9 CFR Ch. III (1–1–19 Edition)
§§ 317.314–317.343 9 CFR Ch. III (1–1–19 Edition) §§ 317.314–317.343 [Reserved] in accordance with the provisions of § 317.309. § 317.344 Identification of major cuts (3) A retailer may provide nutrition of meat products. information at the point-of-purchase The major cuts of single-ingredient, by various methods, such as by posting raw meat products are: Beef chuck a sign or by making the information blade roast, beef loin top loin steak, readily available in brochures, note- beef rib roast large end, beef round eye books, or leaflet form in close prox- round steak, beef round top round imity to the food. The nutrition label- steak, beef round tip roast, beef chuck ing information may also be supple- arm pot roast, beef loin sirloin steak, mented by a video, live demonstration, beef round bottom round steak, beef or other media. If a nutrition claim is brisket (whole, flat half, or point half), made on point-of-purchase materials, beef rib steak small end, beef loin ten- all of the format and content require- derloin steak, pork loin chop, pork loin ments of § 317.309 apply. However, if country style ribs, pork loin top loin only nutrition information—and not a chop boneless, pork loin rib chop, pork nutrition claim—is supplied on point- of-purchase materials, the require- spareribs, pork loin tenderloin, pork ments of § 317.309 apply, provided, how- loin sirloin roast, pork shoulder blade ever: steak, pork loin top roast boneless, (i) The listing of percent of Daily lamb shank, lamb shoulder arm chop, Value for the nutrients (except vita- lamb shoulder blade chop, lamb rib mins and minerals specified in roast, lamb loin chop, lamb leg (whole, § 317.309(c)(8)) and footnote required by sirloin half, or shank half), veal shoul- § 317.309(d)(9) may be omitted; and der arm steak, veal shoulder blade (ii) The point-of-purchase materials steak, veal rib roast, veal loin chop, are not subject to any of the format re- and veal cutlets.
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