ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL of GRADUATE STUDIES Infant Mortality and Maternal Health Care Services in Limu-Seka Wereda, Oromiya Region
ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES Infant Mortality and Maternal Health Care Services in Limu-Seka Wereda, Oromiya Region By Tejera Taddele Addis Ababa June, 2010 8\ Tejem Ten/dele 1\ Thesis ~ubll1 it te d lU: institute 01' IJ opulati on Studies I\ ddi s I\bab" LJ ni\ersit) Thesis /\d\'iso r lk Negcllu I{ eg:a~s a( Phd) Addi s Abab'l .rune , 2010 ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES Infant Mortality and Maternal Health Care Services in ,,\ Limu-Seka Wereda, Oromiya Region ,t' /i ..,,,.y"" " *' \ji ~ \ ' / {')'~ , ( ' /~~ \' \\: ' .,- " ':J.,..... "" /,,:>{i~ ,,«'-', " B " ",r:' ~~ ~ 'II -' / Tefera T:ddele Tesema ("" ;:~<' ,~(.>~~~ , '/ // Institute of Population Studies College of Development Studies Approved by tile Examillillg Board Dr, Esltetu Gurmu Chainnan, Department Graduate Committee Dr, Negatu Regassa Adviso r Dr. Esltetu Gurmu Examiner 17-{{~ ,----:-: ~ . I Z;!~- ) • I , Acknowledgement I would first and for all like to thank the almighty God for being on the side of me in the efforts towards my completion of the study. This paper would not have been in its final form without the help of various individuals and institutions. I would like to say deep and honest thanks to my advisor, Dr. Negatti Regassa, who has given me his substantive advice, comments and support and enriching criticism throughout the study time. His great interest, encouragement, unreserved and timely support, in checking, commenting and giving constmctive comments all along my activities is most appreciated. I also extend my gratitude to the staff of institute of population studies and my classmates for their unconditional assistance, especially to Wlo Sara, Ato Chalachew and my classmate Seman Kedir.
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