. -Aa'-'"-’ -- - . ■ > A v erS fe Daily Net Press Ron SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25,1964 Per Um Week Boded Tha Wtathw PAGE TWELVE Pereeoet •( D. S. WeatlM iHanrl;rBtpr ^ttVm ttg H ^ralli Sept. 25. 1954 11,451 Partly eleody. Hltte somehow thwarted in the attempt ehaage leolgkt. Lew 59-55.' < je lN e w Licenses, Memlber o f Um Aodlt to latch onto some looae change. Enters Farragut Bus Hearings iieo tter ed ekewere Hkety, About Town To us it looks like a coverup. Weddings Boreao e< Olreolatleo mod. Here's the story bank officials Tlia lUndwater Fire Depart* Heard Along Main Street Realtors Warned Manchester— A CUy o f ViUage Chmm got and accepted. m Bient, Main and HlUlard Street*, On Thursday, a couple was In Open Oct. 22 wants to remind Its members Its Aftd on Some of Manchester** Side Streets, Too Barton-Zacca’'o the bank with their baby. It was Insurance Commissioner El­ VOL. LXXIII, NO. 310 (Cleeeined AdverUelag eo Page 12) MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, SEPT^HBER 27, 1954 PRICE FIVE CENTS Sunday drill hour has been changed pouring rain and when they left, (FOURTEEN PAGES) to 10 ajn. lery Allyn announced today that of New Hearings Ordered Dis(ia)syiichronlsatlon(!) ' Glancing sideways, he confirmed they just dashed to their autonic- the 8,500 currently licensed real the rumuiac* sale of Loyal Cir­ Dear Heard Along: his worst suspicions, for he saw bile, still carrying the baby but fty Gov. Lodge; Riders Will you please. chec:{ on the the stem face of a pollde officev forgetting the carriage. When they estate brokers and salesmen, only cle of Kings Daughters will be 1,850 have thus far applied for the held Tuesday. Se|>t. 28. at 6 a.m. veracity of the report that the with whom he was acquainted. The arrived at home, the lady remem­ May Receive Refunds at Center Church. Articles or traffic lights along Main Street civilian dropped back behind the bered the carriage, she says, and renewal of their licenses which ex- clothing for the sale should be left are rynchroniaed so that a motor­ policeman again and both went on told her husband to pick it vp. piye on Oct. 1. Mancheater bus riders will have ist starting at one end o f the street He forgot—three days in a row, at Woodruff Hall on Monday eve­ their way. It was pointed oiit that aiiy to hold on to the receipts which ning. Mrs. David Muldoon or Mrs. can reach the other without stop­ But the next time he saw the he forgot he says. Finally, he ping for a red light—if he main­ picked it up Saturday morning.' licensee not applying during the they receive from flrivers of the Harold Belcher may be contacted policeman face to face, he decided renewal period will be required tp tains . speed of 22 miies an hour. to braaen it out. “ You know, It's an unlikely story. We are Connecticut Co. buses a little Censure of Sen. MejEarthy Recommended (or Items to be collected. I have heard this story for about blocked from investigating further take a written examination. longer if they want to receive a guys who plo<I along like you "The number of requests for re­ Fall session of the Talcottville a year now, from my own observa­ cause accidents,” he said. on this case, but we're keeping our refund which might be in the of­ tions I find that it is a gigantic eyes open for a baby-carriage rob­ newal application forms," said Congregational Church school will "And it's g^uys like you I fish Commissioner Allyn, "indicates fing. Governor Lodge yesterday or­ piece of misinformation, pr^ably bery. dered the Public Utilities Commis­ begin tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. out of smashed cars," the police­ that many licensees in framing designed to confuse everyone and man growled. It's still our theory that someone sion to reopen the Connecticut make driving difficult in Manches­ is operating in local banks from a their licenses have forgotten that Company’s bus fare petitioh. B. Cheney Auxiliary. No. ter. these 'application forma are attach­ 13. U S W v r w ill^ hostess to De­ Tables Turned baby carriage, and if we see a The new hearings will be held My Investigation has proved perambulator dashing down Main ed to the back of their current starting at 10:30 a. m. Friday, partment Pre*iaeht^41ss_Gi»yce conclusively, that if you want to The old story of a busy man Street with the cops in hot pursuit, licenses." ' Im Special Coirpilittee Report to Senate Oct. 22 in Room 585 of tha Stats Miller of Meriden and her staff at drive from the terminue to the spending another night away from we won't be a bit surprised. The department has also been Office Building. a meeting Monday at 8 p.m. in the receiving many inquiries regarding Center without stopping for a light his family and listening to his The bus company is now operat­ State Armory, on the occasion of the renewal of license surety ^onda, you have to maintain a speed of wifOF- complain about it took a It’s Safer to Buy ’Em ing on the 15-cent fare granted by their official visit to the Auxiliary. five miles an hour between some kind of reverse spin a night or • Loring fitudlo. and In some instances new bonds 'the PUC at its hearing Aug. II, ..If you are tempted to try your have been sent.to the department May Be Censured Comrades of Ward Cheney Camp lights and 78 miles an hour be­ two ago. ' Edwin A. Fuller but is under orders to give receipts N a 13. have been Invited. A social hand at amateur mushroom pick­ with the license renewal applica­ tween others. At a meeting of a local men's ing. we say don't do it. For, aa re­ to all persons requesting them in - time with refreshments will fol­ Edwin A Fuller,' son of Mr. and tion. l^SOO Die in Japan Typhoon Perhaps the lights are set as organization recently at which Mrs. Robert T. Barton cently as this week, there were Commissioner Allyn points out order to make refunds possible if ‘Guilty’ on Two low the meeting. they are now for some reason. If wives were in attendance, the Mrs. Edwin S. Fuller, 97 Crestwood four people who were poisoned by that these bonds are continuous in the reopened hearing results in a that is so. It must be an odd reason ladies decided an auxiliary of some them here in Manchester. Drive, left Thursday for Admiral In a ceremony performed in Holy decision to rescind the increase. Sunset Circle of Past Noble because almost every other city Farragut Academy, I»ine Beach, form and need not be renewed an­ Family Roman Catholic Church. sort ought to be formed. Most of We know no more than that nually with the department, but in The new hearing is a result of Grands will meet'Monday at 8 or town with a string of lightr the men Immediately chimed in fact and the doctor's diagnosis, as N. J., a preparatory school with Miami. Wednesday, Sept. 8, at opposition from the City of Hart­ p.m. in Odd Fellows Hall. All mem­ naval officer training. Bom in New those cases where an existing bond along a main artery sets them to. their approval, but one or two of probably most people are reluc noon, Miss Joan Zaccaro, daughter ford. Its deputy mayoi\ Atty. Bonn Guns bers are requested to be present keep the traffic moving at a rea­ London, Nov, 25. 1940, he was is to be replaced by the bond of an­ of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholine Zaccaro, Ferry Tips; Romulo for UN Rule the wiser ones tried in vain to tant to admit to being fooled by other surety company, the depart­ James H. Kinsella, said the city Of Five Counts for rehearsal of the 60th annlver sonable and regular speed. stymie the move. the pesky things, but proof exists graduated from the Barnard school 2149 N. E. 181st St.. Miami, be­ will introduce new testimony add sary degree. Refreshments will be It would be a fine tning, I think. last June. ment insists on thirty days cancel­ came the bride of Robert T. Bar­ The organizational meeting of that it happened. lation notice on the old bond. will again engage Dr. John Bauer, served by the hostesses. Mrs. Doro­ If the traffic lights along Main This warning was brought on ton. 793 N. E. 90lh St., son of Mrs. director of the American Public Pact Seen Washington, Sept. 27 (A*)— A special Senate committea thy Ewing and her committee. the women's group was held a Mildred Barton of Salisbury, Md. American Ike’s A-pool Plan Street were synchronlAd or, fail­ few nights later. At the home of because we feel the population of Army substituted the subtle cor­ Utilities Bureau of New York, aa recommended today ihat the Senate censure Sen. Joseph R. ing that, If the Chief of Police ex­ the town is about right and net for the iftore robust trumpet. The marriage service was read Its special consultant. Miss Mary A. Handley, daugh­ plained his reasons for not per- at least one of the unfortunate by the Rt. Rev. Mkgr. Rowan T. McCarthy. husbands'there'was a scene which shouldn't be decreased by a little However, we .:ow leant- that Variety Expectetl Kinsella said that Hartford will ter of Mr.
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