N ote.— The numbers in heavy type refer to the T e x t; those in plain type to the Footnotes, Appendices, etc.

page page ntw erp cale of e ig h t s A bandonment of M ines 217 A , S W ...... 263 Ape x L a w ...... 81 ; 83— 86 A bertham. Mines at ...... 74 ; 9 2 ; 74 A qu a regia ...... 439; 441; 354 A qua valens {see also Nitric Acid)... A bolite ...... 113 ...... 439— 4 4 3 ; 439; 220 A b strich ...... 466; 492 Clarification with ...... 4 4 3 ; 443 A b yd o s. 396 mines of...... 2 6 ; 27 Cleansing gold-dust with ...... 390 Parting precious with ...... 443— 447 figure from ...... 101 Abzug ...... 464; 465; 475 Arbores dissectae (Lagging) ...... A rchimedes, Screw of ...... 149 Achates {see A gate). A ccidents to Miners ...... 214— 218 A rchitecture. Knowledge necessary for miners A ccounts ()...... 96— 98 Area fodinarum (see Meer). A dit ...... 101 A eris flos [see Flowers). A rgentiferous Copper O res, 404— 407 Aeris squama {see Copper Scales). of ...... 109 Aes caldarium ...... 109 A rgentite ...... ;••• Aes luteum ...... 109 Argentum purum in vents (see Native A es n ig r u m ...... 109 Silver). A es purum f os site {see ). Argentum rude plum bei coloris (see Aes rude plumbei coloris {see Copper Silver Glance). Glance). Argentum rude rubrum translucidum A es ustum {see Roasted Copper). (see Ruby Silver). 234; 220 Aetites ...... 2 A rgol ...... 2 3 8 ; 243 A frica. As a ...... 2 3 4 ; 447 ...... 420 Use in melting silver nitrate...... 396— 398 T in ...... 412 Use in smelting gold d u s t...... 330 A gate ...... 114 A rgonauts ...... A griculture. A rithmetical Science. 4 Mining compared with ...... 5 Knowledge necessary for miners... 115 Ailments of Miners {see Maladies of A rm enia, Stone of ...... A rsenic (see also Orpiment and Miners!. 214 Air Currents in M ines ...... 121 ; 200 Realgar) ...... At ADA CTTTD 114 A rsen icu m ...... 111 A lchemists'.'.’. " " " X X V li—XXX ; 44 ; 608 A r se n o p y r it e ...... 111 114 Agricola's opinion of...... XII; XXVII. A sbestos ...... 440 ; 440 ; Amalgamation ...... 297 A sh-coloured Copper ...... 492 Assaying ...... 2 4 8 ; 219 ...... 539—540; 540; 523—524; 529 530 Discovery of acids ...... 439 ; 460 From ...... Distillation ...... 441 A shes which W ool D yers use (see 559; 220 A ljustrel T ablet ...... 83— 84 also Potash)...... 23 3; 236— 238 A lkali ...... 558 Use in assaying ...... 237; 220 A lloys, A ssaying of ...... 247— 252 A sh of L e a d ...... 237— 238 ; A lluvial Min in g ...... 321—348; 330—332 A sh of M usk I v y (see also Potash 2 3 8 ; 220 A lston Moor...... 84 and N itru m )...... 236- 581 A ltenberg...... XX X I ; VI. A sphalt ...... Collapse of mine...... 216 Asphaltites (see Dead Sea). Miners poisoned...... 214 A ssay B alances (see Balances). working appliances...... 2 9 0 ; 3 0 4 ; 318 A ssay Flu xes (see Fluxes). 220 A lum ...... 564—568; 564—570 A ssay F urnaces ...... 224— 228 ; 227 A solidified juice ...... 1 ...... 226- 239 Elizabethan Charter ...... 283 Muffle ...... 224— 2 2 8 ; In roasted pyrites ...... 350 A ssaying (see also Probierbuchlein) ... 351 In Sal artiflciosus ...... 463 ...... 219 ; 2 1 9; 220 243 Latin and German terms ...... 220 ; 221 Amalgamation ...... 247 Papal monopoly ...... 570 ...... 244 Use in making nitric acid...... 439 ; 460 Copper...... 240 A malgam. ...... 248 Parting the gold from ...... 2 9 8 ; 297 Gold and silver alloys ...... 244 A malgamation ...... 297 Gold ...... 242 247 Of gilt ob jects...... 461 ...... M ills...... 295— 299 Lead ...... 245— 246 242— 245 A m b e r ...... 34 ; 35 Silver...... 249— 250 A methyst ...... 114 Silver and copper alloys ...... 246 Amiantus (see Asbestos). T in ...... 251 A m pulla...... 445— 447; 220 Tin and silver alloys ...... A nnaberg ...... VI ; XXI ; 42 ; 75 ; 75 A ssay M uffles (see Muffles). 242 Profits ...... 92 A ssay T o n ...... 261 402 A n t, v e n o m o u s...... 216 A ssyrian Copper ...... 214 A n tim o n y ...... 220 ; 428 ; 354 A s t h m a ...... ...... 110 A stronom y. Smelting o f ...... 400 ; 428 Knowledge necessary for miners Use as type-m etal...... 2 ; 429 A tar n ea. A ntim ony Su lp h id e ...... 220; 4 2 8 ; 451 Mines near ...... 2 6 ; 27 Parting gold and silver with 451 ; 451 ; 461 A thens. Parting gold from copper ...... 463 Mining law ...... 83 Parting silver and iron ...... 544 Sea power and m in es...... 27 620 GENERAL INDEX

PAGE _ page A t h e n s . B reaking O re ...... 117__119 Silver mines (see Mt. Laurion, B rick D ust. Mines of). Used in cementation ...... 454; 454 A tramentum Sutorium (see also Vitriol) 572 ; 110 Used in making nitric acid ...... 449 A tr amentum Sutorium candidum ...... 113 B rine (see also Salt). Atramentum Sutorium rubrum ...... 274; 274 Evaporation of ...... 547__543 Aurichalcum ...... 409 ; 404 B ritain. Auripigmentum (see Orpiment). Lead-silver smelting ...... 392 A zure ...... 1 ; 109 ; 220 Miners mentioned by P lin y...... 83 An indication of copper...... 116 Tin trade ...... 411— 413 An indication of gold...... 117 B ritish Museum. Colour of flame ...... 235 Egyptian gold-mining ...... 399 A zurite ...... 109; 220 : 402 Egyptian lead ...... 390 Egyptian ...... 402 B abel, T ower of ...... 582 B r o m yr ite ...... 109 B abylonia. B ronze. Bitumen i n ...... 582 Historical notes...... 411; 402 ; 354 Use of lead ...... 391 B ronze A ge...... 355; 402; 411 B abytace. B ryle (Outcrop)...... X01 Gold buried by inhabitants...... 9 ; 15 B uckets, for H oisting O re 153— 154; 157 Ba e b e l o ...... 42 ; 42 B uddle ...... 281 ; 282; 267 Bala n c e s...... 224 ; 264— 265 Divided...... 302— 303 B arite ...... 115 Simple ...... 300— 302; 312— 315 B armaster, of H igh Pe a k ...... 77 B ullion, Pouring into B a r s ...... 382 B ars, for Furnace W ork ...... 382 B urning Ore ...... 231 ; 273; 267 Baskets, for H oisting ...... 153 B urnt A lum ...... 233 ; 565 ; 221 Batea ...... 156 Beer ...... 23 0; 220 Cadmia (see also , Pompholyx, B ell, to call W orkmen ...... 100 and )...... 542 ; 542 112— 113 Be l l o w s ...... 362—373; 419 Ancient ore of ...... 410 Ancient use of...... 354 ; 355 ; 362 From dust chambers ...... 394 Assay furnace ...... 226 ; 245 From liquation ...... 539; 542 Mine ventilation with ...... 207— 210 From matte ...... 349 Beni H assen, Inscriptions at ...... 586 Poisonous to miners ...... 214; 214 Berg-geel ...... Ill Roasting ...... 276 Bergm eister... 33; 81; 95; 77; 77; 78 Smelting for gold and silver...... 410 Deals with forfeited shares ...... 92— 93 Cadmia bituminosa...... 276; 273; 113 Jurors ...... 96 Cadmia fornacis (see Furnace Accre­ Bergmeister’s Cl e r k ...... 9 5 ; 78 tions) . Bergzinober (see Quicksilver). Cadmia fossilis (see and Bermius (Bermium), Mt. (see Mt. Blende). Bermius). Cadmia metallica (see also Cobalt)...... 4 0 3; 113 Bismuth ...... 43 3 ; 354; 220 Caeruleum (see Azure). Assaying of ...... 247 Cakes of Melted Pyrites ...... 379 ; 222 Indication of silver...... 116 A flux ...... 234 Minerals ...... 2 ; 111 Roasting of ...... 349— 351 Smelting o f ...... 433—437 ; 4D0 Use in smelting ...... 379 The " roof of silver ” ...... 117 ; 433 Calaem (see also Zinc)...... 409 Z a ffre...... 112 Ca l a m in e ...... 1 1 2 ; 113; 409; 410 Bitumen. Calcite ...... 114 Ancient knowledge of 220 ; 581— 582 ; 354 Calcspar...... 116; 114 Colour of fum es...... 235 Caldarium Copper...... 512; 542 ; 404; 511 Dead Sea ...... 33 Caldrons, for E vaporating Salts 548 Distillation ...... 581 Calmei (see Calamine). From springs ...... 582 Cameros. Harmful to metals ...... 273 Zinc found a t ...... 409 Roasting from o re ...... 273 ; 276 ; 351 Ca m p h o r ...... 23 8; 238; 221 Solidified juice...... 1 Cam-shaft ...... 282— 283; 267 Bituminosa cadmia (see Cadmia Canales (Ore Channels)...... 43 ; 46; 47 bituminosa). Ore shoots in ...... 117 Blast, R egulation o f ...... 380 ; 386 Cannon ...... 11 Blasting ...... 119 Cardinal Points ...... 5 7 ; 53 Blende ...... 113 Carnelian ...... 114 Bleyberg ...... 239 Carneol (see Carnelian). Bloodstone ...... Ill; 2 C arni...... 390 Bl o o m ...... 420 Cupellation ...... 483 Blutstein (see Ironstone). Smelting of lead ores...... 390 . Carpathian Mountains. sulphide ...... 428 Liquation practice in ...... 54 0 ; 544 Pestilential vapours ...... 216 Sieves ...... 289 Sifting ore in ...... 293 Stamp-milling ...... 319 Smelting ...... 384 Carthage. Bone-ash ...... 230; 466 Mines in ...... 27 B o r a x ...... 560; 221; 110 Castulo (Cazlona) ...... 42 Method of manufacture ...... 580 Cementation (see also Parting Gold Use in gold smelting...... 444 ; 457 ; 464 from Silver) ...... 453— 457 ; 453; 458 Use in assaying ...... 245 ; 246 Centumpondium...... 616 ; 242; 509 B ornite ...... 109 Scale of weights ...... 260— 261 B oundary St o n e s ...... 87 ; 129 109 Ce r a g u r ite ...... B o u n d a r ie s ...... ; 7 7 147 Cerussa (see White-lead). B owls for A lluvial W ashing...... Cerussite ...... 110 ...... 322; 324; 334; 336 Chain Pumps ...... 171— 175 r a s s 110 B ...... 410; 354; 2 Chalcanthite...... Ancient methods of making 404— 405 ; 112 Chalcanthum (see also Vitriol) ...... 109; 572 GENERAL INDEX. 6 2 1

PAGE PAGE Chalcedony ...... 114 Copper Matte. Chalcitis ...... 573; 109 Roasting ...... 350 Indication of copper...... 116 Smelting ...... 404— 407 Chalcocite ...... 109; 402 Copper Ore (see also Copper Smelting, Chalcopyrite ...... 109 etc.) ...... 109 Chaldean A n tim o n y ...... 429 Assaying ...... 244—245 Chemistry. Copper Pyrites...... 117; 109 Origin ...... X X V I I ; 220 Copper ...... Chemnitz...... 530—538; 354; 492; 535— 536 Agricola appointed city physician V II. Breaking cakes ...... 501— 503 Agricola elected burgomaster... V III; IX. Enrichment of silver by settling 510 Quarrel over Agricola’s burial...... X I. Roman method ...... 404 China, Grand Can al of ...... 129 Rosette copper ...... 535 Chinese. Copper Scales...... 110; 221; 233 ; 539 Early copper smelting ...... 402 Use in assaying ...... 245 Early iron ...... 421 Copper Schists (see also Mannsfeld Early silver metallurgy...... 391 Copper Slates)...... 127 Early ...... 409 Method of smelting ...... 408 Chrysocolla (see also &orax) 110; 221; 584; 1 Copper Smelting 388—390 ; 401; 404 ; 402 Collection in v a ts...... 584 Invention of appliances...... 353— 354 Colour of fu m es...... 235 Cornwall. Indication of copper...... 116 Ancient tin mining...... 413 Indication of gold ...... 117 Early German miners ...... 282 ...... 109 Early mining law...... 85 Smelting o f ...... 401 Early ore dressing...... 282 Church, Share in M ines ...... 91 Influence on German mining ...... 283 Cim o l it e ...... 31 “ Knockers” ...... 217 Cinnabar (see Quicksilver and M inium ). Mining terms...... 77 ; 101 ; 267 ; 282 Claim, in A merican T itle ...... 77 Royal Geol. Soc. Transactions.... 84 Cloth. Coticula (see Touchstone). Lining sluices...... 322 Counterfeht (see Zinc). Ventilation by shaking ...... 210 Crane. ...... 34 For cupellation furnaces ...... 478— 477 Cobalt ...... 354; 542; 112— 113 For lead cakes...... 500 Cobalt-blue...... 112; 433 For liquation cakes ...... 514 From ...... 408 Cremnitz. King Hiram’s experience w ith ...... 214 Age of mines ...... 5 Poisonous to miners ...... 214 Width of veins ...... 52 Relation to cadm ia...... 112 Crinoid Stems ...... 115 Relation to bism u th ...... 435 Croppings ...... 37; 37 Smelting ores of ...... 401 Crosscuts ...... 106 Cobalt-A rsenic Minerals (see Crowbars ...... 152 ). CunnuT p Cobaltite ...... 113 Assay...... 228; 230; 241; 245; 221 Cobaltum cineraceum (see Smallite). Of blast furnaces ...... 376 ; 377 Cobaltum ferri colore (see Cobaltite). Crudaria ...... 66 Cobaltum nigrum (see Abolite). Crushing Mills (see Stamp- and Coiners ...... 95 ; 78 Mills). ...... 251—253; 457 Crushing Or e ...... 231 ; 279— 287 ; 279 Colchis. Crystal (Crystallum) ...... 114 Alluvial gold washing ...... 330 Cumberland. Cologne. Early report on ores of...... 267 Scale of weights ...... 263 Roman lead furnaces...... 392 Companies, M i n i n g ...... 89— 93 ; 90 Cup-Bearer. Fraudulent dealing...... 22 Right to a meer ...... 81 Investment in ...... 29 Cupellation...... 464— 483; 465— 466 Compass...... 141—142; 56; 129 Buildings and furnaces...... 464—472 ; 492 Divisions of the...... 56 ; 57 Brightening of the silver ...... 241 , 475 Swiss...... 1 4 5 ; 137 In assaying...... 240 Concentrates. In " tests ” ...... 483 From washing liquation products... 542 Latin and German terms...... 221 ; 492 Sintering of ...... 401 ...... 475 Smelting of ...... 394 ; 396— 399 ; 401 Cupels...... 228— 230; 221; 466 Concentration ...... 267— 348 ; 279 ; 354 Drying of...... 240 Congius...... 153; 172; 617 Moulds ...... 231 Constantinople, A lum T rade ...... 569 Cupric Ox id e ...... 221 Consumption. Cuprite ...... 109; 402 Miners liable to ...... 214 Cyanus (see also ) ...... 110 Conterfei (see Zinc). Cyprus. Contracts, Method of Setting ... 96 Ancient copper smelting ...... 402 Co p ia p it e ...... Ill Copper (see also Liquation).... 109; 402; 511 Dach ...... 127 Assay of ...... 2 4 4 ; 249 Dactylos ...... 617; 78 Granulation o f ...... 250 Dangers to Miners ...... 214— 218 Indications of ...... 116 Darrlinge...... 492 Parting from gold ...... 462— 464 Darrofen ...... 492 Parting gold from silver .... 448— 451 ; 448 Darrsohle...... 492 Ratio in liquation cakes ...... 505 ; 506 Dawling, of a Vein ...... 101 Residues from liquation ...... 521 Dead Sea. Rosette...... 538 Bitumen in ...... 33 Copper-filings ...... 233; 233; 221 Decemviral College ...... 96 Copper F lo w er s...... 5 3 8 ; 1 1 0 ; 2 3 3 ; 538 Decumanus (see Tithe Gatherer). Pliny’s description ...... 404 Demensum (see Measure). Copper G lance ...... 401 ; 109 Demons (see also Gnomes) ...... 217; 217 42 622 GENERAL INDEX,

PAGE _ , PAGE Derbyshire (see also High Peak). Ferrugo (see Iron-rust). Early ore washing...... 281 Ferrum purum (see Native Iron). Introduction jigging sieve...... 283 Fibres (see Stringers). Mining law ...... 77 ; 84— 85 Fineness, Scales o f ...... 253 ; 617 Descent into Mines ...... 212 -setting ...... 118— 120; 118— 119 Devon. Firstum Mines (see Fiirst). Mining law ...... 85 Fissure Vein (see Vena profunda). Dilleugher ...... 267 Flame. Dioptra ...... 129 Determination of by ...... 235 Diphrygum ...... 404 Determination of required flux by 235 Dip of Veins ...... 65— 75 Flint, as a Fl u x ...... 330 Dippas ...... 101 Float, from Veins ...... 37 Dippers ...... 157 Flookan...... 101 Of pumps...... 172 Flue-dust ...... 394— 396 Discretores (see Sorters). Fluores (see Fluorspar). Distillation ...... 441 Fluorspar...... 115; 380; 381 For making nitric acid...... 441 Indication of ore...... no Of ...... 244 Flusse (see Fluorspar). Of quicksilver...... 426— 432 Fluxes (see also Argol, Saltpetre, Distributor ...... 78 , Stones which easily Divining Ro d ...... 38—40 ; 38 ; 40 melt, etc.) ...... Divisions of the Compass...... 56 ; 57 232—239; 232; 237; 380; 221 Drainage of Min e s ...... 121 ; 171— 198 Basic ...... 237 With buckets ...... 171 De-sulphurizing ...... 236 ; 237 With chain pumps ...... 172 For smelting...... 379 ; 380 ; 386 ; 390 With rag and chain pumps...... 188 Reducing ...... 236 ; 237 With suction pumps...... 172 Stock fluxes for assaying...... 236 With bags...... 198 Sulphurizing...... 236 ; 237 Drawing. Footwall ...... 68; 117 Knowledge necessary for miners... 4 Forehearth ...... 356; 375—378; 386; 355 Drifts...... 104; 105; 101 For tin furnaces ...... 411 ; 413 Timbering of ...... 125 Foreman (see Mining Foreman). Drusy Ve in s ...... 107 ; 107 Forest- ...... 36 ; 36 “ Drying ” Liquation Residues (see Forest of De a n ...... 84 also Liquation)... 527— 529; 491; 492 Forest of Mendip ...... 84 Furnaces for...... 521 ; 526 ; 492 Formae ...... 101 Silver extracted by ...... 529 Fossa latens (see also Drifts)...... 101 from ...... 523 Fossa latens transversa (see also Dumps, W orking o f ...... 30 Crosscuts) ...... 101 Dust Chambers...... 394; 416; 354 Foss ores (see Miners). Dutins (Timbers) ...... 101 Founders’ H oards...... 355 ; 402 Dynamite ...... 119 Fractional Meers ...... 80 France. " E arths.” Mediaeval mining law ...... 84 Agricola’s view of ...... 1 ; 46 ; 48 Free Mining Cities ...... 84 Extraordin ary...... 115 Freiberg ...... XXXI. Peripatetic view of ...... 46 ; 47 Age of the mines ...... 5 Egyptians. Bergmeister ...... 95 Alluvial mining ...... 330 Division of shares ...... 81 ; 90; 91 Antimony ...... 428 First discovery of veins...... 35 ; 36 ...... 402; 411 Flooding of mines...... 218 Copper smelting ...... 402 Method of cupellation ...... 482 Crushing and concentration ...... 279 Fullers’ Ea r th ...... 115 Furnaces ...... 355 Fumes. making ...... 586 From heated ore ...... 235 Gold mining...... 399 Poisonous...... 215— 216 Iron ...... 421 Fundamentum (see also Footwall) ... 191 Maps...... 129 Fundgrube (see also Meer)...... 77 Mining law ...... 83 Furnaces 374— 378; 386; 388; 355; 492 Silver and lead metallurgy ...... 390 Assaying (see Assay Furnaces). Tin ...... 411 ; 412 Bismuth smelting ...... 433-437 Egyptian Screw (see Archimedes, Burning tin concentrates...... 349 Screw of). Cementation...... 455 . Copper smelting ...... 401— 408 Spalling ore ...... 272 Cupellation ...... 467— 468 ; 482—483 Eisenertz (see Ironstone). “ Drying ” liquated copper ...... 522— 526 Eisenglantz (see Ironstone). Enriching copper bottoms...... 510 Eisleben, Gold and silver ores ...... 382— 384 Heap roasting ...... 279 ; 274 Heating copper cakes...... 503 Electrum ...... 458 ; 2 ; 35 Iron smelting...... 420— 421 ; 420 Elements, Peripatetic Theory of 44 Latin and German terms...... 220 Emery ...... 115 Lead ores...... 408—410 Erbisdorff. Liquation of silver ...... 515 Tin strakes ...... 304 Melting lead cakes ...... 498 Excoctores (see Smelters). Nitric acid making...... 441 Exhalations. Parting precious metals with anti­ From veins...... 38 ; 44 mony ...... 452-453 Exhausted Liquation Cakes (see Quicksilver distillation ...... 426—432 Liquation Cakes, Exhausted). Refining copper ...... 531— 533 Refining silver ...... 483 ; 489 Fans, Ventilation ...... 203__ 207 Refining tin...... £*5 Fathom ...... 616; 7 7 ; 78 Roasting ...... 276— 277 Federwis (see also Asbestos) ...... 114 ; 274 Smelting liquation slags ...... Feldspar ...... * 114 Tin smelting ...... 411— 413; 419 GENERAL INDEX. 623

PAGE page Furnace A ccretions...... 113; 221; 492 Goslar ...... 5; 37; 37 Removal of ...... 376 Lead smelting ...... 408 Furnace H o o d s...... 494 Native zinc vitriol 572 Furst. Roasting ores...... 274; 274 Mines o f ...... 2 4 ; 24 Spalling hard ore 271 Goslarite ...... 113; 572 Gottsgaab Mine .... VI V II; 74; 74 Gaarherd (see Refining-hearth). Gounce ...... 267 Gaarmachen (see Copper Refining). G rand Canal of China ...... 129 Gad .....•»••••...... 150 Granulation Methods for B ullion 444 Ga l e n a ...... 51; 109 ; 1 1 0 ; 221 Granulation of Copper .... 250 Bismuth distinguished from...... 3 Greeks. Smelting o f ...... 400— 401 Antimony ...... 428 Minerals ...... 48 Brass making...... 410 Garlic. Copper smelting...... 403 Magnet weakened b y ...... 39 Iron and steel making ..... 421 Garnets ...... 334 Metallurgy from Egypt..... 402 Gases (see also Fumes) Mining law ...... 83 From fire-setting ...... 120 Ore dressing...... 281 Gedigen eisen, silber, etc. (see Native Quicksilver ...... 432 Iron, Silver, etc.). Silver-lead smelting ...... 391 Gel atrament (see M isy). Smelting appliances ...... 355 Gems ...... 115 ; 1 G rey A ntimony (see also Stibium) ... Geology. . 1 1 0 ; 221; 428 Agricola’s views...... 595 Gr if f in s ...... 331 Germans. Groom of the Chamber. English mining influenced by ...... 283 Right to a meer ...... 81 Mining men imported into 282 Groove (see also Shafts) — 101 Ore-dressing methods...... 281— 282 Ground Sluices ...... 336— 337 Geschwornen (in Saxon mines) ...... 77 Ground W aters ...... 46— 48 Ge y e r ...... XXXI ; 42; VI. Griinspan (see Verdigris). Shafts ...... 102 Gulden ...... 92; 419 Tin-strakes ...... 304 Gunpowder. Gilding ...... 460 First use for blasting in mines 119 Removal from objects ...... 480; 464 Invention of ...... 562 Gips (see Gypsum). Gypsum ...... 114 Gittelde. Smelting of lead ore ...... 391 H ade ...... 101 Glantz (see ). Haematites (see Ironstone). Glasertz (see Silver Glance). Halinitrum (see Saltpetre). Glaskopfe (see Ironstone). H alle, Salt I ndustry ...... 552 Glass ...... 534— 592 H ammers...... 151 Blowing ...... 592 With water power...... 423 Furnaces ...... 586— 590 H anging wall ...... 68; 117 From sand ...... 380 H arz Miners. Glass-g alls...... 235; 221 Agricola consulted ...... VII. As a flu x ...... 235 ; 238 ; 243; 246 Antimony sulphide ...... 428 Use in parting gold from copper .... 464 First mining charter...... 84 Use in smelting gold concentrates... 397; 398 First stamp-mill ...... 282 Glette (see Litharge). Pumps...... • •••• 194 Glimmer (see Mica). H auling A ppliances (see also Whims Gnomes. and Windlasses) ...... 160— 168; 149 In mines ...... 217 ; 112 ; 214; 217 H eap R oasting ...... 274— 276 Goblins (see Gnomes). H earth-Lead (see also Molybdaena). God’s Gift Mine (see Gottsgaab ...... 475; 476; 110; 221 Mine). As a flux...... 232 Gold (see also Gold Ores, Parting, Use in smelting ...... 379 ; 398 ; 400 Smelting, Stamp-Mill, etc.). H earths. Alluvial mining ...... 321- 336; 330 For bismuth smelting ...... 433— 437 Alluvial streams ...... 75 For melting lead ...... 390 ; 498 Amalgamation ...... 297 H eavenly H ost Mine (see Himmelisch Gold-dust...... 396 Hdz Mine). Historical notes...... 399; 354 H ea vy Spar ...... 115 Indications of...... 108; 116 H ebrews. Lust for, not the fault of the metal 16 Knowledge of antimony ..... 428 Minerals ...... 108 Silver-lead smelting ...... 391 Minerals associated with ...... 108— 109 Term for tin ...... 412 Smelting of ores ...... H em atite...... 111 ...... 381- 382; 386; 388; 390; 396 H emicycle (Hemicyclium) ...... 137— 138 Wickedness caused by ...... 9— 10 Herachon (see Lodestone). Gold Concentrates...... 396- -399; 398 Herdplei (see Hearth-Lead). Golden Fleece...... 330; 330 H iero, K ing ...... 247; 247 Gold Ores ...... 107— 108 H igh Peak (Derbyshire). 84 Amalgamation ...... 295- -299; 297 Mining law ...... Assay by amalgamation ...... 243— 244 Nomenclature in mines ...... 77 Assay by fire ...... 242— 243 Saxon customs, connection with... 77 85 75 Flux used in assaying ...... 235 Himmelisch Hdz Mine ...... 74 ; 92 J Flux used in smelting ...... 398 H oe ...... 152 Smelting in ...... 398— 400 H olidays of Miners ...... 99 109 Smelting cupriferous ores ...... 404— 407 H orn Sil v e r ...... Smelting in lead bath ...... 399 H orns of De e r ...... 230 114 Smelting pyritiferous ore...... 398— 401 H ornstone ...... 116; Stamp-milling ...... 321 H ungary. Goldstein (see Touchstone). Cupellation ...... 483 624 GENERAL INDEX.

PAGE PAGE Hiittenrauch (see Pompholyx). Kupferschiefer (see Copper Schists). Iglau, Charter of ...... 84 K uttenberg. Incense in Cupellation Furnaces 472 Depths of shafts...... 102 Indications of Ore...... 106 ; 107 ; 116 abour ondition in ining itle Ingestores (see Shovellers). L C M T . India...... 92; 83— 85 Steel ...... 423 L acedaemonians (see Spartans). Zinc ...... 409 Lachter (see Fathom). Intervenium ...... 51 ; 50 L adder ways in Shafts ...... 124; 212 Investment in Mines ...... 26— 29 L adle for B ullion ...... 382 Iron...... 420; 354; 111 Lapis aerarius (see Copper Ore). Cast ...... 420 Lapis alabandicus ...... 380 Censure of ...... 11 Lapis Judaicus ...... 115; 115 Indications of ...... 116 Lapis specularis (see Gypsum). Malleable ...... 420 L aths (Lagging) ...... 101 Smelting ...... 420— 426 L a Tolfa. Sulphur harmful to ...... 273 Alum manufacture...... 565 ...... 420 Discovery of ...... 570 aurion aurium t t Iron Filings (see also Iron-Scales) ... 221 L (L ), M . (see M . Use in assaying ...... 234; 238 ; 246 Laurion, Mines of). Iron Ore. Lautental, Liquation at ...... 491 Assaying of ...... 247 L aw (see Mining Law). Smelting o f ...... 420— 426 L aw -suits over Shares in Mines... 94 Iron-rust ...... 116; 474; 1 111 L e a d ...... 354; 390; 110 Iron-scales ...... 221 Censure of ...... 11 F lu x...... 234 Cupellation ...... 464--483 Use in smelting gold...... 398 Melting prior to liquation .... 500 Use in smelting silver ...... 400 In liquation cakes ... 505--506; 505; 506 Use in making nitric acid...... 440 Refining silver ...... 483--490 Use in parting gold from copper... 464 Smelting of ores ...... 388--392; 400 Iron-...... 221 Use in assaying ...... As a flux...... 234 235 ..... 232; 239; 242; 244; 249; 251 Ironstone ...... 39C 111 Washing in sluices ...... 347 Italians. Lead-ash ...... 237; 237; 221 Alluvial mining in ...... 334 As a flux...... 234 Italy. Use in parting gold from copper ... 463 Mining formerly forbidden ...... 8 Lead B ath ...... 381 Lead-glass ...... 236 Jade...... 114 Lead Granules...... 239; 463; 221 Japan. Leading (in liquation)...... Steel...... 423 ...... 304; 507; 513; 491 492; 504 Jasper ...... 111; 2 Components of the charge.... 505- 509 Jaspis ...... 114 Lead Ochre ...... 232 HO; 221 Jet ...... 34 Lead Ore. Jigging Sie v e ...... 310; 267; 283 Assay methods ...... 245- 246 JOACHIMSTHAL ...... VI. Roasting ...... 275 First stamp-mill ...... 281 Smelting in blast furnace ... 390; 408 Mining shares and profits ...... 91 92 Lease, in A ustralian Tit l e ...... 77 444 Jiidenstein (see Lapis Judaicus). Leaves. Preparation of Bullion into Ju ic e s ...... 1 ; 47 Leberthal ...... 24 Agricola’s theory ...... 46 ; 52 Lees of aqua which separates Gold From springs and streams ...... 33 from Silver ...... 234 ; 443; 221 Stone juice ...... 46 ; 49 As a flux...... 234; 238 Tastes o f ...... 34 Lees of Vinegar (see also Argol) ... 221 Juices, Solidified. As a flux ...... 234; 236 ; 243; 234 Agricola’s view of ...... 1 ; 49 Lees of W ine (see Argol). Extraction of metals from ...... 350 Lemnos, Island of ...... 31 Preparation of ...... 545 Lemnian E arth ...... 31 Julian A lps. Leprosy of H ouse W alls (see Salt­ Stamp-milling in ...... 319 petre) . 101 Junctions (see Veins, Intersections of). Level (see also Drift) ...... Jurati (see Jurors). Level, Plummet (see Plummet Level) Jurors...... 22; 92; 96; 78 Limestone ...... 114; 221 In English mining custom ...... 85 As a flux...... 236; 390 Relations to Bergmeister ...... 95; 77 ...... 111 267 Justinian Code. Limp ...... Mines ...... 84 Linares. Hannibal’s mines near ...... 42

Limestone). Lipari Islands. Kalchstein (see 566 Kammschale...... 127 Alum from ...... K aolinite (see Porcelain Clay). Liquated Silver-Lead (see Stannum Mica). Silver-lead). Katzensilher (see and 519 K ing. Liquation...... 519— 521 ; 491 Deputy...... 94 Ash-coloured copper from...... 529 491 Right to a meer ...... 81 Buildings for ...... 492 Liquation Cakes, Furnace ...... 515— 518; Kinstock (see 494 Exhausted). Historical note o n ...... 539 Pyrites). Kis (see Losses ...... ; 492 K nockers(s*£ Gnomes). Nomenclature...... 506 Liquation Cakes 505— 509 ; 492 ; 505 Kobelt (see Cobalt). 512 Kolergang Vein ...... Enrichment of the lead...... ®12 ; 42 512 K6NIGSBERG. Extraction of silver from ...... 540 119 From bye-products of liquation.... 539' Fire-setting...... 512 Kupferglas ertz (see Copper Glance). From copper bottoms ...... 512 9 GENERAL INDEX 625

PAGE Liquation Cakes* PAGE Proportion of lead in rich silver Metreta ...... 153 copper ...... 509 M exico 297 Liquation Cakes, E xh au sted ...... ...... w ...... 521— 526 ; 406; 492; 520 Mica ...... 114 M iddle g e s M ining L a w of ...... 84 Liquation Slags ...... 509 ; 492; 541 A , 280 Furnaces for ...... 507 M ills for Grinding O r e ...... 294— 299 ; 217 Treatment of ...... 541 M imes (see also Gnomes)...... 26; 77 Liquation T horns 522 ; 539 ; 492 ; 539; 540 M ine Captain ...... 77; 78 From cupellation ...... 543; 543 M ine M a n a g e r ...... 97 ; 98 ; From “ drying ” copper residues... 529 M ineral K ingdom, A gricola’s D ivisions o f ...... 1 Litharge (see also Cupellation)...... 48; 51 475; 232— 238 ; 4 6 6 ; 4 7 6 ; 110; 222 M in er a ls...... 594; 108; 51 Use in reducing silver nitrate...... 447 Compound ...... 2 ; 51 Use in smelting ...... 379 ; 398; 400 Mixed ...... 2 ; 25; 78 Lithargyrum (see Litharge). M i n e r s ...... 1— 4 ; Duties and punishments ...... 100 ; Lo d e st o n e ...... 115; 111 ; 115; 2 22 Compass ...... 57 Law (see Mining Law). Los Pozos de Anibal ...... 42 Litigation among ...... 21 23 Lotoves (see Washers). Slaves a s ...... Lusitania. M in e s. 217 Gold alluvial ...... 347 Abandonment of ... Sluices for gold washing ...... 325 Conditions desirable 30— 33 26— 29 Tin smelting ...... 419 Investments in Lu t e ...... 1 Management of ...... 25 ; 26 Preparation of for furnace linings 375— 376 Names of ...... 42 Ly d ia . Mines Royal, Company of...... 283 Mining law ...... 83 Mining (see also Sett, Lease, Claim, The King’s mines ...... 27 Meer, etc.). Lye ...... 558; 221 233 Criticisms of ...... 4— 12 Use in making fluxes...... 236 Harmless and honourable ...... 14; 20; 23 Use in parting ...... 463 Methods of breaking ore ...... 117— 118 Stoping...... 125 Magister Metallicorum (see Bergmeister). Mining Clerk ...... 93; 95; 96; 78 Magister Monetariorum (see Master of Mining Companies (see Companies, the Mint). Mining). Magnes (see also Lodestone and Man­ Mining Foreman...... 98— 99; 78 ganese) 584; 111; 115; 584 Frauds by ...... 21— 22 M agnet ...... 247 Mining L a w ...... 82— 86 Garlic ...... 39 Boundary stones ...... 87 Magnetis (see Mica). Drainage requirements...... 92— 93 Ma g n e t it e ...... I l l England ...... 84— 86 Ma l a c h it e ...... 109; 221 ...... 84 Maladies of Miners ...... 214— 217 Forfeiture of title ...... 92— 93 Maltha ...... 581 France...... 84 Manager (see Mine Manager). Greek and Roman ...... 83 Manganese...... 5 8 6 ; 354 Middle Ages ...... 84— 85 Mannsfeld Copper Sl a t e s ...... Right of Overlord, Landowner, ...... 126—127; 279; 127; 273 State and Miner ...... 82 Map-m a k in g ...... 129 Tunnels...... 88— 89 Marble ...... 1 1 5 ; 2 ; 114 Mining Prefect...... 26 ; 94; 78 Marcasite ...... I l l ; 1 1 2 ; 409 Mining Rights (see Mining Law and Marga (see Marl). Meer). M arienberg ...... , ...... X X X I ; VI. Mining Terms, Old English...... 77 ; 101 Ma r l ...... 114 Mining Tools ...... 149— 153 Marmelstein (see Marble). Buckets for ore ...... 153— 154 Marmor (see Marble). Buckets for w ater...... 157 Marmor alabastrites (see Alabaster). Trucks ...... 156 Marmor glarea...... 114 Wheelbarrows ...... 155 Massicot (see also Lead Ochre) 110 ; 221 ; 232 M in iu m ...... 111 Master of the H orse...... 81 Quicksilver from ...... 433 Master of the M int ...... 95 ; 78 Red-lead ...... 232 Matte (see Cakes of Melted Pyrites). Minium secundarium (see Red-lead). Matte Smelting ...... 404— 407 Mispickel (Mistpuckel) ...... 111 Measure (unit of mining area) ...... 7 8 ; 78 M isy (the mineral)...... 573 ; 1 1 1 ; 403 Measures...... 616—617; 78; 550 An indication of copper ...... 116 Medicine. Use in parting gold and silver...... 459 Knowledge necessary for miners ... 3 M itlere und obere offenbriiche (see Medulla saxorum (see Porcelain Clay). Furnace Accretions). Meer ...... 77— 89 M odius ...... 017 ; 405 Boundary stones ...... 87 M oglitz. On vena cumulata ...... 87 Tin working ...... 318 On vena dilatata ...... 86 M oil ...... 150 Meissen. M olybdaena...... 110 ; 2 2 1 ; 476 ; 400 ; 408 Dumps from m ines...... 312 Term for lead ...... 400 ; 408 Melanteria ...... 1 1 7 ; 1 1 2 ; 573 Molybdenite...... 477 Indication of copper...... 116 M onetarius (see Coiners). Me l a n t e r it e ...... I l l M o n ey, A ssaying o f ...... 251— 252 Melos, Island of ...... 566 M orano Glass F actories ...... 592 Menning (see Red-lead). M oravia. Mergel (see Marl). Cupellation...... 483 Metals ...... 2 ; 4 4 ; 51 Stamp-milling ...... 321 Advantages and uses...... 1 9 ; 20 Washing gold ore ...... 324 Necessity to man ...... XXV; 12—13 M ordants ...... 569 Not responsible for evil passions... 15 M ortar-b o x ...... 279— 280; 312; 319; 267 626 GENERAL INDEX

Mountains. page Formation of ...... 595 Parting Gold from Silver. Mt. B ermius. Cementation... 453— 457; 453— 454; 458 Gold Mines of ...... 26 ; 27 gas ...... 458; 462 Mt. L aurion, Mines of ... 27; 27— 29; 391 ...... 458 ; 462 Crushing and concentration of ores 281 Nitric acid ...... 443— 447 ; 443 ; 447 ; 460 Cupellation ..... 465 Nitric acid (in assaying) ...... 247__249 Mining law ...... 83 Sulphur and copper ... 448— 451; 448; 461 Smelting appliances ...... 355 Sulphuric acid ...... 458 ; 462 Xenophon on ...... 6 Partitions...... ’ 493 Mt. Sinai. Passau, Peace of ...... ix . Ancient copper smelting ...... 355 ; 402 Passus ...... 616 ; 78 Muffle Furnaces ...... 224— 228 ; 239 Patio Process ...... 297— 298 Muffles...... 227 ; 239 ; 222 Pattinson’s Process ...... 465 Refining silver...... 489— 490 Peak, The (see High Peak). Muhlberg, Battle of ...... X. Pentremites ...... 115 Murrhina (see Chalcedony). Pergamum. Mu skets...... 11 Brazen ox of ...... n Mycenae. Mines near ...... 26 ; 27 Copper...... 402 Peripatetics...... XII. Silver-lead smelting ...... 391 Theory of ore deposits ...... 47 ; 44 View of wealth ...... 18 Names of Mines ...... 42 Persians. Naphtha...... 581 Ancient mining law ...... 83 Native Co pper...... 109 Pes ...... 616; 78 Native Iron ...... I ll Pestles ...... 231 ; 483 Native Minerals...... 107 Petroleum ...... 581— 582 Native Silver ...... 269; 109 Phalaris. Brazen B ull of ...... 11 Natron (see Nitrum). Philosophy. Neolithic Furnaces ...... 355 Knowledge necessary for miners... 3 Neusohl, Method of Screening Ore 290 Phoenicians. Newbottle A bbey ...... 35 Copper and bronze...... 402 Nitocris, Bridge o f ...... 391 In Thasos...... 24 Nitric A cid (see also Aqua valens) ... Tin...... 411— 412 ...... 439— 443; 460; 439; 354 Picks ...... 152—153 Assay parting gold and silver ...... 248 Pickscheifer (see Ash-coloured Copper) Testing silver regulus with ...... 449 Placer Min in g ...... 321—348 Use in cleaning gold dust...... 396 Pleigeel (see Lead Ochre). Nitrum (see also Soda) ...... 558; 110 Pleiweis (see Whit^-lead). Nomenclature...... I ; 267 Pleygang Vein ...... 42 Mining law ...... 77 ; 78 Plumbago ...... 110 Mining officials ...... 77 ; 78 Plumbum candidum ...... 110 ; 3; 473 Norici ...... 388 Plumbum cinereum...... 111; 3 Conveyance of ore...... 169 Plumbum nigrum lutei coloris ...... 110; 3 Normans. Plummet Level. Mining Law in England ...... 85 Standing ...... 143; 137 No t a r y ...... 9 4 ; 78 Suspended ...... 145; 146; 137 Nubia. Pockets in A lluvial Stuices ...... 322—330 Early gold-mining...... 399 Poisonous Fumes (see Fumes). Nuremberg, Scale of W eights .... 264 . Cupellation ...... 483 Obolus ...... 25 Lead ore washing ...... 347 Ochra nativa...... I l l Lead smelting ...... 392 Ochre Y e l l o w ...... m Poletae, Tablets of the...... 83 Offenbriiche (see Furnace Accretions). Copper ...... 531— 538 ; 535— 536 Olynthus. Pompeiopolis. Betrayal to Philip of Macedon...... 9 Arsenic mine a t ...... 111 Operculum ...... 441 ; 222 Pom pholyx...... 394; 113- -114; 403 Orbis ...... 141 ; 137 From copper refinings ...... 538 Ore (see various metals, Assaying, From cupellation ...... 476 Mining, etc.). From dust-chambers...... 394 Ore Channels (see Canales)„ From roasting ore...... 278 Ore D eposits, Theory of ... XIII; 43— 53 Poisonous...... 214; 215 Ore D ressing...... 267— 351 Used for brass making...... 410 Burning ...... 273 Porcelain Cl a y ...... 115 Hand spalling ...... 271— 272 Potash ...... 558—559 ; 558 ; 233; 220 Sorting ...... 268— 271 In Sal artificiosus ...... 463 Orguia ...... 78 ; 78 ; 617 Pottery, E g y p t ia n ...... 391 Orichalcum (see Aurichalcum) Po to si...... 298 Orpiment...... I l l ; l ; 222 Pozos de A nibal, L os ...... 42 Colour of fumes...... 235 P o u s ...... 617; 78 Harmful to metals ...... 273 Praefectus cuniculi...... 78 Indication of gold, etc...... 11$ Praefectus fodinae (see Mine Manager). Roasted from ore ...... 273 Praefectus metallorum (see Mining Use in assaying ...... 237 Prefect). Outcrops ...... 68 ; 43 Praeses cuniculi ...... 78 Ox -blood in Salt Making ...... 552 Praeses fodinae (see Mining Foreman). 439 Precious and Base Metals ...... Pactolus, Gold Sands o f ...... 27 Primgap ...... 80 Park’s Process ...... 465 Procurator metallorum ...... 83 Parting Gold from Copper ...... 462— 464 Prospecting ...... 35 Parting Gold from Silver ...... Proustite ...... 109 ...... 443—460 ; 458— 463 Pumps ...... 171- 200; 149 Antimony sulphide ...... Chain ...... 171—175 ...... 451—452; 451— 452; 461 Rag and chain...... 188—200 GENERAL INDEX.

Pumps. page page Suction...... 17 5— 188 R omans. Purgator argenti (see Silver Refiner). Amalgamation...... 297 Purser ...... 77 Antimony...... 428 Pu teo li...... 501 Brass making...... 410 Py r a r g y r it e ...... 109 Companies ...... 90 Pyriten argentum ...... 408 Copper smelting...... 404- 405 Pyrites (see also Cakes of Melted Mining law ...... 83 Pyrites)...... 51 ; 111 ; 112 ; 1 Minium Company ...... 232 As a flu x ...... 234 Quicksilver ...... 433 Assay for gold ...... 243 Roasting ...... 267 In tin concentrates...... 348 Silver-lead smelting ...... 392 Latin and German term s...... 222 Washing of ore ...... 281 Roasting ...... 273— 274 R osette Copper ...... 538 535 Roasting cakes of ...... 349— 351 Rosgeel (see Realgar). Smelting for gold and silver...... 399 ; 401 R u b y Copper ...... 199 402 Used in making vitriol...... 578 R u b y Si l v e r ...... 51 109 Pyrites aerosus (see Copper Pyrites). Assaying o f ...... 244 Pyrites aurei coloris (see Copper Cupellation ...... 473 108 Pyrites). Rudis Ores ...... R ust (see Iron-rust). Quartz (see also Stones which easily m elt)...... 114 Sabines ...... As a flu x ...... 380 Saigerdorner (see Liquation Thorns). An indication of ore ...... 116 Saigerwerk (see Stannum ). Material of glass...... 380 Salam ander har (see Asbestos). 27 Silver ore ...... 113 Salamis, Battle of ...... Smelting o f ...... 401 Sal-ammoniac...... 560 ; 560 222 Quartz). In cements for parting gold and Quarzum (see 454— 457 Quertze ...... ; ...... 380 silver...... 441 Quicksilver...... 4 3 2 ; 2 ; 3 5 4 ; 111 In making aqua valens ...... 474 Amalgamation of gilt objects ...... 461 Uses in cupellation...... 460 Amalgamation of gold dust...... 396 Uses in making aqua regia ...... 463 Amalgamation of gold ores ...... 297 ; 297 Uses in parting gold from copper... Sal artificiosus ...... 236 ; 463 236 Assaying methods...... 247 242 Ore ...... 426— 432 In assaying...... 234 Use in assaying gold ore ...... 243 As a flux...... Salt 545; 556; 5 4 6; 233 222 234— 238 R ag a n d Chain P u m p s ...... 188— 200 As a flux...... Pans...... 545; 546 R ake V eins ...... 101 1 R ammelsberg. Solidified juice ...... 454; 454 Collapse of mines ...... 216 Use in cementation ...... 463; 464 D iscovery...... 37 Use in parting gold from copper .. Use in smelting ores...... 396; 400 Early vitriol m aking...... 572 546— 547 Rauchstein ...... 127 W ells...... 5 6 0; 233 R ealgar ...... 1; 111; 222 Salt made from A shes of M usk Iv y ; 233 Colour of fu m es...... 235 Sal torrefactus...... 242 ; 222 233; 222 Harmful to metals ...... 273 S al tostus...... 233; 562; Indication of ore...... 116 Saltpetre...... 561— 564; 561; 222 245; 247 Roasted from ore...... 273 As a flu x...... 233 ; 236— 238 ; In smelting gold concentrates ..... 398 Rederstein (see Trochitis). 454; 454 R ed-lea d ...... 2 3 2 ; 1 1 0 ; 222 Uses in cementation ...... Use in parting gold from copper ... 463 Uses in making nitric acid ...... 439; 440; 447; 454 Use in parting gold from silver...... 459 447 R efined .Sa l t ...... 454 ; 463 ; 233 Uses in melting silver nitrate ...... Sampling Copper B ullion ...... 249 R e fin e r y for Silver and Copper 491— 498 117 R efining Gold from Copper ...... 462— 464 Sa n d ...... R efining Gold from Silver ...... 443— 458 Sandaraca (see Realgar). R efining-h e a r t h ...... 492 Sandiver (see Glass-galls). R efining Sil v e r ...... 483— 490 ; 465 ; 484 Sarda (see Carnelian). R efining Silver from Le a d ...... 464 Sa x o n y . 77 85 R eformation, T he ...... V ; V III. High Peak customs from . Political state in Agricola’s time. VIII; IX. R e-opening of Old M ines ...... 217 IX. R ev iv al of L e a r n in g . Reformation ...... Agricola’s position in ...... X I I I . Saxum calcis (see Limestone). Scales of F ineness ...... 253 617 R e w a r d L ease, in A ustralian L a w 77 23 R h aetia ...... 388 Scapte-H y l e , M ines of ...... SCHEMNITZ. R h aetian A lps. 5 Stamp milling i n ...... 319 Age of mines ...... Gunpowder for blasting...... 119 R ing- fire ...... 448 194 Rio T into M in e s. Pum ps...... 222 Roman methods of smelting...... 405 Sc h is t ...... Roman water-wheels ...... 149 Schistos (see Ironstone). Schlackenwald. R isks of Mining ...... 28— 29 304 R ither (a horse) ...... 101 Ore washing...... Schmalkalden L eague ...... # IX. R oasted Copper ...... 233 ; 233 ; 222 X. Schmalkalden W a r ...... y y y i V R o a s t in g ...... 273— 279 ; 267 VI. Heap roasting ...... 274— 275 435 In furnaces...... 276 Cobalt ...... 102 Depth of shafts ...... M a ttes...... 349— 351 281 Ore stamping ...... Prior to assaying ...... 231 91 R ocks ...... 1 1 9 ; 2 Shares ...... 92; 74 75 R ock- salt ...... 5 4 8 ; 222 St. George mine. Use in cementation ...... 454 Schwartz-atr ament (see M elanteria and R oman A l u m ...... 565 Sory). 628 GENERAL INDEX.

PAGE c page Scorification A ssay ...... 239 Scorifier...... 228 ; 230 ; 222 Smalt ...... Assays in ...... 2 3 8; 239 Smega ...... 4q4 Screening Ore (see Sifting Ore). Sm e l t e r s...... 73 Screens (see also Screening)...... 267 Smelting (see also various metals)...... In stamp-mill...... 315 •v...... 379— 390; 353— 355 Scriba fodinarum (see Mining Clerk). Assaying compared...... 220 Scriba magistri metallicorum (see Building fo r ...... 355— 361 Bergmeister's Clerk). Objects of ...... 353 Scriba partium (see Share Clerk). Smirgel (see Emery). Scum of Lead from Cupellation ... 475 Smiris (see Emery). Scythians. Sm yrna. Wealth condemned...... 9 ; 15 Mines near ...... 27 Seams in the R o c k s...... 72 ; 43 ; 47 Sn ake-bites ...... 31 Indications of ore ...... 6 7 ; 107 Soda (see also Nitrum)... 558; 559; 233; 222 Sea-W ater, Salt from ...... 545— 546 As a flu x...... 233 ; 234 Sesterce ...... 448 Historical n otes...... 558 ; 354 Se t t ...... 77 Solidified juice...... 1 Settling Pit s ...... 31 6; 267 Sole ...... 101 Shaft houses...... 102 Solidified Juices (see Juices, Shafts ...... 102— 107; 122— 124 Solidified). Surveys of ...... 129— 135 Solifuga...... 216; 216 Venae cumulatae ...... 128 Sorters ...... 78 Sh a k e s ...... 101 Sorting Ore ...... 268— 271 Share Clerk...... 97 ; 93 ; 78 S o r y ...... 1 1 2 ; 403; 573 Share in Mines (see Companies, S o w s ...... 376 ; 386 ; 376 Mining). Spain (see also Lusitania). Shears for Cutting Native Silver 269 Ancient silver-lead mines ...... 149; 392 Shift ...... ; 92 99 Ancient silver mines of Carthage 27 Shoes (stamp)...... 285— 286 ; 267 Ancient tin mines ...... 411— 412 Shovellers ...... 153; 1 6 9 ; 78 Spalling Or e ...... 271— 272 Sideritis (see Lodestone). Spangen (see Trochitis). Siegelstein (see Lodestone). Spanschgriin (see Verdigris). Sieves. Spartans. For ...... 375 Gold and silver forbidden ...... 9 ; 15 For crushed o r e ...... 287— 293 ; 341 Interference with Athenian mines 27 Sifting Ore ...... 287— 293 Spat (see Heavy Spar). Signator publicus (see Notary). Spelter ...... 409 Silberweis (see Mica). ...... 113 S ilex...... 114; 118 Spiauter ...... 409 Silver (see also Assaying, Liquation, Spiesglas (see Stibium). Parting, Refining, etc)... 390 ; 354 ; 109 Spines of Fishes for Cu pels...... 230 Amalgamation...... 297 ; 300 Spodos...... 538 ; 394 ; 113 ; 114 Assaying ...... 248— 251 Litharge). Cupellation ...... 464— 483 ; 241 Spuma argenti (see " Drying ” copper residues from Staffordshire. liquation ...... 529 First pumping engine...... 149 Enrichment in copper bottoms ... 5 1 0; 510 Stalagmites ...... 114 Exhausted liquation cakes ...... 524 Stall R o a s t in g ...... 350— 351 Indicated by bismuth, etc...... 116 Stamp ...... 267 Liquation...... 505—507 ; 506 ; 509 ; 512 For breaking copper cakes ...... 501— 503 Parting from gold (see Parting Gold For crushing crucible lining ...... 373— 375 and Silver). Stamping R efined Sil v e r ...... 489 Parting from iron ...... 544; 544 Stamp-m il l ...... 279— 287 ; 281— 282 ; 267 Precipitation from solution in Wet ore ...... 312—314; 319—321 copper b ow l...... 444 Standing Plummet Level (see Refining...... 483—490; 465; 484 Plummet Level). Smelting of ores...... Stannaries...... 85 381—382; 386; 388; 390; 400; 402 Stannum...... 473; 2 ; 384; 492 Use in clarification of nitric acid... 443 ; 443 Steel...... 423— 42 6; 422— 423; 354 Silver, R uby (see Ruby Silver). Steiger ...... 77 Silver Glance ...... 109 Steinmack (see Porcelain Clay). Assaying ...... 244 Stemple (stull) ...... Cupellation ...... 473 Stephanite...... Dressing ...... 269 Sternen Mine ...... 92 ; 75 Silver-L ead A lloy (see Stannum, etc.). Steward (of High Peak mines) ...... 77 Silver Ores ...... 109; 109 St. George Mine (Schneeberg) ... 9 2 ; 74; 75 Assaying ...... 242— 244 Stibium (see also Antimony and Anti­ Assaying cupriferous ores ...... 245 mony Sulphide) ... 110 ; 428; 2 ; 221 Fluxes required in assaying ...... 235 Flux to be added t o ...... Smelting cupriferous ores ...... 404— 407 In assaying...... 237 239 Silver-Plating ...... 460 In cementation ...... 458 460 Silver R e f in e r ...... 95 ; 78 Indication of silver...... Silver R efining (see Refining). In making nitric acid ...... 44® Silver V eins ...... 117 In parting gold and silver... 451— 452; 459 Singing by Miners ...... 118 In parting gold from copper ...... !!q7 Sintering Concentrates...... 401 In treatment of gold concentrates 39o , ovi Slags (see also Liquation Slags) ...... 222 St ib n it e ...... 428'’.*11 From blast furnace ...... 379 ; 381 St. L orentz Mi n e ...... U. From liquation ...... 491 ; 492 ; 523 Stockwerke (see Vena cumulata). Slaves as Miners...... 23 ■ 83 Stoics. In Greek mines ...... 25 ; 25 ; 28 Views on wealth...... 18 423 Slough (tunnel) ...... *101 Stomoma ...... 46; 49 Sluices ...... 319; 322— 348 Stone Juice GENERAL INDEX. 6 2 9

Stones, PAGE PAGE Agricola's view of ...... 2 ; 46; 49 T in . Various orders of fusibility ...... 380 Washing ...... 298; 302; 304 “ Stones which E a sil y M elt " (see Tincar or Tincal (see Borax). also Quartz) ...... 380; 222 T ithe Gath erer...... 81 ; 9 5 ; 9 8 ; 78 As a flux ...... 233 T ithe on Me t a l s ...... 8 1 ; 82 In making nitric acid .... 440 Toden K o p fl...... 236 In smelting...... 379; 380; 390 T of stein (see Tophus). Smelting o f ...... 401 T olfa, L a (see La Tolfa). Stool (of a drift) ...... 101 T ools ...... 149— 153 Stope 126 Topfstein (see Tophus). Stoping ...... 125 Tophus ...... 233; 114; 222 Venae cumulatae ...... 128 As a flux ...... 233; 237; 390 Venae dilatatae ...... 126; 127 T ortures. St r a k e ...... 303- 310; 267; 282 With metals...... 11 Canvas ...... 307— 310; 314; 316; 267 Without metals ...... 17 Egyptians...... 280 T ouch-n e e d l e s ...... 253— 2 6 0 ; 253 Greeks ...... 281 T ouchstone 252—253: 252; 354; 458; 222 Short ...... 306— 307 ; 267 Mineral...... 114 Washing tin concentrates ...... 341- -343 U se s...... 243; 248; 447 Strata ...... 126 T rade-routes...... 646 Streaming ...... 316— 318 Salt-deposits influence on Stringers...... 70; 43; 47 70 T ransport of O re ...... 168— 169 Indication of ore...... 106 T rent, B ishop of. Mining method ...... 128 Charter (1185) ...... 84 ...... 129— 137 Styria ...... 388 T riangles in Su r v e y in g ...... 115 Subterranean H eat ...... 46 595 T r ip o l i...... 115; 115 Suction P umps ...... 175 188 Trochitis ...... 500; 514 Sulphides ...... 267 355 T r o l l e y ...... 480; Sulphur ...... 578— 581 ; 579 222 T r o y. 391 Colour of fumes...... 235 Lead found in...... Harmful to metals „...... 273 T roy W eights ...... 61 6; 617; 242 In assaying...... 235— 238 T rucks ...... 156 In parting gold from copper...... 463 ; 462 T u n n e l s ...... 1 0 2 ; 101 In parting gold from silver Law ...... 88—93 130— 141 448— 451 ; 448 461 Surveys of ...... 124 In smelting gold dust ...... 396 Timbering...... 129; 399 Roasted from ores ...... 273 ; 276 T urin Papyrus ...... Solidified juice...... 1 T urn (winze) ...... 101 409 Sulphur “ not exposed to the F ir e ." Tuteneque...... 409 ...... 458; 463 ; 579 Tuttanego ...... 142 T u tty ...... 394 Su r v eyo r 's Field ...... 137; 144; 101 Su r v eyin g ...... 128— 148; 129 T witches of the V e i n ...... 376 Necessary for miners ...... 4 T w ye r ...... 267 Rod ...... 137- 138 T y e ...... Suspended Plummet L ev el (see T y p e . 2; 429 Plummet Level). Stibium used for...... T yran ts. Sw iss Compass ...... 145; 137 32 Swiss Surveyors ...... 145 Inimical to miners ...... Symposium ...... 91 T yrolese. Smelting ...... 388; 404 T ap- h o l e ...... 378; 386 U lcers ...... 214; 31 T appets ...... 282; 319; 267 T apping- bar ...... 381 Uncia (length) ...... ;6 1 6 ; 78 T arshish, T in T rade ...... 412 Uncia (weight) ...... 616 , 242 U ndercurrents T artar (Cream o f)...... 220; 234 (see Sluices). Tectum (Hangingwall) ...... 101 U nited States. Terra sigillata (see Lemnian Earth). Apex law ...... " T ests " , R efin in g Silver i n ...... 483— 490; 4 6 5 ; 484 Vectiarii (see Windlass Men). Thaler ...... Q9 V e i n s ...... 43; 64— 69; 106— 107; 47 Barren...... 72 ; 107 T hasos, Mines of ...... 23 ; 95; 23 Theamedes ...... 115 Direction of...... Drusy ...... 72; 73; 107 T heodosian Co d e . Mines...... 84 Hardness variable...... "J7 T horns (see Liquation Thorns). Indications ...... 66; 67; 106; 107 T h u r ing ia. Intersections of...... 65 ; Roasting pyrites ...... 276 Vena. 43 47 Sluices of gold washing...... 327 Use of term...... Vena cumulata 43 47 T igna (Wall plate) ...... 101 ...... 46 ; 49 ; 70 Mining method ...... 128 T im bering. 87 Of ladderways and shafts.., 122; 123; 124 Mining rights ...... 126 Vena dilatata 41; 45; 53; 60—61 43; 47 Of stopes ...... 67; 68 Of tunnels and drifts...... 124— 125 Junctions with vena profunda...... T i n ...... 411— 4 1 3 ; 354; 110 Mining method ...... Alluvial mining ...... 336— 340 Mining rights ...... 8 Assaying ore ...... 246 Washing lead ore from ...... Assaying for silver ...... 251 Vena profunda...... Colour of fum es...... 235 44; 51; 60; 62; 63; 68; 69; 43; 47 Concentrates...... 340— 342 ; 348— 349 Cross veins ...... 33 Functions...... 65 ; 66 ; 67; 68 Cornish treatment...... 282 Refining ...... 418-419 Mining rights ...... 7 ooo Smelting ...... 411— 420 V enetian Glass ...... zzz Stamp-milling ...... 312— 317 Factories...... In assaying...... 238 ; 245 ; 246 Streaming ...... 316— 318 630 GENERAL INDEX

page Venetian Glass. PAGE W ater-B u c k e ts...... 157—158 In cupellation . 474 W ater-W heels ...... 18 7; 283* Venice. 286; 319 W ater-T ank, under Blast Fur­ Glass-factories...... 592 naces Parting with nitric acid...... 356—357 461 W ealth ...... / 7—20 Scale of weights ...... 264 W edges ...... Ventilation ...... 200- 150 212; 121 W e ig h t s ... 260— 264; 616— 617; 242; 253 With ...... 207—210 Weisser Kis ...... * With fans ...... 111 203—207 W erckschuh...... 617; 78 With linen cloths ...... 210 W estphalia. With windsails ...... 200—203 Smelting lead ore ...... 391 Verdigris ...... 440 ; 1 ; 110; 222 Spalling ore ...... In cementation ...... 272 454; 457 W heelbarrows ...... 154 Indication of ore...... 116 W h im s ...... In making nitric acid ...... 164—167 440 W hite-L e a d ...... 440 * 354 ; 11 0 ; 232 In parting gold from copper ...... 464 W hite Schist ...... 234 ; 390 ; 234; 222 Vermilion. W inding A ppliances (see Hauling Adulteration with red-lead ...... 232 Appliances). Poisonous...... 215 W in d la sse s...... *|60; 171 ; 149 Villacense Le a d ...... 239 : 239 W indlass Men ...... 9 160; 78 Vinegar. W inds. Use in breaking rocks ...... 119; 118 Greek and Roman names ...... 58 Use in cleansing quicksilver...... 426 Sailors* names...... Use in roasting matte ...... 59; 60 349 W inds (winze) ...... 101 Use in softening ore ...... 231 W indsails ...... Vtrgula divina (see Divining Rod). 200—203 W in z e s ...... 102 Vitriol...... 571 ; 572 ; 403; 222; 1 W ittenberg, Capitulation o f ...... IX. In assaying...... 237— 238 W izards. In cementation ...... 454; 454 Divining rods...... 40 Indication of copper...... 116 W orkmen ...... In making nitric acid ...... 98; 100 ... 439—440 W oughs ...... 101 In roasted ores ...... 350 In sal artificiosus ...... 463 Zaffre ...... 112 Native ...... III Ze it z ...... Native blue ...... XI. 109 Zinc (see also Cadmia, and Cobalt). Native white ...... 113 Historical notes...... 408 410; 354 Red ...... 274 Minerals ...... White ...... 112— 113 454 Zinck (see Zinc). Volcanic E ruptions ...... 595 Zinc ...... 113; 354 Zinc Sulphate (see Vitriol). W ashers ...... 73 Zincum (see Zinc). W ashing Ore (see also Concentration, Zoll ...... 617; 78 Screening Ore, etc.)...... 300—310 Zw ic k a u ...... VL W ater-B ags ...... 157— 159; 198 Z witter...... 110