Open-air exhibition in the courtyard of the Museum - Exhibition - Archive Stasi headquarters The former offices of the Stasi minister Erich Mielke now house the Stasi Museum. Ruschestraße 103 Opening Hours The permanent exhibition »State Securi- 10365 Berlin-Lichtenberg Around the clock every day ty in the SED Dictatorship« illustrates the Free of charge structure, methods and effects of the Phone (030) 447 108 0 Barrier-free access
[email protected] GDR’s secret police. It includes the former Opening Hours Infopoint offices of the Stasi head Mielke, preserved Public transport 10 am to 6 pm every day largely in their original condition. U 5 Magdalenenstraße Walter / Rolf Robert-Havemann-Gesellschaft (11 minutes from More information Occupying the Stasi headquarters, 15 January 1990 89_1104_POL-Demo_27 Klaus Mehner, Aufarbeitung, [M] Bundesstiftung Alexanderplatz) The premises also still house the Stasi archive. The Federal Commissioner for the The Stasi Headquarters Stasi Records offers guided tours of the Towards archive and the Stasi complex. Dates can Schönhauser Allee Normannenstraß The Stasi headquarters is where the Minis- e be found on the website tr e . try of State Security was based until 1990, s S AND UBAHN ff traß ST FRANKFURTER ALLEE ASI MUSEUM becoming a key site for the revolution after S the fall of the Berlin Wall. Möllendor Rusches OPEN AIR EXHIBITION U5 Frankfur Towards ter Allee Magdalenenstr Alexanderplatz On 15 January 1990, thousands of demon- U5 Around the clock UBAHN MAGDALENENSTRASSE Towards Every day . Ruschestraße exit Hönow strators stormed the previously hermeti- tr Free of charge els cally sealed premises, heralding the end rt Towards Ostkreuz Gü of the feared secret police.