A Bibliography of Publications in ACM SIGSAM Bulletin and ACM Communications in Computer Algebra Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 25 May 2021 Version 3.69 Title word cross-reference [CDJW00]. modp [Tro82]. C1 [JSS03]. Cn×n [Din09]. D [Rue05, Tsa00]. δ [NS18a]. F [BHMM13]. F4 [iL15]. GF(q) [Vil98]. GL(nR) [Bro09]. i [LC19]. J1 [Gol91]. k #10 [Loo75]. #11 [WR79]. #2 [Bar15, POdCW19]. L [GR08, Zwi84]. λ [BH72a, Cam72, Hea72c, Tut73]. #3 [Fla88]. $ [Alv00]. P3 [HM99]. n [Fit73, Fit74c]. #4 [Bar73, Fit73, GJ74]. [BC02, Fit74b, GHL15, KH81, PM19, #5 [Cam73]. #6 [HJ74, McC73, Sta74]. #7 POdCW19, WL08]. ! [FGHR12]. P [CMR74, FMW74, GJY75a, JG74]. #8 [WGD82, Mor99, RZ20, Sla91, Tro82, Vol95, [Fit74a, Hal75, Har77]. #9 [Kah75]. Yun74]. pn [Vol95]. Q [Yas08, Zim97, BDM13, CX08, CDM15, Ghe10, Sho15]. (2; 4; 4) [Sha15b]. (Cm+1) [Gae99]. 1/π Q(4; q); forq =5; 7 [DHS04]. Rn [IP11]. S 2 [Wan13]. 1/π [Alm11]. 16 [DS15, DSS15]. 2 [Zim97]. sin2 x + cos2 x = 1 [Fat85b]. [GZ05b, Gol91]. 2W [Mur00]. 3 n Sym Pm [Gae99]. W [Din09, MS16a, MW18, [GZ05b, Myl05, NO91, Sha15b]. 3=2 [Fri74]. SFG13, SFGZ14, LLG08]. X × 3 3 [HKS19]. 5 [vHK12]. 2F1 [DGG15, She10]. Y [She10]. [vHK12, vHI14]. 2n [Cam72, Sun73]. arccoth 1 2 (3) 0 y + ay + by =0;a;b2C[x] [Ber99a].