Zoning Bd. Postpones Decision on Comm. Center Expansion
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The Westfield Serving the Town Since 1890 Leader USPS 680020 Published OUR 108th YEAR ISSUE NO. 19-99 Periodical Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. Thursday, May 13, 1999 Every Thursday 232-4407 FIFTY CENTS Council OKs Zoning Bd. Postpones Decision $1.2M Grant Application On Comm. Center Expansion By PAUL J. PEYTON By KIMBERLY A. BROADWELL the building. The annex building, Mrs. Howell Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Specially Written for The Westfield Leader and The Times Zoning Board member David Haas said, will accommodate as many as Following up on some of the mod- After hours of testimony by expert reported to The Westfield Leader that 60 children at a time. est improvements made to the busi- witnesses, the Westfield Zoning a use variance must be granted be- Other expert witnesses to testify on ness district, such as new benches Board of Adjustment Monday night cause the proposed building will be behalf of the expanded community and signs, the Town Council Tues- postponed until June a decision on located in a residential area. center were Ernestine Howell, Ex- day night approved the submission variances needed to expand the cur- The case will be carried over to ecutive Director of the Center, and of a $1.2 million grant application to rent Westfield Community Center next months meeting. Larry Kern, a traffic expert. the Union County Project Down- across the street from its 558 West Testifying on the design of the Mrs. Howell, who has been the town Grant program. Broad Street location. basement and the first floor, Mr. centers Executive Director for 30 The governing bodys action oc- Courtesy of Jonathan Brody The property, which was acquired Schleifer walked board and audience years, reiterated to members of the curred despite the hesitation of sev- A JOB WELL DONE!...The third place winners from Wilson Elementary by the WCC in the 1940s, currently members through the proposed build- board that the new annex building eral council members, although the School in the B.R.A.K.E.S. (Bikers, Runners and Kids Entitled to Safety) Poster includes a dilapidated two-family ing. He stated that the basement would would be used to house a preschool resolution was ultimately approved Contest pose with Mayor Thomas C. Jardim during an awards ceremony earlier home which will be torn down to include a physical therapy room, lec- daycare for children ages 2-1/2-6 by a 6-0 vote. Three council mem- this month. Pictured are Emily De Rosa, Elizabeth Kline and Julie Shelman. The make room for the new center. ture room or classroom and a com- years old and senior day center. bers were not in attendance. contest was held in conjunction with National Pedestrian Safety Month. Board member Henry Kelly asked puter room. She also told members that pres- The application, which is due in Westfield-based architects Albert Mr. Schleifer stated that the first ently the community center cannot the county offices tomorrow, May Schleifer and Robert Algarin, who floor would house the daycare facil- house a daycare facility because it 14, includes a wide range of pro- co-designed the building and offered ity and have a full kitchen for cook- uses the same space for all of its posed enhancements to the central their expertise as part of the evenings ing meals for the children attending programs. The seniors use the facil- business district, as outlined in the testimony, to make another sketch of the daycare program. ity until 2:45 p.m. at which time Downtown Westfield Improvement the proposed two-story building. Testifying on the design of the children from local schools are Plan which is to be released shortly Mr. Kelly concluded that he wanted second floor, Mr. Algarin explained brought to the center until parents by the Downtown Westfield Corpo- to see a three-dimensional drawing that this floor would contain an come home from work between 5 and ration (DWC). of the proposed building, to be lo- Alzheimer care day room, a game 6 p.m. The proposed improvements in- cated on the corner of Palsted Avenue room, lounge, multi-purpose room Mrs. Howell further stated that a clude the following: and West Broad Street, in order to and a screening and consultation needs assessment was currently con- A minimum of 100 new trash give him a better idea of how it would room, as well as an examination ducted and found that there are par- receptacles to be located throughout actually look when completed. room. ents who are in need of a community the downtown, replacing 65 existing It is proposed that the new build- He also noted that a serving kitchen daycare so that they can work. cans. ing will house a daycare facility for 2 would be housed on the second floor She concluded that the assessment A Bank Square at the intersec- 1/2 year olds-6 year olds and house for the adult programs. also indicated there was a growing tion of East Broad and Elm Streets, an adult medical care facility, as well. The Westfield Community Center need for adult care in the community. The Zoning Board must decide currently holds respite services for Mrs. Howell noted that not only is featuring brick crosswalks and gran- Courtesy of Jonathan Brody ite block paving at the center of the AND THE WINNER IS!...Chloe Birkenthal, a kindergartner at Wilson Elemen- whether or not a use variance will be seniors with dementia and there a need for expanded recreational intersection, as well as vintage light- tary School, was the grade school overall winner in the recent Poster Contest given to the project as well as many Alzheimers once a week on Mon- type programs for adults, but also a ing fixtures. sponsored by B.R.A.K.E.S. (Bikers, Runners and Kids Entitled to Safety). She other variances, such as front and days from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and holds growing need for an adult day pro- Enhancements along Central is held up for the crowd by First Ward Councilman Carl A. Salisbury (partially rear yard set backs and on-site park- recreational programs for the seniors gram for those who need medical Avenue between North and South blocked). Also pictured are Fourth Ward Councilman Lawrence A. Goldman, ing. The Board also will decide if it daily from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. After 3 care, such as individuals with Avenues, and from South to Cacciola left, and Mayor Thomas C. Jardim (holding the bull horn). The contest attracted will give the project site plan ap- p.m., the center has an after-school Alzheimers. 120 entries. This years theme was, Crosswalk Safety. The awards were proval for the architectural plans for program that serves 35 children. Place, including new sidewalks, presented at a downtown ceremony on May 1. CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 crosswalks, lighting, signage and shade trees. Improvements to the intersec- Flashing Crosswalk Warning System Considered as One tion of Boulevard at South Avenue, such as brick crosswalks, landscap- ing, new sidewalks, lighting and signage. Effective Option to Help Calm Traffic for Pedestrians Rialto Theatre Park, featuring a small brick plaza with benches, a By PAUL J. PEYTON nology is the wave of the future for earlier this year while trying to cross bicycle rack, an information kiosk, Specially Written for The Westfield Leader pedestrian safety. East Broad Street from Jefferson landscaping, lighting and telephones. With the deaths of two pedestrians Westfield Third Ward Councilman Avenue, opposite the temple. Au- Central Avenue business district still fresh on the minds of many in the Neil F. Sullivan, Jr., Public Safety thorities later said the woman, a enhancements, including benches, Westfield community, the town is Committee Chairman, said the nanny employed by a Westfield flower pots, lighting and brick pav- beginning to get some feedback from LightGuard System costs roughly couple, was on her way to pick up a ing, along a wide stretch of sidewalk a consulting firm hired to recom- $10,000 for a two-lane crosswalk. child at a program at the temple, but in front of the Banana Republic and mend traffic calming as a way to The technology is not used in New did not use the crosswalk. Bombay stores. slow, if not divert, traffic from the Jersey at this time, although it is Councilman Goldman said the sys- Station Square South, as labeled towns major arteries. about to be launched as pilot pro- tem could also be set up at the cross- in the plan, would feature a green A relatively new technology, called grams in Burlington and Morris walk on Rahway Avenue across from area in front of the South Side Train In-Pavement Flashing Lights Cross- Counties. The LightGuard System the Field House at Kehler Stadium, Station between South and Summit walk Warning System, is among those has been used in Washington State and timed to flash when crowds are Avenues. The current green space devices under consideration. and in California. exiting Westfield High School foot- would be expanded and include ad- The system features a series of Mr. Sullivan noted that signs would ball games and other sporting events ditional trees placed along the east amber LED (Light Emitting Diode) be installed in advance of the lighted at the field. and west sides of the lawn which will lights embedded in the roadway fac- crosswalks to alert motorists. The LightGuard system can be seen be viewed from the train station on ing oncoming traffic. In all honesty, I dont see it being both in bright sunlight or in adverse the South Avenue side.