UDK: 616-002.5-08(63) medicinska revija 614.2(63) medical review COBISS.SR-ID 220637964 Balche A. et al n MD-Medical Data 2015 ;7(4) : 263-270 Originalni ~lanci/ ADHERENCE TO ANTI-TUBERCULOSIS Original articles TREATMENT AMONG TUBERCULOSIS PATIENTS AT AGARO HOSPITAL AND ITS HEALTH CENTER (Agaro Town, Jimma Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia ) Correspondence to: Eliyas Kadi (MSc., RPH., B. Pharm) PRIDRŽAVANJE ANTITUBERKULOZNOG Lecturer Medicinal Chemistry Major Leader, Pharmaceutical Chemistry Course LEČENJA BOLESNIKA SA TUBERKULOZOM Team School of Pharmacy U BOLNICI I ZDRAVSTVENOM CENTRU College of Health Sciences Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopia AGARO (Agaro Town, Jimma Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia ) Cell phone: +251912052022
[email protected] 1 1 P.O. Box. 5114 (Private) Asnake Balche , Eliyas Kadi and Ramya Krishna Jimma University Seelam 1 Jimma, Ethiopia Skype address; eliyaskadi 1
[email protected] Department of Pharmacy, College of Health Sciences, Jimma University, Jimma Ethiopia Abstract Key words Background: Tuberculosis is an important re-emerging disease with increased morbidity and mortality. Tuberculosis control is hindered by patient non-adherence with treatment TB, adherence, treatment, Agaro regimens. The poor adherence to anti-tuberculosis treatment among patients with tubercu - Hospital, Ethiopia losis is a major problem in Ethiopia. The purpose of this study was, therefore, to assess level of adherence to anti-tuberculosis treatment at Agaro hospital and its health center. Klju~ne re~i Method: Cross sectional study design was conducted to determine the level of adherence TB, pridržavanje, lečenje, Agaro bolnica, to anti-tuberculosis treatment among tuberculosis patients at Agaro hospital and its health Etiopija center, using structured questioner, from February 9 up to 20, 2015.