Work in Progress
Networked Rethinking political politics organisation in an age of movements and networks work in progress Editors Hilary Wainwright, Oscar Reyes, Marco Berlinguer, Fiona Dove, Mayo Fuster i Morrell, Joan Subirats Translators Liza Figueroa-Clark, Victor Figueroa-Clark, Patrick Barr Design XL Edizioni Network Politics seminar participants Ezequiel Adamovsky, Christophe Aguiton, David Beetham, Franco Berardi(‘Bifo’), Marco Berlinguer, Quim Brugué, Salvatore Buonamici, Angel Calle, Geraldo Campos, Dominique Cardon, Luciana Castelina, Pedro Chavez, Branka Curcic, Alex Foti, Jane Foot, Mayo Fuster i Morell, Gemma Galdon Clavell, Ricard Gomà, Cornelia Hildebrandt, Brian Holmes, Jamie King, Carolyn Leckie, Achour Boukkaz Mehdi, Sandro Mezzadra, Moema Miranda, Alan McCombes, Javier Navascués, Jaume Nualart, Lluc Pelàez, Inês Pereira, Sheila Rowbotham, Joan Subirats, Marco Trotta, Iñaki Vazquez, Ricard Vilaregut, Asbjorn Wahl, Hilary Wainwright, Frieder Otto Wolf Acknowledgements CCCB, Centre for Democratic Policymaking, Fundacion por la Europa de los Ciudadanos, Infoespai, Labour History Museum, VAG61, Roy Bhaskar, Rashid Bouassi, Victor Guillamon, Kate Wilson Amsterdam, January 2007 ISBN 978-90-71007-17-0 Transnational Institute, Transform! IGOP Euromovements Creative Commons Share Alike Contents Introduction 3 Principles and Challenges Principles 7 Challenges 20 Lines of Inquiry networks/movements 29 state/public institutions 36 political representation/political parties 40 techno-political tools 50 Discussion Open source as a metaphor for new institutions 57 Conclusion Lingering thoughts and unanswered questions 67 Bibliographical resources 71 The world just now is a disturbing place for anyone who believes in peace, social justice, common goods, and ecological sanity. On the one hand, the traditional institutions of democratic control are exhausted; weakened, if not destroyed, by an unconstrained global market and superpower military ambition.
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