Rhodesiana 17
J 0 ,,, mol<o Jf('?rw~:,r~,f'.A"'"""-'111:;lion l'trcoaro Ji-S·Almco,?.: Con•~cmlatorc 4i S Spirito 'J. l!,ii110 ai hora 11:u,u,ha c~ti be,t raf!pr,unt.it:c in J1jlt,~to ii Aji-:,~iln10,pD d1 buo,ia Sp,· ' ~ · r111,,..a. i!, i'L.1f,1,i,kl S,fc,6 1mcr.f14,mfe rand_ii),7i'R,mi,i ..t.r Prae lanm,{r dr_ii,ni~ & ~ It. ,o~tr.:4t uume, ,ome1!noft!o Si'¢.~OJolfTJ.c"'11 /4 ;:_rafldcf~a carla,cht V·S '): .yt ,.,;i•arrt ' ~~':ltitr? m j<Ulra m,•r.,,ref,rma-H,r:op_anm/'.•fftn•• 11,m 'ftdcrli ilfit,, ,id};'/,o,Hmta Eiiit,,da_l (,1'1,:1 tnguf t1ttauola111Tuna ·n-amr/1/11 f,tnta rrm,tcal IJ(TD,quant,,,,,,11;, pnt<11t:e.ch IO r<gof, :yer hauerlo dU< 110ft, ~,.,nma_to_; e '1/W (IJlf diJ,~,, ucondo 74/Jr.mc;..{.a ddl,J .ffu1no •$ono CO\I 1ttkr~ Jfg'!an 1Juo$h1 per iloium dfepnt1t11·e nAL1 az,.fdla JoprapoJJ-4, ;6"tsl'"'t;en11l, nom, d, 0111c1.eJ,i,t,q . 'JJi R.11ma ,i.2 i d'./<f.rifc Af,D , X C,\" , ,, p . 'Di -V•S · It"'!' Ser- _:fi/ipf• t~ftlta_• , . ~!i~~~L;tg<, - -·-,..._ ....~1 i NJ~o.UA>J.~Id.(I 1919 This mule cart, pbotogrnphed outside The Standard Bank, Sinoia, was used to transport officials and cash to the Agency at the Eldorado M ine. RURAL AREA SERVICES OF THE STANDARD BANK LIMITED 1968 >.Jobile Banks like the one shown above now briog banking scr,·ices to the country.
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