Ben Sasse, Health-Care Expert and Senate Candidate
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2014_01_27 _B_upc:cover61404-postal.qxd 1/7/2014 8:30 PM Page 1 January 27 , 2014 $4.99 FUND ON CHARLES C. W. COOKE: THE WORST FISH IN AMERICA the de Blasio Left KING ON KEVIN D. WILLIAMSON: THE WORTHY RICH P. J. O’Rourke Obamacare’sObamacare’s NebraskaNebraska NemesisNemesis Rising Conservative Star Ben Sasse JOHN J. MILLER JOHN J. MILLER $4.99 04 0 74820 08155 6 base:milliken-mar 22.qxd 1/7/2014 3:50 PM Page 1 7 CONFERENCES,CONFERRENCESS, 3 SEMINARS,SSEMINARSS, 10 GREATGREEAATT OPPORTUNITIESOPPORTUNITIES TOTO GET INVOLVEDINVOLLVVED YoungYYououng America’sAmmericaa’s’s Foundation’sFouundaatition’s 20142014 conferenceconfeerence scheduleschedule ConferencesConnferences /// datedatte / LocationLocata ion GREATREAATT BEGINNINGSEGINNIINGS: A SEMINAREMINAR FORFOR EMERGINGMERGING LEADERSEADERS FEBRUARYEBRUARY 21 ANDAND 22 SANTAANTTAA BARBARAARBARA, CALIFORNIAALIFORNIA HIGHIGH SCHOOLCHOOL CONFERENCEONFERENCE ATAT THE REAGANEAGAN RANCHANCH MARCHARCH 20 TOTO 22 SANTAANTTAA BARBARAARBARA, CALIFORNIAALIFORNIA FREEDOMREEDOM CONFERENCEONFERENCE: MICHIGANICHIGAN MARCHARCH 28 ANDANND 29 GRANDRAND RAPIDSAPIDDS, MICHIGANICHIGAN HIGHIGH SCHOOLCHOOL CONFERENCEONFERENCE ATAT THE REAGANEAGAN RANCHANCH JUNEUNE 19 TOTO 212 SANTAANTTAA BARBARAARBARA, CALIFORNIAALIFORNIA NATIONALAATITIONAL HIGHIGH SCHOOLCHOOL LEADERSHIPEADERSHIP CONFERENCEONNFERENCE JULYULLYY 9 TOTO 122 WASHINGTONASHINGTON D.C.D.C. THE ROADOAD TOTO FREEDOMREEDOM SEMINAREMINAR JULYULLYY 17 TOTO 199 SANTAANTTAA BARBARAARBARA, CALIFORNIAALIFORNIA NATIONALAATITIONAL CONSERVATIVEONSERRVVVAAATITIVE STUDENTTUDENT CONFERENCEONFEERENCE JULYULLYY 28 TOTO AUGUSTAUGUST 2 WASHINGTONASHINGTON D.C.D.C. GREATREAATT BEGINNINGSEGINNIINGS: A SEMINAREMINAR FORFOR EMERGINGMERGING LEADERSEADERS SEPTEMBEREPTEMBER 199 ANDAND 20 SANTAANTTAA BARBARAARBARA, CALIFORNIAALIFORNIA TIMEIME FOROR CHOOSINGHOOSING/F/FALLALL CONFERENCEONFERENCE OCTOBERCTOBER 2424 ANDAND 25 SANTAANTTAA BARBARAARBARA, CALIFORNIAALIFORNIA HIGHIGH SCHOOLCHOOL CONFERENCEONFERENCE ATAT THE REAGANEAGAN RANCHANCH NOVEMBEROVEMBER 133 TOTO 15 SANTAANTTAA BARBARAARBARA, CALIFORNIAALIFORNIA @yaf@yaf YoungYYououng America’sAmerica’s @yaf_@yaf_ The REaganREagan RanchRanch NationalNaatitional HeaHeadquartersdquarters foundationfooundaatition 217 SStatettaaatete SStreettreet F.M.F.M. KirbyKirbby FreedomFreedom CenterCenter SantaSanttaa Barbara,Barbara, CACA 110 eldenelden st.,st., herndon,herndon, vava 1-888-USA-17761-888-USA-1776 1-800-USA-17761-800-USA-1776 TOC:QXP-1127940144.qxp 1/8/2014 2:49 PM Page 1 Contents JANUARY 27, 2014 | VOLUME LXVI, NO. 1 | ON THE COVER Page 24 Andrew Stuttaford on Vladimir Putin Obamacare’s p. 20 Cornhusker Nemesis BOOKS, ARTS With Ben Sasse, Nebraska Republicans have an opportunity to elect not merely & MANNERS a man who promises to vote for the 37 THE GARRULOUS GENERATION repeal of Obama’s signature policy Florence King reviews achievement, but a senator who The Baby Boom: How It Got That Way and It Wasn’t My almost immediately would become one Fault and I’ll Never Do It of the GOP’s most visible and articulate Again, by P. J. O’Rourke. experts on the health-care law’s defects 38 BEST-LAID PLANS and the ways to replace it. John J. Miller Victor Davis Hanson reviews Strategy: A History, COVER: MATTHEW DEBOER by Lawrence Freedman. ARTICLES 41 LET MY PATIENTS GO Kevin D. Williamson reviews 16 THE HARD-WORKING RICH by Kevin D. Williamson The Cure in the Code: How Idle heirs are tough to find. 20th-Century Law Is Undermining 21st-Century BILL DE BLASIO’S OTHER PARTY 17 by John Fund Medicine, by Peter W. Huber. How the Working Families party is coming to power. 19 WHICH GENDER GAP? by Reihan Salam 44 PEACE AND PRINCIPLE Policymakers are focused on the wrong one. Victor Lee Austin reviews In Defence of War, by Nigel Biggar. 20 VLAD THE CONSERVATIVE by Andrew Stuttaford So says Pat Buchanan. 46 FILM: GENERATION OF A VOICE 22 BOOKS AND COVERS by Jay Nordlinger Ross Douthat reviews Her. On “looking liberal” and “looking conservative.” 47 COUNTRY LIFE: HEAVEN’S ARRAY Richard Brookhiser discusses FEATURES astronomy. 24 OBAMACARE’S CORNHUSKER NEMESIS by John J. Miller Ben Sasse, health-care expert and Senate candidate. SECTIONS 27 GREEN DROUGHT by Charles C. W. Cooke California’s farmland lies fallow for a fish. 2 Letters to the Editor 4 The Week 31 THE COLLEGE TRAP by J. D. Vance Our higher-education system hurts the poor. 35 Athwart . James Lileks 36 The Long View . Rob Long 33 A NEW HEALTH SAFETY NET by David Goldhill 40 Poetry . Sally Cook National catastrophic coverage should complement markets. 48 Happy Warrior . Mark Steyn NatIONal RevIeW (ISSN: 0028-0038) is published bi-weekly, except for the first issue in January, by NatIONal RevIeW, Inc., at 215 lexington avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016. Periodicals postage paid at New York, N.Y., and additional mailing offices. © National Review, Inc., 2014. address all editorial mail, manuscripts, letters to the editor, etc., to editorial Dept., NatIONal RevIeW, 215 lexington avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016. address all subscription mail orders, changes of address, undeliverable copies, etc., to NatIONal RevIeW, Circulation Dept., P. O. 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Opinions expressed in signed articles do not necessarily represent the views of the editors. letters - READY:QXP-1127940387.qxp 1/8/2014 2:50 PM Page 2 Letters JANUARY 27 ISSUE; PRINTED JANUARY 9 EDITOR Richard Lowry The Vanishing Appalachians Senior Editors Richard Brookhiser / Jay Nordlinger Ramesh Ponnuru / David Pryce-Jones My only beef with Kevin Williamson’s moving Appalachian elegy (“Left Managing Editor Jason Lee Steorts Behind,” December 16) is the treatment of the coal industry, which he just Literary Editor Michael Potemra Executive Editor Christopher McEvoy briefly describes as a “bulwark against utter economic ruin.” Williamson sug- Roving Correspondent Kevin D. Williamson National Correspondent John J. Miller gests that one reason for the impoverishment of Owsley County, Ky., the poorest Art Director Luba Kolomytseva county in America, is the drift of workers closer to coal operations. This would Deputy Managing Editors Nicholas Frankovich / Fred Schwarz suggest that mining towns are little islands of relative prosperity and happi- Associate Editors Patrick Brennan / Katherine Connell ness, but, in reality, some of the starkest poverty in Appalachia and a dispro- Production Editor Katie Hosmer portionate level of negative health effects are closely associated with areas Research Associate Scott Reitmeier Assistant to the Editor Madison V. Peace where mountaintop-removal mining is taking place. Some studies suggest that Contributing Editors coal production is actually a net economic burden rather than a boon for Shannen Coffin / Ross Douthat / Roman Genn Jim Geraghty / Jonah Goldberg / Florence King Appalachia, and communities near mining sites report some of the lowest Lawrence Kudlow / Mark R. Levin scores in the multi-factor Gallup/Healthways Well-Being Index. Yuval Levin / Rob Long / Jim Manzi Andrew C. McCarthy / Kate O’Beirne It is a conservative temptation to merely blame government mining regu- Reihan Salam / Robert VerBruggen lations—the “war on coal” derided on many a West Virginia billboard—for NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE Editor-at-Large Kathryn Jean Lopez economic hardship, but as the piece pointed out, the region often confounds Managing Editor Edward John Craig the simple bumper-sticker slogans mouthed across the political spectrum. War National-Affairs Columnist John Fund Media Editor Eliana Johnson may be an apt analogy, though. There are now 500 fewer mountains in the Political Reporters Andrew Stiles / Jonathan Strong ancient Appalachians than there were a century ago, and a greatly reduced Staff Writer Charles C. W. Cooke mining work force uses millions of pounds of explosives a day to obliterate Associate Editor Molly Powell Editorial Associate Andrew Johnson what remains. Technical Services Russell Jenkins Web Developer Wendy Weihs Elsewhere in the December 16 issue (“The Tao of Enchantment”), Web Producer Scott McKim Christopher Tollefsen notes the long battle against disenchanted materialism EDITORS- AT- L A RG E by C. S. Lewis: “There are, among Lewis’s opponents, no principled limits to Linda Bridges / John O’Sullivan the use of . technology.” Lewis’s enemies are on the march in Appalachia. NATIONAL REVIEW INSTITUTE BUCKLEYFELLOWSINPOLITICALJOURNALISM Enchanting natural beauty is replaced by blight and pollution, but the poverty Alec Torres / Betsy Woodruff endures. Contributors Hadley Arkes / Baloo / James Bowman Eliot A. Cohen / Dinesh D’Souza John Murdock M. Stanton Evans / Chester E. Finn Jr. Neal B. Freeman / James Gardner Hallettsville, Texas David Gelernter / George Gilder / Jeffrey Hart Kevin