8. Aletta Henriëtte Jacobs 1854 –1929

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8. Aletta Henriëtte Jacobs 1854 –1929 8. Aletta Henriëtte Jacobs 1854 –1929 ‘Fighting for what is right, makes life worth living’. Zo kennen we haar, een vrouw die kracht uitstraalde, aandacht en liefde, en die zichzelf niet spaarde. Aletta is in Nederland bekend als de eerste vrouwelijke huisarts. Zij vocht voor de rechten en de gezondheid van vrouwen in een tijd waarin deze onder rechteloosheid, armoede en slechte gezondheid leden. Vanaf het begin van haar loopbaan ontwikkelde zij een groot talent voor de omgang met gezaghebbende kringen, die haar politieke en sociale doelen zouden kunnen steunen. Als overtuigd voorvechtster voor het vrouwenkiesrecht vervulde zij een belangrijke rol in de (inter)nationale beweging. In die kring nam zij in 1914, na het uitbreken van de Eerste Wereldoorlog, het besluit de vrouwenstrijd te verbinden met het verzet tegen de oorlog. De kiesrechtvrouwen konden voor hun congres niet in Berlijn terecht, maar toen dat helemaal afgezegd werd nam zij het voortouw, samen met Rosa Manus en geïnspireerd door Chrystal Macmillan. Zij nodigde alle vrouwen uit naar Den Haag te komen voor een Congres of Women, dat door de Nederlandse afdeling georganiseerd zou worden. ‘In the dreadfull times, in which so much hate has been spread among the different nations, the women have to show that we at least retain our solidarity and that we are able to maintain mutual friendship’. De doelstelling was duidelijk: oproepen tot vrede, met internationale solidariteit en vrouwelijke kracht. Op 28 april 1915 sprak Aletta de openingsrede uit, Jane Addams werd de presidente. Het werd een goed congres. Aletta en Rosa Manus bleven tot 1919 zorgen voor het internationale werk. Aletta bleef tot 1922 actief in missies en acties, het laatst naar de Volkenbond in Berlijn en Parijs. Velen heb- ben haar keuzen bewonderd. Zij stond met de andere vrouwen midden in de problemen van haar tijd én zij waren met hun optiek van reconciliation in practice hun tijd ver vooruit. Na haar sterven schreef Carrie Chapman Catt: ‘The world is always a little more lonesome when a good friend goes’. 8. Aletta Henriëtte Jacobs 1854 –1929 “Fighting for what is right, makes life worth living.” That is how we know her, a woman beaming with power, attention to detail and love; placing the need of others before herself. Aletta is known in the Netherlands as the first female general practitioner. She fought for the rights and wellbeing of women in a time in which they suffered of rightlessness, poverty and poor health conditions. From the start of her career she developed a great talent for mingling within powerful circles that would come to support her political and social goals. As a confident advocate for women’s voting rights she played a prominent role in the international movement. Amid those circles in 1914, after the outbreak of World War I, she decided to conjoin her efforts for women with protesting against the war. The women for voting rights were not al- lowed to come together at their congress in Berlin and when this was canceled complete- ly, she took the lead alongside of Rosa Manus, and inspired by Chrystal Macmillan. She invited all of the women to come to The Hague for a Congress of Women, to be organized by the Dutch section. “In the dreadfull times, in which so much hate has been spread among the different nations, the women have to show that we at least retain our solidarity and that we are able to maintain mutual friendship.” The purpose was clear: to call for peace, in an atmosphere of international solidarity and female strength. On 28 April 1915, Aletta deliv- ered the inaugural address, after which she transferred her chairmanship to Jane Addams. The congress was a great success. Aletta and Rosa Manus took care of the international work until 1919. Aletta remained active in missions and actions until 1922, which included trips to the League of Nations in Berlin and Paris. Many have admired her choices. She was, among other women, in the center of the issues of her time and with their view of reconciliation in practice far beyond their time. After she died Carrie Chapman Catt wrote: “The world is always a little more lonesome when a good friend goes.” 5. Anita Augspurg 1857 – 1943 Anita Augspurg gehörte zu den 28 deutschen Delegierten für den Haager Kongress. Als Mitglied des Internationalen Komitees war sie außerdem Co-Organisatorin zur Ausrichtung des Internationalen Friedenskongresses. In der Debatte um Resolution 8 „Demokratische Kontrolle der Außenpolitik“ hielt sie eine brillante Rede, in der sie ihre Überzeugung vertrat, dass Krieg so gut wie unmöglich sein würde, wenn das Volk über die Beziehungen der eigenen Regierung zu anderen Regierungen entscheiden könnte. Zusammen mit anderen Friedensaktivistinnen gründete sie die deutsche Sektion der WIL- PF unmittelbar nach dem Haager Kongress. Im politischen Klima von Nationalismus und Militarisierung der 1920er Jahre bildete sich die deutsche WILPF als eine radikale Frauen Friedensorganisation heraus. Anfang der 1930er Jahre waren mehr als 2000 Frauen in fast 100 kleinen und größeren Städten aktiv: Gemeinsam setzten sie sich für die politische und gleichberechtigte Teilhabe von Frauen ein, forderten eine friedliche Lösung von Konflikten, einen andauernden Frieden und die Sicherung von Freiheit. Mit ihrer Lebensgefährtin Lida Gustava Heymann gründete sie die feministisch-pazifistische Zeitschrift „Die Frau im Staat“. 1933, nach der Machtübernahme der Nationalsozialisten unter Hitler, emigrierten beide Frauen in die Schweiz. Nach 47 Jahren enger Freundschaft starb Anita im Dezember 1943 im Züricher Exil, nur fünf Monate nach Lida Gustava. 5. Anita Augspurg 1857 – 1943 Dr Anita Augsburg was one of the 28-strong German delegation at The Hague. She was also a member of the International Committee that organized the Congress. She gave a brilliant speech in the debate on Resolution 8: Democratic Control of Foreign Policy, when she spoke up for her conviction that if people could vote on the question to start a war or not, they would firmly decide against war. Along with other women peace activists she set up WILPF Germany immediately after the congress. Amongst the political atmosphere of nationalism and militarism in Germany during the 1920s, the section established itself as a radical peace and feminist organization. In the early 1930s there were more than 2,000 members in almost 100 towns and smaller places. In joint actions they campaigned for equal political participation of women, claiming peaceful solutions of conflicts and enduring peace and freedom. With her partner Lida Gustava Heymann she founded the pacifist-feminist newspaper “Die Frau im Staat”. In 1933 both women emigrated to Switzerland due to the rise of Hitler. After 47 years of a lasting relationship and still in exile Anita died in December 1943, only five months after Lida Gustava. 11. Anna Kleman 1862 –1940 Anna Kleman föddes 1862 i Karlskrona, i södra Sverige. Hennes föräldrar var Kommendörkapten Karl Kleman och Augusta Grahm. Hon var syster till Ellen Kleman. Anna Kleman var en aktiv förespråkare för Fred och var en av 16 svenska kvinnor som del- tog på kongressen i Haag 1915, som en del av den Svenska kommittén, för vilken hon var ordförande. Mellan 1915-1918 var hon den svenska representanten i den ‘Internationella styrelsen’. Under denna period arbetade hon också för ‘Rädda barnen’ och var ett tag dess ordförande. Anna Kleman ägnade mycket av sin tid åt välgörenhetsarbete och arbetade på försäkringsbolaget Thule för att försörja sig. Innan hennes engagemang i IKFF var hon aktiv inom Kvinnliga rösträttsrörelsen och deltog på den ’Internationella rösträttskongressen’ i Stockholm 1911. Hon blev senare medlem i ’Internationella kvinnorådet’ och bjöds in till dess kongress i Washington 1925 och rapporterade därifrån för tidningen Hertha. Hon avled 1940. 11. Anna Kleman 1862 – 1940 Anna Kleman was born in 1862 in Karlskrona, Southern Sweden. Her parents were Commander Karl Kleman and Augusta Grahm. She was the sister of Ellen Kleman. Anna Kleman was an active advocate for peace and one of 16 Swedish women who partic- ipated in den Haag 1915. She was elected chair of the Swedish section of the International Committee of Women for Permanent Peace from 1915 to 1918 and a Swedish delegate to 1919 Congress in Zürich. Anna Kleman devoted much of her time to charity work and worked for the insurance company Thule in order to support herself. During World War One, she worked for ‘Save the Children’ and for a period acted as the chair. Active in women’s suffrage movement, she published The Woman’s Civil Rights in 1908 and participated in the ‘International Suffrage Congress’ in Stockholm in 1911. She later became a member of the “International Council of Women” and was invited to their congress in Washington 1925, from where she sent reports for the journal Hertha. 9. Chrystal Macmillan 1872 – 1937 Chrystal Macmillan campaigned all her life for full citizenship rights for women. The first female science graduate from the University of Edinburgh, she campaigned for women’s right to vote and spoke in House of Lords in 1908 to demand the same right for female graduates as male graduates to the vote under the University franchise. As secretary of International Woman Suffrage Alliance [IWSA], she became the organiser of the International Women’s Relief Committee soon after WWI hostilities commenced in August 1914. The following year she worked with Dutch women to organise the Women’s International Congress, where 1,136 women from Europe and North America gathered to discuss the root causes of war and how women might influence political leaders toward peace. Chrystal was one of five envoys elected by Congress, to travel back and forward across war-torn Europe and to USA, meeting with political leaders, urging them to use mediation to negotiate an end to war.
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