1. Achebe, Chinua - Anthills of the Savannah 2. Ackroyd, Peter - London: the concise biography 3. Ackroyd, Peter - Hawksmoor 4. Adams, Douglas - The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy: 5. Adams, Richard - Watership Down 6. Adams, Douglas - Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency 7. Adichie, Chimamanda - Half of a yellow sun 8. Adiga, Aravind - The White Tiger 9. Aesop - Aesop's fables 10. Agee, James - Let us now praise famous men 11. Akutagawa, Ryunosuke - Rashomon 12. Alcott, Louisa M - Little women 13. Aldiss, Brian - Hothouse 14. Algren, Nelson - The man with the golden arm 15. Allende, Isabel - The house of the spirits 16. Allingham, Margery - Hide my eyes 17. Alther, Lisa - Kinflicks 18. Amado, Jorge - The violent land 19. Ambler, Eric - Journey into fear 20. Ambrose, Stephen E. - Band of brothers 21. Amis, Kingsley - The old devils 22. Amis, Kingsley - Lucky Jim 23. Amis, Martin - London Fields 24. Amis, Kingsley - Girl, 20 25. Amis, Martin - The Rachel papers 26. Ammaniti, Niccolo - I`m not scared 27. Anand, Mulk Raj - Untouchable 28. Andersen, Hans Christian.- Fairy tales 29. Andric, Ivo - The Bridge over the Drina 30. Angelou, Maya - I know why the caged bird sings 31. Appignanesi, Lisa - Losing the dead 32. Arabian nights 33. Arendt, Hannah - Eichmann in Jerusalem 34. Armitage, Simon (ed) - Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 35. Asimov, I - I Robot 36. Asimov, Isaac - complete short stories 37. Asimov, Isaac - Foundation 38. Atkinson, Kate - One good turn 39. Atwood, Margaret - The handmaid's tale 40. Atwood, Margaret - Alias Grace 41. Atwood, Margaret - The blind assassin 42. Auel, Jean M.- The clan of the cave bear 43. Austen, Jane - Emma 44. Austen, Jane - Persuasion 45. Austen, Jane - Pride & prejudice 46. Austen, Jane - Sense and sensibility 47. Auster, Paul - Timbuktu 48. Ba, Mariama - So long a letter 49. Bainbridge, Beryl - Sweet William 50. Baldwin, James - Go tell it on the mountain 51. Baldwin, James - Giovanni's room 52. Ballard, J.G - Crash 53. Ballard, J.G. - Empire of the sun 54. Ballard, J.G. - Cocaine nights 55. Balzac, Honore de - Eugenie Grandet 56. Balzac, Honore de - Old Man Goriot 57. Banks, Iain - The wasp factory 58. Banks, Ian - The crow road 59. Banks, Iain M - Feersum endjinn 60. Banks, Russell - The darling 61. Banville, John - The sea 62. Banville, John - The book of evidence 63. Barbery, Muriel - The elegance of the hedgehog 64. Barbusse, Henri - Under fire 65. Baricco, Alessandro - Silk 66. Barker, Pat - The regeneration trilogy 67. Barnes, Julian - Flaubert's parrot 68. Barnes, Djuna - Nightwood 69. Barrie, J.M. - Peter Pan 70. Barthelme, Donald - Forty stories 71. Bassani, Giorgio - The garden of the Finzi-Continis 72. Bates, H.E. - Fair stood the wind for France 73. Baum, L.Frank - The Wizard of Oz 74. Bawden, Nina - Circles of deceit 75. Beauvoir, Simone De - The second sex 76. Beckett, Samuel - Murphy 77. Bedford, Sybille - A legacy 78. Beerbohm, Max - Zuleika Dobson 79. Beeton, Mrs Isabella Mary - Mrs Beeton's book of household management 80. Beevor, Antony - Stalingrad 81. Behan, Brendan - Borstal boy 82. Behn, Aphra - Oroonoko 83. Belloc, Hilaire - Cautionary Tales 84. Bellos, Alex - Alex's adventures in Numberland 85. Bellow, Saul - Humboldt's gift 86. Bellow, Saul - Collected stories 87. Bennett, Alan - Talking heads 88. Bennett, Arnold - The old wives' tale 89. Bennett, Arnold - Anna of the five towns 90. Benson, E.F. - Mapp and Lucia 91. Beowulf 92. Berger, John - Ways of seeing 93. Bernanos, Georges - Mouchette 94. Bernhard, Thomas - Old masters 95. Bernhard, Thomas - Woodcutters 96. Bernstein, Karl - All the President's men 97. Betjeman, John - The best of Betjeman 98. Blackman, Malorie - Noughts and crosses 99. Blackmore, R.D. - Lorna Doone 100. Blake, William - Selected poems 101. Blume, Judy - It's not the end of the world 102. Blunden, Edmund - Undertones of war 103. Blythe, Ronald - Akenfield 104. Boccaccio, Giovanni - The Decameron 105. Bolano, Roberto - The savage detectives 106. Boll, Heinrich - Billiards at half past nine 107. Boll, Heinrich - The silent angel 108. Bonfiglioli, Kyril - Don't point that thing at me 109. Borges, Jorge - Labyrinths 110. Borowski, Tadeusz - This way for the gas, ladies and gentlemen 111. Boulle, Pierre - Planet of the apes 112. Bowen, Elizabeth - The heat of the day 113. Bowen, Elizabeth - Eva Trout 114. Bowles, Paul - The sheltering sky 115. Boyd, William - New confessions 116. Boyle, T.Coraghessen - World's End 117. Boyne, John - The boy in the striped pyjamas 118. Bradbury, Ray - Fahrenheit 451 119. Braddon, M.E. - Lady Audley's secret 120. Brautigan, Richard - Trout fishing in America 121. Brearley , Mike - Art of captaincy 122. Breton, Andre - Nadja 123. Brink, Andre - A dry white season 124. Brittain, Vera - Testament of friendship 125. Brittain, Vera - Testament of youth 126. Bronte, Charlotte - Jane Eyre 127. Bronte, Anne - The tenant of Wildfell Hall 128. Bronte, Emily - Wuthering Heights 129. Brown, Dee - Bury my heart at Wounded Knee 130. Bryson, Bill - Notes from a small island 131. Buchan, John - The thirty-nine steps 132. Buck, Pearl S. - The good earth 133. Bulgakov, Mikhail - The Master and Margarita 134. Bunyan, John - The pilgrim's progress 135. Burgess, Anthony – A Clockwork orange 136. Burgess, Anthony - The complete Enderby 137. Burleigh, Michael - The Third Reich: a new history 138. Burnett, Frances Hodgson - The secret garden 139. Burney, Fanny - Evelina 140. Burroughs, Edgar R - Tarzan of the apes 141. Burroughs, William S - Naked lunch 142. Burroughs, William S - Junky 143. Butler, Samuel - The way of all flesh 144. Buzzati, Dino - The Tartar steppe 145. Byatt, A.S. - The children's book 146. Byatt, A.S. - The virgin in the garden 147. Cain, James M - The postman always rings twice 148. Callil,Carmen - Bad faith 149. Calvino,Italo - If on a winter's night a traveller 150. Camus, Albert - The outsider 151. Camus, Albert - The plague 152. Canetti, Elias - Auto da fe 153. Capek, Karel - War with the newts 154. Capote, Truman - Breakfast at Tiffany's 155. Capote, Truman - In cold blood 156. Carey, Peter - Oscar and Lucinda 157. Carey, Peter - Jack Maggs 158. Carlson, Richard - Don’t sweat the small stuff 159. Carnegie, Dale - How to win friends and influence people 160. Carr, J.L - A month in the country 161. Carr, J.L. - How Steeple Sinderby Wanderers won the FA Cup 162. Carroll, Lewis - Alice's adventures in Wonderland: and, through the looking glass 163. Carson, Rachel - Silent spring 164. Carter, Angela - Nights at the circus 165. Carter, Angela - Fireworks 166. Carver, Raymond - Elephant and other stories 167. Cather, Willa - The professor's house 168. Celine, Louis-Ferdinand - Journey to the end of the night 169. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de - Don Quixote 170. Chandler, Raymond - The big sleep 171. Chandler, Raymond -The long goodbye 172. Chandrasekaran, Rajiv - Imperial life in the Emerald City 173. Chang, Jung - Wild swans 174. Charriere, Henri - Papillon 175. Chatwin, Bruce - On the black hill 176. Chaucer, Geoffrey - The Canterbury tales 177. Cheever, John - The stories of John Cheever 178. Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich - The lady with the little dog, and other stories 179. Chesterton, G.K. - The complete Father Brown stories 180. Childers, Erskine - The riddle of the sands 181. Chopin, Kate - The Awakening 182. Christie, Agatha - Murder on the Orient Express 183. Christie, Agatha - The murder of Roger Ackroyd 184. Chua, Amy - Battle hymn of the tiger mother 185. Churchill, Winston - The Second World War 186. Churchill, Winston S. - The gathering storm 187. Clark, Alan - The donkeys 188. Clarke, Arthur C - 2001 a space odyssey 189. Cleland, John - Fanny Hill, or, Memoirs of a woman of pleasure 190. Cocteau, Jean - Les enfants terribles 191. Coe, Jonathan - What a carve up! 192. Coe, Jonathan - Like a fiery elephant 193. Coelho, Paulo - Veronika decides to die 194. Coetzee, J.M. - In the heart of the country 195. Coetzee, J.M. - Life and times of Michael K 196. Coetzee, J.M. - Waiting for the barbarians 197. Cohen, Albert - Her lover (Belle du Seigneur) 198. Colegate, Isabel - The shooting party 199. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor - The rime of the ancient mariner 200. Colette - Claudine's house 201. Colfer, Eoin - Artemis Fowl 202. Collins, Willkie - The Moonstone 203. Collins, Willkie - The Woman in white 204. Collins, Norman - London belongs to me 205. Collis, John Stewart - The worm forgives the plough 206. Collodi, Carlo - Adventures of Pinocchio 207. Compton-Burnett, Ivy - Pastors and masters 208. Comyns, Barbara - Our spoons came from Woolworths 209. Conrad, Joseph - Heart of darkness 210. Conrad, Joseph - Nostromo 211. Conrad, Joseph - The secret agent 212. Cooper, James Fenimore - The last of the Mohicans 213. Coover, Robert - Pricksongs and descants 214. Cope, Wendy - Making cocoa for Kingsley Amis 215. Covey, Stephen - The 7 habits of highly effective people 216. Crace, Jim - Quarantine 217. Crane, Stephen - The Red Badge of courage 218. Crispin, Edmund - Love lies bleeding 219. Cummings, E.E. - The enormous room 220. Cunningham, Michael - The hours 221. Dahl, Roald - Boy: tales of childhood 222. Dahl, Roald - Charlie and the chocolate factory 223. Dalrymple, William - Return of a king 224. Dangarembga, Tsitsi - Nervous conditions 225. Dante Alighieri - Inferno 226. Darwin, Charles - The origin of species; and, the voyage of the Beagle 227. Davies, Robertson - The Salterton trilogy 228. Davis, Norman (ed) - The Paston letters 229. Davis, Wade - Into the silence 230. Dawkins, Richard - The selfish gene 231. Dawood, N.J - Tales from the thousand and one nights 232. De Bernieres, Louis - Captain Corelli's mandolin 233. De Botton, Alain - Status anxiety 234. De Quincey, Thomas - Confessions of an English opium-eater 235. De Waal, Edmund - The hare with amber eyes 236. Defoe, Daniel - Robinson Crusoe 237. Defoe, Daniel - Moll Flanders 238. Delafield, E.M. - The diary of a provincial lady 239. Demick, Barbara - Nothing to envy 240.
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