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MOST PROGRESSIVE TOWNSHIP WITH THE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPER LARGEST IN • GUARANTEED TEIS AREA CIRCULATION "The Voice of the Raritan Bay District VOL.. V.—No. 3 FORDS, N. J., FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1940 PRICE THREE CENTS e It's. Ghastly? But Township TwentyiFirst Birthday Observed FORDS FIRE CAUSES Keasbey Group fnsists Committee Benefit If Cemeteries Grow By Harry Hansen Pmt In Fords EXTENSIVEJJAMAGE Ignore Garbage Removal Contract Three Pepartiiients Answer Municipal Treasury To Get One Dollar For Each Bur- Carl Lund I* Re-Elected As FORDS — More than eighty Mr. and Mrs. Lance Gibbs and Mr. Not Concerned With Legal Liabilities Involved, Spokes- Alarm At Nielsen Home ial Under Plan Now Being Considered By Committee President; New Mem- guests attended the twenty-first •and Mrs. James Cockerill, of man Declares; Township Council Feels Otherwise birthday of the American Legion jamesburg; Mrs. Catherine Coak- On Gordon Street bers Take Office which was celebrated by members ley, of Perth Amboy; Mr. and Mrs. KEASBEY — Althoug-h John Almasi the garbage HOPELAWN—"If the ordinance authorizing the of Harry Hansen Post No. 163 and Gleekner and Miss Jane Cook, .of FORDS—Fire, believed to have FORDS—Carl W. Lund was re- its Ladies' Auxiliary at the home Carteret; Miss Mary Seamann and contractor has refused to alter his contract to allow a lower enlargement of Beth Israel Cemetery, Woodbridge and elected president of the Board of been caused by an overheated fur- Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Slovak Church Cemetery in j F^e'commfssioners of Fords at the of Commander and Mrs. Benjamin Mrs. Morris Flefschman, of Perth nace, resulted in damages amount- rate of garbage tax for the Keasbey Heights district, repre- Sunshine Saturday night. -.'..". Amboy, and Carl Ross, of Me-ing to several hundred dollars at sentatives of that district headed by "Leon JeglinsM, ap- Hopelawn, are passed on final readings on April 1,, it will annUal reorganization meeting held The affair was held in the recre- tuchen.. the home of Niels Nielsen, 50 Gor- be the first time local burial grounds have provided reve- j the Corielle Street firehouse. ation room of the Sunshine home Members of the local post and don Street, shortly after 9:30 peared at Township meeting Monday night for .the third m auxiliary who spoke briefly were: nue to the Township. Other officers elected were: An- which was attractively decorated in o'clock yesterday morning. consecutive time and demanded that the committee do the Legion colors, blue and gold. Bartolo Di Matteo and John Dam- i This statement was made yesterday by Township -At- thony L. Balint, secretary, and The axixiliary acted as host for the bach, past commanders; Benjamin Firemen from Fords, Keasbey • _ (Something to remedy the situation. torney Leon E. McElroy, who ex- Ralph Liddle, treasurer. James S. evening. Sunshine, Art Geising, Carl Han- and Hopelawn responded to the Asked what they would recom- plained that contrary to any laws The program was opened by the sen, Walter Lybeck, John Dalton, alarm sounded from box 16. When mend, the Keasbey delegation jhad Wight was retained as attorney for they arrived, the entire interior now on the statute books the addi- the district and Joseph Seaman as unit president, Miss Julia. Bani, Christian Nicolaison and Mrs! Rose nothing to offer, although one tions will not be tax-exempt. This who extended greetings of wel-Sunshine. Mrs. Carl Hansen, chair- of the two-story f rame j building member pointed out "that con- is toeing done by agreement with auditor. The Fords National Bank man of the covered dish supper, was a mass of flames. come to the assemblage, and turn- : tracts are made and contracts are the cemetery associations. was named depository for district ed the rest of the program over to was introduced to the gathering. For nearly two hours the volun- broken." Township Attorney Leon In addition, if the ordinances are funds. Ruf us 'B'. Allen, toastmaster. Following the supper, the ritual teers fought the stubborn blaze Republican Unit Holds An- E. McElroy declared that he would passed, the cemetery associations Before the election of officers, Guests of the evening who ex-was conducted by the members of Which threatened to level the struc- not have the committee involve Good Friday Observance Is nual Poll In Home 0! themselves in something that isn't will pay!}the township one dollar William Warren and Carl Hansen, pressed greetings and compliments the county and local posts. Sing- ture which is said to be owned by- for each burial. The dollar will be Scheduled By Ourlady - newly elected commissioners, were to the post and auxiliary on their ing and dancing was enjoyed by allthe Perth Amboy Building and,* Commissioner Troger' legal. paid when application is made for sworn into office.. splendid accomplishments, included until a late hour. Loan Association. Committeeman Charles J. Alex- a burial certificate at the town • Fire. Chief John Carmody sub- The entire interior of the build- PISCATAWAYTOWN — Theander reported that together with hall. West Raritan Republican Club, at FORDS—Holy Week services at mitted his report on the needs of ing was gutted, as the fire is be- several members of the Keasbey The Beth Israel cemetery now the fire company for the year. lieved to have had a good start be- its annual election of officers held committee, he conferred with Mi\ Our Lady of Peace Church began HOST SPAGHETTI SUPPER in the home of Commissioner and has 112 acres of land. It is making yesterday morning with a solemn fore it was discovered by a pass- Almasi regarding the scaling down application for an additional 15.- ing motorist. ' .*. Mrs. Henry H. Troger, Jr., Wood- of the cost of garbage collection on mass and procession- at 8:30 17 Sales Of Real Estate bridge Avenue, named Frank Gav- 841 acres. The land in question is o'clock. UNITS ON CLUB CALENDAR Keasbey Heights. near the highway. In addition the enda president of the organiza- Services today, according' to'the Are Reported By Allgaier Martin, McElroy To Confer tion. "Mr. Almasi", Comniitteem&n cemetery associates will pay the Raritan River Group Will Women Democrats Sched- Alexander related, "felt he could- Township $500 and all costs of le-pastor, Rev. Joseph Ketter, will . WOODBRIDGE—Seventeen real On Transfer Of Stadium Others elected were: Mrs. Mari- include a pre-sahctified mass at estate sales, amounting to ?17,- n't do it. The contractor pointed gal advertising for the vacation of Entertain Twice Dur- ule Affair For Next WOODBRIDGE-^-A conference on Bingert, vice president; George out that Ms contract is tied up a portion of Metuchen Avenue. 8:30 o'clock and an evening serv- 478.99, were made during the A. Collier, secretary, and Walter ice at 7:30 o'clock consisting of amonth of February, according to ing Summer Months Month; Mrs. Miller is being arranged between J. H. with a bonding company and any At the last meeting of the com- Thayer Martin, Board of Educa- Rush, treasurer. change in the contract would mean mittee Monday night, Committee- sermon and adoration of the Cross. the regular monthly report submit- PISC ATA WAYT 0 WN—Accord- Chairman ted to the Township Committee tion counsel and Township Attor- The new president appointed the changing the bond. Mr. Almasi man Charles' J. Alexander voted Blessing of the pascal candle, ing to an announcement made Fri-> ney Leon E. McElroy in an effort following committees: Entertain- also pointed out that he had made against the measure on first read- Baptismal water and incense em- Monday night by the real estate day night at a meeting of the Rari- PISCATAWAYTOWN — At its department director, William All- to straighten out all difficulties re- ment, August Borweg'an and Roc- several capital investments in con- ing because "there were too many bers will take place tomorrow tan River Boat Club, Raritan meeting Friday night in the First garding the transfer of the sta- cemeteries in the Township now, gaier. , Township .and N«w Brunswick will jDistrict, headquarters on Player co Cheverani; welfare, Mrs. Hen-nection with contract and did not morning at 7 o'clock and will- be dium property from the Township ry Troger, Jr..; refreshments, Mrs. feel that he was in" the position to especially in Hopeiawn "and that" followed by mass at 8 o'clock. Receipts for the month were list- next slimmer attract the greatest Avenue, the Women's Democratic to the Board. he knew the people he represented ed as follows: Deposits on real es- concentration of motor yachts in Club made plans for a spaghetti George Collier, Sr., Mrs. Frank make any changes." Eesurrenction services will be held The Board objects to two pro-Eganey and Mrs. August Borwe- were against it." tate, $385; cash sales, $775; con- many.years.r supper to be.held in April. Mrs. Despite the report the delega^ tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock. Matthew Miller, of Church Street, visions in the Committee's resolu- gan; publicity, Percy E. Dixon. Committeeman Frederick A. tract sale payments, $3,946.20; ad- The township club will be host on tion wanted to know if the "com- Spencer of the first ward in his Services on Easter Sunday in- vertising costs, $148.62; interest was named chairman and her as-tion of transfer: first, that in the The club endorsed Harold G. mittee was going to do anything clude procession and solemn mass two occasions to the Raritan Bay sisting committee will be selected event that the Board ceases to use remarks stated: contract sales $301.61; taxes as ad- the1 Staten Island .units of the, Hoffman for governor, Henry Jef- about it".