PLAN YOUR Vivid SYDNEY Experience

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PLAN YOUR Vivid SYDNEY Experience t Post Office Lane S Newlands Park Burling yd Reda Upper Upp h River ton Anzac Park Allan Border Lane R Greenwich Roa St d Grasmere Belmont Road d edan Cliff Rd St Raglan Fa Crows Nest Ernest oy er Cliff Rd g lcon La Rd Oval n St Ri lexander B Street Belmont Road Rd Hospital Oaks Vista L Muston Street ver ne ane Cowles yahga ncents River me A TAFE Bus-O Ben Bo Sutherland St Rd Place Lane M Allawah R Rd Riv St Ave Oaks Av Gerard Lane Rd Vi d er Road Hu Youn Lane treet St Wilona Ave Ben S n anic Rd St d Wi Glo S ot Erne e e ver Northwoo R Gerard Street S B B e treet el treet nl mont Road Hayberry Lane ters Boronia St st St B M Lytton St elgr n K y y Old aween Glover St L G ver ore Street Smoothey Park Byrne e ave nie Street ne i Ragla Wa Lan t Sinclair Street o a l Redan Lane s Ave Lane s Lawry Plunkett St Parr i L n Balfo indsay Lane t t West Street S La S Cl oad o er Ba Waters pencer e a Greendale n oad G ur St Hayberry St Fa St Reserve lcon St Lindsa r MIddle Raglan Rd St l y North Sydney R k r Rd Cabrama y Lane Belmont a ee A howd eet E dstone ruce m t oper Lan Head Rd e St ardwell Rd B mett Lane tta Roa R C Holt Av ve d Rd ernard Lane Lane liff Road Boys' High Par St Ave C St d B Giles Ave t Cabramatta o B Co rlisl Noble e d St Young Rd a Balmoral Park hirley R School S Gr on French Miln o d d St North Sydney G svenor t Ca S Emmett St rosven Lane St oa n Keston Av va Wunda E er Cresce ent S Noble Road e o or St e Spencer Roa t t Lane B Lane t Milner r R Girls High d rs Road S g St. Av o Bon Andrews d Ha Wolger n oronati Merlin Cowles Road nt Rd C ch Crescent Carlow St Mus M G Kemble Street School rosven Rd C Bent Lane S Raglan h lenview Gillies Oval pofforth Str Selwyn St o mpden Cullen Av. Lane r Redan St Point Rd t lbri o G Myrtle St Cheal Wate t MIddle Hea St Leonards S S St Bardwell Lane Martens Marist Coll w ent t Holt u S L t Laycock St ane Avenue Lane on B Memory Park d Shirley Lane Newlands Park Watson S Avenue Road M Ben Boy Wolseley er Carlotta StreetGreenwi oad The Mater Olive Ave Bloxsome Lane Nock Bradfield Yeo Street Rang Ranger S B s Lane e L Ln Shirley R t ane s Ave treet Hospl n North Sydney Can d Senior Coll nue M Rd ay King WilliamCarlotta St Lane a a e iddle et Belmont Ave Ridge L ree rs Ro ewland Oval Ro M Ave rober Ford Street N St Neutral Bay B He Gordon Street Miller Street Wolseley mier St Shadforth Street i Brierley Street radleys Head Road C l Rangers Stre ad ad har ad r les La ank Road Ridge Stre t ne lb ed re Public School Rd Rd Cobbitee St ay Ave R Frascatti P t Street Harry Howard e Want St d m be Road aglan Street l Haze et M e et R Milner Rocklands Ro Alfr Lane E orton St Harrison r M ad Road dw Reserve t Street iddle He Midd ead in Street Park S le He St St Forsyth Park L Ave Elliot ind Crows Nest Rd Church ad Road say St Stre Avenue Rd Civic Centre arry Street h Rangers Rd MIddle H Reginald t Croquet Chisho St B Wycom S t Vista St Queen gham MIddle oc t S Lane Bay View Park Park S ing Max Barry Lane Harrison nt St Stree in Lindsay St orth f Road North Sydney Wenona t K Alexand Head Rd North Lane er Su Callio Ef Alfred St Be Cho Bennett Street urd pe omerset Street t Av Demonstration St ad e Bridge End St McLaren Str S Avenue Rd S akin Dr ley King poff S ve M Raglan Queen Brennan Park Pa Florence La pine Angelo St pru Frazer St ne S d. t Rawson Park St wder Bay Rd y School al Reserve cific H eet t S St R n Best A ilra Ben e Shir Flore s n e irius M ve son St nce St ist Ro Av Rawson Oval St v Cla A S Ellamatt n ighw oway r A Nest Rd Road d Cove Rd Bay igh o a e e M agic Gv Jame Ha Eaton ve Reid Park Ave n Ave t urr St Fleet Edwa St A Shadforth Street King La Su ay Re Lane r treet S B McKy riott Upp Milt akin D S Monte Sant' Westle Royal r Milray Crows t Raglan St Union St Carr St Doohat A St e Suakin Dr Tryo e St Angelo Mercy Harnett St The Nook rd St Cross St ve Ave Uni Powell St Av Crux Ln on Ave Claude Orlando oad W Coll King lbert S St Guthrie Ave St St averton t Mosm Lane Bo A RoadTryon ay R Berry S Berry St yle Lower an St Mistral Av Whatmore B Darley Bannerman St A t Tunks Iredale St e Ave Australian awson St Boyle St v Ro Bank Elfreda Rd R Ave e Bay Rd St B Clanalpine Street e n Road y Carr Badh ss Street St a PhillipsBen St tre rince B Catholic ogat Harnett Park u St n St Ha S e e P Shirley d Oak St Av v Bay Rd R Littl ring St rriette St University St n wder e am Boyd R er St a Rd Rd Sp treet Ave Cho St Street glan Silex Rd ilso Kareela S Moran St s Co eniso Kurraba Rd Rd M More ue Bay Ra Mo t D Sirius Ave lla unt St Ruby St Stre x S ed St ve Siriu More et; t d LENNO d Arthur t son A le en Pacific Highwa Hodg Thrupp d i ll Lord utral X STREE Thompson a R Clifton S R d oka St T S S v St Au Woolc St Mount Alfr b St Ne in A S ittle Walk Gardens t d Clifton St S Balls t bin Street t be R Cremorne Lane o L Au Eur illiam Wallace St tt St R S Berry Island Kareela LaneK reet D Reserve Larkin C e SIRIUS PARK lker arr W areela Road v o St o Reserve S r anns t Wa i c Head Rd s Edward k Street Wycom l T Sydney l Ancrum Ku Milson Ro BERT ST l St M S l rraba e n EE T Miller t R S t h E Lawrence St Church of y rraba Rd Rd Street UE Graythwaite Ku S George St Ba S Wycombe Bank Lane INCE AL W R England haling ELMO ISTA AV AVEN P T Lane V e Bl Arthur St Rd es t ue St RD Saint CH RD A T AGLAN ST Mitche reet Billong A NG E K Richard Grammar St R SAIN ARDINIA RD O ius UEN a G BE B Alfred St North Sir Cre N S Hay t School Kurr I Pacific H d St rrison St HBEENA E STRE HIT East St a Jo Park W AH BURRAW H hn St mo Bishopsga Mackenzi d GRAV Street e ighway High St ab Gr MAIN r e en CURR Union St rne Roa Pr e St Sh ENTRANCE MUS H a ERIT os Balls ll t St AGE ENTRANCE S ellcove A RD Mi Mi BRADLE ILUK p W Rd Rd TARONGA ZOO PLANHead R YOUR vivid SYDNEY experience ect St dd ues Point Rd Walker rkin St e 05 06 lemiss b 08 Holt Bl rthur St St YS HEAD RD b 02 07 A La St L Ennis Road d S avender S d St 06 EXPLORE YOURt FAVOURITEt VIVID SYDNEYtreet PRECINCTS AROUND THE CITY AND THE HARBOUR INCLUDING 08 04 d High 04 ia Stree Watt Park Clark Rd ipwoo 09 ictor e V H Stree St Clark Park 10 07 LUNA PARK, TARONGAchell ZOO, CHATSWOOD,int R BARANGAROO, DARLING HARBOUR AND THE ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN SYDNEY. Mit St o t 01 P 10 Milson Park Kurr nces Plac 03 05 USE PUBLICPri TRANSPORT TO GET THE MOST OUT OF YOUR VIVID SYDNEY EXPERIENCE.R ab Cliff inslow St d lues 01 02 St W a BRAD B Winslow Lane 09 il St Waiwera 03 Mil M LEYS HE MILSONS ATHO AD RD L WHARF POINT Burton St RD ELAMANG AVE NORTHCLIFF ST ALFED ST SOUTH FITZROY STREET s ad d o J y R EFFEREYS ST e LUNA PARK Louisa R Brilliant artworks light up this CARABELLAiconic ST TO Bradl Sydney amusement park t TARONGA ZOO Head TO UPPER PITT ST KIRRIBI PRECINCT d R Bradfield Park CHATSWOOD LLI AVE MILSONS POINT PRECINCT sa Road ys Head Wharf Loui RABELLA ST treet Rd Bradle Rose S CA St St ove SYDNEY HARBOUR BRIDGE Ferdinand Gr Cove S Wharf R LED illumination of the eastern side HARBOUR LIGHTS Reuss St B ay S of the Sydney Harbour Bridge t oad Ballast Point Beautiful LED-lit vessels lighting up t d s St Park Sydney Harbour Jessie St ll St Yee Roa Spring St GippCameron Short Street nd Gardens e St grov McKe rch St Bi Mort Bay Park ue Spring Thomas St St SYDNEY Montag HARBOUR St BRIDGE t Cur h St SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE ee tis Rd Phillip St c reet Tr eet D Chur outo THE ROCKS Lighting of the Sails and the Vivid LIVE et Nich n KSON R St C th Str n St HI music program Cu College St Clifto Vivid Light Walk, light installations Duke Stre St R rtis t olso ague Str d Mort Stre Nor and projections Short n Brett BARANGARO O ont St e Phillip St HICKSON ROAD Church St Clayton S Av M Cur et RESERV E The Ave re Coll St tis Rd tre GEORGE ST Little Darling St Thames St l Street et et Da w S HICKSON RD rling e SYDNEY Llewelly St rvi n Street ampbel OPERA Darl C Johnston St WINDMILL STREET ing S ST Un olgate Ave Datchett St E treet Wate eet MERRIMAN ST HOUSE C W Str S i THE ROCKS rling on reet Da t St ARGYLE PL ENTRY St Bradford St THE ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN SYDNEY t St Beattie ephen St HIGH ST RCULAR QUAY ARG I Fawcett St YLE C An illuminated outdoor precinct of light ton S Hosking HIGH LANE T e St MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART AUSTRALIA T Wallac St S installations and projections s St 3D-mapped projections & REET Ewen Vincent St ST CIRCULAR llen k Ave Vivid Ideas Exchange on level 6 MCA THE ROYAL BOTANIC Bradford Lane ftonStreet QUAY Dick Gra CUMBERLAND Mu GARDEN SYDNEY St Bradford St GEORGE Tobru BARANG AROO D ortley St R T W IES EE R R t Foy St FARM UA BARANGAROO Q ALFRED ST EXIT N ST Rumsay Lane COVE AC Hyam St Illuminated promenade inspired by water, ES M SEX ST REIBY AROO T ALBERT ST BARANG E CUSTOMS MRS E earth and sea, and new dining options P ST L HOUSE TR Rosser Street (SOUTH) HARRINGTO S BULLETIN PL LLIP ITT P PHI ET HICKSON RD BARANGAROO AVE GROSVENOR ST T DALLEY ST Rumsay BRIDGE STREET REE T TUS STRE St S RD LOF BARANGAROO LANG CUSTOMS HOUSE Pirrama SLAND JAMISON ST GEORGE ST Rooftop projections creating a surreal G I N underwater encounter DARLI treet Road W MARGARET STREET C WY URTIN PLACE ol s S ET NYAR D seley Rd Point Stree ST E R WYNYARD O'CONNELL ST R F D WALK Robert R ST Y BLIGH HA ORK LANE D LIME STREET T E R W Wynyard E E R Mount St HUNTER UARIE YORK ST ST Park ST REET QUARIES R COWP W T Walk t AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL MARITIME MUSEUM SUSSSEX SUSSEX LN entwort T t PIT Refinery Dr MACQ ERSKINE ST S Embarkation St h SHELLEY ST McKell Park Summerville Rd arvey S P MRS MAC H Rooftop projections will take you on a Park D arl STREET reet T PIRRAMA RD journey through nature PHILLI W Jones K Cadiga ET i ENT STREET n CLARENCE STREET James Craig Rd John St BARRACK ST E MARTIN PL MARTIN ST NEOT AVE ol St g STREE THE STAR TR seley rth St E Bowman St PYRMONT S PLACE P o l Av Mount E o Bank Str PYRMONT BAY G w New Beach Rd t e St i d J n Rd ames Distillery Dr GEORGOR E t Cr eet AL ROAD en G g Roa aig S AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL T Rd I Ro T CHAL P W REET MARITIME MUSEUM LIS A K S VE Thornton St Jones St ING STREET mes Crai O ad H Ja n Rose Bay Park e WARD ST HYDE PARK W ED BARRACKS ART GALLERY RD ve t mpd PYRMONT BAY A land olse DARLING a en H T ST MALL .
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    Request for Quotation (RFQ) – Site Management Services Request: Destination NSW is seeking an itemised quotation for the provision of Site Management Labour Services for Vivid Sydney 2019. In this RFQ, there are different positions that can be applied for. Companies and/or Sole Traders may submit a quotation for the roles detailed within this RFQ. Destination NSW reserves the right to appoint one contractor, or multiple contractors to all or part of the Specifications of Services/positions detailed herein. Please note this is not a position of employment contract, but a contract for supply of services. Background on Destination NSW: Destination NSW is the lead Government agency for the New South Wales (NSW) tourism and major events sectors. Our role is to market Sydney and NSW as one of the world's premier tourism and major events destinations; to secure major sporting and cultural events; to work in partnership with Business Events Sydney to win major international conventions and incentive travel reward programs; to develop and deliver initiatives that will drive visitor growth throughout the state; and to achieve the NSW Government's goal of doubling overnight visitor expenditure within the state’s visitor economy by 2020 and tripling by 2030. The Event, Vivid Sydney, the world’s largest festival of light, music and ideas is owned, managed and produced by Destination NSW. Period: Destination NSW requests an itemised quotation for services detailed in this document, during the period) outlined below. Prior to commencement please allow one day pre planning for relevant Planning Period site inductions and event related briefing.
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