Nerve Agents: from Discovery to Deterrence

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Nerve Agents: from Discovery to Deterrence Books & arts reported. And the FDA, they say, has taken no action to correct misreporting of Study CIT-MD-18 in Forest’s application to license escitalopram to treat adolescent depression. Companies hand over raw trial data only if forced, usually in the course of litigation (which they budget for). Despite attempts to make the process more transparent, for example by mandating the preregistration of clinical trials, many of those data are not in the public domain. That’s why, the authors believe, these cases represent the tip of an iceberg. Falsifiable theory The authors agree that the randomized, placebo-controlled trial is the best method we have for testing drugs, and they argue that every scientific theory should be tested by, in Popper’s phrase, attempting to falsify the null hypothesis. In a trial, this means trying to disprove the idea that the treatment makes no difference. Adher- ing to this principle, researchers can never say for sure that a treatment is effective, but they can say definitively that it is not effective. However, the authors charge that drug companies have made even that impossible, by designing protocols that guarantee a pos- itive outcome or by spinning a negative one. One concern is the redefinition of endpoints mid-trial — a worry that resurfaced in the con- text of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’ ongoing trial of the potential COVID-19 drug remdesivir, made by Gilead Sciences of Foster City, California. Partial solutions, such as requiring companies to deposit trial results in public databases, haven’t worked. The commercial disincentives are just too strong. Popper’s ideas have often been criticized. Theories are never truly falsified, critics say, just shown to be less wrong than others. But Soldiers involved in investigating the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal in Salisbury, UK, in 2018. we’ve gone too far down the road to relativism, counter Jureidini and McHenry; Popper offers a standard of integrity to which we must return. The only way to ensure that, they conclude, is to Nerve agents: from have trials conducted in a public-health system or by an independent institution funded by a tax on the industry. This would work only with discovery to deterrence government support, which has been lacking. Yet models do exist. The Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research in Milan, Italy, Chemical weapons treaties are not enough — scientists has been conducting independent clinical trials for nearly 60 years. and industry play a part, too. By Leiv K. Sydnes The current pandemic might provide the perfect opportunity to acknowledge that there is a problem: ill people need treatments hen the Russian former military Enter Toxic, a round-up of the invention, and the well need a vaccine. Quoting ancient officer Sergei Skripal and his production, proliferation and use of nerve Greek historian Thucydides, the authors write: daughter Yulia were poisoned agents. Author Dan Kaszeta has spent a “There will be justice … when those who are with a ‘novichok’ nerve agent in career in defence and security, specializing in not injured are as outraged as those who are.” the tranquil UK city of Salisbury chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear Win March 2018, it led to widespread fear that materials. He worked for the US military, gov- Laura Spinney is a science writer based in Paris. similar mysterious chemicals, illegal under ernment and secret service before moving to Her most recent book is Pale Rider: The Spanish international conventions, might be deployed the United Kingdom and becoming a security Flu of 1918 and How it Changed the World. elsewhere. What were they, where did they consultant. Drawing on this experience and an e-mail: [email protected] come from and what made them so deadly? array of authoritative documents, he follows COX/GETTY RUFUS 28 | Nature | Vol 583 | 2 July 2020 ©2020 Spri nger Nature Li mited. All rights reserved. ©2020 Spri nger Nature Li mited. All rights reserved. make insecticides to secure Germany’s food shameful history. The invasion by the United supply, led by Gerhard Schrader at chem- States and its allies in March 2003 had the ical and pharmaceuticals giant IG Farben declared aim of eliminating weapons of mass in Leverkusen from 1934. The research pro- destruction, in particular chemical weapons. duced a liquid compound, eventually called None was found. In February that year, US tabun, with a toxicity far beyond anything seen secretary of state Colin Powell had presented before (0.1 milligrams of tabun per kilogram ‘evidence’ for the presence of such weapons in of body weight killed the monkeys used for Iraq before the United Nations security coun- testing). Almost at once, the Nazi authorities cil; this is now generally accepted to have been launched a massive programme, involving uni- based on faulty intelligence. versity scientists, the chemical industry and Kaszeta devotes just half a page to this con- military personnel, to develop weapons that flict. He does not mention false or fabricated would distribute nerve agents — first tabun and intelligence, and describes as “conventional later sarin — in a predictable manner in com- wisdom” the statement that the invading bat, without harming those who applied them. forces did not discover any chemical weap- ons, leaving the impression that the weapons “Manufacturers of the key might indeed have existed. He seems to imply that Hussein’s previous use of nerve agents ingredient refused to supply justified his punishment. This was not an argu- goods for use in weapons ment used by world leaders as they discussed production.” an invasion. To me, the sacrifice of truth in the process of this discussion seemed shattering. Toxic is at its best when the people making This happened even though chemical decisions, taking initiatives and violating weapons were not part of German military agreements appear as characters in the strategy. Two factors were decisive. First was a chronological narrative, from the beginning capable industrial partner: IG Farben was avail- to about 1950. At that point, Soviet and able and willing. Second, the German leader- Western powers had acquired enough knowl- ship believed that the United States had nerve edge about nerve-agent production, through agents and could retaliate if attacked. I don’t interrogation of German chemists and inves- think these two factors are as independent as tigations of actual chemical weapons, to start they seem. People such as IG Farben executive large-scale production themselves. Otto Ambros, who kept Adolf Hitler informed Later sections are bogged down in detail. about perceived US weapons capabilities, were Yes, it is very difficult to turn tonnes of nerve also central in running the industrial produc- agents into safe and effective weapons, but tion of the nerve agents, so had a personal we don’t need elaborate descriptions of artil- business interest. Ambros made a fortune, lery-shell testing to demonstrate the point. even though the Nazi military did not, in the More important, bombs aren’t necessary to event, deploy the weapons. cause panic and death. It was relatively easy for the Aum Shinrikyo cult to make and use Soldiers involved in investigating the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal in Salisbury, UK, in 2018. Ethical standards sarin in Tokyo in 1995. Likewise, a skilled per- What would have happened had the German son with the right chemicals could prepare and the development of these deadly compounds, chemical industry declined to become apply novichoks. The 1997 Chemical Weapons from the first discoveries in Germany in the involved? Kaszeta does not discuss this, but Convention and its implementing body, the 1930s to the Salisbury attack. He shows how perhaps nerve-agent weapons would not have Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical fear of nerve agents influenced world events, been developed. That was the case for the dec- Weapons, cannot prevent this. such as the invasion of Iraq in 2003. And he ades-long US programme to develop ‘binary’ Kaszeta’s book is informative; it should reminds us that even with an international chemical weapons, which contain precursor satisfy curious non-specialists able to digest convention banning them, the threat of chem- compounds that are mixed to produce the details. The omission of chemical structures is ical weapons being used outside conventional toxic agent on detonation. This programme generally no drawback, but when compounds warfare is ever-present. Stronger on the early was terminated around 1990, after Mobay are described as similar, some drawings in an history than on more recent politics, Toxic is and Occidental, the two domestic manufac- appendix would have clarified the point. Yet a useful introduction to the subject. turers of the key ingredient thionyl chloride, the take-home message is clear: nerve agents The first nerve agents were the unintended refused to supply it because company policy are fairly easy to make, but difficult to turn into consequence of a civil research project to forbade the sale of goods for use in weapons weapons. Their application in small quantities production. by aggressive individuals therefore remains Toxic: A History Unfortunately, the absence of such an ethical a threat. of Nerve Agents, standard enabled Iraqi president Saddam From Nazi Germany Hussein to start large-scale production of Leiv Sydnes is a professor of organic to Putin’s Russia tabun and sarin in 1981, using equipment chemistry at the University of Bergen in Dan Kaszeta Hurst (2020) and chemicals supplied by European and US Norway. He chaired the international task companies. group that assessed the impact of scientific After the first Gulf War (1990–91), Iraq’s advances on the Chemical Weapons chemical weapons were destroyed, making Convention in 2007 and 2012.
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