunlap returned 930 right time babakian jokey mood even bantering dunlap usually avoided whenever possible dunlap looked pleased confused threatened same time went tractingtrading today babakian announced havent done

77 awhileawhilesawhile77 harwood looked sour

well congratulationscongratulations77 dunlap said welcome your mission you guys havent actingtractingtrtracking how you getting investigators creative proselyting babakian said winked smoot

rameumptom another friday night concert planned smoot noticed flyer posted telephone pole near flat dunlap fortunately noticed flyer fustjust before 1030 babakian poked head bathroom while smoot washing face say eric bass player getting closer baptism attend church next sunday then babakian suggested four flatmatesflatmates prayer together before went bed knelt together lounge room dunlap said um elder babakian dunlap said liiilltiltii move harwood you want take my place smoot I1 handle noise my earplugsearplugs I1 think thered better spirit flat our sleeping arrangements par harwood made noise protest babakian said probably fine


smoot awoke start 130 morning first coherent thought maybe babakian harwood made noise

78 sneaking got empty bladder felt relieved hear familiar snores coming behind harwoods closed door padded kitchen take swig orange juice bottle babaliansbabakiansBabakians bed looked empty walked across lounge room sat corner bed sure enough empty ran hands sheets see still felt warm did where babakian gone shoes still side bed where smoot noticed them night before prayer smoot sat heard bump strange cry outside french doors near babaliansbabakiansBabakians bed thinking cat animal messing around porch opened doors babakian kylie moving around unclothed blanket smoot backed away doors leaving them open saw babaliansBabakianbabakiansBabakbabakian7ianslans7 head turn toward him heard him say damn hand mouth smoot ran kitchen


first timetimeatime7timey babakian shouted snatching phone smoot slamming down barely startedstarted77 smoot picked phone started dialing mission presidents home number again hands shaking wondered might throw wrapping blanket tighter around him babakian strode across room porch you better go smoot heard him say kylie hopping pants

sister badger I1 need talk president badgerbadgerebadger77 smoot said kind emergency

president badger said hello president I1 just walked elder babakian having sex woman smoot said voice gulping dunlap appeared hallway just time hear keep him president badger said our way babakian stayed silence porch smoot asked dunlap please go back bed woman baptized dunlap asked yes smoot said

1I cant believe baptize them then fornicate them I1 knew guy wasnt right hey just shut go bed dont know full story smoot followed dunlap bedroom wrapped himself sheets wept silently

80 smoot dunlap returned tracting near mission home how president badger ordered them spend morning babakian shooting baskets alone driveway mission home dunlap marched past him without making eye contact went inside smoot rebounded ball held chest wheres harwood asked presidents interviewing him now better let him finish mission terri hooked him never pursued I1 swear didnt what happened you smoot asked babakian spent morning disciplinary council mission president counselors

well im wearing underwear I1 fly perth afternoonafhernoonterternoonnoon

1I dont understand why you let go far

1I deceived angel light what

im serious time I1 met kylie started pulling together

band spiritual stuff happening once I1 thinking whether right go limb like flash light went off near my bed really precise linear white bluish blurb like camera I1 knew supernatural time I1 reckoned god

how satan known what I1 thinking moment

81 cant read minds president badger point probably just took educated guess

wow I1 ever see light I1 cant assume anything whats going youyou77 well president going start fresh four new missionaries dandenongDandenong going our separate ways I1 dont know where yet sure put me guilt trip reporting irregularities sooner

1I dont necessarily think band bad idea kylie I1 got messed president said you became law unto yourself

well flash start few nights ago angel came me said I1 free do whatever necessary bond kylie me

I1 instrument sayingsaving angel said just nephi ordered god break commandment cut off labans head achieve greater good I1 might required sacrifice my chastity keep kylie me long enough gospel start sinking bizarre thing ive ever heard what do you mean real angel

yeah came me middle night my bed lounge room white glowed looked lot like how joseph smith described moroni

arent you supposed shake hand something see theyre good evil

president badger asked me too I1 didnt think till afterward

82 mate id sure like try now 1I dont understand how you thought sex going save kylie shesashes got lot problems sexually abused father

eating disorders way I1 saw I1 thinking god saw way too needed something physical bind me then things got sorted bind me spiritually too you going marry what babakian held open hands basketball dribbled moment shot layup 1I almost married dandenongDandenong magistrates then time came sex before happen

still rather antimarriageantimarriage fact I1 hard time imagining faithful man unless got strong enough grasp gospel you going come back get what

1I havent crossed bridge yet mate president badger I1 should try completely forget ill seek personal revelation oil you dont gift holy ghost anymore youre excommunicated how you going get personal revelation

babakian dropped ball 1I dont know mate I1 dont know first thing smoot did got inside mission home find set scriptures look word shake index then flipped section 129 doctrine covenants read

messenger comes saying message god offer him your hand request him shake hands you angel do

83 you feel hand spirit just man made perfect come glory way appear ask him shake hands you

move contrary order heaven just man deceive

still deliver message devil angel light you ask him shake hands offer you hand you feel anything you may therefore detect him didnt know hed ever heavenly messenger visit him wanted make sure knew what do did


dunlap sent tasmania considered honor eight missionaries served time small percentage missionaries ever got go chosen few got ride down abel tasman overnight ferry considered missions greatest legitimate adventure harwood made smoots companion assigned mission home clerical help harwood responsible mission finances smoot handled everything else including arranging travel typing letters ordering dispensing supplies filling reports senior missionary couple doing clerical work trained smoot harwood two weeks before departing small branch bush clear president wanted keep eye harwood smoot living mission home perk air conditioned cleaned weekly maid got mail right came picked scuttlebutt happenings missionwidemissionwide besides got spend days doing productive work

comfort office tracting afternoon three weeks tony babakian left mission smoot looked parents home phone number perth dialed tony answered smoot enjoyed good hour catching tony already started jamming old friends hopes forming another band didnt lead singer yet tony definitely

85 wanted female bishop friend keeping close contact helping tony find work electrician nothing permanent yet tony yet taken plunge gone back church bishop helping him get psychidpsyched musician friends smoked drank took occasional recreational drugs tony wasnt sure how long without breaking word wisdom said felt certain spiritual emptiness relief pressure cooker missionary life freedom privacy back do you think youll baptizedrebaptizerrebaptizedre year however long takes smoot asked

1I really dont know mate im sure im mormon heart I1 believe doctrine I1 dont think much fruits church like combination military vast conservative corporation im just sure im interested whiteshirtwhite shirt standard

well I1 think you should keep trying find way your cake

eat too smoot said 1I think church needs shaking I1 agree too boring way you havent said anything samantha whats latest

1I got short letter saying plans still going forward I1 probably shouldnt bother writing back might already gone you think shesashes still coming perth 1I havent heard otherwise maybe ill get meet

86 yeah maybe


long conversation babakian harwood answered telephone call american woman looking missionary named dennis smoot come teach church harwood transferred call smoots office then came grinned doorway while smoot talked samantha im here dennis you mean perth

I1 mean melbourne

1I thought you going perth

1I am ivelverve stopped here while I1 want you come give me those discussion things whatever theyre called smoot spun around chair stared window green space behind mission home freeway ramp tall pylonsnylons cut through greenery many yards away

1I guess I1 dont see why dont investigators technically harwood smoot supposed proselyting evenings office closed mostly visited members went shopping stayed home come tonight well fix you dinner choswhos im staying single woman caulfield shesashes devout member church my dads cousin helped me hook

87 smoots heart beating hard harwood waited doorstep samantha woman answer door finally samantha came big smile face hair swung around jarlinejawline new bob wearing fake green contact lenses looked paler little fuller face seemed move faster choppilychop pily smoot remembered maybe just nervous sat lounge room where joined older maori owner house whose name sybil during initial small talk samantha smoot kept eyes each harwood amused expression sybil looked stern come help me make salad samantha said smoot stood followed kitchen harwood looked down feet indulgent grin face kept rubbing leg where tattoo kitchen samantha gave smoot big hug let lips hover close face kiss them broke embrace

needed get sent home dishonorably lasting long wash your hands said moving sink him picked

head lettuce smacked against porcelain loosen core smoot squirted liquid soap hand dispenser then turned faucet washed hands samantha put down lettuce

said 1I think I1 need wash my hands too

broke lettuce sliced tomatoes few moments silence then samantha said do you want hear my plan

88 OK smoot said afraid look eyes

1I go perth three weeks do you finish your mission two half months

1I want invite you come perth youre through im allowed go straight home youre grownup dennis you go perth you damn well please dont you want see things work between us me mormon oh youve already decided baptized well point take pretty dramatic revelation something wrong church make me give try smoots mind churning thought possibility going perth let mission president drop him off lamarinetullamarineTul airport going home utah make sure layover sydney then double back perth let parents know somehow

how I1 afford plane ticket perth asked smiled ill get you train tickets thats how im going here did you know railroad tracks perth longest stretch pure straightness world

where I1 stay my dads cousin help hell probably even give you job smoot felt excitement spreading gut really desire return utah quite liked australia friendly nonsense people

89 weather laid back lifestyle european flavored yet down earth culture love experience australia free constraints limitations missionary life samantha going join church become girlfriend again well might even able sealed temple together

you know I1 think real possibilitypossibility77 turned again kissed time sybil came kitchen instantly broke embrace

youse better careful sybil said pairing off separate room imfm returned missionary I1 know rules im going your chaperonchaperon7chaperone7 samantha frowned went back slicing tomatoes 1I think smartsmart7smartesmarty smoot said really do lot strict rules samsam7sama dinner sybil took lead getting first discussion started weve already read alma 32 together elders ive taught praypray7praya said samantha seems quite willing plant seed gospel see good fruit results shesashes promised cast through doubt disbelief

unless something comes I1 really cant handle samantha said

teaching went smoothly samantha quiet cconcernedoncernedloddiololooking0 king during parts others did argue against anything sybil read book mormon every day permit missionaries come twice week

90 though sam telephoned smoot daily mission office sybil during fourth discussion committed samantha baptized sunday before scheduled leave perth harwood graciously allowed smoot perform both ordinances sybil gave short talk holy ghost while dozen missionaries ward members waited samantha smoot change clothes performed confirmation smoot felt spiritual warmth ever tingles going down both cheeks meeting top scalp kept freestylefreestyle blessing part short resisted impulse allude himself possible future role life samantha seemed genuinely happy peaceful sybil cried service walking cars samantha pulled smoot alcove meetinghouse pressed wet lips against


thing still bothering smoot still remember temple name decided before doubling back perth visit temple sydney australia perhaps praying throughout endowment session hanging celestial room help him remember name viewed breaking mission rules going straight home transgression arbitrary law sin itself adam eve put position where transgress garden eden order progress smoot felt similar position spend fifty australian dollars take taxi airport temple surprisingly small compared temples utah mission president signed new temple recommend during exit interview smoot felt strangely proud show kindly old man behind counter temple entrance youth lilydale ward temple performing baptisms dead smoot greeted them warmly definitely spiritual high wouldnt surprised hear holy ghost whisper forgotten name ear

middle endowment session just flourescentflourescent lights turned signifying passage terrestrial stage smoot suddenly saw witness couple altar changed looked got crazy impression babakian

92 samantha sure enough couple turned around take seats babakian samantha holding hands smoot gripped arms chair breathed deeply kind vision spiritual humming chest grown stronger warmer radiating hands feet deceived temple members told satan influence

temple smoot previously tried experiments thinking bad things during endowment sessions found quite possible besides vision unheard early pioneer cormonsmormons listening rival leaders trying persuade allegiance martyrdom joseph smith many saw vision brigham young transformed pulpit joseph smith face voice answer rightful replacement what did mean samantha whom influenced prayed baptized meant join perth build something wonderful babakian fallen far demonstrated lack valiance rewarded beautiful bride

smoot shaking end endowment session barely able get through veil temple workers help lingered celestial room nearly half hour point almost weeping prayed silently dozen times help decide what should do changed back street clothes walked several minutes around temple grounds feeling australia samantha slipping away

93 him replaced what knew what do back taxi airport did begin cry driver silently offered him box tissue airport cashed blue ten dollar note twenty cent pieces hoping wouldnt need many then found australiasAustralias squat green pay phones dialed telephone number manthassamanthasSa cousin answering machine picked take chances hear message samantha dennis im coming ive ive revelation youre supposed tony babakian phone number

9670431967 0431 please call him doesnt know anything our plans maybe you help save him I1 saw you holding hands him temple ill write you I1 get home im sorry better then smoot found postal kiosk put train tickets envelope addressed samantha care cousin back wrote better didnt know postal code thought probably get hoped able get refund taking deep breath lugged suitcases down concourse toward customs see what salvage itinerary utah somewhere pacific several hours later smoot abruptly woke doze yes came again sliding squarely consciousness old testament sounding name started vowel

94 sun moon star

christopher K bigelow department english MA degree april 1998


fictional novella takes place during narrator smoots two year mission melbourne australia chronicles intertwining lives destinies three main characters smoot utah native struggles carnality lack conversion spirituality babakian australian convert used punk rocker become frustrated mormonismsMormonisms blandness conformity samantha nonmember part tongan utahn whom smoot involved before mission speaking generally novella how babakian misuses creative powers art sexuality how samantha explores gospel changes life how smoot matures spiritually learns sacrifice


bruce wayne jorgensenjor nsenansen committee chair

jajohnj0 serge bennion committee member

T douglas H thayertliayer committee member

2 rdlceulcec 4 ilhardijhard1 7 richardR Y duerden graduate coordinator