SEPTEMBER, 2018. NO 4 (4).





ractically the most important part Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. J. F. Dunford, Com- of the visit took place on August 15. mandant of the United States Marine Corps It began with a Full Honour Arrival Gen. Robert B. Neller, and Chief of the Na- CeremonyP held for the Lithuanian Chief of tional Guard Bureau Gen. Joseph Lauren SPECIAL Defence at Whiple Field Park. Host of the Lengyel. discussed security situa- ceremony Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of tion in the Baltic Sea region, interoperability DRONES IN THE Staff Gen Joseph F. Dunford presented to the of allies, bilateral cooperation, including joint CONTEMPORARY CONFLICT: Gen. Lieut. J. V. Žukas the Commander De- exercises, and international fight gree Medal of the Legion of Merit. against terrorism. EFFICIENCY EVALUATION "The award is a sign of appreciation not According to Gen. Lieut. J. V. Žukas, it was only of me but all the Lithuanian Armed agreed at the meetings to further strengthen Forces, it stands as a symbol of a strong bi- defence cooperation between Lithuania and lateral partnership of Lithuania and the US the US — both between the armed forces and multilateral partnership in NATO that and separate services. is based on shared values and goals," Gen. On August 14 Chief of Defence met with Lieut. J. V. Žukas said after the ceremony. Vice Chief of the Bureau Later Chief of Defence formally met Lieut. Gen. Daniel Hokanson. with highest commanders of the US Armed On Tuesday Gen. Lieut. J. V. Žukas visited Forces at the Pentagon: Chairman of the See page 3 Dear readers of the "Lithuanian Military Digest", Content It already has been more than four years of us being the witnesses NEWS of the brutal military Russian aggression against sovereign . It is obvious that Lithuania and its allies are vigilantly watching the CHIEF OF DEFENCE GEN. LIEUT. J. V. ŽUKAS: THE US actions of the conflicting countries, and especially of our powerful COMMITMENT TO OUR REGION IS PARTICULARLY neighbour. However, we would like to emphasize that the tension STRONG...... 1 has started to shift from land to the waters washing the 300-kilo- UPGRADE RBS 70 metres-long coastline of Ukraine, which is still under control of SHORT-RANGE AIR DEFENCE SYSTEM, PROCURE Kiev after the Crimean annexation. The ever-increasing tension NEW MISSILES...... 4 in the territory has been boosted recently by the Russian or border guard vessels that are appearing in the Azov Sea, which is GERMAN ARMED FORCES TANK BATTALION why Ukraine claims it has to be ready. Needless to say, we have to COMMANDER LT. COL. R. BRAUN IS IN COMMAND be ready as well. OF THE NATO EFP BATTALION BATTLE GROUP IN Since decided to move its vessels (including the war- LITHUANIA...... 5 ships) from the Caspian fleet to the Azov Sea, a new hot spot be- gan to emerge. Although the shots are not being heard here, the NEW ROTATION OF THE DUTCH SOLDIERS BEGAN appearance of heavily armed Russian ships and the intensification THEIR TRAINING IN LITHUANIA...... 7 of the security service activity suggest that in these waters the con- COOPERATION BETWEEN AND flict has been recently dangerously escalated and the imbalance of LITHUANIA HAS BEEN DISCUSSED...... 8 power is being highlighted. According to Galina Odnorog, one of the founders of non-governmental organisation "Mariupol Social COL. R. PETKEVIČIUS HAS BEEN APPOINTED AS Movement", Ukraine is like sitting on a powder keg, because even DIRECTOR OF THE NATO ENERGY SECURITY the slightest provocation can turn this situation into a war. CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE...... 9 These are not the only Russia’s gestures in the recent days that JOINT TERMINAL ATTACK CONTROLLERS WILL BE managed to attract attention. On August 18, Vienna and the whole ABLE TO TRAIN IN KAZLŲ RŪDA TRAINING AREA...... 10 (EU) raised their eyebrows when Putin danced arm-in-arm with Austria’s Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl at her TOOK THE MISSION OVER FROM wedding. On the other hand, we should not be wondering why PORTUGUESE AND SPANISH SERVICEMEN...... 11 he showed up with a bouquet of flowers and a troupe of Cossack NATO'S PRESENCE singers — it is no surprise this man is ready to lead a circus in front of the entire world. We all understand that by dancing with one of EFP BG COM RENÉ BRAUN: IT IS MORE LIKE HOME the EU political figures, he actually intended to dance on everyone, THAN LIKE BEING ON A MISSION...... 12 who might be against the "Great Bear". So this becomes just an or- dinary reminder of what kind of hostile forces all of us are facing. SPECIAL DRONES IN THE CONTEMPORARY CONFLICT: Wish you a pleasant reading, EFFICIENCY EVALUATION...... 18 Team of the "Lithuanian Military Digest"

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Publisher — Lithuanian Armed Forces. The opinion of editorial office does not necessarily coin- cide with the opinion of the authors. Pictures, manuscripts are not returned and reviewed. Cir- culation is 300 copies. Printed by the Cartography Center of Lithuanian Military, Muitinės str.4, Domeikava, LT-54359 dist. Order GL-437. Photo credit: Srg. Sp. Ieva Budzeikaitė Ieva Sp. credit: Srg. Photo

2 Lithuanian Military Digest News

Chief of Defence Gen. Lieut. J. V. Žukas: The US commitment to our region is particularly strong From page 1 the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in the US to share insights on the security situa- tion in the Baltic Region, ongoing changes and modernisation in the Lithuanian Armed Forc- es, and Lithuanian-US defence cooperation with the Lithuanian-American community in Washington. "I can only say how remarkable it is that we have an ally like the United States of America. It was one more opportunity for me to see that the US commitment to the security in Europe, including our region, are steadfast," Gen. Lieut. J. V. Žukas summed up the visit. Gen. Lieut. J. V. Žukas began the formal visit in the US on August 9. Earlier during the visit Chief of Defence met with Adjutant-General of Pennsylvania A. Dominique credits: Olivia and OrtizPhoto G. Pineiro General Anthony J. Carelli in Los Ange- les and visited Consulate General of Lithuania. On August 11, he visited soldiers of the Lithu- anian Grand Duke Algirdas Battalion and as- signed units training at Fort Irwin Training Area and the National Training Centre of the United States alongside US allies together with Commander of the Lithuanian Land Force Valdemaras Rupšys. The US commitment to the security in the region and visibility in Lithuania is one of the most essential guarantees of security and stability of Lithuania. Both on a bilateral bass and adhering to NATO efforts, the US is implementing broad deterrence measures

in the Baltic region. The US was the first ally to deploy air defence reinforcement — addi- tional and capabilities for per- sistent presence in the , when the security situation changed in the region and Europe in spring 2014. US soldiers are training in military exercises and other military cooperation events held in Lithu- ania. The US also leads a NATO enhanced Forward Presence Battalion Battle Group in to strengthen the eastern flank of the Alliance. Defence cooperation between Lithuania and the US particularly intensi- fied with signing a cooperation agreement in January 2017. The document reiterates both countries’ commitment to work together to strengthen the NATO alliance, to increase European security, and to fight global secu- rity threats.

September 2018. No 4. 3 News

Lithuanian Armed Forces upgrade RBS 70 short- range air defence system, procure new missiles

he Ministry of National Defence The Swedish-manufacturedRBS 70 missile and the Lithuanian Armed Forces system is a short-range air defence capabil- enhances the present air defence ca- ity based on control beam, i.e. laser equipment Tpabilities and functionality of the weaponry guides the missile. The greatest advantage of in their possession by procuring improved RBS 70 is that there has not been electromag- missiles and BORC night-capability sights on netic equipment so far created in the world ca- the basis of a contract signed with Swedish pable of producing jamming that could disrupt manufacturer Saab. The new procurement will RBS 70. TheRBS 70 in possession of the Air De- upgrade the RBS 70 short-range air defence fence Battalion of the Lithuanian Armed Forces capability the Lithuanian Armed Forces cur- comprises RBS 70 missile systems with Giraffe rently has. Mk-IV surveillance radars. "Enhancement of air defences is one of the Also, the Lithuanian Ministry of National key priorities of our defence, therefore we are Defence is strengthening Lithuania’s mid- continuing upgrading our short-range air de- range air defence capabilities: in October 2017 fence system: the RBS 70 will be improved with NASAMS mid-range air defence systems was night-capability sights and new missiles will be bought for 110 million euros from Norwegian acquired," Minister of National Defence Rai- enterprise Kongsberg and is expected to be de- mundas Karoblis says. livered by 2021.

Lithuania is buying from the Swedish manu- Saab credits: Photo Airspace protection is one of the key guar- facturer RBS 70s of a newer generation greater antees the allies are able to enter the region if a range, higher altitude coverage and an enhanced Approximate value of both contracts is 9.7 necessity arises. Upgrading of the possessed air effect against armoured targets. With improved million euros (without VAT), the procurement defence capabilities and procurement of new missiles the RBS 70 system will be even more ef- contracts were signed in July. ones is Lithuania’s steps to at least partly fill one fective and dangerous to hostile aircraft, and the The improved missiles and night vision of the most important gaps in its defence — air- advanced BORC night sights will allow soldiers to equipment will be delivered to the Lithuanian space protection. stay operational during the dark part of the day. Air Forces starting with 2019. Vytis decorating the convoy This time contributes to the NATO pate in international exercise "Baltic Piranha". By eFP Battle Group in Lithuania by sending a deploying the 1/3rd battalion integrated in the motorised infantry company comprising 250 NATO eFP Battle Group Belgium meets its ob- servicemen. In 2017 Belgian servicemen com- ligation to contribute to joint NATO efforts in prised the main part of the NATO eFP Battle enhancing the security of NATO eastern flank. Group logistic support. The NATO eFP Battalion Battle Group- de The Belgian motorised infantry company in- ployed in from the beginning of 2017 is

Photo credits: Belgian Armed Forces credits: Photo cludes servicemen of 1/3rd infantry battalion. It is led and majorly manned by Germany. In total, n August 29, three military equip- one of five combat battalions of Belgian motorised the strength of the multinational unit is roughly ment convoys of Belgian and Lux- brigade. Various capabilities (infantry, direct fire 1,200 servicemen from eight NATO countries. embourg Armed Forces decorated support, reconnaissance elements, snipers) pro- The unit is commanded by Lieutenant Owith Lithuanian insignia Vytis and NATO flags vide this battalion with multifunctional structure Rene Braun from Germany. conducted movement from Klaipėda sea port and enable it to operate independently. The stan- The international unit is integrated into the to the NATO enhanced Forward Presence dard vehicle Piranha available in several modifica- Mechanised Infantry Brigade Iron Wolf of the Battle (eFP) Group’s home station in Rukla by tions, with 90mm and 30mm guns or with 12.7mm Lithuanian Armed Forces and continually trains main land roads: Klaipėda — Kaunas — Jo- MG, is used as infantry fighting vehicle. This en- in collective defence training events and exercises. nava. These forces are new rotations of Belgian sures strong fire power enhancing infantry capa- Deployment of NATO eFP in Lithuania, and servicemen assigned to the bilities. The Belgian motorised infantry company is , , and Poland was a decision of battle group in Lithuania. The battle group will supported by Luxemburg reconnaissance platoon. NATO leaders taken in July 2016. The forces be augmented by 65 pieces of military equip- Belgian servicemen are familiar with Lithu- are primarily a response to Russia’s aggression ment. The Belgian and Luxembourg troops ar- anian terrain as in October 2016 representatives in Ukraine, build-up of military potential and rived in Lithuania at weekend by plane. of Belgian battalion came to Lithuania to partici- demonstration of military power in the region.

4 Lithuanian Military Digest News

German Armed Forces Tank Battalion Commander Lt. Col. R. Braun is in command of the NATO eFP Battalion Battle Group in Lithuania

headquarters and institutions. The incoming commander Lt. Col. R. Braun started his service in the German Armed Forces in 1997. During the service period, the officer served in various positions, and from Septem- ber 2017 has been commanding the 393rd Tank Battalion, deployed in Bad Frankenhausene. Lt. Col. R. Braun served in multinational missions in and . The NATO eFP Battalion Battle Group de- ployed in Rukla from the beginning of 2017 is led by Germany. Personnel and weapons to the NATO eFP Battle Group are also contributed by Belgium, the , , the , , and . In total, the strength of the multinational unit is roughly 1,200. The NATO eFP Battle Group maintains its high readiness and interoperability level

Photo credit: MSG Vytautas Gadliauskas Vytautas credit: MSG Photo through constant training and preparation for collective defence. Based in the Training Regi- erman Armed Forces Tank Battalion of Lithuania, symbolizing contribution to the ment in Rukla, the unit is integrated into the Commander Lieutenant Colonel state’s security. Mechanised Infantry Brigade "Iron Wolf" of Rene Braun is now in command of Col. Steponavičius, commander the Lithuanian Armed Forces and continually Gthe NATO enhanced Forward (eFP) Presence of the Lithuanian Armed Forces Mechanized trains in collective defence training and exer- Battalion Battle Group in Lithuania. He re- Infantry Brigade "Iron Wolf", to which Battle cises. placed Lieutenant Colonel Wolf Rüdiger Otto, Group is assigned, presented NATO flag to the Deployment of the NATO eFP in Lithu- who was in in command of the NATO eFP Bat- new commander of the Battle Group Lt. Col. ania, Latvia, Estonia, and Poland was a deci- talion Battle Group in Lithuania for the last six R. Braun. sion of NATO leaders taken in July 2016. The months. The ceremony in Rukla was also attend- forces are primarily a response to Russia’s ag- On August 2, in the change of command ed by Lithuanian and Allied military units’ gression in Ukraine, build-up of military po- ceremony, which was held in Rukla, Vice-Min- commanders, NATO states’ ambassadors, tential and demonstration of military power in ister of the National Defence of Lithuania, Mr. defence attachés, representatives of NATO the region. Vytautas Umbrasas, thanked NATO eFP Bat- talion Battle Group servicemen for their excel- lent service in Lithuania. "Your contribution to cooperation is vis- ible, it is assured and deterrent, it is invaluable to Lithuania and the region, to Europe and to the security of the whole NATO alliance," Mr. V. Umbrasas said at the ceremony. To mark the outstanding service, he awarded the outgoing commander Lt. Col. W. R. Otto with the Na- tional Defence System Medal For Merits. For the exceptional personal contribution ensuring successful activity of the Battle Group Commander of the Lithuanian Land Force Brig. Gen. V. Rupšys on behalf of the Lithu- anian Chief of Defence presented to the Battle Group Commander Lt. Col. W. R. Otto the flag

September 2018. No 4. 5 News Photo credits: The Netherlands Armed The credits: Photo New rotation of the Dutch soldiers began their training in Lithuania fter several weeks of preparations, infantry training to capture a fortified territory. Aside from Germany and the Netherlands, soldiers of the new rotation from the Military medics took care of and evacuated personnel and weapons to the NATO eFP Bat- Netherlands assigned to the NATO "injured soldiers". tle Group are also contributed by Belgium, the Aenhanced Forward Presence (eFP) Battalion The Netherlands have been deploying sol- Czech Republic, Norway, Iceland, the French Battle Group held their first training event in diers in Lithuania since 2017 as part of the contingent finished its rotation in late August, the territory of Lithuania. According to them, NATO eFP Battalion Battle Group. The main and Luxembourg will soon deploy its service terrain and weather conditions differ from part of the soldiers are from the 43rd Mecha- members again. In total, the strength of the those in the Netherlands or Germany where nised Brigade based in northern Netherlands. multinational unit is roughly 1,200. they are used to be training. Forests are thick, Also, Dutch soldiers are serving in the The international unit is integrated into the roads are narrow and boggy, and weather is NATO Force Integration Unit in Vilnius Mechanised Infantry Brigade "Iron Wolf" of changeable, all of which is a challenge to sol- and Dutch air capabilities are conducting the Lithuanian Armed Forces and continually diers while completing tasks. the NATO Air Policing Mission in the Baltic trains in collective defence training events and The Dutch exercise began with platoon States. exercises. level training and ended with integration of The NATO eFP Battalion Battle Group de- Deployment of the NATO eFP in Lithu- combat and support units. Infantry personnel, ployed in Rukla from the beginning of 2017 is ania, Latvia, Estonia, and Poland was a deci- engineers, fire support team, and medics coor- led and majorly manned by Germany. sion of NATO leaders taken in July 2016. The dinated their actions to fulfil the commander’s The NATO eFP Battle Group maintains forces are primarily a response to Russia’s ag- orders and attain training objectives. Engineers its high readiness and interoperability level gression in Ukraine, build-up of military po- were constructing obstacles to "hostile forces", through constant training and preparation for tential and demonstration of military power in fire support team made itself useful supporting collective defence. the region.

6 Lithuanian Military Digest News

Cooperation between Germany and Lithuania has been discussed n 21 August Minister of National Defence Raimundas Karoblis met Member of the Bundestag of the OFederal Republic of Germany and Foreign Affairs Committee Christian Schmidt. At the meeting the Minister and the Member of Bundestag discussed the security situation in the region, results of recent NATO summit and further steps in enhancing defence capabilities in Lithuania and the Baltic region. They also discussed defence enhancement initiatives in the European Union format. The Minister thanked Ch. Schmidt for ex- cellent cooperation between Germany and Lithuania in the field of defence and Germa- ny’s commitment to be the framework nation of NATO enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) battalion in Lithuania. During the meeting the Minister highlight- ed the great importance of German and Allied (MoD) Alfredas Pliadis credits: Photo troops presence in the NATO eFP battalion, however he also noted that NATO needs fur- ther decisions related to reinforcement of this unit as required and additional capabilities both in the air and in the sea. "Decisions made in Wales and Warsaw were timely and relevant to the whole Alli- ance. We highly appreciate Germany’s great contribution to reaching these results that en- hanced security measures in the eastern flank of NATO. However, deterrence ensuring is only the first step in defence preparation, therefore additional capabilities in the air and the sea, strategy of forces reinforcement, mobility ensuring are the issues to be agreed between NATO members," – Minister of Na- tional Defence R. Karoblis said. According to Ch. Schmid, NATO is un- divided and its boarders must be defended without exception. NATO must be prepared to any contingencies and one NATO battle group is certainly too small to ensure this, therefore NATO countries need to do more. Participants of the meeting also empha- sized that Russian aggression against Ukraine cannot be forgotten and western countries its armed forces and defence system," — the system. In turn, the German Bundestag Mem- should further contribute to strengthening Minister said. ber shared recent public opinion on this matter capabilities and skills of the Ukrainian Armed As the Member of the German Bundestag as well as changes and challenges faced by the Forces. "Russia does not comply with its in- expressed interest in restoration of conscript German Armed Forces. ternational obligations and the Russian ag- service in Lithuania, the Minister shared Lithu- During his visit in Lithuania Ch. Schmidt gression against Ukraine cannot be forgotten. ania’s experience in this field. At present Ger- also met with German troops in Rukla and par- Ukraine is NATO’s neighbour and partner, we many also often discusses this issue and the ticipate in the conference by President of the must keep attention and assist it in reforming possibility of returning to conscript service Republic of Lithuania .

September 2018. No 4. 7 News

The Government approved a new National Cyber Security Strategy n August 13, the Government ap- tation of regulations of the EU NIS Directive proved the new Cyber Security on drafting and adoption of a national network Strategy. The document drawn up by and information systems strategy, as agreed by Othe Ministry of National Defence sets key direc- all EU members seeking to make development tions of national cyber security policy in public of cyber capabilities and fight against offences and private sectors for the coming five years and in the realm more effective. embeds regulations of the European Union Di- Tasks set out in the National Cyber Security rective on Security of Network and Information strategy will soon be pursued — the Ministry Systems (the NIS Directive). of National Defence will draft an Inter-institu- The new Cyber Security Strategy was con- tional Action Plan and table it for approval by cluded on the basis of assessment of the in- the Government. creasing number of cyber-attacks on public and Budzeikaitė Ieva credit: Sgt. Spc. Photo The Ministry of National Defence began energy sectors, airports, media organisations, capabilities, to ensure prevention and investi- formation and coordination of the state in- and infrastructure of national security objects gation of offences in cyberspace, to promote formation resources, cyber and electronic seen in Lithuania last year, and also the dete- culture of cyber security and innovation, to information security policy in 2018, and will riorating conditions of websites in the public encourage close cooperation between public, continue consistently strengthening the capa- sector, shortage of cyber security experts, and private sectors and scientific institutions, and bilities of state cyber security, implement deci- other identified shortcomings. to strengthen international cooperation in cy- sive steps in the improvement of cyber security The Strategy proposes five key objectives: to ber security. requirements and development of a systemic strengthen national cyber security and defence Approval of the Strategy is the implemen- approach to the security of any sector. will commemorate the centenary of the restoration of the Lithuanian Armed Forces his year the Lithuanian Armed Forces, like the State of Lithu- ania, commemorate the centenary of their restoration. The main focus of this celebration will be a solemn military parade scheduledT for November in Vilnius Konstitucijos Avenue. In addition to Lithuanian troops with their equipment, the parade will also involve NATO allies, troops of NATO enhanced Forward Pres- ence Battle Group deployed in Lithuania, NATO’s Baltic Air Policing Mission, tri-national Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian Brigade LITPO- LUKRBRIG as well as units of Lithuanian Riflemen’s Union. "Public support and approval are necessary for strong armed forces. Therefore, the military parade is a great opportunity to show the mod- ernisation and consolidation of the Lithuanian Armed Forces, to dem- onstrate the military equipment and modern armament we possess," — said Minister of National Defence Raimundas Karoblis. — We expect the decision to organise the military parade in one of the main streets of our city will attract a lot of residents and guests of Vilnius as well as be a memorable experience to all of them." 2013 military in Vilnius) archive, parade (MoD Alfredas Pliadis credits: Photo This parade will be the largest military event ever organised in the ment was held in 2013 while commemorating the 95th anniversary since streets of Lithuania. The solemn parade is planned to involve about the reestablishment of the Lithuanian Armed Forces. Then it took place 2 000 troops from Lithuania, NATO allies and partners with their military in Vilnius Avenue, and over 500 Lithuanian and allied troops equipment and modern armament. The highest Lithuanian officials and with military equipment participated in this event. foreign guests will be invited to visit this event. The order regarding reestablishment of the Lithuanian Armed Forces Also, during this event celebratory flights of NATO’s Baltic Air Polic- was signed on 23 November 1918, and this date is commemorated as ing Mission aircraft are planned to be conducted over Vilnius. Lithuanian . Every year on this day solemn events are Last time such military parade involving plenty of military equip- organised not only in Vilnius but also in other Lithuanian cities.

8 Lithuanian Military Digest News

Col. R. Petkevičius has been appointed as Director of the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence Photo credits: Giedrė Maksimovicz Giedrė (MoD) credits: Photo

n August 14, directors of the The officer has also worked as Defence -Atta Treaty Organisation bestowed on the centre NATO Energy Security Centre ché of Lithuania to the US and Canada, etc. the status of international organisation. of Excellence (ENSECCOE) ro- Col. R. Petkevičius began service with the ENSECCOE conducts analysis of vari- Otated during a formal ceremony. From August Lithuanian Armed Forces in the Lithuanian ous aspects of military energy efficiency and 2014 ENSECCOE in Vilnius was headed by , his list of decorations include the security, and protection of critical energy in- Col. Gintautas Bagdonas who will now be suc- Cross of the Commander for Merits to Lithu- frastructure. ENSECCOE staff also provide ceeded by Col. Romualdas Petkevičius. ania, US Order of Merit, National Defence recommendations and proposals regarding op- Col. R. Petkevičius was congratulated on System Medal of Merit, and NATO Com- erational energy security, application of alter- the new appointment by Vice Minister of Na- memorative Medal. native energy sources in warfare, and develop- tional Defence, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Currently personnel of ENSECCOE in Vil- ment of environmentally friendly and efficient Darius Skusevičius, NATO representatives nius comprises experts from 11 countries — Es- military capabilities, arrange and take part in working at ENSECCOE, NATO allies’ ambas- tonia, France, Georgia, Germany, , Latvia, training and exercises. sadors, Defence Attachés, etc. , UK, USA, the Czech Republic, and The Centre organises various courses on Deputy Director also changed over at the . Ukraine is planned to join in the near- an annual basis, one of the most important of ceremony, French officer Lieut. Col. Pas- est while. them is the course on energy efficiency in mili- cal Fernandez will took over from France’s rep- The NATO Energy Security Centre of tary operations attended by representatives of resentative Col. Jean-Mark Bouillet. Excellence was established in Vilnius in July NATO and partner nations. Completing the tour of duty with ENSEC- 2012 when the establishing nations signed Currently, ENSECCOE is arranging a con- COE, Col. G. Bagdonas is leaving to serve in the documents of establishment at the NATO ference/exhibit IESMA 2018 “Innovative En- Georgia as Liaison Officer at the NATO Liai- Allied Command Transformation in Norfolk, ergy Solutions for Military Applications” which son Office in Tbilisi. USA. In October 2012 accreditation proce- will take place in November 14-16 in Lithuanian Before the present appointment, Col. dures were completed and the North Atlantic Exhibition and Congress Centre LITEXPO. R. Petkevičius served as National The event is held every Liaison Representative for at two years to represent the Supreme Allied Command innovations to three Transformation in Norfolk, US. types of audiences at the During his career at the same time: to science National Defence System and innovation institu- Col R. Petkevičius headed tions, industry, and the NATO ENSECCOE in 2012- military. It is the only ex- 2014, Weaponry and Control hibition in Europe that Systems Department of the attracts representatives Ministry of National Defence, of energy efficiency and served at the Supreme Head- innovation to present quarters Allied Powers Europe their production and to (SHAPE) as Lithuania’s Na- discuss its impact on the tional Military Representative. world.

September 2018. No 4. 9 News

Joint Terminal Attack Controllers will be able to train in Kazlų Rūda Training Area military aviation training at the request of the Chief of Defence of Lithuania," Major Dainius Misiūnas, Head of Training Area and Simula- tion Systems Subdivision, Lithuanian Armed Forces Training and Doctrine Command, says. He also stresses that tests of suitability have been carried out at the firing range and airspace over the training area, exercise with nearly larg- est airplanes, B-52 bombers of the US, and test drops of dummy aerial bombs completed. The range was tested for fire of different aviation weaponry and certified for laser usage during exercise "Saber Strike 2018" in June.

U.S. MILITARY ENGINEERS INSTALL THE FIRING RANGE Currently, intense works of installing the firing range are conducted in Kazlų Rūda. Mili- tary engineers with the Red Horse Company of

Photo credits: Archive of the Lithuanian Armed Forces of the Lithuanian Archive credits: Photo the Pennsylvania Air National Guard are help- ing on site to prepare the training area for avia- s conditions of training for both, our an air firing range will allow cutting the costs tion exercises. and allied soldiers, in Lithuania are of joint terminal attack controller training. So The Red Horse is an engineer unit of the further enhanced, the work is also far, such training and certification would be ob- . The unit uses heavy Aongoing at the Lithuanian Armed Forces Kazlų tained only in foreign countries. equipment, trucks, excavators, installs firing Rūda Training Area, district of Marijampolė. The work at Kazlų Rūda Training Area be- ranges if needed, constructs buildings from The work is approaching completion and cer- gan last autumn. Since then, project planning foundations to electricity power supply system. tification of an air firing range complying with and preparation have been completed, rules for "It is the specific of our unit that once per NATO standards where aircraft crews will be aircraft firing at ground targets, providing for year we deploy for training purposes, not nec- able to train delivering fire at ground targets structural changes in tactical essarily within the territory of the United States and Joint Terminal Attack Controllers will be flight control, are in the process of drafting. of America. This year we are here on the basis of able to train operating in concert with air ca- "In order to ensure flight safety between an agreement with Lithuania. Our objective is pabilities. military and civilian aviation, the Ministry of to install a firing range properly and in line with "Strengthening Lithuanian Armed Forces Transport and Communications of the Repub- all standards, so that Lithuanian and NATO al- capabilities, modernisation and development lic of Lithuania established new territories for lies are able to have appropriate conditions for of training areas in order to provide proper combat training and exercises," — Red Horse training conditions for our soldiers and host- Company Commander Major Brian Hooven ing conditions to allied troops is one of the says. instances of the current modernisation of the Lithuanian companies are engaged just like Lithuanian Armed Forces and enhancement of in modernisation and infrastructure projects in capabilities," Vice Minister Giedrimas Jeglins- other Lithuanian Armed Forces training areas. kas says. Red Horse military engineers are also renting Vice Minister stresses that Lithuania’s stra- equipment from a Lithuanian company . tegic partner, the United States of America, The constructions in Kazlų Rūda are greatly support the modernisation of the train- planned to be finished and certification to take ing area through funding from the European place as soon as this autumn. Reassurance Initiative and by delegating ex- Once the work is finished, not only Lithu- perts needed to carry out the work, trials and anian joint terminal attack controllers but also tests. "Completion of this project and better allied soldiers will be able to use Lithuanian air capabilities in the territory of Lithuania will and allied air capabilities to learn and train con- doubtlessly contribute to deterrence policy," trolling air attacks while providing air support Vice Minister of National Defence says. to land units, as well as using modern ammuni- According to G. Jeglinskas, possession of tion.

10 Lithuanian Military Digest News Photo credit: Alfredas Pliadis (MoD) credit: Alfredas Pliadis Photo Belgians took the mission over from Portuguese and Spanish servicemen n August 31 the handover ceremo- more times Belgian servicemen were de- who augmented the mission protected the ny of the NATO Baltic Air Policing ployed to ensure the security of NATO east- Baltic airspace with six fighters Eurofighter Mission took place at the Šiauliai ern boarders from Estonia. Typhoon. In total the mission augmentation OLithuanian Air Force Base. The incoming con- We would like to remind that the Belgian included about 130 servicemen. tingent of the Belgian Air Force is taking over Air Force was the first who started rotations During their deployment in Šiauliai, the the lead of the mission from servicemen of the of the NATO Baltic Air Policing Mission contingents were in communication with Air Force and the when the Baltic States joined this most pow- Šiauliai city society, received excursions of providing augmentation of the mission. erful defence alliance in the world. After that schoolchildren and students, participated The changeover ceremony of the NATO Belgium sent its servicemen with fighter jets in public events and provided support to Baltic Air Policing Mission was attended by to Šiauliai in 2006 and 2013. Šiauliai orphanage. Vice Minister of National Defence Vytautas The Belgian contingent starting the ro- The NATO Baltic Air Policing Mission Umbrasas, Chief of Staff Headquarters Al- tation from 1 September came from home will be augmented by the German Air Force lied Air Command Major General Claudio stations in Kleine Brogel and Florennes Air servicemen with four fighters Eurofighter Gabellini, ambassadors, representatives of Bases. Typhoon deployed in Estonia. It is the ninth Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian Air Forces, The outgoing Portuguese servicemen with time Germany is manning the NATO Air Po- representatives of Šiauliai city and other four F-16 fighters have been carrying out the licing Mission in Baltic States. guests. air policing mission since May. The rotation The NATO Baltic Air Policing Mission is Servicemen of the Belgian Air Force with comprised about 90 servicemen including supervised by NATO’s four F-16 fighter jets Fighting Falcon is de- pilots, technicians, medical personnel, sup- in Ramstein, Germany, and controlled by ployed to the NATO Air Policing Mission in port teams, communications and other spe- two Combined Air Operations Centers in Lithuania for the fourth time already, three cialists. Servicemen of the Spanish Air Force Uedem, Germany and Torrejon, .

September 2018. No 4. 11 NATO's presence Photo credits: Gabriele Kleinknecht, PAO DEU eFP BG LTU Kleinknecht, Gabriele PAO credits: Photo eFP BG COM René Braun: it is more like home than like being on a mission


12 Lithuanian Military Digest NATO'S presence

– What are your first impressions here in your officer cadets moving across the parade Lithuania? As a battalion ground in such a disciplined way, I realise This is a difficult question! I had a couple of vis- commander, I have to say how often my fellow battalion commanders in its throughout the last year, in September last that nowhere — being Rukla area are showing up, willing to exchange year for the first time, as well as in November information, to learn from us and to conduct during major exercise "Iron Wolf 2017". My ex- in a mission or at home — I training together. This is a really professional, a pectations so to say were mostly fulfilled. It is a have such great possibilities to truly focused mindset and this — in my opin- very beautiful country with very polite people, train my troops like I have here. ion — is what counts most. Lithuania is a small great cities, which sometimes remind me of country but one that really is willing to defend my hometown Dresden. We have more or less Nowhere! itself. the same mindset, because we love our cul- ture, our nature, we are somehow disciplined. branch — the armoured troops — we think – Do you think this similar mindset is be- This is a common character to and along the same lines. There is some need for dis- ing impacted by the Lithuanian and our Germans, I would say. So all in all, it is more cipline in the military — and this is what makes big neighbour history? like home than like being on a mission. this mission very special. I would say it is because of the history of Lithu- ania in general. You have a long and proud his- – So you do think that our similar mind- – What are your first impressions on tory, you have been a huge country in the Mid- set will help to collaborate more effec- the combat readiness of the Lithuanian dle Ages, and later on, you suffered under the tively? Armed Forces? occupation by different nations. At least what I am quite sure. You know, I have worked with As I said, we are disciplined and very forward- happened 70 years ago affects your behaviour Iraq's Peshmerga, Afghan police or Afghan orientated. Also, I think what matters is not as well as ours. and I have encountered totally different mind- that much the specific number of soldiers or sets; if it comes to punctuality and correctness, the equipment. What matters most is your – Are you going to focus on the eFP and but also regarding the state of equipment, train- personal readiness and determination. One of local community relationships? Will there ing and so forth. Here, it is totally different; in your staff officers, a battalion commander, told be any specific initiatives, projects? this respect, we have exactly the same mindset. me there are two major military powers in the Yes. We are in touch with the mayor of Jonava, We started to train together and we realised that world: the Americans physically and the Lith- as well as with the city elder of Rukla. We plan we are interoperable. Because especially in my uanians mentally. I observe your conscripts or some activities together in terms of a Christ-

September 2018. No 4. 13 NATO's presence

mas concert. Concerning the Pabradė com- – Have you already had an opportunity to matter of proper planning and organization. munity, we plan to send small teams around interact with the local community? Also, sometimes we are not quite sure which the city and offer our help to some Lithuanian Yes, and my impressions are absolutely positive. military railroad load classification we deal schools or wherever minor support is needed, In Rukla and Jonava, I have visited various en- with, meaning how many tons the rail waggons involving all nations of our BG. After seeing terprises, as well as civil and governmental or- can carry. But so far, we have quickly managed the results of the first project, we plan to do ganizations, and I had a really positive feedback. to retrieve all the necessary information. this in another village in the western area of Pabradė. I think this is a great endeavour to – How do you rate the quality of our in- – How do you rate the equipment and bring Lithuanian people and the NATO sol- frastructure? What are the (dis)advan- weapons used by the Lithuanian Armed diers from the different nations a bit closer tages? Forces? together and to show a common will to help When shipping our tanks from Germany via The focus is on infantry forces which are very not only militarily but also in direct support Šeštokai, we had to reload our material from useful in wooden terrain and major cities. We of the civil society. This is one of the smaller the smaller European railroad tracks onto the train together and prepare them to operate the things we do. wider tracks you use here. Of course that af- BOXER armoured personnel carrier in the fu- fects us but it is not a critical issue, it is just a ture. You know, it is a small country with 2.9 – As soon as the first rotation arrived, million inhabitants, but the ratio of military vs. there were a lot of hostile information the overall population is much higher than for attacks spread through the Russian chan- When one nation is example in Germany. Therefore, you do all you nels. Do you think that maintaining a going out and the next is can to defend the country, and for the deficien- positive relationship with our locals will cies, especially regarding tracked vehicles, we help avoid such attacks in the future? coming in — especially are here to help you. It is a complex question, but I have a simple when bringing new equipment answer. Our positive relationship cannot be af- and new capabilities — you – What is the expected course of combat fected by other parties — I am very confident training and exercises? about that. So I would say you cannot separate have to "reboot" your mindset As you know, a German contingent stays for the Lithuanians and their NATO partners — and reconsider how to handle about six months, so right now we are at the very especially us Germans — in this issue since we things now. beginning of our rotation. We are currently train- all share the same ideas. ing our squads and platoons, and the next months

14 Lithuanian Military Digest NATO'S presence

we move on to the company level. I will conduct On the other hand, the positive aspects pre- – As far as I know, you have served in dif- a 2-week, force-on-force training just for my BG vail: you are here for six months and during ferent positions. How does it feel to be in Pabradė, and in November there is the major this period you can train a lot, you can bring the commander of the eFP BG Lithuania? training exercise "Iron Wolf" under the command different NATO nations and the Lithuanians To be honest, I feel proud and overwhelmed, of the "Iron Wolf" brigade. That is when we will together. From my perspective, it would be but I am just at the very beginning of my com- hopefully receive our certification in the scope good if every German tank battalion would mand, being confronted with 1300 soldiers of the so-called In-Theatre Readiness Inspec- once get the opportunity to train here for six from seven different nations, with different tion (ITRI). From then on, we will be certified. months. Because here in Lithuania, I have my mindsets, uniforms, and ways to salute. Of In December, we plan a major live firing exercise tanks, I have the training opportunities, the ap- course, every soldier is very proud and eager in Pabradė with our Czech and Dutch comrades. propriate terrain, and a lot of time. Here, I can to give his or her best in order to send a very And in early January, we will focus on our re-de- train seven days a week versus just five days at strong sign of unity and solidarity. This is the ployment and welcome the next rotation. home — outside the vacation period. In the best command assignment I ever had. end, we are happy to stay here side by side with – In terms of rotation, how do you rate you, but for each of our soldiers, especially for – Exactly 10 years ago, Russia started the the pace of it? the fathers, brothers, sons, daughters, after six war with Georgia. How do you feel about Well, there are positive and negative aspects months they are of course pretty happy to re- being in command of a military forma- about that. The negative aspects are especially turn home. And as a battalion commander, I tion which is based near the border with with regards to the frequent change of nations have to say that nowhere — being in a mission an aggressive country? in the BG. You have to review the whole BG or at home — I have such great possibilities to I feel safe and secure, being deployed in the structure. So when one nation is going out and train my troops like I have here. Nowhere! So middle of a proud country only striving for the next is coming in — especially when bring- every tank battalion commander, at least what self-defence. And I am proud to support this ing new equipment and new capabilities — you I can say for the Germans, is very proud and common goal and to help your country and have to "reboot" your mindset and reconsider thankful to be tasked with this mission for six your population feeling safe and secure as how to handle things now. months. well.

September 2018. No 4. 15 The discount is applicable only upon presentation of a service National Defence System employees card. (soldiers, civil servants and employees Conditions and applicable discounts may change. working under an employment contract) There are additional conditions. * Expositions are free of charge to the Lithuanian Military Academy Soldiers of the Permanent Mandatory (LMA)** cadets, Permanent Mandatory Initial (PMIMS) Initial Military Service soldiers serving in the LMA, and soldiers from the Gediminas Headquar- ters Battalion (GHB). Coordinate with the regional and recruiting service de- Members of the Lithuanian partment.*** Riflemen’s Union Due to a match of the football club “Atlantas” coordinate with the Grand Duke**** Butigeidis Dragoon Battalion's S5 division of the Bri- Lithuanian soldiers gade “Samogitia”. Due to a match of the basketball club “Neptūnas” coordinate with the National Defence Volunteer Force’s S5 division of the Samogitia district 3rd team. Due to a match of the football club “Sūduva” coordinate with the Lithu- Soldiers of the National Defence Volun- anian Grand Duke Vytenis General Support Logistics Battalion’s S5 division. teer Forces ***** The discount is applicable to persons who serve or have served in the Lithuanian Armed Forces, also to those who are in the prepared personnel NATO soldiers reserve of the Lithuanian Armed Forces (for the entire study period both for the first and second cycle studies). The discount is applicable on February 16, March 11, July 6, and Negotiation issues November****** 23.

ACCOMMODATION SERVICES ATRIBUTAS up to 15% Hotel and SPA center "DAINAVA" up to 20% LEISURE TIME M. K. Čiurlionis National Museum of Art Hotel "IMPERIAL" up to (and museum departments) 50% 30% FOOD SERVICES Vytautas the Great War Museum Free Pizzeria "MILANO" 15% ****** Kaunas Ninth Fort Museum 50% Restaurant Network "SAKURA" up to 15% * Open-Air Museum of Lithuania 50% Pizzeria "ARDARTAS PICA" 10% Lithuanian aviation museum 50% Pizzeria "EVOPIZZA" up to 15% * Maironis Museum 50% (and museum departments) Restaurant "IMPERIAL" www. 15% * Museum of Lithuanian Education History 50% * Bar "CALIFORNIA TAPAS & WINE" up to 15% * Lithuanian sea museum CLOTHING, SHOES, ACCESSORIES 50% * ARMIJAI IR CIVILIAMS 10% National museum of Lithuania * Free **

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SURVIVAL Šiauliai "AUŠROS" museum 50% 10% (and museum departments)

LUKLA Kelme regional museum 50% 16 Lithuanian Digest 15% (and museum departments) The Samogitian Museum "ALKA" 50% Handball Club "DRAGŪNAS" (and museum departments) Free ****

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Lithuanian Museum of Ethnocosmology Basketball Club "LIETKABELIS" 50% Free ***

Trakai History Museum Football Club "PANEVĖŽYS" 50% Free *

Contemporary Art Centre 50% Football Club "STUMBRAS" Free *

Botanical Garden of Vilnius University Football Club "TRAKAI" 50% 1 Eur *

Church Heritage Museum, Bell Football Club "PARABELIS" Tower and Catacombs Free * 50%

Summer camp "KOVINIS EŽIUKAS" Football Club "GELEŽINIS VILKAS" Free * 10%

Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum Sport Club "TAURAS" up to (and museum departments) 50% 25% *

Lithuanian Theatre, Music and Cinema museum Sport Club "SPARTA COMBAT FITNESS" up to 50% 20% *

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Football Club "JONAVA" Free * Car Service Centre "EOLTAS" up to 30%

Basketball Club "ŽALGIRIS" Military entertainment KARIAUK.LT Free *** D

Basketball Club "HOPTRANS-SIRENOS" Free *** Military entertainment TANKS.LT up to Hoptrans-Sirenos-176265212454136 50%

Football Club "ATLANTAS" Photo and video services "MUDUABU" up to Free **** 15%

Basketball Club "NEPTŪNAS" Free **** Ecological Clothing Cleaning "CLEAN GREEN" September 2018. No15% 4. 17 Special


or example, number of drone attacks drones have increased from 1.886 billion to market is currently on fire. It is forecasted that in Pakistan in 2004-2010 (the most 2.572 billion US dollars. It is forecasted that in in 2020 there will be 7 million commercial intense period of the fight against the 2020 3.9 billion will be spent on the creation unmanned aerial vehicles in US. The war in Fterrorist organization "Al-Qaeda") increased of such unmanned aerial vehicles and will cost eastern Ukraine is not an exception. Both sides from 1 to 128; in in 2007-2017 from 3 7.261 billion to be purchased. It is obvious that of the conflict are constantly using a variety of to 19. In the world over the past 3 years, funds in the future, not only military but also civilian drones. Their main task is to find and identify for the creation and development of military drones will have a very important role — its targets for artillery, and it can also be a meas-

18 Lithuanian Military Digest Special

ure for destroying targets. For this purpose, not It includes the legal, moral, political, dip- attacks is a very responsible target assessment, necessary military but also civilian recycled lomatic, and ethical principles that justify the especially when it is difficult to distinguish the drones are being used, which can carry par- operation. In the documents, all of these re- fighting terrorists from civilian people. Before ticular quantity of explosives and drop them, quirements seem clear before they need to be conducting air attacks, a lot of intelligence data or simply be the "suicide drones", as it was in implemented in practice. is collected "on the ground" by the military . The Ukrainian Armed Forces emphasize First, the air strike must meet with the Unit- and non-military intelligence, which is usually the importance of modern unmanned aerial ed Nations (UN) Charter and its article 51: working undercover. In the international mili- vehicles in the contemporary conflict. They "Nothing in the present Charter shall impair tary term, this is called positive identification state that no attack occurs without them. the inherent right of individual or collective (PID). Only when a PID is reported, other ac- So this topic is relevant to the academic self-defence if an armed attack occurs against tions can be taken (the decision making to use community as well. Scientists often discuss the a Member of the , until the Se- kinetic actions). It is more difficult to identify drones which are capable to create the kinetic curity Council has taken measures necessary to civilians as targets, who do not constantly con- effects, so the ethical and legal issues of these maintain international peace and security". duct the combat actions. This factor is being unmanned aerial vehicles is being raised. This Without much disregard, it is worth point- very well exploited by terrorist groups that are article presents an assessment of the effective- ing out that in the case of an armed attack, eve- well versed in the IHL and use it against the ness of drones based on three criteria: legal, rything is based on the "natural right to self-de- allied forces. Most drone’s targets do not wear financial, and civil or the number of casualties. fence". International law leaves a lot of freedom uniforms and only part of the time are combat- in interpreting the statement "the natural right ants: one day they are fighters, and the other LEGALITY to self-defence". are pretending to be peaceful civilians. So, In academic articles, the most common ques- Secondly, in the case of an armed conflict, based on the IHL, they are not combatants, but tion is whether the attacks of drones are legally the provision of the International Humanitari- if they are proven to be involved in combat ac- based, logically dictates another problem: if they an Law (IHL) is intended to maintain the prin- tions, they are also no longer civilians. The IHL are illegal, why is it still happening? The basic ciples of military necessity, proportionality and does not define such a situation, therefore, it is principle of joint air operations, which is stand- humanity by using military force. The first chal- not related to contemporary conflicts. ardized by NATO document AJP-3.3, is legality. lenge following the policy of IHL during drone Third, what happens if it is thought that

War in Eastern Ukraine: The Ukrainian Armed Forces highlights the importance of modern drones in the contemporary conflict. According to them, without these unmanned aerial vehicles, there is no attack.

September 2018. No 4. 19 Special

MQ-9 Reaper, which is the most commonly used drone in US operations, costs around 16.1 million US dollars. The price of the fighter F35 Lightning (look at the photo below) is about 120 million. this is not an armed conflict? In this case, the other non-military means) and proportional- ensure a proper fight against terrorism within International Human Rights (IHRL) regula- ity (need to protect life). This is the most dif- its territory. tion is regarded. Laconic speaking, the states ficult case, which could justify attacks. Finally, The US has found a quite simply solution: it operate as a police force. IHRL leads to the it seems quite difficult to justify kinetic actions was declared that the country is in the zone of fact that kinetic actions of drones are only in a friendly country, but there is a lot of free- an armed conflict with the terrorist group "Al- possible when there are no other means to dom for interpretations, as the US practice in Qaeda", Taliban and their other followers who protect people, whose lives are in danger. Two this area shows. A bilateral agreement can be declared war on Western culture, which results criteria are followed: necessity (there are no one of the solutions if the country itself fails to in the status of an armed conflict participant. Thus, four main legality criteria can be dis- tinguished: ◆ UN Charter’s 51st article. ◆ In the case on an armed conflict, decisions are made in accordance with the principles of the IHR — military necessity, proportionality, exclusivity and humanity. ◆ If there is no armed conflict, the IHRL regulation is used, the basis of assessing the decision is the necessity (there are no non-fatal means) and proportionality (necessary to pro- tect life). ◆ Promotion of local government and coop- eration with it.

HUMAN AND FINANCIAL RESOURCES It is known to everyone that a war or any

20 Lithuanian Military Digest Special

military conflict requires very large resources, operate under politically uncertain conditions. lites from the mainland of the US. Thus, this both financial and human, all of which lies on One of the main advantages of using drones saves resources and, above all, does not risk the shoulders of taxpayers. This, of course, does is costs and price efficiency. For example, the soldiers’ lives, deploying them in the hot spots not lead to increased public support for mili- drone MQ-9 Reaper, usually used in US op- of the world where they could face direct fire, tary funding. Since 2009, US intelligence has erations, costs 16.1 million US dollars, and mines, self-made improvised explosives, sui- been using drones regularly in locations such as the price of the fighterF35 Lightning is almost cide attacks and other threats. Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Yemen. Compared 7 times higher — about 120 million. In 2017, The flight time of the fighter planes depends to other tools, the ability of drones to stay in about 5 billion US dollars was allocated by directly on the possibility of refuelling in the the air over the targets for a very long time and the Pentagon for the drones’ programme and air, which makes the operations of these aircraft provide a lot of details about the movement of it consist only a percentage of this institution even more expensive. When the permanent people and technology has many advantages. budget. coverage from above and secrecy is necessary, Unlike manned intelligence aircraft, the flight Of course, it is not possible to compare the drones are the best choice. time of drones is not limited by human or pilot combat effectiveness and capabilities of these Another great advantage of drones is the resources. For example, the drone MQ-9 Reap- two aircrafts, because their purpose is com- ability to perform multiple tasks simultaneous- er can stay in the air for up to 14 hours fully pletely different. However, for the precise de- ly with the same aircraft. Even though the main loaded with weapons and sensors. TheRQ-1A struction of targets, which require a long flight task of unmanned aerial vehicles is to collect / MQ-1 Predator can stay in the air for up to 40 time and distance, MQ-9 can be used more the intelligence information, they can at the hours and conduct exploration within a radius effectively. And this is a completely simple cal- same time carry out kinetic operations, sup- of 640 km from the take-off base. Compared culation, not including surveillance, personnel port operations, perform sig- to the reconnaissance aircraft used during the training, maintenance, etc. nal intelligence, and act as radio retranslators. , the drones can fly in one place and One of the biggest and most important cri- As already mentioned, the main task of the send data directly to the ground, i.e. y they act teria is the sustainability of human resources. drones is to collect all intelligence information as very talented, low-flying modern satellites. Usually it takes 2 years to prepare an air force and currently it is considered to be a critical The ability of the drones to fly very far and pilot capable of operating in the operational tool for military operations. The successful for a long time creates the impression of being area, and a combat drones pilot only 9 months, contribution of unmanned aerial vehicles to everywhere and every time. Such measures en- which is 2.6 times shorter and, of course, much the joint intelligence cycle reduces doubts in able NATO to endanger or block it simultane- cheaper. In addition, a consequence of the decision making and increases the ability to ously in a much larger area than ground-based drone pilot’s mistake during the flight is the receive and retain information prioritization. capacities. In contrast of ground forces, air loss of the aerial vehicle itself, but not the life of It provides a lot of flexibility, strengthens ef- capacities are not fixed in one place, and the the pilot. US drones are being launched from ficiency, shortens response time and increases presence of its small marks makes it possible to friendly countries and controlled by the satel- the safety of the forces.

September 2018. No 4. 21 Special

When assessing the cost and human re- sources efficiency, the drones are more advan- tageous due to: ◆ Lower price; ◆ Shorter and cheaper staff training; ◆ Absence of the risk that the pilot will be shot down by enemy air defence; ◆ Multifunctionality; ◆ Long and relatively cheap flight time; ◆ Less quantity of troops in hostile territory.

CIVILIAN VICTIMS Former US President Barack Obama ac- knowledged that civilian casualties are una- voidable during drone attacks (as during the other air strikes), but said that reports of a large number of civilian casualties have been overrated. Taking into account the ethics can- ons, the Obama’s administration said that the attacks of the drones are humane, since the civilian casualties are relatively small. And this statement could be accepted. The RQ-1A / MQ-1 Predator can stay in the air for up to 40 hours and conduct intelligence within a radius of 640 The US administration applied a simple km from the take-off base. method of proportionality, mainly focusing

Table 1. Number of civilian casualties over the past 3 years. casualties by the Obama administration does Attacks Dead Attacks Killed Attacks Dead Total Total Dead not justify any military conflict, but we should in 2015 civilians in 2016 civilians in 2017 civilians attacks number of civilians agree that during drone attacks the mentioned casualties per attack principle of proportionality is being kept way Afghanistan 236 60 1071 64 2570 3 3877 127 0,03 more, comparing with other ammunition, Pakistan 13 2 3 1 5 0 21 3 0,14 which is being used in armed conflicts. Yemen 21 1 37 0 116 3 174 4 0,02 Due to its wide-ranging capabilities, drones Source: The Bureau of Investigative Journalism can be important for managing humanitarian crises. They can be used to monitor regions (such as the Syrian civil war) where human on the number of deaths during drone attacks. shows the summarized the number of civilian rights observers are insecure or not allowed at Washington insists that the drone attacks do casualties, caused by the air attacks, during the at all. not violate the principle of proportionality, last 3 years. Over the past decade, the number of use of since the number of deaths during unmanned Table 1 shows that the ratio of all air attacks long-range drones has increased during both aerial vehicle attacks is relatively low, and this and civilian casualties is very low. In addition, it the air attacks and operations when targeting ratio is acceptable. It should also be important should be noted that most of these victims may terrorist groups. that the civilian casualties are inevitable in pre- be ideologically or otherwise related, and may The Bureau of Investigative Journalism venting catastrophic terrorist attacks, but it is also be persons supporting the "targets". counted the air attacks. Table 3 clearly shows still not known how many of these victims were Table 2 shows that the percentage of civilian that the number of unmanned aerial vehicle at- actually civilians and how many of them were casualties is relatively low. It should be noted tacks is increasing. This is due to the efficiency directly or indirectly linked to terrorism. The that in the past conflicts, when drones and pre- of the use of drones. Observing this trend, more relationship with the "target" may be more ide- cise aim ammunition were not used, the civil- countries are increasingly using unmanned ological or political connection with terrorism, ian casualties were on average about 50%. aerial vehicles; this is belittling the position of not necessarily direct material support. Table 1 Of course, the calculation of the civilian the US as a dominant country in this field all over the world. There are doubts and anxieties about whether hostile countries, despite legal Table 2. Quantities of killed fighters and civilians and the percentage of civil victims. regulation, will not start using drones secretly Attacks Dead Attacks Killed Attacks Dead Total Total Civilian against people who are not clearly identified in 2015 civilians in 2016 civilians in 2017 civilians attacks number of casualties as combatants in conflicts, thus jeopardizing casualties (%) countries’ sovereignty and the rule of law. Afghanistan 1434 60 1601 64 1143 3 4178 127 3 The real psychological effect created by drones Pakistan 85 2 12 1 22 0 119 3 2,5 can be different from the impression of the place Yemen 103 1 209 0 158 3 470 4 0,85 and the social class of people in that area. People Source: The Bureau of Investigative Journalism living in areas where local government is very

22 Lithuanian Military Digest Special

Table 3. Drone air attacks over the past 2 years. Air attacks in Air attacks in 2016 2017 Afghanistan 1071 2570 Pakistan 3 5 Yemen 37 116 Source: The Bureau of Investigative Journalism weak or does not exist at all, reacts to the drone operations most sensitively. Even with this in mind, unmanned aerial vehicle air raids can have both a positive and a negative effect. On the one hand, for people living in a zone of constant air raids it can become a some kind of a reminder that they are constantly being observed by foreign countries and may be at- tacked. On the other hand, when the local gov- ernment does not care about the security of its inhabitants (most often, they do not want to do so), these people may feel that someone is still when one of the sides do not follow any rules commanders who perceived that the past will caring for them. at all. During the hybrid conflicts, military au- not be repeated. Is it ethical and legal to hide weapons and thority and politicians should focus more on Imagine a near future when all people have ammunition in humanitarian convoys? Is it precise aim ammunition, relying more on stra- drones. In fact, we are already living in a world ethical to organize bombings and other attacks tegic communication tools and the most effec- like this. in schools or mosques? If this is ethical for non- tive weapons — drones. If there is political will, combatants, why the opposing rules are being such operations can be legally justified, cost- Daumantas Gruodis applied to the Alliance? A lot of such and simi- effective, especially, when in the future with lar questions can be raised. Western society is the development of technology, they will be Prepared in cooperation with the LITHSOF craving for the game according to the rules. cheaper. In addition, this is an opportunity to Combat Support and Training Center of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Lithuania But the reality is that in the case of an armed reduce the number of casualties to a minimum. conflict, this hope is hardly possible, especially, Most of the military conflicts were won by the

SeptemberMay 2018. No 1.4. 23 24 Lithuanian Military Digest