Buri~i 'llreasu1a Volume 32 Number 2: April - June 2000 Central Florida Genealogical Society, Inc. ---~ - --- Buried Treasures Central Florida Genealogical Society, Inc. - P. 0 . Box 536309, Orlan1do, FL 32853-6309 Web Site: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland!Rancb/4580 Editor: Betty Jo Stockton (407) 876-1688 Email:
[email protected] Volume32 April- June 2000 No.2 The Central Florida Genealogical Society, Inc. meets monthly, September through May. Meetings are held at the Marks Street Senior Center Auditorium on the second Thursday of eac:h month at 7:30P.M. Marks Street Center is located at 99 E. Marks Street (at the comer of Marks and Magnolia) near downtown Orlando. The Board meets year-round on the third Tuesday of each month at the Orlando Public Library. All are welcome to attend. Table d O>ntent!• The President Says... n Some Thoughts from your Editor . u A Story of William Hatcher "the Immigrant" and his descendants .................... 23 National Archives proposes change to fee schedule . 25 The men who fell at the Alamo - 6 March 1836 . 26 World's Largest Known Family Tree ............................. ... ........... 28 1816: The year without a summer ................. ..... .. .... ................ 28 State Census- 1885 Orange County, Florida ............................. .... 29 Book Review: In Memoriam . 33 A Bit about St Cloud, Florida . 33 Eulogy of Robert Roberts (1842- 1912) ....................... ................. 34 Biographical Sketch of Robert Roberts. 34 Travels Through The War By Robert Roberts . 36 Remembering Early Days in Longwood as told by Alice (Bryant) Coleman . 38 Descendants ofEli Warren Burkett of Orange and Seminole Counties, FL .............. 40 Wanted! Natives and Original Families of Seminole County, Florida ...............