Checklist SSA Ingles Y Chino

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Checklist SSA Ingles Y Chino Country / 国家 English Name 中文名字 Scientific Name / 科学名称 FAMILY / 家庭 ORDER Chi Arg Uru Endemism / 特有 Status / 状况 1 Greater Rhea 大美洲鸵 Rhea americana Rheidae STRUTHIONIIFORMES (or RHEIIFORMES) X X Near-threatened 2 Lesser (Darwin´s) Rhea 小美洲鸵 Rhea (Pterocnemia) pennata (tarapacensis) X X 3 Solitary Tinamou 孤䳍 Tinamus solitarius Tinamidae TINAMIFORMES X Near-threatened 4 Brown Tinamou 褐穴(共鸟) Crypturellus obsoletus X X 5 Small-billed Tinamou 小嘴穴(共鸟) Crypturellus parvirostris X 6 Tataupa Tinamou 塔陶穴(共鸟) Crypturellus tataupa X 7 Undulated Tinamou 波斑穴(共鸟) Crypturellus undulatus X 8 Huayco Tinamou 秘鲁[红翅]共鸟 Rhynchotus maculicollis X 9 Red-winged Tinamou 红翅(共鸟) Rhynchotus rufescens X X 10 Brushland Tinamou 灰斑(共鸟) Nothoprocta cinerascens X 11 Ornate Tinamou 丽色斑(共鸟) Nothoprocta ornata X X 12 Andean Tinamou 安第斯斑(共鸟) Nothoprocta pentlandii X 13 Chilean Tinamou 智利斑(共鸟) Nothoprocta perdiciaria X Endemic of Chile 14 Darwin's Nothura (Tinamou) 达尔文拟(共鸟) Nothura darwinii X 15 Spotted Nothura (Tinamou) 斑拟(共鸟) Nothura maculosa X X 16 Elegant Crested-Tinamou 凤头(共鸟) Eudromia elegans X X Endemic of SSA 17 Quebracho Crested-Tinamou 丽凤头(共鸟) Eudromia formosa X 18 Patagonian Tinamou 南山(共鸟) Tinamotis ingoufi X X Endemic of SSA 19 Puna Tinamou 北山(共鸟) Tinamotis pentlandii X X 20 Southern Screamer 冠叫鸭 Chauna torquata Anhimidae ANSERIFORMES X X 21 Fulvous Whistling-Duck 茶色树鸭 Dendrocygna bicolor Anatidae X X 22 White-faced Whistling-Duck 白脸树鸭 Dendrocygna viduata X X 23 Black-bellied Whistling-Duck 黑腹树鸭 Dendrocygna autumnalis X 24 Graylag Goose 灰雁 Anser anser X Introduced species 25 Black-necked Swan 黑颈天鹅 Cygnus melancoryphus X X X 26 Coscoroba Swan 扁嘴天鹅 Coscoroba coscoroba X X X 27 Orinoco Goose 绿翅雁 Neochen (Oressochen) jubata X Near-threatened 28 Andean Goose 黑翅草雁 Chloephaga (Oressochen) melanoptera X X 29 Kelp Goose 白草雁 Chloephaga hybrida X X Endemic of SSA 30 Upland Goose 斑胁草雁 Chloephaga picta X X Endemic of SSA 31 Ashy-headed Goose 灰头草雁 Chloephaga poliocephala X X Endemic of SSA 32 Ruddy-headed Goose 棕头草雁 Chloephaga rubidiceps X X Endemic of SSA 33 Falkland Steamer-Duck 短翅船鸭 Tachyeres brachypterus X Endemic of SSA 34 White-headed (Chubut) Steamer-Duck 白头船鸭 Tachyeres leucocephalus X Endemic of Argentina Vulnerable 35 Flying Steamer-Duck 花斑船鸭 Tachyeres patachonicus X X Endemic of SSA 36 Fligthless (Fuegian) Steamer-Duck 灰船鸭 Tachyeres pteneres X X Endemic of SSA 37 Muscovy Duck 疣鼻栖鸭 Cairina moschata X X 38 Comb Duck 瘤鸭 Sarkidiornis melanotos X X 39 Brazilian Duck (Teal) 巴西凫 Amazonetta brasiliensis X X 40 Crested Duck 冠鸭 Lophonetta specularioides X X Endemic of SSA 41 Bronze-winged (Spectacled) Duck 铜翅鸭 Speculanas (Anas) specularis X X Near-threatened 42 Ringed Teal 环颈鸭 Callonetta (Anas) leucophrys X X 43 Chiloe (Southern) Wigeon 冠鸭 Anas (Mareca) sibilatrix X X X 44 Yellow-billed (Speckled) Teal 铜翅鸭 Anas flavirostris X X X 45 Yellow-billed (Brown) Pintail 黄嘴针尾鸭 Anas georgica X X X 46 White-cheeked Pintail 白脸针尾鸭 Anas bahamensis X X 47 Cinnamon Teal 桂红鸭 Anas (Spatula) cyanoptera X X X 48 Blue-winged Teal 蓝翅鸭 Anas (Spatula) discors X X X Rare/Accidental 49 Red Shoveler 赤琵嘴鸭 Anas (Spatula) platalea X X X 50 Puna Teal 安第斯银鸭 Anas (Spatula) puna X X 51 Silver Teal 银鸭 Anas (Spatula) versicolor X X X 52 Southern Pochard 灰嘴潜鸭 Netta erythrophthalma X X Rare/Accidental 53 Rosy-billed Pochard 粉嘴潜鸭 Netta peposaca X X X 54 Black-headed Duck 黑头鸭 Heteronetta atricapilla X X X 55 Masked Duck 花脸硬尾鸭 Nomonyx (Oxyura) dominicus X X 56 (Andean) Ruddy-Duck 棕硬尾鸭 Oxyura ferruginea (jamaicensis) X X 57 Lake (Argentine) Ruddy-Duck 南美硬尾鸭 Oxyura vittata X X X 58 Torrent Duck 湍鸭 Merganetta armata X X 59 Brazilian Merganser 褐秋沙鸭 Mergus octosetaceus X Critically endangered 60 Red-faced Guan 红脸冠雉 Penelope dabbenei Cracidae GALLIFORMES X 61 Dusky-legged Guan 乌腿冠雉 Penelope obscura X X 62 Rusty-margined Guan 眉纹冠雉 Penelope superciliaris X 63 Black-fronted Piping-Guan 黑额鸣冠雉 Pipile (Aburria) jacutinga X 64 Chaco Chachalaca 乔科小冠雉 Ortalis canicollis X 65 Bare-faced Curassow 裸面凤冠雉 Crax fasciolata X 66 Silver Pheasant 白鹇 Lophura nycthemera Phasianidae X 67 Common (Ring-necked) Pheasant 环颈雉 Phasianus colchicus X 68 California Quail 珠颈斑鹑 Callipepla (Lophortyx) californica (or Odontophoridae) X X Introduced species 1 69 Spot-winged Wood-Quail 斑翅林鹑 Odontophorus capueira (or Odontophoridae) X X 70 White-tufted Grebe 白簇䴙䴘 Rollandia (Podiceps) rolland Podicipedidae PODICIPEDIFORMES X X 71 Hooded Grebe 阿根廷䴙䴘 Podiceps gallardoi X Endemic of Argentina Critically endangered 72 Silvery Grebe 银䴙䴘 Podiceps occipitalis (uninensis) X X 73 Great Grebe 大䴙䴘 Podiceps (Podicephorus) major X X X 74 Least Grebe 侏䴙䴘 Tachybaptus (Podiceps) dominicus X X 75 Pied-billed Grebe 斑嘴巨䴙䴘 Podilymbus podiceps X X X 76 Austral (Chilean) Flamingo 智利红鹳 Phoenicopterus chilensis Phoenicopteridae PHOENICOPTERIFORMES X X X Near-threatened 77 Andean Flamingo 安第斯红鹳 Phoenicopterus (Phoenicoparrus) andinus X X Vulnerable 78 James's (Puna) Flamingo 秘鲁红鹳 Phoenicopterus (Phoenicoparrus) jamesi X X Near-threatened 79 King Penguin 王企鹅 Aptenodytes patagonicus Spheniscidae SPHENISCIFORMES X X X 80 Emperor Penguin 帝企鹅 Aptenodytes forsteri X X Near-threatened 81 Adelie Penguin 阿德利企鹅 Pygoscelis adeliae X X 82 Chinstrap Penguin 纹颊企鹅 Pygoscelis antarcticus X X 83 Gentoo Penguin 白眉企鹅 Pygoscelis papua X X 84 Magellanic (Patagonian) Penguin 南美企鹅 Spheniscus magellanicus X X X Endemic of SSA Near-threatened 85 Humboldt Penguin 秘鲁企鹅 Spheniscus humboldti X Vulnerable 86 Rockhopper Penguin 凤头黄眉企鹅 Eudyptes chrysocome (crestatus) X X X Vulnerable 87 Macaroni Penguin 长眉企鹅 Eudyptes chrysolophus X X Vulnerable 88 Royal Albatross 皇信天翁 Diomedea epomophora (sanfordi) Diomedeidae PROCELLARIIFORMES X X X Vulnerable 89 Wandering Albatross 漂泊信天翁 Diomedea exulans X X X Vulnerable 90 Antipodean Albatross 安岛信天翁 Diomedea antipodensis X Vulnerable 91 Tristan Albatross 特岛信天翁 Diomedea dabbenena X X X Critically endangered 92 Sooty Albatross 乌信天翁 Phoebetria fusca X X Endangered 93 Ligth-mantled Albatross 灰背信天翁 Phoebetria palpebrata X X Near-threatened 94 Yellow-nosed Albatross 黄鼻信天翁 Thalassarche (Diomedea) chlororhynchos X X Near-threatened 95 Grey-headed Albatross 灰头信天翁 Thalassarche (Diomedea) chrysostoma X X Endangered 96 Black-browed Albatross 黑眉信天翁 Thalassarche (Diomedea) melanophris X X X Near-threatened 97 Buller’s Albatross 新西兰信天翁 Thalassarche bulleri X X Near-threatened 98 White-capped (Shy) Albatross 白顶信天翁 Thalassarche (Diomedea) cauta X X X Near-threatened 99 Salvin's Albatross 萨氏信天翁 Thalassarche salvini X Vulnerable 100 Southern (Common) Giant-Petrel 巨鹱 Macronectes giganteus Procellariidae X X X 101 Hall's (Nothern) Giant-Petrel 霍氏巨鹱 Macronectes halli X X X 102 Southern Fulmar 银灰暴风鹱 Fulmarus glacialoides X X X 103 Antarctic Petrel 南极鹱 Thalassoica antarctica X X 104 Pintado (Cape) Petrel 花斑鹱 Daption capense X X X 105 Snow Petrel 雪鹱 Pagodroma nivea X 106 Kerguelen Petrel 短嘴圆尾鹱 Pterodroma (Aphrodroma) brevirostris X X 107 Juan Fernandez Petrel 百颈圆尾鹱 Pterodroma externa X Vulnerable 108 Masatierra Petrel 迪氏圆尾鹱 Pterodroma defilippiana X Vulnerable 109 Hooded (Atlantic) Petrel 大西洋圆尾鹱 Pterodroma incerta X X Endangered 110 White-headed Petrel 白头圆尾鹱 Pterodroma lessonii X X 111 Stejneger's Petrel 长嘴圆尾鹱 Pterodroma longirostris X Vulnerable 112 Soft-plumaged Petrel 柔羽圆尾鹱 Pterodroma mollis X X 113 Kermadec Petrel 克岛圆尾鹱 Pterodroma neglecta X 114 Blue Petrel 蓝鹱 Halobaena caerulea X X 115 Fairy Prion 仙锯鹱 Pachyptila turtur X 116 Antarctic Prion 鸽锯鹱 Pachyptila desolata X X X 117 Thin-billed (Slender-billed) Prion 细嘴锯鹱 Pachyptila belcheri X X X 118 Grey Petrel 灰风鹱 Procellaria cinerea X Near-threatened 119 White-chinned Petrel 白颏风鹱 Procellaria aequinoctialis X X X Vulnerable 120 Spectacled Petrel 眼镜风鹱 Procellaria conspicillata X X Vulnerable 121 Westland Petrel 大黑风鹱 Procellaria westlandica X X Vulnerable 122 Cory's Shearwater 猛鹱 Calonectris diomedea X 123 Cape Verde Shearwater 佛得角鹱 Calonectris edwardsii X Near-threatened 124 Buller's Shearwater 灰背鹱 Puffinus (Ardenna) bulleri X Vulnerable 125 Pink-footed Shearwater 粉脚鹱 Puffinus (Ardenna) creatopus X Vulnerable 126 Sooty Shearwater 灰鹱 Puffinus (Ardenna) grisea X X X Near-threatened 127 Great Shearwater 大鹱 Puffinus (Ardenna) gravis X X X 128 Manx Shearwater 大西洋鹱 Puffinus puffinus X X 129 Little Shearwater 小鹱 Puffinus assimilis (elegans) X X 130 Peruvian Diving-Petrel 秘鲁鹈燕 Pelecanoides garnotii X Endangered 131 South-Georgia Diving-Petrel 南乔治亚鹈燕 Pelecanoides georgicus (or Pelecanoididae) X 132 Magellanic Diving-Petrel 麦哲伦鹈燕 Pelecanoides magellani (or Pelecanoididae) X X Endemic of SSA 133 Common Diving-Petrel 鹈燕 Pelecanoides urinatrix (or Pelecanoididae) X X 134 White-bellied Storm-Petrel 白腹舰海燕 Fregetta grallaria Hydrobatidae X X 135 Black-bellied Storm-Petrel 黑腹舰海燕 Fregetta tropica X X 136 Elliot's Storm-Petrel 白臀洋海燕 Oceanites gracilis X Data deficient 137 Wilson's Storm-Petrel 黄蹼洋海燕 Oceanites oceanicus X X X 138 Pincoya Storm-Petrel 品雅洋海燕 Oceanites pincoyae X Endemic of Chile Data deficient 2 139 Grey-backed Storm-Petrel 灰背鹱 Garrodia nereis X X Endemic of SSA 140 White-faced Storm-Petrel 白脸海燕 Pelagodroma marina X X 141 Wedge-rumped Storm-petrel 加岛叉尾海燕 Oceanodroma (Hydrobates) tethys X 142 Markham's Storm-petrel 乌叉尾海燕 Oceanodroma (Hydrobates) marhami X 143 Ringed Storm-petrel 环叉尾海燕 Oceanodroma (Hydrobates) hornbyi X 144 Maguari Stork 黑尾鹳 Ciconia maguari Ciconiidae CICONIIFORMES X X 145 Jabirú 裸颈鹳 Jabiru mycteria X X 146 American Wood Stork 黑头鹮鹳 Mycteria americana X X 147 Rufescent Tiger-Heron 栗虎鹭 Tigrisoma lineatum Ardeidae (or PELECANIFORMES) X X 148 Fasciated Tiger-Heron 横纹虎鹭 Tigrisoma fasciatum X 149 Boat-billed Heron 船嘴鹭 Cochlearius cochlearius
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