1. Achebe, Chinua - Anthills of the Savannah 2. Ackroyd, Peter - London: the concise biography 3. Ackroyd, Peter - Hawksmoor 4. Adams, Douglas - The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy: 5. Adams, Richard - Watership Down 6. Adams, Douglas - Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency 7. Adichie, Chimamanda - Half of a yellow sun 8. Adiga, Aravind - The White Tiger 9. Aesop - Aesop's fables 10. Agee, James - Let us now praise famous men 11. Akutagawa, Ryunosuke - Rashomon 12. Alcott, Louisa M - Little women 13. Aldiss, Brian - Hothouse 14. Algren, Nelson - The man with the golden arm 15. Allende, Isabel - The house of the spirits 16. Allingham, Margery - Hide my eyes 17. Alther, Lisa - Kinflicks 18. Amado, Jorge - The violent land 19. Ambler, Eric - Journey into fear 20. Ambrose, Stephen E. - Band of brothers 21. Amis, Kingsley - The old devils 22. Amis, Kingsley - Lucky Jim 23. Amis, Martin - London Fields 24. Amis, Kingsley - Girl, 20 25. Amis, Martin - The Rachel papers 26. Ammaniti, Niccolo - I`m not scared 27. Anand, Mulk Raj - Untouchable 28. Andersen, Hans Christian.- Fairy tales 29. Andric, Ivo - The Bridge over the Drina 30. Angelou, Maya - I know why the caged bird sings 31. Appignanesi, Lisa - Losing the dead 32. Arabian nights 33. Arendt, Hannah - Eichmann in Jerusalem 34. Armitage, Simon (ed) - Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 35. Asimov, I - I Robot 36. Asimov, Isaac - complete short stories 37. Asimov, Isaac - Foundation 38. Atkinson, Kate - One good turn 39. Atwood, Margaret - The handmaid's tale 40. Atwood, Margaret - Alias Grace 41. Atwood, Margaret - The blind assassin 42. Auel, Jean M.- The clan of the cave bear 43. Austen, Jane - Emma 44. Austen, Jane - Persuasion 45. Austen, Jane - Pride & prejudice 46. Austen, Jane - Sense and sensibility 47. Auster, Paul - Timbuktu 48. Ba, Mariama - So long a letter 49. Bainbridge, Beryl - Sweet William 50. Baldwin, James - Go tell it on the mountain 51. Baldwin, James - Giovanni's room 52. Ballard, J.G - 53. Ballard, J.G. - 54. Ballard, J.G. - Cocaine nights 55. Balzac, Honore de - Eugenie Grandet 56. Balzac, Honore de - Old Man Goriot 57. Banks, Iain - The wasp factory 58. Banks, Ian - The crow road 59. Banks, Iain M - Feersum endjinn 60. Banks, Russell - The darling 61. Banville, John - The sea 62. Banville, John - The book of evidence 63. Barbery, Muriel - The elegance of the hedgehog 64. Barbusse, Henri - Under fire 65. Baricco, Alessandro - Silk 66. Barker, Pat - The regeneration trilogy 67. Barnes, Julian - Flaubert's parrot 68. Barnes, Djuna - Nightwood 69. Barrie, J.M. - Peter Pan 70. Barthelme, Donald - Forty stories 71. Bassani, Giorgio - The garden of the Finzi-Continis 72. Bates, H.E. - Fair stood the wind for France 73. Baum, L.Frank - The Wizard of Oz 74. Bawden, Nina - Circles of deceit 75. Beauvoir, Simone De - The second sex 76. Beckett, Samuel - Murphy 77. Bedford, Sybille - A legacy 78. Beerbohm, Max - Zuleika Dobson 79. Beeton, Mrs Isabella Mary - Mrs Beeton's book of household management 80. Beevor, Antony - Stalingrad 81. Behan, Brendan - Borstal boy 82. Behn, Aphra - Oroonoko 83. Belloc, Hilaire - Cautionary Tales 84. Bellos, Alex - Alex's adventures in Numberland 85. Bellow, Saul - Humboldt's gift 86. Bellow, Saul - Collected stories 87. Bennett, Alan - Talking heads 88. Bennett, Arnold - The old wives' tale 89. Bennett, Arnold - Anna of the five towns 90. Benson, E.F. - Mapp and Lucia 91. Beowulf 92. Berger, John - Ways of seeing 93. Bernanos, Georges - Mouchette 94. Bernhard, Thomas - Old masters 95. Bernhard, Thomas - Woodcutters 96. Bernstein, Karl - All the President's men 97. Betjeman, John - The best of Betjeman 98. Blackman, Malorie - Noughts and crosses 99. Blackmore, R.D. - Lorna Doone 100. Blake, William - Selected poems 101. Blume, Judy - It's not the end of the world 102. Blunden, Edmund - Undertones of war 103. Blythe, Ronald - Akenfield 104. Boccaccio, Giovanni - The Decameron 105. Bolano, Roberto - The savage detectives 106. Boll, Heinrich - Billiards at half past nine 107. Boll, Heinrich - The silent angel 108. Bonfiglioli, Kyril - Don't point that thing at me 109. Borges, Jorge - Labyrinths 110. Borowski, Tadeusz - This way for the gas, ladies and gentlemen 111. Boulle, Pierre - Planet of the apes 112. Bowen, Elizabeth - The heat of the day 113. Bowen, Elizabeth - Eva Trout 114. Bowles, Paul - The sheltering sky 115. Boyd, William - New confessions 116. Boyle, T.Coraghessen - World's End 117. Boyne, John - The boy in the striped pyjamas 118. Bradbury, Ray - Fahrenheit 451 119. Braddon, M.E. - Lady Audley's secret 120. Brautigan, Richard - Trout fishing in America 121. Brearley , Mike - Art of captaincy 122. Breton, Andre - Nadja 123. Brink, Andre - A dry white season 124. Brittain, Vera - Testament of friendship 125. Brittain, Vera - Testament of youth 126. Bronte, Charlotte - Jane Eyre 127. Bronte, Anne - The tenant of Wildfell Hall 128. Bronte, Emily - Wuthering Heights 129. Brown, Dee - Bury my heart at Wounded Knee 130. Bryson, Bill - Notes from a small island 131. Buchan, John - The thirty-nine steps 132. Buck, Pearl S. - The good earth 133. Bulgakov, Mikhail - The Master and Margarita 134. Bunyan, John - The pilgrim's progress 135. Burgess, Anthony – A Clockwork orange 136. Burgess, Anthony - The complete Enderby 137. Burleigh, Michael - The Third Reich: a new history 138. Burnett, Frances Hodgson - The secret garden 139. Burney, Fanny - Evelina 140. Burroughs, Edgar R - Tarzan of the apes 141. Burroughs, William S - Naked lunch 142. Burroughs, William S - Junky 143. Butler, Samuel - The way of all flesh 144. Buzzati, Dino - The Tartar steppe 145. Byatt, A.S. - The children's book 146. Byatt, A.S. - The virgin in the garden 147. Cain, James M - The postman always rings twice 148. Callil,Carmen - Bad faith 149. Calvino,Italo - If on a winter's night a traveller 150. Camus, Albert - The outsider 151. Camus, Albert - The plague 152. Canetti, Elias - Auto da fe 153. Capek, Karel - War with the newts 154. Capote, Truman - Breakfast at Tiffany's 155. Capote, Truman - In cold blood 156. Carey, Peter - Oscar and Lucinda 157. Carey, Peter - Jack Maggs 158. Carlson, Richard - Don’t sweat the small stuff 159. Carnegie, Dale - How to win friends and influence people 160. Carr, J.L - A month in the country 161. Carr, J.L. - How Steeple Sinderby Wanderers won the FA Cup 162. Carroll, Lewis - Alice's adventures in Wonderland: and, through the looking glass 163. Carson, Rachel - Silent spring 164. Carter, Angela - Nights at the circus 165. Carter, Angela - Fireworks 166. Carver, Raymond - Elephant and other stories 167. Cather, Willa - The professor's house 168. Celine, Louis-Ferdinand - Journey to the end of the night 169. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de - Don Quixote 170. Chandler, Raymond - The big sleep 171. Chandler, Raymond -The long goodbye 172. Chandrasekaran, Rajiv - Imperial life in the Emerald City 173. Chang, Jung - Wild swans 174. Charriere, Henri - Papillon 175. Chatwin, Bruce - On the black hill 176. Chaucer, Geoffrey - The Canterbury tales 177. Cheever, John - The stories of John Cheever 178. Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich - The lady with the little dog, and other stories 179. Chesterton, G.K. - The complete Father Brown stories 180. Childers, Erskine - The riddle of the sands 181. Chopin, Kate - The Awakening 182. Christie, Agatha - Murder on the Orient Express 183. Christie, Agatha - The murder of Roger Ackroyd 184. Chua, Amy - Battle hymn of the tiger mother 185. Churchill, Winston - The Second World War 186. Churchill, Winston S. - The gathering storm 187. Clark, Alan - The donkeys 188. Clarke, Arthur C - 2001 a space odyssey 189. Cleland, John - Fanny Hill, or, Memoirs of a woman of pleasure 190. Cocteau, Jean - Les enfants terribles 191. Coe, Jonathan - What a carve up! 192. Coe, Jonathan - Like a fiery elephant 193. Coelho, Paulo - Veronika decides to die 194. Coetzee, J.M. - In the heart of the country 195. Coetzee, J.M. - Life and times of Michael K 196. Coetzee, J.M. - Waiting for the barbarians 197. Cohen, Albert - Her lover (Belle du Seigneur) 198. Colegate, Isabel - The shooting party 199. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor - The rime of the ancient mariner 200. Colette - Claudine's house 201. Colfer, Eoin - Artemis Fowl 202. Collins, Willkie - The Moonstone 203. Collins, Willkie - The Woman in white 204. Collins, Norman - London belongs to me 205. Collis, John Stewart - The worm forgives the plough 206. Collodi, Carlo - Adventures of Pinocchio 207. Compton-Burnett, Ivy - Pastors and masters 208. Comyns, Barbara - Our spoons came from Woolworths 209. Conrad, Joseph - Heart of darkness 210. Conrad, Joseph - Nostromo 211. Conrad, Joseph - The secret agent 212. Cooper, James Fenimore - The last of the Mohicans 213. Coover, Robert - Pricksongs and descants 214. Cope, Wendy - Making cocoa for Kingsley Amis 215. Covey, Stephen - The 7 habits of highly effective people 216. Crace, Jim - Quarantine 217. Crane, Stephen - The Red Badge of courage 218. Crispin, Edmund - Love lies bleeding 219. Cummings, E.E. - The enormous room 220. Cunningham, Michael - The hours 221. Dahl, Roald - Boy: tales of childhood 222. Dahl, Roald - Charlie and the chocolate factory 223. Dalrymple, William - Return of a king 224. Dangarembga, Tsitsi - Nervous conditions 225. Dante Alighieri - Inferno 226. Darwin, Charles - The origin of species; and, the voyage of the Beagle 227. Davies, Robertson - The Salterton trilogy 228. Davis, Norman (ed) - The Paston letters 229. Davis, Wade - Into the silence 230. Dawkins, Richard - The selfish gene 231. Dawood, N.J - Tales from the thousand and one nights 232. De Bernieres, Louis - Captain Corelli's mandolin 233. De Botton, Alain - Status anxiety 234. De Quincey, Thomas - Confessions of an English opium-eater 235. De Waal, Edmund - The hare with amber eyes 236. Defoe, Daniel - Robinson Crusoe 237. Defoe, Daniel - Moll Flanders 238. Delafield, E.M. - The diary of a provincial lady 239. Demick, Barbara - Nothing to envy 240. Desai, Anita -Clear light of day 241. Desai, Kiran -The inheritance of loss 242. Dexter, Colin - Morse's greatest mystery and other stories 243. Diamond, Jared M. - Guns, germs and steel 244. Diamond, John - C: because cowards get cancer too - 245. Dick, Philip K.-Do androids dream of electric sheep? 246. Dickens, Charles - Bleak House 247. Dickens, Charles - David Copperfield 248. Dickens, Charles - Oliver Twist 249. Dickens, Charles - A tale of two cities 250. Dickens, Monica - One pair of feet 251. Didion, Joan - Play it as it lays 252. Didion, Joan - The year of magical thinking 253. Dikotter, Frank - Mao's great famine 254. Dinesen, Isak - Out of Africa 255. Dinesen, Isak - Babette's feast and other stories 256. Disraeli, Benjamin - Sybil 257. Doctorow, E.L. - Ragtime 258. Doctorow, E.L. - The book of Daniel 259. Dodge, Jim - Stone junction 260. Dos Passos, John - USA 261. Dostoevsky, Fyodor - Crime and punishment 262. Dostoevsky, Fyodor - Notes from underground 263. Douglass, Frederick - Narrative of Frederick Douglass 264. Doyle, Arthur C – The Hound of the Baskervilles 265. Doyle, Arthur Conan - The adventures of Sherlock Holmes 266. Doyle, Roddy - The Commitments 267. Drabble, Margaret - The Red Queen 268. Dreiser, Theodore - Sister Carrie 269. Du Maurier, Daphne- Rebecca 270. Du Maurier, Daphne - The birds 271. Du Maurier, Daphne - The infernal world of Branwell Bronte 272. Dumas, Alexandre - The three musketeers 273. Dumas, Alexandre - The Count of Monte-Cristo 274. Dunant, Sarah - The birth of Venus 275. Duncker, Patricia - Hallucinating Foucault 276. Dunn, Nell - Poor cow 277. Dunn, Nell - Up the junction 278. Durbridge, Francis - The Tyler mystery: a Paul Temple story 279. Durrell, Gerald - My family and other animals 280. Durrell, Lawrence - The Alexandria quartet 281. Eco, Umberto - Foucault's pendulum 282. Eco, Umberto - The name of the rose 283. Edgeworth, Maria - Castle Rackrent; and, Ennui 284. Eggers, Dave - A heart-breaking work of staggering genius 285. Eliot, George - Adam Bede 286. Eliot, George - Middlemarch 287. Eliot, George - The mill on the Floss 288. Eliot, T.S. - The waste land and other poems 289. Ellis, Bret Easton - American Psycho 290. Ellis, Bret Easton - Less than Zero 291. Ellison, Ralph - Invisible man 292. Ellroy, James-The black dahlia 293. Endo, Shusaku - Volcano 294. Enright, Anne - The gathering 295. Equiano, Olaudah - The interesting narrative 296. Esquivel, Laura - Like water for chocolate 297. Eugenides, Jeffrey - Middlesex 298. Eugenides, Jeffrey - The virgin suicides 299. Faber, Michel- Under the skin 300. Falkner, John Meade - Moonfleet 301. Fallada, Hans - Alone in Berlin 302. Farrell, J.G-The siege of Krishnapur 303. Farrell, J.G. - Troubles 304. Faulkner, William - The sound and the fury 305. Faulks, Sebastian - Birdsong 306. Feist, Raymond E. - Magician 307. Fermor, Patrick Leigh - A time of gifts 308. Fielding, Helen - Bridget Jones's diary 309. Fielding, Henry - The history of Tom Jones, a foundling 310. Fielding, Henry - Joseph Andrews 311. Fiennes, William - The snow geese 312. Figes, Orlando - A people's tragedy 313. Findley, Timothy - The wars 314. Fitzgerald, Scott - Tender is the night 315. Fitzgerald, Scott - The great Gatsby 316. Flaubert, Gustave - Madame Bovary 317. Fleming, Ian - Casino Royale 318. Fleming, Ian – Chitty Chitty Bang Bang 319. Fleming, Ian - Thrilling cities 320. Foer, Jonathan S - Everything is illuminated 321. Follett, Ken - Pillars of the earth 322. Ford, Ford Madox - Parade's end 323. Ford, Ford Madox - The good soldier 324. Ford, Richard - The sportswriter 325. Forester, C.S. - The young Hornblower 326. Forna, Aminatta - The devil that danced on the water 327. Forster, E.M - A passage to India 328. Forster, E.M - A room with a view 329. Forster, E.M. - Howard's end 330. Fowler, H.W. - A dictionary of modern English usage 331. Fowles, John - The French lieutenant's woman 332. Fowles, John - The Magus 333. Fowles, John - A Maggot 334. Frame, Janet - An angel at my table 335. Frame, Janet - Faces in the water 336. Frank, Anne - The diary of a young girl 337. Franklin, Miles - My brilliant career 338. Franzen, Jonathan - The corrections 339. Frazer, James George, Sir - The Golden Bough 340. French, Marilyn - The women's room 341. Freud, Esther - Hideous kinky 342. Freud, Sigmund - On murder, mourning and melancholia 343. Friedan, Betty - The feminine mystique 344. Frisch, Max - Homo Faber 345. Fukuyama, Francis - The end of history 346. Funder, Anna - Stasiland 347. Gaddis, William - Carpenter's gothic 348. Gage, Nicholas - Eleni 349. Gaiman, Neil - American gods 350. Galbraith, John Kenneth - The affluent society 351. Galloway, Janice - The trick is to keep breathing 352. Galsworthy, John - The Forsyte saga 1 353. Galsworthy, John - The Forsyte saga 2 354. Galsworthy, John - The Forsyte saga 3 355. Gandhi, Mohandas - Story of my experiments with truth 356. Garcia Marquez, Gabriel - Love in the time of cholera 357. Garcia Marquez, Gabriel - One hundred years of solitude 358. Gaskell, Elizabeth - Cranford 359. Gaskell, Elizabeth - North and south 360. Gemmell, David - Legend 361. Ghosh, Amitav - The shadow lines 362. Gibbon, Edward - The decline and fall of the Roman Empire 363. Gibbons, Stella - Cold Comfort Farm 364. Gibson, William - Neuromancer 365. Gide, Andre - The immoralist 366. Gissing, George - New Grub Street 367. Gladwell, Malcolm - Blink: the power of thinking without thinking 368. Godden, Rumer - Black narcissus 369. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang - Faust 370. Gogol, Nikolai - Dead souls 371. Gogol, Nikolai - The nose 372. Goldacre, Ben - Bad science 373. Golden, Arthur - Memoirs of a geisha 374. Golding, William - Lord of the flies 375. Golding, William - Rites of passage 376. Golding, William - The spire 377. Goldsmith, Oliver - The vicar of Wakefield 378. Gombrich, E.H - A little history of the world 379. Gordimer, Nadine - Burger's daughter 380. Gordimer, Nadine - July's people 381. Goscinny - Asterix the Gaul 382. Gosse, Edmund - Father and son 383. Grahame, Kenneth - The wind in the willows 384. Grass, Gunter - The tin drum 385. Graves, Robert - Goodbye to all that 386. Graves, Robert - I, Claudius 387. Green, Henry - Loving: living: party going 388. Greene, Graham - Brighton rock 389. Greene, Graham - The power and the glory 390. Greene, Graham - The quiet American 391. Greer, Germaine - The female eunuch 392. Grimm tales: Tales for young and old (retold by Philip Pullman) 393. Grossman, Vasilii - Life and fate 394. Grossmith, George - The diary of a nobody 395. Guareschi, Giovanni - The Little world of Don Camillo 396. Gunn, Neil Miller - The silver darlings 397. Guthrie, Woody - Bound for glory 398. Haasse, Hella S. - The black lake 399. Haddon, Mark - The curious incident of the dog in the night-time 400. Haggard, H.Rider - King Solomon's mines 401. Hall, Radclyffe - The well of loneliness 402. Hamilton, Patrick - Hangover Square 403. Hammett, Dashiell - The thin man 404. Hammett, Dashiell - Maltese falcon 405. Hamsun, Knut - Hunger 406. Hanff, Helene - 84 Charing Cross Road 407. Hardy, Thomas - Far from the madding crowd 408. Hardy, Thomas - Jude the obscure 409. Hardy, Thomas - Tess of the D'Urbervilles 410. Harris, Thomas - Red dragon 411. Hart, Josephine - Damage 412. Hartley, L.P. - The go-between 413. Hasek, Jaroslav - The Good soldier Svejk 414. Hawking, Stephen - A Brief History of Time 415. Hawks, Tony - Playing the Moldovans at tennis 416. Hawthorne, Nathaniel - The scarlet letter 417. Head, Bessie - A question of power 418. Heinlein, Robert A. - Stranger in a strange land 419. Heller, Joseph - Catch-22 420. Hemingway, Ernest - Fiesta: the sun also rises 421. Hemingway, Ernest - For whom the bell tolls 422. Hemingway, Ernest -The old man and the sea 423. Hemon, Aleksandar - Nowhere man 424. Herbert, Frank – Dune 425. Herge – Red Rackham’s treasure (Tintin) 426. Herr, Michael - Dispatches 427. Hesse, Hermann - Steppenwolf 428. Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha 429. Highsmith, Patricia - The talented Mr Ripley 430. Highsmith, Patricia - Strangers on a train 431. Hill, Susan - The woman in black 432. Himes, Chester - All shot up 433. Hines, Barry - A kestrel for a knave 434. Hoare, Philip - Leviathan 435. Hoeg, Peter - Miss Smilla's feeling for snow 436. Hoffmann, E.T.A. - Tales of Hoffmann 437. Hogg, James - The private memoirs and confessions of a justified sinner 438. Hoggart, Richard - The uses of literacy: aspects of working-class life 439. Holland, Tom - Rubicon 440. Hollinghurst, Alan - Line of beauty 441. Hollinghurst, Alan - The swimming-pool library 442. Holmes, Richard - The age of wonder 443. Holtby, Winifred - South Riding 444. Hope, Anthony - The prisoner of Zenda 445. Hornby, Nick - Fever pitch 446. Horowitz, Anthony - Stormbreaker 447. Hosseini, Khaled - The kite runner 448. Houellebecq, Michael - Atomised 449. Household, Geoffrey - Rogue male 450. Howell, Georgina - Daughter of the desert 451. Hrabal, Bohumil - Dancing lessons for the advanced in age 452. Huff, Darrell - How to lie with statistics 453. Hughes, Robert - The shock of the new 454. Hughes, Robert - The fatal shore 455. Hughes, Ted - Poems 456. Hughes, Thomas - Tom Brown's schooldays 457. Hughes-Hallett, Lucy - The Pike 458. Hugo, Victor - The hunchback of Notre-Dame 459. Hugo, Victor - Les miserables 460. Hurston, Zora Neale - Their eyes were watching God 461. Hustvedt, Siri - What I loved 462. Huxley, Aldous - Brave new world 463. Huxley, Aldous - Chrome yellow 464. Huxley, Elspeth - Red strangers 465. Huxley, Elspeth - The flame trees of Thika 466. Innes, Hammond - The blue ice 467. Irving, John - A prayer for Owen Meany 468. Irving, John - The cider house rules 469. Irving, John - The world according to Garp 470. Isherwood, Christopher - Goodbye to Berlin 471. Isherwood, Christopher - Mr. Norris changes trains 472. Ishiguro, Kazuo - A pale view of hills 473. Ishiguro, Kazuo - An artist of the floating world 474. Ishiguro, Kazuo - The remains of the day 475. Ishiguro, Kazuo - Never let me go 476. James, Henry - The portrait of a lady 477. James, Henry - What Maisie knew 478. James, Henry - The ambassadors 479. James, Henry - The wings of the dove 480. James, C.L.R. - Beyond a boundary 481. James, M.R. - Collected ghost stories 482. Jameson, Storm - A day off 483. Jansson, Tove - The summer book 484. Jelinek, Elfriede - The piano teacher 485. Jenkins, Elizabeth - The tortoise and the hare 486. Jenkins, Roy - Churchill 487. Jerome, Jerome K. - Three men in a boat 488. Johnson, B.S. - House mother normal 489. Jong, Erica - Fear of flying: a novel 490. Joyce, James - Finnegan’s wake 491. Joyce, James - Ulysses 492. Joyce, James - A portrait of the artist as a young man 493. Junger, Ernst - Storm of steel 494. Junger, Sebastian - The perfect storm 495. Kadare, Ismail - Broken April 496. Kafka, Franz - Amerika 497. Kafka, Franz - The Castle 498. Kafka, Franz - The Trial 499. Kapuscinski, Ryszard - Shah of shahs 500. Kapuscinski, Ryszard - The emperor: downfall of an autocrat 501. Kawabata, Yasunari - Beauty and sadness 502. Kazantzakis, Nikos - Zorba the Greek 503. Keane, Molly - Loving and giving 504. Kelman, James - How late it was, how late 505. Keneally, Thomas - Schindler's ark 506. Kennedy, A.L. - On bullfighting 507. Kennedy, Margaret - The constant nymph 508. Kerouac, Jack - On the road 509. Kertesz, Imre - Kaddish for an unborn child 510. Kesey, Ken - One flew over the cuckoo's nest 511. Kilvert, Francis - Kilvert's diary 1870 - 1879 512. King, Stephen - The shining 513. King, Stephen - The stand 514. Kingsley, Charles - The water-babies 515. Kingsolver, Barbara - The poisonwood bible 516. Kipling, Rudyard - Kim 517. Kipling, Rudyard - The jungle book 518. Klein, Naomi - No logo 519. Koestler, Arthur - Darkness at noon 520. Kotzwinkle, William - Swimmer in the secret sea 521. Krasznahorkai, Laszlo - Satantango 522. Krauss, Nicole - Great house 523. Kundera, Milan - Unbearable lightness of being 524. Kundera, Milan - The book of laughter and forgetting 525. Kureishi, Hanif - The Buddha of suburbia 526. Kureishi, Hanif - Intimacy 527. Laclos, Choderlos - Dangerous liaisons 528. Laforet, Carmen - Nada 529. Lagerlof, Selma - The saga of Gosta Berling 530. Lao, She - Mr Ma and son 531. Larkin, Philip - Jill 532. Larsen, Nella - Quicksand 533. Lawrence, D.H - Lady Chatterley's lover. 534. Lawrence, D.H - The rainbow. 535. Lawrence, D.H. - Sons and lovers 536. Lawrence, T.E - Seven pillars of wisdom 537. Laxness, Haldor - Independent people 538. Laye, Camara - The radiance of the king 539. Le Carre, John - Smiley's people 540. Le Carre, John - The spy who came in from the cold 541. Le Carre, John - Tinker tailor soldier spy 542. Le Fanu, Sheridan - Uncle Silas 543. Le Guin, Ursula K. - The dispossessed 544. Lear, Edward - The complete nonsense and other verse 545. Leavitt, David - While England sleeps 546. Leavitt, David - The lost language of cranes 547. Lee, Harper - To kill a mockingbird 548. Lee, Laurie - Cider with Rosie 549. Lehmann, Rosamond - Invitation to the waltz 550. Lem, Stanislaw - Solaris 551. Leonard, Elmore - Get Shorty 552. Lessing, Doris - The grass is singing 553. Levi, Primo - If this is a man; and, The truce 554. Levi, Primo - If not now when? 555. Levi, Carlo - Christ stopped at Eboli 556. Levitt, Steven D - Freakonomics 557. Lewis, M.G. - The monk 558. Lewis, Sinclair - Babbitt 559. Lewis, Sinclair - Main Street 560. Lewis, Wyndham - Tarr 561. Lewis, C.S. - The lion, the witch and the wardrobe 562. Lewis, Ted - Get Carter 563. Lewycka, Marina - A short history of tractors in Ukrainian 564. Lindgren, Astrid - Pippi Longstocking 565. Lindsay, Joan Weigall - Picnic at Hanging Rock 566. Lispector, Clarice - The hour of the star 567. Lispector, Clarice -The passion according to G.H. 568. Lively, Penelope - Moon tiger 569. Lively, Penelope - Oleander, jacaranda 570. Lomax, Eric –The railway man 571. London, Jack - The call of the wild 572. Lord, Walter – A Night to remember 573. Lovecraft, H.P. - At the mountains of madness 574. Lovelock, J.E. - The revenge of Gaia 575. Lowry, Malcolm - Under the volcano 576. MacFarlane, Robert - Mountains of the mind 577. MacGregor, Neil - A history of the world in 100 objects 578. Machiavelli, Niccolo - The Prince 579. MacInnes, Colin - Absolute beginners 580. Mackenzie, Compton - The monarch of the glen 581. Magorian, Michelle - Goodnight Mister Tom 582. Mahfuz, Najib - The Cairo trilogy 583. Mailer, Norman - Marilyn 584. Mailer, Norman - The naked and the dead 585. Malamud, Bernard - The tenants 586. Malcolm X - The autobiography of Malcolm X 587. Malraux, Andre - Man's fate 588. Malthus, T.R. - An essay on the principle of population 589. Mandela, Nelson - Long walk to freedom 590. Mankell, Henning - Faceless killers 591. Mann, Thomas - Death in Venice 592. Mann, Thomas - Buddenbrooks 593. Mann, Thomas - Magic mountain 594. Manning, Frederic - Her privates we 595. Manning, Olivia - The Balkan trilogy 596. Mansfield, Katherine - The garden party 597. Mantel, Hilary - Giving up the ghost: a memoir 598. Mantel, Hilary - Wolf Hall 599. Manto, Saadat Hasan - Bombay stories 600. Marai, Sandor - Embers 601. Marias, Javier - The infatuations 602. Markson, David - Wittgenstein's mistress 603. Martel, Yann - Life of Pi 604. Martin, George R.R. - a game of thrones 605. Massie, Robert K. - Peter the Great 606. Masters, Alexander - Stuart: a life backwards 607. Matthiessen, Peter - The snow leopard 608. Maugham, W.Somerset - Of human bondage 609. Maugham, W.Somerset - The razor's edge 610. Maupassant, Guy de - Bel-Ami 611. Mauriac, François - Therese Desqueyroux 612. Mayhew, Henry - London labour and the London poor 613. Mazzantini, Margaret - Don't move 614. McCabe, Patrick - The butcher boy 615. McCarthy, Cormac - Blood meridian 616. McCarthy, Cormac - The road 617. McCourt, Frank - Angela's ashes 618. McCoy, Horace - They shoot horses, don't they? 619. McCullers, Carson - The heart is a lonely hunter 620. McCullough, Colleen - The thorn birds 621. McDougall, Christopher - Born to run 622. McEwan, Ian - Atonement 623. McEwan, Ian -The cement garden 624. McEwan, Ian - The comfort of strangers 625. McGahern, John - Amongst women 626. McGahern, John - That they may face the rising sun 627. Melville, Herman - Moby-Dick, 628. Meyer, Philipp - American rust 629. Michaels, Anne - Fugitive pieces 630. Miller, Henry - Tropic of Cancer 631. Miller, Arthur - All my sons 632. Milligan, Spike - Puckoon 633. Milne, A.A. - Winnie the Pooh 634. Minney, R.J. Carve her name with pride 635. Mishima, Yukio - The sound of waves 636. Mishra, Pankaj - From the ruins of Empire: the revolt against the West 637. Mistry, Rohinton - A fine balance 638. Mitchell, David - Cloud atlas 639. Mitchell, Margaret - Gone with the wind 640. Mitchell, Gladys - Dead men's morris 641. Mitford, Nancy - Love in a cold climate 642. Mitford, Nancy | Waugh, Evelyn - The letters of Nancy Mitford and Evelyn Waugh 643. Mitford, Nancy - the Sun King 644. Mo, Timothy - Sour sweet 645. Mofolo, Thomas - Chaka 646. Moggach, Deborah - Tulip fever 647. Monsarrat, Nicholas - The cruel sea 648. Montaigne, Michel De - Essays 649. Montgomery, L.M. - Anne of Green Gables 650. Moore, Alan - Watchmen 651. Moore, Gerald (ed) - The Penguin book of modern African poetry 652. Moore, Lorrie - Anagrams 653. Moravia, Alberto - Contempt 654. Morris, William - News from nowhere 655. Morris, Jan - Venice 656. Morrison, Toni - Beloved 657. Morrison, Toni - Song of Solomon 658. Mortimer, John - Clinging to the wreckage: a part of life 659. Mulisch, Harry - Discovery of Heaven 660. Munro, Alice - The beggar maid 661. Murakami, Haruki - Norwegian wood 662. Murasaki Shikibu - The tale of Genji 663. Murdoch, Iris - A severed head 664. Murdoch, Iris - The Bell 665. Murdoch, Iris - The Sea, the sea 666. Musil, Robert - The confusions of young Torless 667. Nabokov, Vladimir V - Lolita 668. Naipaul, V.S. - A bend in the river 669. Naipaul, V.S. - In a free state 670. Narayan, R.K. - Waiting for the Mahatma 671. Nemirovsky, Irene - Suite francaise 672. Nesbit, E - The railway children 673. Ngugi Wa, Thiong'O - The river between 674. Nin, Anais - Delta of Venus 675. Niven, David - The moon's a balloon 676. Njal's saga 677. Nooteboom, Cees - Rituals 678. Nothomb, Amelie - Fear and trembling 679. Oates, Joyce Carol - We were the Mulvaneys 680. Oates, Joyce Carol - Them 681. O’Brian, Patrick - Master and commander 682. O'Brien, Edna - The country girls 683. O'Brien, Flann - The third policeman 684. O’Brien, Tim - In the lake of the woods 685. O'Connor, Flannery - Wise blood 686. Omar Khayyam - Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam 687. Ondaatje, Michael - The English patient 688. O'Rourke, P.J. - Holidays in hell 689. Orwell, George - Animal farm 690. Orwell, George - Homage to Catalonia 691. Orwell, George - Keep the aspidistra flying 692. Orwell, George - Nineteen eighty-four 693. Ousmane, Sembene - God's bits of wood 694. Ovid - Metamorphoses 695. Paasilinna, Arto - The year of the hare 696. Paine, Thomas - Rights of man 697. Palgrave, Francis Turner - The Golden Treasury 698. Pamuk, Orhan - Snow 699. Pamuk, Orhan - Istanbul 700. Pasternak, Boris - Doctor Zhivago 701. Paton, Alan - Cry, the beloved country 702. Peace, David - The damned Utd 703. Peake, Mervyn - Gormenghast 704. Peake, Mervyn - Titus Groan 705. Peck, M Scott - The Road Less Travelled 706. Pelzer, Dave – A child called 'it` 707. Pepys, Samuel – The Diary of Samuel Pepys (anthology ed R Latham) 708. Perec, Georges - A Void 709. Perec, Georges - Life 710. Perrault, Charles - The complete fairy tales 711. Pessoa, Fernando - The book of disquiet 712. Petronius Arbiter - The Satyricon 713. Pierre, D.B.C - Vernon God Little 714. Pilcher, Rosamunde - The shell seekers 715. Pirsig, Robert M - Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance 716. Plaidy, Jean - The scarlet cloak 717. Plath, Sylvia - The bell jar 718. Plath, Sylvia - the journals of Sylvia Plath 719. Plunkett, James - Strumpet city 720. Poe, Edgar - The fall of the house of Usher 721. Poe, Edgar Allan - The Pit & The pendulum 722. Poetry of the First World War: an anthology (ed Tim Kendall) 723. Potok, Chaim - The chosen 724. Powell, Anthony - A dance to the music of time (Spring) 725. Powell, Anthony - A dance to the music of time (Autumn) 726. Powell, Anthony - A dance to the music of time (Summer) 727. Powell, Anthony - A dance to the music of time (Winter) 728. Pratchett, Terry - The colour of magic 729. Priestley, J.B. - Selected short stories (What a life) 730. Proulx, Annie - The shipping news 731. Proust, Marcel - Remembrance of things past 732. Puig, Manuel - Kiss of the Spiderwoman 733. Pullman, Philip - Northern lights 734. Pushkin, Aleksandr - Eugene Onegin 735. Puzo, Mario - The Godfather 736. Pym, Barbara - Excellent women 737. Pym, Barbara - Crampton Hodnet 738. Pynchon, Thomas - Gravity's rainbow 739. Pynchon, Thomas - Vineland 740. Queiros, Eca de - The crime of Father Amaro 741. Queneau, Raymond - Exercises in style 742. Raban, Jonathan - Passage to Juneau 743. Radiguet, Raymond - The devil in the flesh 744. Rand, Ayn - Atlas shrugged 745. Rankin, Ian - Knots & crosses 746. Ransome, Arthur - Swallows and Amazons 747. Raven, Simon - Alms for oblivion 748. Reage, Pauline - Story of O 749. Reed, John - Ten days that shook the world 750. Remarque, Erich Maria - All quiet on the Western Front 751. Renault, Mary - Fire from heaven 752. Rhys, Jean - Wide Sargasso Sea 753. Rhys, Jean - Good morning, midnight 754. Rice, Anne - Interview with the vampire 755. Richard, Timothy - Monkey King's amazing adventures 756. Richardson, Samuel - : Clarissa 757. Richardson, Samuel - Pamela 758. Ridley, Matt - Genome 759. Rilke, Rainer Maria - The notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge 760. Rolfe, Frederick William - Hadrian the Seventh 761. Rossetti, Christina - Poems and prose 762. Roth, Philip- The human stain 763. Roth, Philip - The plot against America 764. Roth, Henry - Call it sleep 765. Roth, Joseph - The Radetzky march 766. Roth, Philip - Portnoy's complaint 767. Rousseau, Jean-Jacques - Reveries of the solitary walker 768. Rowling, J.K. - Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone 769. Roy, Arundhati - The god of small things 770. Runyon, Damon - Guys and dolls: and other stories 771. Rushdie, Salman - Midnight's children 772. Rushdie, Salman - The satanic verses 773. Rushdie, Salman - The Moor's last sigh 774. Ruskin, John - Selected writings 775. Sacks, Oliver W - The man who mistook his wife for a hat 776. Sackville-West, Vita - All passion spent 777. Sadawi, Nawal - Woman at point zero 778. Sagan, Carl - Contact 779. Sagan, Francoise - Bonjour tristesse 780. Sage, Lorna - Bad blood 781. Said, Kurban - Ali and Nino 782. Saint-Exupery, Antoine de - The little prince 783. Saki - The complete short stories 784. Salih, Al-Tayyib - Season of migration to the north 785. Salinger, J.D. - The catcher in the rye 786. Sandel, Cora - Alberta and Jacob 787. Sansom, C.J. - Dissolution 788. Saramago, Jose - Baltasar & Blimunda 789. Sartre, Jean-Paul - Nausea 790. Satrapi, Marjane - Persepolis 791. Sayers, Dorothy L. - Murder must advertise 792. Sayers, Dorothy L. - The nine tailors 793. Schlink, Bernhard - The Reader 794. Sciascia, Leonardo - To each his own 795. Scott, Walter - Rob Roy 796. Scott, Robert Falcon - The last expedition 797. Sebald, W.G - The rings of Saturn 798. Sebald, W.G. - Austerlitz 799. Sedaris, David - Me talk pretty one day 800. Seghers, Anna - Transit 801. Selby, Hubert - Last exit to Brooklyn 802. Self, Will - Umbrella 803. Selvon, Samuel - The lonely Londoners 804. Serge, Victor - The case of Comrade Tulayev 805. Seth, Vikram - A suitable boy 806. Seton, Anya - Katherine 807. Sewell, Anna - Black Beauty 808. Shackleton, Ernest - South 809. Shakespeare, William - Sonnets 810. Shapiro, James - 1599: a year in the life of William Shakespeare 811. Shelley, Mary - Frankenstein 812. Shields, Carol - The stone diaries 813. Shute, Nevil - A Town like Alice 814. Shute, Nevil - On the beach 815. Sienkiewicz, Henryk - Quo Vadis 816. Sillitoe, Alan - Saturday night and Sunday morning 817. Sillitoe, Alan - The loneliness of the long distance runner 818. Simenon, Georges - A man's head 819. Simpson, Joe - Touching the void 820. Sinclair, Upton - Babbitt 821. Sinclair, Iain - Lights out for the territory 822. Sinclair, Upton - The Jungle 823. Singer, Isaac Bashevis - The magician of Lublin 824. Skloot, Rebecca - The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks 825. Slauerhoff, Jan Jacob - The forbidden kingdom 826. Smiles, Samuel - Self help 827. Smith, Dodie - I capture the castle 828. Smith, Zadie - White teeth 829. Smith, Betty - A tree grows in Brooklyn 830. Smith, Delia - Delia Smith's complete cookery course 831. Smollett, Tobias George - Humphrey Clinker 832. Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr - One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich 833. Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr - The Gulag archipelago 834. Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr - Cancer ward 835. Sontag, Susan - In America 836. Spark, Muriel - The prime of Miss Jean Brodie 837. Spark, Muriel - The ballad of Peckham Rye 838. Spark, Muriel - The girls of slender means 839. Spiegelman, Art - Maus: a survivor's tale 840. Sprawson, Charles - Haunts of the black masseur 841. Stein, Gertrude - Paris, France 842. Stein, Gertrude - The autobiography of Alice B. Toklas 843. Steinbeck, John - Of mice and men 844. Steinbeck, John - The grapes of wrath 845. Stendhal - The red and the black 846. Stephenson, Neal - Cryptonomicon 847. Sterne, Laurence - A sentimental journey 848. Sterne, Laurence - The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, gentleman 849. Stevenson, Robert Louis - Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 850. Stevenson, Robert Louis - Treasure Island 851. Stevenson, Robert Louis - Travels with a donkey in the Cevennes 852. Stoker, Bram - Dracula 853. Stowe, Harriet Beecher - Uncle Tom's cabin 854. Strachey, Lytton - Eminent Victorians 855. Struther, Jan - Mrs Miniver 856. Styron, William - Sophie's choice 857. Summerscale, Kate - The suspicions of Mr Whicher 858. Sun-Tzu - The art of war 859. Susann, Jacqueline - Valley of the dolls 860. Suskind, Patrick - Perfume 861. Sutcliff, Rosemary - The eagle of the Ninth 862. Svevo, Italo - Zeno's conscience 863. Swift, Graham - Waterland 864. Swift, Jonathan - A modest proposal 865. Swift, Jonathan - Gulliver's travels 866. Tagore, Rabindranath - The home and the world 867. Tan, Amy - The Joy Luck club 868. Tanizaki, Jun’Ichiro - Some prefer nettles 869. Tartt, Donna - the secret history 870. Taylor, Elizabeth - Blaming 871. Taylor, Elizabeth - Complete short stories 872. Taylor, Elizabeth - Mrs Palfrey at the Claremont 873. Terkel, Studs - Hard times 874. Tevis, Walter S. - The man who fell to earth 875. Thackeray, William Makepeace - Vanity Fair 876. The Mabinogion 877. The Nation's favourite poems (BBC) 878. Theroux, Paul - The old Patagonian express 879. Thesiger, Wilfred - My life and travels 880. Thirkell, Angela - The Brandons 881. Thomas, D.M. - The white hotel 882. Thompson, E.P. - The making of the English working class 883. Thompson, Hunter S. - Fear and loathing in Las Vegas 884. Thompson, Flora - Lark rise to Candleford 885. Thompson, Hunter S. - Hell's angels 886. Thoreau, Henry David - Walden 887. Thurber, James - The Thurber carnival 888. Thurber, James - The 13 clocks 889. Toibin, Colm - The master 890. Tolkien, J.R.R. - The hobbit 891. Tolkien, J.R.R. - The lord of the rings 892. Tolstoy, Leo - Anna Karenina 893. Tolstoy, Leo - War and peace 894. Tomalin, Claire - Samuel Pepys 895. Tomasi Di Lampedusa, Giuseppe - The leopard 896. Toole, John Kennedy - Confederacy of dunces 897. Townsend, Sue - The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole aged 13 3/4 898. Travers, P.L. - Mary Poppins 899. Tremain, Rose - The colour 900. Tressell, Robert - The ragged trousered philanthropists 901. Trevor, William - The story of Lucy Gault 902. Trevor, William - The children of Dynmouth 903. Trollope, Anthony - Barchester Towers 904. Trumbo, Dalton - Johnny got his gun 905. Truss, Lynne - Eats, shoots and leaves 906. Tuchman, Barbara - Guns of August 907. Turgenev, Ivan - Fathers and sons 908. Twain, Mark - The adventures of Huckleberry Finn 909. Twain, Mark - The adventures of Tom Sawyer 910. Tyler, Anne - Dinner at the homesick restaurant 911. Uglow, Jenny - A gambling man 912. Updike, John - Rabbit, run 913. Updike, John - The witches of Eastwick 914. Vargas Llosa, Mario - The feast of the goat 915. Vargas Llosa, Mario - The war of the end of the world 916. Vazquez Montalban, Manuel - The Buenos Aires quintet 917. Verne, Jules - Around the world in 80 days 918. Verne, Jules - Journey to the centre of the earth 919. Vidal, Gore - Myra Breckinridge 920. Voltaire - Candide 921. Von Arnim, Elizabeth - The enchanted April 922. Von Clausewitz, Carl - On war 923. Vonnegut, Kurt - Slaughterhouse-five 924. Vonnegut, Kurt - Breakfast of champions 925. Vonnegut, Kurt - Cat's cradle 926. Walker, Alice - The color purple 927. Wallace, Lew - Ben-Hur 928. Walpole, Horace - The castle of Otranto 929. Walton, Izaak - The compleat angler 930. Warhol, Andy - America 931. Warner, Alan - Morvern Callar 932. Warner, Marina - Indigo 933. Warner, Sylvia Townsend - Summer will show 934. Warren, Robert Penn - All the King's men 935. Washington, Booker T. - Up from slavery 936. Waterhouse, Keith - Billy Liar 937. Waters, Sarah - Tipping the velvet 938. Watson, James D - The double helix 939. Watson, Winifred - Miss Pettigrew lives for a day 940. Waugh, Evelyn - Brideshead revisited 941. Waugh, Evelyn - Decline and fall 942. Waugh, Evelyn - The complete short stories 943. Webb, Charles R - The graduate 944. Webb, Mary - Precious bane 945. Weil, Simone - An anthology 946. Weldon, Fay - The life and loves of a she devil 947. Wells, H.G - The war of the worlds 948. Wells, H.G. - The island of Doctor Moreau 949. Welsh, Irvine - Trainspotting 950. Welty, Eudora - The optimist's daughter 951. Wesley, Mary - The camomile lawn 952. West, Rebecca - The return of the soldier 953. West, Nathanael - Miss Lonelyhearts 954. Wharton, Edith - Ethan Frome 955. Wharton, Edith - The age of innocence 956. Wharton, Edith - The house of mirth 957. White, Patrick - Voss 958. White, Patrick - The tree of man 959. White, T.H. - The once and future king 960. White, Antonia - Frost in May 961. White, E.B. - Charlotte's web 962. White, Edmund - The married man 963. Whitman, Walt - Leaves of grass 964. Wiesel, Elie - Night 965. Wilde, Oscar - The picture of Dorian Gray 966. Wilde, Oscar - Collected works 967. Williamson, Henry - Tarka the otter 968. Wilson, Angus - The old men at the zoo 969. Winchester, Simon - Krakatoa 970. Winterson, Jeanette - Sexing the cherry 971. Winterson, Jeanette - Written on the body 972. Winterson, Jeanette - The Passion 973. Wodehouse, PG - Thank you, Jeeves 974. Wodehouse, P.G. -Laughing gas 975. Wodehouse, P.G. - The code of the Woosters 976. Wolf, Christa - Cassandra 977. Wolfe, Tom - The bonfire of the vanities 978. Wolfe, Tom - . The right stuff 979. Woolf, Virginia - Orlando 980. Woolf, Virginia - To the lighthouse 981. Woolf, Virginia - A room of one's own 982. Woolf, Virginia - Mrs Dalloway 983. Wordsworth, William - Selected poetry 984. Worth, Jennifer - Call the midwife 985. Wright, Richard - Native son 986. Wright, Lawrence - The looming tower 987. Wu Cheng-En, Niccolo - Monkey 988. Wyndham, John - The day of the triffids 989. Wyndham, John - The Midwich cuckoos 990. Wyndham, Joan - Love lessons 991. Wyss, Johann David - The Swiss family Robinson 992. Yates, Dornford - Blind corner 993. Yates, Richard - Revolutionary road 994. Yeats, W.B. - Collected poems 995. Young, Michael Dunlop - Family and kinship in East London 996. Yourcenar, Marguerite - Memoirs of Hadrian 997. Zamyatin, Yevgeny - We 998. Zola, Emile - Therese Raquin 999. Zola, Emile -Nana 1000. Zusak, Markus - Book thief 1001. Zweig, Stefan - The post office girl