Katharina Westerhorstmann – CURRICULUM VITAE

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Katharina Westerhorstmann – CURRICULUM VITAE Katharina Westerhorstmann – CURRICULUM VITAE CURRICULUM VITAE Dr. Katharina Westerhorstmann Professor of Theology Franciscan University of Steubenville Department of Theology Austrian Program Kartause 1 A-3292 Gaming Email: [email protected] Fields of Expertise • Moral Theology • Systematic Theology • Philosophical foundations of Christian Ethics • Christological dimensions of Moral Theology • Catholic Sexual Ethics • Sexual Child abuse in the Catholic Church • Virtue Ethics • Jewish-Christian Dialogue • The works of Edith Stein AcademiC Positions Since Fall Semester Full Professor of Theology, Franciscan University of Steubenville, 2020 Austrian Program, Kartause Gaming 2019-2020 Guest Professor, McGrath Institute for Church Life, University of Notre Dame, IN (USA) 2014-2020 Senior Lecturer and Senior Research Fellow in Moral Theology at the Department of Theology, University of Bonn, Germany 2018 Visiting Professor of Theological Ethics, Newmaninstitute Uppsala (Sweden) 1 CV K. Westerhorstmann 2016-2018 Interim Chair and Professor of Moral Theology, Department of Theology, Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt 2015-2016 Senior Lecturer of Moral Theology, Department of Theology, University of Cologne 2014-2015 Interim Chair in Moral Theology and Social Ethics, Department of Theology, University of Bonn 2014 Visiting Fellowship for Research in Jewish-Christian dialogue, Hebrew University, Jerusalem (Israel) Funded by Minerva Foundation 2013-2014 Academic Advisor, Project: Human Dignity and Spirituality in End of Life Care 2013-2014 Lecturer in Philosophy/ Practical Ethics, at the University of Paderborn 2009-2013 Lecturer in Philosophy/ Practical Ethics, at Freiburg University 2008-2010 Head of the Interdisciplinary Center for Ethics, Faculty of Medicine, Freiburg University, Germany 2007-2013 Post-doc Research in Catholic Moral Theology Topic: The love commandment in Jewish Christian dialogue and its impact on Moral Theology 2005-2008 Assistant Professor of Philosophical Theology (German: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin) Department of Theology, Paderborn (Germany) 2006 Lecturer in the Graduate School for Caritas Science Department of Theology Paderborn 2006 Visiting Scholar, Higher Institute for Philosophy and Theology Brixen/Bressanone (Italy) 2005-2008 Executive Secretary German Society for Catholic Theological Faculties (Katholisch-Theologischer Fakultätentag) 2003-2005 Assistant Professor (German: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin) of Moral Theology and Ethics Faculty of Theology Paderborn AcademiC Degrees and Education 2 CV K. Westerhorstmann 2014 Habilitation in Moral Theology (Dr. theol. Habil), Department of Catholic Theology, University of Bonn 2004 Ph.D. (Dr. theol. Catholic Theology), Summa cum laude Department of Theology Paderborn (Germany) Dr-Thesis in Catholic Social Ethics/Theological Anthropology awarded with “summa cum laude” 2001 Diplome (=M.A.) in Catholic Theology Department of Theology Paderborn Diploma-Thesis on the Scholastical writings of Edith Stein on Woman awarded with the highest grade 1999 Vordiplom (= B.A.) in Catholic Theology Department of Theology Paderborn Catholic Theology and Philosophy 1994-1997 Student at the Westphalian-Wilhelms-University, Muenster German Literature, Applied Culture Science and Economic Politics 1994 High School Diploma with Distinction (Abitur) Private Catholic Girls’ College St. Michael, Paderborn Grants, Awards, Honors 2020 Together with Daniel Philpott, University of Notre Dame: ResearCh Grant of the University of Notre Dame: The Truth Will Make You Free. What Promise Do National Truth and Reconciliation Processes Offer for the Catholic Church’s Response to the Sexual Abuse Crisis?, University of Notre Dame, 2020-2022 2019 Competitive Fellowship grant for women in academic research for 12 months, sponsored by University of Bonn, Germany 2015 Best evaluated Course in the field of Theology/Religion, University of Cologne (undergrad course) 2014 Visiting Fellowship at Hebrew University / National Library Jerusalem, Israel, funded by Minerva Foundation 2005 Awarded the “FriedriCh-Spee-Price” for the doctoral dissertation “Selfrealization and Pro-Existence. Being a Woman in Work and Profession in the Thought of Edith Stein“ 2004 Doctorate awarded "summa cum laude" 2002 Full sCholarship for the doCtoral researCh 3 CV K. Westerhorstmann „German Academic Scholarship Foundation“ (Premier federal merit-based fellowship program in Germany) Language Skills • Fluent: German, English, (French) • Rudimentary: Italian, Latin, Biblical Greek (written), Biblical Hebrew (written) Publications Monographs 2014 Das Liebesgebot als Gabe und Auftrag. Moraltheologie im Licht des jüdisch- christlichen Dialogs, Paderborn: Schöningh 2014 (=Studien zu Judentum und Christentum). 455 pp [The Love Commandment as Gift and Command. Moral Theology in the Light of Jewish/Christian Dailogue] 2004 Selbstverwirklichung und Pro-Existenz. Frausein in Arbeit und Beruf bei Edith Stein, Paderborn: Schöningh 2004. (=Paderborner Theologische Studien 43) 400 pp. {Selfrealization and Pro-Existence. Being a Woman in Work and Profession in the Thought of Edith Stein] Edited Book 2014 Co-Editor with Nobert Feinendegen, Gerhard Höver, Andrea Schaeffer Menschliche Würde und Spiritualität in der Begleitung am Lebensende, Impulse aus Theorie und Praxis, Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2014, 532 pp ArtiCles in aCademiC Journals 2020 Liberalisierung ist auch keine Lösung. Anmerkungen zur Diskussion um die kirchliche Sexualmoral beim Synodalen Weg, erscheint in: Herder Korrespondenz 08/2020 (Liberalization is not a solution. Remarks on the discussion about Sexual Morality at the German Synodal Way, upcoming) 2020 Verletzliche Liebe. Die Sexualmoral von innen erneuern, in: Stimmen der Zeit 1/2020, 51-62. (Vulnerable Love. Renewing Sexual Morality from within.) 2019 Instrument zur Selektion oder legitime Kassenleistung? Ethische Reflexionen zum Nichtinvasiven Pränataltest (NIPT), in: Theologie und Glaube 109 (2019), 65-78. 4 CV K. Westerhorstmann (An Instrument for genetic selection or state-covered legitimate diagnosis? Reflexions on non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT)) 2018 Sexueller Missbrauch in der Kirche und das Konzept der Vulnerabilität: Ursachen, Aufarbeitung, Prävention, in: Internationale Zeitschrift „Communio“ 47 (2018), 598-610. (Sexual Child abuse by clerics in the church. Applying the category of vulnerability to child abuse) „Contributions towards a structural analysis oft he catholic abuse crisis“, “Church Life Journal“ (Nov 7th, 2018) URL: http://churchlife.nd.edu/2018/11/07/contributions-towards-a-structural- analysis-of-the-catholic-abuse-crisis/ (Online-Journal) Mehr Organe um jeden Preis? – Eine ethische Abwägung der Widerspruchslösung, erscheint in: StZ 143 (11/2018), 793-801. (Anthropological and ethical aspects of Organ Donation) 2015 Freundschaft in der Ehe - Ein Modell für die christliche Ehe und Ehevorbereitung?, in: Lebendige Seelsorge 2/2015, 142-151. (Friendship in Catholic Marriages) 2014 Krankheit als Weg zur Gesundung. Anthropologische Überlegungen, in: Imago Hominis. Zeitschrift für medizinische Anthropologie und Bioethik 21 (2014), 35-47. (What it means to be human: Sickness as an instrument that may provide full (human) health) 2012 Wie weit reicht die Verantwortung? Zur Ambivalenz eines ethischen Begriffs, in: ETHICA 20 (2012), 317-343. (Parental responsibilty in prenatal testing) 2010 Geordnete Sexualität. Über die Tugend der Keuschheit, in: Imago Hominis. Quartalschrift für Medizinische Anthropologie und Bioethik 17 (2010), 315- 329. (Sexuality in order. On the virtue of chastity) 2009 Auf dem Weg zu einem Maß-geschneiderten Körper? Ethische Reflexionen zur ästhetischen Chirurgie, in: ETHICA 17 (2009), 311-334. (Aesthetic surgery as a challenge for a christian anthropology) 2008 Die Bergpredigt oder „Nun spricht Gott ganz nahe“, in: Theologie und Glaube 98 (2008), 371-391. (Now God speaks intimately. The Sermon on the Mount according to Benedict XVI.) 2007 Über die Einheit der Liebe. Freundschaft in der Ehe anhand der aristotelischen 5 CV K. Westerhorstmann Freundschaftslehre, in: Theologie und Glaube 97 (2007), 170-187. (The Unity of love. Friendship and marriage) 2006 Über die Tugend der Keuschheit. Anmerkungen zu einem brisanten Thema, Brixener Theologisches Forum -Beiheft- 117 (2006), 58-75. (On the virtue of chastity) 2006 Wesen und Berufung der Frau bei Edith Stein vor dem Hintergrund einer radikal dekonstruktivistischen Position des Postfeminismus, in: Brixener Theologisches Forum 117 (3/2006) 41-62. (The vocation of the woman. Edith Stein’s Concept against the Background of a Radically Deconstructive Position) 2006 Bestimmung und Berufung der Frau nach Edith Stein, in: Imago Hominis, Quartalsschrift für medizinische Anthropologie und Bioethik 13 (2006), 123- 135. (The vocation of the woman according to Edith Stein) 2005 Die Kirche in der Defensive? Das Dokument der Kongregation für die Glaubenslehre zur Zusammenarbeit von Mann und Frau in der Kirche und in der Welt, in: ThGL 95 (2005), 463-480. Reprint (2006): Sedes Sapientiae 10 (1/2006) 33-54. (The document of the congregation for the doctrine of faith on the collaboration of men and women in society and in the church) 2001 Thönissen, W. (unter Mitarbeit von Lüning, P., Westerhorstmann, K.): Der Dienst des Bischofs von Rom an der Einheit der Christen: Reaktionen auf die Einladung des Papstes zum Dialog über die Form der Primatsausübung nach Ut unum sint von 1995, in: Catholica 55 (4/2001), 269-309.
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