Selected Bibliography
Selected Bibliography General Works The Cambridge Ancient History, Vols. X-XII and Vol. V of Plates. Cambridge, I934-39 The Cambridge Medieval History, Vol. I, Cambridge, I924 JONES, A. H. M. The Later Roman Empire, 284-602, 3 vols. Norman, I964 JONES, H. s. The Roman Empire, 29 B.C.-A.D. 476, 3d impres sion. London, I 9 I 6 LOT, F. The End of the Ancient World and the Beginnings of the Middle Ages. New York, I93 I NILSSON, M.P. Imperial Rome. London, I926 PARKER, H. M.D. A History of the Roman World from A.D. 138 to 337, 2d ed. London, I958 ROSTOVTZEFF, M., and BICKERMAN, E. A History of the Ancient World. New York, I96I ROSTOVTZEFF, M. The Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire, 2d ed. by P.M. Fraser, 2 vols. Oxford, I956 SALMON, E. T. A History of the Roman World from 30 B.C. to A.D. 138, 3d ed. London, I957 Special Periods and Reigns JONES, A. H. M. Constantine and the Conversion of Europe, rev. ed. New York, I962 HAMMOND, M. The Antonine Monarchy. Rome, I959 HENDERSON, B. w. Civil War and Rebellion in the Roman Empire, A.D. 69-70. London, I9o8 ---Five Roman Emperors; V espasian, Titus, Domitian, N erva, Trajan, A.D. 69-117. Cambridge, I927 -- The Life and Principate of the Emperor Hadrian, A.D. 76-138.London, I923 HOLMES, T. R. The Architect of the Roman Empire, 2 vols. Ox ford, I928-3I SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY 347 MARSH, F. B. The Founding of the Roman Empire, 2d ed.
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