City of Norfolk


The Planning Commission Chair informed the public about the location of the current copy of the Open Meetings Act posted in the meeting room and accessible to members of the public.

REGULAR MEETING Planning Commission-Council Chambers June 19, 2012

The Norfolk Planning Commission of the City of Norfolk conducted a public meeting in the City Council Chambers, 309 Madison Avenue, on the 19th day of June, 2012.

Chair Snodgrass called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. The following members answered roll call: Davis, Beckman, Lundy, Ohl, Boyer, Milander and Murren.

Staff Present: Trent Howard and Faythe Petersen.

Commissioner Lundy moved and Beckman seconded to approve the June 19, 2012 agenda.

AYE: Davis, Beckman, Lundy, Snodgrass, Ohl, Milander, Boyer and Murren

NAY: ABSENT: Adams Motion carried.

Commissioner Milander noted an error in the minutes. Lundy moved and Beckman seconded to approve the amended May 22, 2012 minutes.

AYE: Davis, Beckman, Lundy, Snodgrass, Ohl, Milander, Boyer and Murren

NAY: ABSENT: Adams Motion carried.

PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearing at the request of J. Paul McIntosh and Eleanor McIntosh for a zoning change from A (Agricultural District) to I-1 (Light Industrial District) at Eisenhower Avenue, 3350’ East of . Chair Snodgrass opened the hearing at 7:32 and asked for anyone in favor of the zone change to speak.

Dick Johnson, representing the owners, said that this rezone of 10.8 acres will facilitate two Conditional Use Permits on the property. Those permit requests are the next items on the agenda. He will also be bringing a two lot subdivision applicable to this parcel to the next meeting.

There was no other discussion and Chair Snodgrass closed the hearing at 7:34 a.m. Commissioner Milander moved and Beckman seconded to recommend the zone change on 10.8 acres east of Victory Road and Eisenhower Avenue.

AYE: Davis, Beckman, Lundy, Snodgrass, Ohl, Milander, Boyer and Murren

NAY: ABSENT: Adams Motion carried.

Public hearing at the request of W. Theisen Grading & Equipment for a Conditional Use Permit for soil extraction east of Victory Road on Eisenhower Avenue. Commissioner Snodgrass opened the hearing at 7:35 a.m. and asked for anyone in favor of the permit to speak.

Dick Johnson, representing the applicant, said that this is an amendment to the existing PC2011- 03 permitting Mr. Theisen for soil extraction on a smaller parcel. The original permit was for a 40 acre tract. The new request is for 28.17 acres. This is in conjunction with the above zone change. A five acre tract of this 28.17 is a portion of that rezoned to I-1 above.

There was no other discussion and Chair Snodgrass closed the hearing at 7:38 a.m.

Commissioner Ohl moved and Davis seconded to table the request for a Conditional Use Permit for soil extraction east of Victory Road on Eisenhower Avenue.

AYE: Davis, Beckman, Lundy, Snodgrass, Ohl, Milander, Boyer and Murren

NAY: ABSENT: Adams Motion carried.

Chair Snodgrass excused himself from the next agenda item.

Public hearing at the request of Scrap Mart, LLC for a Conditional Use Permit for a scrap metal processing facility east of Victory Road on Eisenhower Avenue. Co-Chair Lundy opened the hearing at 7:39 a.m. and asked for anyone in favor of the permit to speak.

Dick Johnson, representing the applicant said this is a scrap processing operation on five acres northeast of town. This is using the west half of the parcel rezoned in the above agenda item. The two businesses (Scrap Mart and Theisen) will share a drive and the operation will be hidden by an existing shelter belt. However, fencing will also be erected.

Don McHugh, owner, said they have outgrown their 1 st Street and Elm Avenue so they’re moving part of the operation outside of town. They hope to have a 250-300 ton facility. He said he tried to keep his current business clean and “off the ground” but was having trouble keeping up. The facility on Eisenhower will process larger pieces while smaller recycling items will stay on 1 st Street. A building will be erected on the parcel and is shown on the site plan.

Co-Chair Lundy closed the hearing at 7:52 a.m. for discussion and action.

Commissioner Ohl moved and Davis seconded to table the request for a Conditional Use Permit for a scrap metal processing facility on Eisenhower Avenue.

AYE: Davis, Beckman, Lundy, Ohl, Milander, Boyer and Murren

NAY: ABSENT: Snodgrass, Adams Motion carried.

Public hearing at the request of Adam N. Henn for a zoning change from C-1 (Local Business District) to R-2 (One and Two Family Residential District) at 214 S. 8 th Street. Chair Snodgrass opened the hearing at 7:53 a.m. and asked for anyone in favor of the zone change to speak.

Adam Henn, owner, recently purchased the property for him and his sons. He wants to improve the foundation, re-roof and build a garage on the property. There was some discussion as to if this is the best forward progress for this area which zoned C-1 north for two blocks. He said it is difficult to re-finance due to the non-conforming use.

Glen Wapelhorst, pastor of the Christ is King Church across the street, said he believes the area should be zoned residential as that is what the use is. He also said the church is not opposed to this rezone request.

Commissioner Ohl moved and Davis seconded to recommend approval of the zone change from C-1 (Local Business District) to R-2 (One and Two Family Residential District) at 214 S. 8 th Street.

AYE: Davis, Beckman, Lundy, Snodgrass, Ohl, Milander, Boyer and Murren

NAY: ABSENT: Adams Motion carried.

OTHER BUSINESS Trent Howard gave the May, 2012 Building Permit Report.

There was no other business and Davis made the motion and Beckman seconded to adjourn. All commissioners present voting in the affirmative.

Adjourned at 8:10 a.m.

Faythe Petersen, Secretary/Norfolk Planning Commission