A Softwarized Perspective of the 5G Networks
A softwarized perspective of the 5G networks Kleber Vieira Cardoso, Cristiano Bonato Both, Lucio´ Rene Prade, Ciro J. A. Macedo, Victor Hugo L. Lopes F Abstract—The main goal of this article is to present the fundamental to clarify that this leap hides the various intermediate steps that theoretical concepts for the tutorial presented in IEEE NetSoft 2020. comprise it. In the telecommunications industry, including for The article explores the use of software in the 5G system composed of advertising reasons, a significant amount of technological devel- the Radio Access Network (RAN) and the core components, following opments and innovations accumulate before defining a generation, the standards defined by 3GPP, particularly the Release 15. The article which was no different at 5G networks. As an example, the Re- provides a brief overview of mobile cellular networks, including basic leases provided by the 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project) concepts, operations, and evolution through the called ‘generations’ of mobile networks. From a software perspective, RAN is presented in the that is one of the leading organizations for standardizing wireless context of 4G and 5G networks, which includes the virtualization and mobile networks. The 4G/LTE networks (Long-Term Evolution) disaggregation concepts. A significant part of the article is dedicated to were introduced in 2008 by Release 8 [5] and, since then, have 5G networks and beyond, focusing on core, i.e., considering the Service- received several updates (represented by new Releases) until the Based Architecture (SBA), due to its relevance and totally softwarized 5G networks were officially introduced by Release 15 [6] in 2018.
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