The Mansions of Grosse Pointe
~""__ "'''' __ ''_-iiiJi'''W'' -- 'i If ,I :''j '1 I I , BY HAWKINS FERRY A SU.hurh In Good Taste By Hawkins Ferry Reprinted by Economee Service, In,c. from March, 1956 Issue, Michigan Society of Architects CENTRA~ GR'OSS,EPOINTE PUBLIC UBRAR1 IJDIJRD IN ~;:OOD Tt\STt; BY HAWKINS FERRY THE npllnmg Yllarn of the eighteenth of It:. "elf]! th", ilhores of Lake St Cbir n~JClr ArntJ:,,'::i'Jn t0n~1'1 allraclt'd settlers in the Gl'Om8~' Gretu !i{; r;t \~fid areCI Eorly French farmers bmlt hap~ It III d'!f,~ihngs rtertr the lake both for acces:1 flvt:J11Vfj h~tlSO;g pr(IVtHl to 1:F'~ by cano,) cmd for a convenient water O;H;j "hn[lfll:'lg ;,\lpply TillS resulted in tho hou8e~ boing '.:md l"Jwns th~y together The land of eelen farm sIOnt Cl of l:vlr:q !bf1t j >d'l)' 'ixwnd!!1d from the lake far into the interior enlld by prohlbi!lYC' and m(ll1ilf}IlCll:,;/"' 111 n'lm1W strips, thus having originated C'o~tJ All thli1 er(l tl1'.1t prociuC'<)'d th~, tNm 'ribbon farm." hom,,!s Ul Y'Jl1l,,!llllq rmcl many thif,"'rJl ~'Te It an ()pprr.)p£:-:~t{) h thl' latter part of the nineteenth century mOln'3nt to rellvl11w,1tAthem ',:1$ mmthetl\; th'l mcreational value of the waterfront phenomena. Tf)cognized, and summer cottages took place of farmhouses; but Grosse On@ of the hut lluba\c:mlial ma:nslon~ in P)mte'f!) role as em isolated summer colony Grosse POlllte was thf>' Joseph H.
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