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A v erS fe Daily Net Press Ron SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25,1964 Per Um Week Boded Tha Wtathw PAGE TWELVE Pereeoet •( D. S. WeatlM iHanrl;rBtpr ^ttVm ttg H ^ralli Sept. 25. 1954 11,451 Partly eleody. Hltte somehow thwarted in the attempt ehaage leolgkt. Lew 59-55.' < je lN e w Licenses, Memlber o f Um Aodlt to latch onto some looae change. Enters Farragut Bus Hearings iieo tter ed ekewere Hkety, About Town To us it looks like a coverup. Weddings Boreao e< Olreolatleo mod. Here's the story bank officials Tlia lUndwater Fire Depart* Heard Along Main Street Realtors Warned Manchester— A CUy o f ViUage Chmm got and accepted. m Bient, Main and HlUlard Street*, On Thursday, a couple was In Open Oct. 22 wants to remind Its members Its Aftd on Some of Manchester** Side Streets, Too Barton-Zacca’'o the bank with their baby. It was Insurance Commissioner El­ VOL. LXXIII, NO. 310 (Cleeeined AdverUelag eo Page 12) MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, SEPT^HBER 27, 1954 PRICE FIVE CENTS Sunday drill hour has been changed pouring rain and when they left, (FOURTEEN PAGES) to 10 ajn. lery Allyn announced today that of New Hearings Ordered Dis(ia)syiichronlsatlon(!) ' Glancing sideways, he confirmed they just dashed to their autonic- the 8,500 currently licensed real the rumuiac* sale of Loyal Cir­ Dear Heard Along: his worst suspicions, for he saw bile, still carrying the baby but fty Gov. Lodge; Riders Will you please. chec:{ on the the stem face of a pollde officev forgetting the carriage. When they estate brokers and salesmen, only cle of Kings Daughters will be 1,850 have thus far applied for the held Tuesday. Se|>t. 28. at 6 a.m. veracity of the report that the with whom he was acquainted. The arrived at home, the lady remem­ May Receive Refunds at Center Church. Articles or traffic lights along Main Street civilian dropped back behind the bered the carriage, she says, and renewal of their licenses which ex- clothing for the sale should be left are rynchroniaed so that a motor­ policeman again and both went on told her husband to pick it vp. piye on Oct. 1. Mancheater bus riders will have ist starting at one end o f the street He forgot—three days in a row, at Woodruff Hall on Monday eve­ their way. It was pointed oiit that aiiy to hold on to the receipts which ning. Mrs. David Muldoon or Mrs. can reach the other without stop­ But the next time he saw the he forgot he says. Finally, he ping for a red light—if he main­ picked it up Saturday morning.' licensee not applying during the they receive from flrivers of the Harold Belcher may be contacted policeman face to face, he decided renewal period will be required tp tains . speed of 22 miies an hour. to braaen it out. “ You know, It's an unlikely story. We are Connecticut Co. buses a little Censure of Sen. MejEarthy Recommended (or Items to be collected. I have heard this story for about blocked from investigating further take a written examination. longer if they want to receive a guys who plo)— An ------and what funda it ia. willing to London, Sept. 27 (tP)—Sec­ have great effect on McCarthy’s political future—^was war* Mrs. Aaron CMk. 562 Middle Tired of Shifting promptly at 7:45 in the evening. died as the result of someone's the musicians are manufactured in Misa Prancea Perlinger of Hart­ the Connecticut Co. paid dividends ■p^r.on.'l« P. Rumolo ot th« Philip- ISS, ,S. retary of State Dulles talkid Tpke. East, entered Connecticut He escorted his spouse to the door, mistake about mushrooms. the Army's own factory at St. A1 The list of exlitbltors in the sec­ ford, friend of the bride, waa while at the same time "crying ranted by: Safety Council Triumphant kissed her, and in the same tones maid of honor; and James Zaccaro, poverty." perished in a howling t y - , pinea called on the United pooh” 90 minutes today with French 1.. Incidents of a contemptuous attitude by McC^arthy to­ College, New London, this week. A number of tests have been bans, England. <' ond' annual Antlqi^es Show at the "To convince the world that the Both girls were June graduates While driving in a nearby town he had heard with guilty ears so devised to teat a mushroom's edi­ Maj. John Pickup, commanding brother of the bride, was best man, Strong opposition during ttie.last phoon which struck northern States today to make clear j Premier Mendes-Frunce and ward the Senatie and its committees. many times, he said. "Do.be too Community Y next week promises A wedding luncheon followed in United State* mesns to carry it i j • i- v. of Chaffee School, Windsor. with which he is very familiar, a bility. Some have been tried and officer of the Salvation Army in hearings was also presented flX)m Japan last night, including that ' bh e international- out.” he asserted, "we should deal I "a s reported optimistic when late, dear. We've hardly been to­ varied and interesting displays. Pickin’ Chicken Restaurant on Bis- 2. The Wisconsin Republican’s abusive language about Manchester driver started up a found wanting. Practically the Manchester, tells us he has been the City of New Haven. nearly 1,000 who died when a authority it has proposed for 1,,^ generalities and more he emerged on the chances hill and was going strong until he gether at all this week.” only sure way is to have someone using one of the' Army’s own horns cayne Boulevard. other Senators. The show sponsored by the WSCS peaceful development of with specific details." for an agreement on West pulled up behind an ^ n g car ‘"Oh. it will be a short meeting:,” experienced in the field of mush­ for more than 30 years with splen­ of South Methodist Church will 'The bride, who waa educated in huge sea-going ferry cap­ 3. His “ inexcusable” treatment o f Brig. Gen. Ralph W. which was chugging along at an room culture take a look at them. did results. run Monda.7 through Friday from Manchester, has been a Miami resi­ sized. atomic energy will be an Asks Charter Cliange German rearmament. Zwicker, the Army officer who was called before McCarthy’s she said. Romiilo said the atomic and accelerated turtle's rate. -r Just as he was dozing off at We hate to be spoilsports, and Even thougly'ii player often has 1 until 10 p. m. except on Friday, dent for the last three years. The The bodie* of 17 American* agency of the United Na­ A top Informant said they had investigations subcommittee last February as a witness. The driver stayed behind for a 11:30—he had tried to stay awake we think steak just ain't steak to wait three^or four months for when it will close at 9 p. m. bridegroom was educated in Salis­ Thu Home off Norco have been recovered »o far and tions, not an American or­ hydrogen bombs had made the i ^ cordial exchange of view* at the WE CARRY ALL bury, Md., and recently completed Actually, ths committes lumped'?------while and finally lost patience. He but he was so bored all alone— witfiout the lovely surrounding delivery, Mdj. Pickup says, it is Exhibitors Include Mrs. Eleanor perhaps SO more are missing, offi­ U. N. charter "dangerously obso- French embassy and the nine.pow- the contempt of the Senate and LEADINO BRANDS an Army tour of duty In Korea and Washers Refriffcratora ganization. lete” and that the international er conference opening tomorrow at pulled out to pass, still going up­ he heard the front door open and brown mushroom caps, but please always wprth it. Chamberlain who will feature cials announced. abusive language counts in a sin be careful. He explained that all profits Japan. Stoves Freezers Making his nation's policy state­ organization "la powerless to act i stately Lancaster House will find hill. and as he moved alongside then close quietly behind his wife, Pennsylvania Dutch furniture and Authorities said 590 bodies have ment in the ninth U. N. General gle count. Thus McCarthy waa the car, he got the strange feeling madeyby the Instrument factory oddities; Miss Marjorie Nichols of The couple will make their home Dryers been found and a national policy effectively to forestall universal | the two key figures "not very far Senate Split Aittnr'Dnif Stores v’ho came sneaking in. in Maryland. Asaembly's general debate, Romulo catastrophe." He called for charter apart in principle." found "guilty” J»y the committee that he recognised the odd-vehicle. Miss Pendleton Comments go ^ w a rd the Army retirement Putnam, jew elry David Wissturn spokesman estimated that .100 bod­ on only two of the five broad fufta, and most of the band mem- "SALES and SERVICE” hailed the Eisenhower-Dulles revision May Renew Pledge When is a Bean not a Bean? The Herald's Hebron correspond­ of Saranac Lake, N. Y.. colored ies will be recovered from the cap­ atoms-for-peace proposal aa thr categories of chargea considered ent, Susan Pendleton, is a woman rs are pleased with the instru­ He also demanded a place for an The United States waa reported Every so often the English glass, dishes and unusual items sized ferry. "No. 1 item of world statesman­ by tha committee. with a philosophical outlook who ments' special tonal quality. found in northern Hew York- and Miss Quish, Fiance Asian nation among the six non­ ready to renew its pledge to keep In Reaction language, with its multiple mean­ Anon. JAMES A. WOOnS Associated Press Correspondent ship." permanent members of the Se­ a fair share of American troops It did not recommend censure on carefully observes the effect of and Mrs. Lida Stetson of Robert Fvinson, who fiew to Hako­ Insists I T . N. Be Told the other three. ings for particular words, causes events on her readers. She's/an Cromwell, choice glass and dishes. curity. Council, pointing out that in Europe as long aa the Commu­ a breakdown of communication. Honored at Shower APPLIANCES date, said the search for survivors B\it Romulo, a former assembly those seats had been allotted by nist threat exists—provided agree­ High Irresponalblllty Mtute observer with a faculty for Other well-known dealers in­ has ended and rescue squads are president and the chairman of the But the committee reported that T o Censure Often, one word can have one brushing aside rigsmsrole ajid get- NEW and USED the big powers at the San Francis­ ment is attained. meaning for its user, another for clude Mrs. Helen Dec’ elman and lining up'~bodiei of the dead on Philippine delegation, insisted that co conference' among Latin Amer­ Dulles talked earlier with Gen. McCarthy "committed a grave tine- down to bread-and-b^ter is­ Mrs. A. Shery Harris of West Miai"! Winifred Quiah and Ken­ the person to whom it is addressed. sues. Manchester 383 Center St.— MI-9-1918 rough straw mats in an old sea­ the United States should make ica, West Europe. East Europe, Alfred Gruenther. Supreme Allied ■error" and manifested "a high Washington, Sept. 27 (A V - The result —- an order of string Hartford, whose booths promise neth Monroe, who are to be mar­ man’s center. clear it will not bypass the U. N. the Middle East and the British Commander in Europe, who broke degree of irresponsibility" In con­ some rare items. Including a col­ Most of the members of th« beans, or so it was in the case of So when Miss Peiudeton made Date Book ried late this fall, were guests of No Warning in the setting up Of the Interna­ Commonwealth. off his visit to NATO maneuver* nection with the controversial 2U some observations /6n what was lection of Staffordshlreand Wedee- tional agency to supervise the Senate held their counsel tor J. W. Cheney. honor at a recent Jack and Jill The great storm, generating “ It is an injustice to the people in Germany to fly here and consult page FBI "letter” which figured going on in her towm after the vood plates and choice Leeds tur­ winds up to 110 miles an hour, plan’s operation. of Asia who have achieved inde- with the leader of the American prominently in the McCarthy- day when asked their reaction \ FDOTBKLL Here is a letter he sent us, re­ hurricane."!, we p ^ close attention. key platters. Mrs. Marie Stults of shower given by Mr. Monroe's apparently had whirled harmless­ The Philippine delegate also delegation. Army hearinga earlier this year. counting the Incident: She says Insur^ce companies have Today Litchfield. Lillian Francis of New family in Lawrence, Mass. The to the Watkins' Committee Dear Heard Along: ly Into the Japan Se| when sud­ called on the United States "to tell (Oontlnucd «n Page Four) British Foreign Secretary An­ And the special censure commit­ been around ^ w n estimating dam­ Anpual Klwanis "Peanut Day.' Haven, Trudi Lewis, Mrs. Betty miscellaneou."! shower was held in tee also described aa "Improper” report recommending censure When asking for the "Fish Also all-day Fair Second Congl. SERVICES denly it curled back and struck thony Eden, who will be chairman age done'-M the two hurricanes. Dellay and Mr. and Mrs. Frank the form of a dinner dance at the of tomorrow's opening meeting in McCarthy's appeal to government of Sen. M cC arth y, but at least TOMORROW Cakes and Beans” special at a Church lawn, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. the northern island of Hokkaido "It turns^ut to be another head- Sylvester have ail registered for Berkeley Club in that city. The That Interpret The Wishes the music room . of Lancaster employes to ^ v e him Information one Democratic Senator Main Street lunch counter the oth­ 5phe foi/the property owners who Annual Harvest Ball. Daughters f s show. young couple received many fine almost without warning. KICK-OFF 2:15 er day, I was told there were no o r The Family The result was Japan’s great- House, called on Mendes-France without regard to secrecy classifi­ cheered the committee action. sustained damage," she said. oC Isabella, Amcrihan Legion Hall. A newcomer to this year’s event practical gifts aa well as a sizeable before the French Premier re­ cations. beans. Upon told there were Dancing 9 p.m. to 1. is Kenneth Way of Morris, Conn., sat maritime disaster. Attlee Asks Chiang Quit, ’This was Sen. Robertson (Va), Mjw Pendleton points out that money gift. ceived Dulles. S E N . JOSEPH McCa r t h y There waa no immediate com­ MANCHESTER french fries with the fish cakes, Monday, Sopt. 27 as is Elsie Rice, of Cneshire. Eliza­ Miss Quish was also presented Giant waves in Taugaru Straits who said tbs' factual evidenee "te- th)K companies do not shoulder the sank five big ferries, four of which Mendes-France lias declared he ment from McCarthy. A copy bt I put in the order. ■"rrst 850 loss. The property owner Through Friday, Oct. 1, 2nd an beth Griswold will manage a booth wjith a beautiful corsage to wear veloped OP assembled by the com­ MERCHANTS JOHN B. BURKE carried no passengers,'and hun­ will resign if the French parila- the report was delivered to his Then I was asked if T would as to do that. "But there Is an­ nual Antiques Sho'w, South Metho­ stocked with items from the shop, during the evening. ment rejects whatever proposals mittee seems to show incontre- have cole slaw or string beai dist WSOS, Community "Y ." dreds of small craft. Give Formosa to Reds office at 9 a. m. But som* time vertibly that the Senator from V a other snag," she says. "For 850 of Mrs. Bertha Hevenor. Two last- The bride-elect is the daughter FUNERAL HOME he makes to it as a result of the with the order. Evidently s t ^ g Saturday, Oct. 9 minute registrations "have been re­ A fire virtually wiped out Iwa- later the Senator’s office staff said Wisconsin adopted a contemptu­ damage sustained on the owner's of Mrs. Ella M. Quish of N. School TEL. MI-8-S868 nine-poA-er London conference on h* had not seen the report, so far beans are not considered beans to house, that is one thing. On a bam YWCA annual Country Store at ceived from David McCov of New St., and the late John J. Quish, and nai, a city of 23,000 on Hokkaido's Scarborough, England, Sept.' 27 - in the side of China " he continued, rearming West Germany. Charges, Answers ous. contumariouB attitude toward AGAWAM IROWNIES the People at the lunch counter. the Community "Y ” from . 10 ajn Haven, featuring early Ameri :an as they knew, and that he waa not belonging t o ' the same property, her fiance is the ron of Mr.-and S7 BAST CENTER ST. west coast, and police reported dis­ Iffi—Socialist leader Clement Att- i “you will not get proper peace in "The life of my government will expected to come to his office to­ a duly constituted committee of J. W. Cheney, that is still another." to 5 T>.m. furniture, and .'rederlck Albert­ Mrs. Frank Monroe oft Lawrence, AMBULANCE SERVICE astrous landslides and fioods lee opened the annual- Labor | that part of Asia.” be connected with this debate," day. the Senate without reason or jua^ Manchener. "In other words." she tells us. Saturday. Oct. 16 son of Norwiclitown, who spe­ Mass. throughout Hokkaido. Party conference today with a he declared in a copyrighted inter­ tification and waa thereby ob­ Annual Fall Bazaar. Community Attlee roported to the confer­ McCarthy la suffering from a MT. N eI i O "if the owner has 850 loss on house cializes in glass and china. Communications and powar call for the delivery of Formoea ence on the recent trip he, Bevan view with Robert Kleiman, Paris structive to legislative proceed ® A Three-Comen^ Coverup Baptist Church. 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Delicious food, available as In McCarthy Case sinus ailment and has been taking and bam each, he doesn't get a lines were^ wrecked. Rail lines to the Chinese Communists and and six other party leaders made correspondent of the weekly U.S. daily treatments ' at Bethesda, ea." ADMISSION Authorities at Manchester Trust particle of insurance. To be sure Sunday, Oct. 1 • lunch, snacks and dinner, will be and highways were blocked. the exiling' to a "safe place" of to the Soviet Union and China. News and World Report, “ and I atos Worlunaallke Job Annual outing of Red Men’s So­ prepa; ed and sold all ^ .during the a Md., Naval Hospital. He went to ADULTS ...... $1.20 Company have clued the file on there is 8100 damage done, but the The moat terrible disaster oc­ Nationalist leader Chiang Kai- These were some o( his impres­ will not stay in office if the pro­ the hoepttal in the morning for a Robertson said he thought tho the case of thp mysterious baby two buildings are reckoned sepa­ cial Club at Garden. Grove. show by the work grouns of curred In Hakodate harbor, where shek. sions: posals which I make . . . are not By JOHN CHADWICK <« affairs and accusing him of refua- treatment. committee did a "workmanlike job CHILDREN ...... 50c carriage f o u ^ abandoned behind rately.” Friday, Saturday, Oct. 22. 28 WSCS. ( the big ocean ferry Toys Maru, Attlee's, "hand back Fomipsa" accepted.” Washington, Sept, 27. (j^— Ing to cooperate in any way. and my present feeling is that I community Players will present In Russia "today there is no one l^ n g Defenoe Fight Looms the bank l/et week, having ac­ "For a tree or Mveral trees carrying 1,252 passengers and call apparently went beyond his The special Senate committee ■"Its probe waa undertaken after shall vote to accept it# report.” "My Three Angels.” person in control—e<» in the day In Bonn, Cliahcellor Konrad former Sen. Benton (D-Conn) in­ Something over an hour after cepted' a^innocuous stqry about blown down, there is no insur­ “Two Days to Marry” crewmen, smashed into rock* and previous ideas on this subject. In of Stalin. There is a group of per­ Adenauer told parliamentary com­ set up to consider the pro­ the report was made public, Mc­ Sen. Holland (D-FIs) said: *1 troduced a resolution on Aug. 6, its h a v i^ been left there for sev­ ance,” she complains, "although Saturday, Oct. 28 PTA Conference turned turtle. other speeches since his China sona in control.” mitteemen before taking off for posed censUre of Sen. Mc­ Carthy's attorney, Edward Bennet have much respect for the com­ eral d jt^ by forgetful parents. the owner will probably have to Harvest Dance. Manchester 1951. for an investigation of Mc­ mittee and their report will carry 3-ACT COMEDY tour he had suggested that For­ Whether the Chinese Commu­ Carthy (R-Wis) held nine Carthy with a view toward his ex­ Williams, announce that McCar­ e observers, ' however, are hire someone to do the chopping, Lodge of Elks, ^tats Armory. (Continued on Page Thirteen) mosa be neutralized, either under nist regime will become im^eralist (CoBtinued OB Page Fonr) thy would make a "vigorous and a great deal of weight with me. c l l g ^ g to the theory that it was up and carting away. Thia,” the Friday, SatunUy, Oct. 8, 6 Scheduled Oct. 6 days of public hearings on pulsion from the Senate. Until I study the report, X .wUl a neutral mandate or a United and seek "to extend its sway over McCJarthy, in answering this lengthy fight” on the Senate floor t there by some precocious in- correspondent points out some­ Fifth Annual Rotary Club Min Nations trusteeship. -- all aoiktheast Aaia- is anybody's five sets of charges. In defense against th* committee make no commitment." ant thug who got cold feet and strel, Waddell School. charge, did not deny that he had what sarcastically, we think, "is The Hartford Fall District Con Delegatra Applaud guess." These charges and McCarthy’s recommendations- Sen. Johnston (D-SC), declining took it on the lam nftcr being under extended-coverage insur­ Wednesday-, Nov. 1 accused the elections subcommit- to aay how he would vote, notod ference of the Parent-Teacher Bolton Grange Members " Chine se Reds The 3,000 delegates and alter­ Dangerous tension now exWts Father Blamed answers- to'them,------—as expressed'in---I------" i I** "complete dishonesty" and The Senate ia to convene in spe­ ance.” An.»ual all-day "Holiday Fair,” cial aeaalon Nov. 8 to consider the also that the committee's unani­ Center Church Women’s Federa­ Assn, will be held Wednesday, nates applauded the 71-year-old between Corimunlat China and hi* own testimony or through hi* f of "stealing" tens of thousands of Mrs. Pendleton concludes: lawyer, Edward B. Williams, fol­ committee's report. mous findings “will Iiave a lot of tion. Oct. 6, at the Mark Twain School, former Prime Minister and party the United States. ■ "tension that dollars from the pockeU of the BEST PRICE "bn the whole, though, property il95 Lyme St.. Hartford. Skip Chou for chief as he declared also that the comes from great fears or. both For Murdering low: taxpayers "to dig up campaign Williams said he expected Mc­ bearing on my decision." IN OR OUT OF TOWN ON owners may consider themselves Featured speakers will include Friday, October 1,1954 Peiping government must have sides." material” against him. Carthy and other Senators to pre ■Sen. Herman Welker (R-Idaho) lucky who lost no more than 8100 Dr. Raymond Fay, vice president China's seat in the United Na­ CHARGE J That McCarthy sent vigorous arguments on "^the 1 “ '“ hesltstlnfly” disagreed today ADULT The Peiping government ia not But he and his lawyer contend­ Senate fioor—including many recommendations of the Wat- through vicious Carol and Edna, Manchester Artist of the SUU PTA;. and Mrs. Henry Mao Successor tions. a piqrpet regime controlled from His Daughter, 6 showed contempt for a Senate ed the elections subcommittee con­ even without Insurance. The' in­ Pierce, State International Rela­ Elections subcommittee that in­ which w'ere barred by Chairman i Committee to censure Sen. Jo- INQUIRY CUSS Satiirday, October 2,1954 Attlee's view on China, closely Moscow. "The leaders of China are ducted "in Illegal and improper seph McCarthy for his failure to AUTOMATIC surance man explained that if tions chairman. A panel discus­ Tokyo, Sept. 27 (ffl—Red China's paralleling those of his Ifftwing revolutionaries in their own right." vestigated him in 19.11 and 1952, investigation," exceeding its Watkins (R-Utah) during-the cen­ Winner of Award Towson, Md.. Sept. 27 (>Pi— sure hearings themselves. In the teachings of the your w.hole house or bam had sion will be led by Mias Norma E. 8:00 P.M. National People's Congress today rival Aneiirin Bevan, sounded a Calls for Coexisleace . .. Atty. James T, Roberts, a- used of denouncing it and refusing its in­ authority by probing matters an­ / vitations'' or requests to testify McCarthy has several warm (CoBtiaaed ea Pag« F ««r) .Catholic Church will begin blown' down, the extended cover­ Kibbe, Hartford district director. named..-Mao Tze-Tung chief of note of party unity certain to dis­ Attlee-called for coexistence be­ killing hi.* 6-year-old daughter and tedating his election to the Sen­ WASHERS, D^ERS age would be liable. Small com­ Lois Jean Knobler and Nathan Dinner will be served at 6:30 state, as expected,, then bypassed sipate tomorrow when the confer­ tween the Communist and non- leaving her body on- t lonely and to supply it witji information ate. refusing him the right of supporters in the Senate, and a MAYTAG, HOTPOINT, B L A C K S T ^E , ABC-O-MATIC | fort for most folks!” Knobler of 24 Eldridge St. p.m. Reaervationa may be made the two leading candidates for . the ence turns to debate on the issue .QqmmunUt worlds but warned-the Miami beach." waived extiadition about his activities. cross-examination, and actinS un­ vigorous debate is in prospert^ TUESDAY. SEPT. 28 locally with Mrs. Roy C,. Fosberg, Williams told a news conferenM among IS Connecticut artists BOLTON COMMUNITY HALL No. 2 post to pick Gen. Chu 'Teh, of rearming West Germany. Att­ Rede this could not be done if they today nad agreed Jto return to First headed by Sen. Gillette der a. resolution that had not been 7:30 P.M. They Make Their Own * 279 Princeton St.,- before Sept. 30. lee's moderates are for .rearma­ try secretly to overthrow free in­ Florida. (D-Iowa) and later by Sen. Hen­ approved by the Senate and that "o f course, we think the report ft whose paintings have been ac­ Peiping Radio said. For a long time we had been a Chu ia commander of Red ment. Bevan and his followers bit­ stitutions of other countries. He The balding, burly, 43-ycar-oId nings (D-Mo). the elections sub­ did not set out specific charges wrong where It recommends cen­ In St. James' Church sure." Bulletins DISHWMHERS little puzzled by the unusual tim­ cepted for hanging in the Third China's armies and a member of terly opposed. also advocated high level talks Baltimorean signed two copies of committee issued a report on Jan. "You cannot be in contempt of Berkshire Art Show at Pittsfield. 46.900 Ward Report from the AP'Wires HOTPOINT, K I T C I ^ AID, AMERICAN Anyone Interested Is invited bre of the music produced by Sal­ DONATION 75 Cants' the powerful Politburo. The La'jorites' leader said he among the great powers.- the extrrdition papers at i short 2, 1953. raising numerous ques­ a body . . . which is acting with­ vation Army bands at^thelr con­ Mass. KKKKKKKKKKKKK Mao waa named chairman of could "quite inderstand" the Attlee said that social democ- hearing in the chambers of Balti­ tions about McCarthy's financial out authority." said Williams. The six-member special commit­ . to attend. tee. which held nine days of hear- certs. We always believed that the Mrs. Knobler won the Mrs. Louis SPONSORED BY BOLTON GRANGE NO. 47 the People’s Republic and Chu.vas. Americana' support of Chiang Kai- I-racy—the underlying theory of more County Circuit Court Judge McCarthy testified that while i RANGES, REFRIGERATORS music of this instrumental group Joseloff Award tor her “Still Life vice chairman, la his successor shek and hi,-' hold on Formosa, but the British Labor party—has noth­ J. Howard Murray.. he had, declined various opportu ings on McCarthy's conduct, filed PLAN NEW R.ADAR NET ALL LATESTOT* TO DATE MERCHANDISE had little in common with other WlthyOnions.” Competition waa PINE PHARMACY under terms of th* newly adopted "I do not think they are sufficient­ ing to fear from contacts with the, ^ Roberts told tlie Judge he was nltiea the SMbeommittee offered him * 65-page printed report totaling WashlBgtoB, Sept. 27 (S i-» profeasidhal bands, military or among 185 members of the Berk­ constitution. ly realistic.” returning to^lo'.ldr "on my own." to testify, he said he would have about 40,000 vrorda—a good part The United State* and CBjtotia* otherwise. shire Art Association who sub­ — OPEN SUNDAYS — "A* long as you have this thorn "If I hai' kr oWn about this (the of the total devoted to summaries governments today Jofattly aa- Nanted Prime. Minister (CoBtiaued on Page Thirteen) News Tidbits appeared if subpoenaed or ordered of evidence. But we had assumed it was mitted 337 pictures with 9^ ac­ Chou En-Lai, often mentioned as warrant) I .would have com ■ long to do so. Bounced plans to bimd a aew early warBlng raflar system far merely becaini the Salvation cepted lor banging. • - 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. Mao's successor, was named Prime ago to clenr myself ” Culled from AP Wires He also argued that at the time For the purposes of its hearings, a e c 4 p p l ia n c e CO. NORTH END The show will open WednifSday Roberts gave hln)sslf up short­ th* committee had placed in five horth o t anyttUpd yet CMatnict- Minister "under provisions of the the request was sent One elections ed. Sbeh a wotild iBcwasa TRE HOUSE OF FINE SERVICE at the Beritahire Museum and con­ constitution,” Peiping added. Chou ly after last m'dnight and indi­ unit was "no longer a legal sub­ broad classifications a total of Ifbo tinue through Oct. 20. KKKKKKKf^KKKKK cated then he would be willing to 40-odd charges, some overlapping, the advaacb wanUng time It. IMI-9-1575 21 m a p l e ST. PHARMACY lias been " Premier and foreign Commander, of U. S. 8th Army committee'’ because three of its against McCarthy. hostile ptane* were to approach minister since theNReds took over om e return to Florid In Korea Gen.' Maxwell D. Taylor original five members had re­ 4 d e p o t Sq. MI-8-4585 ' One of the counts on which It the cehtlaeBt from the North Personal Notices Roberts, accomp. nied by his files to Taipeh for high level talks signed. A contrary view was ex­ INTRODUCING China in 1949. wife, law partner, and .minister, decided against recommending Polar regtona—a toato the Ras- The other leading candidate for walked, into police headquarters aa Nationalists planes and ships pressed In testimonv taken from censure dealt wltlr McCarthy's ^aiaa* might take If they were, OPEli SUNDAYS vice chairpian, Russian-trained In* Delaware Bias Row pound. China coast .for ■ 25th Charles- L. Watkins, the Senate seeking to attack this reoatry. Card of Thanks abqut four hours after Prosecutor parliamentarian. now famous "FBI. letter” of the,^ For The First Time A Compl(§tely Liu Shao-citi, was named chairman George A. BrauUgam of Dade straight day. .Federal Judge Fran­ McCarthy-Army hearings. Bxit of the People'! Congress Standing cis J. Vlf Ford seta Oct. 19 aa YOSHIDA IN CANADA 1:30 A.II. to 1 P.M. W» wl«h to thank our manv friends. Milford, Del., Sept. 27 —^Ten&whlch houses 237 elementary grade County, Fla., haJ-ordered him'ar­ while lK<^group did not recom­ jielKhbore and relaltrrs for thrlr kind Committee. rested. trial date for five convicts who es­ CHARGE 2—'That McCarthy de­ mend censure on this count.^t waa Ottawa, Sept. 27 iJV—Shlgeni remembranco of our fiftieth wedding Tung Pi .Wu was chosen presi­ of 11 registered NegroesM------reported•--’ ^Negro students, had been cloned a caped from Norfolk Prison 'colony famed his colleagues’ "in vulgar anniversary. for classee kt Milford High School ■ About an. hour earlier, he had highly critical 6f McCgrfhy. YoshMa. Prime Mlniater el Ja­ 6 PtMt to<9 FsIIb it dent of the Supreme People's week. The shutdown occurred w-hen called Ralne am' rsked if a war- on Aug. 12. pan, arrived la Oaaada’a capital today but more than two-third's a group of Milford’s 5,700 residents (CoBtinurd ob Page TkirtoeB) Mr. and Mrs. Bruno K. Doss. -Court and Chang Ting-chen was rent had been issued for him. Radio Free Europe in MuiUch (COBtiBued OB Page Fbur) by air today, lie said he hofMW LINCOLN’S M l>rand Ave., Rockville. of the 1,562 white pupils boycotted " made procurator-general -of the .protested the' attendance of 11 Ne­ says hundreds of Catholic niiifis his two-day visit wUI streagthM 'd C a n iL j \ the place. groes in the high school section. When he was ♦ "'Id there tva* a war­ Supreme People's Procurator's,'Of­ rant, he said, "Ok. I’m coming in." from Soviet satellite stations have friendship between this eonatry S99 M A IN ST.. M ANCHESTER fice. _ Parents on the scene said they The school distrii5Vs buses Deputy Sheriffs Earl 'Venno and been deported to Siberia or forced and Japaa. — Peiping oa.id that when it was kept their children home for two operated without incident--but they manual labor. .. iBmatee riot in WbMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S APPAREL reasons (1) fear of possible vio­ carried less than half their normal William McCrory of Dade County announced that Mao and Chu, had said that if things went as expect­ third-fibor ceil block of Genesee. Raps Ribicoff Swipe. ASK FOR A-HELP BAOKWARO been elected unanimously' "a lence (2) opposition against in­ daily load. Each bus usually brings about.35 pupils to school, but today ed, they Would Ijjjlivg for Florida Mich., County Jail after smashing Washiagtoa. Sept. 27 UP) — Deluxe Service tegration of white and Negro stu­ equipment in wanton spree led by Pakistan today urged the WorM dents In one echool. a newsman said the biggest load (Coatlniied en Page Thirteen) (CoBtiBBCd OB Page-ThlrtceB) one of principals in 1952 South­ At State Development Unit Bank to threw Its finnaelal JhiicL disuxL Dr. George R. Miller; state com­ was 14 students, while three buses had no passengers at all. ern Michigan Prison mutiny. reeoureca Into the estohMshawnk. AT A SMALL EXTRA CHARGE missioner of education, stood in of ktoDde reactors to peevida the front entrance of the school Many jiarenta brought their Three or four prominent news­ WORLD'S ECONOMY Forest Fires -Peril children in the family auto. Eight paper editors apd publishers poll­ * H i a ^ d ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ” Vh ^Governor, and Samuel J. Tedeaco. I power for indnstrlal gryatto la GOWG M IT and announced that less than 30 Baby, Sitter Deaths ,>--*1 other Demo- the candidate for Attorney Gen- underdeveloped livids. ''' Ask ovr elovfcs and drivfrs about per cent of the white pupils re­ Negroes strived thia way, the ed on TV program say they don't other two by bus. think Communism in government g A- jjAn**!**;^** *, eral. who" accuse him of using* ^ CLEANING AND INSTALUNG Evacuated Towns ported for classes this morning. ^ v . John Lodge went after his State LegialaUve Council files un-1 POLICY "STILL STANDS’* OF CHAMPION this wondorful dt hixa sorviet Milford's eight-man police force, Blamed on Maniac is major issue in current election Reporters were not allmved in A w Sunday-Abra- elWtally and improperly, Detroit. Sept. 17 UP)—Adna augmented b y'15 aUte policemen, campaign... Yale University an­ ham A. Ribicoff. Democratic nom- ^ y ^ San-Bernardino, Calif., Sept. 27 the school building. Arthur Radfei^ chalrmaa *4 th* SEPTIC TANKS aniCESSPOOLS Miller, acting as chief adminis­ patrolled the school area. About ^ringfield, MassT, Sept. 27 {JPt— nounces appointment of commit­ inee for governor. ,,.2? *»k5^***^*^i* ^**^’"*<*. ■^f»‘*** | ' WALL-FLAME — l>BESSURE BURNEKS {jr> Grimy crews ignited back- The rovernor awined bl-pMtlaan council "a# a ! Joint Chiefs of Staff. laM today trator of the school district since 100 persons, orderly, lined the While police sougiit a 'frenaied tee of educators, to make 2-year mt m t - • COMPLETE HEATING UNITS A 4MSPIeto orgamzattoa o( TSAINED SEWAGE SPECIALISTS y t t n r u i i carved new firebreaks in •Btody of needs and problem^ of in" an ^,H n^ •ounding b o ^ for his campaign." j the eeatreveraial "ninsslve te- nsing the nsoat modem eqalpmeBt aad macUaey—JtESULTs A Our same tfay Ary BlotRiRy sonrieo. Worffc the State Board of Education took sidewalks. Police dispersed small slayer, fuBeral services .were . • INSTALLED BY FACTORY TRAINED ADEN heavy timber early today in their gatherings when they developed. secondary educaiion. ^ Calling th* Charge a Heth* taSatloa” peScy aaaeBacod hy BETTER Job »t • LOWER PRICE. over in place ot the resigned Mil­ scheduled today for 4-year:old G o'^«niorchall*ng^th#tw oD em -, Stole Didlea " s £ battle to stop» flames threatening Meantime, a pro-segregation or­ ,Slrt>hen Goldberg. \'ho died with American and French rapreecn BUSINESS • PURGED WARM Allf — STEAM — HOT'WATER roeoivid bofforo 10 a.m. roaiy by 5 pjn. to invade two evacuated communi- ford Board, gave this breakdowp see our opponents attack the Con- ocrata to a fiwi^t^fara staada." o Now nadergronad water of the attendance: ganization officitir -forecast a hts pretty teenrge sitter Satur­ tativ*' open formal talks on meth­ nwtlcut Dewlopment Commission. I The DemocraU Iccepted a^d THIS IS WHY . ties in the San Bernardino Moun­ court, battle if integration of the day night in a savage knife as­ ods to prevent spread of CommoB- Uaea tastalled. tains. . 44# •( i.sst Report ASK lO-CENT PAY HIKK . . . more people call Two hundred seventy four of the Negroes—aix boys and five girls— sault. Ism in Indochina . . . ,jSationai :tan^iKS'«d"w^^^^^^^ the’’m.eun* o Samp pomps loatalM to The fire, which already has de­ ia continued. would be held at 3 p. m. tomorrow. Waterbary. Sept 27 (ffl—The McKinney Bros. 892 elementary grade pupUs re­ Teenaged friends of a)aln Lynn League's peanant-winning New out remuneration. ___ But where? That waa th* big CIO -United Auto Wetkera to­ raamvo water from yoor stroyed three small structure* and ported end 182 ot the 670 high Will Seek lajuactioa Ann Smith. 14, were questioned by York Giants baaoball team receives A week ago, Ribicoff propoaed FOGARTY BROTHER cellar. Prompt Service S.POO acres Of brush and timber, queetiOB over th* weekend. day asked a 19-orat—qa heap qchool pupils attendsd classes, Joseph M. Deanes o f , Hartley, authorities yssterday on the tbsory city's traditional tietter tape ae- forced nSarly 1.000 persona from doing away with the Development ' ■L«dg* has said he wanted th* aerees tk* beard pay hOtt teP ^ Authorized Dealer o New *hrootprooP^.- sewer ' (2) Qaallly Work making a total ot 456 pupils out of Del., vice president of the Nation­ •he and the Goldberg youngatsr, oUlns in paraflc ilp Broadway. Commission ahd replacing it with Uaea laatalM M ANC H ^TER the resort' settlements of Oadaa RMetinr in bis office. 11.9M "htg thpaa’* htiMa antok- 1,862 officially snroUed. (3) Reasonable Prices al Assn, for th* Advancement of son of a well-to-do wholsaale meat Rx-Communist artist Diego a State Department of Commerce Tedeaco and Dempaey have said era hero. John J. PrtoeelL ia- / • Flogged sewer Usee deoa«l 'Pines and Job's Peak in the San Delaware has a staU law which Whit* People, said » court injunc­ dcTaler, might have been staMMd Rivera of Mexico. whO'waa thrown I ENTIRE S T o k E O N E GRAND ^ 256 C E N '^ R STREET jBernardiho National Forest whose head would hkv* full cab- they wanted it in the Leglslatjv* itattoeeCItoa./ ed fJectricaDy. •ESAFE . , . ME SURE requlreq compulsory aUendance at tion would be sought toi keep the to death by. someohfe who knew t)te out of party 25 years ago for InK atatuk ^ lA R G A IN CQUNTER weaterday. - ' school until a child reachea the Council rooms in the State Capitol MANCHE^R TEL.MI-M5S9 11 Negroes from-attending classes young sitter. criticising Man^ism. is readmitted Ledgd SUeat aa Fead above Lodge’s office. They aay the The blase la the amat serious oi^ aga o t 16. with white pupils. mnd* to lettoea it "to thw kledical Ebcanlner

dacy by the Democratic Town mothar, M n. Lyman A. Hodgman, MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONNw MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27,1964 PAGE T H S i i Oommittee which was announced Rockville-VernOD Heart Attack of Towksbury, Maas.; two aiatera, Will Not Join Remnants on September IS—and revoked a Mra. Marion L. Taber of Hartford, week later—was not requested by and Mrs. Ruth A. Jones of Low­ Coventry H. Raimer. ' Mra. Ubuis B. Tuttle Mrs. R. A. Barkhuff of Wethers­ me, nor was I consulted. I was ell, Mass.; and a brother, Lyman l4 al4o an aaaistant leader. Meet­ Classes Offered field on Friday mornings. In­ urged, however subsequent to the Church Women to Conduct After Crash Hodgman, Jr., of Naugatuck, nUMiMNt'NIWIi ings are Tueaday at 7:80 p. m in structions in making silver and Of Bloc, Poe Declares original announcement—to join the Conn. iS S n m ir Local 4-H Club the Robertaon SchcN>I. At Community Y copper costume' jewelry will be other Democratic candidates" for Funeral WeAieoday Cub Scouta Pack 57 will meet given by Mrs. John Prue of New­ the Board of Di^ectors in the Mission Service Tomorrow Hotlgniaii Dies Follow* Funeral services will be held tomorrow at 7:14).' P- ington on Monday evenings. ' Board of Directors who haa been Wiuuers Listed American Legion Home on Wall Ivor Hugh, music director for Terms Differences ^ ilh a vocal opponent of the l^were preparation of a platform on which Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock Mrs. James Dissell of West 5!; ' We might stand in unity against ing Tru(Jc*Car Collision in St. Mary's Episcopal Church. 2 fXM*OR HITS! Street. Warren Little la cub- radio station WCCC, will conduct i bloc. ■ ' Rockville, Sept. 27 (Special)—.^The bride Was given In' marriage i Hartford will again give a class M t'-- the Republican candidates. Tbe Rev. Alfred L. Williams will "DUEL IN Coventry, Sept. 27 (Special)— maeter, John MacQuown, asalatant classes in music appreciation at Bowers S u p p o rte rs Originally the committee had . The local Council of Church Worn-j •’X brother Hugh V. Gould of On Rt. 6 in Windham in millinery on Tuesday mornings. b ac^ d all six De. ocrrtlc canifPT^ * y>« ihe Committ^ officiate and b u ^ l will be in Rose State Demonstration 4-H Day and cubmaater; William H. Kenyon Is the local YWCA (;fasses on Friday On Tuesday evenings James Bak­ Too Fundamental to considered my . „ , , d . o y „ wm hold . j Hill CemeteryHtocky Hill. THE JUNGLE" committee chairman; Harold E. afternoons beginning Oct. 8. He dates. It canceled its endorsement Edwrl(\ R. Hodgman, 50, of M Jeanne Cralne Tollaiid County 4-H Club Fair win­ er will g;ive bridge lessons for be­ of endorsement, and I was not un­ Friends may call at the Holmes ners have been listed by the County Hills, treasurer; Oscar Miller, sec­ has given regular musicianship knore or Reconcile’ 1 o f po« and decided not to *upport program and tea tomorrow at the this city, was m a ^ o f honor. The Concord Rd., died of a heart at­ Dana Andrews courses at the YMCA in Hartford ginners at 7 and for advanced I hin) inIn thethm electionAtskrttftn afternftor PoePo# hadhftd appreciative. But I declined the in­ tack last night following a truck- Fvnersl Home Tuesday- from 3 to 4-H a u b Office. retary; Mra. Robert Cleverdon, players at 8:15. vitation to the platform' meeting Baptist Church on Vnioii Street, beat man was Chartea Pltkat, 5:30 and in the evening from 7 un- and also has conducted classes in ' declined tq Uke part in drawing car collision on Route 6 in Wind­ "BOY FROM Local winners according to Al­ publicity chairman. Alex Hackney, pro at the Man­ Tmninit hia differences with for reasons I should like to explain. The Council’a chairman for 1 brother-in-law of/the bridegroom. UI t:3(J. The Pack Committee will meet opera. He has studied cello and up a platform. ham. OKLAHOMA" bert B. Gray and Shirley. U Welk, chester Country Club, will give DamocraUe candidates who are ' "I am a Democrat and a long­ World Missions. Mrs. Florence N. P * '*“***" Arnold Oct. 6 at one of the mfrnbe-.-'s violin. members of the Bowsers bloc on In a atatement today, Poe said SUte Police said Hodgman, his win Rogers, Jr. county and associate county club golf lessons on Tuesday and time member of the Democratic Schwarts has announced the pro- ®£‘*****'' ® ^ wife, Helen, and Mrs. Ban A. Huck, agents. Include; «tate demonstrs; home. Registrations for hobby classes tlM Board of Directors "too funda­ "The platform which has been an­ gram will start at 1:30 p.m. wd HarUord Md Thursday mornings. Classes will nounced . . . does not come to party. And I realise that, the of 51 Turnbull Rd., were driving Starts Wed.: '‘Francia tion winners, garden! testing seeds Cub Scouts Pack 66 will meet sponsored by the YWCA and held mental to be reconciled ,and too wiU. feature two speakers. The John R Bus^ of Syracuse, N. Y.^ Plan Activities at the Community Y are being be held at the club. grips with till! issue of b io . rule, effective operation of the two- west when their car was side- Joins the WACs" Robert Gehrlng and Gordon Far- Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. In the vital to be iKnored." Dr. Pascal party system; particularly In view Rev. K. C. Mathevv of Travencore, "'bite velvet American Legicm Home on Wall taken this week. Classes begin Mr. and Mrs. Harris Gibson will Poe today set forth his.reasons for and the reason b coing To maid of honor wore a teal Alfred L. Williams of fit. Mary's many of the local eligible partici­ cently. She is expected to be there weller of Farmington \\-ill give in­ mary and a candidate for Ihe over, in my judgment, the basic Reach the Unchurched." Episcopal C3iurch, The Iw'o women ties for the coming season. EAST HARTFORD for another week. structions in silk screen printing. ing the YWCA classes may be ob­ layed. \Ve favor an .rgresalve S"'' le taffeta of the same style as ' Any boys between 8 and 10 pants di(l not go to Storrs to take intelligent administration of an issue in this. election is not be­ During the program an offering are members of the local church's Tomorrow's meetings include Ceraihlcs will be taught by Mrs. tained at the office at the Com­ bride's, short white lace mitts, ypars of age from either S t.' part in the contests held'at the economical school btiilding pro- tween Democrats and Republicans, will be received. coronet of teal blue taffeta with choir. FAMILY DRIVE-IN representative from State Welfare Dorothy Bubb and Mrs. Camille munity Y, State Trooper Richard Hayden of James. Assumption or St. Bridg­ University of Connecticut. Dept., Town Office Building, 1:30 graifi.” anyway. Mrs. Eldna Johnston of the Very white lace crpwh' and carried, a Mllee Norik of East Local County 4-H Club Fair Parker of Manchester on Tuesday In his atatemant today Poe de­ Opposes Block Rule non Methodist Church will be m the Colchester barracks said that et's Church interested in joining p.m.; Boy ScouU Troop 57, 7:30 afternoons. S ^ Jf ^ cascade of rubrium lilies. the Park should attend this meet­ Hartford Center winners include, garden. Good clares, "How this platform plank "My opposition to bloc rule and charge of a display of books and The bride's , mother w'ore a after the impact. Hodgman turned p.m., America'h Legion Home; Mrs. Robert C. Smith will con­ How To Hold his car around and returned to the ing with either one or both par­ Route 5—So. Windsor Harvest Club, second.prize; booth Auxiliary South Coventry Volun­ can be reconciled with the support the attendant lack of rllspnct for literature which may be purcha^sed street length grsy crepe with Krafty KHppers, second; clothing, duct two clas.ses in slimnastlcs on of candidates directly responsible the will of the people has been and there will also be a display of gray and ' white accessories, point where the truck had stopped. ents. The Cub Master and the teer Fire Assn., workshop, 8 p.m., Monday mornings and Thursday But. after getting out of his car to Gail Car^o, Pauls Contos, Pamela Qne^en StcuHfU. for the delay needs to be ex­ unequivocal and well known for a curios from India/ and a corsage of chartreuse cj-m- committee are hoping to receive LAST TIMES TONIGHT firehouse; Democratic Town <^om- evenings. FALSE TEETH speak to the driver of the truck, the cooperation of the parents in Rose, Roberta Wheeler, Penny ralUfte, 8 p.m., home RajTiiond H. plained." long time, and was one of the Following the program tea will bidium orchids. The bridegroom's Cartoons at 6:15 There will be modem dance Moro Firm ly in Ploet Hayden said, Hodgman dropped to their attempts to form new dens B.arth, first; garden, Bruce Wheel­ Bradley,' Sr., chairman; Lion's .Other Candidates be served. For the convenience of mother wore a street length rose classes for children on Monday and Do your/l.lu teeth ennoy end em- principal reasons for my entrance the ground. Before Feature and er, second, lambs and 'sheep, Club, 7 p.m.. Cove Restaurant; St. Democratic candidates besides into the campaign and for my the mothers, a nurseiy for the taffeta; with navy blue accces- snd plan an interesting season for Co-Featare Tuesday afternoons. An advanced berraxs by .lipping, dropping or wob­ Windham Medical Examiner Rae showmanship, junior group, June Mary’s Junior CYO, 7:30 p.m., bling wben you rat, laugh or talk? Poe arc Mrs. Helen Fitxpatrick, children will be provided. •ories and a corsage the Cubs. class for girls over eight years who identification with the Citixens of mauve Rafferty, who was summoned to Martin, first; intermediate group, church hall. Juat aprink)e a little FA8TEETH on Walter Mahoney, and Matthew Committee. ■ If I should now re­ New Vetera Made cymbidium orchids. have had at least two years of pre your plktei. Thla alkaline (non-kcldl Given O nC.O .D . Deliveries the scene, gave the cause of death, PAIR KILLED IN CRASH Pamela Glenney, first; fitting Paton, incumbents and members pudiate this position and join At the session fqr making new Immediateiy following the cere­ vlous lessons will be held late powder hold, false teeth more firmly of the Bqwera bloc. Phillip Harri­ according to police. class, Pamela Glenney, first, and Manchester Evening Herald C'ov- and more comforubly. No gummy, forces with candidates responsible voters on Saturday morning, 90 mony a wedding reception waa held Killingly, Sept. 27 (P)—Two Put­ Monday afternoons. The instruC' gooey, paaty taste or (rrlln .. Does not son, who is endorsed both by the Hold Other Drivei' June Martin, second; mediuhi entrv correspondent. Mrs. Charles for the situation I have deplored persons appeared, of which' 41 in Christ Church parish house. Hayden said that the truck nam youths w-ere injured fatally tor will be Mrs. Norman Hall ■ourT Checks "plate odor" (denture to r town committee and the Manches­ when they were struck by an auto­ eight lambs, Pamela Glenney, first L. little, telephone Pilgrim 2-8281. breath). Get FASTEETH today at —I wouldn't deserve anybody's were women and 49 were men. The For her going away costume the skidded across, the center of the and June Martin, third. -r- Hartford School of Music. any drug countar. ter CItixen's Committee, and Ed­ officials were greatly surprised at mobile while walking on Lave Rd., win Kose. vote. bride wore a charcoal gray flannel highway into the Manchester car Poultry, Rhode Island Red Pul­ Mrs. Hall, formerly Miss Bever­ "Tbe results of the primary the large number as the turnout suit, handmade by the bride, with when its driver, Joseph Hedrick, here shortly after midnight Sun­ Poe'a statement follows; day. John Messier, 18. was dead let, James Kalber, third; laying ly Braem, will give classes in mod­ were gratifying, but let's not for­ at previous sessions has been very matching hat and purse trimmed 55, of Willimantic, applied his hen, James Kalber, second; other ern dance for women' on Monday RANGE & FUEL OIL "The endorsement of my candi- small. brakes to avoid a rear-end collision on arrival at Day Kimball Hospi­ get that the basic issue is still in red and white. The couple will tal, Putnam. Richard A. Kelley, AIJ40 MUSICAL TREAT! laying hen, James Kalber, third; BOV SCOUT afte.-noons. RuberoiO Roofing .with us and that the job of re­ Next Saturday they will be in live at Pillsbury Hill, this city with a car that turned off the road production, Kalber, second; brown Mrs. Ruth Foulkes of Rock­ session from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Party in front of him. 17, died at the hospitara few houm storing government "of. by. and where they m il be at home after after being admitted. State Po­ “THOSE REDHEADS eggs, 24 oz. «md up, Kalber, sec ville will give sewing lessons oi STANLEY TOOLS for the people" to Manchester has workers were in atUndance with Oct. 1. There were two women passen­ end. Notes Wednesday evenings. . Mrs. May W. H. ENGLAND many of those appearing to be gers in Hedrick's truck, Margkret lice identified the driver o f the car AND HARDWARE not yet been completed. The bride attended the Fabims as f^egory Zanglls of Danielson. FROM SEATTLE” Vegetables, snap beans, Kalber, rlon Cooney of Glastonbury will LUMIER COMPANY The BOLAND OIL CO, "When I declined the invitation made voter., giving on indication Central School of Fabtus, N.Y. and Evashow'ski, 51, also of -Wilirman- second; beets, Pamela Glenney, and teach stencilling every other W. H. ENGLAND to participate in the platform that the political partie. are busy the Powelson Business Institute of tic, and Anna Howlett, 26, « f North third; cucumbers, Kalber, first; Wednesdsy morning. 'The Pearl Tel. 5n-9-0244 TEL Mitchdl 3.63Z0 LUMRER COMPANY meeting, I realised, of course, that lining up new votes for the coining Syracuse, N.Y. The groom attended Windham, police reported. How­ Tuosdoy-Wodoosdoy Pamela Glenney and Donald Gehr­ News McGowan method o f making re.vocation o f the endorsement of election. the local, High School, and is a ever. no one was injured in the lng, second; onions, Adele and hooked rugs will be illustrated by N. my candidacy would Inevitably fol­ Home Making Mecitnga veteran of four years with the accident. Musk l■ftnlme■t Donald Gehrlng, second; James low. I realized, too. that my re­ Home Demonstration Ageht U.S. Navy. He is employed at Hayden said that, pending a Kalber, third; peppers, Kalber, This Week In Scouting jection of ready-made support COra H.-Webb has announced a ■Pratt A Whitney Aircraft, East coroner's inquest, Hedrick Is being second; tomatoes, Kalber and Monday: Troop 73, Bolton; Tr()op Hen’s t lhw,iHews might be politically inexpe^ent. meeting of the County Home Hartford. held under a S2.000 bond for ap­ Rio Grande Pamela Glenney, third; Irish Cob­ 91, Bowers: Troop 112, Verplanck; EcononUca Committee will be held pearance in Willimantic Court on RENTAL PLAN bler potatoes, Kalber, second and And I knew that some wrovid con­ Mrs. Mar)’ Krah Ro.tek S ta rrin g JOHN W a YNE Pack 144, Keeney Street. sider me ungrateful and disloyal at the Church Cabin, Storra, at 10 a charge of reckless driving. third: sweet com, Kalber, first; Tuesday: Troop 47, Suth Ft r Ft Iks OververiO - m. tomorrow. This will be a busi­ Mrs. Mary Krah Rostek. 73, wife BERNAT to the party. But I felt that dif­ of Edward p o.U k of Ifi Hammond Claims Adjuster Tnimpot — Trombono THRILUNG CO-HIT Swiss Chard, Kalber, first; pot of Methodist; Troop 65, Armory; W(w F4«I AI Tirwl Oatt - " lM AKvt/ ferences between my point of view ness meeting and those attending St., died at her home yesterday. Hodgman had been a resident of parsley, Kalber, first; cabbage, Troop 126, Emanuel Lutheran; I W s ^ ' and that of.the three Democratic .will carry a box lunch. Manchester for the past three Ckoiiiot ~ SoxophoRo Adele and Donald Gehripg, first; Squadron 25, Center Church. At 1 p.m. there will be a tour She was bom Sept. 7, 1881 in Ger­ J u at .what you m,^y need la, candidates who are members of many, a daughter of the late years. Born in Lowell, Maas., Kalber, third; summer squash, Wednesday: Troop 120, St. FKKIUZAN—the new Iron-lodlnei the present Board of Directors, as of the University greenhouses. April 5, 1904, he was the son of Violhi Kalber, second; sunflower, Kal­ James; Troop 133, Second Con­ reconstructive Tonic /fortified with YARNS Nicholas Slid Eleanor Krah. She evidenced by their voting record This tour it < ^ n to metnbens of had been « reMdent of this city for the late Lyman A. and Lilliss ber, second. gregational. B, and B, Vitamins that has helped BINGO all homemaking groups in the, Reid Lyman, and was a claim ad- Complete line of musiral in- Other variety vegetable,.Kalber, ao many folks feel /and act year* , over the past nine jmonths. were the past 18 years coming here ' Thursday; Troop 124, Andover. county. ju.sler for the National Fire Insur- atrumenta for rent. Rental ap­ you n geK ED-MAR too fundamental to be reconciled from Melrose where she lived for Donald Gehrlng, first; Adele and Friday: Scout Leaders Round­ ELKS CARRIAGE HOUSE and too vital to be Ignored. . tlpeclal IServioeo many years. WCe Co.. Hartford. plied to purrhaa* price. Donald Gehrlng, Kallier, second; table; Pack 3. Highland Park; The Jewish New Tear 5,715 will Ns f waJ inaefF Try ^ERRIZAN KNiniND NOOK ROCKVILLE Vsrecowdkilile She waa a member St. Ber- He waa a 32nd degree Maaon and best collection vegetables. Kalber, Pack 2i, St. MaiY’*: ‘ Pack 98. start this evening and there will of a member of Wyllls Lodge, A.K. •rar WiBiY lock .‘The platform which has been Mrd's Church. Besides her hus­ first; Donald Gehrlng, second. Green School; Pack 112, West Side Ym Mbs! FmI 97 CRESTWOOD* DR. announce by the - Democratic be special services at the Congre­ band she leaves one son. Law­ and A.M., West Hartford, and a Metier's Flowers, gladiolus, Pamela Rec; Pack 120, St. James School; J. W. HalW Dept. Store Town Committee does not come to gational B'nal. Israel Synagogue past patron of Ivanhoe Chapter. Glenney, second; any other vari­ Pack 124, Andover; Pack 143, EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT on 54 Tlalcott Ave. for the High rence. of this city; one brother, Order of the Eastern Star, West grips with the issue of bloc rule, Ferdinaim Krah of Broad Brook. ety, Pamela Glenney, second. Nathan Hale; Pack 152, Bowers; and the reason is obviotia. The Holidays tonight through Wednes­ Hartford. Sewing kit, first. Gall Cargo; The funeral will be held Wednes­ Besides his wife he leaves his MUSIC STUDIO Pack 153. WaddelL, Free Transportation by SUver Lane Bos platform states, ‘We believe that day and also next week. day at 8:30 s. m. at the Ladd Fu­ < second, Paula Contos; third, Mari- Rabbi Aaron Twe-aky has an­ dell Leonard, Roberta Wheeler; Leavinf Orange Hafl a.t 7 P. M. our school building program has neral Home, and 9 a. in. at St. 177 McKee St. Tel. MI-I-TSM CHILDREN I>’DER 12 FREE We would appreciate hearing been unduly delayed.' So do I! nounced that Cantor Jacob Brown Bernard's Church. Burial will be household article, first, Gail Car­ of New York will assict at the from you about any additions or How this platform plank can be ia St. Catherine's Cemetery. Broad go, Paula Contos, Betty Leonard; corrections for this Uqlt meeting FEATURED... AT KEITH'S reconciled with the support of can­ services.- Cantor Brown has served Brook. The funeral home will be second, Paula Contos. Pamela in Philadelphia, Los Angeles, New Rose, Roberta- Wheeler, BeUy schedule. During the coming busy didates directly responsible for the open this evening from 7 to 9 and scouting season all ynits should be delay needs to be explained. York and other places. The Roah Tuesday from 2 to 9 p. m. Leonard. Maridell Leonard; third, Hashonoah oervicea start at 5:30 Gail Cargo. Meridell Leonard, Included in our repbrts of note­ “I ran the first lap of this race IN nNKMABCOPK! worthy scouting events, or per- unencumbered. The basis for my p.m. today with Moasiv, evening John Alfred Oarison .Marilyn .Munrnr - Bab M ilrhsin Roberta IVheeler, Betty Leonard. . desire to run the. second lap the service: tomorrow, 8:30 a.m. John Alfred Carlson, 89, of Play clothes, third, 'Pejihy sdnafities. Let's hear from you. same way should be evident." Sacharis, morning service; 10c30 CrysUl Lake Road, Ellington died “River ef No Return’’ Barth, tailored blouse, senior, sec­ eOOO 60VERNWNT IS NO ACCIDENT!! a.m. sermon by Rabbi and Mussaf, yesterday at the a t y Hospital. He Torh. B;*e ond, Barbara Contos; skirt, first. At Camn Pioneer this weekend waa bom Feb. 3. 1«65 in Sweden IMuti Shirley Booth in TELEVISION there wa.s a very good turnout additional service; 4:S0 p.m. Min- Gall Cargo, Paula Contos, Pamela almost and came to the United States *‘ABOI T MRS. laKSLIK'* throughout the Council for the HALFi cha, afternoon servici: 6 p.m. 0:00 « B:M Rose, Betty Leonard. Maridell Tashlich; 5:30 p.m. Maariv; Wed­ about 67 years ago. »• W o4.» *'S C'oino In tbe t'oM taln** Leonard, Roberta Wheeler: jump­ Kamp-o-KliniU. Troop 25 (local) GETTINGUPNlGim roports attcndanci of eight patrol It worrltd bx tM Irceucnt, burvini or nesday, 8:30 a.m. Sacharis; 10:30 He W'aa a retired farmer. He er. Kay Han.sen; wash dress, Rob­ Iteh las u rtn otloa, O o ttla i. Dp NIxtaU. leaves two daughters. Mrs. Ernest PROGRAMS erta Han-seii, Pamela Glenney: or crew leaders and three adults. Bockow c, Prauurt o n r BloOSor. or BIrona a.m. sermon by Rabbi and Mussaf; ClouSy Vrtnr. dut to commoa Ktdnry and 5 p.m. itincha. A. Lorentson of We.st Hartford best dre.s8, first, Kay Hansen, {Video Everyday—All Righta Reaer\'ed—H. T. Dickinson A Go., IncJ Manchester is fortunate In hav­ Bladdtr Irrltatton. try CY8TBX tor quick, Methodist Church Notes and Mrs. Harold Llebe of Hart­ Sandra Hansen; second, Pamela fratltvlhf. comfortlnt help. W t million ing a number of Schiff trained 1. Member of Town The Couples Group of the ford; one grandson. John A. Lor- Glenney. Kay" Hansen. OYBTiril labial, uiad In paat 2S ytari leaders. The latestit "sti^ents" at Board of Directors. prove ,afaly and t u c c o . Ark druxglK. <«r Methodist Church. held a largely entaon of West Hartford Tailored suit, first, Kay Hansen: CTSTZX undir nMnay-back tuatausa. The funeral will be held tomor­ second, Kay Hansen, Roberta Schiff were Al Gaine.ine^ Slid Stanley Sm how macs batur yM Caal tonorrtat. attended guest night party Sat­ Sholik, both of St.t. Mary's.Maty' urday in .Wesleyan' Hall. The row from the -X-odd Funeral Home Hansen; evening gown, first, Kay at 2 p. m. Burial will be in the NOW Hansen. program included music, recrea­ Thursday. Nov.V. 11, Was been an­ CrysUl Lake Ometerv. The fu­ — ■ Foods, drop cookies, third. Pen nt tion, and a buffet lunch. Mr. and neral home is open today from 4 Better See nounced as the datelate of Ithe Annual Chairman of Trus­ COIN FOLDERS Mrs. Joe Long and Mr. and Mrs. to 9 p, m. ny Barth; scrapbooks, third. Pen­ District Banquet. Explorer Com- Wallace Johndrow were in charge THO ny Barth; wood article for house-, tees of B.P.O.E. FBEE COI^ APPRAISAL ml-sioner George Bettinger is in of the arrangements. hold conveniences, first, Kay Han­ charge of arrangements for this All. ‘Bsloottvllle. and. Vernon sen: attractively arranged invalid's Tracy D. Brown, itate-wide new-a Items -are now handled Motorola TV Important annual event in Man­ U aM oekA tray and menu, second. Penny HORBY SHOFPE counselor for the Methodist Youth through The Maneheater Evening CIN emaS c o p £ CiM r, Sharp, Stoady UHF* chester’s Boy, §fput program, ■ a atiMt niMaoor. a imiia inweiiwn « Barth; bicycle safety performance Cor. Centei Add OrtawoU Fellowship in the New England Herald Rockvtlle bureau looate.1 3/ Assistant superin­ Southern Conference waa the VHF Rocaplion from test, second. Dennis Llttel; third, The Boy Scoutvboundary-walk- a t , Oae .Market 8treet> telephoae Starring tendent Arrow- guest speaker at the first meeting Rockville 5-SlSS. distant stations , .Richard Llttel. ing project should be .undena-ay. Jeaa SlmmoBS-VIctor Mature Foods, layer cake, third. Penny Hart-Heifeman Co. of the local M. F. G. held Sunday and we would like to hMr from afternoon. The program included 277 IRO AD 50-9-1124 Barth, Paul Kenyon. Craft work, those participating. WINDOW SHADES recreation, a light supper, busi­ SALES and first, Penny Barth, Roberta Han­ ness meeting and vvorshlp. "rhe Hilly er Offering T F I E V I S I 0 N RADIO - SERVICE sen. worship included a membership To Meet Tonight GrooR. WWto service, centering around the M,. Literature Course The Porter Library Assn, will OLLIE'S • HARRY J. RRATO Y. F. emblem and motto “ CSirist Chaaset ■ (leraiarly •) S .w ■av’ea 4:44 ( S-3MI> SID CAESAR SHOW— have its annual meeting and elec­ HOLLAND FINISH (iueert. Cina Lollobririda tion of officers tonight at In Above All." * Vbasael Se New Rihlals. Coes. (SOI LIRERACE t:::A U TO b o d y Rnpabikan condidof for tha loord of Dirtc- Officers for the coming year The extension service of Hlllyer Cbsssei M aolyelie. Msn. (MU FILM the ^library* rtiom in the Church- ton. ffiiNiinq with Gilbort C . Bornos, Thoodora L U A M*de to Order include Wayne Snape, president College is offering a course in Con­ ChaaacI U Waterbary. Omni. (SI) TALKS OF TOMORROW Community House. -A WELDING I . I 7 With Tour Rollera Lynn Cha.se, vice president; Janice temporary Literature this fall at Cbaaaal U SpriazllcU. JU m . S:S« (SSI TO RE AN.MII NCEI) To Be Guests (14-SS) ARTHI'R GODFREY'S AUTO BODY and raitfaaoht, Natalia G. McIntosh, Jacob F. MiNor Bartlett, secretary treasurer; Bowera ^h ool. '— TALENT SCOCT8 The'* Past Masters AsSn. will be it Jewel Neri, C3\ri*tian Outreach («l> FILM guests at Hebron Grange Wednes-_ FENDER r e p a ir s and Harold A . Tnrkington. The extensi^il^classes will be held S;se ( s> orTiMmii aiiv. n,Vn S:4J (Cl) NEWS CARAVAN L A. JOHNSON commissioner; Craig Ireland, Wednesdays -' at the Princeton IM) BAK st WK8TEBN TMA- day during a pot-luck dinner' Toomworii wins. Bode Ibis foom Octobor 4 ■ TEW— "Ranee Detenctrr." ★ COMPLEtE CAR Christian Fillowship Committee Street ach^l from 7 tO;9:30, svith IS.D yiATIRF.R there at 7 p. m. Vote Ropubiicon PAINT CO. snd Carol kroymann, Christian the first ^ a ss scheduled this week. FILM trude Rathbun have been appoint­ 8 Griswold Street Scituate, R. I. NEWS AT BIX 892 Main St__ M)-l>-»258 with Ralph Snape as superinten­ ing Oct. 6. 4U> FILM (41) rnW RO Y PLAYHOI 8E dent. The Main- School will meet Merrill B. Sherman, chairman of the Hillyer English Dept., will con­ S:U iM) THE EARLY SHOW — >' I' • :44 ( 4) PI'RLIC DEFENDER— at 9,;S0 anth classes for beglhhers ' SlttinK cm the Moon ” Horse Rarine Story . duct the course and other mem­ ( *» VARIETY CLI’B ... (M) CHINA S.MITH kindergarten and primary at 10:45 MANC+!ESTER IH> WEATHERMAN a. m, A new class for boys of high bers of the department will be in­ (S3) FEATCRK ROXING vited to attend these leefures f:ia (U) 8POBTS-B1II keatiog Dniiny Jo Pere^Bobby Bin- Kenneth Morrison, school age -^wtH- be taught by the kle pastor, theRev. Cari Saunders. The which concern their particular B pltO n NoTiil (SSI TV t h I';a t s :b Electrician fields. (Cl) n i.M ^ Heeds no insfqllation *. * connocts ji^ t teaching staff will include RiiUi A4ANCHESTCR *:S4.'(U) .MASqrKBADR PARTT — and State Awning: Co. of Litx. Lois Mlfhtt. Rose Robertson, Peler Donald , Hartford, Invite You To Ellen Satrvb. Carol Kroymann. (34) stage "8" T IR E CO . (Cl) HOWARD RARLOW Attend The 2nd Annual Doreen Walt*. .Jewel Neri, Ralph 14:44 ( I-34AS) 8TI DIO ONE—-'Educa­ to your kitchon faucot * *. pro-rinoBS, wochos, Snape, Mabel Ballentine, Ruth Retreading tion of Hyraaii KapUn ' Kroymann. Ruth Parker. George Regular 14:34 (Cl) R. MONTIHtMERV I'liF.- EASTWOOD SKNT8,' 'A Dream of Sum-' C3iaae, Arthur Hart. Ethel Rotert, aad mi-r ■ SNOW r in s o s , d r i o s - o l l avfomafically Pour this comfort Louise Usher and Gladys Bowers. Greater tiuin or#r an a«r 14:S4 (U ) NS;WS A WIIATHER ' Coming Eventai -r- Gfairt Brroon U :44 ( 4) DOI GLAS FAIRBANKS Bread St. PRESENTS The Board of Christian Educa- P h on e (Ml NEtrS AT ELEVEN COME IN FOR A FREE DEMONSTRATION tioir of the First Congregational “DUa iu Uie sur (SSI NIGHT CAP EDITION Ml-fl-4224 lt:4S (3.) LATE SHOW— Church will meet tonight at 8 at la - • jiffy. (N o special plumbing needed.) Church meets st 7 :S0 p.m. in 'Vea-- ••I (UAO DRADUMR EMTIOM "Hollywnod and Vine" dishes, flisses. silver— -yes, pots fr Icysn Hall for their regular month­ RMon ta Hio Stars” (SI) SFORTH VIRWB ' I' (41) FILM ■‘^'TCOlOt • :4# ( t) WEATHER FORECABT and pans, too! You can easily install Zonolite V^rmiculite Insulation ly meeting. The yoUth'a class for la rnlar — BlrharS Carl.aa S;U ( S) WORIJI NEWS TODAY 13:44 ( 41 WRESTLING church inembership is meeting af­ Bhaws St 1:4( - t :M - 1S;1S Wed.: "THE CAlKK MIITINV" (U) AREA NEWS—SPORTS (Cl) NEWS A WEATHER (U ) lAICAL NKWB 13:13 (Cl) MOVIE ANTIQUES Ne PradUneino Rei|wired — just brush off loose yourself! The Zonolite granuiars just pour into place ter school at the parsonage. Wad., "81 BAN MLKPT HKBK" “ Ri'turn To Treasure M aud" ^ (411, WORLD NEWB TONIGHT e CompUtnly Mobil*—roU it food and your dishes are all rndL^nr tbe Mobile between the joists in your attic','’and between studs in The Good Will Club of St. John's i m I «) MB. DISTRICT ATTORNEY EpUcotval Church meets loiiight at (U-W) CAPTAIN VIDEO TTawiorriip'’ * Oaytiai* HIzliliglM* to ubie fgr loading . . . to sink Maid. '• the sidewalls. Seals y^ur home for year-round com­ B at the home o f Mrs. Kenneth (M) W EATH EB-Jnhn QuUl 14:M (41) A TIME TO I.IVE IM (41) LITTLE BROW 13 :M (M) TKI.KTHkATF.B for washing. . . to storage cabi* fort. Plows in solid around pipes, braces, etc. Is vir­ COok. 1:U (U) APFAIRB OF STATE tM i S) n o PAYOFF Rev. Maurice G. Kojlkes, rector .(SMI) JOHN DALY—New. 1:34 (S3) PAVL DIXON SHOW ^ net (or unloading. tually non-settling; is fireproof, rbtproof, verminproof. of St. -John's Rpiacopal Church (41) HIGHLIGRT8 New, la sy ta lood Adfuelahle iod n — do not (M) POLITICAL will attend the rector's meeting at l:U (M) WEATHERVANR require raovim or sUding to Uke your full load, • • • If you prefer a blanket-type insulation, thoose Hint- KEITH'S VARIETY • Idool for Aportmonlfy Glastonbury loinorrow. 7 :» ( tl POLITICAL Manchester, Gunn., Gomhiunity Y and can be adjusted to bold your tallest glsisit, kote Fiberglasi. insulation at McKinney's. The Rev. snd Mrs Msurica G. (MAS) DOCOLA8 EDWARDS sad ISe new* and NEWS SHOP Sponsored By Bungalow*, Ronlod targest pUtes (Note, too, the eair*-Ur|S silver Fo\ Ikes of St. John's Church will (U) ANSWERS FOB AMEBI- THE W. S. C. 8. of SOUTH METHODIST CHURCH be hosts to the Minister's Amn. ... CANS DEPOT S9UARE Homos, ivory Homo basket) - tomorrow st 5:30 p.m. at tho rec­ (41) RILL COBl'M ^ / H O W - T O .0 O . I T CENTER ON ‘niE LARGEST SCREEN IN EASTERN CONN. 7:4S ( M l ) NEWS VABATAN-Johii Dally S aJB. to • pjn. tory. ^•••aooaaaod o«*aaa««o Cameron Sways. U |taH San. 7 a.m. to 6:80 p A Sept 27, 28, 29, 39-1 P.M.-10 P.M (IS) PERRY COMO SHOW Allen-tiould ---- * IW4aa IIUkM : . M M a AityMUSICALIi (St) CHRISTOPHERS i«- The marriage of' Miaa Charlotte (•1) T .R A . Oci 1 - 1 Irene Gould, 'daughter of Mrs. Ayfirniceifr peuu George Eggleston Gould of 313 E. C in e m a S c o p £3 LUNCH AT NOON — SNACKS (D)HCinjm4 £urnhflr Genesee St., Fayetteville. N. Y.. to m u only ^19$ Gordon Arthur Allbn, son of Mr, asuauiicoioai ,? ? ® £ S CAVEY’S RESTAURANT COMPLETE HOME COOKED DINNERS and Mrs; Charles F. Allen, Sr., of ‘ROTh ’ \ Appliance Dept.—Oak S(. ^ntnuic* A SUP PLY C 0.~ B O L T V n n 'iOTCH 5 Talcott AVe., this city,, took ■JME nW IU-HniM RD KEEC _Spaelal Fnaturo— Mra. Loonord UweolN place Saturday afternoon at 1:30 • Saaa aaa^aaaaaaa aaayaaa •aaasaaa • FOR GOOD FOODS - t Church, Manlius, N. T> SHOWN AT 8:87 and 10:08 WW Exhibit Hot DoH Cgifoetien S &H Green Stamps Given 45 EAST CENTER STREET I 5^ OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAYS - EASY PARKING - O N ' ROUTE 4 ^ 4 X T r^ ^ ^r. l ,Liale B. Caldwell per* PLUS: -A BULLET IB WAITING”—(Tech) fhsJW H A U ox formed the double ring ceremony. — A U BOOTH EXHIBITS FOR SALE — ------Vp...... With Cash Sales f. ''I W . V I 'X / V ■■-im

BIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESl^JR, CONNl, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1964 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY,^ SEPTEMBER 27, 1954 PA G S^: PAGE FOUR Hill m«ul«d that tha Senate chaiife Ita rule* and ban one-man committee Rockville-Vemon WDRO—IIM WUTH—1419 Erratic Fireball hearlncB except when the full com­ Senate Split I O bituary Bonn Guns W ENB—MS Daily Radio WHAT— ■V--- cfAj mittee, by majority vote, hae di­ WOOO—MM Baffles Oklaboma ‘Guilty’ on Two rectly authorised a aingle member Eastera Staariard Time ' W n 0—1080 to hold a hearing. Railroad Clerk Charged \ The group proposed also a rule In Reaction Pact Seen Sand Springs, Oklau, Sept. 27 The following program eched- 19:45— forbidding disclosure of testimony D e a t h s -A my.Jteriouna ball of fire that “Hazel- Are You taken in a closed session unless With $9,054 Embezzlement qles are supplied by the radio Watch authorised by a majority vote of managements and are subject to oyjIFr’A?’'''*'*'' Forum darts up and down at the stroke To Censure Mrs. Mary M. Adama By Dulles change without noUce. of midnight” has created a aerioua Ot Five Counts the committee. Mrs. Mary M. Adams, mother Rockville, Sept 27—(Special).^ 4iSS- 9 - ot Bklwin O. Adama, of 122 Benton Glvkiff Gold Feathers Robert O. Freeman, 35, of Tolland WHAY—News; Potka Hop - traffic problem two miles west of of the constituent commltteee (CVmtlBQed from Page Ose) (OontlBaed fram Pag* OM) WCOC—RtcorU Revu* Still Stru^ing (Coatfaned from Page One) St., died at the Mancherter Me­ To Votera a t PoHs waa arraigned In City Court fodey WKNB—RfQufii M.tlne. WDRC—Newa here. which are working arms of the morial Hoapital Date last night on a charge of embeaslement by WTIC—hackatas. Wu. ^WGTH-Local Newa For three atralgHt nights police Xt was developed during the pre­ Senate in proper language. But appear before the Senate subcom­ after a long illness. London in a British military plane WDRC—C.1, Koihy mittee of privileges and election. A gold feather in the lapel agent and was bound ovtr to Tol­ ^-WUTH—J.ck'i Waxworks j^AY—News; Nile Watch have found no less than 150 can vious hearings that the “letur’’ he has no right to impugn the mo- Court Cases The widow of the late William that he would resist any dia- land County Superior Court by ^ IC —News of tha World parked on the highway with their was not in fact a letter from FBI tivea of Individual Senators re­ He also disagreed with ita rec- H. Adams, she was a former resi- criminstlon agsinst West Germany next Monday will he . decora­ Deputy Judge Thornes L. Lartite. ‘WHAV-Polka Hop WDRC—Csl Colby occupants gazing skyward. The ZMrector J. Edgar Hoover to Army sponsible for offlciml action, nor U«nt ot Hartford but made her in the western sUlsnce. tion—a decoratioii for good WCCC—Record Rovua . " WGTH-Sporis patrolmen are told a blue-green to reflect upon their, personal for his treatment of Brig. Oen. cltlxenship. The League of Bond was set *t 810,000. WiJNB—Rfqupat Matinee i U:M— With That Old Xntelligmce, as McCarthy de­ home in Manchester for the Isat Equal Partaeialil^ Freeman, who waived examina­ W riC—Steilw IMIlo. WHAY-NIte Watch Object with a phosphorescent ^low scribed it, but did contain direct character for what official action 14 Radar Cases Ralph Zwicker. 18 years. In a memorandum submitted to Women Votera will give the WTIC—Starlight Serenade Welker said he would vote "cm- gold feathers to every voter in tion and pleaded not guilty to a WDRC—Csl Colby appears in the east, screams west­ quotations from a longer FBI re­ they took.” Besides her son. she leaves one the eight other governments, the charge that he embesxled from the WUTH—Jack 1 Waxworks WDRC—Csl Colby ward with incredible speedy and In effect, the group threw out ]>haUcally no” on censuring the daughter, Mrs. William F. Downes deputies were told, Adenauer has the town elections as he leaves WGTH-SIgn pit. port to the Army. Nollecl by Judge Wisconsin Republican. the polling place. Western Union by telegrai^lng ‘WUAY-Polka Hop 11:45- disappears through the nearby Grave Error by Senator a charge that McCarthy should be >n..-ntnmit’t. . West Hartford; two Plsters, demanded that West Gtermany be false money orders, was arrested WHAV-Nlle Watch hollows. The conunlttee held that McCar­ censured for calling Sen. Flanders Mra. Louis Heard, president WTIC—Starilghl Serenade Washer Every C. A. Tlmkam of Hartford granted national status by ending yesterday In Mystic. , Matinee WDRC—Cal Colby Police Chief Jack Daniels said thy "committed a grave error” (R-Vt) "senile” and saying of In Town Court this morning M-t a “ ts. Elizabeth Hutt of Hart- the American-Biitlsh-Frertch oc­ of the local League, etatea that JJ^lC-Widder Brown him: ”I think they should get a nave set a precedent for any Sena- ' Ibe Herald learned Saturday WDRC—Cal Colby reports vary from a glost to. a when, during the McCarthy-Army Judge John S. G. Rottner nolled 14' tor,tor. no matter how incompetent,Incomnetent to , — and focr grand« NATO defense machinery. German chairman of voters servlcs for means of telegraphing false money IVaahington, Sept. 27 (AV-A and executive dlrectlvee prohibit­ agsinst him. has been customary to-make such this , evening from 7 to 9 and to­ '-WCCC—Record Revue on the object It runs off.” ’The renMrks of Senator Me- Sen. McCarthy be censured, said government quarters indicated tha League, urges, "Go to vote, orders in the name of Mra. Mari­ WKNB—Request Matinee Senate subcommittee plane to re­ All In all some 25 persons have ing the disclosure to unauthorised a charge if the driver was travel­ morrow from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.ht. equal partnership” would be the and werr your Golden Feath­ WTIC-Just Plain BUI peremte of dasetfled information earthy concerning Senator Flan­ ing over 40 m.p.h. in the future, he It Is "unfortunate that a deter­ lyn Freeman, his wife. WDRC—News open hearings oi Oct. 12 in an ef­ told him they saw the mysterious ders were highly Improper,” the mination was made not to consider keynote of Adenauer’s talks here. er.” Freeman worked In the local ■ WUTH—Bobby Benson fort to develop legislation "to ball of fire at midnight. And Dan­ or information relating to the na­ added, speeders will be prosecuted this report before election.” Joaeph H. Adams tional defense.” committee said, but added: no matter what their speed, if A highly informed conference New York, New Haven and Hart­ ^HAY—Western Caravan avert repetition of the apiraling iels says the story Is starting to "The committee flnds, however, Regrets Debate Delay Joseph H. Adams, widower of source said Dulles told Mendes- ford tlallroed freight office and coffee prices that have plagued the grow, but he confides, "I don’t The committee eald H is Im­ they are violating posted speed •T would have been glad to have the late Nora Flanagan Adams WCCC—Record Revue pounding the document, and will that they were induced by Senator limits. France that whilelhe United States handled all Western Union busi­ WKNB—Request Matinee American public for the past think much about it, myself.” Flanders' conduct In respect to taken responsibility of Senate ac- who died two weeks ago, died Sat- has a great stake in European de­ ness. WTIC—Lorenxo Jones year.” Anyway, troopers are having a turn it over to the FBI "for euch In the cise of those who had tion before election and of course urday at the Manchester Conva- About Tow n WDRC—Cal Colby ttposlUon ae ahall be proper,” Senator McCarthy in the Senate their oases nolled, all were going fense, the European must take the Authorities claim that during . WCTH—Bobby Benson Sen. Beall (R-Md) announced hard time keeping the highway Continue will take it af|er election,” he lescent Hospital after a long ill- intiatlve in orga^ing that defenae. UBlcas the Senate orders otherwise. caucus room, and In delivering less than 40 miles per hour'when the past five and one half months, HAY—Hall ot Records Saturday night the new hearings cleared each night. MoOarthy himself had denied provocative speeches concerning they were stopped. The judge said. Inasmuch aa the leadership ness. Adams was formerly of The North Methodist WSCS wlU Freeman embezsled 814,645. Resti­ WCCC—Record Revue by a banking subcommittee he the document contained any sccur- Senator McCarthy on the Senate has decided against taking the re- West Haven, hold a rumage sale at the church tution of 85,591 has been made, WKNB—Request Matinee heads and tvhich earlier this year again made it clear, as he ^ d in port up prior to election I would He teaves three daughters, Mrs. WTIC—lOSti Radio Lane tty matter. floor. court on Saturday, that the police Friday at 6:M under the chairman­ leaving a balance of 89.054, the WDRC—Csl Colby delved Into the question of then- The committee said McCarthy "For these reasons, the commit­ and court were in agreement traf­ consider it improper . . . to make J. D. Clarke of Andover, Mrs. D Hospital Notes ship of Mra. E31en T. Pickles. The amount he Is scciiaed of taking _ WOTH-Wlld Bill Hlckok abaring coffee prices. Mioidd have requested Atty. Oen. tee concludes the remarks with any statement prior to the hearing m . Tufts of Bridgeport, and Mrs. doors will be open to receive Illegally. 8:44— Beall aaid the new hearings When fic must be slowed down if Man­ before the Senate.” '' H. Sitney of New Haven; one son WHAY,—Hall ot Records Brcwneil'a pfTmiealoa "to uae the reference to Senator Flandere do chester Is to be safer. Using radar Patienta today—187. articles Thursday evening. He was picked up yesterday In WCCC—Record Review would be based on a Federal Trade SERVICES document in Ua defenae under ade­ not constitute a hails for censure.' is a means to this end, not an However, most Senators who Joseph. Adama. Jr., of West HU- Mystic where he moored a 81.200 WKNB—Request Matinee Commission (FTC) strdy, made quate ■afaguards.” In finding "provocation” for Mc­ could be reached declined to an-|ven;. one sister, Mrs. Jane Shan- ADMITTED SATURDAY: Mrs. The executive board of the Man­ cabin cruiser he purchased a ^ u t WTIC—liWd Radlo^l,sne public recently, which raid ”ther«r That Interpret The Wishes attempt to "trap” the motorist, he swer the specific question of how hey; three brothers, Harry, Cor- Ann Young, 83 Osk St.; Carol WDRC—Massey. 'liitnn But It said it reoognisea Mc­ Carthy’s remarks about Flandsra, added. chester council of Church Women six weeks ago. Early last week ^ WttTH-WIld BUI Hickok is not now, lior has there been Of The Family' Carthy "was under the stress and the committee took note of Flan­ The nolled eases were Mrs. Con they would vote on the cenimre neilus and Richard; 12 grandchil- Patten, Talcottville; Mrs. Elsie will meet Wednesday at 10:30 In he Olid his wife disappeared from during the past year, any shortage ders’ dramatic appearance in the resolution. Many others could fiot I 36, Mountain \8 9 ; and ty Schneider, 109 Talcott Ave WGTH-The Falcon . Died Faturday. tlltPHONE • WaiTi VISIT recommend censure. runs from session to session. Francis P. Vendetta, xEngle- December that the world’s atomic Middlesex County Hospital, Middle- Rockville: George Garbarini, Cov ed by County Detective Arthur A. t:se- But it recommended that Senate 2. The Senate has the power, aa WHAY—Western Caravan Oklahoma City—J. Rufus Mose­ wood Dr. powers unite in nuclear research towm, yesterday after a long ill- entry; Thomas Andrulot 55 Le­ The Manchester FMre Dept, re­ Kom, State Policeman Norman WTIC—Best of All leaders seek some means for re­ disputed .by McCarthy,'to censure George Krechko, for peaceful purposes. ness. sponded to a call from 231 Green Taakar, and L t James McKeough ley, 84. religious author, lecturer PREFERRED form in Sonata investigating a Senator froni’conduct occurring gion Rd. WDRC—Godfr^ Talent Scouts Rcfd. Rockville, arrested The notes were made public Funeral services wUl be held to- DISCHARGED TATURDAYi Rd. where a fumaCe had become of the railroad police. WGTH—Lone Ranianger and teacher. Died Sunday. _ - ’5INANCI C O ., INC. procedures. prior to his term as a Senator. morning, was fined 824 for Saturday night at Russia’s sugges- morrow afternoon at 2 o’clock at overheated at ir:32 this morning. Other CaeM Handled * ■ 1 :4 5 - Turin, Italy—Vitaliano Bran- N l MAINSreilT . . Se«se4 Fleer Tlie accusation of contempt of 3. It was not necessary for the Mrs. Geraddine Vai. Divert and WHAY—Western Caravan WANCHItTie » FfcywrMITCHm »-4l49 ILLOWANCE ing, and Ned Richardson, 42, 2^ tlon, simultaneously In Moscow and the Spencher Funeral Home, Mate baby girl, Coventry;. Mrs. Alice Chief John Merz reported there In other cases in City Court to­ WTIC—Beat of All cati, 47, Italian author best known tbe Senate and its committees — Benton resolution of Inquiry to Village St., Rockville, waa fined Washington. Copies were dellv- Street. East Hampton. Burial will was no damage. day Laurier W. Danville, 42, Au­ •' WDRC—Godfrey Talent Scouts a point on which tbe committee be adopted by the Senate, as Mc­ Darby, East Hartford; Chris Luc- WGTH—Lone Ranger for the book Don Giovanni in 8125 for operating a motor vehicle *ed here for distribution to U.N. | be In Zion Hill Cemetery. H ^ford. cy, 28 Deerfield Dr.; Warren H. burn. Maine, speeding, forfeited, a Sicilia. Bom, in Pachino, Italy. Died recommended censure — dealt Carthy contended, and that con­ while under the influence of liquor ibers. Visiting hours at the funeral bond of 830; the case of Lnwrence WHAY—News; Western Caravan Saturday. ' ;-----— specifically with McCarthy’s fail­ sequently the privileges and elec­ home will be from 7 to 9 p.m. to­ Wynton, South Windsor; Mrs. WTIC—Teieph'ine Hour Sept. 19. e notes revealed that the Helen Johnson, RFD 1, Rockville; F. Doherty, 19, Bolton, charged Chicago—Lt. Gen. George F. ure to respond to invitationa to tions sutMommittee was not acting In other cases, Edward B. Sien- Sovl^ Union had blocked a de- night. Driver Fined $18 with breach of the peace and in­ WDRC—Gun Smoke TOWARD PURCHASE appear before a Senate elections beyond its power and jurisdiction. Mrs. Eva Ran^en, RFD- 3, Rock­ WGTH—Henry, Taylor Ferry, 59, former National da, Hartford, was fined 850 and tailed^an Dulles offered demand­ ville; Mrs. Mary-Rowlett, 92 Drive toxication waa continued one 9 :1 ^ — Guard commander, veteran of subcommittee which looked into 4. It was not necessary for the given a 30 daya suspended jail sen­ ing a declaration banning atomic . Xfrs. Anna Muake B; Mrs. Alice roes, 15 Preston On Road Count week; John C. Chakalos, 28, Rocky WHAY—News: Western Caravan his financial affairs in 1962. committee to subpoena McCarthy Mrs. Anna Muske,' widow Of Hill, fined 821 for violation of WTIC—Telephone Hour Guadalcanal in World War II, tence with six months probation weapons.NIust before Dulles spoke Dr.; Mrs. Rebecca Hansen, 82 Hil­ WDRC—Gun Smoke U.S. Steel Corp. executive. Born in In defenae before the special- to require him to testify. Mc­ for breach of the peace. He was to the ass^b ly last week, -the So­ Ferdinand 'Muske of 29 Garden liard St.; Joseih L lone, "" Deer­ rules of the road; Fortunsto Roc- WGTH—Celebrity Time \' committee, McCarthy said he was Carthy contended he waa never St., died Saturday. She was a life­ A two car accident occurred co, 53, Brighton, Mass., speeding, • :Se— 1 Fort Adams, R.I. Died Saturday. arrested Saturday by Patrolman viet Union demanded that the field Dr.; Mra Ethel Kltekham- .. WHAY-News: Western Caravan not subpoenaed by tbe elections ordered to testify on his financial Frederick Tedford. U.N. Security^ouncll have author­ long member of the Condordla mer-, 131 Summit S t; Mra. Mariet­ Saturday afternoon on E. Center forfeited a 810 bond; Donald T. WTIC—Baud of America Pittsburgh — Dr. George Wash­ subcommittee. The special com­ affairs. Robert W. Thornton, 18, 60 ity over the working of any inter­ Lutheran Church. ta Wilson, 58 Jensen S t; Daniel Street west of Woodbridge when Maguire, 46, Hamden, violation of WDRC—Amos 'n' Andv ington Riley. 88, former president mittee said It was not necessary No Subpoena Needed national atomicX agency. Russia, She leaves a son, Walter Muake one car slowed down to receive rules of the road, fined 810; the WGTH—Voice of Firestone of the American Osteopathic Assn. Westminster Rd.. forfeited his 89 Provan, 629 J’ •Middle Tpke.; 9 :4 5 - to subpoena him and declared "the "It waa the duty of Senatw Me-' bond posted after his arrest on aa well aa the United States, hM of Manchester end two daughters, Hexold Cl)nmbera, 260 Wetherell radar warning and another car case of Russell Boccuzzi, 34, WHAY—News; Western Caravan Born in I„^rna, 111. Died Saturday. conduct of the junior Senator earthy to accept the repeated in­ speeding charges Saturday, and veto power in the Security Coun­ Mrs. Harold ■■ Trombley of Man­ St.; Mrs. Rocchlna Femmia, 26 failed to atop In time, striking the Stamford, charged with failing to WTIC—Band of America Boston—Lloyd W. Kennedy, 47, from Wisconsin toward the sub­ vitations by the rubcommlUee.” chester and Mrs. Edward Chris­ first car. reduce speed, was continued for .- ■ WDRC—Amns/'n' Andv GENERAL FYank Kristoff, of no certain ad­ cil. Ashworth , St.; Mrs. Annie WGTH—Volc«/of Flrealone Chicago tax attorney, author of ELECTRIC committee... was .contemptuous, the committee found on this point. dress, was given a 30 days sus­ tensen of Hartford. Behrend, 41 WaU.ut St.; XIark William E. Mason, 24, Bolton, one week. ; 7 books on taxation, one-time ad­ independently of his failure to ap- . The Senators .concluded that pended jail sentence for intoxica­ Private funeral services will be Herrick, 226 Woodbridge St.; Mrs. driver of the second car, was fined Michael P. McDonough. U, WHAY—News; Nile Walclr visor to the American Law Insti­ - pear.” McCarthy’s "fstlure to appear waa tion. held tomorrow at '>0 a. m. at the 818 on a charge of violation of South -Boston; Mass., speeding, ).■ WTIC—FIbbir Molly tute. Died Saturday. Improper Conduct obstructive of the processes of the Fails to Appear T. P. Holloran Funeral Home. 175 Alice Gage. Andover; rioger Poe, WDRC—Mr Keen Also, Chester Morgan, 17. 376 37 Tanner S t; Paul Works, Staf­ rules of the: road this morning In forteited an 813 bond; Harry WGTH—Harry Flannery , Brbokavllle, Fla. —^ Coi. R ^ - For Its report, the subcommit­ Senate, for no formal order or ^ .1 Center St., with the Rev. Erich- O. 1 9 :1 5 - Woodland St., arrested Sept. 20 ford* Springs: William Curry, 85 Town Court aa a result of the ac­ Ginesky, 47. Brookline, Mass., mond Robins, 81, confidante ' of tee embraced In this count the ac- 8i>tH>oena should be necessary to on a charge ot operating a motor J, O Answer tjounts | Brandt, pastor of Concordia Luth­ cident. speeding, forfeited an 818 bond: WHAY—News; Nile Watch bring Senators before Senate com­ eran Church, officiating. Deepwood Dr.; Mrs. Florence WTIC—Gtldersleeve Presidents "rheodore Roosevelt. ettaation that McCarthy had been vehicle with defective equipment, Sayers, East Hampton; Mrs. The leading car. driven by Paul Benvenuti, 22. West Pater­ WDRC—.Moods for Romance Herbert Moover and Franklin D. abusive toward other Senators. mittees when their own honor and had his case nolled on recor.imen- Burial will bo in East Cemetery. Rachel Jonts, 17 Brainard PI.; Charles Supsinskas, New Britain, son, N.. J., speeding, forfeited a $15 i WGTH—Crossroads It concluded that McCarthy "un­ the. honor of the Senate are at dation of Asst. Prosecutor Richard Judge John S. G. Rottner ordered FTiends are asked to omit flowers. received little damage but about bond; L. H. Scott. 20. Mautchester, , I# ;S 8 - Roosevelt; adventurer who-struck issue.” a warrant issued for Henry Nasuta, There will be no calling hours at Mrs. Betty Beaulieu, RFD r Man­ WHAY—News; Nile Watch it. rich in the Yukon GoldfietdilH fairly accused” Sens. Gillette (D- Law; and Elizabeth Jesanis. 50. chester; Mrs. Anna Swanson, 25 8150 front end damage wax. N. H., speeding, forfeited an 818 e WTIC—American Forum settlement worker in Chicago; lowa), Monroney (D-OWHIt Hen- The committee dismissed Mc­ Glastonbury, received a arapended East Hartford, this morning when the funeral home. Huntington St.; Thomi^Newman, to - Mason’s„car, police estimated. bond; Melvin Rubin, 24, Chelsea. WDRC—Moods for Romance Carthy’s contentio.. that the 1952 judgment on a charge of speeding he failed t,o appear In court to Mass., speeding, forfeited a 824 WGTH—Sammy Kaye prohibition lecturer; commander of / drickson (R-NJ), . Hayden (D- answer charges of reckleSa driving North Coventry. The accident'waa investigated by an American Red Cross mission to WASHER Aris) and Hennings (D-Mo) of .invesUgat' . of his affairs repre­ on Saturday. Emil Anson Patrolman Samuel Maltempo. bond and Richard E. Komhauser. ■ "Improper conduct in carrying out sented politicrl waste and dis­ Frederick Welaher, Windsor, and failure to carry a license re­ Emil Anson of 90 Vine St., Hart­ DISOTARt TID YESTERDAY: Brooklyii, N. Y.j speeding, forfeit­ Russia' during the 1917-1918 re­ KEMP'S, Inc. honesty. It called McCarthy’s sulting from his arrest after an ford, died last night at the Laurel Emil Schulz, 54 Birch St.;- Mrs. Television ProqramS' volution. Born on Staten Island, BABVLAND their Senatorial duties.” All were arrested Saturday and charged Atlialie Dingw.'Jl am baby boy, ed an 818 bond. , members of the Elections subcom­ charges on' this - score “ denuncia­ with speeding, failed to appear in automobile accident yesterday. ,1 Manor Rest Home in Manchester. On Page Two N. Y. Died Sunday. 763 MAIN ST. MI-S-S680 tory and unjustified:” According to police, ' ”“ Naaul— “^*f|Bom in Latvia, he came to this 387 E. Middle Tpke.; Mrs. Bertha Carpenter Hurt mittee which filed a report critical court this morning and Ju<4:C Rott­ car swerved off Center Street while Langevin, Vernon; Robert Vande- IKE BEEVES HIS STEW - of McCarthy early In 1953. It held, too, that the reelection ner ordered a warrent issued for country some 50 years ago, living Denver, Sept. 27 (flV-Presl- of McCa"thy in 1952 did not set­ his arrest. he was traveling west and dam­ in Hartford for the past year. He man, Willimantic: Mrs. Marirose McCarthy has spoken of the re­ aged two utility poles near" the in­ Clay and baby girl. South Coven­ By Electrie Saw deht Elsenhower, plajing the port as "dishonest" and had sharp tle the matters groyring oi:^ of the .The cases of Omar Chapman/ 25, waa formerly of New York City. role of snpervlslaig chef, in­ investigation under the Benton tersection of Olcott Drive. They try; Robert Treat. Bolton; Carl u things to say about individual 32 Silas Rd., and Richard Mills, . » wi __ I Anson leaves his wife, Mrs. Ida Holm, 28 Packard S t; Mra. Mari­ vited more than 75 guests to A resolution, and( McCarthy’s reac­ J mo te the Hartford: three A 61-year-oId Coventry carpen­ members during the aubcommlt tion. 1 26 Windsor Ave., Rockville, were about 8600 and about 8800 to the Hartford, lyn Merritt and baby Boy, Colum­ ’bbef stew lunch today beef tee’s work. bound over untjn the next session ter waa rushed to Manchester Me- otew beepme famous In the tell- ”The char' that Senator Mc­ of; the Superior Court, after their P®-’®*;...... I Archie of Allentown, Pa., and bia; Daniel Ostiet., Jr., 98 Walnut teorial Hospital, this morning with It was in connection with this Carthy 'as guilty of contempt of In his statement to police, Nasu-1 St.; Stephen Zrinchak, South iag ot many mouth-watering report that McCarthy called Hen­ plea this morning of not guilty Abraham- of Falls Church, Va a badly, gashed knee. Injured when tales about It. the Senate or a Senatorial 'com­ to charges of breaking and enter­ ta said he loet control after strik­ one daughter, Mrs. Mathias Mobile WlndTOr- Mrs. So'|.-hie C-rabowskl, he reportedly lost control of a drickson “ a living miracle without mittee,” the report stated. ing a rut in the road. 801 Main St.; Doi.ald Cushing, 16 brains or guts.” ing. Bond has been set at 83,000 of 40 Auburn Rd., a' sister. Mrs, portable electric saw he was ’’Necessarily, this is a matter ifi both cases. Rose Levenstein of New York City Preston Dr.; William Marceau, 62 operating on a job on S. Main Calling this statement "vulgar for Senate and the Senate alone. Fulton Rd. and insulting,” the special com­ Continued cases ‘we.'e those of and eight g;randchildren Street. The people of Wisconsin can only Henry L. Llnginer, 30. Glaston­ Funeral services will be held at DISCHARGED TODAY: Mm , Officials at the hospital said the clothes mittee commented: >/C\s pass upon issues before, ^hem; bury, and Winiam E. Saglio. 22, 35 Public Records 2:80 ^^,p. m. today at the Wein­ Leona Bombard, 1065 E. Middle car]^nter, George Ga^iiarinl, was tomeone "Any Senator has tl?e x w f to They cannot forgive an attack by Tpke.; Alexander Fomi, 122 West question, criticize, differ (rroln,^ or Charter Oak' St. Both were ar­ stein Mortuary, 640 Fannlngton In satisfactory condition. He was a Senator upon the integrity of rested Saturday and Linginer was Warrantee Deeds Ave., Hartford, ^^th Rabbi Leon St.; Mra. Elvelyn Hill and baby admitted as a patient after receiv­ condemn any official action of the ■the Senate’s. processes and its rtrl, 76 Dr.. A, Mra. Kathleen l ^ y of which he is a member, w charged ' with ce d in g , '/bile Robert J; Smith to William F. : Wind of the Temple Beth Sholom, ing emergency treatment. committees. Thn* is Uie business saglio is charged with violation of Manchester, officiating. Burial Kieman and baby girl, RFT>' Police said that Sgt. Milton WHEIimi Hensel and Barney T. Peterman, of the Senate." _ rules of the road. Court Is set for property on Green Road. will be IhAhe John Hay Memorial RbekriUe. ••• Stratton and Patrolmen Samuel Summary of'-^lndlngs - Oct. 4 for Unglner and Oct. 2 for Camillo Gambolati to Merton S. Park, Hartford, BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A *oh Maltempo and Frederick Tedford) P capacity , In a concluding summary of rec­ Saglio. Tuttle and Xf^on K. Tuttle, prop­ to Mr. and Mra. Raymond Lan- wlio responded to a call for aid ...we’ll send it TERMS:- Personal Notices ommendations, the committee erty on Lyness Street. zano, 6 Ridgewood St.; a' son to from‘the home of Stuart Carlson b w c m u said: Mr. and Xtra. John CtdVe, 63 New of 635 S. Main St., where Gar- ”F'or the reasons and on the facts Anna _ Koubik, formerly known THAN MANY OTHER as Anna S. Eggleston, to Harry F. F u n e r a l s Bolton Rd. bartei had been working on a Card of Thanks found in this report,, the select Two Are Injured Eggleston and Patricia F. Eggle­ BIRTHS TODAY; A son to Mr. scaffolding, applied a tourniquet committee recommends: to the Injured man’s leg before ff GOOfOYOU ”1. That on the charges in the ston, property on Hollister Street.- aiid Mra. Hudson Hollister, 6t Dr. AUTOMATICS We wish to thank all of our neigh" As Cars Collide Frank J. Robinson to Russell D. Paul A. Azlnger A; a eon to Mr, and Mra. William rushing him to the hospital in a A s L o w A s bors, friends and relatives for, the manv category of ’incidents of contempt SaunderK and Lucy M. Saunders, Private funeral services for cruiser. 7 r r m ftCU of kindness and sym paw y shown of the Senate or a Senatorial com­ Troy, 78 Harlan Rd.; a eon to Mn lu In our recent bereaveim nl. We mittee.’ the Senator from Wiscon­ property at 120 Branford SL Paul A. Axinger, 48 Cobum Rd., and Mra. Philip Andrulot,II, 55OU Le-L4C" According to police, Garbarini especially thank.all those who sent the Police reported an estimated Quitclaim Deeds who died Thursday after s long ion Rd.; a son to Mr. and Mrs. v/as cutting a board when the elec­ beautiful floral tributes ana loaned the sin, Mr, McCarthy, should be cen­ total of 81.150 damege and two f use of ebrs. sured. Joh^ B. Bamte.i and Bettins Bar-1 illness, were held Saturday mom- ohn Caskejl, Mansfield DejDepot: a tric saw stuck. Whei' he tried to big CfiPftClT'f FOR BIG people injured in an accident on nlnl to Arvilla F. Hale, property ing at the W. P. Quish Funeral daughter to'Mr. and Mrs,a. Donald force it, police -wld the raw went • Our Emergency De­ Th* CrMm of A nw rko't lIcKk Cool it Ur. and Mrs. WUliara Patterson. Sr. ”i. That the charges in the cate­ Lydall Street about a third of a at Union Place. Home with the Rev. Carl Olson. Xtartte, Moosup. out of control and bit into his leg livery Service will eave YOU CAN W THI MmilNCI Actually TintosI llu a For Yeui^ Protaction. gory of ’incidentsV. T i t . of encourag'd- Vernon Street yester- Card of Thanks ment of United States employes to dav kfternhon • Mildred C. Grillin to Arvilla F. pastor of the Elmanuel Lutheran you lime—and'ssay eave . WHIN YOU aUY ITI With ‘blue coal’ you're sure of top-quality ha'rd violate the law and their oaths of ^ Hale, property at Tolland Turn- church, oSiclating. a life. So make a note, by According to police, the accl pike. Bearers at the funeral Included ‘blue coal’—tinted coal.-Tinted blue as a trade-mark, ‘blue .coal’ office or executive orders,’ do not,. lyour telephone, to call i t We wlih to thank all of our npich- dent took place when a car oper­ Judgment IJen I Adam Wolz. Harold Hamilton, blue as a trade-mark burns clean and hoj. And there's far less waste bors, frlrnda and rrlatlve* for the many under all the evidence, justify ated by Richard Baaeler, 39, 8 in time of need. Any item acts of kindnoss and sympathy shown resolution of censure. Winnie A. Reid against H. Rus-1 Stanley. Davies, William Camerer, — ii America'i finest than with ordip^Ty coal — less need to tend us in our roernt brrpavsmpnt. Wo Harvard Rd., going'west on Lydall sell Prescott, 8895.65. property at | William Bents and Albert Mayo. from our ample stocke especially thank St, Elisabeth MoU>- ”3. Tlmt the charges in the’ cat- Street, struck an oncoming car hard coal! your furnace, when you heat the ’blue coal* iLf. ^ ^i“*lltary, those who' egory of incidents involving re­ 18 8. Hawthorne St^ YERH ROU.’ND -HR C0NDlTlo^:N:; will be delivered to your seot the beauUful floral trlbutea and which was on the wrong aide of P e r ioened the use of cars, ceipt or use of confidential or clas­ the street. Attswhmrnt I -n • i i -rs home or ottcc. We also YOU CAN W THI DimaiNCI way. , >11 a C U C Q sified or other confidential infor­ Trf SUte Distributors. Inc., East K i c h a r C l S O l l O U V S IIILIIIM R So don't bie color-blind when ybu buy coal I ______^ The John Olaeaon family. mation from executive file,’ do not, As a result, Clark Hare, 73 High Hartford, against Frank Morin and I THE CONFIDENCE AND TRUST call for prescriptions and WHIN YOU aURN n i St., Rockville, driver of the latter Elizabeth Morin, 8200, property^ Get ‘blue coal’'today! In Memoriam under all the evidence, justify a car, was fined 618 for violation of Aronson Tract deliver the medidnet. No resolution of censure. the rules of the road in Town Tolland Turnpike. . . . placed hi Quish Sendee Iq a constant - extra charge is made for Sec the clear full ”4. That the charges in the Marriage license* to Jorin* memory of Prancla J. Court this morning. iaoentlva to keep staadarda high. any of these services. flame as ‘blue coat’ Watch who died Sept. 37, 1S63. category of ‘incidents involving Those Injured were Alan Mullen, William, van Byl, New YorhY-^jjj^ purchase of about 65 acres burns , . . clean, hot because to abuse of colleagiies in the Senate.' Exmoor, New Brunswick, Canada, a ty , and Arvella.Rhoda Carter.17 ^nd off Gardner Street, most of NORTH END Appliance Dept.—Oak Catil memory (odes and life departa. except as td- those dealt with in WllUam P. Quish and economical I Ton'll live foreyer in oui^earts. and Mrs. W. W. Baseler, 8 Har­ Devon Dr. . . I it mountainside woodland, by PHARMACY , Tha 0-E hat a biggar tub and uwa citou|b Wife, children and crandchildren. the first category, jjo not, under vard, Rd. Mrs- ' Baseler refus^ Ellsworth Henry Cobb, 200 E. j;»niest and Bernice Richardson John Herney abater to keep the clothe* submersed in suda all tije evidence, justify a resolu medical treatment while Mullen Center St., and. Shelia Sheehan. 60 from John V. Aronson and Agnl [fur^ral Raymond T. Quish ^ DEPOT sil—-MI-»-45tt AMSIKA'S imtST HAW COAt In Memoriam « tlon of censure. was taken to Manchester Me­ Durant St., Oct. 9, St. Bridget’s x r ^ n wss ircorded in the towar PhoSto throughout (lie washing! King Si» capacity is. ”6. That on the charges in the morial Hospital with abrasions Chm’Ch. I clerk's offlee today. ■ MltcheU 2-6M0 ideal for big-F'emily washes. You a c tu ^ uva cstegoiy of« incidents/relating to and lacerations to -his face, anhs Building Permit* I The property is in eight parcels. Home water when you are able to wash fesver fuU- Eslph W. Zwicker, a general of and chest. Mullen w |s releaaed- To Bmeyt Ritchie for Dr. and| stamps on the Instrument total thcJWHAUee. I our hearts your memory lInxeriL fleer of’the Army of the United after emergency treatment. Mrs. Robert [ RaJtbuim fpr a||4.>9Sand r e c o r d I Indicate the W. G. GLENNEY CO. caoKiiv loada. i lorlng, fond and true; BUtes,’ the' Senator from Wis­ 2-story. 6-room ilwdtnhg «t Cone Aronaon^s hold a 82.000J mortgage. I not a day, dear father. - consin,- Mr. McCarthy, should be 334 NO. MAIN ST.. MANCHESTER TEL Ml.9.5253 wa do not Uuak of you. More than half the Americans S t, 816,000. I reported thhi the iuch- V censured.” drowqed aacb year are rural pao- To Edgar Anaaildi for alteratioos | ardaona hav* boughv*tht th< property ^ Z i ^ N S T . h Mtd, BMa Leister sad famUy. Further, the committee r e c ^ - pje. to a garage at/lOI Princeton St- for their pei V‘v \. T A- : \ \ ' •\ ■ ■/ ‘'"sr-

PAGE SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1954 BfANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CO^lN.. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 27,. 1954 t'fl- they have hitherto refused to fUmrt^pBter have oureelvee a powerful Instinct hour in the sections where some Ex-Governor^g Kin Sept. 33, waa fined $3 for falling demonstrate. to put bases ahead of pr'iiciple, so Droodl^s of our town officials reside.. Our Church Women Return Verdicts to carry her operator’s license. Legion to Meet 'Tlie tactics the Communists w* have taken the sickly course of police frown upon the teeiiagers Errol Burton, 63, 160 Tolland disturbing the peace With souped- Gobell-Davies Wedding DRY CLEANING SomitiQ l|priild have so far refused to adopt in ac­ By B041EB PRICE ' Dies in Hospital 8REAT EASTERN Tpke., arrested Friday, and Stan­ abstaining from voting. We will up cars. It seems to me that Dedicate Talent In Late Session Tomorrow Night «Y IBB tual practice are the tactics o f us­ 21 OAK STREET—MANCHESTER ley V. Poplelarcayk, 60. 38 Oak “ coT m e still, however, expect ot.ier sub­ colIectlng-.garbage at 5:30 a. m. is St, arrested Thursday, were both SPECIAL It BiMOlll| ArMt ing bombers in offensive fashion ject peoples, other than those on just aa much a care of disturbing Providence, R. I., Sept. 27 UP)— Hie Talent (Project of the Center ConiConn A. V. “BURT” LINDSAY, Prop. Among coses heard Saturday in fined $20 for Intoxication. The Ajneriesn Legion Dilwortlv against civilian targeta. the peace aa any jalopy with a THOL_MEAflrniROtjkROUSON, Cyprus, to regard us rather than F ^ n k 8. Trumbull, 77, a silver­ WE RPEOIAUZB IN Church iWomen’a. Federation cul­ Town Court 'vere several on motor Continued cases were those of Ckirnell-Quey Poat 102 ■will hold WALiTl R. ILBOUSON worn out muffler—In fact, 'more SUITS ond DRESSES In the Korean war, the COmmu- Rtuisia as the natural champion of ware manufacturer and brother of minated in the'"Dedication of the vehicle violation charges. Walter Cooley, 23, Andover, its first morthly meeting of the Can someone in authority 1954-55 year tomorrow night at ,n:sta used air power Only for de­ their aspirations for freedom. former Gov. John H. Trumbull of Talents" last Wedneaday evening They were Conrad P. Mohr, 24, charged with reckless -driving as give me a sg|isfactory explanation RESIDING YOUR HOME the result of sn accident in which the Port Home on Leonard Street. $ 1 a 2 5 (Plain) fensive pui-poses. Their fighters All this, of course, - hands Connecticut, died at a hospital at the September meeting of the rubUiknd. BBrenrt( «CT«ntnc BxcoM as to the necessity of picking up Alomimini CBagkaardlBg, Aabeataa, Plastle a a i baolatoi 310 Charter Oak St., arrested Sept. ponce say his car olruck a parked Tbe meeting Is schedivled to UoUanya BnUred M to* garbage at 5:30 in the morning? Pick Up On Than, aag D elra r m PrMap ---- — ---- Conn., na fought our fighters and our magnificent opportunity for prop­ yesterday after a brief illness. SldlBg. la a wida varied of eolen aad atploai Federation. 16 as the result of an accident car on Oak Street on Sept. ' 13. start at 8:15, and all mebd>ers are iicon d 01— MnU B«U t ._____ bombers. They .»ut no bombers aganda histrionics to the greatest 'There’s an unpleasant odor about He was president of the Man­ Accoeding to Mrs. Elmer when a high school student wee continued until Oct. 9, and Sam­ being urged to attend in view of the whole eituation. TELEPHONE M-S-SSYl—or scBB^upnoN ' rates over our lilies, or over the obvious of all modern colonial powers, So­ chester Silver Co. of Providence, *niienea, Federation president, a struck by his car and charged uel Oordon, 39, Willimantic. ar­ a large number of Important items i i Disgruntled Taxpayer WE FINANGE TODB DEAL profit of 3966 was realized an the rested on Sept. 20 by Chief Her­ CONN. CLEANERS PmyAbIt in A^miic« ti.Tget8 behind our lines. .We, on viet Russia, which calls Its own makers of sterling silver flat and of business requiring action by the S OjM Y#np ••••••••••••••••••••••< lUJO result of the projMt, with addi­ with violation of the rules of the man O. Schendel on a charge of membership, according to Com­ TEL. JA-8-4S57 flte Montlis the other hand, concentrated imperiahsm liberation. ' ' M LOST IN TURKEY GALE hollow ware. tional moniea to be collected. Aa road, fined $18; and John Dalg- speeding, continued until Oct. 2. 9«r## MofitlM : IS In his early career he waa aaao- mander Robert T. Petersen. Om Month . LW heavily on the business of bomb­ We probably join with Britain Istanbul, Turkey, Sept. 27 (db—- reported by various committee nault, 23, 295 Main St., who had a MTookly • •••••••••••••■•••••• • . .SO The Turkish newspaper Hurriyet ciated with his three brothers in . .06 ing; it was consistently our main in regarding Cyprus as essential members, the Talent Fund will be charge of reckless driving nolled Bfaiflo Oopy said today 20 to 25 people are the Trumbull Electric Co. in his allocated to various Center Church activity throughout the Korean to the fnilttary security of the free which had resulted from an acci­ KKM BBR ojt „ feared dead in the first black sea native Plainvllle, Conn., and in benevolent groups, gmong which TUB AflBOClAridD PRBSS war. Our explam.tion of the Com­ wprld. That is probably why we "MMcet Car With Too Much Air storm of the season, which lashed the production of the three­ TERMS AS LOW AS are mission study, education work, dent on Sept. 17. Prosecutor W. NOW: THE AMERICAN MODERN LOOK Tin A*»ocint«2.- Jullui Hathewa Bp^nl Asengr — New start bombing. But this explana­ high to be a sane price.' There was, help-wanted ads—always a favor­ age of one was found later ijut no leaves his widow and three daugh­ ating a motor vehicle without a li­ Tor^ Chicago. Detroit and Boaton. 300 has been drawn vg> for the cense was "dismissed when Judge rnfUBER AUDIT BUREAU OF tion never quite cured our unea.sy in Indo-China, an effort to main­ ite with-Droodle fans). This is a survivors were recovered. ters, all of Providence. MANCHESTIR coming year. cmciUiArioNa mistake as all Droodles, when John S. G. Rottner agreed a mis­ suspicion that the Communists tain a colonialism which also con­ Mltehdi 0-S224 The Mother’s Club served as take had been made aa to when The Herald Printing Companjr, Inc.. had a deliberate policy to refrain stituted a key military position for studied, make you smarter. This REPEAT 'WINNF-R ACCIDENTAL FEAST,. hostesses for the evening with Mrs. the licentTe expired. ' Peteris Upl- •Momaa no financial reapontiblllty for one illurlrates that midget cars Redwood Falls, Minn. (Ab—When Sacramento, Calif. OP)—The Ohaides Bigelow, worship chair­ tls, 41. Willimantic. waa fined $6 tjrpocrapatcal errora appearing In ad- from bomhing cities end villages. the West. can be dangerous. For instance, oil salesman L. B. Cox won a car owner of 400 watermelons knew For Hio lost In Drivowoy CoHstmetiow —C ol warnamanta and other readuw matter man. for failing to stop for a atop sign In The Hanebpater Evening Herald. What made this still more un­ last Gatcrday I rented one from in a baseball benefit program here, JuBt what to do when they spilled Sept. 21; and Robert Morris, 25. of pleasant was the fact that, with­ Herb Shriner and took a Young it waa recalled • that he won an­ from his truck. "Come and get Hartford, was fined $9 for a viola­ Diapiay adrartlaing cloaing houra: ^ Lady for a drive. Something went Ibr Monday—1 p. m. Friday, out using one of the main tactics other auto at a theater bank night ’em!" he yelled to a crowd of THOMAS COLLA CONST. CO. Society Planning tion of the rules of the road last br Tueaday—1 p. m. Monday, A Thought for Tuduy wrong with the engine so I got out in 1940. eager children. Friday. ir Wednesday—1 i>. m. Tuesday, of modern war, the Communists and reached under the hood to see jr Thursday—1 p. m. Wednesday.' were still able to hold their own^ what was wrong and she slapped Also fined on 'violstion of the or FBday—1 p. m. Thursday. Annual Banquet rules of the road charges were . or Baturday-1 n. m. Friday In Korea. Sentence < Sermons me. Then she got. out and walked Classified deadline: 10:30 a m. ___ home end wouldn't even help me Robert L. Hutson, $15; Acle John­ lay of publication except Saturday — Once again, in Indo-China, the Families use 'various means to Plans for the 46th banquet o! son, Jr., 69 Clyde St.. $9; and keep children occupied on long carry the car. i 1 A m. Communlsta refiained from using the Christoforo Colombo Society, Howard Brace, 45, 10% ^ipaic rides but os they grow older, for­ Monday, Sept. 27 offensive air power. Perhaps that St.. Rockville, $12. Hutson was mer games seem to pall. This oldest benefit society in the Man­ arrested Sept. 19. while .lohnson was because of the nature of the summer while traveling to and chester Italian colony, were an­ and Brace were arrested Friday. Defendinff The Middle Road war, which did not make nir power from Maine we all were interested Open Forum nounced at the group’s monthl; Mrs. Olga True, 34. Andover, meeting yesterday at the Itallan- In Willow, the Far East's sophisticated use o f nature forms; in Theme, Preaident Eisenhower, at a seem very decisive in any case. to observe the sentence sermons stopped for a radar warning on used on church bulletin boards. That Morning Clatter American Hall on Eldridge Street Scandinavia's love for clean^wept gleaming surfaces. In both, the breakfast meeting out in tios Perhaps not. Our favorite was "Go put your To the Editor: The' banquet will be held Sun­ new kind o f American Modern design that makes each piece work Angeles laat week, manufactured Now, in the little war being creed into you deed." day, Oct. 10, beginning at 1 p. m . T ’was only the other night and overtime for you. Example: new size knife and fork is elegant for blmself a risky headline. It was fought over Quemoy, the Chinese Another that should appeal to at the Garden Grove off Keene> MANCHESTER DELIVERIES all through the house not a crea-1 Street with a full-cours< MONDAY and THURSDAY formal dinners, yet carefully proportioned for cuusl snacks, too. one in which he was labeled as Nalonalists are using bombing all tl>pughtful adults waa a quota­ tion h'om Thomas Jefferson: "Er­ ture waa stirring, not even the! spaghetti and chicken dinner lA Y L E SS Knife alto h u Gorham's famous one-piece knife handle that resists acomlag the “ intellectual.” The tactica u they harass the Chinese Dancing will follow the dinner un­ ror may be tolerated where reason dog, when in the backyard I heard I dents, never rattles. A six-piece place setting (consisting o f tea* ilak, o f course, was that the Presi­ Communists, and boast of drop­ is left free to combat it." such'a clatter that I sprang from til 9 p. m, to the music of ■thi DIAPER SERYICE dent might be interpreted as hav- ping napalm on the Communists, Surprisingly enough, one o f the m y bed to see what waa the mat­ Dubaldo Brothers orchestra. Al, CoR AD-M248 For spoon, new size place knife, fork, and spoon, hollow handle tpKsder members of the musical group arr lag.embarked on a crusade against and, once again, everybody is most challenging of these sermons ter. I pushed up the window and “ Etbicnl Dlnper Sarvtca” and salad fork) costs only $32.30 Federal Tax included. was found on the wall over the -there was the garbage collector also members of the Christoforo Isaming. In fact, he seemed to be waiting, almost hopefully it would ■ — . . - - A desk of a lobster fisherman: “ God emptying the can. 1 looked at 1 Colombo Society. talking about a particular “Intel seem, for the Communists to be­ The society, with a present Maylor atuule always gives His best to those the clock through bleary eyea^and Add a new MRS. EDWARD C. GOBELL lectual,” with aomethlng legitl- gin using their air power against who leave the choice with Him.” could hardly believe that it was membership of about 150 persons, Quemoy or against Formosa itself. PGP only 5:30 a. m. Why does the was incorporated in 1908. Brides to be: Liet Your Silver Pattern In Michaels Bridal Registry "M ay fha naw yaar bring with it paaca, mate about his scorn. Tickets for the banquet may be The marriage of Miss M ary,bride’s mother received in a blue His first reference V'os to "the But, if they follov^ tffelr previous Sponsored by The Manchester garbage have to be collected at rragBmpfioj&''l Council of Churches. such an imearUily hour? I didn’t obtained from John Rota, Peter Davies and Edward C. Gobell wasT^re** and matching hat. The code, the Corqmunists will still use Urbanettl, Joseph Blum Peretto, pro$parity and., anduring brotharhood Wisecracking, so-called intellec- mind when it was picked up at 6:30 - 1;' performed Saturday at 2 o’clock bridegroom w m at- r(CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED^ 3 I»uls Paluzzi, Joseph Antonini, ^ j . tired in a gray silk dress with blue ttiala going around ahowing how air power only to defend them­ PURELY t e m p o r a r y : a. m. but an hour earlier la going chair or two Joseph Scagliotti, Louis Boggini, by me Re-. Alfred I* W illies in I feathered hat. Both wore corsages among all nation$ and all man.' wrong” everyone else is. selves against bombing by others, a bit too far. Perhaps some St. M atra Episcopa Church. Miss p,„k sweetheart roses. Richmond. Va. lAb—B. A. Delano or Samuel Amadeo, president of Next, he defined an intellectual, and not use it offensively them­ people get up that early .ahd are th» society. j, Davies is the daughter of Mr. and, /h e bride is a graduate of Man- .Arthur Drug Storts j who accepted a job as U. S. Mar­ not annoyed but I’ll bet the ma­ Mrs. W. Stanley Davies of 63 •ervitelera — BO-cgJled, aa “a man who takes selves. ------T— Chester High School and Hillyer shal here "just to ride out the de­ jority of our citizens are still in Alexander St., and her husband $ B S .O O This, if it does happen to be a College, where she received an as­ snore words than la necessary to pression” has finally quit his stop­ dreamland at that time. I’m ia the aon of Mr. arid Mrs. Her­ sociate of science degree. She is tell Bora than he knows.” firm Communist policy is ob­ gap job after 20 years to return to wondering If these garbage trucks to your home bert G. Gobell of 10 Ferndale Dr. Past Worthy Advisor of Manches­ Hid reference to the cur­ viously not motivated by any farming. dare start on their rounds at this White carnations decorated the ter Assen>bly Order of Rainbow church for the double-ring cere- for Girls. .lewelers—Silversmiths rant campaign techniquea of a idealistic humanitarianism. It is money. ^ ilootationt Fnralshed By The bridegroom attended New­ 958 Main St. — MI-9-4293 gentleman he had the honor of obviously based on a cold calcula­ Ralph Lundberg sang "Be­ ington 1-Hgh School and Hillyer tion that, in the long run, there is Oobara A fillddlebroak. u e . cause,” and “The Lord’s Prayer,” competing against in 1952 came in at savings I p. m. prlMa Junior College. Ue received his going to be some benefit from with James W. McKay accom­ bachelor of e'Cience degree from fliR (onDiTionmo B paaeage in which he discussed Baak'siaeka panying on the organ. the difficulties of his own cause in leaving the theory of air wa* Northeastern University and his Bid Akkad The bride, pre.sented in mar­ master of mechanical engineering the present campaign. which we Americans took over ROCKRAFT First National Bank riage by her father, wore a gown degree from Rensseleer Polytech­ “ One o f the troubles, of course," from Mussolini and Hitler exclu­ of Manchester...... 84 38 of Chantilly lace over nylon tulle nic Institute. He ia a member of sive with us. Hartford National and satin, with a fitted bodice and Beta Gamma fraternity and served ha said, “ is that any one who up to Bank and Trust Co. 3234% long pointed sleeves. Her full skirt WILLIAMS takes something of that kind (a By this codd, if they stuck to it. two years in the Navy during Conii. Bank and ended in a chapel-length train. World War II. CERAMICS Trust Co...... 71 7.5 OIL SERYICE middle-of-the-r(^ program) to the Communists would never, of Her fingertip-length veil of Swiss Manchester Trust . . . 60 ' 65 Both Mr. and Mrs. Gobell Ore THE NEW 1954 carry to the people is robbed, real­ course, drop an atomic bomb on JUST ARRIVED! nylon net fell from a crown of iri­ employed at the Hamilton Stan­ BROAD STREET Fire iBsnraaee Companies descent .sequins and pearl*. She ly, o f the drama o f extremes. It is anybody." And that, of course, is dard Division of the United Air­ TEL. MI-9-4548 Hundrtds of now molds. Start now and Aetna F ir e ...... 69 72 carried a Bible with an orchid, craft Corp. much easier, you know, to get up where the possible abandonment moko yoiir Christmen Gifts. Hartford Fire ...... 173 178 stephanotis and ivy. gmd say, ‘Everybody is a so-and-so, of the code does loom in present National Fire ..r ;...1 0 2 107 Mrs. William E. Haa.ser, Jr., In except my little gang and me,’ communist planning. They are Phoenix ...... 90, .93 a shrimp color nylon net gown Soo Our Gigantic Christmos Display ovier taffeta, was matron of honor CHEVROLET/ than It ic to go out and cell a real­ making the bombs; they are mak­ Life aad ladeasnlty Ins. C o e . former prices! Aetna U f e ...... 144 149 for her cousin. Herbert G. Gobell, ly constructive truth, because we ing the planes which could del'ver ONE HALF Aetna Casualty ...... 180 190 Jr., was best rnan for his brother. HE MAKESAENDING A tand to take it for granted. them;, their pose as being more Conn. General ...... 353 ' 365 » The bridesmaids. Mias Verna Hare and Miss Gail D. Phillips, "Well,” the President went on, civilized than we are in their — Remember — Hartford Steam Boil. .7 7 82 FRIENDLY BUSINESS Travelers ...... 1380 1420 wore gowns of blue with matching think that the administration techniques of war may be aban­ The fact that Watkins fs clearing out a couple ef dozen sample headpieces. Tlie.y carried colonial This is the (rieodly YRS MANager of the locet probably is not capable of telling doned aome dajC Meanwhile, how- , PnMIe enmtee bouquets of pink., white, and yel­ Aetiwrf Finance Company. Ha Miaves that no NO Lessons Needed chairs from its display makes an ideal opportunity for you to pick Conn. Light Power .. 17% 19% low carnations. The flower ^rl, one should borrow uiuiacetsarily. But whan a A STAR AT NIGHT anybody how to dramatise the ever, the greatest imeaslness in Conn. Power ...... 40 42 some American military circles up a chair or two for your living room or study at a great big sav-- Dorothy Carol Haaser, wore a loan is to a parson't advantage, ha provides folks truths, these programs, and car­ NO Appointments Needed Hartford Elec. Lt. . . . 56% 68% dress ' of shrimp nylon net over here with the needed cash. OR IN DAYTIME ry them out, so that people will continues to, be not over the pros­ ing. They're all listed hare . . selected from our big main floor dis­ Hartford Gas Co. . . . 37' 40 taffeta and carried a colonial bou­ CIMAW csmiMlMn—. Ha makei borrowing a simple, friendly trent- pect of what the Russiauis could So. New England quet of carnations. overwhelmingly accept them. But play, our Wentworth Gallery on the second floor, and from the Tel...... 39% 41% action. He malcaa loops to employed man and 'Women, married or 1 know it can be done. I believe do, if they adopted bombing At the reception for 175 guests tingle. Ha arrangee convenient monthly paymontt. BRING Th e “GANG”—CONE a s y o u ARE big third floor. Just one ef each (unless otherwise noted) so hurry. Mnnnfnetnrtng Companlea In the Church parlors immediately If you dacido that a loan it to your advantage, coma to tea that If you carry the truth to the as a (Chief instrument of policy, Allied Thermal...... 51 — DOOR IS OPEN EVERY DAY BUT THURSDAY following the ceremopy, the /Wewefct YES MANager today. . ' . people, there will be only on e de­ but over the possibility that they Am, Hardware...... 15 17 leans $29 ta $S00 aa $ignatiira Alana cision from the mass of 160,000,- will not so adopt it. T ^ p ko n r^ PI-2-4127 ~ Arrow. Hart, Heg. . . . 43% 46% Aaeo. Spring ...... 27. 30 Seafiati 000 Americans.” WOODBRIDGE ROAD — NORTH COVENIBY Briatol Brass ...... 18% 20% rnar uKts to lav vfi- ' There, we suspect. President When Principle Shatters One of a kind — Subject to Prior Sale Cheney Bros ...... 7% 9 1 ^ CoUlns ...... 105 115 rWsSES4ELTC'l FINANCE CO. Soo Hib HirlHing row cor dr Xisenhower has put this congres- Practically every member of the ^ m e n and WOMEN J aionel campaign in a nutshell. The whoro prieos art normal! Em-Hart ...... 29 32 $0€ MAIN ST., 2nd FI., Ov«r We«lwetth% MANCHESTER western community of nations OUT Fafnif Bearing -...... 37 40 MltcMI S-4US • Aik tor tha YEf MMtafW C«Htor Chevrele^—dpen ovory precise middle-of-tlie-road brand knows, in its heart, that colonial Landers; Frary, Ctk. . 30 32 ^Arthur Drug Stores 1 O riN THUISDAV EVCNINCS UNTIl I tM . o f accomplishment the people N. B. Mach. Co. C.... 29 31 IbBRS ^NBOo $0 FBSlUBNffS Ot Btt BOCMBBOiB^ iBNRiB i;'m . Is dead. And, from time to “Plai with Glay-The Rockraft Way!’ '■ Reg. $159.00 Lounge Chair in forest green Reg. $201.00 Massive Modem Lounge Chair with r EXPERT nTTERS ^ night until 9, ~ ▼oted for when they voted for him North and Judd .... 27 .30 A Imr Bf $100 CMh SN.M vhtR Rrtmfllf rtptii In 12 (MiBcitlvt montliif loiiiltaMiitt $1141 oadL time, all these nations will join in mohair frieze cover; fringed valance . . . . 7 9 . 5 0 tufted back and a. matching ottoman; nubby-tex- Rusoell Mfg...... 10% ■ has been building itself along. By high-sounding declarations, like tured greea.and gold cover; 2 pcs...... 9 8 .0 0 Stanley W o r k s ...... 53% 56% Ito own very nature, it does lack that just signed at Manila, which Terry Steam ....V...110 — drama. The. opportunity for drama Reg. $98.00 Lounge Chair, medium size, .similar Torrington ...... 24 26 in effect proclaim that colonialism 4 9 .5 0 la indeed open to the kind of wise­ to illustration; grey damask c o v e r ...... Reg. $105.00 Open-Arm Occasional Chair; in­ U. S. ^ v elop e com ... 88 93 is dead. On the high-sounding laid Sheraton design; Chinese red seat . . 7 9 .5 0 U. S. Envelope pfd. .. 69 — crack with which Adlai btevenson, level, everybody is agreed, r* Veeder-Root ...... 35 ' . 38 Reg. $129.50 Wing Chair with chen^^jretcher in a notable descent from the level But every time It gets down to PiM for a GlirieiR Sprii|! The above quotations aie not to CO which he fir..t made his bow to base; black, chartreuse and red print 7fT .6 4 .7 5 Reg. $79.00 Wentwort.h Quality Sheraton Open- some specific case of colonialism, be eonatnied as actual markets. AKE a drivt In the -1954 Cbovrolof .• •. y d til bo the American people in 1952, has a Arm Chair; beige armure upholstery . . . . 3 9 . 9 5 that agreement disappears. It a a GOOD GOVERNMENT b#en flooding the cojntry. The makes a difftrence. whose cjlonv Reg. $55.00 Occasional Chair with wcK>d arms; omoBod ot how (gatlly it oporwtos oiM thoro's oxcoptionol oeon- Reg. $n0.00 Armless Slipper Chair; modern middle-pf-the-road is indeed sub­ it is which may be about to be f tan and gold'striped damask cover .i.... 3 9 .5 0 . . . ject to sharp and draiiip.Uc at­ liberated. It makes a difference blond legs; green textured upholstery 39.75 I S NO ACCIDENT omy of oporAtion in this fino cor. tempt from both extremes, and whether the colony in question has .Reg. $125.00 Wentworth Quality Wing Chair in this is clear enough from the way Reg. $42.00 All-upholstered Boudoir Chair; grey Higher some military importance to the green brocade; Chippendale stretcher base 6 2 . 5 0 ~ 1. ^ left-wing Democrats and right- free world. It ipakes a difference bi^ground document print cover ...... 1 9 ,9 5 lOARD OF DIRECTORS' BOARD OF EDUCATION wing Republicans are both busy whether a nation has colonies of ■'ll Values tearing away at President Eisen- its own, or none, or is itself a Reg. $79.00 Fanback Chair in grey datnask with Reg. $48.60 Boudoii'Chair, large size, plain rose Gilberjt C. Barnes Nov. ’54 to Nov. ’57 term kower. deeply tufted back; wooded arm fronts . 4 9 .9 5 ■ 4 colony 'which only recently at Plaat InparM HOUAND BULBS NOW! combined with cretonne seat and back . . 14.95 AFTER a fire, you may be Theodore' L. Fairbanks Edward G. Glenney Yet the American pcopie had tained freedom. amazed to fiiid your house­ ^aense enough to vote for this mld- mips HYACINTH Harry J. Firato Jane M. Stuck All these differences are out in Darwin, Peony lowered Tri­ Red, PinkT~Blue. Yellow and Reg. $55.00 Wentworth Quality Chippendale Reg. $26.00 Boudoir Chair in a combination of hold goods are under-in­ * dle-of-the-road, and the good the, open as the free nation of umphant, Emperor, Double, White. Arm Chair; hunter green antique satin plain wine and blue figured cretonne . . . . 1 4 . 9 5 sured. You are aware of to­ Natalie G. 5fcIntosh presumption is that, Jiaving voted etc. (Mixed or separate col- Nov. ’55 to Nov. ’58 term Greece obtains a vote in the Unit­ C O V ^ C r eeaa«eeeaaaa«eeeaaa,aaeaaaeaaaeee* 3 9 .5 0 day’s higher prices, but to r it, they also have sense enough ora). Mostly 89e doz.' CROCUS Jacob F. Miller Christie F. Mc€!ormick ed Nations General Assembly Mixed or separate colora— Reg. $38i75 Boudoir Chair; plain periwinkle have you neglected to in­ to evaluate it andrecognize it Harold A. Turkington steering committee for a debate DAFFODILS S6c doz. Snow Drops, Ma­ Reg. $69.50 Occasional Chair with solid Mahog­ faille combined with bow-knot embroidered) crease your insurance ac­ Carl E. Hultine When they get it, But this does oh the issue of Cj'prus, the Large Trtomph Donhie and donna Lilies and Grape Hya­ any frame; green velvet upholstery...... 4 9.7 5 cordingly? make It ti'ue that the forthcoming NardaoL cinth. faille ...... 1 9 .9 5 ! Mediterranean Island of large i( Ask this agency to check alectien ^ il l in0 Modern Lounge Chair ih brown In the vote to have this debate, imspcctacular middle-of-the-road LARGE SHOWY PLANTS--85e and gold textured fabric ...... 7 7.0 0 Reg. $115.00 Chippendale Wing Chair: deep some of the nations which just Progress/and it-is i^Jways the peo- 'srrey printed satin; slightly water spotted 4 9 .5 0 agreed on high principle at Manjla - EVERGREENS - pU themselves v/ho have to defend Reg. $66.50 Modem Open-Arm Occasional voted to hold - the debate, others Exceilent eelectlen ef extra CONSTABLES TOW N CLERK tt, if they want it, by their votes. Chair ; nubby-textured cover in yellow . .4 9 .9 5 Reg. $99.50 (2) Queen Anne Barrel Chairs in voted against holding it, and some goaRty Evergreens — me- Samuel J. Turkincton dinm aad large alaes. Tewa forest green frieze; Latex cushions, each 5 9 .7 5 James D u ffy '' " ^ abstained. In g'single test of that Arbor Vitae, inalpera aad The Civilized Pose Reg. $98.00 Modern Open-Arm Occasional Felix Gremmo TOWN TREASURER high principle, then, these natlops Henalocka, Laarrt, Rhoflo-^ Chair; black and white tiger skin cretonne C. Leroy Norris Thera is sometiiing almost wist- acted three ways. dendrono, Aaaleaa, F lo w Reg. $139.00 Ladies Lounge Chair, Wentworth cover eeaaeeaaeaaeaaaaaaaae'eaeaaaeeaee 6 9 .5 0 Raymond E. Robinson ftd about the way American mili­ Britain considers it necessary to Bring Shrubs. Quality; rose damask cover, hair filled , . . . . 7 9 . 5 0 Potted Perennials and REGISTRAR OF YOTERS tary authorities keep writing for hold Cyprus for military reasons, Frederick E. Peck Rock Garden Plante Reg. $85.00 Modem Open-Arm Occasional Chair; -Donald Hemingway tka Oommunlst world to adopt the now that Egypt-is gone. Britain is SOc—SforflA * Reg. $129.00 Ladies Lounge Chair in a light theory of air power they Them- BO determined in this that it is ex­ African Violets grey and black textured cover; blond frame 59.75 green damask cover; Latex seat ...... 7 9 .5 0 Bilves have adopted, and these pected to boycott the debate when S" PoU 69o Lime, FertIHzera, > J - . m m * American authorities derira it dMS occur- pull a Gcplnyko at i i German Peat Moto B curious brand of comfort, we the liolted Nations, in other Aagraw Oraaa Seed would (uaas, from iudlcationVfwords. that; by producing atqmic and by- ‘The United Btatea is for ending dnyten bombs and long range cokmiAliem in principle, qnd we WOODLAND GARDENS xbombars obviously designed to be are patron to Greece, which is the ( M o to deliver them, the Russians complainipg party. But we share 14 iwM fnvuiag for tactics Bulitary strategy with Britain, and ■i. p a g e e i g h t MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER^ CONN., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1954 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1954 TOONERVILLE FOLKS BY FONTAINE FOX PkiSCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE B o lto n Answer to Previous Puzxle I Green Manor Buys Planners Air Board Candidates Accept ¥ gRAMPMA FUTTV’g FAMOUS PROMT POf^CH Well-Kkown Names □ □ 1 1 s E H Sense attd Nonsense hi m 1 V E E U N N E Bolton Properly ACROSS I Moslem 1N| T 5J W S ? Rosedc^le Roads Are Topic Six Requests Invitation to Questioning 1 Artlat — I painted aomethingi good to the greatest number. 1 -— Tracy magistrate 3 for laat year’a academy. Green Manor Estates, Inc., was 5 “Emerald Isle'* 4 Makes socks □ 2 1 7 F Questioner — And what do you Six proposed changes in the scheduled to close legal details of * fl E Banker — Was it hung? consider the greatest number. At TonighVs Town Meeting town's zoning regulations Vlll be the purchase of the estate of Roger # -----Franklin 5 Age d Gfi 2 w i 7 Artist—Yea, near the entrance ' Congressman — Number one. Public Offered Chance Group 12 Pertte 6 Cad a 7 considered tonight at 8 o'cld^k W. William* in Bolton asThe Her­ IN OR OUT OF TOWN ON igi3 where everybody could aee it. when the Town Planning CommtiP To Query Aipira^ts * * ald went to press today. II Wat borne 7 Notion 1 Artlat — A board aaying, 'Keep Girl — I heard you'broke your Bolton, Sept. 27 (Special) — Addition to the usual high and low 14 Reverential Q ■ E F 1 Sion meets in the hearing room of* The plot, estimated as contain­ 8 Birds' homes m S to the left.’ . engagement. special town meeUng at the Com-; table prizes. RefreshmenU will be At Meeting fFednesday Meets Tomorrow u □ T T f y i the Municipal Building. fear 9 In baseball, 1 E Boy — Well, I was ©nly doing munity Hall at 8 o'clock tonight | served, ing 18 acres, fronts on Route 44A 15 Thinks it a u a u WT E [yf Three of the proposed shifts and Route 8. It Is triangular in AUTOMATIC differences u hi 7 'Wife (to Huaband, inspecting to it w’hat it did to me. will consider acceptance of three New Realdenta concern changes to business zones. Eleven of the 12 candidates for The Manchcater Child Study over ifijr S SJ shape and lies between Bolton between a fair £ new refrigerator) “The. salesman roads In the Rosedale section as Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Glenney election of the Board of Directors 17 Stitch ball and a fouiftS Servants Two are for changes to industrial Group, formerly the Wuhtngton- Center Road and Williams Road. 43 S u lk s said it’s something new—no de­ An insufance agent was trying part of the town road system. T he; moved Into their new home on and the final to a residence zone. from both parties have accepted Reported sale price Is reliably WASHERS, DRYERS 18 Nurse —— 10 Pitcher 28 Soil 45 Shiny fabric frosting—no worry aboi)t power to convinc; a prospective customer warning for the town meeUng asks, South Road last week. They have South Study Group, will meet to­ Cavell Included among the changes are an invitation by the League of said to be over 840.000. Neal MAYTAG, HOTPOINT, BLACKSTONE, ABC-O-MATIC 11 Tidings 30 Entice 46 Mind failure—ail you have to do is put of the merits of life insurance. He for three separate action.^ on Ply- been long-time residents of Man- the following requests: Lydall morrow afternoon at 1 o'clock in Bllli("of Green Manor said today IS Ragf 16 English river 31 "----- 47 Soon a cake of ice in it every day!” kept right at him. mouth Lane', Lynwood Drive and ' Chester. Women , Voters to answer ques­ the library of the new Vernon-Ly- ■ 21 Secure Street, south side, west of the Bol­ tions about schools, the town's fis- his finn has absolutely no plans 20 Domesticates majesty” 48 Mend At one stage of the battle he Colonial Road to Sunnydale Lane. ' New Arrival ton town line from Rural Resi­ dall School, where meetings will for building dwellings on the prop­ k VOU'D BE ^ ...... 23 “My Gal — 22 Defended 33 The 50 U n u su a l . used this argument:' ^ In a meeting last week, the Rose- A son was bom on Sept. 22 at Mt. oal problems, zoning and plan­ 24 Peculiar A calf owned by Mt»- H. R. dence to Industrial Zone; East ning, police and fire protection, be held on the second and fourth erty. With the exception of the DISHWASHERS TO CALL IT OFF TO places Pentateuch 51 Selves E^l, of Olathe, (5oIo., has two Agent — Why, insurance is the dale Properly Owners Assn, voted; Sinai Hospital In Hartford to Mr. Center Street,, north side, west of Tuesdays of each month. frontage on the state highway, the HOTPOINT, KITCHEN AID, AMERICAN S atO H T A/OkV/ B E E IF 27 Greater 24 Spoken 35 Sight greatest thing in the world. No to retain legal counsel to represent and Mrs. Gordon Yates of Vernon and the Town Charier at a public j 52 Lairg liMds end three legs. .—Ruby Bar­ Lenox Street, from Residence meeting Wednesday' The speaker at this ftrst session entire tract will be put up for f^ W O N 29 Writer John 25 Meager 40 Eternity 55 Compass rientos, Olathe, Colo. man should be without it. I even ,JU Interests at the town meeting. Road. The baby has been named Zone to-Business Zone I; W. Mid­ tomorro’v will be Miss Harriet sale as building lots, according to FIRST Stuart allotment (poet.) point carry a 850,000 policy, payable to Several of the residents have re­ Dane Gordon. At the meeting, slated to take 1! cently filled In some of the holes dle Turnpike, north- side, west of place at 8 p. m. in the auditorium Nash, consultant on early child­ Ellis. RANGES, REFRIGERATORS 32 Cheerer "Truth is stranger than fiction” my wife. Movies To Be Shown Main Street, from Residence Zone hood and parental education for The firm has no immediate plan 34 Thoroughfare Prospect — It's too much. What In Plymouth Lane and covered the Arthur G. Lloyd of South Road of Waddell School, citizens trill ALL LATEST UP TO DATE'MERCHANDISE 1 is a popular condensation of a B to Busjness Zone II. the State Dept, of Education. for business development of the r r r 1 6 patch with crapkcaae oil. The poor will show movies taken on some of have an opportunity to ask ques­ 36 Nearly r i l iri excuse can you give her for living? Also, B. Center Street, north frontage. r thought expressed in Lord Byron's condition of this road recently tions from the floor after candi­ Programs for coming meetings 37 Staircase parts Don Juan (1823): his recent world travels at the side, beginning 370 feet east of The sale was made by Manches­ i L caused the school bus stop, at Ply­ Bomarco meeting tomorrow night. dates have been given the chance will Include films showing some of 38 Ogle IT " 'Us grange—but true; for More credit may be thrown down Huntington Street, from Resi­ ter realtor Warren Howland for J l the many problems that arise in 39 Places in a moment, than can be built up mouth Lane and Lynwood Drive The Married Couples Club will dence Zone A to Residence Zone to repl.v to formal questions drawn ABC APPLIANCE CO: l b truth is' always stranger,— to be dropped from the transpor­ tip by the leagi.e. child development and parent- Atty. Charles - Crockett, adminis­ ^ 41 Observe 1? In an age. meet at Center Church parish room Stranger than fiction.” tation schedule, and only recently at 8 p.m. C: Wilbur Cross Highway, west 'T he candidate who will hot be child relationship. Talks by guest trator of the Williams estate. Jay THE HOUSE OF FINE SERVICE ‘ 42 America's Truth Stranger Than Fiction side, south of Wlnd.sor Street, E. Rubinow of the firm of Rublnow M 9 restored for a temporary period SoMits To Organize able to attend is Harry J. Flrato, sneakers well known in the field of MI-9.1575 , 21 MAPLE ST. • “Uncle.-----•* * (1858) la" the title of the auto­ LAWYER IN POREFROmVT from Rural Residence Zone to and LaBelle represented Green m ending Nov. l.„C3pntlnuaUon of it The first meeting of a new Girl Republican Incumbent, who ex- child study will highlight many of 44 The one here )!l biography of Joslah Henson, who Of the men who signed the Dec­ beyond that date' ^^pends upon the Business Zone I, II or III; School these bi-monthly meetings. Manor. Scout troop for fith graders will Street, south side;-beginning 400 pre.s.sed regrets th.at a previous 48 Negative was bom a slave on a Maryland laration of Independence. 25 were condition of the road and whether be held at the school tomorrow at engagement would keep him from Places visited by the group dur­ 9 -2 'T -S * electrode & f t plantation and who was the re­ lawyers, 8 were merchants, 5 were feet east of Spruce Street, from r i i or not it is still considered unsafe 3:16 p. m.''Mrs. Mortlmeri Harlow, the meetii-g, according to Mrs. ing the pstst- .season were. Litch­ 49 Rowed ..I P puted prototype of Uncle Tom in phyuicians, 2 were soldiers, 2 were Residence Zone A to Residence i for school bus travel. ' w leader of the new troop, has asked Marshall Banever, chairman of the field Junior Republic, Longley 53 Blackbird of Harriet Beecher Stowe'a Uncle statesmen, 1 was a sailor, 1 a shoe­ Rain Causes Accident Zone B. n it'i the mothers of the candidates to The Town Planning Commi.tsion leagtie's voter scrtlce. School for Mentally Retarded OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE MA.IOR HOOIM.B cuckoo family Tom's Cabin. maker,' and 1 a minister. At 70, A sudden hard rain storm Sat­ be present for a discussion of The Republican candidates, be­ Children, Newington Home for 54 Ancestry 3 7 Benjamin Franklin, the printer, urday .iaftemoon and heavy traffic has available for inspection exact sides Fira’o, are Jacob Miller, was the oldest signer, while Ed­ semiring and Its requirements. Mrs. description.^ of the above-mention­ Crippled CJhlldren, where the 56 Fabulous bird 0 Better to have an old man to contributed to a collision in front Theodore Fairbanks. Harold Turk- ALL ALONG. TH’ Edmund Peresluha will be as­ ed proposals in the Planning Com­ group members observed and later IT WAS» AWFUL' 0AH/ VlHAT DEFE^^6e N A S A ^ 57 Sea eagles humor than a young rdke to break ward Rutledge, 26, a lawyer, was of Doc's Drive-In on Routes 6 and sistant leader for. the troop. Ington, all Incumbents. Gilbert discussed the problems and daily , NICE OF VDU WAY WE KEP' SCHOLAR OF MV ATTAIMMEHTS 58 "The----- p your heart. the youngest. 44-A. mission office. Descriptions are on Barnes, and Nctalle' Meinto.sh. DECIDIN’ ON f t life of the children confined there. M T O PIC< U6 » , 4iURP0 g£6l?. ASAIH6T SUCH CRASS, Curtain’’ Leo A. Lallne of Woonsocket, file in the Town (Clerk's Office. The Democrats ^I're Mrs. Helen UP AAA’AM/ 1 S TU F F WE COULD ’ At a dinner party, a Congress­ Modern couples might do well Advertisement— Mothers of Manchester school S E T ALONG. BKAZEfA EFFROHTERV/ ^ % p R. I., traveling e,"jt, was slowing Fitzpatrick, Walter Mahoney, and HOPE MOO H 7 l o Teenager Ballroom CTlass will children are invited to attend the Blind Tapes eiodfto B e e n 5 1 5 1 P O N T MIND w i t h o u t / 80 To cut man was asked: to adopt the motto that often down to make a left turn into the Matthew Paton, all incumbent.a, meeting tomorrow and enroll In A STOFF*i‘ SO puTi vooi? eco yin Questioner — What do you con­ used to be inscribed in wedding start this Tuesday, September 28 61 Cape w p drive-ln when another car leaving Edwin Kose, Dr." Pascal Poe, and the Child Study Group. PICK PlTCHIKJS sider the object of.legistation ? rings; “Be to his virtues very kind. at the Bolton Community Hall. Forest Fires Peril \ f Hi6H 6EAI?/ the restaurant made it nece.saary Phillip H aiison. FOR LASTING BEAUTY ^5UCH VYRETCI-IED, DOWN 5b CYrngressmen The greatest Be to his faults a little blind.” for Lallne to apply his brakes For Registration, phone th’i Flora 5 7 B" B. Johnson School of Dancing, MI In expressing regret at his in­ UNWELODIC 1 “A ----- . hard. As he did so, Luc Caston- Evaeiiated Towns ability to attend, Director Fii-ato 9-133.5. RANGE ^ 6HeO A TEAJ? D066EREU a dozen” k > guay of Mansfield Center who was said he felt the discussion would Ruslon Venetian Blind Tapes, woven like RIGHT IN A 2 Angered u CARNIVAL BY DICK .TURNER lAAk'e YAWS A TUB ' y n folloVving Lallne, was unable to (Continued from Page One) be most valuable, Mrs. Banever other fine fabrics of plastic, Taill jfive your iMAN'6 OiNM stop in time and crashed into the Manchester Evening Herald Bol- on correspondent, Mrs. Joseph said. FUEL OIL blinds permanent beauty. Well make new HYING ROOlH rear of the first car. eight forest i'nd brush fires still The League held a similar meet­ •*-FA P/r There were no Injuries In the D’ltalla. telephone MItehell S-554145. ing 'before the laat town election j Sunaire Blinds for you, or remake your old burning in California. In the past GASOLINE blinds, with Ruslon woven plastic tapes. M V „ r BUGS BUNNY mishap hut extensive front end five days these and other fires two years ago and attendance damage was done to the Caston- in the state have cost three lives, was heavy. Before the primary guay car. State Police patrolman Baby, Sitter Deaths at least a dozen homes and 19,000 elections this year, candidates »« t-* Richard E. Powers of the Colches­ acres of watershed cover. were given an opportunity, to an­ BANTLY OIL ter Barracks investigated the ac­ swer questions submitted by the Blamed on Maniac Only the fire near here and a (OMI'W). INC, cident.There were no arrests. 750-acre blaze near Los Padr.es I.ieague and their answers were Fm c fe // M F G . C O e Class I’resident Named National Forest not far.from Mon­ published in The Herald. 111 '1 \1\ ' IRKI.I Carol Kilpatrick was named (Continued from Pago Ono) terey remain out of control. The question sessions, the gold f president o< the eighth gi-ade cla. s feather campaign . which the TEL Mitchell 9-459S MANCHESTER GREEN at the Elementary School recently. More than 600 men On the fire- Chapin said there was no evidence lines north of here were aided dur­ Iveague is waging, and the demon­ TEL RO CKVILLE 5-2177 Her fello'A--offlcers are Robert Lhat.MIss^Smith had been attacked ing the night by a rise in humidity strations on how to use voting \ Gates, vice-president: Harold Jar­ sexually. A torn fingernail and a all part of the vis, secretary and Donna Toth, to 35 per cent, and a drop in wind ■ wrist bruise indicated the teenager velocity. Unfortunately, the wind League's voter service program. treasurer. battled frantically with her is- was expected to increase tndav. Student Council representatives sailant. named are Ddnna Toth aijd alter­ Many of the men, including ■ffHM& nate. Robert Gates. Two eighth Bioth, Miss Smith and young crack Zunl Indian "smoke eate.-s" T-rr CTf?wiU'AMs> M e s s a g e i s n ' t grade boys are officer* of the Stu­ Go'.dberg were stabbed about 20 from New Mexico, have had little Planninj!? to Build? ______GETTING ACROSS- times in' the back and cut about or nb sleep since this fire Ikegan TRIMMINOS I. «M4 kf !«• t*MM. hw. « '« «H V *«1 Mr. M»>. >M« W M»w—- *A Mg. W i Pw M«V^ dent Council having been elected — SEE — laat spring by the student body. the chei t, Chapin said, adding: Saturday. How often should you diange oil filters? "It sounds like a crazy man’s ALLEY OOP Stephen McAneeny Is serving his The flames crackled down the W. H. ENGLAND Advice BY V.T. HAMLIN second term a.s president and ■work. Only a maniac would do a steep mountain slopes to within a Ronald Carr is vice-president. thing like this.” half mile of this city of 80,000, LUMBER COMPANY _.AND IF Y O U / W Ea. ALL TVE COT BUTBEUEVE The magazine subscription cam­ The bodies of the two victims showering the area with sparks. Tel. 5II-9-0:44 "FRANkLvX'^'^ beautir^ , I / y m _____ WUYT THE ( TO SAY IS. IF YOU BUT THAT'S vME, OOOOK, paign to raife funds for a class were fopnd by thjs slain young­ A wind shift swirled the flames ^ DR vffiufor an ( OF YOURS ISNT LACV, SO V PO- >WD BETTE? CDC'a A ster's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ber­ 2000 miles? 2500? 5000? WHAT OOP CUD \THERE^5A trip In the spring got underway awa.v four miles up the moun­ GET HER, THE \ PLAY IT ROUGH! nard Goldberg, when they returned AND LOOK WH«ry DIFFERENCE! laat ■week with Leon Kaialer and tain to the edge of the town of . 9 UKE M E/y-- PlATNUM SO O N ER THE HAPPENED Roberta Richardson named cap­ from a night out. Tne girl's body Cre.stllne. BETTER.' TO HIM ' tains of the two sales teams. Jo was fo'nd by the front door; Fire fighters, using 150 pieces Ann Thyreen has been named bu l- Stephen's in a bloody crib. His 5- of equipment, turned the flames MATTRESSES ness manager. Th. class started year-old brother, Robert, slept un­ back. The fire then roared i the year with a' balance of 8150 In harmed in a rear bedroom. through Devil . Canyon, leaping i Alpc/e T o O rd ^r Its bank account raiseMiAM. RtUM K-m S IKTEGT fiF OtAV 48 KVaNMUtr MS HAFFINMG candidate for the Legislature, will their elderly baby sitter dead. V00V4<3 Of f COOLO ' WForr cHtw kuwicAwe. ^TOfUZ AMO YOUR H058AI Dr. Paul E. Kabasko, Lackawan­ tigating indications the co.stly fire ENGINEERS DISCOVER HOW TO MAKE 1. ASfSViMt HURRICANt participate In a Tolland County may have Seen Incendiary. 'There VMtWWOWtB? OWV^^ VOO YSAVSt HURRicNit snmoHMtr., MRS. SPAIN. Workshop on issues of the Demo­ na County coroner, ruled the^draths Plugged Sowers YM WAOt TWt WUNT8R5' cratic campaign to be held at the were caused by accidental a'sphyx- have been six or seVen minor vmtPS Iff MU5WU0UL PAMIUIS fires in the same area since June 1. AND YOUR CAR LAST YEARS LONGER! WBOOT 'WAl YVt NitCYSSAWY MCKASmfiMMTBIStTY. Town Hall in Mansfield on Friday. iation. ’ ' Lf ARM TO Disucssion leader will be State Mrs. Ruth Gospoderek told po­ OOWT \OOV< A'Mt PRW A- FUTURE PIRECTIOH AHTjOHUSIV, Although Serins, the dog star. Septic Tanks This is the secret that wouldn’t kem —the discovery that can AS, \Tp vetB WWNOWSf UdCIRTAM.^ Rep. John N. Dpmpaey of Putnam lice she returned home at 1:30 iimVMiT. who is the Democratic nominee for Sunday morning to find the dead Is not an exceptionally bright star, present-day engines last hundreds or thousands of miles. ^ Lieutenant-Governor. bodies. Patricia* Ann,- 21 months, It is 28 times as bright as the Machine Cleaned MIOO\ sun. Fl\V^ « Whist Planned wa.s in her crib; Mary Jane. 5, was Septic Tanks, Drain WHAT'S THE STORY ON OILT \ Mrs. Keeney Hutchinson heads a in bed. and 4-year-old Kathlenc Fields, Dry Wells and committee of women from the Ann was snuggled against the ■ T« combat increasipg engine friction in modem engines, hibricatiOD engineers Ladles of 8t. Maurice who will con­ baby-sitter, John Bell, 6.5, on the Sewer Lines Installed have developed new oils conUining the "additives'* you hear so much about duct a military whi.st at the Com­ divan. Mrs. Gospuderek said she LET US FILL YOUR and Repaired. These additive* are worth the extra ISf to 254 you are paying for oil. b u t... munity Hall, Wednesday at 8 p.m. found an oven jet parti.slly opened. There will be six door prizes in ad- Her husband, Jack, died last April. Wm.F. ORDINARY FILTERS REMOVE THE ADDITIVESI JE F F COBB The rag and paper filter packs you buy made of absorbent material soak up BY PETER HOFFMAN additives like a blotter; the money you are paying for additivea is, for Ae moat ■■ ■ !.■■ Steele & Son YOUR NEl&HBORS FEEL / BUT DAO HAS MICKEY FINN Optimistic! part, wastisd. And ordinary filters give irregular filtration, allowing large abrasive THEY'VE BEEN GIVEN ALL OF apparently not./ BY LANK LEONARD SPECIALIZING IN Called for and delivered 683 VERNON ST. particles to pass through to damage engine parts. . MR. COBB, I CAN'T SilniNDLED, MR, BAXTER' OWN. MONEY TO BELIEVE WE ARE IN ...LOOK OUTSIDE/ promptly at no extra Td. MI.9-0531 or Ordinary f ilt^ soak up valuable Other faults of throwaway filter: they filter only SS of the oil when if* oold, ...AND SINCE TROY S GlEESON TOO.'... WHEN a r e ) THEV'VEALREAPy HOW CAN THEY T tHEY'RE BOTH ON VACATION? JFI60REWEU6E CUSTOM BUILT HOMES I ANY DANSER PROM SLEESON IS IN LONDON, DON'T THEY ► TH EY-< LEFT-IN MtGIHTV'S charge. - \ MI.9-7842 additives, but let some abrasive Muaing ex(^8lve engine wear during the fint'3-5 miles of driving; and they I MOB VIOLENCE'..;WHY THEY MAY TAKE IT beueve thatp / ^w^of^ se.they^ COMIN'BACK WITH, THESE^PEOPLE ARE MY SC»«LTZAI»MC(»ITV^,rM»l()T?PHILIS(WING LEAVING? jCARf THEY EXPEa TIME OFF TO GO S. BOTH THINK THAT ABOUT8Z,000 , GENERAL CONTRACTING particles get through to precision “clog” and "diannel" as oil pressure force* openings in the filter pack, making OUT ON YOU / ,it worthless. NEISH6I0RS...MY FRIENDS' AR£(K)iNGWIVNT0 VOMEETT/iEMTHERE < TO GET THERE IVAy POWN THER£?)hEAMCHE .WILL MAKE APIECE, MSGINTY) REMODEUNG AND REPAIRING PINE PHARMACY ' engine surfwhen oil pressure SEE PHIL^ HORSE RON IN \0N HIS WAV BACK FROM thorsoay! IT A VERY PROFITABLE -OVERANP \ CALL Ml.9.9814 forces "channels" in pack. THE DONNVBPOOK PERBV? MAT POLICECHIEFS’ ABOVE expenses?] FREE ESTIMATES — MORTGAGES ARRANGED Read Herald Advs. METALLUROISTS PIND THE ANSWER T VWREKIPPiNG.aANCyfycONFERENCEIN ^ To overcome these filtration problems, engineers decided an entirely new VM \. .NEWORLEANS! of filter materia] had to be developed. Obviously, it had to be metal - but tiuro 9-27 ERNEST A. RITCHIE was no way of making a meUl screen fine enouglL 15 LIBERTY ST. TEL. MI-3-8172. MANCHESTER Finally, metallurgists found the answer by fusing together millions of tiny bronze balls into a porous filter. Being non-absorbent, it wouldn't rerooi'e Addi­ tives, yet abrasives simply couldn’t get through the spaces between Ae tfny » • " ) p Call Mltehsll 3-5135 bronze balls. And, since bronze just doesn’t wear out, it would neoer Aece te For 28)lour Sarvica be replaced! . .. . CAPTAIN EASY'- AMESITE DRIVEWAYS Overboard B> l>NI.IE TURNER pRECKLES AND HIS FRIEND? Wise Up, Boys, BY MERRILL C. Rl.nsSER EXPERTLY INSTALLED Any hour—day or night— T ■"— ^ .Baoa Grading — Machine Spread — Forms Set — Power Rolled we’ll fix your burner in the Amaiing LIFE-TIME I I I n s v e r g c t In m y o a t a Also; Parking Lots — Tennis Courts — Walks . USED 10 Y0UH6 6il)is MAIDBN WAirSO UN­ shortest order possible. We DAUBING THCAASCLVKS TIL SHB RBAOWD 10% FOR CASH TRAXSACrriONS have the trains manpower WITH UPSTICJC/ WOMANHOOD Terms arranged if desired filter Now Here! APPLY HBR-7fT» ALL INSTALLATIONS SUPERVISED BY and tools to do the job right WAR WMNr// mold ( Mt . the firgt^ime—regardless of The Life-time Oil Filter was imme­ .PURGE, DEMAIO BROTHERS the trouble. Since porous bronze can’t “chan- diately tuted by Govemmdnt provibg^ LlVBR- ESTABLISHED 1920 W E HAVE 'del," abrasives can’t get through — centers and pressed into serVice filter­ MORE — CALL NOW — ANYTLME CeavertieB Kit PLBASeP MANCHESTER MI-S-7691 — HARTFORD CHapel 7-8817 Automatic doliyory on but oil additives can, because ing liouid oxygen, nitrogen, etc., for A W AY W ITH clean-burning Mobilheat, Life-tiiine filter is non-absorbent. guidea.,miss{les. Besides government Replaces present filter element with tests, millions of pities of road tests in too. Order now. After 2,000 m iles-or 10,000- Life-time bronze filter element BURNERS! oil is free of abruives, but.dark, truck, taxi, and car rentallBeets reveal ,proving> engine is clean. amazing results — because the Life- ^'time filter doesn’t soak up additives. CLEANING AND INSTALUNG of Kaaptng *am Running RightJ The Life-time filter never needs ‘ engine life is greetly increased wher­ changing-just rinse it occasionally ever it it used. ^-27 in gasoliiw and it’s good as new. VIC FLIN T SEPTIC TANKS and CESSPOOLS Now the Life-time filter it reedy for Setting The Trap Guaranteed for ten years. « ' l*i|(' AKI. (I M x> i.EY t h e STORY OF MARTHA WAYNI I.,ast Touch A eomplete organluUon of TRAINI:|> SEWAGE SPECIALISTS use in your car. ■ BY WILSON SCRUGGS using the moat modem equipment and machiney—RESULT: A MoENsje PRM05 v«noR» w i tMANT you i e at wa'fff AFTIIC A ffWiNK BETTER job at a LOWER PRICE. 7D THE AlAMAaia OF 7)40 TWIO Pg TWa LOCAL CHAffACraC NAA«P) MKABBL f u r AT THAT'' - It today at any of these Dealers Z'M sggPtCTOK HorraL vmoocvhsu.. vfayMOMiN^ See aaoHo. OB ------7H*AO WOULP0Oo L ON ALfPIMl i • New underground water I THIS IS WHY Mobilheaf b ANOTHBFACr 7H .TDAUACWr tinea Installed. MMIOPt. TM6 J h S fxn w . OgNTLtMaN.. 0 F 7 H B H 0 7 1 U SOCON Y-VACUUM HEATING OIL • VIC FLINT. yVVmtCANi DOlStVOU? T H tM u a VV)LPa AANaX7aCW« e Blimp pomps Installed to . . . more people call COUGHUN'S ATLANTIC SERVICE JURY l591MyiN& 7DMTWm4M remove avater from yonr filcKinney Bros. •/ 55 OAKLAND ST.—TEL. MI-9-S022 HMe/yAVPRO- nxiNonp. Mllnr. (1) Prompt Sendee puea aaou-Tp ’MdCCOB CHARUE'S SERVICE STATION iHajuRoaBk # New •’rootproor* sewer (2X Q uality Work . C A U MITCHELL 3-5135 FOR TO> QUALITY 11m In sta ll^ (3) ^aaimable Prices S24 .MIDDLE TPKE. E— TEU MI-9-8104 "i e Ptngged eewer Uwaa clean- ed elect electrically. RE SAFE . . . RE SURE SILENT GLOW OIL BURNERS , TORTS TYDOL 810 HARTFORD RD.-nTEt- M1-0-8S8I TONY’S ESSd Calf McKjNNEY BROS: 729T .MAIN ST.—TEU MI-9-8tS4 Roplscat ontivo old fi}iar loR Ik 4R . rz SEWAGI DISPOSAL COMPANY MORIARTY BROTHERS TURNPIKE AUTO BODY WORKS miautee.' - • ■ ig*MltolieU -180-133 PEARL ST.. MANCHESIKB 3li| CENTER ST. MANCHESTER 100 MIDDLE TPKE. W.—TEL. MI<4-70U *«*-’**■*■■ J \ A TT ^ A \ . ' ' A. PAGE TEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1954 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MAjicHESTER, (X)NN„ MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27,1954 P A G E EIXVWS

THE Hall Surprises Indians, End Long Streak, 19-6 Herald Angle OYerwhelm Agawam with All-Around Display

Sports Reporter Crash PrDDf Soothing Stiska filvat All ARMrieiR Show Indians and Giants Meet EARL W. YOST Second Congos Defeat Willis Sparks' Winners ■perts M ter Register 24 to 0 Win^

M ONDAY ♦ THURSDAY Saints in Final Game Scoring Four Touchdowns In Richest World Series In CCIL Contest Here This turns out to ba one of the 'Visiting Sign Is out today and For Second Straight longest days of the year. It's an Count Farrand, Jim Herdic and exceptionally heavy morning at Jim Arthur take advantage to pass Don Varley Pitches Two As Trinity Downs Williams the office end I check in at the along some good material. Count, New Yofk, Sept. 27 UP>—The feated the Boston Braves, four been coy about naming their start­ By PAT BOLDVe Avila and Mays Win BettencDurt Grabs Pass^' Pre-gnme buildup clearly em- Country Club for the second day the Squire of Depot Square, is Hit Shutout in 11>0 New York Yenkeei wilt be missinK games to two. By EARL YOST wwaa drenched three mlnutea after ing pitchers. Leo said he xi’on’t an­ phaaized that Hall High of West Skein Snapped of the ninth annual Manchester fresh beck from watching the Loop Batting Titles . On "78 Yard ScDring Whitewashing froBi the scene.for the first time in On- the other hand, the Giants Open at 11 o'clock. Despite the Victory to Capture Trinity's Cfisrlle Sticka won't be the kickoff and it ratnad Inter­ 1 have appeared in l.l fall classics nounce his starter until Tuesday Hartford boasted an extremely fast Giants play nine games at the Polo six years as the Indians poor weather—cold and rainy for Grounds and is convinced they will Play; Dubose, Preta named on any of the All American mittently during the balanca at I and won only four. The Giants and it is expected that Lopez backfield—and that they did have Hall (It) Church Loop Honors New York. Sept. 27 ()P) — MaiKhestcr (24) the afternoon. and New YorH Giants come to will follow suit. It would surprise waa qu^te evident Saturday after­ the moat part— 117 pros and low- beat the Indians In the World Meet the kiogs, the battiiic Ends: Cirone, Oosigrove. college football teams this season I won another pennant in 1904 .but Ends: Welch, Hugulcy, Pel­ -handicap amateurs take part but And Cirone Also Tally A majority of the crowd to frips Wednesday in what is ainiost I no World Series was played that no one if the opening mound op­ noon at Mt. Nebo when they rorfip- legrino. Series. . Herdic announces the Rec Second Congos unleashed ninf kings of the mia|on, that la— Tackles: Y. Vlncek, Markey. but he is without any doubt (»ie of it ia 'nearly 7 o'clock tefore a the finest all around grlddera in the watch Trinity, and Sticka, and certain to be the richest of all 51 I fall. ponents are Maglie' and Lemon. Sal ed to an easy 19 to 6 win over Tackles: Osterllng, A ii e 1 a i r, and Y Senior Basketball Leagues hlte, including two doubles and a WllUe Mays of the New York Guards: Russell, G. Vlncek. champion la crowned. Fred Wamp­ By PAT BOUIUO nation, big and small colleges in­ none left diaappolnted, exce^ par- World Series. I . Durocher likewise has a poor worked two warmup innings Sat­ Manchester High in the opening Weinbaum, Vicenzo. Kaufman. will be condensed this season with home run by Norm Vlttner, to i GiaaU mad Bobby Avila of the Centers: Moske. hape the loyal Williams’ rooters' With two huge arenas—Cleve­ ler birdies the first hole in a play­ Much credit for the Manchester cluded. World Series record. He lost t-wic/s urday night and Lemon went the CCIL contest for both schools. The Guards: Boulanger, Powers, all games at the Y. The loop will shut out St. Bridget’s 11 to 0 sndi Cleveland Indians. Backs: Dubose, Petrillo, Jacobs. who motored down from WUUama- land's Municipal Stadium seating distance Friday in losing to Det­ loss snapped an eight game win­ off with Harry Nettelbladt after still, however, be referred to as' win the 1954 Church Softball' Merchants' 24 to 0 victory over the Barry. The pulverizing junior fullback ! to the Yankees, once With the 1941 Scata, Lewis, Paterno, Matthews. each had scor^ a 67 three under Avila, never in doubt In the town. Mass. $6,000 and New York's Polo i Dodgers and then with the 19.11 roit. Both will be fully rested. ning streak compiled by the In­ the Rec. League. , Jim Arthur, a League Playoffs yesterday after-1 closing weeks of the season, aurprieed Agawam Brownlee yes­ Agawam (0) from Natick, Mass., ripped Wil­ Centers; Cook, Steketee, Schroll. par round. . . . Talk with Joe Wit- liams’ llns to shreds laat Saturday Big Stick, one of the greatost Grounds seating 52,000—this could Giants, This will be Lopez' first It is expected that Antonelli and diana the past two seasons. Backs; Curran, Joblin, Wlllla, hard worker for the Little noon at Robertson Park. | finished with a ,841 average, terday afternoon at Mt. Nebo must Ends; Kan(uek, Goodsell, Dru- running and defensive hacks tha produce a record pool for the play­ Manchester.Outplayed Kowskl, office manager at the afternoon as Trinity opened its sea­ I World Series effort. Wynn will oppose each other in Arcuri, Watson, Hu'ngerford, Mer- League, leaves off final details on Don 'Varley, winning pitcher, | while WUIIe had to collect three go to Coach Tony Alibrio'a rugged naski, (3amevale. writer has ever seen, stole the ers with each winning share total­ the. second game and Gomez and Manchester fans had little to Rogers plant" in Rogers, Conn., be­ Little League Field Day at Char­ I ’acklea: Orloch, Lopack, Cala­ son with a surprising and lop-sided Although this will mark the wln. fore some of the name proe tee off. waa never in danger allowing the hits ia the final game o f the defensive line. While the backs and thunder. He Mored two touch­ ling $10,000 and each losing share first time the two teams have ever Garcfa will on the mound in the cheer all afternoon as the win­ ter Oak Park on Sunday, The Lit­ usually hard-hitting Saints but brese, Haskie. triumph at Hartford. 38 to 0. I Manchester (6) Our conversition shifts to bowling season yesterday to ntioe out the offensive line were opening FIcked Up 99 Yards downs in the first 13 minutes of about $3,000. The players share iri met in a post season cla.ssir. the third game. ilT'Cieveland. ners Completely outpiayH the Endsr Hohenthal, Weirama, tle League treasurer also adds that two meaningless singles. Mean­ hla teammate Don Mueller and Guards:' Leclair, Mason, Ham­ play, added a third six-pchnter in when Fred McCurry, arrives on the holes and scoring the touch­ mer. Switzer. All Sticka did waa to score four the receipts of the first four Giants end Indians are no strang­ Following a day of rest today, home eleven.' Hall netted 16 fiist Herzog. Gibbs, T. Strange, Ruaaell. plans are now being ma'Ue to erect while the Congos, third place fln- Brooklyn’a Duke Snider. Mays . '/•n VVV the second period from scrinunage downs and 226 yards rushing as the scene. Freddy, a lineman for downs, the brrilaing defensive Ontsra: Gifford. De Cosmo. touchdowns. He carried the mail ers to each other. Down through, both clubs .will work out at the Tackles: Burbank, Grimaaon, S. the power -company, had a bird’s a new Little League baseball dia­ Ishera during regular season play, had -.348, Mueller .842 and Sni­ forces were stopping Bear Knowl- and then with oiUy 10 seconds re­ New Attendance Mark compared to Manchester's three Bgcks: Johnaon. Knowiton, Jan- 19 times and picked up 99 yards the years, they have met 263 tirries Polo Grounds tomorrow, thetliants Squatrlto. eye view of play near the second mond at the Vernon-Lydall School had no trouble reaching starter der .341. ton and compahy. maining in the half, picked an ill- Should the Series go the full in spring training games with in .the morning and the Indians, fiiriit downs and 62 yards gained on waskl, Fontana, Robatale, Cough­ rushing. His defensive line back­ Herald Photo Guards: G. Wilson, Taylor, Do- hole as he was working high atop next season. . Latest edition of the Frank Johnson and hia auoceasor Mueller had the ooasolatiea Played before a good crowd on a ing and tackling was'tremendous. thrown Wiliams’ pasa,out o f the distance of seven games—and Cleveland ■winning 132 time.s and who are scheduled to leave fo| P at Bolduc the ground. An oddity of the game lin. ■ Canadian Football News ia passed Graham Holmes. The Saints are of collecting the most hltn in lin, Martin. Trudel, Matoon. a telephone pole. . . . Bob Cole real warm and sunny day, Alibrio'a Mancheater ...... O 0 6 12__24 Ail in all, his great play during the air and jet-propelled 47 ^ ir ^ for many experts be,llex-e it will—a new the Giant/> 125. Six ga:nes-ended New York tonight, in the aftj was the fact that the winners Center: Altken, Little. along by Winnie Turklnglon. The Die 1954 League champions. either league, though, 212. Nel­ a fourth TD. His other payoff failed to attempt a single forward asks If Lou Boudreau will be back Ebctra protection for automobile defenders held the Brownlee to Agawam o 0 0 0-0 nearly three quarters that he attendance mark is certain to be in ties. noon. . Pat Bolduc of 26 Hale Rd„ has Backs; Curry, Farrell, Smith. next year as manager of the Red News is jammed with features and Scored Eariy lie Fox of the Chicago White jaunts were for 22, one and four , Both managers are confident of paas. The, l(x:als attempted eight and motorboat racing drivers ia three first downs and a net of 27 Touchdowns: Dubose, Cirone, p l^ ed waa sensational. set. The first two games in the As in recent years, all games Joined The Herald as a sports re­ Burdick, Darna. McNally, M. Sox and I offer the information aborts on teams above the border. The playoff champs did all of Sox and Harvey Kuean of the (foach Dan Jessee had reason to yards. best-of-seven will be played at the victories although neither expects will be broadcast (Mutupl) and aerials, completing but two for a built into this pla-atlc helmet. yards gained on the ground. The Jacobs, Bettencourt. Strange, Pagani, Wichman. that Lou'i contract has a year to . There ie always work to do on their scoring in the first four in­ Detroit Tlg(era shared the hon­ visitors didn’t get a first down smile after the game, which mark­ (Quarterback Bobby Alexander to ■win early. televised (NBC) over ngtion-wide porter. His assignment will In­ meager 24 yards. , nings. After getting a siii$;Ie tally Glau-relnfor/ced, it is reported to Polo Grounds, W e^esday and Score by Periods 1 2 3 4 Tot. run. . . . Ray Ox'ena, attired in a the lawn and with the days get­ ors In that department la the until late in the third quarter and ed the eighth straight season that has all the earmarks o f devaloplng Thursday. All games will begin at networks. This is ekpccted ' to clude coverage of high school Bob Willis. Hall's speedy left In the Drat inning, the winners be lighter than aluminum but with Strong Pitching Hall ...... 0 6 0 13 19 white helmet and a raincoat, han­ ting shorter and daylight saving American League with 201 hits impact resistance stronger than they were held to a minus 18 yards Markey recovered an Agawam his club opened with a triumph. into a flpe-slgnal-caller and y ball 1:00 p.m, (EST). bring about Sl,20O,0Qfl to the Cen­ sports. He will assist Sports halfback, was the star of the'after- pushed aerosa aix big markers in LA>pez bases his hopes on the Manchester ..,.0 0 6 0 6 dles the selling of tickets for the time practically ended (it ended each. steel. (NEA). on the ground in the first half of fumble late in the third period His first team, should it remain in­ handler. His faking waa aoiiasUilng Then, with no Interruption for tral Fund out of wWch the play­ Elditor Earl Yost. noon show. The brilliant Negro the second frame. Three more runs Dolores Lazar’S soft touch puts pitching of Bob Loinon (23-71, Touchdowns Hall: Willis, Curran, event. . . . The two loneliest guys laat ^turday) I spend sa much CtnctanatTs big Ted Klossew- play. Agawam, who played two which eet up his team’s third tact. will be on par with any of the you had to see to appreciate. Alao. travel, the battle-ground will shift Elarly Wynn (23-11), Mike Garcia ers' Pension Fund^is paid. not only, scored his team’s first in the third and another one in the Top Record to sleep on hia feet. He completed a course in the Arcarl. at the course were Hike Quish and time aa daylight allows to finish a akl paced the National League thrilling games last season with score. A 24 yard tosa from Dubose small colleges in New England this his ball hawking on deffnsa waa, to Cleveland where the third, (19-8), Art Houtteman (15-7), touchdown but picked up a per­ fourth were more than enough for The trotter wilt compete in har­ Newspaper Institute of America Manchester; Farrell. Bob Stsrkel, operators of the con- chore I have-been putting off for both In home runs with 49 and the Merchants, attempted only to Bettencourt put the ball on ness races at the New Jersey Ststo fall. But if injuries hit his thin another bright spot in the well co­ fourth and fifth games will be Bob Feller (13-3 ), Hal Newiiouser and was sports editor of the Ham­ sonal total of 128 yards in 20 Points from try after touch­ ceeaion near the Pro Shop. . . . weeks. the Congos who had dropped the runs batted in with 141. Car­ Agawam's 17 yard line and the squad, Trin could be in for trouble ordinated Triri machine. Alaxandar (7-2)', Don Mossi (6-1) and Ray carries for an average of 6.4 yards Eagles Trounce three passes and nary a one waa Fsir in Trenton. (NEA). played on Friday, Saturday and ilton Standard monthly publica­ down Curran (Placement). Flashiest outfit of the day was FRIDAY first tilt of the best two of three ry Doby of the Indians hit 32 completed. latter went off tackle to the J3 ahead against Bowdoin, Tufts, St. intercepted three passes and all Sunday. Should the issue still be Narleski (3-3)-and the hitting of tion in Wihdsor Locks before com­ a carry. Time and again he went Pro Alex Hackney’s pink creation, General Manager Charlie Hurl- game series. Six Saint errors also home runs and batted in 128 to aa the quarter ended. Lawrence. (Joast Guard, Amherst three led to ’IVlnlty torichdowna. , undecided, the scene will shift back Bobby Avila, Larry Doby, A1 off tackle or skirted his ends and V helped the Congos' scoring. Miss First Down ing to The Herald. direct from 5th Avenue.. . Despite burt of the Manchester Motor lead the same two categories In Browns, 28-10 Agawam was in the game for Fullback Rlcco Petrillo carried and Wesleyan. One-two Psmeh / to New York for the sixth and Rosen and Vic Wertz. Avila's .341 seldom was he brought down by rj’ scooted 16 yards with the punt Norm Vittner and brothel* Jack, ■Bolduc, a native o f Waterville, a bad head cold. Bill Sacherek re­ Sales, who used to call sigifals and the American League. the first minutes only, when Ken to the three on the first play, in End Felix Karsky, a standout Trinity's one-two punch/was seventh games next Monday and was the league's top mark, Doby one Indian alone. to the opponent’s 29 yard line. were the batting heri^s for the Ted Positive Maine, has resided In Manchester ports he la looking forward to an­ throw blocks for Villanova, re­ Johnny Antonelli (21-7) and Matoon ‘ recovered Mancheeter'e the final period. A five yard defensively at end. was carried SUcka and Dick Nlssi. pair Tuesday. pa,ced the circuit with 32 homers Fullback Don Arcarl offered Farrell lost a yard but a Curry other heavy football officiating ports hla firm will co-aponsor nine winners. Besides hia rmmd tripper, By ED CORRIGAN penalty and Bettencourt’s loss of from Ilald bi the thlril period accounted for 123 of the 139 yards for the past 11 years. A veteran to Norm Hohenthal paas waa good Hoyt Wilhelm of the Giants, Associated Frets Sports Writer fumble on the opening kickoff. The The Series should develop into and 126 runs batted ,in and Rosen plenty of assistance to Willis as schedule this fall- Bill is one of the radio broadcasts of college foot­ the former had two singles and each had a .750 pitching aver­ two yards moved the ball back to He^s All Done after suffering a knee Injury. gained on the ground in tha first swatted ,24 hon.ers ■wihile batting/ of World War II service with the he picked up 72 yards in 20 tries for eight yards. Another Curry ball games this season over a drove home two runs. Jack had It waa a long delayed funeral Brownies had the ball, first and 10 Sophomore George Kelleher, a lad one of the most exciting and closely Navy, Bolduc has been doing free best officials in New England. . . . age, while In the American the visitor's 10 yard line. On the half. Nissl picked up 48 In aiifht fought in numy years. I.ed by two an even .300. ^ for a 3.6 average. Scattered show- pass went incomplete but the aigv Hartford station. . . . Johnny Am­ one hit, a double and three RBI’s. dirge they were chanting for the on the opponenU' 39 yard line. who you’U Ba hearing a lot about lance publicity work for the past Having failed to tell my beet girl C«ague the top man was Sandy next play and after fumbling the carries and Big Stick had 79 in IS ccdorful managers—A1 Lopez and The Giants, can’t match t h ^ n - era. which began early in the sec­ nal-caller sneaked for five yards that I wouldn’t be home for din­ brose. power company lineman is The Congos lost Mel Varley ear­ departed Cleveland Browns around Three running playe and one paas bail for a second. Pretzel Jacobs Boston, Sept. 27 Iff*)—"It’s the in the next three years ,1a also on decade. He was also a fine foot­ Consuegra of Chicago with .842 play later, the ■vlaitora relinquished pigskin carrying, jaunts. Leo Durocher—the Indians and dians' pitching in numbers^ but ond period, made the field a trifle and a first down on the Hall 17. ner, I was given the atone face the 101st to esk where I am now ly in the contest. The big firat- the National Football l.eague to­ scooted 10 yards around hia own seme ss I said last spring, only the cssrislty-list with s deep facial « Oh. yes, Eail Isenaea and Ray YKSTKRIIAY'S RKSl’LTS ball, baseball and softball player on a 16-8 record. day. the ball on the Merchants' 29, Giants are both opportunist clubs, they have three outstanding hurl- .National slippery but it had no effects on Charlie Burdick could only gain a treatment by the family when I working, being confused with the baaeman broke hla right arm slid­ left end for hia team's third tally. more so—I'm through.” laceration. A reserve, Kelleher with a number of Manchester Aramlnl also registerad t(»ch - featuring standout pitching, tight ers in 'Sal Maglie (14-6), south­ Brooklyn 1. PUIeburBli 0. Hali'a tremendous twosome. yard through the middle but on arrive at dusk. ' recent ad and announcement in ing' home on a wild pitch by John­ Maybe it wasn't so aad in the inches away from a first down. Bettencourt’s kick waa blocked. Thus Ted Willianis, one of the brought the crowd of 3.500 to its downs for Trinity. New 'York 3. Philadelphia 2 (11). teams. At no other time in the conteat defense, clutch hitting and ability paw Johnny Antonelli (21-7) and Hall Starts Strung the next play Curry found Farrell t i ;b (>d a y personnel changes in the office. son. Eastern Division which the 78 Yard Play greatest hitters in baseball history, feet in the fourth canto with a Williams showed taro good rhlcBRo 6. Clnrinnall 2. He is married and has a young to come from behind with last ditch Ruben Gomez (17-9). They've got St. l.eiuis 2. Milwaiikf-r. 0 U l). The acrappy visitors started with a pass and the right halfback Hal Turkington took over as city fieconS Caazo (ID Browns have ruled with an iron did the 'viaitora threaten. They Final score of the afternoon was apparently wrote finis to hla play­ booming punt that traveled neariy backs in quarterback Chatlia daughter. His wife. Catherine, There are two visitors at the ab r >1 o a r rbl could get no closer than Manches­ rallies. a pair of aces-in-the-hole, how­ A nierirati real strong, taking the opening scurried over the goal line with office at noon, both from East editor, moving up from a combina­ Belble, c ...... 5 2 1 2 0 U 1 hand the past four years. The by far the host play of the day. ing career in s clubhouse state­ 00 yards. Shaw and halfback fVed Brod­ Boelon 11. Wa.ehinRton 2. is a graduate of Manchester High ter's 21 yard line in the third WllHanwi Not As Bod The Indians already have been ever, in star relievers Hoyt Wil­ Detroit 8. Plevrland 7 ( 13>. kickoff and marching 72 yards to the tying score. Hohenthal’s kick Hartford. One is Johnny Doane tion city beat-high school sports H Bralnard, cf. lb 4 2 n 8 0 0 0 Sport Chatter other ejuba, especially the Phila­ Bill Coughlin's punt waa run back ment yesterday after hitting his erick. Neither, however, ahould rhllndelphia 8, New York S. School. Manchester's 15-yard line before a for the point went through the up­ N. Vlttner, 3b ...... B 2 3 2 5 1 2 period and to the home team’s 46 29th home ru^ of the year in Bos­ Willisms is not aa bad a club (U . established as 17 to 10 favorites, helm (12-4) and M a r v -G r is s o n of the East Hartford e home ton. had one of those days when e'very- million and he should help Coach ing of their “ big eight" that was so Ameriran ball game on Sunday, Oct. 10 be­ r. Vtttner. rf ...... 3 3 1 0 0 0 2 ELKS BOWLING League wiU instrumental' in setting an Ameri­ The Giants, led by Willie Mays W G Pet. r.BL totaled four first downs in the having only six men In the line. tween the NAw York Knlcka and Bob Glenney paasea along the tip The Browns won the league Manchester Mored Its first team’s 22 yard line. Harold Parker W(u this the final word of a Wil­ thing it tried, worked, while Wil­ Jessee and his aides sleep wen ri(*vclanfi ...... Ill 43 .721 Sumlalaakl, ! ( ...... 3 0 1 5 0 0 1 get underway tonight at 7:30 at can League record of i l l victories. knd Don Mueller, appear to have Saturday's Fights process with Willis doing most of Tommy Burbank's ensuing Frankle’e at the new E(Ut Hart­ that Duaty May waa "the whole D. Varley. p ...... 3 1 1 0 0 0 1 championship in 1950, then loat touchdown in the final minutes of waa thrown for a one yard loss but liams determined to quit while still liams played in tough luck most during the next two fo o U ^ sea­ NVw '^f'ork ...... m h] <669 8 the Double Strike lanes on Oak the first period. A Tilly Dubose The American League's vast the edge in hitting. Mays, the sen­ Chienpo ...... 94 60 ,61u 17 the running. Manchester's defense kickoff was down or Hall's 41- ford High School gym. Their pur- show" in the bird judging at the J. Bralnard, ct....2 0 1 1 0 0 0 Street. Any Elk member wishing the playoffs to Los Angeles the Frank Barry got it right back. on top? Or waa it the expression of the afternoon. The playing field sons. .448 aerial was Intercepted on Aga­ aigwrlority over the National in sational )Centerfielder, won the Bn.^ton ...... 60 8.5 42 Mexico City — Raul Macias. held and finally forced Hall to re­ yard line by Co-Optain Don poee in visiting ia to secure prints' Eastern States Exposition. A Total! ...... 31 11 "o 21 "s I io to participate is welcome. next year and to Detroit th» fol­ Bemie Alemony, substitute quar­ of an obviously fatigued player at Detroit ...... 6S 86 .442 43 linquish the ball on the Indians’ wam’s 41 yard line but two plays Series competition probably had National League batting crown WaffhinjrtDn ...... 66 88 .429 45 116H, Mexico, outpointed Nate Pov.’crs. Willis pi(*ked up a first of elongated Ray Felix, who is check with Dusty and we leam 8(. Brldarl'a (S> lowing two years. Ail the time, terback, took the paas from center the end of a trouble-placed sea­ 24-yard line. Three running plays dowii to Manchester's 43 and two that out of I is 20 birds, six won Maenn, c.,,...... 2 0 0 6 0 1 0 later the Brownies fumbled on and after ’a beautiful fake to hia son who might reconsider after a much to do with making the In­ with .345, .only three points higher Baltimore .*>4 100 .351 57 Brooks, 117\. Cleveland,-12'-(for now a member of the Knlcks after vilxa, 3b ...... 2 0 0 4 4 .1 0 .COUNTRY CLUB Weekend golf their Eastern Division foes had lit­ dians such a prcdiibitive favorite. than Mueller’s runner-up .342. Philatiolphla...... ^l 103 .331 60 North American bantamweight by the locals netted but three plays later he streaked aroimd lind playing one year with Baltimore. blue ribbons, eight were judged Conran, rf. l b ...... 3 0 0 4 1 0 0 tle to say to their acknowledged their own 39 and Paul Mangiafico fullback, he leaped into the air winter's rest? National yards and quarterback Joe Curry results: Saturday Beat 17 Holes— recovered for the home 11. On the First Time Since 1931 Thanks largely to 16 Yankee tri­ Mays also slammed 41 homers. New York ...... 97 .57 .630 title. for 25 yc.rds to the 14 before be­ Felix paced' Manchester to the second, two came in third, four I,ovett. aa ...... 2 0 1 I 3 0 0 masters. and fired a 15 yard jump-pass to To the writers crowding around was forced to kick. were fourth place winners Groman. cf. rf...... 1 U 0 0 0 1 0 Claag A, Ronnie Sloane 76-7 70; first play from scrimmage, Dubose umphs, the American leads by a Alvin Dark, Hank Thompson, Brooklyn ...... 92 62 .597 5 Bo.ston — Tony DeMarco, 145, ing brought down frxim behind by American League title two yearS W. Koaak. I f ...... 3 0 12 10 0 Times have changed, though. Bettencourt who traveled 63 yards his locker as he hung up old No. Milwaukee ...... R9 6.5 .578 8 Willis took Curry's kick on his George Wilson. Arcprithnd Curran and the remaining four were Claaa B. Del Ballard 76-6 70. Norm faked a pass and skirted left end down the north sidelinea for Man- margin o f 33-17. The last National Whitey Lockman and Monte Ir­ Philadelphia ...... lb 79 .487 22 Boston, stopped Chris Christensen, ago while winning high scoring Ilnimea, 2h. p ...... 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 Clark 77-8 71. Sunday Selected 12 Coach Paul Brown loat six of his 9, ostensibly for the last time, and own Hall's 30-yard line and ran it eai-h netted a yard and Willis net­ and most valuable player honors among the also-rans. One of. hl.s Sullivan, l b ...... 1 0 0 3 0 1 0 for 39 yards and the first of four cheste**’a final TD.' Joey again lisague victory was by the St. vin, all veteran campaigners, make OinrlnnaU ...... 74 80 .481 2.3 146, Denmark, 6. E. Koaak. 3 6 ...... 1 0 0 0 1 I 0 —(Jlass A, Roy Fraser 42-1 41, mainstays—Marlon Motley, (Jhlck to those teammates nearby, Wil­ Bat Champs in Series Louis Oardlnals in 1946. the Giants a formidable opponent Bt. IrOUl.<$ ...... 72 82 .468 25 back to Manchester's 42. One first ted eight yards to- the horr«" . . , Hot Stove League aeason ia Modern Birchen Game Pullets waa Manchester touchdowns. Not a missed tlie extra point and the liams tried to dispel all doubts. rhiraco ...... 64 90 .416 .33 Waterbury — Earl Den­ Jnhnaon. p. c f ...... 1 0 0 1110 Bundi Tarca 48-3 45; Cnass B— Jagade, Bill Willis, Ken Carpenter, Spotleea Record for the Indian.s’ "pitching club." nis, 144. New York, outpointed down and seven plays later the In ­ team’s four as the quarter ended. on in full force, although the World judged Grand Champion Bantam Corcoran, rf ...... 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 single Brownie laid a hand on the score remained 24 to 0 in favor of Never Wavertsd Pitt.MburKh ...... 53 101 .344 44 dians again took over, this time on McConvIIle. 2 b ...... 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dean Browne 54-14 40, Al Manella Abe Gibron and Lin Houston—for The Indians’. World -Series rec­ It will mark the first time in 23 Jackie O'Brien, 144, Meridyn, 8. Quarterbaek Sneak Series hasn't started, with Archie for the third time in four years- 49-8 41. former Windham High scatback. the strong Merchants. “ You think I’m kidding, but I'm By JACK h AND against tha Oiants their own 27 as the period ended. Two plays after the start of the . . . State Theater Manager Bill one reason or another and he Bettencourt, playing hla first ord is spotless—two Series, two years that the two batting cham­ Krnie Stautner. a Pittsburgh pro Havana — Orlando Echevarria, LaRochelle calling twice within Totala ...... 23 2 21 13 6 "o hasn't been able to find satisfac­ Joe Bettencourt's kick for the not. I've never wavered from my Aaaociated Press Sports Writer Wednesday was no flash taf tha world championships. In 1620, pions met in a World Seri e s. 128»-«. outpointed Dave Gallardo, With Jack Farrell doing most of final 10 minutcj of hlay; Curran two minutes for answers to base­ McKlrath says hello after a alege 2B. D. Varley, J. VIttnor; HR, N. point was wide and the Merchants game of the 1954 season, had a For the first time since 1931, i pan. The 3S-year-o)d Fort Worth tackle, majored in psychology at the carrying, Manchester had its sneaked over fr m the one to put Vlttner: SB. Mason. N. Vlttner: 8F, PRO ALEX HACKNEY’S tw'o tory replacements. original announcement.” Trls Speakers' Tribe defeated the Philadelphia's A1 Simmons and the Boston College. A U.S. Marine vet­ 130, Los Angeles. 10. ball problems. Archie likes the of illnesa and leaves word that the led 6 to 0. good day. scoring one touchdown the two league batting champions fanned 12 Pittsburgh batters initial first down on its own 38 his team airead, 12 to 6. Once highlights of Rocky Marciano-Ez- Sumlalaakl: DP, N. Vlttner. M. Varley, oyer par 74 clinched fourth place The Eagles took full advantage and passing for another. He carried But General Manager Joe Brooklyn Dodgers five games to St. Louis Cardinals' Chick Hafcy eran of the Okinawa fighting, he Hollywood — Rudy Garcia, Giants in six garnet againrt the N, Vlttner: LOB. SI. Brldxefii 4. Con- Locals Take Over Chonin'B reaction expressed a com­ for a new National League record but progr^^s was slow as Hall’s again the quarterback's kick was zard Charles second )x>xlng bout rot 12; BB, Johnson 6. Holmes 3. Var> iri a Pro-Member event yesterday yesterday, when the entire loop the ball four times gaining 22 will meet in the World Series with two In a bevt-of-nine series. In opposed each other in 1931. also operates .a drive-in theater at 1 2 5 Los Angeles, outpointed AI Indians in the series while the The Merchants took the kickoff mon seijtiment: "It’s s long time of 27 in his first two starts. Oil defenders simply outcharged. out­ no good. will be shown at the State, Oct. 1 ff*y 2r Hits bff. Varley, 2 for 0 runs in at the Springfield Country Club. played opening games, and slugged yards. Quarterback Dubose was Willie Mays (.345) of the New Hodgec/ 42nd hocaer gave Brook­ IMS, Lou Boudreau’s Indians de­ Both Lopez'-and Durocher have Saranac Lake, N, Y. Ouz, 125, Los Angeles, 12. other half of the White Glass Co., 7 inninRs; Johnson 6 for 9 runs in 3 the hapless Browns 28-10. Nor did to start the s e c o n d half and between now and spring training.” fought and out.scrapped Coach Midway in the fi.ral oarlod Hail through Oct. 5. . . . Insuranceman brought it back to their own 45. slightly more than terrific aa he York Giants and Efobby Avila lyn a 1-0 edge. Joe White, picks the Indians . . . Holmes 3 for 2 runs in 3 2-3: HBP, the score tell how one-sided the Feld - Manager Lou Boudreau Walker Briggs’ charges. Needing again was in possessic of the ball Evening plans are altered at the John Lyons asks what la new on Varley. Mason. Johnson. Caron; WT*. HAMILTON STANDARD won Two running plays gaineil UtUe carried six times • for 96 yards (.341) of the Cleveland Indiana Wrilly Momt’s 400-f(x>t homa run three yards for a first down, Man­ on the 50 yard line and they held the basketball scene and I report Johnson 1: PB. Mason 1. Selbie 1: W. the State Duaty Softball Cham­ game was. Otto Graham, the great while completing three of eight added "I hope it isn't true.” topping the hit parade. dinner hour and a pleasant eve­ Varley: XT. Vlttner-Bralnard; h. John­ and another Dubose pass waa in­ Red Sox Owner Tom Yawkey, gave the St. Louis Cardinals a 2-0 chester gambled on fourth down onto the ball for nine plays and ning is spent playing with the nothing to my knowledge. There son; Scorer, Escavlch. pionship last Saturday by beating Brown passer, was held to a paltry passen for 44 yards. Petrillo netted Maya beat out teammate Don victory over Milwaukee in 11 la- 97 yards, and the once crushing tercepted on Manchester’s 43 by reached at his Georgetown, S.C., and lost and Hall took over on the another score. Arcari’a 22-yard boys. will be soma type of league ball of­ Chase Brass o f Waterbury. Paul Agawam's AI .Johnson who ran it 32 yards in seven carries. Mueller and Brooklyn's Duke ninga home team’s 47-yard line and went run off tackle waa the key play fered, that'a a certainty, Correntl, Leo Day and Whitey ground attack gained but 47. Mancheater switched theih o f­ home by a local writer had this to Snider with a three-hit outburst When y w diawge ever>• INTRNATIONAI, yoa’ie M’EDNEBDAV back to the 26. Junie Fontana say: Caaey Stengel popped up with on to tally the game's first touch­ in and it was he who Clean up the sports copy at an SATURDAY Furgol’s Wiiiiiiiigs Johnson, all of Manchester, helped Meanwhile, Bobby Tliomason and picked up a yard but waa thrown fense Sunday, being content to r„'n on the final day of the season af­ down. Adrian Burk were harassing the "So, he said he was .through, ter trailing both Saturday night. hia new “power" infield—^Yogl to cut your delivery coate. For iNTBWA'noNAL te a de­ went over for Hall's third TD. This early hour and start out for . a Mayor of Biasell Street, Jeff the Props’ cause. for a 10 yard loss on the next play in the first half and passing in the Berra at third. Mickey Mantle at On third down and 11 yards to time Curran’s boot was good and Koelsch, announces in hia fog- Browns in the air. Each threw two second half. In the first 24 min­ huh? Well, ever since he came back Willie ripped into Philadelphia livery truck specialist and foremoat builder of ddiveiy few breaths of fresh sir and wind Among GolFs Best when Bobby Johnson crashed from Korea, I've let him make hla short and Bill Bkowron at second go for a fir.st down, Mike Curran, the final score read. Hall 19, Man­ homed voice as he passes the win­ touchdown passes. through to spill him. Ray Janwas- utes of play the winners totaled pitching yesterday for a triple, For lowest cost vehicles. up at the East Side Rec. . Building own decision on when and if he double and single and k final .345 -only to see the F h isd lelp^ A ’a visiting quarterback, fa^ed a pass chester 6,- is in. fine shape for the* fall and dow that his Rockville football Expect Senators So on the basis of early returns, ki got the 10 yards back on the 130 yards on the ground and com­ knock off his New York and scooted around his left end As waa previously mentioned, it appears that the Eagles and wanted to play. So, we'll just let average. Mueller wound up at .342 E Yankees team will "be down to beat the ears Washington, Sept. 27 fj>)—Marty pleted one of two aerials for seven 8- 6. winter season. . Custodian Carl next play but quarterback John­ things rock along for a little while and Snider at .341. a Intebnational builds not one, or two, but tAree faaaie for 11 yards and a first down on Willis and Arcari were by far the off the Merchants this fall." Jeff Furgol, the burly belter from Le- To Sign Dressen Gianta will fight it out for the son was held to a four yard gain yard*. The Merchants gained but *rhe final games of tha two Manchester’s 37. Ten running Priesa is the official greeter with and maybe we’ll be hearing dif­ Bound to Stir Up Talk delivery truck n x x l^ in wfaedbeses, payload “wparitifB. two best offensive backs on the Rec Supt. Jim Herdic out on busi­ ia still as talkative as evAr . . . jnont, 1)1., was high among the dethroned Browns lofty perch. The and the locals took over on their 17 yard? rushing in the final half aeries teams didn't prove much, d e liv e ry — plays later, four by Willis and four field. Defensive’./ for Hall, Co- —’ $.'■ * Giants, under a new coach, Jim but hitting on four of eight tosses ferently.” Avila's triumph in the American ness. . Ernie Tureck has a base Walt Snow is my guest at Trinity year's money winner* today ifter own 21. except that both are ready. and vocational equipment options to suit every twerf. by Arcari, the bail rested on the Captain Sui '.ner Cook, John College qs,Charlie Sticka and Co., capturing the $40,000 "World Waahingto:i, Sept. 27 OP)—The Lee Howell, showed considerable for 149 yards. Williams, St 36, almost won the League Is.ibound to stir up some local’s one yard line and on the ball question which we can't an Washington Senators arranged to Three plays later Manchester off-aeason talk.. Ted Williams ac­ W ith iNTBSNA'noNAL, you get exactly the right trude, Lewis, Dick Scata and EkI Bou­ known as Trinity, trounce Wil­ Series of Golf” Tournament with power in crushing the (Chicago had Its second six-pointer. Dubose Bruno Moske. Yoeh’ Vincek, Don American Lehgue batting cham­ next play, Willis went over Man­ langer were outstanding. Time swer; The name of Lou Gehrig's make’ an imnouncement today Cardinals 41-10. Gosae, Dick Maslai^ newcomer pionship despite a broken collar­ tually had a higher average, .345, fatal illness, . Sgt. Milton Stratton liams. 38 to 0. in a major upset at 273, 11 under par. passed to Joe Cirone for 13 yards plus famous .iNTEBNA'noNAL all-truck quality that means chester's left tackle for the six- again they were in the Manchester Hartford. Sticks scored the first about next year's manager—and Charlie ClpoIIa, Markey and John­ bone which kept him .sidelined un­ but he didn’t have the requlr^ 400 of the Police Dept., comes up the In a steering competition that In recerit yeart. the Giants have to the 34 yard line. After the extra-low operating and maintenance coats. pointer. Curran'a placement was backfield to'spill the backs Irefore four Trin touchdowns . . . Press carried to the final hole of Con- all signs were that it would be the put good defensive clubs on the son comprised the defenaive unit til May IS, a virus attsick in June official at bats, only 380. If the DRIVE A low and Hail led, 6 to 0. they got started. stairs, looks around and then signing of Chuck Dressen, former aigrial-caller’a next pass weiit in­ that simply curtailed Agaiwam's statiatlcisna gave him 14 hitless It INTERNimONAl! box proved advantageous, when a grearional (Jountry (Jlub’a 6.814- field but have lacked scoring complete, Bettencourt took a and a rash of 136 walks handed Come in aiui let us give you the complete facts on the Dick Auclair's kickoff was run Alohg w.th Smith who did lit­ comes over to say hello while some heavy shower pelted the field Brooklyn pilot. punch.'.Howell proclaims the cur­ usually Dotent offensive attack. him in his 117 of a possible ISO trips to boost his at bat total to of the office boyi "cover-up” their , yard course, Furgol whipped Bo pitchout from Dubose and faked back to Manchester’s 40-yard line tle ball carrying,^ Farrell waa the shortly after the kickoff and rain Wlninger yesterday by a single Bucky Harris, the Nats’ man­ rent Giant backfield the best'in Play Saturday Night gomes. Ted hit .345 on the basis 400 he would have finished at J33. Intehnational delivery model that will wmk moat effi­ -fares in their typeaTiters. Milt’s an end run. The former UConn and the half ended three plays Indians' best back, He picked up fell off and on during the remain­ stroke to win $7,5()0. This boosted ager for the past five years, was the club's history. Chuck Conerly Jerry Mason, Ed Hammer, of hia 386’ at bats. To qualify for As Cleveland had clinched the ciently 1knd economically for you. call is strictly social and all hands halfback flipped a 25 yard pass to American League pennant a week CLEAN later with Manchc.ster still in pos- 34 yards in 12 carries. and hla imderatu'dy, Bobby CHat- Roger Trudell. Johnson and Jan- der of the afternoon . . . Bill his 1954 earnings to $19,909. let out Friday in what the Wash- Cirone who -traveled the remaining the American League crown a bat- se.ssion on the visitor’s 48-yard Night Game Friday relax'when he leaves the building. Sacherek of Manchester was the Fk'rgol hasn't won many tourna­ ington Baseball Club called a terljuck, each threw two touch- waski were best for the outclassed te-* must have 400 official trips. ago Saturday and New York elim­ stripe. Sal Squatrlto, James Taylor. . . Night S t home and I don't even dowh passes. 41 yards to paydirt. Again Betten­ Brownies.. FuIJbuk Knowiton Was inated Brooklyn a week ago, the head linesman and two Trinity ments in his five years of pro play resignation and Harris Implied court’s try for the point waa wide Adding the 14 at bats he die :’t Look Like New Club Burbrnk, Smith. Cur and ‘bother to turn on teevee to watch grads. Jack Turkington and Tom was a firing. The Nata wound up held to 27 yards in 11 running chief interest in Simdsy's final but, he noted, "I haven't been out Elsewhere, tlje opening day re­ and Manchester led 12 to 0. . have the finished with .3325 com­ Perhaps it was a pep talk, but Hohenthal did the bulk o f the de­ the fight, being contented to read Fergusoii, were among the onlook­ of the money in three years the season in sixth plaCe in the sults produced no eyebrow lifting. plays. He carried but once in the pared to .341 for Chevelsrid’s Bob games wss a Miap for fourth CAR It \Iraa all Mancheater in ' the whatever it was the Indians re­ fensive work for the locals who one. of the latest sports msgaslnea. ers. either.” And, with a grin, he American League. The Lions clubbed the Chicago first half. Avila. place—and a chunk of World Se-' final 12 minutes of play aa they ries cash—in each league. ceived during the 15, minute inter­ travel to Meriden next Friday for a d d ^ : Calvin briffith, 'vice president of Bears 48-23; San Francisco The Merchants will play Satur­ May Alter Roles a night game against rtrong Meri­ whipped Washington 41-7; Los Mored twice more against the day night at Mt. Nebo at 8:13, The Booton, Red Sox, helped by JnmiNATfONAl Trucks wMi MiTRO* body mission, really worked to start the "I’m just a commercial golfer, the club, announced a news con­ bewildered Bay State eleven. Bill Quit or ■ riot. Williams’ loss of den High School, one of thr pre- straight down the line, looking for Angeles slaughter^ Baltimore meeting Palmer, Maas. Williams’ 39th homer in a five- third period. They looked like a ference in New York City late to­ the title, considered by many as run seventh, sewed up fourth in the — multi-stop sales leader 16 straight nexv; club as they took the kickoff seaso.i favorites to capture top the dough.” day (5 p. m. EST), 48-0 and Pittsburgh edged Green unfair, may be remedied by a pro­ Yale, Trin and Wesleyan Bay 21-20. American League by bopping years*-offer big voIu b m loads, easy ma­ and travelled 41 yards to Hall's 33. honors in the "'IL. GRID FEUD IN SOUTHWEST. posed rules change which would -The fearsome Lions are all they WaMiington 11-2. Detroit, with a neuverability, leas garage SMoe. Ayail- Auclair's kick was taken on Man­ Mel Hadfield Gets make the basis of the title 450 chance at fourth place if Boston chester's 25'by Curry and ran back Score Impressive Victories were adverUaed and more. The Austin, Tex. (>P),-There 'a quJ e times Up including walks and other aUe with standard, or new easy-driving "more" la a 210-pound rookie full­ had lost toppled Cleveland 8-7 in to She 36. Tom Smith circled right Baseball Crowds Ace at CDuntry Club a show of gridiron bulldogging in unofficial times at bat. 13 innings on Fred Hatfield's Daily anfi end for 12 yards and a first down. back named Bill Bowman, a full­ prcspect for the. Southwest Ckin' "1 don’t think I'll make the M rrao-M atic TVansmission in eight body back Who scored twice, once on. a two-run hom er.off Ray Narleski. Until Noeu Big mystery Saturday was why the By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS * lit worse. New Hampshire qusrter- Mel Hadfield scored a hole- ference in this seacon's football dough I made in baseball but I’ll Mike Garcia, likely (Cleveland sizes, from 293 to 417 cubic feet capacity. Show Big Gain Three Connecticut college foot­ gjijy p gp p ^ ^ij Yankee 100-yord kickoff return. Ever-fe- In-one yesterday afternoon at race;- The Texas Longhorns, who be plenty busy,” Ted said of his left halfback didn't run more than liable Doak’ Walker scored two starter in the third Series game, teturday Wheelbases, 102 to 134 inches. GVW he did. After a commendable per­ ball teams opened the 1954 aea­ Conference selection^, kept throw­ the Manchester Country Club. tied with the Rice Institute Owls future. pitched 12 Innings against the ing over Bridgeport’s head, ili-v touchdowns, and kicked six extra Mel’s ace came oa the 12th' to lead the conference rcce last . ratings, 5,400 to 11,000 lbs. formance in the opener against New York, Sept. 27 (g») — For son against out-of-state foes Sat­ points and one . Tigers in a rugged tun«-up. East Hartford, Smith was given the the first time in recent years, passes accounted for two touch­ hole. His No. 8 Iron shot season, will find the Owls again HOME .m ows s q u a d Philadelphia woend up fourth in urday with a 3-1 margin in game The Bears played well and at their mar. threitoning comyetltor. MANCHESTER ball but four times today. In his attendance at Major League base­ downs and set jtp another. Bridge­ dropped Into the eup. Ko wao University, Mir*. (J>)—Mississip­ the National derplte a defeat by and a 68-43 margin In points. port, put on one sustained drive in the end of three periods were only pUying with Doc McKee, Also the Longhorns will find the four carries he gained 25 yards for ball games showed a gain in 1954 one point behind the Lion*. But pi University has a home grown the New York Glapta, 3-2 in ,11 an outstanding 6.3 average per try. Yale rolled over (Connecticut in an the game and it paid off with a George Smith an<) Ken Gordon. Baylor University Bears a rival: varsity .football squad. 'Dilrty- innings. OncinRati, needing » vic­ with 15,937,767 fans paying their the ‘ Champions broke out for 24 ■witb a strong team which is com­ MOTOR SALES Farrell carried six of the next -way into the 16 ball parks. intrastate conteat. touchdown in the second quarter. ’The hole-ln-ono was the sixth three of the 44-man varsity foot­ tory to tie the Phiis, loat to (Chi­ 512 WTCST c e n t e r 8T. Thie week's schedule: points in the. final quarter. ing-back for revenge. ’Texas beat seven times as the Indians picked A year ago. when there was a The (Korea: San Franciaco and Los Angelea recorded at the dub this sea­ ball squad are from Mitaiaslppi, cago, 6-2. up another first down but lost Yale 27, Connecticut 0, Bridgeport va. UpsaJa at East son. two more than the totnl Baylor last season by the slim Only one Yankee la In the group— Rarl Spooner. BrookIyn'S>^ril- - AT HARTFORD ROAD ■ in iN R n O N M Raaal Tracks are topa for low-ogat ddiv- slight decrease ovei^ 1952, the turn­ both looked good and they eeem to margin of 21 to 20. possession on West Hartford's 33 out waa )4.383,797. Trinity 38, WilUams 0. Orange, N. J. (Friday night). be the only clubs that.have even a of a year ago. Frevtods “ aeeo” he being from Pennsylvania. liisnt, rookie aouthpaw, proved his ary. Big load qiaoe. Wide-opening rear doors. Insulated when another gamble failed. Fans Topped by a record gate of 2,- Wealeyan 14, MIddlebury 8. Brown vs. Yale at New Haven. remote chance of overhauling the were Walt Mnfphy, Del St. New itampahlre 87. Bridgeport Boeton U. va. Connecticut at John, Tom Kelley, Lou KeUy agafaiat ndse and protected against dust, heat and cold. also worvdered why Farrell didn't 131,’388 at Milwaukee, the National Storrs. Lions. In beating Washington, the paas against Hail, He completed League drew 8,001,924 aa com­ 8.‘ 49'ers scored two touchdowne in and Ed Traygls. Iiv.only one case was the result Bowdoin vs. Trinity at Hartford >■ Six 115-indi wheelbase nnodeb in GVW, range from three of four against the Hornets, pared to 7,419,721 laat year. The each the first, second and fourth a surprise. Williams, wIUv'TT'Vst. Wesleyan va. Tufts at Medford, quarters under the direcUon, as 4JOO to 6,500 Iba. Optional overdrive and heavy-duty one going for a score,' and the St. eran eleven, had been picked Maaa. ■ The Indians' big line surprised Louis Cardinals joined with the usual, of Y. A. 'm tle. - Snipeed or 4-epeed tranamiaBk^ available—also new defeat a Trinity team whose first Coast Guard v*. Norwich at. SCiore on Sleeper COACH COMES HCHkIE Hall on its first two plays pushing Braves in marking up the biggest string was conceded to be strong Northfleld, Vt. Faetory'-TraiRRi ^rvie« ExfMrts automatic transmiaaion. ' them back to the 11 from where gains. Attendance at Brooklyn, Los Angeles scored on the first ---- but whose bench was reported to New Haven Teachers w . Ship- play of the game against the Colts Lexington, Ky. (A*)—Blanton O l ­ Au(ilalr kicked fo his own 45. Cur- Chiciigo.^ Philadelphia and Pitfa- be woefully weak. It was the pensbui-g Teachers at fihlppens- burgh fell off. cn. of all thinga, a sleeper play. lier Is home at last The new foot­ FaRtory-ERglReaiMl rhiI iRspaettd bench, however, that played the burg, Pa. ' Skeet ()uinlan hung on the sideline The American League at last 18 minutes o f the game, hold­ H l» N M k m t MStUtlON ball coach at the University of tendance jumped nearly a million while the rest of the Rams lined Kentucky and a native of this ing Williams Moreless after the PATTY BERG WINS up. He was unnoticed by the Colts Parts with the Ba.ltim'ore Orioles first stringers had tallied six Ardmore, Okla., Sept. 27 (IP)— state says; “ Cjoachtng at my home accounting for nearly three-fourths and took a pass from Norm 'Van INTHNATIONAL Tracks wMk MgTROCTTI b a d y -soon om y COMPLETE touchdowns. Steady shooting Patty Berg of St. Brocklin and loped to the score. state university is aomethlng I al­ That's what your car gets with Brown-Beaupre servlet of the boost. At St. Louis in 1953 Trinity, despite,the powerhouse Andrews, 111., called on her tourna­ * 2 9 - " What does It mean? specialists in the multi-stop field. Hi-tensile steel body the Browns drew only 297,238. After that, P was no conteat. ways held in the back of my minA running of fullback Charlie. Sticka ment experience in the late atage.s Pittsburgh was behind . the Transferred to Baltimore the club and the Improved quartefbacking For this/TINY price we’ll deliver enough BALSAlb Wool bIan-% It was my ultimate ambition.” It means the knowledge that gives your car GOOD seivlcah has 215 cubic fmt capacity. Drop frame conitruction al­ RADIATOR 'to win the rich Ardmore Women's ket Insulation to'cover a 20’ x 24’ attic floor. INSTALL It your­ Packers until five minutes before attracted over a million. The total of Bobby Alexander, didn't look Collier became widely recognised No repair Job Is better tiuui the know-how o f the man wha lows low stepwell, 78-inch headroom in through «i«l

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1954 PAGE ^ PAGE TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. BIANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27.1954 Rooau Without Board 'Booses For Sak 72 Hoaaea For Sale 72 r o o m n e a r Center, heat and hot Aatonobiles for Salo 4 Motorcycles— Bicycles 11 Millinery— Dressiiiskiag 19 Help WABted— Male S6 Articles For Sale 45 Household Goods 5 f f o r Annual water. Gentleman jireferred. 87 MANCHBSSTER—8 rooma two-car BOLTON—Four room non-expand- Ferry Tips; Charges, Answet^ Foeter St. Phone Ml. 8-SS31. garage. 1% hkths, two $i' Uvlng ablo on a slab, ideal home for May’s Bird Grand Champ 19M FORD Sedan S cylinder, extra BICTCLES, new, tiaed, bought and DRESSMAKER, alteratlona on PAHTTER Wanted. Only exper­ FOUR ROOMS household goods. CHINA CORNER cupboard with and recreaUon areaa. ExceUent couple. Only $9,900. GI mortgage clean, radio, heater. IMS Ford aold. Repairing and rebuilding. coata, auita, dreaoea,-okirta, etc. ienced need ^>ply. 44 Bayberry Two cabinets knick-knacks, china glosq door. Phone 9-7774 after 4 f u r n is h e d Room for rent, near ^condition. Near Bowers school and pooaible. Classified tudor, radio, heater. Douflaa Free pickIck up and delivery within Call MI. 9-6636. Town Meeting Road, Glastonbury between 6 and dinner set, $13; de lux« upright p.m. Main St. GenUeman preferred. 6 new High school. $17,300 from American two mile radiua. Manchester At Eastern States Show Motora, S3S Main. 7 p.m. MEdford 3-7768. vacuum, $12; lady’s diamond en­ The legal voters of the Town o( Hasel S t MI. 9-2170. owner..MI. 9-7154. BOLTON—On the lake. Five rooms Cycle Shop, 166 Weal Middle Turn­ (three bedrooma) winterixod homq, In McCarthy Case Advertisements leeo PONTIAC aedan coupe, heat* Moving— ^TmcUnf gagement ring, $40; lady’s Elgin Bolton are hereby warned and pike. MI. 0-2O98 or S-3S02. Wrist watch, $18; six new sheets, LARGE TWO-BURNER Kenmore notified to meet in the ANNUAL ATTRACTIVK f u r n is h e d room MANCHE8TER--Nine room house, partial basement. Large stone fire­ er, radio, hydramatic, good con­ Storage Salesmen W anted- SiS-A Toll at 67 CLASSIFIED ADVT. 20 $3 each. Long and short fur coats, parlor stove. Call MI. 9-8044. TOWN m e e t in g in t'ie CO U i with breaktast if deaired. MI. could esslly be converted to 8- place.—IIOJSOO. dition. Miiat aell. Will accept any (OeatiBBad troas FBca Oaa) dentist whom the Bojotar V DEPT. HOURS reaaohable bOer, time payment. Business Services Offered 13 PART TIME salesmen to augment $18 each. Small size lady’s Jacket, MUNITY VALL in said Town, on 3-8958, or 421 E. Middle 'tpke. famlly house. Large barn ■ and MANCHESTER — Package Deliv­ APEX AUTOMATIC dishwasher, chicken coop. On bus line, 8 min­ MANCHESTER—Four-room Capo (CoatMed troas rag# Ooa) a "Fifth AmendBiaBt Oooam^ ff:15 A. M. to 4:S0 P. M. MI. S-0980. ery. Local light tnicUng and present Aamings. Sell oil con­ caincoat, $3 each. 34 Elm St., East MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1954, at STONB, BRICK, Hreplace and ce- Hartford. portable, like new. Also. 2-plece 8:00 o'clock 1:. tlie evening, for the , ONE OR two furnished rooms fOr utes to Cheney Mills. Over one Cod on bus line. Hmken heat, and base Unguage” referring to McCarthy, in answering thki package delivery. Refrigerators, tracts f » Manchester’s best living room set. Phone MI. 9-4167. two with light housekeeping fa- fireplace.—$12,600. charge, oold that ZwM nr'a atti­ 19SS DE SOTO Flredome 8. This >ment work. Call MI 9-8481 or MI known fuel oil dealer. Gain valu­ following purpcjea: acre of land. Asking $16,000. Coll Forty-threa railroad cars wert Sen. Hendrickson (R-NJ), a mem­ washers and stove moving a POLAROID Camera with flash at­ ciliUea and bath. MI. 9-4778 MI. 9-6268 after 5:00 p.m. hurled about inside the hull. tude at the hearing warn ”om a t COPT CLOSING TIME immaculate four door sedan is a 3-8043. specialty. ML 9-0783. able selling experience—add to CLEARANCE OF floor sample 1. To see if the Town will vote MANCHESTER—Six-room ranch. ber of the eiections subcommit­ tachment, case and close-up 8«* af Hell complete arrogance, coaopiota aoa- FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. pleasing blue in color. Fully equip­ your income. A'pply in person to ranges, refrigerators, washing to adopt the bu,lget for the ftscal f u r n is h e d ROOM for one or Three bedrooms. Year old. Ful^ tee, as "a li'Ving miracla . . . with­ ped with radio, heater and econ­ WIRINO IN8TALLATION a t aU AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS OO., lenses. One year old, $80. Thresh­ year 1954 "%5 as recemmended MANCHESTER — Oakwood Road, A survivor described the stricken tempt of the committee.” Ha sold MON. THRU FRI. types. No Job too amaU. Peter Mr. ’^ g , or_Mr. Belfiore, Mor- er’s Pony Farm, Call MI. 8-604«' machines, . s'inks, floor and wall two, with kitchen privileges. 84 basement. Bue line.—$13,500. out brains or guts " and j to Sen. that Zwicker changed hta otoiy omical overdrive. For the prudent local and long distance moving, tarty Bros. MI. 3-8138. cabinets, vacuum cleaners and by the Board < Finance. / High S t ^ aix rooms complete, plaster waUs, vessel as "a hell on earth.” 10:30 A. M. buyer who wants fine car comfort Pantaluk, 40 Foster street. Phone packing, storage. Call ML 8-8187. after. 1 p.ln. i t To see if the Town will full insulation, hdt water oil heat, BOLTON—Five-room ranch. Three The 6rst newsman to reach Flanders (R-Vt), author of the Utree times on cna point. w«a a r s - freezers. Save up to 30%. 'This sive and antag,inistic. SATURDAY 9 A. BL at moderate cost, this car repre- IGtchell 0-7S0S. Hartford CHapel 7-1431. ADVERTISING Book Matches — merchandise is being replaced by authorize temporary bon-owlng by fireplace, opM staircase. Bn- bedrooms, garage. ’Lot 150 x 150. Hakodate harbor used a similar censure resolution, as “senile , . . sents exceptional value. Will ac­ PEAT HUMUS, shredded. Excel­ cloeed porch, amesite drive, city "I wouiid say he waa ona o f tha Full or part time men. Easy cash lent soil conditioner, top dresMng. 1988 models. LaFlamme Appli­ the Town .of money in anticipa­ FOR RENT—Room for gentleman, No basement.— $13,900. phrase in describing it—”a sea of I think they should get g~man cept trade. Can be financed at RUBBISH and ashes removed. Gen- daily commissions, sell leading tion of taxes. 61 Foater St. water and aewerage. Near Bowers f X. . L' hell.” most arrogant, one a t tha OMot TOim COOPERATION WILL eral cleaning of attics, cellars and Manchester MI. 3-6818,^ ance, 18 Oak. Tel. MI. 9-6868! with a net and take him to q good evasive wUneenea. that I horo ovar bank rates. $3498 or best erffer. MI. Painting— Papering 21 line of Union Label book matches. 3. To see if the Town wlU vote School. Immediate occupancy. Bjrewitnesaes said tha sickle­ quiet place.” BE APPRECIATED yards. Call M and M ~iuMli Rubbish re­ ROOM FOR rent with conUnual Charles Lesperance. MI. 9-7620. Many Other LisUnga had oaa a t 8-4338. Political candidates are hot pros­ SOUTH WIND gasoline automobile STORE DEMONSTRATOR, Frigi- to reopen 1^6 toad extending from shaped harbor and its mlle-Iohg McCarthy did hot 'contest the moval. MI. 9-9787. PAINTING, Xlxterior and interior, pects now. Xmas matches are dalre washer, excellent condition, hot water,, shower, private en­ the 'tooat ifritaang,’’ MeOvthgr 1947 CHRYSLER, clean car, good paperhanging. Ceilings refinlsh- heater, 1-3 horsepower electric School Road to Skinner Road and "Y . J. CROCKETT. Broker ooast resembled a great naval dit- remarks ascribed to him, but hb« said. Dial MI-3-5121 ready for big sales unUl holidays. motor. Reasonable. MI. 9-4863. new washer guarantee. Kemp’b, include same as part of the Town trance. Refined gentleman only. FARMLET in town. 7H room house akter scene of the PsciSc a*ar. tires. 144 Birch St. Phone MI. ALL APPLIANCES serviced, clean, ed. Wall paper books on request. Inquire 101 Chestnut St. with about two acres of land. Phones: Days MI-S-5416 maintained he had provocations McCarthy aaid thcro wera ooa- ing and repairs on range burners, Feature Glamor Girls, HUlblllles. Inc. road system. Weekends and Elventngs MI-9-77S1 Wracks of flve ships and literally for his statements and had a right 9-6486. • Estimates given. Fully Inmred. Scenics, etc., all year. All popular DURA - THERM space ' heater, Electricity. Artesian well. $8200. tradlcUona in the t ■■1111110 heaters, refrigerators, alt types Call Edward R. Price. Mitchell 4. To see If the Town wJU .vote PLEASANT Furnished room, pri­ Madeline Smith, Realtor. MI. hundreds of small craft littered the to make them as "part of our free^' zencker gave and that theM sizes—30s, 30s, 40s. Free Master chrome pipe and 88 gallon barrel to establish the hou,*a ' r the ad­ LOCKWOOD STREET — One-half 1949 FORD convertible, radio, washing machines. Metro Service. 9-1003. SEVEN CU. FT. Frigidalre, in vate home. 118 HoUister St. Phone 9-1642, MI. 9-1146. beach. dom of speech.” showed the officer "waa etthor will­ Call MI. 9-0883. Outfit. Mercury Match C., 1361 included. MI. 9-8833 before 6 or mission of .electors on the fourth duplex, 4 rooms down plus one fin­ 'The sand was dotted with bodies, Lost and Found heater, o'i'erdrive. Good tires, ex­ MI. 9-4430 after good condition. Tel. MI. 9-7328. MI. 9-6239. He said he felt he was Justified fully falsified or being vary, vary cellent top, $898. Douglas Motors, Hall Ave., Zanesville, Ohio. and fifth Saturdays proceeding ished up. ExceUent condition. many wearing life jackets which in saying what he did about MANCHESTER—337 Woodland St. About $3,300 cash required to as­ evasive.” FOUND— Sensational value. Used 383 Main. COMPLETE REPAIRS by Stuart Courses and Classes 27 SOLID MAHOGANY dinette size. election, from 2:00 o'clock to 5:00 SINGLE ROOM for gentleman, had failed to save their Uvm in Hendrickson, who Joined in the R. Wolcott on wringer and auto­ ADVERTISING SPEC. men. Sell MA8TERCRAFT Oil burner and Immediate occupancy. Near bus sume 4% mortgage. James J. Zwicker, called oa a wttnaoa ba- 48 R.P.M. records. Popular all controls. Portable table iron Duncan Phyfe dining table. MI. o'clock In the afternoon. kitchen privileges if desired. MI. and school. Six rooms, full cellar, the raging suri. elections subcommittee report, be­ from, matic washing machines, vacuum RADIO-ELECTRONICS -Television gift food line now. Samples. Gour­ 0-4171. Rohan ft Son, Realtors, 517 Hart­ fore the cenoure committee, dealad artists. Hundreds to choose met Gift Foods, Cincinnati 9, Ohio er. Cast inm set tub and brass 9-8090. 5. To trrjisact any oUier busi­ large lot. Oil heat, sterns, Smashed lifeboats, shattered cause, he said, the New Jersey uttering any uitfnitha In his taoll- S8c each, three for $1. Norm's cleaners, motors, small appli­ Servicing. "Learn by Doing" at ford Rood. Tel. MI. 3-7433. 1950 PONTIAC faucet. Kiddie la'wn swing, all ness proper to comet before “laid screens. Reasonably priced. H. B. timbers, 'bil and all the Sotsam Senator had told him he would mony or any intent to ba avastva. Drive-In, Manchester Green. MI. ances. Welding. 180 Main Street. Connecticut’s oldest electronics TO THE MAN who is looking meeting. and Jetsom of a sea disaster cov­ sign the report even though he did Phone Ml 9-6678. school. Enroll now for day or eve­ metal, indoor or outdoor. Begin­ Grady, Broker. MI, 3-60O9. 52 FOOT (CUSTOM built ranch, six arrogant or hTiUtlag. Ha oM4 9-8163. SEDAN c 6UPE ahead. Nationally known AAA-1 ner’s small bicycle. All items in THREE c o m p l e t e rooms of Charles A. Robbins Business Locations rooms, 29’ living room, waU. to ered the beach. not agree with it insofar as it Army orders ...... ning class starting Sept. 37. Phone furniture, almost new. MI. 9-6860. and a rroaklenUal nd powi company, in business since 1888, good condition. Phone 9-7774 after Michael Pcsce For Rent 64 $10,500—SIX room home, near new wall carpet, dishwasher, recrea­ 1^ "W e’ve got a terrible thing up differed from th(f proven facts. directive barring tha dlaeloaaro a t FOUND—Black and white, small or write New England Technical has career opportimity for a top Stanley Patnode male dog. Bolton Dog Warden. mower sales and service. Motors Institute, 193 TrumbuU Street, 4 p.m. 30 GAL. AUTOMATIC gas. hot school, hot water oil heat, 2-car tion room, cellar, garage, two ter­ there.” said Ool. John C. Randolph McCarthy coiled the subcommittee security information Hmitad HM Heater, radio, hydra- salesman 30 to 80, with car to call DATED at j'iolto-, Connecticut, garage. Large lot. Immediate oc races, nice view. I 'j acre lot. Su­ commander of the U.8. Air Bose report "entlpely dishonest.” MI. 9-6648. tuned ar overhauled. Pickup and Hartford. JA.' 8-8406. water tank, includes 10 year guar­ AIR-CONDITIONED offices cen­ testimony ha could gtva. delivery service. Gibson's Oarage. on local businesses in protected tills twent'y-seventh day of Sep­ cupancy. Madeline Smith, Realtor. burban. Reasonably priced. Carl­ at Misawa, who flew over the As for Flonaers, McCarthy said matic, good condition. Btiats and Accessories 46 antee. Never used, reasonably trally located. Phone MI. 9-9779. FOUND—Not one, not two, but Ml. 8-8013. territory with exclusive advertis­ priced. MI. 9-4628. tember, A. D.. 1954. MI. 9-16T)-1642...... or 9-1146. ton W. Hutchins. MI, 9-5133, scene. the' Vermonter had used much Must sell.-Will accept any ing services! Established ac­ ^ 2 *■ - six qualified candidates to be Private Instructions 28 KING-CRAFT boat, Johnson 16 SMALL HEATED store on Maple In the toa-n of Iwanai. 90 miles stronger language about him. In your Directors! May be had by reasonable offer, time FURNITURE Repairing refinish- counts, high percentage repeat ANTIQUES. Come and browse St. near Main, suitable for any SIX ROOMS complete, plaster north of Hakodate. 32 persons died this connection a speech of Flan­ ing used furniture and antiques TOUR YARN SHOP, 80 Cottage business. Weekly draw “against h.p. motor, wheel, remote con­ walls, insulated tile hath, fire­ GLASTONBURY—H acre and larg­ Father Blamed pulling the top lever on October trol, very seaworthy. Master- around. Empire and Victorian small business or office. Appiv — — . 1. . Herald Photo. in a fire 'which destroyed 3,000 of ders drkwing a parallel between 4th. Vote Republican, be. sure. payment. bought and sold. Furniture Repair St. Tel. MI. 9-3388. Free instruc­ commissions. Immediate earn­ mirrors, furniture. Rose medallion place, garage. Fruit and shade er wooded lots, 3 miles to Man­ Proudly displaying his Grand 160 Bigelow St. Msy won the blue McCarthy and Hitler waa cited. craft trailer. MI. 9-3713. FOR EXPERT Edw. J. Holl. Tel. MI. 3-5117. chester Center.' Water available. the town's 4,500 houses in a few Service, Talcottville. MI. 3-7449. tion with each yam purchase. ings. Write or Wire experience. ' pieces, marble statutes, brass, and trees. Oil heat, porch. Near bus Champion Bantam, a Modern | ribbon and honor at the Eastern minutes. Forty-four persona were LOST—That satisfied feeling if you Zigmund Gozdz, Prop., formerly Store hours—Mon. through Sat., Fred Seely, Osborne Company, line, school and shopping center. Nicely developing area. Considera­ Birchens Gome, ia John May o f | States Eheporition In Springfield. For Murdering MI-9-0980 other items of interest. Ye Old OFFICE TO Rent, Hartford Road, injured and others aro missing; CaiAROE S — That McCarthy haven't tried dining at the Roee- of Watkins Brothers. 9:48 a.m.' to 8 p.m., Thursdays Norwood, Ohio. BuikUng Materials 47 Art Craft Shop at 51 Mill St. MI. near McKee St. Ideal for profes­ Priced for quick sale. <3iarles tion to buUdera. Evenings MI. mount Restaurant, Route 88, Bol­ until 9 p.m. Lesperance. MI, 9-7630. 3-7346. authorities said. invited and urged federal em­ 9-3287. sional man, MI, 9-0969 after 8 By EARL YOST . Tover the country but ia unable to Hakodate was ■without light or ployes to furnish him with infor­ ton. Receptions, banquets, organ­ BULLDOZER AND Loader work.‘ Flush Doors ...... ;from $7.50 p.m. His Daughter, 6 NEW SIX room colonial, tile bath, MANCHESTER GREER — Excel­ Grand Champion Bantam o f .the I fill all the orders. The birds sell power. Emergency generators were mation to aid in hia investigations isation dinners invited. For reser­ Landscaping and grading. R e a d ­ Help Wanted— Combo l^torm Dimrs from- $14.95 able ratea. No Job too smaU. Call lavatory. Full insulation, plaster lent six room ranch home, at­ 1954 Eastern Stafes Exposition I from $10 to $50 each. put into operaUon to floodlight even if they would be violating the vations contact Charlie or Marie 1940 FORD TUDOR. MI. 9-0893. Bonds-—Stocki Male or Female ' 37 Windows, complete ..from 312.00 Musical Instruments 53 FOUR ROOM office suite, excel­ (Cm tined from Yoge > ■) Cole. MI. 9-4389. Ml. 9-0680 after 8 p.m. lent decor, complete facilities, walls, porch, garage, amesite tached garage, tUed bath, encloacd was the honor bestowed on a Mod­ Now 67, May raises Rhode Is- the disaster scene inside the break­ law. preaidientlal orders and their Mortgages 31 Framing ___ per M from $90.50 porch, attic storage, amesite ,land Reds, Black CkKhins, Mod- water, where the oily keel qf the oaths of office. SHOE FITTEI^ Experienced only. MUSIC Inatrumental rental. Com­ street and rear parking, moder­ drive, large lot, hot water oil heat, em Birchens Game Pullet raised with Roberta Immediataljr aftar LOST—Optional Share Book No. 1941 CHEVROLET club coupe, in MANCHESTER T.V. Service, radio N. C. Roofers . .per M from $99.50 nice location. Immediate occupan­ drive, storm windows and doors. and exhibited by John "Dusty" jera Birchens, Game and Black Toya Mani waa visible above the This was based on. statements 1st and 2nd MORTGAGES Permanent position. Good salary. plete line of instruments. Rental ate rental. Call MI. 9 1680. Mrs. the hearing. 3743. Notice is hereby ^ v e n that running condition, best offer takes and T.V. specialists since 1934. 1 X 10 T. A G. .. per M from $09.50 applied to purchase price. Repre­ Little. cy. Charles Lesperance. MI. Fenced in lot. Owner leairlng Man­ May of 60 Bigelow St. Tha show I Rose Comba, all bantams. sUII-chcnilng ■water. McCarthy made during the tele­ House service call $3.80. Ml. Tots’ N Teens, Inc., 986 Main St. No. 1 Oak Flooring chester, $15,600 for quick sale. 125 Birds in Pro Optional Share Book No. 3743, It. Inquire 40 Packard St. Fair Rates— Fast Action senting Olds, Sermer, Bach, Ped- 9-7620. closed yesterday. Japan's Maritime Safety Force, vised MeCOrthy-Army hearings, Roberts' 6-year-old daughtor. Issued by The Manchester Sav­ 9-6660 or Ml. 3-4607. WANTED—Men and women, to per M ...... from $195.00 ler and Bundy. Metter’s Music TEL. Ml.9.3980 DESIRABLE Office at 100 East Howard R. Hastings Agency, Man­ The blue ribbon marked the I The one-time professional hockey reported one other ocean freighter such as these: Judith Ann, was stolaa from the ings and Loan Association, Inc.« 1963 MERCURY tw3 door, clean. 880 MAIN STREET Center St. Excellent location for SIX ROOM Cape Cod, two unfin­ chester. MI. 9-1107 anytim e. third time in the last four yean player in Canada has more than sunk, five grounded and one dam­ That the oath taken by govern­ GUNDER’S T.V. Service. avaUable Frank Burke , help elect the finest slate ever Stair Parts. ’Trim, Red Studio, 177 McKee. MI. 8-7500 home of her grandporentf Ift has been lost and application, has Low mileage. Motor excellent. proposed by the Republican Party RADIO and discriminating client. Call MI. ished, fireplace, oil heat, plaster that one of May’s birds was ! 125 'bantams in his pen. The feed aged ix the Etorm. More than-1,100 ment employes to protect and de­ any Urae. Antenna conversion^, Cedar Products Miami July 7. Her body waa been miade to said AssociaUon for Sacrifice for quick sale. Cali MI. (Formerly with FHA) . in Manchester—pull the top lever. SPINET PIANO. 8 months old. full ▼ ■ V an i J TELEVISION 9-7782, or MI. 9-4573 walls, storms, screens, amesite DOUBLE CHECK THESE! crowned Grand Champion at the i bill weekly runs to five dollari. email craft, mostly fishing hrota fend the country ' "towers far payment of the amount of de­ 9-7784 or can bis geen at 340 Lydall ^hllco factory supervised service. keyboard,' sacrifice $325. Box C, drive, shaded lot, near achool, i Ordinarily scratch feed is used. were lost, beached or damaged. found a few hours later in a thMc- Vote Republican. NATIONAL BUILDERS Springfield siwnv. "The success above any presidential secrecy posit. St. Tel. Ml. 9-1488. Mel Redman Herald. stores and bus. Only 811,000. Carl­ MARLBOROUGH—7 Room Colo­ broke all previous existing rec­ All the birds are banded. "All like­ Twenty-oeven patrol boats,. aix et on :Biscoyna Boy. Bha had SUPPUES nial. Bam, garage, 100’ x 300’ lot. directive.” ... "I have iaatriictcd a DISPATCHER for cab office. Re­ MANCHESTER—Main street store ton W.-Hutchins. MI. 9-8132, MI. ords,” May said. ly show bantams are sol'd,” May landing vessels, three mine sweep­ vast number of these employes been beaten and strangled. LOST—Optional Share BooA No. 1983 CHEVROLE7T Sedan, power- DOORS OPENED, keys fitted, (Formerly with VA) 381 SUte Street for rent. MI. 8-5144. 9-4694. Copper plumbing„arteaian well. No copied, vacuum cleaners, irons, liable person, must know streets Phenomenal Showing aaid. "while the poorer birds make ers—all Japanese—combed Hsdeo- that they are duty-bound to give A grand Jury returnad A aacrat 1392. Notice is hm ^V ^ven that glide, very clean. Tutone combina­ and town well. Mornings, six days, Wearing Apparel— Furs 57 central heating but a terrific buy date Bay for bodies and possible indictment in Miami loot Friday, tion. Douglas Motora, 333 Main. guns, etc., repaired. Shears, North Haven, Connecticut 43 GARDNER Street— Five room at $8,900. May, now retired and consider­ as good a meal as anyone would me information even though some Optional Share Book No. 1293, 6 a.m. to noon, also three nights care to sit down and eat.” survivors. They were Sroisted by its contents remained a aaerot OB- isiued by The Manchester Sav­ knives, mowers etc^ put into con­ CONNECTICUT Telephone CHestnut 8-2147 LADY’S BLACK velvet winter coat, Wanted To Itont 68 colonial, screened porch, attached ed one of New England’s best bird little bureaucrat has stamped it 1841-1940, OLDER ChevroleU, 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. Ap0y Cab office, MANCHESTER—6 Room Colonial. fanciers, achieved a phenomenal Bantams hatched in February U. 8. Air and Naval units, Kyodo ‘secret* to protect himself.’' . .. til Brautigam made tham piihlia ings and Loan Association, Inc., dition for coming needs. Braith- MORTGAGE EXCHANGE 83 Purnell Place. " size 12. Also lady’s green flared garage, knotty pine recroation here last evening. Fords, other good transportation fitted coat, size 9. Used orte win­ Screened porch, copper plumbing, score with 24 bantams in the are ready for competition in thq News Agency said. In answering thla charge, Mc­ has been lost and application has walte. S3 Pearl street WANTED—For single business man room and laundry. Lot 84x565. The. two-coiint Indictment ne> Good credit enables us to accept 27 Lewis St., Hartford Diamonds— Watch! ter. MI. 3-5318. Outside fireplace, fruit trees, split new furnace. All in excellent con­ Judging at the Exposition. He summer and fall shows. The cur­ The U. S. Far East Cbnunond Carthy said he was not asking fed­ been made to said Association for BARGAINS. D. of I. rummhge a two or three room furnished dition. 2 car garage. Large trees. announced that 57 American mili­ cused Roberts, "John Doe aaS/ae payment of the amount of . deposit. $8 down. Douglas Motora, SSS Main FURNITURE Refiniohing, antique sale. Thura., 6:30. British-Ameri- Jewelry 48 apartment and garage. MI. 6-4194. rail fence, awnings, screens and scored six firsts, notched eight rent Grand (Champion Bantam eral employes for “general classi­ furniture a-specialty, chairs caned CH-6-8897 See this at $13,900. seconds, two thirds' and four broke out of its shell March 16. tary personnel were aboard and fied information,” such as atomic Mary Roe” of premeditated mor- 1949 MERCURY Sedan, radio, heat­ can Clubhouse, Maple St. storm windows. 60-day occupan­ dcr and "an attempt to perpetnda TREMEINDOUS assortment house­ and rushed. Anaoii F. Thorp. LEONARD W, TOST, Jeweler, re­ Wanted— ^To Buy 58‘ cy. Direct from owner. MI. 9-0304. ENFIELD-—Route 5; 9 room, 5 fourtlT’ places. The remaining four 1954. Most birds weigh between 16 that one waa known to have sur­ bomb or military secrets, but for er, good condition throughout. FIRST AND secona mortgages vived. an. abominaMa and datsaUUn hold items, used clothing. D. of I. Phone kDtchell 9-8788. ' FLORIDA job opportunities. Men pairs, adjusts watchu expertly. Wanted To Rent 68 year old Cape Cod type house. Can birds were in tha "also ran” class. and 36 ounces. information "on graft, corruption, Priced to sell fast at $898. Douglas bought for our own account. Fast, Reasonable prices, prices. daily. CASH IN ON your old piano. We PORTER STREET Section— First be used as a two family-home. TV’o other Americana listed as crime against nature 4>r kldna|>- rummage sale. Thura., 6:80. Brit- confidential service. Manchester and women, skilled and unskilled.' Owner - manager - breeder and Although it has been many years Communism and wrongdoing” In Motors, 333 Main. H A I RADIO-TV Service. Service Thursday evenings, 129 Spruce will pay. top price for them. Call WANTED—Four or five room un­ time on market. Charming 8-room Two kitchens, two tile baths. Very missing and presumably drowned iSh-American Oubhouse, Maple Investment Corp., 344 Main street Write Florida Job Guide, Box us for an estimate. Kemp’s Inc. salesman are the titlee May has at since he skated around Canada the. executive branch. BrauUgant aaid. "Wa know than St. charge $4.00. Tel. MI. 9-6668. Gary 2061, Miami 12, Fla. street. IdteheU 9-6S87. furnished rent by two adults and colonial, downstairs lavatory, aun- large rooma. Foundation size $4’ his “Center Spring Bantam were ^ o m a s M. West, an agent He maintained that employes 1983 FORD ■ COUNTRY SEDAN lamonaco. Ml. 3-5416. arenas. May stUl maintains his in­ for a cosmetic firm, and Dean was at least one other peraea In W E BU Y seven year old daughter. MI. room, large living room, fireplace,' X 52’. Three acres. 200’ frontage. Yards” pen, located at the rear of have a duty to give such informa­ station wagon, 8 passenger, in ex< .WANTED—Used storm windows, terest in sports and is an ardent Leeper, 33, of Ohio, student secre­ on this.’’ cellent condition. Mileage 14,qoo. size 32" x 62" or 32" x 63” . MI. Entire or Partial Estates 9-9608. 4' bedrooms upstairs, ,2-car ga­ Minute.s to Bradley Field. Income his home . A bird fancier and hunter and flsherman. aosest to tion under a law making it a crime ANTIQUES Refinlshed. Repairing WILL PURCHASE Fuel and Feed 49-A rage. For further information tary for the Japan YMCA. The Dade County . . Annoancements Call Manchester Chapter Ameri­ done on any furniture. Tleman, Sitaattons Wanted— 9-7975. potential $100 per month. Fairly enthusiast since he was 15. May his heart, however, next to his to conceal knowledge of a felony. Antiques, China, GlaM WANTED—4 or 5 room unfurnished please call Elva Tyler, Realtor. priced at $16,‘ .900. has requests for birds from all Alfred H. Stone, 52, a mlsaionary He called ‘’completely false” the rived here Saturday morntog with YOUR YARN SHOP, SO Cottage St. can Red Cross. MI. 3-8111 between 189 South Main St. Phone NQ. a few moderate sized existing Female 38 SEASONED HARDWOOD for fire­ apai-tment needed immediately MI. t-4469. family, is his bantams. from , Canada, was listed the Indictment. He kept peBea, 9 a.m. . 8 p.m. After 8 p.m. MI. place, $18 a cord. Phone MI. 3-6183 chaige that he liad invited federal Tel. MI. 9-3388. Headquarters for 8-8643. second mortgages. Discount ex­ Complete Households by couple with three children. MI. GLASTONBURY—An exceptional by the Christian Press here as A City Proaecutor Anselm Bodaro, 3-8773. pected. CURTAINS LAUNDERED and after 6 p.m. Rooms Without Board 59 1,000 DOWN, large three bedroom ranch type home of 5 large rooma employes to violato their oaths Bemet and Tioga Yams and Susan Ironing done in my home. Call MI. Storage Lots Store Stock 6-9731. trying to 8nd the road to peace­ known fatality. Koine and a legion of newainea ALL KINDS of antenna work. Call ranch, fireplace, tile bath, full cel­ in a wooded setting. Many un­ Donald B. Orth, a miasianiafy on of office. Bates Knitting accessories. Also 1980 CHETVROLEJT sedan delivery. Art Pinney, TV Antenna Special­ 9-4333. IN PRIVATE Home, clean, com­ ful coexistence. gueaaing at hia intentions. art needle work supplies. QUICK ACTION Call Anytime HERALD REPORTER, Wife and lar, garage, one acre lot, trees, usual built-in featurea. Limestone Chine se Reds Hokkaido, waa Identified os a sur­ On tha contrary, he aaid, in urg­ Just right for grocery or other ist, Sales and Service., .Very fair Garden— Farm— Dairy fortable, well heated single room Reject U. S. Baeee Recall ing them to dlKlose "wrongdo­ Ralne, who had jurisdicUoa In WILL CARE for child, age 3 to 8, for gentleman. References re­ son, desire four room, unfuriiished high elevation, suburban. Several fireplace. Full cellar, igarage. A vivor. • the pase, aaw Braiftlgam for tha THE TYBUR-School of the Dance light delivery work. Runs fine. prices. Tel. MI. 9-4772. Box 807, Manchester . Products 50 rent in Manchester. Whitney .two bedroom house for the execu­ By vote of 4,358.000 to 1,822.- ing.” he was asking them to con­ extra sharp appearance. $498 full in my home, while mother works. quired. Ml. 3-8183. ROBERT M. REID & SON others of similar description. Skip Chou for 000 the conference rejected a res­ 'The Army said military person­ flrst 'time whan hs aiwwad up at offers instruction In: Ballet, Toe, MI. 9-8122. . Phone Manchester 8II-8-7770 Jacobs, Cali MI, 9-9637 after 5:20 Carlton W. Hutchins. MI. 6-5132, tive.—$26,000 nel including 41 soldiers, two wives form to their oaths and to the price. Douglas Motors, 333 Main. WIRING mSTALLA'nON and re­ CONCORD GRAPES, firsU $1.28, p.m. olution calling for the withdrawal law. headquarters hero last idi^ t a ^ Tap, and Acrobatic Dancing. pair of small electric appliances HEATED ROOM on Cooper Street. 301 MAIN ST„ MANCHESTER 9-4694. of military personnel, one Army 8 o’clock and aakad that n fUglUva Registration for class or private Business Opportunities S2 MOTHER of school child desires seconds $1. 137 Charter Oak St., Parking space. Gentleman pre­ Call William McBride of American air bases in Brit{dn. 1941 PACKARD 7 passenger, rarm y survivor was identi- tained from on FBI document and Roberta’ law partnar, HaroM J, MASON, FIELDSTONE a special­ chines in this area. No selling! To MI. 9-3246. REALTORS APPRAISERS spend $200 for a hearing aid. New Auto Accessories— Tires 6 ty. E. Toth. Phone MI. 9-3207. most complete light housekeeping amesite drive, garage. Convenient stormy standing ovation swept is on the basis of the total mem­ tied aa'Pfc. Frank Goedken, 21, of offered it in the form of a "spuri­ HaaUnga, Jr., and nottflad him a t transistor, one battery aids as low qualify for work you must have WILL CARE for children in my facUlUea avaUable tn Mancheater. ADVANCEMENT to achool and bus. Owner moving bership of the organizations the ous” letter at the McCorthy-Army the warrant. Haatlngs-hnd prom* SWEEIT CIDER, made fresh daily, Houses F or Sale 72 over the hall, lasting for several Dubiique, Iowa. as $128, costing os little as 18c a BATTERIES — 80% off. Square car, references, $640 cash, secured home while parents work. Tel. 89c a gallon. Also selected wind­ You wUl marvel at the cleanllnesa put of state. Price $14,900. Sever- Lots For Sale delegates represent. ^ e other four ferries lost in hearings. lead to produce Roberta if ha w«ro month to operate. Come in today type as low as $4.08 ex., long type MELODY RADIO—TV — Phono’s. by Inventory. Devoting 6 hours a MI. 3-8376. fall apples, Macintosh, Wealthy, of thla buUding. Children accepted. OPPORTUNITIES 'al other listings available. minutea.” The conlerence also rejected Hakodate bay had put to sea when Also part of this charge was wanted after Robertsi hia wttb and week to business, your end on per­ SIX ROOM single, newly painted for free fitting and demonstration. $7.98. Written guarantee. Cole Guaranteed service. MI. 9-2280. Delicious or Greenings, $1.19 16 qt. Central. Priced oo reaoonable and papered, copper plumbing, Frances K, Wagnei>. Realtor. MI. THREE ADJOINING- iota on Oak­ Most observers had passed over two resolutions aimed at the new the typhoon struck in an effort to that McCarthy waa In possible surviving child disappaorod Satur­ Complete stock of batteries, cords, Motora. Ml. 9-0980. centage collections will net up to you’U ggsp! Be cure and aee this 9-0028. land street. Priced for quick sale! Southeast Asia Treaty Organhia- a\’ald being battered to pieces at ridlation of the Eplonage Act in day. - : ...... $400 monthly with very good pos­ basket. Farmer's Outlet, 811 E. convenient to school and new shop­ C!hu in speculstidn ss to who would accessories, and repairs for all Situations Wanted— Middle Tpke, opposite Shady Glen. one. Mrs. Dorsey, 14 Arch 8t. ping center. Approximately $1,500 Howard R. Hastings Agency. MI. tion. They lost by margins of ap­ their piers. receivlqg and keeping the docu- Hastings told Raina'that Rob­ makes of aids. Personal Hearing Household Services sibilities for taking over full time. WEITHERSFIELD —12 room (Co­ 9-1107. become Mao's heir apparent. While proximately three to two. They Auto-Drivilig School 7-A Male 39 SKILLED MEN cash required. Cali A.C.B, Realty, lonial, built 1734. Two furnaces, Of the crewmen aboard 39 are m «it and that he had allowed it erts had gone for a ear rMa Service, 808 Main, Jarvis Bldg. Offered 13-A Income increasing accordingly. EAST HARTFORD, Knollwood Rd. —exclusive. MI. 9-2392. a long-time friend of the Red dic­ would , have put the party on rec­ k n o ^ to be head and 248 are miss-' to fall into the hands of a "goaolp he didn’t know where he was. Aftar MI. 9-6281. For interview, include phone in Room, private home, privileges, oil fired. Fireplaces, large rooms, BOLTON MORTLOeX’S DRIVING School. CARPENTER, painter and mason Household Goods 51 approximately one ace. Near tator, Chu ia 68 yeara old. ord as'opposing any southeast ing.‘‘ Only 31 were rescued. columnist,” Walter Wlnchell. an hour ju id 40 m ln i^ wntt. Det. r WEAVING o f bums, moth holes application. Write Nut-O-Matic wants work. Reasonable price. for refined woman. Garage avail­ are always better-than-avenge ROLLING PARK—Six room Cape WE CARRY Uoga yams at the Lost confidence quickly restored Wethersfield Cove. See us on this Wooded lots. Excellent resi­ Liu, the party philosopher who Asian pact which excluded Com­ The Japanese government sent At the McCarthy-Army hear­ Capt. Carroll V. Sinunona iasuad by a skilled, courteous instructor. and tom clothing, holsery runs;' Co., Inc., 40 Exchange Place, New Call CH. 7-8817 after 6 p.m. ANTIQUES bought, sold. Furni­ able. Phone JA. 6-1588 or JA. In the. fast-expanding aircraft Cod, two unfinished. Tile bath, munist China or India. its "sincere sympathy” to the U. S. ings. McCarthy said to Secretary a general order to pidt tqii. tha same prices as at the mill. Save York 8, N. Y. ture, glass, china, pewter, prints, 8-0373. if interested in an older home. E dential neighborhood. One acre often has-been called Red China's License included. Insured, dual handbags repaired, zipper re­ industry. So why not start to^ fireplace, spotless. Low down pay­ ft E Realty, Edw; Dupre, MI. No. 3 man ia 56. Chou also is 56. The conference supported At­ government over the loss of Amer- of the Army Stevenv_"Mr. Secre­ wantod man. time and money by shopping at books, stamps, coins, jewelry, ment Under FHA. See this today. and up. Priced to .sell. l Your Yam Shop, 80 Cottage St. controUed standard and hydrama placement, umbrellas repaired, TWO SINGLE men are looking for day to build a future at Pratt 9-6297, aiff Burdick, MI. 3-4480. ' Seen Avoiding Split tlee’s proposal for an early Big jean lives in (he Toya Mani disas­ tary, I would like to j^ve you a Minutes'" later Roharta collad tic cars. ML 9-7898. men’s shirt collars revers^ and Dogs—Birds—Pets 4i guns. Bailey's Antiques, 382 E & E Realty, Edw. Dupre. MI. WARREN E. HOWLAND Chu’s selection, obviously dic­ Three meeting to discuss the ter. letter . . . from the FBI.” Ratne. Tel. MI. 9-2388. Help Wanted— Female 35 Main St. MI 3-5003. one genUeman to share their six and Whitney Aircraft. 9-6297, a if f Burdick MI. 3-4480. replaced. Marlow’s Little Mend­ room furnished apartment. Cen­ MANCHESTER ouiskirU, seven Realtor tated by, Mao, conceivably could hydrogen bomb. It rejected an Authorities ssid the 110-mile The 2>4 piitge document, marked' He was grim and fhaftsd os ha You KNOW, good government is AUTO DRIVING instruction from ing Shop. it THE NEW MANCHESTER Pet year old Cape Cod, four finished, have bron an effort to avoid an amendment calling on the British winds made it impossible for the “ ’personal and confidential ■via walked into the poUca a t i e n your home. Insured dual control EARN AT Home doing a high pay­ Center, 998 Main St., Invites you PRACTICALLY New Easy Spin- trally located. All uUlities includ­ MODERN four room home, plas­ MI-3-8600 — MI-3.5711 no accident. Neither is electing ing handwork. Interested women Diy washing machine. Late model ing fully equipped kifchen avail­ expandable attic. Oil heat, dor­ open split between Chou and Liu. government to desist from mak­ clumsy ferries to keep their bows liaison,'-’ .waa in the form of a let­ clutching Mia. Roberts' hand. Tha car. Larson Driving School. MI FLAT FINISH Holland window to visit pets of all kinds. Con­ We still need-r^ tered walls, Timken oil heat, mers, combination storm Win- headed into the storm. ter. dated Jan. 26. 1951, from qualified local \officlals. It takes will be taught.; Write Box 296, Hoover tank-type cleaner, curtain able. MI. 3-8416. aluminum storm windows, clean Peiping aaid nothing to clarify the ing or using nuclear or • atomic Rev. Parke Heller. aRapdat mtn- 9-6078. shades, made to nieasure. All necticut bred Parakeets. Wire dowB, large lot, $10,900. Bolton, Situation. weapons. The four freight ferriro finally FBI Chief J. Eldgar Hoover to iater, drove Roberta and Hast­ care and consideration to gain West Hartford, Conii. Haired Terriers, Fox Terriers. Ml. stretcher, two red fireside chairs. • Tool and Die Makers and- neat, fenced yard, near' Suburban For Sale 75 both. Won't you consider the Re­ metal Venetian blinds at a new BU. 9-2890. FRONT ROOM, centrally located. New four room ranch, hot water Chu has been Mao'a fri^end ajnee broached when wavea rolled over MaJ. Gen. A. R. Bolling, chief of ings here in his car. BALLARD’S DRIVING SCHOOL - low price. Keys made while you 9-4273. Hours Monday through school, stores and bus. Only BOLTON—Five room ranch with ators conducting the MeCkuthy- publican candidates and then pull “ Manchester’s oldest.” Owner SALES HELP, 6nly experienced Continuous hot water. Parking. • Tool and Gauge Inspec­ $9,300, Carlton W. Hutchins, MI. heat, fireplace, \ acre land, the early daya of the Communist their tunnel-Uke atems and While he was being boohed; a walL Marlow’s. Friday, 10 to 8:30, Saturday 9 to $12,500. Phone Barbara Woods basement garage.-oil heat. Lot movement in China. He made the swamped the engine rooms, driv­ Army Intelligence. the top lever on October 4th? Certified by AAA and Board of need apply. Permanent, good pay. 6; Wednesday do se d at 3 p.m. S. BARGAINS in new and used appli­ Gentleman preferred. Ml. 9-7129. tors 9-5132, 9-4694, photographer ouUide tha hnUdlng Tots', N Teens. Inc., 956 Main. ances. Terms and trades. -James Agency. MI. 9-7702. 150’ X 200’. Madeline Smith Real­ long march north with defeated Water Rate ^ ing them under. Atty. Gen. BrowmeU wrote Sen snapped a lecture through a win-/ ElducaUon. We offer training, ex­ RENT A portable sewing machine ft H. Green stamps. tor. MI. 9-1842. MI. 9-1146. perience, latest methods. Ml A. Woods Appliances, 383 Center • Gauge Makers Communist forces as Mao’s chief The Toya Maru. hit the saiiie Army probe that the 3)4 page dow. Roberts .whirled aroond and Personals for your sewing, also all make TEACHER FOR co-operative kind­ St. MI 9-1918. henchman. way, was ordered beached by document "constitutea an unau­ 9-2248. Notice Sew-Easy, So Practical FOR SALE—^Bolton, single home, demanded: H e y , who in tha heUls machines repaired. Sichel, • Ml. ergarten in Bolton. Call Rev. WANTED—Good homes for six • Precision Machinists Baby Lives In Sfylit Born into a wealthy family, (hu H ik es Seen Capt. Keiichi Kondo. 'When she thorized uae of Informaticm which taking pictures in hart. I don’t WANTED-Rlde to Pratt A Whit­ 9-9419. Yeager. MI; 9-3848. I WANT A RELIABLE The registrars of Voters of the direct from owner, 10 minutea always was a professional soldier. hit the rocks, the 45 roil cars ap­ is classified os confidential . . ney South parking lot, second AUTO DRIVINO Instruction. AU weeks old kittens. Ml. 9-1244. from Manchester Center, Pric* have to put up with that too.'* lessons on insured dual control ■’TRUSTWORTHY PERSON Town of Coventry, both first and • Turret Lathe Operators He served sr a young officer in parently tore loose, crashed to one and should not be made public.' HP waa given the enatomary shift, from Hilliard Street. MI. COMPTOMETER Operator and TROPICAL FISH. WHO’S GOING second di::,trlct, will be in session reasonable. Phone MI. 9-3187. Yunnan during World War I. 40 Per Cent Bide and rolled her over. He also wi^ote that it was "not 9-1067. car. Capable experienced instruc­ Selling out. shakedown. Hia personal belong­ Building— ContraiEting 14 general office work for H. P. Hobd Everything must go. Kelly’s HOUSEKEEPING in the Town Office Building, South • Sheet metal Mechanics He Joined the (tommunist Party authentic in that no such letter tor. Oordner Auto School. Ml. and Sons, Inc.,in Manchester. Ex. HOMES FOR Sale, ranch aiid Cape ings, hia belt and maroon and WANTED—Ride to Pratt A Whit­ 94010, JA. 7-3680. GENEIRAL Construction, -. altera­ Aquarium, 39 Sunset St. Hours' 4 TO TAKE OVER Coventry on Tuesday, September <3ods. now under construction. C^e while in Germany in 1924 and re­ was written by Mr. J. Edgar Ho6- white, tie were taken ftoaaldm. cellent workiAg conditions includ­ to 9. — " UNPAID BALANCE 28, 1954 from 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. for • Fusion Welders turned home by ■way of Russia. Hikes in water rates for some rer.” ney Aircraft, second shift. Tel. tions, remodeling^ pldstTc tile, ing many company benefits. Ap­ 3 bedroom ranch, full cellar, open Ribicoff Proposal Just before he was lad aeray to MI. 9-7868.- DRIVING Inirtructlons from irour counter work, garage, etc. No job Monthly Payments the purpose of correcting the pre­ for inspection, ready for occupan­ During the late 1930s Chou was 5.900 customers of the to'S'n Water Testimony at those hearings a cellt Roberta turned te a Miami home, Dual-coatrbl inaureo car, ply in person. Ck»nn. State Employ­ COCKER SPANIELS—Silver buffs, liminary registry list of all dec­ busy organizing, a Red Army in too smau. Eugene Glrardin, 16 ment Service, 806 Main St. Wed­ $23.28 ALSO cy. Situated on one of Bolton's Dept, tentatively worked out by R app^ byl^dge brought out that the language of newsman and aaid«..‘ftYni yea come standard or autoraattc. Call Man- three months. Also reds and buffs ors'entitled to vote in the State better roads. Tolland Road, off Hunan and K ia n ^ provincas and the "letter " waa identical in part Trotter St. Ml. 9-5509. nesday, Sept. 29, 1 to 5 p.m. '— -r- ->at ten weeks. A.K.C. registered. town officials at about 40 per cent, to aee me down thlro? Yon w ont Automobiles for Sale 4 cbestet DrlvUig Academy. Pl^ MODEL HOME FURNITURE Elections to be held on Tuesday, Janitors Route 44-A, 13 miles from Air­ for six years headed Cbmmunist with a 15-page memorandum be eorry." 3-7349, ToU free. H. Chase, Harmcmy Hill, Hebron will be the subject of preliminar>' <{eneERAL CARPENTRY— Altera­ WANTED—Housewife to ppend one . And Appliances November 2. 1954, in accordance craft. Tel. Oifford S. Stephens. Guerrilla operaUona before Join­ (OoatlBMd from Page One) which Hoover had sent to Army CHEVROLET 1948 2-jdoor Aero tions, additions and new construc­ Road, Bolton. MI. 3-5427. Has Been In Storage 5 Months with the General Statutes o f the MI. 9-2265. ing Mao on the 6,000 mile march discussion by the Board of Water sedan, radio,-heater, defroster and hour a day telephoning. No sell­ Intelligence about poesible sub­ tion. Dormers, porches, garages ing. Call MI. 9-5353 after 6 p.m. J sold this to a young couple 3 State of Connecticut. Apply to Yehan after the Communiats Commissioners Oct. 5 when that place for . the meeting to demon­ versives at Ft. Monmouth. N. J., direction signals. ExceUent condl BEST BUY CHORCHES and rooms finished at reasonable months ago. but they are not get­ Signed: split' with Chiang Kai-Shek’s Na­ strate the Governor made use of White Pupils Stay tlon. Call MI. 9-7609. Live Stock— Vehicles 42 group will consider setting the date Army Signal Corps center. prices. Workmanship guaranteed. LADIES: Unusual high earnings. ting married. Helen H. Westland Employment Office Wantcil— Real .Estate 77 tionalists. for a . public hearing on the :qu.ea- Legislative Council. files in pre­ McCarthy told, the censure com-- BEFORE YOU Buy a used car '53 Willys Tudor Sedan—An ex­ Free estimates. Robert M. Alex­ Show lingerie, hosiery, children's WE BUY COWS, calves and beef BLOND BEDROOM Adaline G.'Hoff Red 'China’s constitution gives tlon. paring campaign materiiai. mittee the "latter” showed on its Home in Bias Row ander. Tel. MI. 9-7716. Registrars in the First .District IF READY to buy, sell, exebanga See Gorman Motor Sales. Buick ceptional car...... $1,075 and men's wear on party plain. We catUe. Also horses. Piela Bros. LIVING ROOM SUITE Weekdays real estate, mortgages arranged. Mao enormous dictatorial powers. The (Tommission, which alM The Democrats said Saturday face that secvrlty infprmsUon hod Sales and Service. 285 Mam start you.Thorgensen, Wilmette, Tel. Ml. 8-7406. 5-PC. DINETTE SET Gertrude A. Haven He can riile by decree, firing any- the town's Board of Directors, has they'll, be waiting for Lodge in the been deleted. He also said that '53 Studebaker Champion Sport— CABINET MAKING—W) also do Eui ;ce K. Loyzim 8 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. Consult Howard R. Hastings, street. MItcheU 9-457.1. Open eve­ 111. "Philco" Electric Refrigerator Agency, Ml. 9-1107. oii'er including the. premier. But the authority under the charter to Council rooms.''-Lodge said he’ll be at the time he offered it at the fOwitiaaed from Rago < •) Liititrous two-tone paint. Auto­ all types of carpentry work, re­ "Cqloric" Combination Range Registrars Im the Second District not the vice .chairman—Chu. He waiting in his office. nings. modeling, alteraUons, etc. Good increase the rates after public McCarthy-Army hearings' he did matic drive. Fully accessorized. WOMEN—Christmas selling season Ponltry and Supplies 4S "Maytag Waaher" Dated at Coventry, ConiL, §ep-' READY BUYERS waiting. For Im- will appoint all high officers and That made the meeting appear - There waa an Incroaalag num­ workmanship, and reasonable starts early with Avon. Valuable B A tS iN tT T f hearing. not know of the 15-page FBI BEFORE YOU Decide to buy a A low, low mileage caf. Save "Emerson" Television Set temljer 22, 1954.- PRAn It WHITNEY 2508 'mediate . action, list your property can proclaim martial law, declare Although the department, which unlikely. , memo and thought the letter was ber of reports over tbs wedi and $$$. rates. Estimates gladly given. sales territory now avaUable. GUARANTEED StricUy fresh eggs Fkew A war or order mobiliaatioh. - Said the governor; "They want that parents of white pupUs wiQ new or used car drop in and. see CaU Dick at PI. 3-6695 or John at from our own poultry farm,■ deliv­ sUi y. ’ «H6over” _¥a5t»um with the Albert J. Gatto (3o., Real­ under the charter must be self- a bona fide paper. Dick or Milt at Dickenson Motor “ Phone MI, 9-2814. Also included Sealy Vhnerspring AIRCRAFT rAaoMcr- tors. CH. 9-8489, evenings BU. If Mao should become ill "for to beck. out. In Older to try 'tb ,n«t send their children to '52 Pontiac Chieftain . De Luxe MI. 3-5769. ered Wednesday, Thursday or Fri­ suppbrting. has covered its ex­ He said he has every reason to Sales at Center and Cooper Sts. Mattress and Box Spring, "Alex­ Division of United Aircraft 9-0969. JA. 8-3689. a prolonged period/’ or if he idiould penses from revenue, iL cannot, confuse the public, they want -to 'Lakeview Ave. < Scbo<4 today Tudor Sedan — Hydramatic. day afternoon. Tel. MI. 9-9898. believe it was and is a copy o f a either because they feared vkdence ander Smith” Rugs, Lamps, Tables, Notice Corporation die, Chu would take over as chair­ under present rates, back up bor­ turn this whole serious issue into CHEVROLET’S, 1947-1983, two-doors Loaded with, accessories. Florists^NurserJes 15 Help wanted— Male 36 LISTINGS WANTED — Singta, man. Mao has bben reported ill document in Army files. • He de­ might occur or because they were Kitchen Cabinets, inlaid and a few East Hartford, Conn. rowing for needed capital improve­ a kind Of carnival stunt.” nied he had given a copy to Winr and four-doors, de luxe and stand­ Articles For Sale 45 other articles. Of The (Tax Collector two-fOmily, . -three-family, buot- freque.itly In recent years. Said Tedesco: "From the out.set opposed to integrating thair sons ard models, most with equipment. '52 Studebaker Commander Hard­ OIL BURNER Serviceman. If hot ness property. Have many caab ments, according to General Man­ chell and sold that so far aa he and daughters with Negro pupQft' top -Coupe—Overdrive. Excep­ ASTER BOUQUETS at Oder experienced will train the right ager Richard Martin. I have been opposed to turning Bob Oliver has a good clean guar­ RUG BRAIDING made easy. In­ See It Dsy or Night AU persons, liable by |aw to pay buyers. Mortgages arranged. this meeting into a ludicrous knew, no member of his staff had. And this maneuver was givan anteed used car to suit your bud­ tional value, ...... $1,275 mann’s, 504 Parker St. man. Must have some electrical taxes in the Eighth' School and Please call George L. Grasiadio, At the Oct. 5 meeting the com­ McCarthy sold the 2 1-4 page further impetus yesterday at a and mechanical background. OU struction booklet, 35 cents. Rug Phone Me Immedlatelv mission will also be asked to ap­ Hollywood production. ’Thla ia no get. Bank financing. Many are wool and remnants priced right. Hertford CHapel 7-0358 Utilities District of Mahehester Realtor. MItcheU 9-8878. 109 Attlee Bids Chiang letter contained “evidence of the msH meeting of soma S.IMO par- ’51 Chevrolet Bel A lr.C bu pe— burner dept. Moriarty Bros. 301- propriate $4,375 for 175 water time for temperament Cb show Its local one owner cars at Center Roofing— Siding 16 .Bockville 5-5706. Gen’s ROg Shop, After 7 P. M. CH-6-489tr arc hereby notified that on Oct. 1, , Hmiy Btnat face.” harboring of Cbmmuniats' in one sqna at Harrington airport, alKht Motor Sales, 461 Main. Power glide. Fully equipped. 315 Center St., Manchester. ' Tel'. I will have a rate bill for the col­ meters, 116 of them to be I n s ta ll Ml. 3-5135. 55 Talcott Ave., RockvUle, Conn. SEPTIC TANKS Quit on Formosa Meanwhile. State Rep. Philip pf the top secret radar laborato­ miles' outside this race cienerioua $1,045 FOR THE BE18T :n ^n ded buUt If you have no means of trans- lections of two and one-half mills WANTED*—niree bedroom home, in homes at Orford Village when ries,.... .and 1 felt I had to use town. TO BE SURE see McClure'"for a up roofs, ahlngle roofs, gutters, AND .$12,000 - $13,500 or customer would they are bought from the federal I’..aing (D-Windsor) who is run­ ’50 Ford ^^8 Custom ’ Club Coupe ACTUAL JOBS Open in U. S.. So. COME IN—Browse siround The portation, I’ll'send my autOv.for on the dollar laid on the list of ning for State Senator from the the document_____ I Would have wonderful deal on a new 1984 'ronductors and tool repairs call Woodshed, 11 Main 8t., Manches­ take four room expandable, also (OeaUnoed frooi Page One) government by individual owners. —Radio and heater, overdrive. Am., Europe. To $15,000. Travel you. No obligation. 1953 due to the collector Oct. 1, 7th District, remained in the pic­ been derelict in my duty if'l PAINT ROLUCR8 IXSAI. Pontiac or a good will used car. Oo^hlln, MItcheU S-77D1. ter, Gann. Good used ftimlture .1954.,. Taxes accepted 9 a. m. to PLU60ED SEWERS customer with laige down pay­ The housing development is now hadn’t used (he information in my Top trades. McOure Pontiac, 878 Ebccellent condition through­ paid. Write only Employment A—L—B—E—R—T—•—S ment wants three bedroom home, ture with Tedesco and Dempsey. out...... ^795 Info. Center,* Room 963, 316 Stuart bought and oold. Tel. ML 9-8184. 12 noon, 3 to 6 p. m. and 7 to 9 Communist world becaqpe oocial serviced through a master meter Investigatton. ■ Lansing. Mich. (JfWMlchigaa’B Main. Tel. MI. 9-4848. Open ’eve­ RAY’S ROOFING Co. BuUt up 43-45 ALLYN ST.. HARTFORD $14,000 - $16,000. Please call Carl­ for all the homes. He has asked to be invited to the nings ’til 10. St., Boston. Open 'tu 7 p^m. p. m., every week day during Oc­ democracy, is superior in every re­ He said he didn't think the Supreme Court has ruled thpjt roofs, gutter work, root, chlnuiey MACHINE CLEANED ton W, Hutchins. MI. 9-5132, Some of the improvements which meeting tomorrow as the third painters cannot outlaw tha uae' ’50 Chevrolet Fordor Sedan .. $695 repairs. Free estimates. Ray FRANK’S IS buying and telling tober at rear 23 Main Street. spect He added: typed words “ personal and confi­ 9-4694. face the Water Dept, are a new Democrat who' accuses. Lodge of o f paint rollers through clausea 1948 CHEVROLET club coupe, Hogenow. MI. 9-3314. Ray Jack, JANITOR MUST be reliable for LOOK good used furniture and antiquea, Take notice! AU taxes unpaid ^ p tic TMks, Dry WeUs, Sewer "Communism may give' you the improper'use of the council’s files. dential via liaison” meant that the very clean. Can be seen at Bant- ’50 Buick Riviera; Super-A uto­ part time work in RockvlUe, MI. Nov. 1, 19M will, be charged in­ SELLING-? List your property with Impetus'for a revolution. It does sewage disposal plant, new sewel letter had any secrecy classifica­ in union centraots. It rejeetad a matic drive. Priced to save son. Ml. 8-8828. WB SAY AGAIN all except atoves and electric re- Lines InsUUed — Cellar Water­ (Ail three are members of the ly’s Service Center, 331 Main St. 3-7614 or Rockville IKJOSl.. frigeratora. 430 Lake St. Open 8 terest atythe rate iff 6 per cent per 8Q93 this agency. Prompt end person­ not give you a philosophy of life lines, new* water lines. . and in­ tion. union contention rollers wera many dollars...... $795 POWER MOWERS proofing'DoOe. oouncil.l. .. , sloppy, inefficient and dangaroua Ask for "Woody." KOOFtNO!* Siding and carpentry. No Money Down—82 Weekly to a. MI. 94580. year from O.’t. 1, 1954 until paid. 6 met. - 4lyr% Transform a plain market basket alized service. Alice Oampet, acceptable to free human beings." creasing the water supply. Methods In a statement' Saturday, Laing (Clifford J. Nelson, Justice Dept, Alterations and additions. CeU- SKPERIENCED Man for grocery Walter N. Leclerc, into a dainty bassinette with gay Realtor. Office $43 Main St., Man­ The party leader voiced Indirect of augmenting the supply which security officer, testified that the to health. department. Good working condi­ BUDGET, CENTER M c Kin n e y r r o s . called Lodge "the man who will ONLY DOUGLAS wUl seU you a Many Others To Choose From mgs. Workmapshlp guaranteed. FOR HOME furnishings of excel­ Collector Cute little togs for the'emaliest chintz, dotted .muslin and ribbon. chester. Ml. 9-4543. support for the new Southeast have been mentioned so far include word “confidential” was an offi­ late model car as low oa $148 tions, MI; 6-3805 for ap|x>intment. 91 Center Street ' SEWERAGE DISPOSAL C a family members that are deligljt- Not only will ^ save money, but deceive.” A A Dion, Inc., 299 Autumn MI-3-4164 lent quality, name brand appli- Manchester, Conn., September Asia Security Pact btit sqid such buying Snipsic Lake in Rockville, He accused the governor of de­ cially recognized method of dezlg- down. We do not ask you to takd E-Z Terms 18, 1954. 180-183 Pcari S t, Tel. MI-8-8808 fully simple to sew. Each item | you can select your own color building a dam at Roaring Brook itreet Mitch VI MsdO. JOBS THAT Pay to 61500 month­ ancea and TV, very large selec­ OVERH'RKHIT CATFISH an arrangement should “avoid set­ ception on another campaign issue nating FBI reports in 'Janugiy, a loan from a .bank or finance tion of beautiful lamps, stop at takes Just a yard or less of fabric. scheme. ting Europeans against Asiatics.'’ reservoir and buying water from 1951, and was the only classifica­ company to complete your down ly, Thousands jobs open. S. Amer­ ALL ALUMINUM combination win­ Pattern No. 8093 is in sizes 6 Pattern Nd. 3506 contains com­ —the levying of chatges against THE HOBiE OF I M i n l a pHORCHES MOTORS Roofing and Chimnejrs 16-A ica, Europe, Africa, U.S.A. etc. Chambers Furniture at the Green. Stuart, Fla. (iP>—While fis'-.ing He expressed the hope that all the tha Metropolitan District. patients in state institutions. tion the FBI used at that time. payment. Positively only $148 dows and doom* aelf-atoring, oava Hours 10 a.m.-5 p.m.'r-7:804:W months, 1, 3, 3? 4- yeus. Size 1, plete -instructions for lining, trim­ countries of southeast Asia—In­ down buys a 1949 car, $195 buys a Fare paid when hired. Applica­ heat, comfort, coovenlance, last a p.m. dress* 7-8 yard of 39-inch; slip. 5-8 ming and finishing the above bas­ the other morniiig W. D. Anderson Ribicoff has proposed eliminat­ **We carry a rnmpiida Rn 80 Oakland Street ROOFING— Speclallxliig In repair- tion forms avallsble'. All trades. pulled in a o '- Bob the loyalty, patriotism and char­ tee to aeU under the above terms Phone MI-9-9483 eers, etc. No employment fees! tion .oil-gaa range, in excellent coins, your name, addiesa, sise de­ dress and (he Pattern Number to plenty for breakfast when mixed Lodge says the charges are rea- and record players. cleaned, rMslred, 36 years' ex Free information. Write Dept. FLAGSTONE. Stone for walla, with a -little bacon grease and a Many of Attlee’s remarks about Toski. the litUe fellovt with, the sonable and fair and tjpiat Ribl- acter o f Brig. Gen. Ralph W. with notes ag low as $40 monUjly. irlence. FTee estlmatea Call condition. Two years old. Moving sired, and the pattern number to ANNE THE MANCHES­ Good credit is our only requlre- 6R,' National Employment Infor­ bouoe troota, Hreplacea, etc. Bol­ out of state. Original price $400; corn pone on the aide. He changed Red Chins were a repetition of big swing, opens a campaign to­ coffs plan "just knother cam­ Zwicker, questipning him in an Sowtey. Manchester MItcheU SUE BURNEfTT, THE MAN­ TER EVENING HERALD, 1156 day to build his 1954 golf win­ W IS T S I M mrat. Douglas Motors, 383 Main. Ggrmgca—-Service— Storage 10 mation Service, 1020 Broad, New­ ton Notch Quarry IT . 6461T. wUI sell for $98. MI. 9-5090. AVE. AMERICAS, NEW YORK 36. his mind'alxiut his menu for break­ statements be made loot night at paign device to (ry to catfh a few abusive manner at a closed door 3-5361. CHESTER e v e m n o h e r a l d , a pre-conference party rally dur­ nings ups to the hefty figure of ark, N. J. 1150 AVE. AMERICAS, NEW N, Y. fast a few minutes later when he Votes at' the e x p ^ e o f the tax­ hearing in New York last Feb.* 18. RECORD SHOP 1949 CHEVROLET Fleelline deluxe norona poi s e v e r a l USED 6 luid 7 foot The- colorful 1964 Naedlpwork Al­ opened the fish and out fell a two ing which be asaerted the only $73,O0Q. The slim pro.from Liv­ payer. Zwicker. a decorated combat ^ R A G E SPACE avaUable on YOUNO MAN wanted for general YORK 86, N. Y. ingstone, N. J.. ia one of a field dwo door, radio, beater. ExceUent CHIMNEYS Repointed And repair­ able and otandard typawrltera Frlgidairea Uken in trade — aU bum contains 56 pogoa of lovely de- foot poisonous water moccasin. alternative to eoexiatence with the That p: >ted lAiag to ray: veteran, waa conn Anding officer Records and itiniwiiilM Cottage Street. Tel; MI. 9-3858. factory work. Apply KaKlar Toy AU makaa of adding maehltw' in good working order. Priced Send 25 cents today for your of 77 which starts out after prize te who in | 1 950 ran ct^Ution throughout. ' Douslos ed. MI. 3-6585. , ropy of opr pattern catalog, Basic signs, "how-to—aeirilons on needle- Reds is "co-death.” Because the ’iJohn at Camp KUomt. N. J., and sraa' Motors, m Co., 80 HUlikrd St. oold or ranted. Repalre on oU right for quick delivery. Kemp’a, I peo- money totaling $40,000 in the ttrot (the I'man you can' JABois ft. W o o d s Fashion. The fall and winter ’54 wo.rk, heljpful room iUuMrstions The king cobra ia .one of thd British Commonwealth links on the. queskloned by MoCOrthy about the Oiakea. AtarloWe. IncjV plea_____ of both the East and West. “ World Series of CSolf" at 'the believe’ lay night became the Motorcycles— Bicycles 11 FOREIGN EMPLOYMENT con­ Issua ia flUed with attracUvb, easy and direcUona for 9 gift patterns. deadliest of snakes. Its bite can be ftondratola dladiaiga of former MaJ. 8B8 O m sat Bk hard m?, Heating— Plumbing/ 17 he said, it haa the unique duty of Ckmgresaional Country (Tlpb. ‘man who will deceive’.’ Irving Perene, a New York O ty IdW-BiUeaea, -two tone paint, I struction Work. If Interested In LOAM Top aoU, $$ per yard. Aloo EXCELLENT Household itW s, I>1 to saw otylea for all ages. 29 cents. fc.tal' within a few hours. ./ Dottglaa Mqtoi^ LJBNNOX FIIRNACES and warm foreign projects wlw hith pay* waahed aead, atonee land gravel, a t Li rummage Mlq. Thura. 6 :$0. ra.8M| IMT HARLEY-DAVIDSON 61 b.H. aln hasting. Earl Van Camp. MI. y V. Ooo^ condition. U f, 9-6879. write Foreign Service Bureau, ^ im e d la te ' delivery.Bry.'.- Nuasdorf Britiph . America^ Clubnouae,- 94844! Box 295, Metuchen, N. J. i and Gravol. ML 617406.

■'Y X ' ■■ . . . . V , . . >■ FACT roURTEEW MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27,1954 iian)(lifgHlgr lEptnti^ Ifgralh Average Daily’Net Press Run Far the Week maeS The Waathar Beyt. 25. 1M4 BaUle Smith of 688 E. Middle ust aa they did thousands of years at 1 p. m. The afternoon service •f U. K Wealbh About Town Tpke. is a member of the second Jews Observe go, when the Shofar was sounded will begin at 5 p. m. football squad at Trinity-Pawling )— ■tgste wrrongdoing In the executive lodge room. Officers elected to held at Temple Beth Sholom; PHONE About Three Missing Americans LUMBER COMPANY departments." ter, Miss Edith Williams. The members are remihded of the in­ ous and soul stirring in the Jewish Tonight at 8 o’clock, evening Sen. McCarthy appeared to­ serve for the next term are as fol­ new hostess committee, which In­ Tel. MI-9-02M Mitchell 9.7196 "I do not care whather I am ■a \ stallation of officers of the religion. The worshipers nad service. day to face an uphill fight in lows: Joan Wilson, Worthy Ad­ cludes Mrs. Frances Herron. Mrs. Wethersfield unit. Thursday, at 8 on Rosh Haahonoh that each of >r Mitchell 3-8606 censured or not,’’ the Tribune visor; Carol Hewitt, Charity: Avis Tuesday, Sept. 28, the morning fending off a vote of censure quoted him, "But I will fight Annie Alley and Mrs. Sophie Dep- p.m. and of the Glastonbury-Auxil­ their deeds is judged by God. They service vuiU-ataet at 8 a. m. and 142 East Center St. FRESH CANDY Anderson. Hopei Joan Lewis, Faith. tula, will serve refreshments,! iary, Friday evening, at the Le­ meditate on His justice and mercy when the Senate meets Nov. against establishing a precedent ’The appointive officers will be in­ end at 1 p. m. The childrens serv­ Manshester “Arid Thinking of the Days That Are No More” gion Home. Members planning to and on their own shortcomings, ice will start at 11 a. m. and end which will curt. Investigative miltnuui, Schrmfft, P, ft S. stalled at the same ceremony. Read Herald Advt. 8 to weigh his conduct. power and assist any administra­ Candy Cupboard Anderson-Shea Auxiliary, VFW, attend one or. both installations and they pray for the strength to Some of hie aarocletee privately will honor its Gold Star mothers are asked to notify the president, follow the g o ^ and reject the evil. tion in power to cover up its mtar- Deserts to U. S., conceded aa much, but they said The Women’s Club of Manches­ tomorrow evening at a meeting at They pray for their fellowmen as deeds.’’ Arthur Drug Stores ter will meet this evening at 8 Mrs. Francis Dwyer, 342 Green Rd. the iWiaconaIn Rep'iSblican will the Post home. Dessert will be well and join in the hope that the right vigoro .aly and that the pic­ McCarthy, under treatment for o'clock In the South Methodist served at 7:30 by the following New Year may see the world en­ .Svlinus ailment, was described by Church for a Fashion Show pre­ The Salvation Army Women’s ture may change before the Senate committee: Mrs. Lucille Hirth, Mrs. Home League will hold its weekly joying a new birth of righteousness retuma nearly six weeks hence. WjlUsms as in too much discom­ sented by "Coret Casuals", wom­ Doroth.v Fatilknor, Mrs. Florence under God. fort to do much planning now to en’s apparel store. The show is meeting in the Citadel tomorrow Thrown Into the balance yeater- RevealsXRlots Plitt. Mrs. Jean Irish and Mrs. .. A striking feature of the Rosh meet the censure move. Willama open to non-members at the usual at 2 p.m. Devotions will be led by Last W^ek of Hale's September day waa the unanimous report by Gertrude Buchanan. Major Jeremiah Sweet. Hostesses HasHonoh services is the sounding three Republicans and three Demo­ said McCarthy la in seclusion, but guest fee. of the Shofar, a primitive wind in­ RUMMAGE will be Mrs. Edna Samuelson and cratic Senators recommending dscllnsd to ssy whsrs. Washington, Sept. 28 (4*)— Jozef Swiatlo, high Tanking A son. Allen Dale, was born The We Two group will open its Mrs. Sarah Leggett. All ipembers strument made from a ram’s horn. that their colleagues offlcially Ons McCarthy associats, dsclin- security official in Communist Poland, has fl— Narcissus .3 for 29c Europe, Kteft. Foreign Minister Laszlo Rajk— wing o f the Laboritea. The panel discussion came during Gov. John Lod{,'e and his two Cairo, Egypt, Sept. 28 (A^jf’transport ship opened fire from Japanese divers tt^ay began re­ and probably other Red officials. Representatives of local party Avtematft V Eden eiiggesded the occupying small automatic weapons, injuring moving the flrst of hundreds of the iuinael meeting of the 57- Democratic critics v on't be more — An Egyptian cabinet of­ The Communlsfs accused the organisations, ss usual, were lle c t r k Housewares Detit.— Basement powera—France, Britain and the many Egyptians.*' bodies in the sunken hull of the SkUleV ___ -V United Stateo—draw up a plan nation World Bank and Interna­ than a Stone’a throw from each ficial said today an Israeli Fields of spying for the United strongly on Bsvsn’s sids. TTie big Salem said the ship is now under ferry _ Toys Msru which capsized tional Monetary..Fund. The meet­ States. They denied it. trade unions, which, have a Urge for returning sovereignty to the other today.but.it wasn’t expected transport ship, apparently heavy guard in Suez Bay. Sunday' in a typhoon with the loss Bonn Republic. The full - nine- ing ends tomorrow. Swiatlo was quoted as saying noajority of the votes and hava they’d meet face-to-face over trying for a passage through ''^The Abaghali’s 10-nian crew of 1,172 lives. long been tbs bulwark of Attlse Type 144 Lady. Pepperell -. countiy conference, meanwhile, Backward Natioa Issue Vital charges made by the Democrats. was reported under questioning., that Polish authorities became the Suez Canal, fired on an Three divers recovered the bodies convinced Hermann Field waa not and the Moderates,' were divliM would deai'wlth rearmament. Humphrey said that the prob­ llie meeting was agreed upon T-1 .*• 11 A. -.aL, ' «3«IICIIISalem toldLUlU JIOVOlllCIInewsmen Jirhe be- WC- of 20 Japanese from the wreckage lem of how' to meet the invest­ Egyptian coastal post south | )ieves the attack was '*an Israeli a spy but nevertheless continued on the issue. This accounted for Eden set mld-Noveipber—within by both aides and was agreed upon on the flbor of Hakodate Harbor. the close vote, in which the 3,000 50 days—an* a target for complete ment needs of'countries with low at ,3 p.m. in the capitol. of Suez, injuring a number > maneuver aiming at creating in- tq hold him. ThcJWHALCeo. They located the bodies of about The Field case haa been an in­ delegates csst ballots equal to tho end final agreement, except for atandards of living must be kept But, Lodge has insisted the meet­ of Egyptians. The vessel was ' stability in the Middle East with •MANCHirm C0Ml*i Superfine Muslin Sheets and Cases 40 of the 60 Americans who ternational mystery atoiw of per­ membership strength of thsir or­ the necessary parliamentary rati­ "to the forefront” Bu), he said; ing be in his office, and the Demo­ perished. ganizations. r fications. ' ‘^Private Investment is not made crat# want it on the floor .',bove sistent interest since Noel was National rural police 44fimated last seen by persons knowrn to the Speaking' against ths Attlse REG. $2.99— 72x108 .... ■*nie current conference Is ex­ for philanthropic reasons. the Governor's office. m i a r 7 provides for withdrawal of the-'overall typhoon death toll at resolution, Jamos Campball, haad "Nationalistic trends^ resulting Tbe Democrats are State Sen. guidance In ^ p t a ni i 1 “ -4^ British troops from the Suez Canal pected to last four to 10 days. The regime, identified the ahip aa the- 1.508. most of whom died in North­ (CoathiHed on Page Eight) of the powerful Railwray - Mro’a REG. $3.29— 81x108 .... British Foreign Secretary pro­ In laws that discriminate against SasMiel J. Tedesco, who is run­ ern' Japan. Union, declared a vote against investors from other lands and Abaghall, o f 300 to 400 tons. | ^gypi has cabled a protest to posed that it try to reach only ning for attorney general, and He sai^lt was en route to Mas- 43 Rail Qtrs Tom Loose German rearmament wrould “abate State R ^ . John N. Dempsey, nom-' \ the U.N. Security Council, h* said, REG. $3.69— 90x108 .... general agreement, and that ex­ restrictions jeopardizing either saua, a''port in Eritrea, to Haifa, Divers reported 43 rail cars tore fear in the world.” • perts then be instructed to work principal or the receipt of income Inee for lieutenant governor. against what he called this "glar- loose from their moorings on the Maglie to Oppose Attlee attacked a suggestion the Israeli port on the Mediter­ ing and most serious truce viola­ out details for approval fay a sec­ slow down investment from the They have charged that Lo$lge boat's deck when it capsized, from the Bevanitee that enredUng REG. 69c— 42x36 CASES ond nine-po>ver parley "to be held outside. Vacillating policies of was using the bi-partisan State - ranean: tion." Saya Incident Serioua This is the first time an Israeli crushing bulkheads, equipment and Lemon in Opener within a month. govemmenU can be warnings to Legislative Council as a political human beings in Japan's worst (Coatlaned o« Paga Kight) F oilo^ng this swcond meeting, prudent investors to look else­ sounding board by iising—improp-^ . Salem said it w u the first time Stock up now on mattress pads, mattress covers, pillow ticks, blankets, bed maritime disaster. ^ the nine mlnlatcra would report where. srly and unethically—the council's an Israeli ship had''entered Eg>’pt's (Continued on Page Two) New York, Sept. 28 (jP)— Sal territorial waters. Only 352 bodies have been re­ pillows and towels. files. . ■ / ■ cover^. The Japan National- Rail­ Maglie, 37-year-old curve-bailer of (ConUnned on Page Eight) (CoatlBued M Page Eight) Calls Charge lie He described the incident aa "the the New York Giants, Will oppose "That charge is a lie.” Lodge moat serious Israeli aggression" ways Hated 173 survivors out- of 1,341 passenger^ and crew. Bob Lemon, 34-yesr-oId star o f the haa countered and has demanded since the end 'of the 1948 Palestine Cleveland Indians, In the first Bulletins they meet him face to face to sup­ War. The. tidea-atill were washing in News Tidbits bodies. game of the World.Series tomor­ from the AP Wires port it. Suez ia*^at the southern end of row. mummrmtmn The Democrats agreed but would the Suez canal. . As a chill drizsll!' soaked the k y . Thai Diplomat Tells UN Culled from AP Wires scene, a U. Air Force helicopter Managers Leo Durocher of the not concede to meet in' Lodge’s (The A.ra.b boycott of Israel has Giants and A1 Lopes of the In­ office for what they feiUmay be dipped low over the wreckage and 200.900 HUNT BOY included harassing of ships sus­ dropped white flowers into the dians, in formally announcing “ a stacked meeting.” R\ther, they pected of bearing cargoes for Sioux city, Iowa, Sept- 28 iff)- United States and French diplo­ oily, debris-strewn bay in ITaalute their pitching choices, followed — An eettmated 299,990 peceeni Of Red Infiltration Plan want tq meet in the council rooms Israel through the canal, which mats get down to fine poinU 'to the de:id. the 8trateg>' expected o f them: on the third floor of the capitol links the Red Sea and the In Iowa, Nebraaka and Seuth they resume discussions bn Amer- Hundreds more died In wide­ Maglie and. Lemon bo . hre right- Dakota today launched an,all- .whefe the council'a files ar- kept. Mediterranean.) ’ lean financial aid for French forces spread marine accidents, land­ handera, and both will undoubted­ sale! United Natloni, N. Y., Sept. 38«gen«ral policy apeech in which he However, there was a report Salem said an armed Eg>’ptian out search for chieo to tho myo- in Indochina... U. S. Navy am­ slides and other mishaps from the ly return in later games of the' __ ahlp captured the Israeli transport tertous diaappearnnee here e f (J>>—The Foreign Miniitera of is expecUd to give Soviet reaction phibious patrol plane craahes on typhoon,. which veered serosa series. NATIONAUY.tAMODS | to the Dulles proposals. (Coatinned on Page Two) 8-year-old Jimmy Brennaer. Tho ^ ' I Thailand told -the U, N. General and towed it to Suez, where of­ taking off from Sangley Point nofthe'm Japan with winds of 1(X> Johnny Antoneili, young Giant boy, aea of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph " This Room Was Hard To Heat The U.N. announced that Vishi'n- ficials are concit^cting an investi-. \ Asaembly today he is gravely con­ Navtil Air Station in Manila, miles an hour. Four other ferries left-hander, was announced as the Bremmer, wae hwt seen hy n aky would be the first speaker gation. Senate Banking.Committee turns starter in tne aecond game against playmate only 49 yarda freas hU cerned over reported plans for Thursday morning. Salem said news of the incident up evidence Rep. Adam Cla,yton (Contlnned en Psga Two) Early’^Vynn, a right-hander. Now It's Puss's Fovorite' large scale Communlat Infiltration A hintgof the line he might take home here the evening ef Ang. Grandmother came, .from a small Egyptian Powell (O -N Y ) got $3,000 loan 81. table pads ct his country froca fted C9iina. was givers Saturday in the publi­ coastal post south of Suez. two years ago from builder of gov- Prince Wan Waithayakon, act­ cation of hitherto secret notes the “Our tired old furnace never COULD wheeze up Officials there informed - Suez erifment-backed housing project ,. ADENAUER TO VISIT V. 8. b ing as head of Thailand's delega­ United States and Russia ex­ Has Triplets authorities that "a small Israeli National Exchange Chib's Board enough heat to reach the~nhrth bedroom. But it’s a dif­ tuAnm oof tion .to the 50-nation Assembly, changed concerning President El­ London, Sept. . 28 (P>—Weet of Control votes to continue "white Ridgway Hints Atom War tiermnn Chancellor Kenrnd ferent story, since we switched to oil. , said: senhower’s original proposal to only” policy that baused with­ ”My government lias reason- to j the ■ U.N. last December for an Danbury, Sept 28 (J5-.-Mr8. Adenauer I nIH visit tha United BMwarcl Schlemmer, 41-year- drawal this summer to some Cali­ States Oct. 25 for a 19-day atny te*® “ Now. we have clean— even heat all through the house. believe that preparations are be­ I atomic pool dedicated to peaceful Iiidia Express Falls fornia clubs. Means Contbat Troop Hike ing made for large scale Commu­ { purpoces. old grandmother, surprised her and wtll confer wiU PraaMont No tempermental furnace to tend— no messy ashes to husband (ard Herself) with Embalmc 's for New York City Elsenhower, Qennnh Infonanate nist Infiltrations from Yunnan In the exchange Russia refused III River;-Toll at 53 and Long Island funeral ditectors haul. We only wish we’d switched to oil heat, years through (Communiat) Vietmlnh to go along with the 'U.S. plan triplets this morning. She .--sDenver-, Sept. 28 i.^ —Gen. Mat-fnection, whether an 'atomic war said today. The 79-year-oid ■-I an... « - . went to Danbury Hospital ex­ eni) 13-day strike witliout winning Adenauer la replying to a long ago. Up to 48“ Into Thailand to subvert the gov­ unless it t M In a declaration out­ contract . . . Thirteen firemen are thew B.< Ridgway said after a would require -morb American ernment of my country.” lawing atomic weapons. Secretary pect ,»g her 15th child. He was Bombay, India, Sept. 28 — .standUg Invitation to reeelvo an- M ( D N > b * i^ Reg. $10.50 bom at 6:26 a. m. A brother injured fighting S-eiarm fire that conference with President Eisen­ combat atfength, or leas. honorary degree frons Colanshln' f t ■ ■ Finan^ Your New DELCO-HEAT 0|l Burner *TNt TAtil •! ervfdr. Prince Wan reserved thS right of State Dulles rejected the Soviet An express passenger^ train hower today there is ” a very CU8TOM4MD8 to f.t tohles at any i<*«. followed at 6:59 and it sister at destroys loft biijlding in downtown We see a very definite pofsibil- U’alveralty U New York. Nothing Down — 3 Years To Pay o f his government to raise in the condition, labeling it a device to 8:04. plunged into the Icy waters of a Manhattan raining dAmAffe eeti- definite possibility” an atomic war ity that a war in which atomic •hope. MOW O PAD wtll odd yoofs to tKo disarm the free nationa while Rus­ flooded river 50 miles east of Hy­ * 6fo of yewr toblo — by pra*enf ofd'hit Up to 4 8 U ” Assembly the question of sending mated at $209,000.^ would require more combat weapons are freely used may re­ BRUTAL KILLER BOUGHT a U.N.'observation team Into Thai­ sia continued to arm. ■ They were the first multiple' derabad early today and at l-:ait 'Fire in San Bernardino Moun- strength, rather than less. T he' Call MI-9-4395 For Free Heating Survey and Estimate bwtne. scroteftos ood »iof eight new State Meanwhile Russia’s Andrei Y. •effort to maximise its combat Ths nsod, ths general said, will ♦tar m .!' aa a precaution. Welfare Dept, directors will aa- ftrength.” heitera. Viahiiu^|t worked busily on his lUaaod Mi Fata F l f ^ ) ^ (Cowtfaiy g M Pag* F ew ) '^uii^ their duties Friday. T T — 1 — ^ Ri(i^ay wail asked, la that con- .(OsaHaaad aa Pago Kigkt) \ V . ^ .V,' . V . r . V- \ -y . Y : ■