Curriculum Vitae Jan-Frederik Kremer, PhD Candidate Born: 26th April 1986 Nationality: German Married, no children Office: Center for Global Studies / University of Bonn Walter Flex Straße 3 53113 Bonn / Germany + 49-228 73-60281 (office)
[email protected] Main research areas: International Political Economy, Theories of International Relations, International Trade, U.S. foreign policy, External relations of the EU PHD- project: “International Trade and Global Power Shift” Summary Jan-Frederik Kremer heads the research group “Economy and Finance” and co-heads the research group “Structural Power” at the Center for Global Studies, University of Bonn, where he works as research fellow and lecturer. He studied Political Science, History, Economics and Philosophy at the Ruhr University Bochum and is PhD Candidate in the PhD program “International Development Studies” at the Institute of Development Research and Development Policy (IEE) and member of the DFG funded “Research School”. He was one of the very first Germans students offered a fast-track PhD opportunity. Furthermore, he was awarded several scholarships, like the Bronnbacher Scholarship and numerous DAAD and DFG travel and conference grants. In August and September 2012 Jan-Frederik stayed at the University of Miami as visiting scholar at the Miami-Florida European Union Center and in 2008 as short-term consultant at the University of the Western Cape, South-Africa. His PHD- project “International Trade and Global Power Shift” deals with the ontology of power in the realm of the global economy, focussing on the US, EU and China. He is member of the International Studies Association (ISA) and the British International Studies Association (BISA).