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1-20-1910 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 01-20-1910 Journal Publishing Company

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MEXICO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1910, By Mall BO et. a Month: Sitíele Copio, S cents. THIRTY-SECON- NEW Ity O D YEAR. Vol. CXXV., No. 20. ALBUQUERQUE, Carrier, cent Month.

jal rates or. magazines; favoring a rad-- j den's o tree had be n reached, the pre- - rnp, g CO Broadway. ruing certificates, the payments and Hnskins Co, of Income tax: favoring the eloc- - Hminary ni Tangen mis for Walsh's b-- ) identiled the cer- lunterl The failure (if 'th was en used by the similar routine and by ginning had been made. Issued to Ceorge Sorenson, ilion of I'nited States senators the his sentence collapse f tli.' pool ;i ml involuntary tificates CONGRESSMEN 'direct vote of people; favoring the He shook bunds with his son. John W, 11 M, the INEMKERS STRING TIED TO petition led Pan Tarpley, Horace U. Kinley and i in bankruptcy were Walsh, ; his son-in-la- In I. who were after lands to be ilowerlng of tariff duties on the tuces, Jr against buili tills iilicrnnon. In the others of life; protesting against gam- UlaKe Baldwin: his attorney, '.. C. tin- Uri-- Included in blue mountain forest sities ease of J. M. Fisko & Co., the bling on pro. and I'nited Marshall reserve when Mays. V, N. Join's and in futures farm products; ltltsher. States bll it os the firm uro placed lit 'tenting against ship subsidy; favoring Iby and Deputy Mlddlet.ui. who ae- - 7 r, o, mysterious "friends at Wash- od and assets of ílOO.OnO. others on liquor vote eonipnnled tint 1 creat- 'the county unit u, and I however, estl-,- . ington, '. ," had the reserve DEAR DEPORTS Counsel 'or the iirm. NVESTIGATE by three Pacific " I hve," he said tiitniv and lio n STATEHOOD 00 lit ed. the submission the mated lie liabilities it iü.r.ib, to the people of n turned to the warden is a signal that Tuesday after- Hrown was asked if people milking northwest steles the close of business constitutional amendment for si ne-- j he was rc.ul' In begin hoi sentence noon with or $'.,.!t0il,00rt. He applications were not supposed to be assets and Aide prohibition; protesting imiaiisi Us photograph was taken. Another taking the laud for themselves , did nut estimate the firm's financial l ll ot g p ll e r. The replied such was the law. lie any action of the navy department to olivlcl acted lis la resources after today's developments. that engaged, III , lolll was then asked if there was no sus- prevent vessels in carrying picture showed Walsh slleel OE NATIONAL In the petition against the firm HITCHCOCK tal.lm-(cargoe- In a few B SENATE of when Sorenson would coal for use of the navy from s In which davsi creditors alleged tlx preferential picion fraud fa- - a rmy of grain on their return slier he has recovered trom the transfer of property to one or more appear with hatch of fifty or pay down and favoring the appointment of tlgne ami excitement attending 'he companies and further charges that applications, file them, be tak- cents an acre and subsequently pay a committee to investigate the matter trip, a second photograph will the alleged bankrupts permitted a ,i view is in poor health, Walsh property the Int.ivsl. of fraternal insurance with to en As he considerable portion of their adoption of the life was sent to the hospital for observa-'tlo- OFFICERS or removed with In- Brown evaded this direct question CHARGES the AND TAFT "to be concealed e dan In connection with lire lie will remain there severa! delay defraud by explaining that be was a Milioidl-nat- tent to binder, and j iveov.-re- w hen were to ac- and grain insurance. lass until he is fully creditors." and his instructions he cept applications on their face and if be is able o work, he will Judge Hand In the 1'nilod States to dutv in th" prison library. ., to- without question, was not unusual, Treman Dcuil In Wreck. district court appointed a receiver it In the library will he he said, to receive a large batch of ap- Helm, Colo., Jan. lit. Fireman K Ills duties Picsidtnt Lewis Pleads for night. Nebraska Representative Given; a those of special clerk to the llhlariali Plan of President and Senate not plications from some timber dealer, L. Troldcen was killed when treigln The assets and liabilities are - 'chaplain .1, l.ea ill In t he w ork in iMd cause suspicion and the on "K'"" ,lv- e;,r!, m,to Frank Common Sense Settlement Admis- stated In the petition tiled against but it not Opportunity to Make Good .i1'",kH' recatalogulng the Leaders Will Delay question of Hand never came up un- neur here today as a result ot cli ot overhaulng and Lathrop, Haskins &. Co., although it hooks, As are more than T.oo" of Disputes ai d Better Under- til the grand jury called the atten- Allegations of Nepotism and gine striking a cow on the tra ck. there sion of Territories Ui.til Sum- is alleged that the claims of creditors .A. to be the w ork prom- - tion of the land board to what volumes handled standing With Employers, on stock accounts aggregate $1 ,000. slate Extravagance, ises to he no ease task, but it is In u as ivoing en. j mer of Next Year, The collapse in the poo today was FORCED TO SIT ON RED HOT licvod it will prove congenial io the " re- brought about primarily by the prls tner w ho Is a great reader. ad- IN SUES NEGRO ELKS - fusal of banks to make further NEGROES HANGED CHAIR; Ibre is the dally rout in.- that Walsh MINE CATASTROPHES vances on and collateral SECRETARY BALLINGER ; oi OBJECTIONS FOUND TO the stocks 0FTJ-IR0N- G must follow with th,' exception Sun. and the inability or failure of those PRESENCE Portland, Ore., Jan. 19 (leorge K. ' dav s and holidays. DUE TO LUST FOR GAIN im- UtULIIMCS rntDLIMIi BY on It make good . BILL PASSED HOUSE who were long to lUBt Scott, today commenced suit in the j va a in arise, make up cot and paired marigns. osccnla. Ark., Jan. I. Will and circuit court against a local lodge of prepare for hronklnst In nil about 4.1,000 shares of Co- negroes, were public-l- y Improved Protoc ti:;iu a. in., After hr, .'bailes Mulllns, the Benevolent and bicakl.tst. ; This is View of Vice Piesident lumbus & Hocking changed hands at banged here today before ;i,00il peo- Accused Cabinet Member Will1! dor of for damages in the fast, he niav return to Ins cell Í, ' Administration Insists Next ol Flks ' . It range of from XS to if,. The stock ple, Tor the murder of A. Itohinson amount of Jl'.,i0. Scott says he was short rest Mt:Culloui;h Who Draws Les-- I .'111, 54 Content Himself With Send Session of Congress Should closed at a net loss of and bis daughter, houseboat dwellers. induced to become a member of the 7 ;b a. in., march to w ork. closed weak be- son Fiom Friditful Disaster points. The entire market They gave out a statement Just rr WlifiPn Dpninl tñ HAIT- I- organization, which is composed of '.' noon, dinner, Have Opportunity to Pass on ebb. they Ipitla- - j with prices at low fore their execution that shot negroes, nun as n part of the 11:3 p. m., return to work, at Uicrry, Illinois, Constitutions, With the brooking of the pool there the daughter and buried her body in mittee of Inquiry, tory evercise was forced to sit upon r,:;i supper In dining hall. After were reports of an immediate inves- a blanket saturated with oil, and stood a red hot chair, thereby sustaining nupper he may return to his cell and tigation into the operations by the the father ill scalding water and then injuries for which .he asks llamases. employ his time as i.e desires until was Ity MiirnhiK .bmrmil Nprrial I.eunpi! Wire) stock exchange authorities. This shot him. By Morn I n it Journal Pore In! I n I WIrel the retiring hour. !i p. m. Morning Juurwil, seems more Indianapolis, Ind., Jan. lti. TI.e officially denied but it Washington, Jan. 1. An investiga Prisoners are permuted to stnok 613 Munsay Building. will j of Ameré i than likely that circumstances -, i ipes in their cells but Walsh does not I'nited Mine Workers 1 !'. j cog- tion of the charges made against Sec- Washington, D. C force the exchange to take some smoke. He may read during the tunc playeo poin,rs bitterly today in lis While a statehood bill will be pass- nizance of the matter. relary llallinger of tile Interior dc PRISON ROODS allotted other prisoners for smoking If ,'eiilion here. belief, ed by the present session of congress, According to common James REJECT RAINEY partition! by Representative- Hitchcock j he desires. Prisoners arc not allowed "The tilhliust' rs, so called by no new stars can be added to the H. Keen, was active in the market of Nebraska, alleging extravagance In! to receive presents from their friends, President Lewis. succeed,. d in ciirry- - & Hocking. American flag before the summer of movement of Columbus department, Including the! Should money be seiii to Walsh It inn hv a large malorily a motion to said however the interior lit-- - 11)11, If the jilan now under coiisidor-utlo- n Some of bis associates will le kent In ' el'llee to the i.ris- Hiispend dm lug the convention the on ter- thai the Keen Interest In the stock charges affecting the secretary audi s credit and paid him upon re- - salui les of tin- - national organizers who in the senate eommittee ago. oner ritories is earried out. This program had been withdrawn some time his cousin, Jack Ballinger, was begun CLANG BEHIHD lease. are In mien, huu e as t epresentatH es In existence about E i is said to have the indorsement oí The j had been DUEL before th, house committee on cx-- j All he will he permitted to receive of local unions and to put upon the President Tuft and is understood to a year. penditiires today. Commissioner Fred' will he dally and weekly papers ot a p. unions the expense ot their support was have been the plan under discussion I'nited States Steel the feature of the. general land office,' proved character, magazines, religious MS delegates. activ- Dennett during; reeent conferences between of the market today in point of who is involved, Mr Hitchcock, books and papers, family photographs The speakers the atil- and the president, Senators Hevc-ridg- and ity. Trading in this stock totaled w ho up trouble, were pres-- ! a comb and brush, tooth powder, soup charged that about lilly national íí per stirred the R, WALSH Nelson and others on the proposal to do shares or approximately ent. j J. small hand mirror, suspenders and being under the control of pass legislation at this ses- cent for the day's business. 1'allinger will not appear! plain white luindkerchli'ls. lie III President Lewis had been called into statehood two Secretary sion. It was reported tonight that but probably will feud u letter t the be allowed to write letters only once th,. convention to further the Interests .exchange linns would be "! gains Mlinn and some of The senate eommittee piar provides ether stock eommittee. The charge as to "Jack "" j In two weeks and unless lie of the aoilillilBil that for the reporting; of an e,,t,.oiy new forced to suspend tomorrow. It was linllinger being paid...traveling. . ú special permission from the warden 111, in had solicited delegate's credent- expected in some quarters that the ' .prn DAMITB ArTCPTC local unions supposed to ho bill for the admission of New Mexico penseH w as not brought up today. .nut--U unite.L!! nv,vii iu will not he allowed to see his friends ials from the two additional firms REPUBLICAN CAUCUS dc-- 1 In to send delegates. and Arizona as slates. The Hamilton failure of The employes of the interior FATE WITH COMPOSURE or relatives of tener than once lour unable bill which passed the house Is would be announced before, the mar- pnrtment specifically mentioned In the', A dangerous eentrallmitlon of pow- has was of CHOOSES INVESTIGATORS week. to be objectionable the sen-nt- e ket closed and there talk the charges will be usked to appear ftlon-- ; Walsh makes the thirtieth member er resulted. It svas maintained, which committee on two grounds. First, filing of a third petition in bankrupt- day. Commissioner Hennett told of the famous butikcra' colony in the threatened the rights of the Individual cy was done up to the tll('r, r it does not provide for sufficient but this not committee today that ho would have OhaP&'G I 10111 uxwsioMS Man penitentiary. districts. elapsed time between the proposed ciose of the t'nltcit States district Three Regular, One Insurgent no objection to their testifying. While . ' Al'lei bis opponents had presented In eon ft. believing sion to Barred Cell Accepted their ens., Pi , siil, hi l.uwls mude, a elections the territories for the Rep- wishing to interrogate, and adoption of constitutions and the j, and Two Democrats to I,,, can. bring out, important facts, statement li uls denying that be hud With Smiling Good Grace by s help state officers and mem- - Mr. does not wish to up-pe- NAKED ALL asked national oi gatiixei to him elections for resent House in Ballinger-Pinch- ot Hitchcock DANCED hers of congress. in the role of a prosecuting at- Unfortunate Financier, forward his policies In the convention The other objection relates to the FORMER PRE S torney. believes the investigation oi that lie ever nao caucused in" "e Inquiry, He . protection of public interest in reía- - will show tho existence of two sys- j ga nizel-s- had called some oí them to the tlon to existing; and proposed grants tems of appointment, promotion find CBy Morning .lmirnnl Hiicclnt I.pmcil Tlrr IN BITTER lie op- NIGHT be said so Hint the tlele-- j of land us made under the Hamilton (Ity Mornlnf Journal 8ncln1 tanned Wire dismissal, in the land office, one I.euvenw orth, Kan., III. On! convention Jan. gales might hav e first hand Informa-ilio- n bill. Washington, 1!. The caucus erating tinder the classified service fed-- OF RAILROAD Jan. a little iron cot in a cell of tho j of 'the progress of organization terms of the Hamilton j and the other operating Under the of republican members of tho iiouse restrictions I j It. who non-unio- n mining fields. I'mi-- bill elections of officers of the two new tonight named the house members of let will under a special appropriation eral prison here, John Walsh, in coal a sen- - GOLD WEATHER tinning President Lewis said?" states and election of representatives j Ibilliugcr-Pliicbu- i. investigation today began serving live year the fund. is not Intel national or- - In congress could follow almost Im- - committee and Incidentally rejected Commissioner Dennett (old the scn-- j tenee for misapplying the funds of "Hut it the UNDER FIRE in- - gatiiiiers hat til e bothering these men. mediately alter the state constitutions Itainey of Illinois, one of two dem- Vote today that field agents had the the Chicago National bank, spent his Ill Intense desire to pmle-r- the were adopted and approved by the call-ca- n to minimize th use of the, their ocrats selected by rile democratic Istructiotis j telegraph, many rirohey first night In the penitentiary. finances of he workers In the mines. president. lust Saturday night ns the minor- tho erf. ll change from a luxurious room Religious Lunatic Forces Wife Read new bill will authorize New had to he sent, and that the have some of them done? The ity representatives on the committee. telegrams In his avenue mansion In Chi-- ; Arizona to hold elections to rumor of "very large tele- Calumet arid Ex- - the circulars that have been Issued as. Mexico and Conspiracy to The six men selected three "regu- as the space worked j and Childien to Strip but Suit Alleges telegrams containing cago to a small barred sliding my eh.iiacler and my work, for the adoption of constitutions lar" republicans, MeCnll of graph bills for a hardship on the prisoner, he dial country no election of state officers and mem- Quarters newspaper extracts he Knew in mu pose Themselves en Roof; fiver tim e th,. miners of this Obtain Over Three Olmstond of Pennsylvania, not show It by his actions. He has my my ene-iinl- bers of congress could be held until two ..placed a gas,! ill bands and Detihy of Michigan; one insur- instances. accepted his new situation with smil- Insane, all In power to have been ap- of Million From Chicago I In Hie seriousness of the. Baby Dead, Woman have done their filter the constitutions a gent republican, Madison of Kansas admitted ing grace. He Is outspoken in They and con- unqualified special agents good discredit my administration. proved by both the president and 'wo democrats. James of Ken- charge that of kindly manner in malice, ami gress. of provision and Western Indiana. selected under the million his approval the have sow ed the seeds of The effect this tucky Lloyd Missouri. Iliad been Wlfi-- I and if a which he had been treated since Ills' ll.t Morning Joiirnnl Hpeelul traord disruption in the organization." Hie to conceded perhaps ' would be to permit territories lialney of who with James dollar fund and ' j Illinois 150. arrival at noon today. itelllngtoii, Wash., Jan. HI. Wait- hi dcl nse of the Intoinatloriul hold constitutional conventions and was named by the democratic caucus (dozen such selections out of each R Morning Journal ftoefn1 Leased Wire Hut behind his brave Hunt there u hurl-i- President Lewis declared: elections upon the adoption of the con- Saturday night was rejected by men. ing for a fiery from heaven, Chicago, Charges last i se-- 1 bellcvid to he a secret belief in Ills you would know the perils that stitutions during the present year. The Jan. lt. that majority and ry appointment of persons pusbtot, his wife and four If tonight's caucus of the own mind that he win never live rut (leorge beset men lio go Into the fields constitutions, however, could not be lienjainln Thomas, termer president in stead. lected for field work from outside the themselves yester- these Lloyd was named his his sentence. Tonight It became known childien, stripped iof Alabama. Hopkins county, Ken- ratified until congress meets next of the Chicago ,t Western Indiana and general land olliio, proper, lie said, day Lyndon, Wash., and climbed The caucus lasted three hours ny that while Mr. Walsh was tilklng In at tucky. .Mcl larlridge, W. Va., the After the ratilication of the railroad,; Charles Kapper, former while characterized by considerable had been made alter scrutiny im to 'the roof of their home In fi e, .lng for pdwito with an old friend - man mountains of Tennessee and parts ot constitutions, state elections could be real estate dealer the railroad and acrimony, as more peaceful than 'civil service commission. weather. When discovered Hull Missouri like himself with while hair whom ' of Pennsylvania, of at least $X5n,00Q of salary of Mr I the Holds held; but under the terms the John Fetzer obtained most members had expected. Kvon The dniihliiiu the re- - baby, Marta, aged months, yon , ,, 4 be bus known half i; century, he wnere " posed senate bill the two territories from the railroad through a real es- rtv t.. "im and the navmeiitl hunger ; nd and the lion mountain at that there was a belt of six insur- el, dead from exposure and being O fgtl 11 IZC1 possibly come are made In a bill for ,f Mr Sen v. el i?, s lli.iriiio miiij of Hie suspected of lili cannot into the union tate conspiracy, gents led by Cooper of Wisconsin, the a higher il.irv another hild was at the point ot yourself re- In any mess-- 1 "I don't believe shall ever live you will give good account before the summer of lull. The an accounting filed the circuit being Messrs, Xelsoii messenger than to other - other bolters out my sentence If i am n, t pardon- death. or 111 he eseoiled out hs iirined mea publican members of the senate com- court today. . Wlsconsn and Davs and engers wer0 defended by Mr. Dennett; a "h oils- i oiler'' xhorted and Cary of - ed " Snml iv if sou resist vou ssill stay there mittee beaded by Senator Hveildge, The bill was filed by the Chicago & who quoted Assistant Attorney Jen- of the o it at L nden to Llndbery of Minnesota. In several was, The new surroundings did not make the menthols inplcd." have conferred with President Taft Western Indiana railroad. Accord- to eral I'urdy as saving "Schwartz tin cud the world, el speeches strong objections both Mr. who Is now known as con- prepare for Tl, reuol'ls ol President Lewis, Vic. it Is understood that they are un- ing' to the bill the reai estate trans- voiced; worth $5(10,0110 a ear as a lawyer." Walsh w lie strlpp' d ihem- - and James and Kainey were the nervous. He sat calmly in I'ashlol and ii,..,ci.i. oi i: s .Met 'ulloiigh and Sec In favor of this program. in lfoul involved all. died to bcliwariz s vict "fiKCl" lo- n to skin animous ections oecured and claiming to express views The work s, Ives a nd chlldr the , con- objectcrs the big s ss I e read and the tin- ",21. S!!). Id, was unusually his cell tonight and read until the i retái Perry This Is substantially program the expenditure of $:,, The t. w no ob- messenger lie sa an, I night through l the of President Ta There as at It o'- danced the for the day. been under discussion since defendants are illeged to have dl.i -l gong sounded "lights out" vention adjourned Which has jection to cither of them personally hard. a guard hitler weather. statehood bill came up at this ses- ed the JSáO.OilO piolita. As to the four score additional clock. Then he retired. When attorney sa id to- - the but it was urged especially against The prosecuting I (OVIMIIN SI'.VñI' was ac-- 1 passed the cell a few minutes later h- - VllVtll'VI sion of congress. Win n the bill When the railroad wished to li;;lnc'3- - pertisian-shi- p clerks charged to the million dollar he would try to bold the pie; i, ; that their extreme ex. was peacefully. das M IMNIM ll'S it was quire property, says, cited an opinion of the banker sleeping a. gc. i'lj first introduced in the bouse the bill Thomas would unfit them for a judicial fund Mr. Dennett lug elder on maiis'anglitei cha ! "The Fet-ze- r. jus- convicted hanker was Indianapolis. (ml.. Jan. predicted that linal admission would would refer the matter to Kappes. Investigation. the comptroller of the treasury as When the pushlot appears to be regaining hi i and shown his cell he uwk, ,1 several ques- a p, lu at i,n oi common hhould not come before about eighteen who was in the real estate bus- Against was cited activity tifying such use of appropriation senses, but the w olllll II and two of Itainey Miles ,.os, ruing Ins I.e the 1. Ms oi the new method months. This is about the time which iness would be directed to make the said that non-e- ployment of these tions about the violently Insane. in stirring up trouble for the republi- dren are still pl'ollioliui; industrial In the will elapse should the bill proposed purchase and the money would be clerks would have glutted the office Incarceration. an- can administration In Panama canal, lb i IIS, .11 on ing to the by the senate committee succeed. turned over to him. would work and retarded operations daily "Just 1,11 me wh: it f llliliilili H Feter mutter. I ie'any'RFVni IITjliN ot uí Thomas I. will do it," he said "If viol. , RFPORTFD, nual rpi Pr make the purchase and report the come up under th,. appropriation. IL I Ul-- U l ae - The matter will probably I it through ss I'll! Mine Worker amount paid, it is charged. rules. assure vou will I.i in in the house toinorow and It is ex- IN OF URUGUAY Ill III, u.v nth tin is In his Ignorance only." INTERIOR of America, It declared in the bill that pected the democrats to a man BELGIArTÍWCESS TO to IliZ.lllo u Fct-z- er that attempt was made today mu, .Ts' "lg r port to the railroad company to republican Little report will vote repudiate the the new prisoner the rules W.lii this a i keynote, the NOLSHD would state a greater amount WED PRINCE NAPOLEON teach ; caucus action. It A lelllOM continued, Mi Leivis savin-- "The than he had paid. Then it is nleged, Prison thought best not to Monteva, leo. Jan. Incidentally there is the question t pro, in, The il a ill, th,,,! of organizing has he would divide the difference between lauden his mind with the little details has broken out in he Mnke the circumstances It ,1 ss The ciiorniou to whether under of prison, until he had become thor- goVel lililí III however expects pill too proven sn 'e that reported the railroad and the serve. Hrussels, Jan. 19. It is believed i .In ' BROKERAGE FIRMS Lloyd will consent to oughly his trip here. doSSIl plo!lpll. ll is impossible to ex pendil ill ' im, and the tieiiier-- price with Thomas and Kapcs. The engagement of Princess; rested from in- - After the vote nominating the four here that the saw the convicted extent oi the ilisa IT .hois w asr e one'KV incident lo bill is sworn to by K. 1!. Trior, presl-- d Ñapo- - Many persons who determine the republicans had been taken, resulting Clementine and Prince Victor led by a fa, Hon of strip rboU.d be avoided C"H' i , ,1 financier enter the prison today with Hon hleh is lustrial nt of the railroad. ,1.,,.,, ' fnlirimrv I'll. , ., , , surreti-sho'il- in practically unanimous approval a Wilt ue .tin. rtlf. t.v be sc. I to can never 1' 1908, "- - ,.w,i,.' ' Will.. pal allil bellev lo right and. In June, Thomas and Kappes dem- ciato on which the court's otficinl piigoii ' ' '" very la-- t separate vote was ordered on the the a psc w onld - ly In- Araelillll.l .1, i, ,1. bill It be the SUSPEND resigned their positions rail- King Leopold nam e predicted ll- aulcl - with the of the At mourning for the late it prosp, r. all.) , v , ry means ft- is ocratic members committee. low Wlien lie Was sell UMlie ,oe As lo ih. eoiintrv ii leMiillce other road, and it alleged they destroyed Th' prince is a cousin 1:1 this juncture .Mr. Coopur arose and will he ended. W'as .ills , olit. nled Is ,slC, bet oie i suspension of work or removed from the office quantities Kinmanilcl ot Italy. uuUm It was said that Walsh and then declared that he was authorized by of Kin Victor ol Hie peopl II ll ,le 1,1 ,r i.i! Ida, i s books and re- marriage five straining every point to make himself the Wishes of papers, documents Leopold opposed the I'. Ill I are c number of his colleagues to say that I to Hie rebels ho pr..o le g, number ot the miners to Fct-ze- r. it might app'.i r cheerful b. lore his menus. pOSe, lating the transactions with demo- years ago, on giound that X t organize, bin Exciting Episode on New York ihey were opposed to naming the voiingcr Kit ,,. aide to hold out I! It I, us .ini between l! Igiuin Few men. even two score ahtlKy to cratic members of a committee in a strain the relations , lack l'ideiic, in our re- objec- this gray haired onvii t have' - Exchange Rivals Sen- The court issued an injunction lint the political than i Stock 1 epiiblican caucus. and France, he. Slice, .1 hem to he indiliVr- any of walked so calmly into prison as , IN DISTRESS straining of the defendants from with the death VESSEL , The stroit;.st partisan speech was tions disappeared 111. Mace the o i.itor.s uro reads sational Rise and Fall of Rock of bonds which became Warden il''li.lUMIHT). lil "HI I disposing certain the that c.f J. Sloit Fass. M of New York her father, when Clementine PACIFIC COAST .ppos. the ,,iunnxation. but nib-g- a part of prof- of sotiiil fiend of Walsh, was one ol those! OFF bills formed the urr.,ed r, to the cousin of the reigning monarch k, Hl a .,ar object, and fear in December, ni,,, the ptiloicans nane' might suffer i Island deals. who feared the prsoner tn-- , its ot the land tie whclc committee without regard lielgium. 111. l.el appeal to the Is regarded by a relapse, liut after talking with him' d.mocriuc J,rtl"tn. Prince Victor the; lellluclK e III' r;ii and inlner or as the hope ot a tolllglll. uiú. i is. a le, J..I, ..i IN OREGON Is a republic. cleaning.'' said royalists France I rem ua minia; disin.t IBj Mornloc Jonrnpt iv,ll loud Wire LAX METHODS 'This in not is bearing no well. I am. hele lotllllht from vh Id, ,1 ft ill tie ne.r.aiehy, but has Walsh I , : posl-i- i reestablished t l- p, I t, s, in tilting our New York. Jan. 1!'. There was an Mr. Fasselt. "and the democrats havi poli- vit.iliiv he shows I; a vessel bell. 1,0 the Ame- ttankll LAND OFFICE greatly with surprised at the thai . i m ef-- r Slock; ex- STATE i'o'hlng to do with It." concerned himself u ll t - ' loll Ill" in nig into episode in the New York , predict a relapse He probu-- j ship William Smith. as si not I w much was more spectac- Speaker Cirinon opposed any com- ties. r'g-- j ss .fx t ,i ois. I'l do change today that bly will be wide take up sonic ...I late toda;.- in il.slr. miles oil v Jan. 1 ' A good promise ; Two MaM'Ml t! i onii.l jrve nece.ssai ular in many respects thar? the recent Pot Hand. Ore., employment in a lew diss" M' 'I:' nth Hi. larbof. of. in only two propositions." UNION HAS , I Slle Hock Island fiasco. With a break portion of the time t.aliv the trial; "You've FARMERS' in- - risnii-- tin. .ti, tupi, ,1 hut b, Hi Dr. L. Hlake I'.aldwin. l , "Kit-v- . : ...III if mine workers 0 Co- rmann was said be. ae, pt til d.cmoc.a'le I Touching the mor than points the of former fongr. lb PROGRAM , r s lias decided to remain sea lose ll, in s.-- , AMBITIOUS said; "It &. pool d shmcing the alleged lax lions or t them " eon-- ; s. , n Momias in to oilcanee, Pr, sub nt Lew lumbus Hocking Coal and Iron voted to H. will hav. Smith as ' -, until tomorrow. t , t m.UIV j un- V.'i'i n opn.c I a o 1114 n ii. d and lepe,itll smashed, two stoc k exchange methods of the .tale land hoard the caucus noli. A. F. , prison 1, ,v I the Was alter has has i ' fer, with Dr. Yolo are trt 1. oi ilcmoeraiif; vas tic , St, O 111 t'llleS that labor unions bin houses were forced to suspend and r the lolminisi'.i'ion former! fr'm the iucus physician and tell him the exact phy- l I, sin. un lb d oil the er j Wuilj. Wash., Jan. The Ma v. I., i us put ourselves on sé-V- j ( its gcl f.,ilure iid:pt'd apprisin;. tho n.ajorlty if tin Walla 1. , ISI !con! the market generally underwent Covei nor leer, and alb un- of the aged o olí (, til-sta- meeting of the farmers' sical condition most positive manner, " invohlng the heaviest Mo , irr.-i- n' e of the s hemes of! democratic selection of Janes and Ill lib tht declines take r- -d ses-jsio- thing has given ' oiilldeiice in exec utive une that - ,s one employer on the trading since day of lelward H. hand grao i. rs tp conne, tlon with Itainey A motion by Honglas of Ohio ion today eiinseh r is hi Tiiiiih-- ictiol Now NiiiiiIm Nine.. lone insists the ' - of the prison, - proj- ts of to the to ihe friends I 1 s, asrgre-Katc- d of j with the several interest The to (..niton, wiih other empioy- Harrlman's death. Total sab hool lands and the formation to return the communication meal Mo. llrose. Colo, Jan 1. till 1 , nnü good .petite, lie took lis tirst , r, . ',. sub- Oreii. n. Washington at IM i t. ib salop industrv. 1 6 3 4 0 share-.- . rigid in- public rcs. rv, s. Ceorge flrown. !e,tic-s- rats be farmers id ( ,,l C C. Mc 'oi miik and thatother against in prison tonight. It .insisted of warm '.Laths x- mploye of Voted Idaho and adopted resolutions j casualty w.alth and buy labor at the cheapekt quiry' by tho g crnors of the f'T sevcnt.en yens an stituted ivji overwhelmingly biscuits, fried potatoes, onions and lla.vs brought th, number of curtailment of the rural I p. possible rate, lust lon will tha enangx? tu ro tomor- top sinic !..!.! explained the, i'."wn. A motion by !! prosontative !tho proposed 'fiom th.- ilunnisoii labio ihstmi that mate delivery post office service, plain coffee. Walsh ate hcirti'v. w insist on the right I row. M 'scjeteni of c omiuei iiiu tie- Ftate land Itrep war- - i mine rkeis Th firma envolved are J. . post- - 2 minutes alt T the niii". Is- - 'as-- ill, proposed increase in Within Kick & Co., of 42 I. roadway, mi l Lath- - ,o;iiee, the lie th",! of o Hies bind. (Continued on Ins 2. Column 3.) st the THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1910.

e.--t . 111 nt il.mir.o ids .'.How mine vtoi'mi, i ... i hi. til in- - Inn (iuli .f I'V.'ii." Ii'IK ..lisl.l. ratim, he i iltiiijii to iluiuie me letms nimii lil. li f .. i..ii .I ll itn H Ii. ii "I ir..1 iv'.' "I tin V . nr i i mi r The III si r"jr i. uní l.i "ii operator "friini HUGHES TALKS mitt.- i.niii r, car. ni- ly "The di- In the i.lln lal " re, un:, n hIhmiI'1 lltlpll!."." Ky I" III. HI i .ill! tint i ii.titiio tlni nf mu hi kImii r- " V 1 i i ill r .ni o h unite of pin pose, I'''I li mo t 'm ilimliit;, I" said c b' r i niisi'li ni huí ni "Hi' hands. I'lilesv tin-il- I. Hi-- tin- i !... I luiii.i ri x ii hu h aillO hli-l- l unions "I l'l"V' i "I ;l.or 1:5 ,ni "!' su m. M mini; in lime ili.-i- ii Hi 1' i il mu' m ii iiil.ailim Híli i nil ' 1 ..I t'tll'tl,.. Willi Uollld ki'..uri in hisimi. mi nir. lit iliirinii riowfu' deny lli..t imiii "i jiin.'iiir rli.ti,. I't. nil. i. in n uní "! ;'"i .;iMI til" t'i. IV, .ire i't yjvelit. ii, th.-ia- INSURANCE j..or j.;ary Killing l i IM 10 . ., ii !. i Imt "Ii" til, ii' limt "i l.'ihni itiji ilt.,1 thai, íli. in"! i in, - I. ,i, f,J. .ul null' II (!! !.i"SV I' I elli-H- i'f' m.i' 3 xerels. In ilioir eiiriilut iifi.iirH II.. I ...:- -! ' IT l nil. do. til" ami tleet i l 1. r. unimi Th- in- a re civ tp.nii ,,i K.ihi.ed I l.ipn.i tit tun ii"' .iliil'.-M.-- ieat . y i miiy Breaking. t n Mlihm mil' Imt Ih' I'ri Plows" nm.ilis Hi.. l:di'.i nú; !)'.. , i'ii.!' t thai limitan ul.- Ii' i. hum iíin.íi. "John Deere" - he mi uw "I ilirni of i tu t It tu ( i.u 'in- ..ii.tH rv ' msni. nation a- Ini' as Hut' tiil 'iiiEh f,l' . " . ne-- " v i l.- t ni-- t , . . ' H nuil "I a, mil dividual lil'oiiy Tin v ;.t iii i" ni... i mi lm1 Is in U i.ini PRESIDENTS . M t' M. i h a "f ARE THE BEST VIlllllsoH In oihmiiZci! .:,(.:!,,: un ill: . :ek mill-- !i ' s In t;ilfili"Ii ' 'ii ll.ii.v s.ivi- GROCERY GO. his lit" J.i.-- t hiiintliH. li"- - Her Un' snll'd ii. mi- - 'i! 'Mfl'il riKlils' M li.nt nil! v permit this real ii'.ik im lililí' 1 r J in-- ... ' I" tti" Mink" "l mine unrk.'i.i Jho in n ut in luían tm'i Hilv hum. .11 l:i nw lit !' i'i' in .mil Ask to see the Deere" Rod Breaker, it works easier . . I in Si tin- It.' 1Ü i till ! I I, ill l;ms '(' people li ili.'r. iIh m. lm ;i - ul 'ml' men iia "Ii... ri'i'iil'l Mav: ' ' the t TO EAT" "Tlic Mine W'.rker. Imx in.-- "6000 THINGS ; llllil III an il.i ul it cri-- ll 'I I"! ' .11 in ,1 I" I. i;l I'S." V' rnili'l HONEST COMPANIES HAVE and costs less. li'-f- It II i...liili.iK-i- esery fur Jflti ll IH HO llilll'. thel'l i, I. I,..', I .,i.m, t,i In luii mill alta.k, t I. I . ).rl.--l - hraln liny nH"il HKain lira it llllng n Hid ivid im liher iniimift '. .1 nil', .11 Ti .ilfl'. LITTLE TO FEAR FROM LAW . iimn.-- against J i 1! n ti" It', i' ii.. ..-- 1" lite iaiti'-.- rniiiii.i, rfihl Virliihn ni' ilfiiiml i'ii l.lf, lie ' - Til" ' '' i 1 f i I llai-- i,iMV Steel Road Scrapers ;ifhi tn n'.-nf- i. i an wiiii ' ii .iiliii' In- lllillimt::' ,1 .11 l".li--t I'liee- HI'illl: elll"ll'i in1- - ni.iiith liii,e t lienor mi I" i"H.iit'in ttiul riiii.ii' f... VII I'ii !' i,'ii.'.tli ii uní. int" tiie inenili niih .1 il 1" i. ... v. ..iil'l hi'iulit "luí viilmv iiMsnreil in a i en New York Goemor, Who Load n brichlci I'ntuic '''ipil .'i.'i i. .rut.. i,i. ".i. i!ii.'t IM At the Lowest Prices. , tli.-- ,,. 111" i till "I til" Iii.ttiinl ami il LÜOvJ tui'l mi; .rit," ..I, "111 I' linn. p Price thiu. t Ii . t Great Shake-U- Declares til.-!- i na imi aIih has h., rin rizmt Inn il' must In' :i Mi lit.';!'1 I" X..t "'.I.'. Il'.lll.l "II' lH.U (il 'll i'i 1XICA1. lUM'H U.tiS v. 111 s,, I.i r. "; ami in. 'ii. linn nt' ii !,!', K tl hill hat r"'iii'' His Faith in Life mien ' ii''" Insurance as I'er tlni'ii ótlr UliO'ild Hllil lllliM I" t u.nif'll.i'll l i.f ,ll."il,ll. 'v it, t " in, .ul talt'-- M' i I V M IN I i'ri'Hiili nt Komi il'" !i.ii-.- i itnii m I., a'illln I.. i III" mili I'J'WM WI .lis American Institution. tll-M- ' Iv.V.XfelS HWCH KC.Í.S RAABE & MAUGER - i 111 111 H i.i (III ll v I'"- w.w i. t lililí 1 piopl'lll III full III' organ. llll II "Ii lii In h. am in rti imi t;i I'lT llll1'II lOl'. I'hilii.ii-ll'lil.i- IK. l! ile- - 115-11- T i t Mi .1 Jan. isutinn " )i" I" "' Mt' iH?' I'l' mini' ' M li J til 1'ilK That 7 North Flnt Street Ire tvai-C'-- 11'lllkcift It! Ul" lli'll- - ntil.i :!lHtt; ill1- - Me " lm ilnl i"l' .11 ri.'ise ill lin'l (Itr Morning .Iiainiul riprilnl Ifn.rd Hire) I..- - MA Hi OKOKKS SOLICITED. - h.i tin- in I Hi- mi . . Ml il. ma ljil.,1 thai Hie "mi- m.ii maile iiiiiinii VitshliiKt,m Jan. . r the Ihiril trli't. l'illj , Meadow Gold Butter (rum- - I 'eiiiisvhni nía iiiil he i'jtc'ts.-il- vi. irf Ih' Kui.illi hii.1 tint j.l ill.' Minn rim li mi. ni hnal'l im mi i.'i.inl ni Himial llleetini; i.f th.' nSKOt illllon nf -- ilei n hi t it a liirl.'iimi in Isimi r. hii tnilay the eX"lll Pound 40c in thi mili i'f M.ii W. leiiie.liitl th" life itiKiirane,. i.i nahleiits: tnilay. Ciov-- . Per ,Ii-.- i emillllilti e of the l'.lllilllill'1'if 'I'i I A i.i ami I..- He ti .h l.ll Kie.'-- ninellt til" Ki'iitii.- ky. iiiii un. l I),' Piir- - I' I l.i t ills' assm in l inn Inr eeiltliil rimr lliiulns ..f New V"i'; miilt-essei- limiiH. n. 1 :''." nut.. "i in r I.i lllillltlliz. ilaiifci I.i Ihlll ll"W ln t. u.i.-- I'etitisi .i uia Th.- as.-- . ii le f ni in- ntlv,. UIV I'llljil. i. III this numl.i'i Imi '"i. ml .in' .rial. e.,ti imi.ri in it "itiiiis nf life insiiraine . a- - I)- ill 111" - ll" (iilUin-H-11- fluí!. Ileal all th" "iera!"l's Specials for we cAr.r.v i.akgest stock of roi.isiii.ii ii i in tullí "i- lliail" ttn,. onipiiiues. reju'i sent ins n.iinii.iiiii.i tiie ciimll '"in ll" ii' ' lil.i V WHEN IN m- -, ami ni.', "I ivmil.l Hll ll soft ma! lii "I WIMlOW AND I' WÍY (i LASSES IV M MKXK.d. Ij.'llliii ll. null If IHI" "t II" xlnl'K lll. . billion - an1--- polie' li'il'lers atnl four TIUCES. : : t'll-i-l .1 l.ri;.- ...n' thai Hililallil ll'mi '"II- SEED OE GLASS WHITE Olt CALLON I'S Wit ': n.lllllil liJ'I'Jlfn I" lollni- - of iina""t at: ileelareil hid Thursday of tlif I'll ntiiiii.'U? iiii'l iintlnMi Hi iIim. irr..M a Ian llml "III lax every tml a iiisiiraiie.- as an .litierieail, ll'lit "I i'tlinsvlvanlii ty ril t'f ul innl mill. il. I" ft. " ni" uml fur reject1aíeyás btllli in life 5 PACK.tCl-- A I '.N'T .IIMINA . I i'.- -l "111' all.) r.'ll'lel "ll ."1.V-- AND MILL OL.tlll. t'i.Hllj .'in UllMllf ' ul lllll'ill i,t(,niI,K IllStltlltiilll. insisted tiiat llo lif.'j I'AN t'AKH I l (l lí f SUPERIOR LUMBER CO. limililiMi an a I'Mlll i'f mill" alil-il- . ilisiiraln-i- is hom-- IlilH' lll 'tll lllll'l" t" "I Ktllll'- lll.'K" trouble maker orna niz., tUni thin Sij lbs. HcHt Old liishioll llucU-i- i Hi" ill" "Hnitl 'if i'li'l tlni.'"- an'l .ma ' mil i" tnii :i in its manai.'-iiiii.n- l (iiutrii In thimliri i!t. inn. In-i- Hour, 2"c. Tlii- - f"t .'hi .le ml.l til.. me II. lai h i. "f tii'i't! Htate emilrol or tn lrllii'. .inii'iiiit util t.ieet l . OH us 2.V-Al- ( t S i"iiiiil . ihli- - i ni imi (t nun il I I, I :!) 2 IMiiK'liltu. rtlulll- (ll Mil "I illiKii ill It"' this tml mu mil i'mii fiie iiliimii li.r from lenislanon. - - i III m ci ji. "I' li'l'- t - :Uk- 'HU(fi in Mitt- "f M" Inll't. V"H( S'tluilllil, ulnml.i imr li'iMlinn till tile Htlbleet nf kt isla Ve eiirtill- I.n.H'r Mailt! - l rtWMmwmt'HH'm ' i . , tu i i muí i i a t k. a ml il"iiiainl tl is i.f N'.i.rask.i mi insurei'tit, that en . h) . (.i""-- iH.i iiiiitmiiit timi lie iii: own Hnkrr Shop i Our .'' . a ht'i-i-i'i- the i a tn iim 4 (.'llulllflll Hllll ! III!' Viltr iH'lil. ! 111. HI 111." ..I n i.tu i, i. line "I nitii'-- nl" lirst mi l'et.ninlieiili "1 lm pe the lilll" has otie by when J iiiemtn "( tin- - i laiil IHKSII SlHAWIUiltltlKS In n.ui'ly IS.liii'i.Oii'i. ii nil t'i t Ii in la rue .uní tn in in iiil. Ihlrilly. until mil is nmmittee uhk it it ill he llimnjii iiem sxnry m prnti'tt th.- a n 1' "V ' "f in Hie table, - I'ltKSII TOMATOKS Rubber lli- lint.- an in in pi mi SelMnking il poliey- Stamps leuni nhi.ulil I.i mill' an.'. .mi "f umi he int'TeHt ol hi' infiirmiee . il ivIh-I- il I hM present. Ilh e li'li-b'- i of letrisl.i-- ; ( fiimii'V nil-li- I" miiiirUiin n iiiiiui.i r "f hie is iii.ii iwiilliill.i C llhl'l lli'll inblii-.- by elimts t" corrupt Al.ll'. IIKAI l.l"IT i: I i "IT'ii',1 a siiliitii.n the fmir ,. nn-- ni'BK niii ln la ilii'S.' (Iii.1 rirln." ii.iiKi. iii.'r."St that tie "iilinm i" iianinii; nr. h. rnblieil liiseiiHsion, fair i I iX'J'lt A (.OOI Ready i Ieiri-seritatiye- Keep Clean and Are Always ( . "(' I'lililii ,'ins anii Clay. liiive- i' thiiiiii'li th" ii""!' "Ul' i' i'sta nilini; nf niiai yon in viee In l.i' nil I" Hmi - t'AI I II l.tlWKi: mil iiry.a nUn mu h iijiieili"H t'TI allil I.i. ..ill lis tile ilelil'.er.ili. Illi'lll- ml w tin t i esw-nii.i- mill.; ki iH i" ' k I" iiruaillif tn i"ll. l" tlm propel thr vni . I . it t i n j li a til inn nf ll"' r.'i "I Hie i.i'ii ile. "hilii'-- btisti ni'Hti ": Kliili-j- ill III" .hii-mfii- l i'i" iiie, il'.t of tins those are 0&h the iiiim.'l I" I l l - i i n. ul i Mill, h in i lit rial .MiissiiehiiKettK, intinirii'-ii- . iifi'eri-'- 't te-- i IIIiik o mi Kilariilltees .'lid Htose nri- the n t'f .'ml p'-h- I't i.i'li nt. I.i ii in .iiui mr In Our Bakery Dept. al i 'h H i ';" siihstilnte 'iri.i'i . in. fur Un? it.nnie:: iiriiu-- nf tiie p"!ie liulil' i a you l't pre-- i ii ul Hliinilil ilmiiii'- in IN' mu! "Vr I. 'ii-l- I nt" i.f miiy Un. Imti nblli nn.'. itnil l I up "iiar-111110- 0 iriimiiir llml il Ir i" mil' Mr I'm rv linn, the ( r". Tin1 (i'ooils we iiiiiko .; I it n tli tin era I ie piaees nj ll Vmj ai-- .t h i nflTlii tí you. iii.ii-niil"- a .i'fmaiii nt relief, (mm mi th" hnsl the ii. vottr will iliense Try J)Ul""ii I" iiiKanizi- tin' fit nii i it VVIIH' M ll I. niithly iii bale II, Mas 111 ami CM illcirictn in riiriml iln-l- "f he nf ..II" lIliy'H .'nil Illone.V hilt the SallllWS ieople. loll' any om iirticle iioti' mlnliiK 1 I (ill. .iltli"-Hll'- e Hi" annually by ea. h ii'i nilier m' (lie mini ll lo It ua at this ' inn responsible lor leiiiislation ami, tiie siiM'i iiir qitiility. l.ioiliiitlmi, Wi. .i.tivlii'O 1 ive C"i.,n-- ii II n In nny way by - i'f Klnt''n Unit i "luinilzatlml. In t" .Huumeiitetr h Hllll lii preS'lltal linve no duty tiny Net our iirlces an- no nuire ttinn .iifr.'itiiri tli"" ir' i' eall-- i I'luii-jrc- . ra- - Ills Irismeellt 1'iilleilKtlen lelt the it . whieli will not Miami full mid! niiircri-- In our i.iiniii"ii Wt- will Uní' an equli alelí! mini 1' the n" iitlit'i's t . . I 1,1 ti) lis. rabile il iMeiiHHlmi. Hiwnrt tiny iiltaii. Iim ri inm Hi.' riMti-f- 'iJt " I'" lie lien ni emel eey t" 1AVI-.- fl A ni'illim in siibstlltite Jalin-- I'm' piin emiiinilteil to ynur 'eare. t Ki:s In tin. ny if iiititiiiüiim U'imi 'n In mill" ills. tli in. interests All kind.. ' i 'la Imi mail.- by Kein ntatlve Mnrsv ml i mi In ii. r trust the people,; qliltrt muí the nllii r hi iH k iiiunml SlallHll" ol tin limilli i.ll tninii of ivas inlnpleil by a vole f thev nliilerst .ini the silnatinll IMM (.IIM TS slllUni t W1 - "I the iiri',n liixat ll'tl hi l!ie Th rr llml .unln if 11:1 (it. ib mm pun has-- , i . t I in The lii" raiie mi ciin trust those wlm hie t Ivunlii i Heel la r "llalli timlihn thill Ihl tn i:k t'Aurs tlo i nnl Vinlun "f 'i'iiih were I'a Kifil by a vote of i leiiliiiiH then hie anil th" risk in the future bind- -. .al.l iii"inh". for the iirreiii. inn Small s of nil I Hi" nitni' wullui'. iilnml tt. hii Ih inei-lt- lit. - nf luá tn i'mi!'. .lust In fufe the' tilllll eapinu lio. hartes! thin hie (.( ni'"'' il "ml y-.- i is nilulill.v in X. ess ul' lliat nf ltl.SM Mtt KS IIO.OhO whmn "iiniiil'.' ballot liepresteiilativi. Ames nf if there be Hnirn in imr i'iílfialn'e 11 l tin- lltii Mivhm, li'ii,'.. th" I'li'iintis iiiiiiiiif iiar. anil fliilm-'- lulu hi ly "n tn sn Imt Unte the h'ri-i-l of iinil corrup- I IT TI5TS . mni'eil hall biilc'ry - :i Ml In Ule III rue il"-- i the lit i.'i"iy Hi" iiitiM- enllitiK ell - "ii'l "i ill" iianieM nf ciiainp Clark, in inmity lenil- tion. i:tc. i n in H'tlpl'li. Illll'is. 'I'I" In tlllllill'ill i iilivini nil' llml leas" th' I II I'm i. - rl. "I all, I KeJil'esentlltlH.' illler We niust: hnve insurance mipirvis- im KDi.i.s VI M I nf l hi' mln-- ' '."ni iiiiiain ul' a su lli'i In ilislriit it at il o'clock rnl lie l.illnr.' .. ijelinieiiitle lilli)'. !!""" "' I."""" i ..,,1.11,. .,,,ini.-- I have; J' tu he In m tt.i nlz. il Im ilin1 Nula Si "I HI The feelitillulatimi "t !'' worker llii 1,1'iyil hut nan t. it by siioiiKly in of control j till' fillllll. l.ll I'' Hll'iHi'l it haillllrl' fin! this been favor .l IlKllmlly I" their m ll illilil 'ii.'l vote, The Imt a I r.iir.,-Vü- 'i a pirn tieally iiiiiinlinmis. Ih,. sioln of various niiivilieH ll" .1 i'.-- i lm ml r 1. H"v nf .(l llniii.i mi mln I , Tile niniij ciinilill'in t" iialknul o( i:eii'i'Hentallve Cooier anil une has! renlr.eil more ilnm now im-- Shop Notice 1 lm ( ii t m " 'i'li" liitiiine tiirnuiiii the In Made in Our Own on J Short f tliu Iiltimilmm nilninti Ills liltle "I lllS.II eunseil it that Ibat roinr.d Klimild, ii i in r I, l!ini, Jiiil.Tilii, inaKliiK ('"I'tant 's ' Mr WliK' It il''iliniil ii" I I emn ral ely little exiiimneiit ninl be am) impartial." a l.iial I .' i . 7n. Tin- "M'i'nill-- l'ii lair You l..l ..i j Now While Think 111 lli'W III I'li ' l In it i liv mat ie teauii'i'k. in- b.üev.'il Order of It llKfeellli lisle. hi li'J.ili.lUli, e.tlin uas itttenihil mi lira The novel imr i'.niareil icKii'ii urn .r.niil. ii ml. Ml "' n - ll ille of llii'iii.lii' il"f a I.. let llli'l- nllSII llis briefs that est.iisinri national tniiviiies Sfiiiiufaetiirer of i llame "f ili'ii.i.ii' olitT Kl.iii'l i;''! "I ii'tiii H innl n"l the hall ami Vt iu-- toll.ntetl lliilllit I." neeili ll sniitl lo the ilt ,iI AXK I'llOKS, LOOSE LEAF - li i . hit V I IE- Ki "inmmidat inn i that m'Ka iii.' I Winn I'te mini; .nl..-- i'I by I lie tiie "tilers, one lit tl Itll". irensiin; poptilatloii, but referrliiK t" H flnrrAtt ill. mill he lili. ill III" .lileell if the VICES. ISCHUEIt STAMPS. Iij reuní il In the ft 'H' ul iimi" ni'iii. "It lias lifter Hie llnli'US that Itep-I'e- iii,. expr-s'ie- il desire of some of the 0 LIllliiUVY il n ". I'lmil exe. riiono 021. lie km I.I "When the Inilui-trii- llilern.iliiuiiil i.r III ll Ci,iiii r Halt Sllppi'l'teil 111 iiii'ch'.ls tn briiiíí the coinpitn-i"- s v. racltv lie ollciitJI'ajmd in. Hie fotnt t ile .'tail tin iinti'ii ol lleei!., ami lt In tli" iiiiil.rt.i It renlmi i.inl this .mu ml hi sev.ral 1' Kiilitr repnbll-'.ill- tltld' r eelltl-o- ot Hie fedeVal trad,, nn!) ?" a i mist il ni imi liiniKi'l .i i ul l IIIMIttMH Ihe fin ii o iiiiiiiIi.i nt that tune thai lii" imiiliiim; Ciailles nl West VilKlll-la- . llt he bclieveil Hint llmllil Hot be .Martin S. ,rei!tient "f the . ' I f llljil'i' i. j .ilt ,Hi Sti"H nl I euri,iill i i.iiKliiefi'il. lie r. iti ni til mail" ill'' the nl Mansa, hnsell .. l''i.-'-!l of possible ill the lac,, of decisions of he N'aliotnil AsMicialion of ll.iiiroad ii Cilllell i re t nii'ii mnl Hii-i- iisimi nl Inful K. ol the I'tiitinl .Mini' Win Kerr ismi' Sen Ymk anil limn:!. is ni i i Ii iii. The supreme il l of III, lililí il Slat. iian tiie. only siieak'-- to EASILY In.-.- .Mr. NEW COMET .'I-M'-ARTHUR E. WALKER )i I''.- emu iiiilm's. in, "I" hi nil" I i t i l.irtiiiiiiU' In Iim U' nir. III 'I'll llelllllllt; 0 lli'MiV't, 11I1S ulien tiie Hiil..!. of Hiilaiion n r k if runt i . "iniiieinl' il Hint tlm in i:alii..l - juildio ü i . nn Un; lit In iieile mu urn t" ni III i.ivor ..I- imtatiiii! Hie )'!.i"!inel of .i-:ir.i.- "!' railroitils and ntililii VISIBLE FROM BOSTON liisiiriince, SiTtnry Mutual hivI linn ili'imttiti ti'nin i unities ami i.wv Iliilliliii 4 in niil'i I" iiik"IImI" , iiie ii bole i imiilllttee, thus imlii iitinn iii'i!iii HI'. I'huno HI, In sale-tin- sui.rrioNs. . Whnlt-s-:- .l. e in the lt.llllleti.iill laws I Mii"is hi llre.-il- 217 West t rlitrt a 'II. nn'l liralll.Mnn Hint In ii th" mutter emiie lo lu- V. I!. of tito Natío mil ontrnl Avrnue. riuhl-- "I al,. litlt.if Vashiii"l,in, Jan, lit Areeitm that u ; I tu t o! o of the Miiiialmn In lit.' an nil the lahi'leis vv t Ii lii'iii'i-i's- nssoi :a lion. siokc ni A . ll""!- nf the bmis" tiiiimiiniv there Cimhrlilire. Mass.. Jan.l'J seareli Ills-Il- simiihl be nnifiirniiti in mate t .r. "I there i relniiin.' tliiiiclle ilisirl. ill ii i'i. .lit i ie. needs of a ninloi ni law In nil rnbiihility be ample vites I" i ia! i i, i. Mr l saiil: Inns mii'etimi not only ninirieri tl... new comet was .'iiaile thrnuKli 1io.ltl..M .iT (In- hi in. mu"! if niel "in Imi, I'l i.i I,) toed and lor earry ti.n llirotiitii "t"t' miv inatii-rs- per-lai- tin- - th'- luí" muí h hi i. ii saiil in th tiik't but. likewise tiloso t!ia! dru. clomls at Harvard toilet;,, 1" HI" i a lllelr i .lt"ltef - iniiiihiii' nl il. 'im " lit: ami insurgent nl- - ' ..i f "II the ni II.- n the well lieillrf nf tile illilil today and il ivas found soon I'M ." t lili ob.i". inn. I'.-i- STVTI S ÜH.IIIN Ill lilll'.V t ÍV u i . new iial, tiie National (Tiie ration at Minsi-- hy l.eon ''impla II. v.lin t.má,. if il' i I. ii i .1 il, 'I Ilmi. an. hae milhiii ADKltES.'-r.- alter fa ri .lilmil la 'if iulnpl.-i- l a Ol' t.O EKNOltS' I t i its linul session lo.lay num- determined ils a ppmxiina le position ImlKini nt n tlutt t ii mini i - "t i a In hiikki f, want miii'li.tsi.e tint of resoliilioiiíi. AVnshlUBtoii, .lan. i 9. "Plate's in ascension 2b l.mirs. .'PI rnin-uti- s X' l i ne tn.issiii ,m the can nl mu nn in liars. ber .is rialit Si ellii ni.ii mi hti ike fliniilil nt- - HI. il li'il all .Vnioiii,' them .re Ihofe r riKlit.V tiie iiurden of most of the and dei lin.'iiioii miiins 1S.1 tl' Kin i in iiiirag.'iiient mnl "i '"' '11' I'l'lii ai N'l PA IG STRICKEN; In ih,. ft'1 eru.'.rs tin- ail'iption si dclivcreil nt the conference II" n 'l. rl.H'. .1 Injt'" ineililiii". adilref i srees. lh.. ..rtmiifatliiil in- it.' imi of i., today with particular comet is in constellation i t el of uniform laws lor fin '.t imvernois The the titi'T of the in! mile imi niel ut" or-- ; i hildr.-i- il In faclorii-s- fa retíreme to the conservation of i 'apricoi mis and easily visild,. to the .1 liu ri'-- ' I" ili.iieis. the ,lalli;el 1'itlN I's I I ssON I lit IM t i r ii nnit'orin insnra nee cod,, fiir and lite r.i; n'ai ion of i.nlilie eye. It im expected that it Mill inelileilt til mill Ilk at. ( illlnlltlt i iii mini: naked 'I iitir.itoi: TO bv Hi,. tini-fori- n ice corporation?. he easily seen i m FIVE LEAP adnpiion Sinrnl Htalis: ci't more lomorrov.' ahout !liim-t!ili- 111. il . e. He lin n'' ' It, .11 i a. - "i "There on the Miil.jeet ol A leauite of lln- iilternoon ssi-io- In liiKH-e- tiie sum soon after slum - buislalion iil'iiv0 In Ken from tnitniii mi. I.. I'.,, it sl'.uull- vit-íi- Atnliaf-sado- r yce. smi ni'inti t'lit sin. trtilhei-iii- ami Ih' I'l'i s.'rvttiliiii of l wu :i speei ll ly lli sunset. i i.u Unit in ihlii. '"ii finiii Iim- In .,n, .il h'l' - the minea .vi a ti... lip- ioiis.ra-titi- n tiie conference wonl'l Ih.-- saitl-tieei- l tns: endorsing who licllivcit to Hiere ;:'.."i'. i i n " eii Un". uelc el tit nl I'i "I s sn .h .i ami eiiiili:tRi7.e lm of the fov-e- i ' of foi'is'ts refeirinn the inntaiice in the 'nal mill'i. a Iii In. S Mi I ll 1. n u ii I i. i .l . I.I" DEATH HOOKWORM AFFLICTS Ihe still),, p. the committee on uniform tmri-lii- l' anil tlml ll'e chief execu.ive ii."; inert in.liil'.l In tin- inim-- i In I 'mii-- , i M me Vm k n .a i " a í-- ml. im la it s. of tale it a s i nmitig mol ami 1 . t In slat,, UNION MEMBERS ill 'in lie nit.,! it. linn "( III Ills 1. ... t J.l . S. tit I til. l '!!''-- it - FARMERS' Tin. ioi:i: voi look auofxd The i niif. further adopt- d a in. ne lo be loiik' il ni'iTi as the I'cl"- a bllleau ..I ii in s. atlil Un i -- I tlilish- iim, i.f Hi" "i tn. I. iv s.hiíx. item 'Tn i ! ' a Kov- - lit. e of people of the more convin. i., you will be that ' ciolutinii omiii'iidiiiK to the tonal repreKt llil the 11.. nt a.-l- . I" I. r I , I Ilt lili .''UK' ill'ies ,."! I, S.ll.'ll - 1 is of ,.,vi,. t!. f (in Is Man Lives I'l'llorst of tb. S el ill mules lloW llleet- !ii Male. Atlanta, tin.. Jan. lft. lieplvlnit to read purity prime importunen it IK It 111 u a I ,, our arul Lose en Han l,. the i't "teelimi linn" s of MiiincMilu I, y S. in tiie liiaitliful sustenance of life. t t s a - iii" lo re and lo the themselves liovetimr a iUesiio!i '. Hai'reit. president 'II he i k t' ii: i"1"1'"'- i, I,,, .. stipl'll "( tl.i.- L I ni tin imi in Fire in Philailelphia Shi i ivnrKiiHT rhn'H eomii'-nsaiioi- nets, inirodnced rt solution,, delinin?; the and lire. sin ot. ivhiilcsoine, sntisfyinK t I. ,i.K'-- that of the National Farmers' union int. la t.. I'r. i.' .us , i nn, .i llalli" feili-rit- i.iiiit ni. ke i., "tn Hie an tlemploie. .im sttrte mnl iv preva- lt'.'ciiil is mir output, day in. day out. t , lair to einplnyer l.sdiciion of the emphasixini; the i.iespread I'nll ll in i ..! ii in iimm- -- tie-!- I., i. . it"!' ill! si.. "I lie iiilitmil.ini Waist Fartoiy, iiiiil'.-rmi- d t week in, week "Ul. i It. hist pi the lie in iiiatt'-r- invdvini; Interstuto disease, fir. V. If not !U'illillnteil t i ti u t II and state courts lence of the 'liarles al" h" in 'nil iln- .vl.eliill- i , .i. s..i!.. L'tis. imam. Ih" Inr Hi,, present s si. in ..! , oinille!-- ' e mu. h surprise when he iith the cm in ; e of cream hrend. 111... lit I .. Stiles created mite, .tint l"t Ih' t nt i ..I ii i .r.i! il - mnl I":. i r s bal, 'I'li, s. rt ti rrm! to a ifirnniit-t".- IV"!-ni..- - hasten injur trli'l order this way mid i i i -- lili in'!.' said that he had heen ahle to In i' ' i , I Pun-iti- W ni (...i lm ami In Hy Mi.rliinit J,iuruul i irtl '.- i t o' I ..nn mines, th" íiltl A res..;,. i imi was passed rn mil nn nil "f five. consi.-tiii- of ilovernors to ouvnee ijnr'' , ! ' , an.oini tiie the iv. mli ii in i i ,. i',, m I' . :.- nnnii' h ;n,. .i ml Iim .ii. lili .lall Th e I" np'i i , ! Ni-- fhli. ii 11K to the respective slntes o si r l.'.iil of l'.ni'Kc of North lea.--t K cases in which the .jl.tmiM ' - at j ,' nt nut a lailinlial . I r ami four i ili.i ami tli ill b ap, In tie iti,. tl,,. ib elopnieai of water of Vermont and Har- nipl-'in- l.o"U nn, were i . . i "111 ! "In luikoia I'lonli si of rni lisihle in he tí tin , . i "( i in- i I .ml mm im ni ni. .. 1','lnt In a p. inn I' In a Ii! pov, ,r ,,a,l nciilelimi on non- - mon ot' i iliio PIONEER BAKERY I iii I't- .nil their tve i' ni til ti. i. tl i ll i ' s I. as - ill,.. in mi; sb-l- Willi 1, 11 11 today were "i I 'ii the Hist "I tie K.iitiliK' IlilViU.ll.l, Sill. IIIIS t'.ell I" Tile lito sa'Psions Mi"! " In t i t. I" II- - Try iViormnci journal Want Ad ,11. I a I'lliblllo; .it ,'M'l ill, 'lib if- sll.e!. fm iii i eti i .. Ii si. i. hy a at the White Hoiii. II, . Ii il . .: ..I il. r.itton betiti dinner "J . ,1 207 South First Street. j,,. ..; In i r. en. pi'"!.. 'I'll and ib., ..--i- i rnmt in toliiliiit ii h - l ... I i I'li io !e .in -- lie-- . I,",.,. III! nllil 111, I. I llll't'e .ll'e M It" 'I'll. million, d tlm Willsmi m' KinuuUv I ... ,. . .,, irl.l limeriior 1..I ''ish ,!,. . i..-,- cen- SI I ' S a "f lilte'-- d th,- vtat,- Innl the "I I hill! ol committee lan risht ELKS' THEATER th" ' - .Il ',. all iii. ul ami si 1'iv m i. nm n for the tro poivi'i- ami with that it" nl. Nealli the ii mi Jirocedure nir miter s I. Hi!, e!!ipi"l,.,l Hie sillltU.tlSl tmrpose nl , raiini-- w ith a similar federal K i ' v.r n men I did not Itttv. n I.i. i, .rv ,.; pb ha, Ii in mi the lomintll,. ,.t Hie . ni. rica n liar aSS"-ci- tintilla ol rialtt in it. Monday, nil,,:, "1 J.-s- t.h I'lni-bKil- i ml lie am tjov.-tt.o- i I'tnt'i'tl "f l"iva sn 1 lie ALOY'S i'i . it'ii-- t ..p. "I hi- - li.iiii hli r. Is il.-,- it ami I't'.ilein. k I., tl.if'iliall "I New .1.1- - was in sympathy with trie mot. tneiil January a n .' in, h ',.,'! hois' M.i'.i luinpeil from In- - ,.i. spe.i.mi: ,,n Hie si, Lie. t of uni- for uniform laws for the st i'.es 4 1. r. con- I, ,.l, 1, 1 1.1 III ieils .Mi tl .11 111, streets biio'A spli.1,1 form i I', i slalistic slaitb-i- the l"ll-fe- r.i.v.rnor Huelles of Ncv. York COHAN HARRIS Present s. ..l l et ni' tl. ink. is in! a v. ii ii tn br.ak their m a by .leelai intr that Hi" historic- sol, ihe forestN iimons: the stati-- i nl., I In tin nam m lill",l lb. al ti ilyiiiK mil mid l h n pr-- i posst-s.sions- an'l mid 'alls but " " sill. lb. thai tuition is most ions FRESH RANCH EGGS i. .1 .i..:is'l' sit.. main in linn to tin pave-III- ' th. I...,,d ii liicli m, ule tin rei oltttio.'i the stale, so far tin it could, should Geo. M. 1,1. 1:1 1" is'.'il lilil- l.. foreign preserve He advo- Cohan's i - .1 '. !!', the tins, linpr.'l I,... mien inived villi onii itnd them. 50c Doz. í, . x i . . ';. - d.-- i a . con- it i 1..I ' is i.i b, n.le.l for i !...,! lin re is but one n suit cated th,- ,f lopnimit and state I,.-- ,, i 1 . ilel.-iral- All .1 tin ii,. tiiHiiii i'i ii i n ni Sl,.;i,;i il Allen. stale trol "f YVillOl' power. Greatest of Musical ' K s nriiii.-s'i- Ihe ' v .. t l ' ..ll' il,,! - pi, Horn his eiuhasi.ism Wyottiinii. a tiovernor i I i ' hi it stroll-- pi. to! suh- - nunipns ! !..- i: '! ,.l ini of lila ilii.:at.-- rlie i onfereni e on the KANSAS RANCH EGGS iil'ir-- II" in- m NAVY (HTICFRS CALL ui'.i'.'i tiiiti in li cit! pr.'i joet of witter power, Said the control St - t.'.-s;'- '! I It tt II Sill.llbl be S'i n-s- t Doz. l" sistid ell Oil ot Industrial eiu-rn- shoulj in iii" 5Q 5Q 40c I . PEOPLE -- 11 lb 1,11 1. p. 0 J APANESC EMPERIOR nslde bill Siid it nt:. be I" to .i.ii.- tilín., tin- m t i ei'.irni t" t;..v. rn. r Shafrolii of I' hi! I . ins,- :r tbrmi-- b .i i !.' III. of tin i'bt'.ii tiie, of i s sinttstics to show niannitude -- n p. Ib. t t - te. a !:ti. a win .bmb'titl as. BELLE SPRINGS BUTTER n " h.,.1 .1 p.. tl .1 i It a I it hie. l" il !ea r 111.- tlm value of tile power of the Minutes I nadr 45 . I I. of i. m k i r- - Ii, ,,!;, i. libias . In. i ouim. i,.. r in i hni of mintrj uní! the (trout possibililics of la i y of .Vnnrn.i. speaKiim 2 lbs. for 85c I'., :.'. tb i:, ,r A,iuur., .Wi. d- vi U.pnieni Me r. intended thst 1 'i. i, 'lid act Kald its KOM i - il tl., .tb, nil loi"! .ieia 1' r .1 in, mpattil- tin- ..wn. ! ship ul land by the federil J.17.V ),, i wa 'tlenl not t It a he that its not" shit m a a proprit-la- lull nl ie " the t'nilctl " II.- a felü-n- i.- nnn lit in slat, un? , b. il,.,n:ht il was lint. Stat. i.ii b. I " . I r. i i n it loilav rulo itnd not polititiil or civi-t- Home made I Hi ,st. , , - Broadway lln iiitn le ule. iia.s t ;relltel m.tital. that I tie d Stated I:.:!- W i tilín-- it I"'.' Initi ,1 ,rm l .1 nl'-l- l ' - i tl i! Vl.i ,..n SALT RISING BREAD t itdi.i! The ..::'. Well pres. ' the la ml.- Ille as illl .Is In- : .1 mintl.-- ilt-- ! snllle , I smi. had Int. a en.! Stilt, s mi ass.nlor I'liri.ti in and that the (i.w r'.meiit "t the I.. mi . in ...ot.. sit." f. .!r .nm. Fresh Every Day n. I ..l.-- iii;.- tl... ,,t tin- .Annri-- i Ida. r. I. si in tin slate. .mi. K !le alnt'.'tlK A Whirlwind Music, I . . , It'll of it i , 1, I :,t l Hmi'T 'Tl ,i.s "in. un, dinner v si..,-k- ii .,.-.- ! m i ! n. r t Ie t I'mi i,"ii'ii'"i ilaillt-- of Missouri t, . A,tm,i.,i p. t,. m s.i wlm liistri "11 lill!l'"iiii Me a- - . rate leislilii..l. run, Songs, Oirs i! V.lmti .1 II pr.seiil. J a luMin-- i in fot I i. rred to tin disparity rates .IP. lb. mu "I tb, olfa . r of tin Hie t lrttrii't.'ir Miili.iite pas. inn rs and Ir.ithl m int. rst at, Tin: i amius som.s i: i i:i i I' Villi ! n .,11 t b . Í to . t HI I ' s t . ,1 .. . . i.HS to ' I C nri: " ri km: hi h this o' tfiifiie. d.-- iuiinii i litiie. h for t he "Sii l.uni; liii i I inn - l I tb,- e,s In- - VIIM i, .' ' A.l' an. r,i ; ., "I Wain n M Inllinil si;ni'ii ". ; T.'i:" ltj i'i. ii:.. ,,..'1 t'i af, j r, nsiH-r- mi of p. ;.r.,i pr.ip-t!...- to I'lipnlar dliomiirc' A. ' l i . , I'lHiy-lii- o 1 J. fvlaloy .e. m e i t v, , i Iiid.arii.p'. J ..' up.r olti. of th. J.pnll.S' ll.,V '.e.-i-il- i !,. II r i. s . i. ... i.i ..... i..-- ,.. M nt - I'roiu I'.n .Is i... ..t llrmulu)'- .i- .: ;..- - t -- : l I i :i, n ti mil l n,i..i-- s n j 1. i I - I t ;t l.i'ii'nl Nnnii."- ii" in. ni..! o l.r i:d ih tlf i. i'i.i-- a. JIMii' tie !!, te.-- that h ' 1" " .. ' . 'J ' i.ii.Ii.,1 !! . i ii.-- i; i.- lm-..'- . in . .b.-ss- t.s. ..,-:- i!v . 'I an ! erti !i tte-- r ilt.-- CENTRAL AVE. !!? it iii i r, la ,1 to. lln .,v. ii:iif i,;. The I'l.iv ini'iv-M- S H Amerien. 214 :. i ,n - - í l. j;.i n I'm i. ,! Th. ,t, ir ti ill li..iiu ,i'ir lio'i' -. ...! ni s:i.i .'; sal .,r,lii ..iv,i T.H-- . ) - j - SI. imi. t PHOfJE U In ' i Tie- i r r . i ., ib i' I. ! V, .t.'p l. 72. lm li.i'e.t ii 'i .it ' .' .i' "t ..'i. Ml in. 'i idi, l'inktianr iit .c;il t1. 'I I i.n Mile m M.niii limik Sf.irr, rt1,,! Ul rhl; n i ; !' kind. Try a Morning Journal Want Ad !.: llr f"Uii l'u o'cl-H-k- . l iidiii, J.ui. 2li, ni 7 ' ; THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING-JOURNAL- THURSDAY. JANUARY 20, 1910.

i tonight will be pul mi im.ler the u of Tony oriiz. the athletic O'BRIEN NARROWLY promotei.'and are exp.i t. . to he ver OOSEVEL T URGED M. M MH I.Í., Sliindtll Quilín Co , , .MbiiHin-rqiie- M. Clovls N. sr. interesting. - '. I hcioaii Wins Decision. ESCAPES BAD Millings. Montana. .I,,n 'i - Cn AS SUCCESSOR ftuscli. lilenlin middleweight w reM.1 .Iii -- veiling won a ilccisimi over Tom Conner.-'- . w clici weighi .haiiipioii Up Sale Ki.L-i.m-il Wind of gaining two siraiglit falls C BEATING ih.. first in six and the ,,nd three minutes. ESTRAOA ÍNSISÍS THAT Men's Clothing Gong Saves Philadelphia!! at Gossip Amon.'i Coiiiessniei' MADRIZ RECOGNIZE HIM End of Six Fast Rounds Willi Finds New Snlutioa 'n Qürs PAULHAN llFSfiMG -- Al Bleeding lion ot What to Do Willi Kaufman; Both I'1- M.Ul.iglia. J'l. " Metiereis F.s jpis and Chanioiro ha sent tin 25 per ct. off all Men's Suits. Freely at Finish, iI.hI.i At .Inure. following ihroiiali Mear Ar !.- - d to M.nliiz: 1- Juarez. Méx., Jan. Kred iniial Kimball I'i.miI.ih -3 off all Boys straight Knee S to 1 proved a surprise e Miiswi-rin- oar mens. .ge re ll.v M.iriilliif ,1'iurnat irrhi 1 r,iH.-i- l tlrp) at bis D.r Morning Hifrlni M'lri "I'.efoi ' i..rá ;i p. , Washington. :'. I , . It OVER when he easily Won the closing event Philadelphia. Jan, 111. Jack galiloig tile pillee of h.., lam ai Jan Pants. LAND B speak-- r. pres. ii al Terrazas l'urk today. He was prac o Mri-- n s ring generalship (oiiiglil sav- COtlfi l'ellce. OHI nlllsl leplv ealegorie for i ol tli.. house oi message ,, th, t",Ui is tically neglected in the betting. ed him from a terrible belting und a allv to our inst.. talivcs. Ties lie latist deitsioll 25 per cent off all Boys' Knick- Hailed his field lis usual until well possible knockout at ilie hands of Al in which u-e say that t.(i may send leached as to W'llal shall be doll. 111 s if " aevolthlig -il Into the stretch when he cante with a Kaufman of San in a six ueaee com ihSlollel prepared I" Willi our saleni.s erbocker Suits. Francisco - lush anil won by two lengths from n round bout belore the .National Ath- agree to o fir conditions of peace which l'cpoit t'Oli'lilt spread alll'iie; no 111 SEA good field. Jockey .Mondan made a letic club tonight. are Ihe recognition "i provisional bel'S ol colter. 1, i l( is even s, id it Mr. Kui.s.a ell m claim to the stewards that he was At th,. close of the fighi both me-- governinciit.' hit over the head by .Shill were bleeding' from nose and has agreed to tun lor cngl'SS ill the SHIRTS SOLD UP TO $1.00. ing's whip all through the stretch and O'Mlieil ha, a badlv swolVn eve. lirst .list Met of New Vol k SMIC ill Shilling w:,s warned that such tactics was W hiell I I) Si' I i !s I' 'I. 'I'll. 1111- - ' Kaufman, however, in far Ic'iei' . ABOUT I w I..- would not be tolerated here. The at- condition than the Philadelphia!! CURIOSITY del standing h it lie mild cle.l PASSENGERS CARRIED sP-a- Il Only tendance was above the average and There was teéüous delay insetting to the 'hi if he Calls, is 50c WITH EASE OF TAXICAB two favorites won. Summaries: started, because Kaufman Insis'id oil dei la I cd. is ls.-i.-,- "tl bv Mr. M.m.m First race, si lling. íi furlongs: Sis-cu- th,, glo es being weighed. i ell. 104 iHhillingl, 1" to J, won, O'Mricn once dcfeiKe K'ui.'ni.iii in CONNERS T 'i sal Mass, V'J (Quay), H Hi 1. second. San Francisco and (be Ca lll'-- "icii SPLIT yIÍEFÍAT" Perfect Weather Conditions 101 Ki I. Corzo. (Uice), to third was a trifle too anxious or he nilg'ni 1.01 RAILROADERS DEMANDS Attend Yesterday's Flights at Time, Judge .Shortall. Dixie have duplicated O'Mrlcii's feat. (inn, Yersinia l.indsey. King IIhut. When the bell rang for the opening MILLIONS Los Angeles; Today Sees End Cherokee Hed t'ampiiH and I'airmoiil the men rushed to a clinch and in the also ran. breakaway O'l'.i'i.n sen! two .i.'aihi ( onihli lor- - ami I nglncci s of Mexican of Tournament, Second race. selling. i luilouv'S' lefts to the no Kaufman riisio d National Diluid on ( . Wohoome, 105 Moleswort h I , ii to 1. his opponent u'rend the riue hut Vlclllod-.- 1UL' fi 1. 1 M. I'.on to MANDELL won; Ton, Hiainer. O'Mri ' i won:. Mop suddenly a .uoi New Yoik Legislative Commis- - - ,i :i l By Morning Journal Soerlnl Fnril Wl- second: Anne Mel ice. 105 i lioiischo- a ha- - right ft to the fno .. M. i, I'lic, Jan. - That th. !' 'Avlutlon Field, I.ns Angeles, J;ui. 19. teni, 3 to 1. third. Time. 1:13 Tip r- was little damage dmi in i he sion Anxious to Know Why is a lil'ohabililv of a split between the By currying one passenger in his Confío, Lighthouse, Airs, I'ocolaligo. flrsl but ir the second K iii1-D- t COUilaelols and ug iiuer.. who up lo I,. .M. Ileekert and Stendal also ran. a ii'Mri-.i- 's Oomocratic Stale Chaiiman lids tune, haw si logellier in biplane n a 2Ü mil- - crns.vcountry ii drove Lis light under .? l 11- 1- M Par-lan- d Mil gl and .fury has li!" Third rice, furlongs, two yar le al ' and cr.e-s.'- a left to IN la v making demands on National man he wanted to for isbari: returned Was Given Telephone Stock. M. Hok- trip I'rorn Aviation fit Id to u point 20 1. won; u- M-- a, tonight n ami against J. Van del' olds: Cue. 110 (Shilling!. to i ausr Jack clinch. Lines of o way mulled said Mint be led the no on iliiiuienls I s 1. - Mowli-- of New York, for lialf n mile out over the ocean and 'iinl, lio. (darner), to second; Th- - tn mi refreshed 'M'- n alter an informal meeting of the rail- practlcillv mad.- - a n a iig. ic ins with um! I. W. ( 7 1, -t sc.- se ar- - on lisie.' 110, Molesworlh I. to third. wonderl'iillv and he had all the ad- Wa commit ,' rhne .fci- 1" il conspiracy. Th. Ihe taking another passenger a Jiairnol Snei lid Virr ellii...s him to a..,-.- ., t b- :,'I4 Morning Kong. ex- tfl.r JloriiliiB 1nr w !Mi sl.ii a New Vork Tim,. Kxaetly. vantage of the tliird round. lis 'Ill- .The di: agi no tu came hen the In- In earliest. cut flight, over the Holds and three pas-onif- New York, Jan. - name of weie Mrunelte, l,ithiigoiie, Man i a on.- or publicity concern lo K"' evblence that p, Jliss ertions Deemed to weaken him, how- William J. Connors, of Múflalo, chair- oridiu tors in w'a' at a time on (lights, Fran-Mai- a pi- pickling and snarl Ann, Columbus íueen and San ever, had It not been for his i. a inn her itum, diali ly upen the reply imlneni and man of i he' slate commit- t democrat X! a city w scen lv using a also ran. n i) of Men. ral linger Clark ta llui:' flriii of that as t.ouls Paulluin today established cisco clinching in th.- fourth round O'Mrb tee, coupled with an alleg.-- 2,iu'ii.-nu- tJ furlongs: I ule !s to- presen at ices, r.iillnir to Hew world's ior heavier than Fourth race. fairly noiihl have been knocked out. About traiisl'ei', l.rigliteue,) the demands. Tina expci.-- PER RATES cbetnhal record 1 slock - DIE! 4 1, 1111 olllt-- 1. Ii ell- any such evidence h Is charg- 113 (Miee), to won: Pajaroita, the middle of ill's round Kaufman o. legis- morrow, Ho the obiain air machines. pioceedings today the state fb-- v (Shilling), X to 5. second; Moslem. 101 a wicked right to the wind and gincet'H favor taking the nian.r lo ed i hai undertook to manufac- No other aviator has taken up so drove lative committee Is Irj.iiig In de- were held (Garner), 4 to 1, third. Time. 1:H!. a e s h II to the chin. higher railroad ol'liials. an, e n I" ture P. Tina urvcBtcd und many passengers during; one day and hooked vici termine i li. advisability oi placing, Jolly also ran. O'Mrierl'Mi opperl ;o his knee and Ihe ea eiiiiuciit a iiih.,i'i;ies if Mr, und.r f.liKi bonds which were increas- a. telephone lines under i- no other aviator has taken woman 1 telegraph and FOREilERATORS .".('" examining, muif-..ra- soiling. miles; ! a docs not grant tin demand ed to Í when tin; high (light over Fifth lace, when he arose he if hed to clinch. jurisdiction of the public serv ice Clark ior a fields and woods 07 to 1. won: iMu the last Xlolnlay. heard the li stlmon... Tim villages more Hunt. tCariicrl. His clever foolw irk saved him. eommis.Mon. made und and surf for than Monlebello. (Small). :i to k'.rand jury has now Indicie. them of h. In Ihe fifth and sixth rounds O'Mricn a .1 to the chair- twenty miles. Paulhan sailed at an (.Moles-worth- ). In letter addresM Interesting de- 1. second: Knight Claze. 102. Calilornlan 'o gel and is i cpoiled that altitude of SO 0 to 1.000 feet ov- would not allow the man of the eomiuil lee. State Senator (he from 25 to I. third. Time, 1:17. i'khila.lelphian woiini jru Oil DESERT velopments arc expo, led When er Ileach, Vcnicc-hy-the-S- set. The Ceorge Mavis. Jamo M. "'(Irady, of Itedondo Melange, Margar. 1 Unl,(olph, Captain a rush to SHOT BY case to trial. To strengthen th I'ir-mi- the nose with left and then Km lit to know why Mr. Hnd other resorts toward I'oint Xlblick. Cull and Cuban liny land sler, wants 001 cas- - agaln-i- t them two Indictments buoys liurnett, a clinch .bel'oiv Kaufman could received from promoters of Tl There were no life tied 1 Sixth race, soiling. mile: Fred Tn th,. middle of the dinners were rcl iiriied, on for consplrnry und save with effect. an Independent tel. pie. lie company In un- to the machine to them from Mullholland, 1 (Mi (Small). X to 1. won: caught o'Mrleri ihe other for entering; a building sixtli round Kaulman 2.000.0011 worth of stock in Set- ' death should they fall Into the ocean. í I i li llochesler. f Men Sparsely w Fantastic, los , to 5, coniing and almost lifted him off Iun THIEF Census ía ii . us charged in in STARVING wide-sprea- He mude the trip and the other 102. .1. Wil- n gratis, was leslimoin The ease ailracted d at- second: Howard Pearson, feet with a right tipp-nu- t. O Tiró against cum- lions Receive Five to tins 1 the recent litigation the tled Sec perilous flights of afternoon with 4 to 1, Time. ;:!'. It lv tention from the rnct that the public- son). third. clinebcil and saved himself. v. case a run in a taxicab. I n. the of The Kthel May. Atvourt and .Isla also ran. O Mrien could have in Six Dollars a Day, ity conc rn which employed Van nr passenger-curryin- g doubtful whether i i i Ii inly, is for certain record is held by His wlio counsel n'.il mi Howies Is retatlled bV tl. com lasted another round, even with a- -- Jrvllle. Wright who flew with Captain - stockholders in suit against dir At Oakland. fool: work. Murderous Cuucht in bination of food iriiinufactiii'crs tiung thirty-liv- e, brilliant tors of Him I'nil-.'- Slates Independent Roller con- Kngelhardt for one hour and 1Ü. priced gave weight at 1'.'5 1 chemical preservatives and ill" Oakland, Jan. Lous Kaufman his i y in hi Mornim; Journal llnrruu. g minutes at Merlin last fall. Mut Telephone nm pa li reviewed Tells Police Hun-e- x was against (he ritU1-bur- horses veie to the front in the first gave his as H! poum's Sacramento HI S .Miiiis.-- I'aiililing. spiracy directed Wright did not leave course where while O'Brien letter some details of testlriionv i" of Its activity the today but I ,;' because will, was Hirco raéis the favorites broiighl in .le- at Mochcsl.' r Drove Him to Desperate Washington, 1. C.. Jan. he could land at l'aulhnn had an inning after that. Colonel old ni In the i a use of pure food. thirty-thre- e 2 In nía Jo t'i- - writer, it l'- -r of p.iv will be bald (tone minutes on his 1, (In- wbich. ordiiií ilb'in Jack, IS to outsider, ran over, t f tit a w.'is slnnvii by Albdi-- o. 'enn. pn i l)!r-ct- or d mile trill. He had passcngi '', his Well supported GIRLS WIN by I'liii'-- .''late-- Censúa field lirst and the VARSITY llie Alliance bank of Mochcs-ter- . In SOUTHWEST NEWS NOTES wife. His 12 mile trip was made two vear old of to tlic eniiuiei atoi s the Mobert Hurst took the a Arl-.un- with Clifford 1 Harmon, of Xew that he had iisieci eiililiiilc sparse y scllK.I rural dlsitlris ol" Lord of well hand- Han-la- l event. the Forest ol of lile luce value of $2.0uo,-00- (H.T Mornlnf Juuriol I Wlre York. easy in slock ;(t C.i lif.u iiiu. Colorado. Idaho. led proved an winner the third. .1 ( Sacram-iil- o, ;i. A r was Mesides these h" took up Mi's. Cort- to William Colin. :'i.". C:il Jan. lone Xloniana, T. xas. I 'tali Washington A iiii'Viiiiii sheep found Keopmovlng ran away from the others G. A. (lie La land F. Iilshop, wife of President FROM Í. W. without any consideration al rol her eiiiei'ed the Kayeiie snlooti Wjiimlu.' di ad a bulk: wound tn his head as pleased. ' and with in the fourth, winning she K one ., Hlshoft of the Aero Club of America: and under the direction of on sire.'t tonight, wantonly shoi The rali will ran:;e I'roiii $', to $tl on (lie raiu'e Cuee miles east of Pew-e- Results: Thomas W. Piniicane, because Mr. of tile Cllsloinels, h-- bl up the bo il in-ile- iilbuM'tl tin Krlday by Lieutenant Paul Meek of the 1'nited race, 5 furlongs, selling: per da for Ihe ilih'iy dajs near I'r.tcoti, at noun First was un influential man." p'in-uca- and when esi aping down Ho-s- States army signal corps; William won. Melle Kinney, sec- Connors eiiiim-ralio- ri of the rural ureas outside a fellow herder. Colonel Jack commit-teeniai- j. a (ripp-- d him. r. ! Randolph Hearst, the newspaper pub- Ik a lieni'ii i,a Ijlc state reel sled hoc who lb' of It i..s having a poplllal d' ond; llurning Mush, third. Time', l:i) Blf TEH POINTS na man. was capliiiid later and Identified Six HuRcr-ma- n lisher and another newspaper or more al the census of lnuu A number of farmer,, near Mr., with l.yon. William .Miller, d The flights were mud.; under per- Mob- o'Crady tlnn concludes k.lwurd alias Is Ihe highest - authori!-e- ó- oran-iü.'- d Second race. 3 furlongs, purse: Is dollars in thv. Peco Valley, hu reipiest . Milwiinl ItaabeX. the hoy be slml, fect atmospheric conditions. Earlier ert Durst won: Amargosa, second; this by law. a company and will hulhl a dam o call I he attention of thought to he family Injured The in In the afternoon the wind had been : "We desire thai u cost $16,-- Slaley, third. Time, Hi Hill AlcCarthv, Is reallis aiues the Kin T'elix at of i Young From the your to this transaction, other victim. William dis-ir- It will irir-aUl- nu "puffy" und the other aviators had race, 5 furlongs, selling: Ladies committee many ts of the far west in linpouml water for Tihrd believing as we do that it is a matter d illg. men rone back to their tents after trying w on; K. M. . he iniposslhl... to secure coiiipi lent th-- ir Lord of the Forest Fr Keep Everlastingly At It and Investi- u oli. e shitim. farms. the course for a few laps. 1:0!) of your committee, should When ink' lo the to act a i.iiuiuera tm s at a late ot second; ('rostan, third. Time. Un- to bottom or said lie had lost i Lieutenant Mack on his trip took selling-Joh- gate and probe the that Linn Mill.r that r onip.n.'-ali'ii- ' le.--s h ii tint b"lug Fourth race, futurity course, Defeat Their Opponents, . of Win. (lore, ilummy dynamite bombs to attempt to real reasons why tiisl slock was his Job and had had nothing b eat tor classes ol work in "The preliminary trial II. won: Marburg, sec- paid I"!' chaii,--.- ! Chus. a meas- Sheehan over to should two. days. Lyon deliberately walked In with tin; stubbing of throw them from a height to ond; Malronia, Time. 1:10 turned dinners the same urea. Were cniuueriilorM pturan- - third. proper legislation up to AliCi'ihy and shot bin, lo ter- Ih- - W. K.lwartls with a knife near place on ground. This was 1 and thai 0'ii'l oiilv' on pel ured the race, 20 yards, selling: My at it and siieh districts . , u n wan Fifth mile. keeping .everlastingly may be to similar transac- rorize (lie il.'Wd III tin saloon. nun hi' I'si oi lieceinoci. a test made for the benefit of Ihe I 1 l- bad unhid "r"1 Kecpmov li k won; Wap, second; pbi.ving when 'he game was 'o Mombw alterno, before Justice army. hardest tions in the ''utllte." iiiireasoiiablx low. - ineen, third. Time, 1:44. un- of llie iViiiv 1'. I.- Patterson at iu- Meek not sue-crssf- ul going against them, the I'lmersiiy The commil tee took the ill While Lieutenant was Sixth race, I! furlongs, selling: n milter LIBERAL MAJORITY The eiiuineralots the ibinlv veas sev- 1 a eiimcarl. Kdwerds niabbed in placing; the bombs in the night won from the Young der advise ni' itt country 'li ills o, North dub h won; Moberta. second: tills last eral limes Willi a. knife nail was It! a i re away and ASSURED IN ENGLAND Imkota, Nel.ra l.a ami he did not land far Glriinadcanc, third. Time. 1:15 Woman's Christian associal ion JiaSkct. kola, e'oulh iiitjeiil condition for several days, it was demonstrated that the aero- Kansas ttlso w ill - iimpem-nl- t d on a ball team by the somewhat narrow lime was bound oxer to a wolf action plane could be used for such pur- per illeni basis. Certain eminiera bond was At ,lackou lile. in-- of Hie maud Jury and his poses a of ten points. The final score SPANKED WIFE dii-'tr- In a w I'l be i and that it was matter of margin London, ,la u In All the returns lion ts other Mal. oat). Jacksonville, Jan. Moncrief 2.3 II p.-- 1'iv d at I. 1n 1. game was 33 to and was ar- - lik-- ly ,i The practice only placing the bombs a for the of todavs elections that to lulled anion,; ihose to liidi layers received drubbing as live Moth ul- way 'through. i cIm-i- un- .1 ly, th- - where wanted. w basketball all the be n lotiiglit show that the .m rales uil) as ilitn. heavily played were returned inners !. uian-i- i played aggressively and yet con- I -n a h tl'..' II. Wannainaker, neiiera! Paulhan'B lat flight with Mr. Har- loams ionists gained live si als and ihe lib- tlcs of he i lilillo ra l'e tan today. int-re- .Muutitain-Y.illc.- r. sistently and kept st in the ganie talr lb.. l'lalns mon was not made until o'clock. liec-ene- y erals one Icavht,; the present position an alor can uoi make First race, 3 lurloiigs. selling: At swearing eniiuiei a the siatenienl Again he. disappeared in the direction al high pitch during both halves. for nl Ihe parties as fellows: earpito's al anv of '.lie p'l .pila r.,(c:i railroad, al hoi i'.es ton; Lady ormieant, second; look- .1. II. 01 Willi a force of ocean, but did not go to the the end of the first half, things Inioni.-l- s I Liberals, Labor-tes- , eslabli.-lie- that ('apt. Cold. the : 3'!. llfi; lesv-- Mendaga, ihird. 'i'lme. girls, w b helpers, will whore. He ed gloomy for the Varslly Tbi.-- i -- as made ..f eiicineeiM and returned after circling the 5 purse: rather Nal lona lists, II. aun, ein, nienl Second lace, fiirloni?". young - .Monday for In west, as score stood 12 (o 10. The I ' n -- 1 I lid I id a In or lialhart, Texas, on next fields the an approximate - the Thus far therefor., the "elle us Ml' et or 'Ilia won: Martin- May, second; . Carroll a - l lK etl'-cl- Iip- - (ikahom.i. where they will of 12 ínibs made in a. little ladies from the hill took Ai Sistei Tells of Uiscip- a gain 1 s. ,, Milt"!'," th, ih I' liutliii... distance II. third. Time, 1:(ls. list's have ml of scat ri, road over 20 minutes. Press Parade brace in the second half and kept up ,, aei.'i l'"l' .11 u lllel'at ors' beidn the eoiisti iiciion of the (I selling: Fur- Thev are to obtain at pp'lci Third race. luilongs. W. C. A., through, fin- Muthods Employed in t w e.--l a lb,, will, permit. not accom- Willi the Y. all I X west sou h A, soon weather The other aviators did Wup-onoe- a. I. ;lit lo wipe OUl the pl.n s In 'be far and nace won; Men pouble, second; all tut iialll in condition, i K. ally taking' a Iuk jump the last -i -- whi'-l.- urnuinl is plish much. Charles Hamilton ' niajorllN in (In- la- s ..i tl'.- cifio la:., and the I d. 1:12 -h Household; for líbela! lilt Time. winning out by Fkht I will I'.'niti at Cimar- made three starts in an attempt to of the half and el I',. la oil- - Ill-- Ill bat "el'' I'lIU woik Fourth lace, deneral Lee's birthday Miss ''al. Mexico, 1" a Iso aulborizi altitude record of points. The goal throwing of, ral-- :- Ol' p.n Were 'i be III the ron New lower Paulhan's 1 -s miles: Child Neat s Close, ):vell Confederate handicap. a girl, one of , ill,,' there lias been 4,165 feet. Marsh, Varsity was the b,11-- ,.!;,- iiopli!at. ,i r. jions llalla d. si. item. oil that Taboo won: Wonhvinder. second; Pin- cjiml ol the On his first flight. Hamilton rose leading features of the game. SOUTH CELEBRATES no i ham.- - in the oi plans e SOI) te, tliird. Time, 1:53 were: i l u ii thmiiiili S'priiiKvr direcr 455 on bin second. and on his The officials llcferee, ,l',,i,-.i- l W p - ii ved a load to i feet 0. Jao- - lily Mornlim Nuai IiiI I wiurd lrc r Ji,,,rm.u.'n ha.' furlongs, tilling: BIRTHDAY 01 ' L' ,., ( Fll'lli race. Lee; umpire. Pert Skinner. , 1,., .1. i, e, i a I hit! le 'Hilarión. third approximately 700 fet. l'aul- I i 11. I ,' won; otul; Yania. Zllllesv ill- -. , .1.111. ,'! hnn on pensione exceeded tills olilt Toisón d'or, the third. Time, 1:13 Chandler i'lii spaKed his wife without any effort, but Hamilton's or-- Sixth race, 1 mile, Id. selling: "in v hi n slu a him, ao NV ( 'i I' ana. .1 in .' 'I'll. 'i"rd machine was not working well. i Slotieinan won: Camel, i.coioi . Spb-n- illg t.i Ml toda;. S ilialiliL: ol ii, ti. ral l.'obei-- K. The C.illdoMh machine met villi an soiInFooing hirltelav of any dlda, Ihird. Time, 1:4s Mrs. i'l,iisi ,. s i't to gain ,ssessi,.ii W.IS eelehlel'.! "il' ieeil llie S'llllll acldent that eliminated It from 12 of N.nalie. lie o' year old daughter I ,t 1' ua holiday In a i.ilai t's(-1j- r' work tomorrow. This is an American i .1 That inlet csiuig .vent wa pottrnx ol n ait-m- h d with machine owned by H. W. dill of c. At 'laiiipa. number slates, ,.k Tampa, Flu., Jan. Ml. La el's had by MisM Mos,. Cbrty. sister of tin- art. a paitial sins" nsioii "1 loisiu-s- s a tiv - It has been tested out several c. meet In .u w at ist her lest, le. 111. 'I'll. "ill ol crosses ol times but each lime met with trou- their inning today ben every favorite .list ll.ut .Mi Christ, s el that one nigln si" I ' was ser- and lightly played second and ihird i llollor I'l "olll "'l"l.' ate rails h,' the ble. This time the trouble h- choices got left. Mesulls: oMih-ai- d Airs ('busty In -r roein i' lMUiililers -- til l 'i '11 ei el i f III piac Brook ious. At a height of between 30 and edar th- - ii bono al Duncan palls, i All "I 101) First i ace, about 3 furlongs: dobl- list an hi evi it. and I" the feet it circled the field oilec and i Lou- TONIGHT rumbling ilin,,:..', trunk and mumb- aep , It 111' d a t nr. a en Mn by; won: Lllanetie, second; h olist al "t the has been then cann' down with crash that Kw,-i,o- ling and when Air. i'hnsiv i left plane. Hillary ise, third. Time, :;)i. hi', s oiiinn tliol aten. wrecked the 5 - M- b- i i slop I. .Iking tl! seal if .'el lor Meachey, the driver was not injure.'.. Second race, Mirlónos. Maid- won; se, . and go to lied would spank lei' i i r appear-unce- s. ens: Necklet I'.lizubethan. t xjom hoi M dlenn 11. Curtí" made two ' l h-- r.' M -- und; I'ailirine Montear, Ihird. Time Will t cues I., .il spank iw in in i; ';i i: at Mini oi lv For 62 Years The first time he went around and Farrincton th- Deshler I'htlst'. said .mug from - a',.1 u .1 i o '.i T he N o w course times und sec- 1:11 '.a nor' the three the 5 room. Th. n.M iioii-- i . Tliiid lace. furlongs: (irniiiz Wrestling Exhibition and thai came li.'i: il" ir Ni . s elision, h was s c all the Aristocrat ond time, he tried for a record. Give , sp.d won: second; Esther Mrown. morii'n-- . Mt- - ' iii ist laiigiuil and .la, ia ole-- ta alee ot th, anniversary j His lap was 2:1'.'. seven seconds from gu-s-- d-- Ihird. Time. 1:11. Frank Spears and Jimmy Sllill she 'O She "de.Mel It,' I'll. Ihe mail) .loots oi Ihe ofll.-- of AH Whiskie the record. :., a . I'oiirili race. H furlongs, handicap: Anna Was!, ."on. colon d maid i'.ck'-il- ('.a. .1". SI'iail. with Tomorrow Is the last day of the v ll won: Mettie Mi ran. I, McCaffrey Will Use Pillows, foriiierlv al li.. I'lirisly hoiri- - in .. ral depiili. r. ni. line. on duty 1 Warner (!rist ,, - Ki meet. . saw- Mrs nd; i 'loisi.-ress- third. rime. 1:1 Vod, said she iin rhrfv...... o..e In tli- - I... ,1""., to lea and Bond Curtías, immediately the close ,; ; ' ni'-- ' - j in alter "1 1. n ! ' nina ..i, ce that she Met air, al lio." alai ' i ' ' ' Bottled go to namniundsport. X. V.. to : h- -r My i!y,.-- will furlongs: won; Those iii'mi'iri "f in- - Knights vfi Piii'lv. lb. ivi lor nii'l'.ss H. McBrayf.'s Cedar u. -' w a Fililí ,1 i I, W. Klart work on a lo. model biplane, .', I t it, Kh ...i a, '1 ( md; uborn (bird. Ttnie "ollimbtls Who e! lib, ie willj aed ,a i sc. .li lo mi Ihe !: ft tl ' ,'. ' complies with ll thu He Komi. ,o.' Il'ill lirook T"l" heavier one than he has used lo Mrs. s I' th- - I 1:33 - tn.',. the opportunity "I witneSMnj ('briar a, ,,, ,, ' ( lindel- - holhl.iv at reiniirement!' of Ulitle Sam. will with cr-r.- - i t t i i . All's claims he demónstrale Qitt-ei- i of ti... !:v;.:e-- 's !n Mini In oio- i a i maid N- , .xe, get SlMh race furloims: i liiv I. ill 'lease The - port ,,si But it's better whisker the new machine that he can A Me. b;i Al- - i regarding IMrd , i ."II-- . I Kimball. ..nd; (oniglK Ihal taken place in Christy 'i..,,i i, , a v. los. d in lienor "I' even the government I. . ,l as than Wright patents. ,. ' I i along without the buiii-r'iu- smok-- j m era-;- ,' iiihi, isn't 1c 111 I ' I 1:33. l..r some tune. The that ,i 111, t ex, ' "'11 of "b Cedar ihii il. Time. ' f.ii i.e. demands. For the plans of French syndicate b- , i! .vera le.l The the cr will - h.hl In K. C. hall and willj ha ndsoir,' hat 'if "!' t'.ilar !i.d! '.'' hours Brook test is rveo more avi- -- 1,1 o- !, to take the K , I - iv ni li ' controlling Paulhan. llon-- e. ncgiti al 'clock ail, Hi'iii- for Nst. Ii. - wiiri 1 I !. of Untlo While Kill in it .ni -- to .' k. V stringent than that um r on a trip around the world huve lar Of Cf'lllU il UOll .,tslt- - ' IV ytf ' bers All. liiplef iple alwai's." Sum. '''.'Ann .'V m.u-o- W 19. While tic .1 , I, not been decided. Negotiations are sbiaglon. biotli-r- M .1 on ib- - i evens. a. ing aie i, un. si' lo be When HiTÑOHFDDOI I an X- - rwn ARS with scveial cities, puitlcularly Salt boos. was engage,) t,.ila in hand piomolp at that tim- - The bill, side a Htte n, bal II had oomph I. e Every Drop Aged 6 lo Lake. pt. Imi and NVw Orleans. If lf,mi,.,,,. I'll the M.H'll '.Villi. will st.u! lolling when Frank Spears, IIS To. ige While pr. p., Id FLF FOR MDKDtH IN Aivlr A i li- IL I U - Years in Charred i the tmnitfmi oís weie cenen inei slave bill" i otlsid rail. ,n of a bu h "ill one of th- - fastest lightweights in the, lo K t., lie of llol 8 ( rt. would be postponed until! 111.- was west, - w I s, c Al r 'hi ist v. i' woild flip be resumed t,un..ri'..i senate and Jimmy Mcdiffr- . ho is ban, pi Oaken Cas'iS. r nave men in ( by go v isititig .till in le JiiMlions giwn mo (l(1111(t it. k work in lisposinK of tl" n.'t slow any mi.;,iw, will after .ala',li has IH- - - - l"n Tin. la the triol W.H McBRAYER'S I'lai-cs- - a p propria! 'on e;i, h oilier hammer and (ones in n s!- f..- lie a I 'I 'Si- ol il.i tri.t of Coiumbi ,,. , v ',.st. i.ij IT. an "i la for DISTILLERY Til-- - . ..' CEDAR BROOK ! l a rl'T ing ib. III f'l" .'MUI. loiltid boxing match. gh,e eon- ih- - bub go bil ih- - i d. r ..I ' I'o " f.'U.t. al By. TO CLASSIFY. l m. Itl I.wrcburi, tATETO I pa.-s-ed a resoliitioti lest will P.. bdlowi-i- b an exhibition I Tile boost ais ha,, d i' l "1 a hi. - k baa. plot ry of nfi mutell between Sjlnoli Iesll-.- i iali i at I'hU SM "" WANTED Team of hois-- s tor th. ii caKIn on th set reta the lluuh M I'arialel, a ieaoiot llliaiahr I w lb.- (iical im.l Mob of when, T',:ii M is un angel. work beiher In present t'ai rlntton. loth f'l I keep U... itst,t i lo r.r.n . of Tanil'ii 'hat 1'i'aii'othi . -- I 11. e I;, III fr i fi.,-- p. n bough; to.', 'veil kll"'.ili to Aliel.eier.pleans ,a sil' al, us in I fe.init rerd snil a nv pov . .., I. a. a'- -' "" r. .I '" hi en: p. ne- - 1 any ii r eju' 'i.jii 1 .'! ttur'-- i , - 1. Tr ante I 'V .'ai . i ht I. i Í tru '. JANUARY 20, THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, THURSDAY, 1910.

bodies, it may he attrib- inal it Is Intended to prevent. H Cbc .llmqucrqui making then uted to inmctary lot sui h loukR .1 if the bef trust things occur or) every return of Hal- could orsanlz with one cumpuny and In- morning journal ey's comí ' " . omblnc all their business. Thi We Gan Suit The Adept ioIkíiUs tltat the time corporation by th- - lnlted States. ' (Official Xewspnixr c.r New Mcilm) tj look for trouble is May IX. 1910, w null) s'lt-m- treads on alt states' Report of the Condition by the precipitate- - a Published about 6 p. in. Oncriwkh time, when rlKhts or laws It will JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. the i omit fill be in conjurution v.ith creat orit' st." OF THE the sun urn) th rnrtli will be Im- r. A. MA CPU EI '.SON Pre ddcnt mersed in its tail, tvhbh wl!l extend WILL IT Hi: A 1AII.IHK? YOU W. 8 Hl'IlKi: Kditur tuk from the sun. JAMKS S 'LACK City K.lltor I'.uhhy I) F.vans Manager Hear Admiral B. O. WIIIOHT. Adv. rtlsin; on the rr. of - ftTHRV. fiRhtlni,' Hob" although Bank Commerce Till- NMK OIl Entered us second t luan matter lit tired list, is gtlil fightlni; This nine' N M . the pi.tufflr nt Albuquerque, - t his nuns ari- trained on the Panama of Congress of March 3. Tb re i.M pi i haps r.o o:h r xtibjc under act bit; of Aiouquerque, New Mexico Horcs,Shctlands 7 anat. he la Hevea that the II It ia at thi'! time oc upyibir " and ill!' h will simply be a failure on .míTíTm'nT. j'oi"ítÑi. i h of the attention the Si ble tiiK mi In the forthcomini? M wilNC. Kl PI III ICW PAII It ' as that of promoting lenth of Its business side. January I, 1910 v Burros i m i:ico, si im rv Ivlllred number of Hampton's Magazine he or 01 human life. Frvm est 1'itiM iim.i Tin: itii 'tu ! has an article in which he takis the CAN PI!1A n. Till, mil 1M n'ry i o 1 reports f investí-- i I ground that tbotiKh the Increase "f t i IV, mi i ii'iis or i ii i 1:1 i 'i r.i :)h tiltil m.oir by interest-- c our Chilean and Peruvian trade was whin un vi.i in th.- - subjiit, and tm-n- aer-- to Resources i'itn t ship-pet- fir-i- tln-r- at assured, the fact Is that hioiij. , ni, out as many tin orios as ' would, after th ranal a in Vaults and Exchange $1,020,221.02 TERMS ()l SI ItM KIITK mi pet-um- nti'ri.ste.1 In the Cah 1" rati' o by Daily, hy earner, une month H concerned, opened, mm h prefer to around one fit Cot so far as that Loans and Discounts 1,065,525.50 Pally, by mall, month the StraitH of MaK'-lhin- and instead títere has nevr been a period In the Securities, Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 27,180.11 ( I of p.iyinu lanal chatxes, pay out circulation in ii an) mint or I'm hl'-fot- when men not New Mexico. 1 l .,i t money for coal wherewith t paper In luui-iii- b mrthenlni the span In Nc Mexico ciory day in trip 'JV W!IV "f thr ..f life. Tlo re have bet n I'onco úe make the ri turn $2,112,926.63 tin ttal'S i'r i. eons in every aif I of "The Mornln:; loiimnl lias n Ii II' i" r 'The point lit which the trade Liabilities circulation rilling Iliin I aivnnled tn the pacific oast of South America muy other aor In Now Mi'iliii." ri: I I I It t AIII K ATIONS. Director). would divide between the Panama Tlic Anierliiiii of MaKel- - Capital Paid Up $150,000.01 I'mli the late ntitional ailtnlnls--li- t anal route and the Straits been fixed as Just south Surplus and Profits 65,016.44 AIM VI I'ltol I' j m:v MIAI(l) ion In the I'nited States a ninety-mil- e 'an mute has I of horseback ride, until r "forced of Valdivia, in Chile, hut y f 'i"ii Deposits Subject to Check 1,381,496.58 a i mm dividing point .must ink him:. Iruft," w is laid down as one of th anal ratea the Deposit 4,("i(i miles, Time Certificates of 516,413.61 olfii-er- be shifted north about your opinion may 'lUalKleatiotix for in the No matter i hat which will itdcc the Magellan route or 'tavy. probably to bo ap- Im with regard l" the merit ill b ast as tar norin espei-liill- ma-'Ine- the lommerce. at $2,112,926.63 m 1 plied to the of the Pirn mat- 'horse say sai Kmpcror Wil- is Callao, hi Peru. If we th'it you will hi' forced rom rili' but now comes Territory of New Mexico, County of Bernalillo, ss. ter, t" .'oiir-flflh- s of Hie trade of this coast Mr. hoi hit the finest press liam, of (iirmany, who I, V. S. Strickler, Vice President and Cashier of the above named Hours that l'íiu -- one to c- - which has honiofon th" Three bureau ever organized In tin? I'nlted for army of fu era who hilo imperial credit of Panama will remain where bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best if he-- a not get 'tl in danclni,', the Noth-I- Statea, and dm there t i me shall not he far wrorit?. -t fall knowledge and belief W. S. m of uny neg-!ct- illKlavor Is shown those who short of my STRICKLER. This Includes Skirts and It will not be account hut free i anal can chanter th'r In the mutter of greasing the In terpKii hoi Ian accomplishment. Vice President and Cashier. inter-emhi- condition." Leggins wan. III machine works to perfec- n exchange thinks it would he not anything to to have Moltke's opinion of Subscribed and sworn to before me this tion, and dot's permit A WAIST AMI MIIIIT THI ST. up-r- a these military requirement, or to get away. Wherever Mr. Plnchot 1st day of January, A. D., 1910. We have complete West- lltm-ligh- t know what Hl.miar. k would have there the appears a meeting of the Asso- thollKht of the ilancillK skill of At Kinelal R. M. Merritt, Notary Public. ern Outfits if you wish also, and whether In tragedy, comedy, ciated Waist and Jircss manufactur- occu- i t'omeranian grenadier. Will there melodrama or viiudevllle, hi' ers, in New York, one day last week your pictures taken. yet be efficiency tests In dancing In pies the renter of the stage. Tht As- plans were disc ussed for tho form t 'he Oermany urmj ? sociated Presa In ii true to IMnchnt tlon of a combination to contr I a the needle to the pole and the pertaining to the manufac- RIDING LESSONS CTIAUfirs AfiAIVST HTIIJi : Associated ríes In n highly valuable ture and sale of women's weanr.g ap- 11) Till ST. figure In that campaign. Katon Re- - spoke n i ho wheel or u persons parel. Broke to Ride : of Sayings; Wise porter. Horses conducted bureau enhancement. i purposed to capitalize th lew Editorial A committee of the American Fed- It : Kven when the president of the $:liii'.0('0.(iun, inubins or Drive eration of Jjibor, headed by Samuel venture at A Itasli Secretary. Flavor United State und Mr. Plnehni hap- powerful otKinlz,! and Otherwise The fiompers, culled upon I'resldi.-n- Ta.'t one of the moat Secretary Dickinson appears to be pen to appear on the nunc stage, the In country. Accord ni; t a uK'i and presented four- lions this Wary. offering himself as a sacrifico uptal Is Different HORSES CLIPPED Im short time Getting president' part pasmo, over with lie secretnry. of incorpot liuiuacity. quoted of lllcnallty ill the oper-ttloH- articles Homebody Speaker Cannon a the altar of He is That U v.i.y u very few genaral remarks, while teen chillKis a sent cor-- will be in Albany wll'ih: as predicting that we will have a free ' of Stales Steel i liad whole barrelful of ilsrars for Christ- Mr. plnrhot words, Idea and ac- the rnltod trade democratic president after two Burnett's Vanilla oration. of the most Import- - few days. mas. Bet I'nclu Joe had someone else class by iticlf. tions ere all ret forth hy the news t'nc of he terms of Mr. Taft. That la popular standi ia i For in of the pro- Mr. I. It. Hyman, president tiy 'cm first. Wlnalow Mail. nearly sixty years, Burnett's ?i..,ru in th fullest detail. Great it at least the cyis originator talk down Texas way, but rather ris'ty Cash committee and has been the of testors was the charKu that the steel chat to Indulge in around Washing Vanilla Extract Is i and the i'ient'-- protect, bad just returned Hest of It. recognized standard of and cot potation employs to a larxc extent of this Mulm Have ton. El Paso Times purity It the consol vatlou of public it Hut mining company ic by which all other n prlci-- from a trio to the larger southern A Pennsylvania excellence II In labor at lower than thats what count, and alan com- ill'-- and reported as Installing bathing facili- Vanilla Extracts have beea judged. be acceptable to. and frccUcnt-!- y and said manufactúrela Pro Hoiio Publico. mended hy the n I V highest authority. null warmly for its mules. The hybrids will You may look the world over - with whom he talked ties to tin- eXcliiMion American labor 'calcrs Whenever any dirty work requires will Wright's Riding llN iim nj, objects of envy to their less and you never and another Nt. l'aul t' that the man who l also soon be ommt-lii- idea. Mr. Hyman w you or unskllliHl, Also that th' the Win-slo- the a'd of publicity will always vanilla anywhere quite so rich doesn't keep a prudent lookout for li'lel many of largest wool- fortunate human i 'Utcd that th" find the anonymous letter writer is in and satisfying strength or with I days In the week Mail. in No, I, "has denied the faith and len In New Kntdnnd He will sign himself as : th manufacturers etrme quite so rarr and delicate a flavor. & In no tt'tn is n crylnK evil, nnd that School Livery xvtirre than an liiiHcl" There lso have siKbifi'd their willliiKiicss Junius, Publicus. An Old Subscriber - potation tyrannically prevents the Wasted Opportunities. usphlon of inf ItTt llty n th- eon 1 tut to Into scheme. or a Friend of the People, or with ormnlxntlon of !" workers to U vat-i'- enter the The president's recent message on BURNETT'S HIS ller In S4 of Mr. Plnchot. Is not the formation of (i some other The latest standard of living and suppressi'i "This the trusts and Interstate commerce ugnon.en anonymous wretch Mr Hyman. "It is not ring. But tor the I'd apeet h public rneet- - trust," raid had quite the Rooseveltlan Is Gallup Enter- . and "Not a Sucker." VANILLA 'HU l .MAMIUI.ST DAIi:.! aimed at the labor orKtinizjitlons, hut 1'heodore would never have made prise. Ask for U by A'me accept Ls merely for the purpose of protec- one message w hat might have bee i no outer braai According to rrofensor Moore, head tion of manulaittirciH of women's put into two Haton Heporter. There Is more Catarrh in this sec- o t niAT i'Yii i .vmim; di- I FRENCH FEKIKLE f the national weather nitre-- tarutt nls We plan to obtain con- tion of the country than all other WaahltiKton, ntid also prenldent of the prod- The Old rnsliloned I'ike. seases put together, und until tho last trol of everything from the raw few years was supposed to be incur- PILLS. N'utl-wia- I Ibose presidents who, lik may many years AVION. flfoirraphical amdfty, hick railroad finished le, unit in time It he that before CtRT.IN RULII for SlTKRMEB MBMrTTO uct to the urtb car-rle- d able. For a great many years doc- W. TRIMBLE & CO. fi. le r, Ion till and :rown, aro preaching thi people In large numbers will be L NEVER KNOWN TO f Alt. and remnrkal ,vc expect cur nrnanlzutlnn to spread tors nrnnoiineed. it a local disease IV, 1 ,.ur.",v-- l ol nri m'Dt pnpuil fit In airships on monorail r It'l tb,mi in iri.l, lo he paid lot of the comlim food mine and ' -T t i t..r Sl.tlil tto. has been tJIrcovercd throiigh nl trine a nnd prescribed local remedies, and il.'.VRIi ST. ..o.; 'i I: '..,'...... 1 .el,'r.,i. II'J düM Mt o It mean v.rtir drv.lri.t other countries. will some more of the i'i , ft,,iia f.',W,.n Itv flvlnif! .' ill not have preaclu'd In vain If they roads, hut hy failing to cure with l ! Mabh- - I i t W b.v. Ifielit ' I ..M"! thi. I.nltinin run-rne- d ed constantly Iiiit). ied and benefit to the industries will he weleon ( LAMOASTVS. I arouse UKricult oral interests ol Teat railways local treatment, pronounced it incur- ta Tiirimiil. H l;eaonahlt Kale- - JNITCD MEDICAL CO., 101 T4, IH. staff of the department ami the 1m-- , . W'.itlur and better wanes and hy Arizona meanwhile. Phoenix R (Science proven to I It "he country to "a tartly realization of able. has catarrh ell'pholM Viillli .llei'i by aetcntlst abroad. Prof, se or Moore there- by waste-rteultu- r ovni londltions for the workers." uhlienn. be a constitutional disease and Scld in Albuquerque J. H. O'RIelly hit informed the house committee on j ir waste;! opportunities and fore requires constitutional treat- thouKht-stimme- r "that duiitiK the past: la oiiomlsts as He's of It. ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufac- ol Tanitli'il Home. lgud by Cheney &. Toledo, we warm! and as w. II liilortin'il as Itli'T being In a Í25.-10- tured F. J. Co., months found "I Mrs. Ilask. r I low la your friend. Perhaps defendant Ohio, is only cure d men to have the constitutional IF YOU WANT QUALITY USE patches of air far above the earth." latin referred Mr. Wallman'.' libel suit Isn't depriving the on the market, it is taken Internally ' I il t ne im- Gallup Republican "We have found," .i.l tovi eoneiiiMM-i- mat proiitu Hasker Poorly; he's homesick. publisher of the in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoon-fu- l. enor-inounl- edi- Moore, a of sendlitK up .. oners ol tills country can lut Mrs. llasker Homesick; Thin why of his regular sleep, but when his It acts directly on the blood "ai result seven system. fUNl-KOT- L HOOFING lneii'iised bv Intensive culti- o- sto home ? torial page contains references nnd mucous surfaces of the KtX then, bailootis and our obirvatlons sn't h. They one The .míen plots near th H.tskei ' He is home. Didn't I Just to it In lino issue. It looks like the offer hundred dollars for are verified abtoad one of the most vation. to keep up any ease it falls to cure. Send for suffl-- i tell you he was'.' old recourse to whistling 2a om m . All ureal renters of population are it ml . r Comudny wonderful things In meteoi olouy. was courage. Winslow Mall. circulars testimonials. Albuquerque Lumbt i Mrs llasker You said he our physlis have nssumi'd tb.tit e lelll rillb nee of what iioaut, anil Address: F. J. I'HKXKV, Toledo, Ohio lomislck, ami I don't understand how Hold by uggists, 7fiO. SOLE AfiFA'T ele- it only needs the spur of eronomh lu Ktathially with in- . tan be home .sick and home at tin The Return from i:ila. Take Hall's Family Plüs fur consti- nr essity to briUK about t,ie i, .ci iua-loit- vation until in outer tface there Is míe time. It is a sorry move for President pation. tommy will wait - no tern pciutut c We .s. nt up balloons Whether the --- I didn't say he was home- Taft, nnd for the party he represents. (rom Omaha uti I Inillanapolia above until aitual lioni'er applies that Irk. I said he was home sick. Whether it will be possible for the uk iiwni r a nsr or Roose-vel- ini sjj. or w hi ther the search for hlnhci Mrs llasker- - You didn't say ho was party to recover itself under t FHFSH ANT) CAXXEH FRtTTS th storm stratum, which miles campaign DON'T WAIT rlsleii and l.illlnit wttli th proíüs will accomplish tin- same re homesick, but said be was holiu'sii k. leadership ill another imionf rs vont order f. a GET YOUR C'OAJi IX BEIX)HE TUE IIUST STORM It is already CO , 214 S ST i't. if the uncertain factor lu the What do vn niñean hy such nonsense? remains to be seen. Hut PRATT SECONn Has' or ( impali, ntly) 1 said he evident that nothing short of a polit- I'HOVK ttl ANTHHACITE AMERICAN niX)CK Al Ve lh, is problem; bill one thliiK Is certan ftottn there was home and si k at home. ical miracle can effect thu 4. (All si.X) W. K. HAHN CO. 1 lie Best t tu-,- Ih when farmers glial' itm-- dilii nt plii-- land that that Mrs, lasher a Iraeioits! Why didn't of William H. Taft to the presidency Itrlglit Xciv Straw lor luijillnj;. K. CEI5KIIXOS I.OIP Gallup Lump t í ;l convinced that then- Is really nou'e MILL hJV 1)1,1 NO till lio til I Pie h muí explain in the first place? in lili-- ', ll is altogether possible that W. Fee, 11 . Uad Ave., l'lione 10. VOI Phone 91 -, y 111 III hiten- FACTOHY WOOI CUIUS oil v. ttlt e.i t, i to,- ion, tor th, J till si". Mr Plnchot will himself be a leading o, 1I.ME, ClII.lilNG KH' lt ailv b. i!f th' ,o,r alt yt.'tu nieihods Iban In tlx- ciiiiatioti Trv a Morning Journal Want Ad nmcic, I but of II"' sti'i it Mt up tlii'oui4h i Il- n. soil an. the perpetual ri-- e pi ", then, atld Ihltl tio ii is i si gin In fctup! r: ium llli'iuatc, ' ONLY NECESSARY TO TREAT wlil ii the new leaf c i ,.!1 It .. l equally h' ateil ktratuui n!. they tin oer I lie-i- Company II, n Trust til'- tlo rtual In Hi,-- constant alien Montezuma air o' iti tie ret Ml" no M'Hlll e, biles, THE STOMACH, SAYS COOPER ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO , 111 ,t vr vu nun . 'be 11,,:. l.'VS i'! llKit at'' .i;i Capital and Surplus, .lbs W lumi! Ill a tlilli Men's $100,000 I. , -- il b,. l A .i,lin s, n.itoi is i p..rt by T. of u dull pain I eould not quite K t i am iti.; a ti, .. th The ncu theory adxaiiccil I that -- INTEREST ALLOWED ON r, -- i Washington iliípat'-- " bav, aid understand. Then there was a dull SAVINGS DEPOSITS t i I'f.'l t'c a:; n Ik ,'..! k fiinpef relative to the human stomach aii-- Ho I, .oiliut hi.idach', and my mind seemed to be i'lcsl.b lit Ta.t b is attracted such v. I, h spread atten- 111 : riiiK continually. I eould iot 0O00OCXX)OOO0OO0 i tillo I of tlo leliale ale la pi fleet REGAL public ill visited by I tH tion that the cities eat, and what little solid food did I M AMi I III IN I, o ,. ,H,I the I ! !! lit cel.. "MU f HI t ii. ,,itnii ni.-t- has been J,lned hy eat I timid nut retain on my stom- ui tout most e, ,us iiu"it-ttt- t null t"f ns in a discussion of his ach. I tried t very remedy I eould 1,1 ." Ill the J (' t lie luea.-ure'- , I 01t' te II, t s .mil i in, . think or, and also tiled out u num- GROSS, KELLY & --'.- CO a ,). ,n,., t TI, Shoes A(tpt. -i il lilt u nator ileciatml that the Mi Cooper sas that liuiiiiiu health ber of patent medicines, but without ( p o r a t e tl ) ÍMI1 II I . ' . t Incor ,i I, ,1 , ., i re, i',,, bv tin in il. pi iiib-n- almost entirely upon the any apparent result. It was through t lie a.-- t : o;c-j;- ,i ,,w - ; i, if Mai :.,, 111 lio Uollllt w ould he p,is.-e,-l .turna, h He says that no disease can one of my friends that I heard of ley's , oil), ' Tins, tlo- f. nator said. would be a be c.iU'picied without llrat alleviutitlK Cooper's preparation, and I Immed- Wholesale Merchant and Dealers suya is The materials in Regal Shoes, v. - i v t all st. 'touch disorders. He further iately decided to try mime of It. It Tin ra. r ,,, i, í nr. ,,t t, i areater la (a, than in Wool, n Hides -t thisRen-eratlo- 1 my and Pelts , í that mn.- nun women of two weeks since took tirst dose from the genuine Oak IJark Vliny, Tec.,,.,. ,,, hu 'Y. rli.'liap as attt!,m tl, it w a.- - In tht and half-sick- , on Ills; to degen- of It. I new woman. b t -- , arc und leel like a T u s t'i. fast color eye itKi" ii,c thai ,,.!c,'- i Ul lev '!', ".COS' eit I estille. Navajo Blankets, Pinon Nuts, Deans, Chili, Potatoes lastly, to disap- c and erate stiniaeliH. And he claims The headache seems have :ii-- "!,e K a v. i pie.-i,l,t- il lets fittest money and i. i, 'jilote, r ;i In, Tlo- will a, hide in ilu lb. it Ne- will in my utomaeh that , bis lUscoveiv medicine peared, and the pain Other Native Products i ommciit I 1,,, : : ... i! 'i- - fust ;..iti ot his adtninutraiiun ejuveniti. the liutuaii stiniiach in St) alonn with it. The medicine is worth tun buy en met w hii i pp. , r, I lit ,t u ti-- ra.;, llntlni; railroad" that has li Its weight in Kod, und I want to Tiny are s I.i I'd with tho nouses at Ua.t I--is Vegas, V. 51.; AlhtiqneVque, X. M.: Tuctuncart ; .. . , N. M.; I'tvos, N. M. Logan, X. M.; n i u: ito; :i ri it; ,,f e'i in of rotiitii.n tor Cooper h is been t ravelins from une thank Mr. Cooper for what he ha fi'caleat t.'ne anil ere mude in- ami lrmhlail, Colo. corn. Tli Vh pt ni';, tw r,i y, .,r." t into d the senator I another, conduct t.g In each done for me." to shots by the most expert ' educa- V Oakley "At tl is titile H,,lle s colic t t. Tl. Tin ii sboul.i satlsly all wliat be calls a catnpalca of Mr. Kilwm Morse, of i ' I lios-to- workmen in the world. Theso to produce an .(!. (! ill it an ).- ' a: public dctlta mitt, so that tion. For the past inr lu has met street, ior, hester, a auburn of ' the public In the cities of says years I not first grade materials and the ex- WITH AMPLE MEANS AX D IXSlRPAisSED i ", I I larcer the For three had FACILITIES ib'sci loci an r.i i r a r.i, 'lll- .a N Wlil not be distill bed In , i'ountr, nnd bis mi,-- has been phc a well d ly My stomach was In pert workmanship are in- ,' .'.nd 'a 'i:,p 't - l,,'- - a ot k .or many cars to come. what item, Tlii'Lit-.iUd- ,! people have frightful shape; the mere thought of The t dran;i--- sure the staling qualities of Bank of ommerce of crl it be cxi While this b Is flocked tu his head.pi.irtcis wherevef food would nauseate me, and I realty Albuquerque I r, t - t,-- , t'-- Regal ... t!l'' a1 ti.e, a w to,t lin ,n ii m I nn-di- custom style. r f,'Vll SUlle "lib! ii be has ionc. and tlic si'i- of his had a horror of anything to eat. All Extends to Depositors llvrrtr I'rtilx-- end boliclta New rrtitn-',- ' w i.i b i I,, 1 i in Mir- a,, without protisl. wiil lie ine h is In ii liiii'ii.l aitMliiiiic of the solid food would cause me extreme Aix-ount- s Capital fl50.lHMj.UU. hli'orv as a . t x tl.ltll s' ,.t- a . .., now I v the'rotiU w Itlv kind t vi r be!,. re ittniMi"l indigestion, bloating and gaa on my OfTler-r- ami Ilreotom: Solomon Limit, President; W. S. Stflrkler. Vice Posr itiK st fea- V. rliuira ful. to ..ttb . i" too '.nt obi, i t tun. understand tie niest intt rt iiif. stomach, and nothing tasted right. Prices $3.50. lrsldent ami Cashier; J. .IiiIiiimiu. Assisiant Cashier; William Mcin- '' $4.00 e, ' -- i.;' itn nt ttit man orne of thia tosh, t.eorgei Arnot, J. C. ltaldritl-- A. M. kvvcl!, by H S"t i rnitn-i.- - to be i .i, fii' til,' oull.."k for the lull tal ture .it'. t'lii MuiiiK Pome time aico I got libit O. E. I rom wetl lias what his army of re and $5.00 t Coopers which tht anil a eruel? i, i eiF. and a orp,'i-atlo, l t' in rn'iKrets Is lu-- S" medicine, about wli'i'ii to I welt, :? I OOOOCOOCXDCCOOOOOOCXDOCXOOCX t -- l"!!'ii rf. lie tus converted is so iiiii.ii talk actually feel as nm-h- . the u-- in I' I atol I! may be rbtcalod." .11,1 bis tieli.-ii- t'lrimth bis niedt, lues, have and strong as a hoy ever sime the tirst is 'vo H' ,,!' ,,1,I,!-"- f i1" in.- It be subject to - "T:ls I'll seicitor. will to say mi tie f .il.j. c'. The tullo inar botCe Pv. ry sign of stomach trou- FRF.SH CANDY THAT IS FREMI. 65- a nnrl right's and Pal- u i ' 1 r.-r- r.t wi-ri- i ! 5IW- Cal'HrUr-give- n atro!otf .i' fe t of '!: ei.iet lions that ilii st teiiu lit nr.- irmn well-kno- ti ble has disappeared, and I have a mer's line Perfumery 2.1c ami bos llandxim ,. like-(ir- , to Hit ld..S ! U.irill'ii; II ,.! .. Ii.,1 J to. tar Thv in orpor.nion bill Is resul. uta oí i t,i, ami Hosion. rt hearty appnile and eat three square ana) Call aud gtt oue. .irt nv r.i,r..! lor i,ti ..t t i be f u;:ht b the 'uisui ecti' and , ti,iv .in, tt, . lit I, usiasm ot these mi als, fieri thing seems to taste good I v,ure Ti r gr, ,,t , ,,:.., ,, s, bat sc.iin- ais-- I v th.s who hs!- - eonsi i. nttotis ,s ch.ira, teri-- :.- i! t",i r"s iidiiurtrs ni,.ne who knows what chronic ln- - - 1 1 7 W. Centra) i l! Williams Drug Co., rirettfttde f, v n, !,;. .n. ph !o- - a, r.i pli ..bout tat. r 1. - V lle lig. is Co ii appreciate what this Mrs II P M.i i, .1 State i Mfiphv, apef Hint ion, K'- rtiini-r- t or 'Ibc l:i! n uTii i r ii ol an In, or a.'ll means to me consider this the CXXXTCOOOCOOOOCOCYXX stT'-t-t- . I . . Uiii ,!.!.. medicine I evir law lil If find icii-a- u poratioii in I 'linois tlmt would be '..niarkable érssn. rutt Mif.t rit g I ,r 12 ars from a eotublu- - I of." irilr-fek- s .f w .,nili-r- f :1 f .i s'H, against the Its anota,! state II - THE CLASSIFIED itiey of si.'ina. :i troutilt.- c.ttarih We ee;i Mr mt-dl- t hit s. and COLUMNS iaionarlea, wi'd Cper'i and ti.ll 1.,. ,,k, a KUltstliK find t!.- m to ! ,;i he claims. The J DID YOU KIM) tyranuica:' "i , law tr id th- - octopua' ( ON PAGE SEVEN TODAY? the vet; thln? pain la the it in stem" h. a sort H H Kli l'v Co. ; 9 THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JANUARY 20. 1910. f

before tho establishing of the terri torial form of government, Notaries Public Appointed NEGRO BOUND OVER SAYS ALBUQUERQUE cMexico and Arizona Acting Governor Nathan Jnrtn to- Live Ne)s From New following day appointed tho notarle, public: Robert Byrne of Havener, j Curry county; Demetrio tjulntatui, TO GRAND JURY RAS ALMS Ledou, Mora county. the Great Southwest District Court What's Voing all Over In the dlctilct court before Judge John B. McFle. the Stevenson-Tru- e ON CHARGE OF DONE ITS Involving ti- patriotism that Is case was up once more lhe canon, ubout u mllo from Mescal- El Paso lack that Es- to true Americans. tle to small parcels of land in the ero, arc the old Blazer mills, where essential OF THE valely. A many college students were STATEMENT pañola SUICIDE VICTIM is made excellent flour anil meal. It ftreat rue being Issued by eacnpnde In attendance and were well pleased Summons Is uIho tho scene o fthe wild out of the district court for ASSAULT SHARE of "Dllly the Kid" and Buck-sh- ot and well entertained. payers whom On last Saturday the Iris delinquent tax against Huberts, where the latter was killed. nlht DERIVED been brought. Ilv bringing iiKcney, was basketball team from tho colicué play, REVENUES But has Mescalero, the Indian i suit, execution au be had TERRORIZES In- ed and defeated the Kl Baso llik-l- individual reached at 11:15. The Mesculero against any property of the tax p. o - one tho most school, in the Y. M. C. A. at El Baso. ADMITS HE SERVED Troubles of National Guard dian reservation Is of , delinquent. or At the end of the Kami-- the score stood cr adjudged beautiful place In the territory, IN Result of 13 to 5 In favor of the Colicué. The FROM ALL TAXES TIME PENITENTIARY Here Not the in the southwest. so close a previous Chamberlain a Cotiiih Bemcdy Is a PASSENGERS numerous buildings all of crame was not the for and Public There are all poititg won wi re fought very valuable jnedicine throat Lack of Proper equipped electric pimo bul A which are with be- IllllB troubles, qulcKiy relieves una ... I lights, heat, water works and for. When these teams clashed n.res nailirul biealhil.K and a dam?- - M.1I1 AlTRStfii 101' A GCCC! Al" Spirit. steam 24 to 24 until the the buildings for the fore, the score'stood crous SOUmllUK COUKll WOiCll looa.ues i sewerage. Besides in DURING - ;,(i r, the employees' resl- - lie was played off, resultink' tlw criiKcstcd luiiKs. Sold by till 1'iUK- Killipi 1U UUlltl.U LIU1U un TAKES STRYCHNINE ln.ii.m ehlhlrcn. Ü Col- - 19 score of to" 24 in favor of the gists. j .i.o.v nolle..i cotlaEfes. ana the, , .. ueiiccs, ... . ;..! i,,,,.., not- Fiom Bad Memory; B0RRADAILE TAKES TRAIN me Uuu Suffers COL. ON BOARD Mescalero club, :re posiomcu m a general merchandise store. been improving in meir iurm, Is Taken to County Jail. ISSUE WITH GENERAL FORD was left nt 11:30, the the local team has been under rixld TO ABOUT Mescalero evening Im- AMOUNTED party going on to the Bummlt of the coaching every and has HOPEWELL PARTI Deadly Dose Takes All Night to range, a very proved wonderfully. TEN DOLLARS PER CAPITA White mountain with nti'csl-i'- d mud-,l- Kinney and Soloist lllett. Frank Brooks, lhe mulatto of Former Adjutant heavy rain falling and extremely Evangelist a chingo of Attitude Kill Man in Eastern New can been conducting meeting In Tuesday ultci noon on With a little work the road who have bi k on which Las Cruce for the past two weeks, IN attt inptinir to make u ulal attin General Tarkington and 1907 Mexico Who Had $2000 on 1. made fine for automobiles, Compilation SPLITS WIND o 1 year-old doing meeting In Hadlcy hall on Inst Complete Shows Hi in Bouquet, the work the Indian agent intends held a Krank Legislature Responsible for Sunday and a record breaking crowd of tl.iCKhlcr of Me and Mrs His Person. at an early date. Total Income for Year of 111 Bioii.i avenue, was moun- was In attendance. Win of Beaching the summit of the arraie.iictl before Justice ol the l'ctn e Disruption Company. cd down Dink Can- A $3,079,646,08, tain the party AUTOMOBILE 1'r.iin 111 police toui'l yester- Morning " Ceoiuc (Special Corrmpondcnce to Journal on. day iiiol'iiins and :if'"i- all N. M., 17 A some of paper. Alamoiíordo, Jan. most This canon furnishes the It now Ictlr-.- of the affair, waived pre- notice in th" afternoon RAILROAD IS BUSY (Srieilnl Dl.pntrh to the Murnlne Jimrn.ill peculiar suicido was one which was most beautiful scenery on the entire liminary henriiiK unit w is hoiiu.l over said Colonel John lloiT.oiailc lunv n good gravel road will he Santa N. M.. Jan. Traveling a Im- begun Saturday night and trip and to the if ra ml Jury. Brooks nlHlit. Adjutant P.enercl It. A, nt Torrance on it to exceed 6 V.. Saffm-- HOUR "that morn- built with no grade Auditor Charles has just MILES AN mediately off to the counts I - ended at Corona early Sunday canon 30 hustled Ford is quolcd as Htii iuk 'hat Alhu- per cent. Passing out of this rove ,l.i 1, hi placel III a ste'-- na ing, the unfortunate victim of the not- completed a compilation ni the TO TORRANCE where wis iiut itiuc has a poor reputation in comes to the old home of the PAINTING THE ROSWELL I death penalty meanwhile one rues of the territory during l'Jl)9 from caK'e. J lid pe 'rale announced thai tional euard circles anil that he unpen ed desperado Cherokee Bill, who after Mie bond al whbh the having a passenger on two trains. shows-tha- name new company luM organized would been part of the country all sources and by It. num. the C. C. Maloney boarded El Buso and coining to this iicki-- niiftht obtiiin his liberty succeed libere the old one had railed, from Texas married an Indian girl. The during 1919, the total income Men Ar- loil.iv Mild It is believed 11 Southwestern train No. 27 at Torrance was New Mexico Central lime "We all concur In f.enenil Ford' be- Ruidoso postoffice and store from taxes for all purposeH and of will be stirilclciitly hltth to Uc-- company about 11:30 Saturday nljcht. Just be- T OWN RED ulsh Hi at the new succeel. reached at 12:35 p. m. the latter other revenues from all sources rive in City After Inspection Brooks in .dill until the rantl Jury present fore or just after he entered the train en-Jo- Il should succeed and under by Fount Miller, who to $:!,0"9,ti te. UK. or about strychnine, ing owned amounted the chaitie lira list him. Mil II uiidoiihleilly will. I must he drank a small vial of - Exten- Indices a large trade especially in the oil- or between five and of Proposed Railway put a handing the empty bottle to one - iia canita Brooks was lliroimb sev Issue with the adjutant (teñera', and ii"mmer during trout fishing sea- on tm il assessed val Bull take of the passengers, calmly announced the six per cent tile sion, by Chief of however, In his statement that Albu- Lon After eating an cnjoyuble meal Begins Four or Five The following divia the in cslcrtl.iy he was n,1 that he would soon be dead. way Santa Fe nation. Mc.Millln .before querque has a poor, reputation " on 111 . the party proceeded their come as to sources: lo ci 11 V lull. The lleuro n,l.iita-il- He left the train a few minutes lat- 3:05 p. Mar- taken the llonal miard circles. The reaching Glencoe postoffice at Months Art Job at San Delinquent taxes for 19l7 and pri ,l..i,ie,l all knowledue of the crime laid per- er at Gallinas, a small station ISti The IliKpo.thM pui'iv lib h Ic'l Kdicial doubt less speaks from his Paso. Oolng into the m. Rail- $131,428. 91. al his door and .tilfercd from seven with the nation. i miles from Kl traveling cial; News Notes of the I o ittoU over route sonal experience 5:15 p. m. and 1908 taxes, $ 1.051. UU2. Mi. here this Wick the memory, "1 :. telegraph office he told the operator Leaving at lauses of the statement. Buard since he came Into the Offle over a very good road passing ban 1909 taxes, $l.t)fi2.:i 7 i.í2. of the propoM'd eXicllMc.ll ,!' the N 'W belnif frequelill.v and he would soon die and began road Town, don't remember." 1 !s Iruc, Ihal tlurlUK this period that poKtol'ieii at 3:33, they licenses, Í134, 2M .Mexico Central railroad to Boswell of exam pacing the floor. The poison soon be Patricio Iiniior marie ilmlnif the course lhe I'm- some months before he became Hondo postoffice at 3:50 licenses. $29 ..lid. returned to the It asi oilit on titiin could gan to take effect and he fell to the reached the Mercantile ination. All that Brooks adjutant Kctu ral the nallonal suuril a nan worn 24. X o. 1 The party Included Colonel . the 62 and mués Special Correspondence lo Mornlna Journnll Boll tax, 40.352. memb.-- was that he was di'lnkliiK H Hcvr o floor writning ajia groaning. " postof J. .1. Lantry. spirit here has suffered Hondo Bines, bonds, etc.. $ liM.NK.r.9. W. Hopewell; Charles companions In a Xorth be tracetl put on board train Iso. 2, on wnicn . , ll.i'r... San Marcial, N. M., Jan. 18 The C. C. with several lansc. This, however, can ;. o...f ...... $1,24 3.25. bi; railroad contractor: allti-iioo- A. K. Cross, tho railroad surgeon fice in actual running nine Bullman tax, the I'lilrd Mice sa'oou Tiiostlay dircelly, not to any lack of spirit on Jit. 3 4 Santa Bo company has commenced taxes, $.19,347.47 ray of the railroad company, a Corona, happened to be hours and minutes. Common school and' that his mind was blank after part ot people, or any lack of stationed at 5 minutes at the depot and will paint all J. It. Wallace, an engineer. tin the a passenger, and carried back to Cor- Alter spending painting the School district bonds. $00.723.94. and he It it Un- resort. Chief Mt'MIIUll putrbitlrin. but to the attitude of lion- postoffice the party started out. A bonds. 477. 6 The party cuiiic from Knswoll lo on Brooks Intensely, a Hondo company hou. "8, inside and County sales of turned the I in office, ona. He died, suffering Kan at a bl "overland" automo- era Ford's predecessor back at 4:16 passing Pútrido Is being uwJ Court house rent, $1.453.2S. Torrance in past life i ii an lo illKcovil to leg- short while after reaching Corona. bclii.r yrnde of paint J- W". of ll. neriil TarklliKtoii, and Kldn, 4:33. Glencoe at 4:56 and reaching fees, $2.94S.lil. bile beonsin to Mockaid or not he b.ul ever been al of Mr. Maloney's home was near !; nU win. I Is more 3Í Noimal institute whether islation enacted by the legislature a. m. then passed up than .22. . Boswell and beat lhe record over lhe one-ha- lf Ruidoso at 7:40 fr:r Miscellaneous, $r3.9S rested before on a siuiilar charm men who a "blind" siding four and I heir." put on with t ;t 0 yester- üiiií, under which 'II of the Canon to the summit and on to an Innovat! :. .It court del kH, $3,737.82. route, teaviiiK Koswell at for nonu wept of he left liark District - Brooks declared f and longest Tor miles Gallinas where -. s in.iteu.1 f a spray. The inaUini,- tho 111 had worked hardest u nr,w.itrt airencv. reaching mere m o.i- brush reserves, $29,7 IS. 37. day nioi'iilh", and that he bad never bc.-- in Jail K'liard were nfthr eii,','.-i- i! in tho work ex forty-fiv- e time the of the national v, agency at V. 39, iient at corps of met miles in hours and j k- - .x.-- Hiil.isiv nc" the Artelan well tax 2.822.S3. three before, but finally broke dow n and only legislated out of otiice, i.,n " . ., r,. 19:25. - nr- - icct to be her- Kur or five months. Is somelhliiB like not i thev JB,'23(i!70. minutes. This lie Is an and was just returning from K anr a ai ' ' a"" '" paint uwil is red, though Boud tax, that out of any possible participation in Montcrey postoffice at Tile color "' $57,708.95. thirty miles an hour, and considerlnif he- a seven-yea- r sentence it Is thntitrht that he bought tho pois- rived at the th:L County Hcttlemení, that served lhe KUiird.' I was one of the officer of it somewh.'l liable' rhade than r(n-:- qualil.v of roatl they had to or Torrance. The 10:30 a. m. By counties the income mn as the the In the territorial penitentiary at Santa ol office lltul whilO-- on in Estancia certainly a test trip as it now covering the buildings. was ftniiiK nouii... even county so out suicide is not known. ti,í v,i. being follows: traverse, this Fu, bolín; sent up from I. una Hiwuya since hoped for tl.u cause of his part of An old time pound party is Hopewell. A driver ac- sev- have afl first day and ChaveH, $31 9,582.1 C. for Colonel of robbiiiK il man of per-icctl- rained the parsonage to- on a chart;c siicc-f- of the Kiiard, it has been night and (Mil not even freeze so given at the Methodist Bernalillo, $29H.3(i(i 3. companied the party, so thai the ma- diamonds. of the the mud-A- v Ke-v-. Mr. Wooldridge eral clear that, the altitude uot the full benefit of the night, where Colfax. $252.765.27. chine carried five men. of the thev . adjutant and ' receiving such u variety say , , . former ucncrul and wife are The railroad men had Utile to ,u,hl do II mil you vb-v.- HEW MAIL ROUTE roads. seen. Hcv. Mr. Kddy, $182.855.4. - ' whbh sii, ported his to Otero of gifts aH is seldom 1 of Inspec- 'Klslalure The territory will soon pay Grant, $1 7.1 6.0(1 , leisardliiK the result their llaVl, ,,,. ,,,! .ndld u, v whafs un effce-th- e meet- nl. had much to do with piitlln whic h Wooldrldge will hold u scries of .. r.a.c county $4,000 for road funds of Kan Miguwl, $1 50,15 IS. ... - tion last niRht. lurinei- man inej ,.ns..r. c,vm theater. wortt In- tni8 wt'vit begin- damper on any effective $2,000 is to be on this rouiiv ings at the church Ciiay. 142.189 27 already stated. t, It spit evening. , here and elsewhere in the territory. A. Carroll will build ning Wednesday 45 , j dian Acent James , l nlon, $130.0ti Ki'ltinur lhe I'rnivds. overcome these thliiKS. TESTEO reser-vtw.- n M. Fun-ell,- the editor of II ... takes tinus lo WELL a across the entire Indian Miss Ida Dc Ana, $12" 91 The habit happens, l.cni. road - Order of na si and 1 dare say , the adjutant Reneral to Buldoso and with a few re- the "Standard," visited the '15. Monday Otero, $124,3(17. has encountered tho sumo kind of .... dm Huidoso to the Kastern Star at Socorro I1 3 41 9 6 ....i... road from 1 mn Ke. $1 111 .NOW Mexiio. if,'.!r will a flne autumn night. She has been u member of the MAN IS feclimr elsewhere this make years. Joining as a Socorro, $109,9 19.03. KQTYiCAIVIP CHIHUAHUA "He should not, however, ulloiv BY AUTO Koswell and El order for twelve B9. SAYS IS open Warren, Minn., chap- Cirrv, $99,1 9' these ihlnus to lend hlm lo bellcvu pm ,i iiireet connection, besides charter member, 42 I OX. nft- - Monday night Miss Bar- Valencia, $9?. Iluiquerquc is lueklns in the l,est valleys in New ter No. JIG. ,. 7 ! that ing up one of So- B:neoln, $92. 04 When tho old rel! aff Hinted with the chapter at iiotiai uuiiid spirit. Mexico. foosevelt, $87.51- Gé, RAVING MANIAC IN coiiioanv was disbanded here, some corro. $8f.,7H.20. A surren-ilere- d Road No. 615, Order of Cluadaliipe, ENJOYING months (?,. the flaw which It Comparatively Little Darthula Castle,. 1 ii TIN CANS UNDER THE of onn $80.?fi4 was found t have been prc-- " Boyal Highlanders, had Installation women of Work Will Make Splendid at their last meeting, Friday Torrance. $71.901.23. iited lo II liy the palrlollu BAN AT LAKE ARTHUR officers Mill Juan, $0? :!79 Of!. com-pau- v A swell banquet followed at Albuquerque In m.. aXtcr the night. 1 7 CITY JAIL expense Highway Through Pictures- plates were laid. The Mora. $58,9fiX BOOM had out (it lis own which thirty $56,4196.15. he-Ii- ik (Special Correnpnndenre to woroln .loornnll !.- - G MclCinley, to fiKht Indians, ut n time when Wilds of Lincoln County. newly Installed officers are: $53,450.71. que Bake Arthur. N. M., Jan. 17. The protector; F. C.Scotl. Rio Arriba a soldier iiicanl seilous business. a mass Blake, Illustrious $52,34 1.20. In 1SS1. citiicna of Lake Arthur held chief counsellor; Jessie Watson, Slrcrra. The guards were oiKanlzed 8pec4al Correspondence to Morning Journal meeting at the commercial club rooms Capehuil. Taos. $39,322.4H. After Exhibit- - In company were itui ky O'Xell, worthy evangel; Bessie 1,03. - Dolores Morales, that Monterey. N. M Jan. 18. Monte- Wednesday night and discussed nt V. Collins, Bnndovnl, $33,93 Socorro Man Declaies Founds- M W. Floiirnoy, l.ouls Mcltue, Louis secretary and treasurer; J. $111,-P41.9- 6 rey, one of New Mexico's newest length question of street improve- finnta Be countv a income of iui H William A. Klnibiill. the warder; Walter Darr, sentry . following Has Been .aid for a lllg Olalla ui niaaiiiijf fthuiuhcrllu. towns, which is situated in the south- ment, which resulted in the appoint- was derived from the tion iSam Sallmui'sli, myscIT mid other Days, Suddenly ser- ern part of the territory, on the El ment of an improvement committee sources last year: District Several who have seen bard and ronllnuul 99 nam for 1907 and prior, Great Producing in the Paso & Southwestern railroad, consisting of six citizens and the Delinquent taxefi Loses His Mind Altogether, vice since in the nnllonul Ktiard miles east of El Puso, Texas, nnd ing of Saturday, January 16th, as ARTESIAN LAW TO $7.455.72. Socorro County. en Ice of Albuquerque- and in the re(t which Is also termed the modern Tul- "Clenrílnir Da v." The day was one of 1908 taxes, $.12.783.09. ulur army, t'f lhe men who were urosa, located immediately surround- activity along that line nnd 1909 taxes, cr.iiliialei' out ol this compiiliv. now evinc- 5.004. 50. liobuvi, .Moral".", a native of Ch- Wil- ing tho Tulurosa depot, is nr.w verv few tin cans or other rub Biqueir license, ' R.-ll- nilnlim' camp is I'lickv i.Ncil died at Juan. propos- $777. "I believe the iirresictl ing very great interest in the bish are to be seen in Lake Arthur. Mercantile llccucn, producing more ore now than ihuahua, Mexico, who w.i, liam A. Kimball Is now major .und TESTED -- ed automobile route from Koswell to BaptlHt congregation has let the BE Boll tax, $871 sc. in New Mex- Monday by 'pet I"! 'H i F- stcr lu fhr I'.iltcl States The B'i.K." any oilier mining district niKht building to Henry forcl'lted, bonds, etc., $J y Is lieutenant Jlonterey. contract for a new Fino Harry M . lmunh-rrl- Kennedy at Sa na 'o arinv, Sam ico." salid Attorney t'. W. the in- 11 is to bo rein school, Í2.355.0I AHni-eiuei',- scv-nl- of This town lias shown a remarkable Hoi k of Bosivell. of Common of H, .corro, who airived in a char,;,- of niakhut col tin o' the reKiiuenl 1X-;;- 2 waillliK room on progress development since it 40x51". with a r aí f 26.6S. I Knards. and forced concrete feet Court houPf ti i ji lit. hliuseli obnoxious or, mn, lie- Santa fantry. California national wag on nil N i I' . $72. 1"' nieli-iio,'-- opened to the public, the 17th foot wing and finished with in Roswell Dis- mini institub ".Not a deul of noise has been uní 'N I'll O'' of There arc inherit who niitiht cost Injuction Suit t 33S.42. greal Fe slalioii. b" r'tus day June, 190P. The total in-- of modi i n improvements. Mifcellaneous, made about the Kelly district. It hi-- , ai r, si, hci Superintendent of the IT. S. $6,000. of Ml 7 5. Ihsanlt.v since time bad olil Assistant will approximate trict Court Alleges Waste TIMrlct court, development has been effected slowly and wolcntlv ln;ac. Ml loo cltv "All, in pi, rque at that S :' 1 people railway mall service, A. S. Boberts. I 'i 71. I petqile, yet1 those rest reserve inn re Is liltli I. IliKllI- about,o but thoroiinbly. lb. ill lal Morales tided .!.( com-',- . in Monterey on the 14th day of Precious Flow by Electric Inler-tlou- . to the arrived COMEDY iloiibt lead and zinc ),i oiliiflnK I) at the time be Has .Mon- nl icrlbei' tl.tioo un'lnnil proposed route, MILITARY ü 1, 111, to January, to Inspect the Bet's all i; o u be (cío. has been It th'oiiKhl he There was no k bill then Light Company. that lhe foundation day niulil, bat as pro- Monterey to F.oswell. Judge A. 11' el(i,i,nn-n- and we had to from BY NATIONAL GUARD laid lor oil,- of lhe (treat ami zinc lloni a pol'.-lr- do. ..nccllo pri vide Ball was kind enough to send over 111,1 I!. inn district "f this coiiiilri. anil Ihal a brief stay In the police ila vide our' "n- W' " "'' his car and bis driver John LAS CRUCES thdl. H S j National GIVEN AT "The Sherwiii-Wllliimi- s Paint com- tion would relieve him. Showed lhe llKhl SPllil T. Hutchings, Three JUvers to Special Ilpiti.'li to the Mornlitc Journal DEmANDSiNEYPOR today II will from Its mill; lhe lei-da- j up s,,ii-i- w hi, h evisis and Boswell, N. M., I!). A suit was pany is Just cnmplctliiK Yc the man lii'lnhlcncd v trip. J. W. Prude of the Jan. i kind make the n company is .r,.iliu Iiik he a ,,nh require the icm "' Q. filed in the dlstiie' court here today eonshlcrably and as had ticket th'.1 company and Ira Journal i an ad of Prude Mercantile (.Sperial Correspondence to Momlnr heavily, and i". T. lirown Is slnpphiK to Kl and $ I 1 on his person a' ship nil be kins from c New Mexico artesian well Paso ; Wetmore of the Tulurosa Improvement Mesilla Park, to test the I.l iti.-- Ibis spn II up to Its Agricultural College, con- i 00,1 to -- ,',IMI tons ,,l lean ano It was decided e,,ai,l to Mr. on law, the purpoHe of which is to the lime of his arrest. T,. company company, accompanied Roberts comedy in F ISH HATCHER! lease. In P.I Pas,,. When In ie i,iii,1 ,r,l. The new X. M,.Jan. IS. A militare serve nit urteslan waters and which un h month from his lo him ml to - the trip. pi"l'-trlle- s I ,1 ami II is lo he expecl- a w presented last night, in no flow idiall be addition lln-r- are many smaller filler of Police Mi Millln Mint tin cas si Leaving .Monterey postofl'iee I" four acts holds that artesian , w ill Ml, feed, Certainly th" by of- by xcltliiK under way an. lhe out- police ylatioll last llUhl lo bin, lo tl th. i' heavy rain tailing the armory at Bus Cruces, the wasted, even Ihouth owned the 11, lacking- here." mist of rain, with a camp is v. ry l.i i orable." i Ii I ountl il s IS a. m. the ficers and members of company K, of person making the waste. The suit look for the lie, ready to make the in the mountains, at 10:15 I, and off,, Tillaros,! at the Texas National Guard. The play is entitled "Bryon O. Beall, artesian Applies to Dis- Morales a violent main If ltemedy nev- party reached pnstoiilee Game Warden an.-ie- r ein. Th, mat, Cliamle Cou"h to as presented purpose of rais- Inspector, vs. the Roswell Elec- What's the lo quiet him were ftuill'-- 12: "9 a. ni.. going from here for the well ., to- er disappoints those who usa it for ing a home .company." Writ to Compel lili be examined b Ian - many funds to build and equip tric Light anil Bower trict Court for , I, and irrita- Bent, passing Mexican ranch's M'lk.-- eood tt n- i, tin. ilc coughs, colds company G Kl play Itervey, attorney, Albuquerque day and il ma ss., rv t,, send with largo fields for in Buso. The Jame M. district t nuil lunK. It orchards and alfalfa M. tí, 111 11111 h of the throat - Vor- - company Auditor to Draw a Warrant, i'll Ileal, him lo the territorial ls unless en route. Alter having traveled sov- 'is under the direction of Jack C filed the mi it. The electric s,,.,,.u niirli ilh-,- as a .remedy for nil non or Angeles ana pi alleged waste IliR poojilo come t" hi.-- aid and tak- erul mibs l rom Tiilaresa, the parly is ovni, owns a well where the throat ;ind lun i'old by u!I u,..l mu.1.. l.v Indian quite a success. Company A of l.ns is being made. The case is in the hlm home P. MorDlnr .liinrnall ir,.nr .Tiimeu Cruces gave an exhibition drill mu form ol an lnjuneilon suit and comes ISpr.lnl Il' Carroll Fe, N. M Jan. ia inl- SALVATION ARMY 10 by style of drilling that 31 Judge William Santa 1. the m i i be ;i nnin a' Many camps were passe showed their up January before af, in, tos A ut flciii tonmhi. Indian and Fish U'sriltu Thomas I. fiable Met- v it', new s how lived Indians employed in they arc justly called the crack com- II. Bo;c. ;l rk Mai or Fell II. where the today applied to the district court for serv as building and improving the roiu pany of New Mexico's national guard." upon o, ciipy th, pl.itf'.u ,o al thes ice. Ad a writ of alteriui'i-.- mandamus v. il of tic-an- Morn lournnl Want The party reached Bent. X. M.. in Mr. Vernon could not nay enough NOT DISCHARGED vi I'd also st ral i'i, on Trv a inn WAS Territorial Auditor William O. Siiifit ni ry t lie time, w lu re is one in praise or me people oí crucen cltv Pn.f Mi s. execlknt situated r to draw a warrant - hearty support, but on the REV. MR. M00G to compel the latb HtiKolS Will fellllt H it ral s, be- of the stores of the Prude Mercantile for their SAYS incurred In revival Bent ..I hand, he veri' severely criticis- for an expenditure tluns and the Indian S, houl hand wl'l eempany. u postotficc and tlv ler a . people of LI Baso fur the little OF SAN MIGUEL 'to cviblish territorial a ppi .q,i la M tb'-ca- Copper Mine, oneii by the Tillaros:. ed the li furnish music KNIGHT'S Fe, I fish hatchery n ant.i for whl' v i l In Copper com .any. There re now a Mippoil hey had given to an institu- ion Col. J.i. kins ; 15,000 surplus ai available. The "in 11, . large concentrator and a much larg- tion to be wholly their own Rev. J P. MooR. of San Miguel, has the Lead Avellllc M el 1st Sale Is on January helor, . Auction people of correci-'ni- returnable, Sand,-- y oh, r o..,l will being F.irth. r on up He Held, in pari, that the Morninif Journal i moriilui.-- Pi in January -- uth, er mill erected. written the Mi Fie. It is n t Tbiii sday ill. tin, on, , Jude John i: so.-a- in " ', chure'i ...... r i, 1:1 a statement In a recent dispatch In only tlo, L'.:pi ,,'i lo, K at souiii roo,. involved iliK M'-ih- case, the amount a it,i In ,1a Soutli ill 'rum WashlnKton to the effect that h a Malor While I will sell at auction tor Mr. l. F. RUN-DOW- N pipe furnished by the Kind at , 'I PEOPLE the postmaster-hi- p $2.06 for Noted Lecturers to Speak otlist i iiurch on Am sir h' t lhe hii;h.-..- bidder for discharged from I 5 Phillips, cht coniiniiy. Tin ! lit San MiKuel. Mr. Minn says J"e Water und three le, lull IS will nil ;et h III .ash. a f" li iine house that ic that the f.n.l in Various Chinches , k loca- - state-- 1 frnme arden Services b c in a ni V a r r i be ill trot. i its present re restored to Health and strength by he resinned voluntarily and the ,b'''"s ol a united sct'i nillst end pr. i txpense , , S i,'- - In that the law the At- Sunday c e,l! mu al t loll nent was mi error which case the and lisb pro- Sunday'; Mayor Lester to liiuhl owes him an apol-- j the promotion "f tame ol.., i Ibis Week Mornins Journal shall be met out k. Friday A Home Like This Cannot Be ,Ry. Is as follón s: portion and Presbyteiian Church. r W M.,i"- Walt, ll:s letter ' fund author- tend N". M.. Jan. 14. 1910. of the gsme protection wl:I bold a boh e tilli; at the Duplicated (or $1,000. TV Kn Miuuel. expenditure of the surplus In izes the i a i,h:ht. Col. ro the Editor of the Albuquerque ha ks nd I that If will be hill i; erection of a M,s-i- s am informe i that fund for v. h t assist,-- v- .. you Mornine. Jtiurnal: ry The Salvation Army ill latin, .Ii I, kins, loth rale . to tunvo it. Ii I torial llsh hat, in aim its mainte a olll, i s will Hear Kir Just returned from revival campaign th" part ,u,d Wail" and ne a lot i ', t Hi hesl opp.irtunlty nance. hi- I h a Europe and a cliiipins of the Journal neck, nevera! noted speak'i:, of hold i - r, i ii all w lil l, iv, to secure home of ioícrnofí. ttiK y ; was handed to me vinc that I "as Picture 4allcr ion hi uiR billed to de- i..i- a small s o n of mom the liouti the orx - 1 s ue liarced from tb. oostoffice at E. C. IlurkP has unaeri.iKcn . FverjtbiriK chant; n at the i l. io lo- is reiiime no 'or i,Pr month. din ol in, liver lei tures in various bun les wishes build a larger col'.ectinc portruus I rque Mr FhiiUps lo Miguel against me. Will task of , an. speak b,i the h,w :ini; Aliciqii. for ''haruii is- ule. ul the ei.v sho lo nmht. -- . tWelitV-OIl- e rial rnors to thro itlcii- on Ibis site then foro this 1.1 ..... I ni.a- u hr ma.le k'v s Army manager;. i. .l...t. fPl.-- pe, iiti revival s,tc'-- ni the Information, call -. , o,' and Into at . aie. For timber mm m- I reproduced In ait-nue- . i""I suel, n accusation aKalnst a.i-e- ,l on West post office or ot tiarraiks i- - n-ti- i .ni Mr. J'hil ips at the V yell it with .standing 1 - j ca, dt.. nWlng dates v Quicker than hv arv ether tnir. the was d.s.harf.ed. hin resign- els in the W. V. Jenkins, one of the hcid known 4 vi- ifv i rrri mvi- - II succeeding In k- - WITH AM Tleasc for lb, Uiat 1 dUld not at- ministration. of the army in the rmt.d CO A WW IS that ii tt docs not bctitut we return the money. try it. . .irkeis iAti v, XMivv SCOTT KNIGHT B tend t' th office Jiny lonirer. llomm iiiriti liicturen ' State.- v ill arrive trom to VP tiwi HIMI' oe uí. 1". i- - MIATT CO, to trom yeq bout the matter. fiovernor Mills "i.l ine int and lll occupy the pulpit, SKKIi. 1 II. (VRIFLLY CO., Druiis,ta, Albuquerque. n, ,! tie- thr, morrow Ollt . 1V J. Vours truly. opd governor co'intln? ,, ri i h. iiml ,v U k II)M ST. rimNF Auctioneer ,H i OJ-- ,) pre.l.M. in f:FV. t P MOoO ..e.-- fiiof of lo l ti. rle:i o THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1910.

mornitiB to have him Kn up for tin. return trip to l,as Vefras. the Incident IN K v ? SCHUMAN SKILLED HANDS OF REMAINS OF LAÍE wan recalled and a viuoious sennli of Ea-tily- . the town wag made in an effort to Syrup w V find the missing ' trainman, t'p to Made at Home of Cram- mldnltfht last niliht no trace You enn make a full pint of WILL HAVE BIG GUR E EDUCATOR er hail been found. Some of his 1 SURGEONS TO BE cough syrup .five minutes by N jt he has in friends tup of the opinion that this recipe enough to last a cone to Florida, his former home, long at a cost of opinion family a time others weie of the opposite only 54 cents. It is not only that he (lid not leave Albuquerque. In ' fly IE CLUB FEET TAKEN EAST of cheaper, hut hotter: than the any event Cramer was the subject cough medicines you buy. Ils IE vonsid'-iabl- omoriK train- discussion taste is pleasant children like men yesterday. it. It stops obstinate coughs In a hurry, and 1 splendid for oth- HEAVY SEAT-SAL- FOR El Paso Doct "5 Successfully Masonic Services for the Late SOUTHWEST NEWS NOTES er throat troubles. (Jmnulatc'd .Sugar Syrup 13t;oz. HER Dr. W, G, in ' RECITAL TONIGHT Perform Opt ration Similiar to Tight Los rinex 2 Vt oí. iri pint That Which Wil! Make Little Angeles; in Granville, Tucumcaii ..lid Amarillo will soon Put 2'í oz. of Pinex i -' Burial up "with granu- V be in direct telephone communication. bottle tind HH Famous Contralto Spends the! Minnie Able to Walk, Ohio, Tile Tucumcaii Telephone company lated sugar syrup"mad as fol- and the Panhandle Telegraph and lows: Take- - n pint of' granulated Day in Looking Over Albu- - Telephone- company of Amarillo have sugar, add Vi pint of warm wa- way 2 m1nutr9. Has Had a Week of lit connection w i'n t he operat en. In .accordance villi the known airreed to build half and estab ter and ulir about iuei(ue; w two cities. a ti aspdonf ul every one, to he pei form, d here tor the curint; ish. s of the (locoaxed, tile remains of lish a line bel.vcen lite Take Rest, the l ib Dr. YV. (i. Tiulit. former pi two or three hours. of the Iiopi li n-- i rippled feet of of ttie l iiiver.sity of New Mexico The Chaves county commissioners Tfiis recipe will not work with i Anees Utile Minnie, 'lulilroii'k home wire cremated yesterday In Lo An- have aiitlioiized J. W. Stockard. any of the weaker pine prepara- C. (.'. .Sharp, individ- Sctiumanii-Ililnk- , Kil'l, it li to heat geles according; to a private message Stockard and as tions. I'se the real Plnex Itself, Mmc. lm ;im: Auto- - and also as Iloswell con- to Alhuiu.-r.iii- night that li, T:i I'asu liave per-l- y received in this city yesterday from uals, the which Is the most valuable late Tuesday company, construct and op- Norway . ac-- Mrs. ices aus- mobile to compound of fmm lift, rn ( Iy her i formed u precis, siniü-.i- operation Tiffin. Ser under the centrated ;. toll toad over their auto route drug-cis- ts ompaiils 1, Mbs Hoflmun, pices of the Masonic fraternity wire erate a White Pino Extract. All V: Kathcrine with Kr.'Ut ttiic. . s upon the feet of a nnd Vauchn. under her manager, and tin others held yesterday in Lo Angele ami between I'.oswell have it, or can get It easily sc.ral !ltt!e M. .ÍC an The distance wlm make ii;i the famous contralto's girl named Fritter, who the ashes will be s nt east for burial exclusive franchise. on request. - is 104 miles and the toll is to be Id be used company, spent th" greater purt oi it now- in n pam t cast in the Provi- - reside the body of Ur. Tiisht's mother Strained honey can In cents Per mile for each mito, lu cents syrup, and makes dp S jisterday In lu r rooms nt tin- d. nce hOKpital w.;iiliti fur the hcalitig the cemetery at (iranvllle, Ohio, Instead of the - per mile each vehicle other than y: In tin- morning Mnif. Si bu- nh. vc I,r. Tight spent his early life. for a very fine honey and pine tar hand of time to siipplenient the work 5 cents per mili rnt, on Manager Mat- - The widow is expected to ttrrived in an automobile, and cough syrup. of the fttrKPons The El Paso Times each horseman. 011 nt the Albii'ltieniue, iicciiinpaiiyitiíf tito re- for Elks' theater, iin.l later thus I. lis of i: k it look nt the t t r where hot mains, tomorrow . U ' "Yesterday miortiiiiK Mazie's little V. T. Shelton, superintendent of tit,. plaint h. been Kit lip by tlii' ( tuner lull feet were so. cssl ully o in rated agency Shiprock, stitution that can he criticized. inipanies I.ati-- Indian at returned who .HI lier then upon by T. .Moore, iíi:mii rTK;s territory has a population - ' iir. x assisded by TKf. Saturday, from Washington. "Our x " " Í was n In I oil tin- tt I) IIV I. ' walk ah. streets, John Catln rt. Kelix Miller PVssl AI.IMM. comprising some of the best minds in ' if n Ir. lr. where he has been on official business -- look at olni' veni.iil Indians anil I have college and It. K. H rs II wa li three At tiiictlnu of the iiliinini associa fot the past month. Mr. Shclton comes tile t'nltei States. We .V lli.'tvufl. r 11 Mmc Si luimiiuii-qult- e hour' Job and calbil for plenty of tion of tin I'nivi r.sity held last nitrht Willi his mind filled with plans men from every section of the country '.,' has l.i lia iriK a rout back lli'lnk muscle HH :xt the following resolutions wire una among us; we have some of the . - well eiirtieal skill. for the improvement of the Indians f hit.-- In f. t, fin- si ill.- tn have "The oieration was perfornieil passed; in his charge. is a great worker brightest lawyers and educators. h:n .1 11 ail tin rest lu r lie energetic fording to the bh... method of Ur. Wliereas. Cod in His infinite wis- I do not believe there Is a state h. tin-r- and the Indian' department under ran sland. fur has Loreiin. the Austrian suigeoti. dom has taken Ir.tnt tins fife and his they in Slielton an excep that can boast of better schools than beep HXll'l w k w it hunt a lanuois that have ri concert who suc'cissf u by oj. era led on I.olila field of usefulness, lir. William (coree' tionnllv strong man. The coming we have in Arizona, and we are spend- and fur this artl-- t who believes In Armour. Tight, who foP yenrs served) ing as much money, in proportion to - 7 - eiht year will sc, further great improve r hard unrk and liken it it IVI'I in- o faithfully well as beloved population, as any . "Hefofe the "ration Monro and the merits at the agency. our for education 3 Kdivlly i not wehoirK-- Ir. and bin ansilanlH made a, areful president of our Alma Mater, and state in the east." limp, S. hiiinann-llein- k of an y photograph of by his ixample Inspired and encour- lesp mdent b cause a man who had hiTFelf yesleldaV an liiahlv pleimed tttl' the iblbln-- feet. It she d a i :cnei ill aged us to higher thmiMhts and greater I.e. ii living on her i anting had Delégate Andrews has introduced A Willi the hotel, with A Milliliter. Mmc. Schumann Heink. Who Will Appear in Recital in nt". dislocation of all 111 bolit-- in the el lolls: anil by his undaunted courage to leav,. her. May (Jillle, a for purchase of a site and with ttte HuiiihwiKt Ktinnhiiie. threatened bill the and the f. t and lust ho.v they should lie ,ii.and main' acts of. kindness endeared woman of the, half world, in Clolie, erection of a federal building nt Belen, Elks' Theater Tonight.' She gives the enntillllHl ImiireHsloit of placed to be re.-- "i I in proper position hi I'm If to us through years of gttid r. tteiTipted to commit suicide Iriday X. M. He also presented a measure ititf p'eaned with everything her nnl "While the child was under the in-:- He !t night by swallowing a iiuuntily of an- to correct the military record of A. V.'. nay in one of Infin i:-- idinirers that the fliience of eth. r the little fe. t were s. hid, by the alttmni association tiseptic tablets, compos-- mainly of Stidduth. which adds to the of her ' ities wonder laid across a ten. k and with their lite Cniv. rstty of New Mexico that corrosive sublimate. Soon after the i inn lit hands (he surceons broke all of thejwe as a body (bepl. deplore the loss woman swallowed the .poison she in- Emily F. Cox been appointed Schumann-Hein- k The s has as Critic proitram for lonUht cunrert bono apart, knoa.b'd the .'t until!"1' "l,r former leader and friend. He formed other hahitors of the tender- postmaster at Anapra. Dona Ami with one or two possible tlt.iiigi'ii 111 they were no sou si nsitivc it also loin of had done, nnd a county. Post masters ap- be an follows. thai the what she New Mexico. finders of the singeon could feel lies.dv. d that we ten.l to his wife physician was summoned, fly prompt pointed in Arizona are Edith M. St owe Pronounces Voice Good eery little boll" anil the joint to our hearttelt sympathy Hi 1h!s time iction tier life was saved. at San Bernardino and Charles II. ami Ari.t "N lKllia" from which it b (long, Kach tittle joint of sorrow. He it further ii'.Veil (,!d Glory. .pera ' V, A at "Titus Mozart was wot ke d int. ils proper p. Kes.dved. tttat a copy of those resn ' vibration she tinted iml said It would II. and ji.iii.ins be spreatl upon the minutes of (it) Aria from the opera "Simnon se. IN tiiitter. 11 nnv disappear Vrltli mole i ..listan! work. "Then without i utting tile Skill li- this meoibi'.'. DEALS FUTURES Old Santa Clans has given us Snint-Snet- tr niinnrnniir I iiml iielllah" .Mr fu meruit muh advised o r.itiwri-bot- casing the lend i s of the li, t furl her iifisi; HAiiscii, Some pleasurable thrills. it p.uv lb) Waltraute frnin "tlotter-ilamiiieriiii- n vvm n. HLDuyutnguc dui Vo'al strength and phlsb " than bi make a small iili isioti the wiioth. Ho prompts ottr generous instincts: but us and never In hiiIuIk" In over be hard Wukiht leaders uere puuitiir. d they TlH.'S. I K KLEI1KR. Jr He foot bills. lc "Alt Mmi from operv until ' doesn't the the t otlld be jdryti I is Committee uiiiin nr "l,e rrophet ' Meyerbeer bed lo el the he UNDER THE BAN Washington Star. innnniiii e I.e. 11 singing thirty for III. cutiie down to their propi 'I position. 110." mid Mm". Schumann t ti- -i Made. mm ftrrnuiRL ur Allinaetii lYaiir. Plaster I ji.ii lde Schubert and ! sing betlei now than "When satisiiml that all the bones jibt llrabliiiKNfiihrt . . Roll. Schuinann 1II1I w h I was a girl. The secret of were pioperly set and ihe feet in a DISAPPEARANG E OF BLACK HAND NEST (e Von ew be . . . Joh OF CONGRESS Oil MU ess ÍS that I hllM' alWll.VM ifer Ittnhms healthy position, i normal, feet ami I ld Alb rse.'li-i- 1!. Strauss GREAT SIN6EH Cillirm-i- l 111 never legs us high s were en- htlelith j(e) laehc.M'. o r r. WeliiKurtner 'he thish Hinii m hard, bul that I feel eonfldent in a plaster ..f cast. WI.'Kelllled 1. Steltt cased purls ,1 an eaNl'y nintr t v, i. as liard hlnoild (fl "Thi wi l iy on for GO IV. east si three DUCTOR DISCOVERED HEAR it be r. alii- Ak n final au ks u tíi- - tlLi". be a piaccd by a iii'i'i'nn." Tib- 1usar Nevln Taft Has Taken Stand in Favor Mr. t 'niiei-o- was u.l- - lal Ktlielbert lie-fo- IN oíd of notion cast to reach only to the knees, CONCERT l (b Oh. I.el Xmht Speak to Me IMPROMPTU ls.-- if he undertook Utilit oa-t.- to Mirl will lie Legislation; ;. W. wick iltu little able to do of Such Atizona be Mile In af.norlae bllll' il itll a Chad mueli when cast ALVARADO MUSIC ROOM i 1. runningm""iiti'l the I - (el liattü W. t'limlwlck (ili-- l elaHH eoln(.Mn", is altogether,, I. gs will Man Thinks President; is HEW YORK i.ulliib J. JtnnUK removed lur into a i;ood eolnany iili.l Ink.' till Ills .(. have to be ma, sag..! lo tieiigthen ''.'t (el ill n . Hinlolplt (JaiiK Growing in Popularity. liar.' O'i ulirie!f,' adÍHel Ihe Hinltef. l.oe 'ottoK. and I" id,, i it'- in itsi ies. Tin re wio an uctlve ih niand for "An Ideal Lyiic Tenor" SayS "A vol.-- Ih tt wr; deliróte thliiK Dr. ) t e S tillcd. III ticket yesterday and it upiicar that - 1 r i Sis no.nlliH o roiiK ne H.ll 'l . nr.- sati.sf!ed A, I tie tin. (Friends of F, Cramer, Santa Mur- Famous Cent! alto " It i - títere will be no vacant in Moinin Jotn'iial Iiureau, Foreign Criminals Plotted 'It! If if net handled Hit iient- Vsi! lit i,t i ai b,n.' is a'l I ,r. Moore ) . theater tonixht for thlt lawt and most CIH .Mtinsev Uulidinc. B, st life would v.Merday when j Fe Trainman, Urable .to in a' 1 Peace- Hearing Edward Cam Imi'oi taut nutiibt r of the winter' Washington, I). . der and Blackmail AT, llo'fllolll, wl li lb va in a asked to tell nil llboill II ." C, Jan. í w oi ntiit. al attractions. are that coiigroS will Voice. 01, d, id a. 01111 anl.-.- . ah u ho ill Account for His Strange Indications ful Suburban Valley Accord- eron's ' be impelled to up in a serious lie at the i.lll'i ill .V me. ) h uin to ( i iti; a ctM iv 1).V take We o. li. e III me Ttvtns oi; Actions, way of legislation relat Helitk'li on. i l l tolilKOt. he Industry. Take L,XATiVK HKo.MO Quinine the nuestlon ing to Police, i!i in ,1 , ..4,.d )f jd i will hapten at tin (iem thciiter I ing to the subject of dealing 'iu i too an une b sed ith Tablets. irugsists refund money if There wa a Hiu lull' along big- cliange tures. President Mr Caiueroh M vel. i n.s lid .liter night wilh it fails to cure. E. W. CIluVK á Taft has taken . . l V Impromptu m,. I In vaudeville Han ,1'tiimt r, a w ell in favor of such legislation, and no in!., rs of 111" parlv , and !l.,e Iter is on each box. 25o. known stand (Special rormpomlcDca ta Morola? Jonrmnl , ,1 - New Mexi. o he conferring men who hav of the AU .i ,du t. io. i o ni- tenor r I Vel division Santa Fe train- is with New York, Jan. 17. That murder, ei. tin- - . . man, left for putt.s unknown, or has given study to existing conditions noon v ho h li id i .it a po nt a eral ..(ton. iid'itt.iii The is celtint; tile r.iwds blackmail and anarchy throughout it.- met wilit foul play? These were Hid the need for remedying them, and ul red ;. lit i ooipauv ol ,..,eat pr..iiain I'O I this country been plotted and a urn- - that baie SOMETHING NEW IS Sno Hl. k t.rcat N orl tent. Ttie 'lUestlollH which were i'sked by also to the ways In which it is feasibl' have o M op i Albll!llei ar-lll- li,.-.Tl- k- - ' ' legislation , t directed a 'll" in "ii . t o t.. itnv i Seattle. .Ian. snow hint "tamer's iriet .Is yestird.iy, niter an through in undertake in secret den of Black t Me, l w i HI them. Attorney Genera Hellik' h k Tb ,11st act-.o.i- ef utiatest ad. in tl e Castado mountain In. Ii (biy nan n of his various liaunts remedy Hand desperadoes, not a dozen miles w ( llii ill, prepare a bill hich Ki'eat emuia'to is at til l,i i l . M v. bo Is a .o ha.s tied un traffic on the real failed to ii er any ttaoe of his Wickcrsham outside the limits of this city has just w in.-.- , o whereabouts. 'lamer, ho lived in it is hoped will meet the situation ; nt ems critic, Northern since Saturday, was broken been revealed here today. With tho and rio! crib ihe CORAHS ST ü it oi Hi sti i ing this alt. i iioi.ii. I.a.s Vegan, ltd on a local freight nnd there will be hearings upon deportation of some of ringlead i lor its xp. ri. tu lll tu Tb nl"is 1, h all views may be ' Mm. ink e i Is to Nine passenger trains v bi. h hail tween that town and Albur(icr.lje order that obtained ers and raiding of Its K H Ainu- - the old haunts. WHu Mr teti i t measure may be he in ;ii I',. ..hi In a ooc been hi Id in. between Wcdingt on ii rived here -' noon Tuesday. Before and t'ne strengthened the deadliest nest of master crimin , . i Hiiertpo billi v I - t lay-- i , possible. iell i s p, ii s o I' lilt tl I. l.cai liwi.l ill arrived late leaving his caboose, he marked to as far as als that ever preyed upon this con- piaii-- ills lli' it in-- i I given hih , d. land t .t i: ",. ire- ,11.;. "Foity-Fu- e Minutes From his btakeman. "If f don't show u) Those who have the subject tinent has finally been up ill an.-i- In a nl': broken 'e trial I'll It w ill be a I an II', at l"l lite pi "-- e There is tail out i hunt tin Hgtiiii. you Ciin have my property ir study are well awurc that it presents ,.f the suburban village of Mount Klsco, Mr. Cnnier. ai. tb. I. I I Bioadway,' Is Ar. Entirely ;liis car, nnd also my belongings in great difficulties when it ciilinffl to ' fl.' who are el nm Ch"l!t;h tl.'.ll comet oil show at liclll. it is asserted by secret service men RreateHt .II and M ill". upon In uny h. r. Th sane li,' had no 'ie than a Vegas." Ttie did not legislating it effective who are returning from danger- - Si lutlllil llll I " i it New T y pi. of Theatrical this w . ek oi i .imp le st. l)i, re, II. ii I.. Twins nl'l happen tonight. pay much attention to the remark way. The hill which Congressman must liav. ous task. Proof that t he murderer High! b. inii III lirl Mm. OtflMin". ihe lime, but when the Santa e Charles E. Scott of Kansas has inlro of was latp is Petrosino selected and sent to l l.i i. n iM. ii:k I. tl 1, ir. . r The "tn getting; liie lade.! t" locate Cramer yesterday duccd would forbid the ue Oi inter by t lie Italy the powers of the Illack Hand I,. i , , Ih to 1. Altgeb state telegraph and telephone lines . I ,', banditti from the of hid II .; Of and tiie mails for the transmission o shelter their Mt i n - den head,iiarters ssf'' and Harris' big pro- messages referring to futures, so in this peaceful o! i .. M. "Kotty-i:ro:idwuy- Westchester- liiiml, is. II. iv vrut a weak throat" If '), you din tt'.n i' I'ohan s NEW FEATURE called, on farm products. White stub t now declared en . be too careful You cannot five M licit, s Ci ivi',1 ACT to be in the possession govern i law would end the business if it of the . treatment loo early. linen cold o tin- kst" ment Id be the aill linn at !: theater could be strlctl enforc, d. it has con sleuths who have devoted the .ie e,i liable to nnd I ta. imne another llext Moo.!,. V t List year to set ret surveillance' of the list a!u iM tile hauler to I lire. stitutional tin J other obstacles In its ! III Ibis piece Mr i' dtan gtvi uspecied locality. Ulnck ac II. I i Iain's Cough has way which would not prove tntirel Hand lee mi ike '!i.iinbet l . . the stage all I new pe tivities all over id .;.; .!'' a tee a,l e ,, v ,11 lie .'I - tlllll easy to surmount. the land. It is shown. f t - al "Hi ring Hrow n can lie Mr a ti it.;.'. t'y all Urug- tin atrb Charley s í Tin i e Is a widespread impnssiuii traced to the criminal chiefs ' ', ' ! V. wlll be sei ll as Kid Hums." Eliza A. that the cost of living is materially who have been harbored here. For . bet It Ilf. w a Mary", togethi r over a year id villi t increased by this form of speculation. the people of thin town the original ist and product i n Tin and while not ail agree on this point have that police activity had TortY-hO- ' i - t i nju r lei in ' .MlnuKH , 1 t .tí v.: v the efforts now being made by tin finally scoured the comtniinli t-- clean ('non Hi.-ad- would seem to b, ." it.t' these insidious to - criminals: t T , x-- V V 4- administration and in congress to but tnti-d- - at dt for ll a wi II de-- , W day the ,iui,i. has 'iff U take hold 1.1 I lie question are to be authorities are again prepar tilled plot hose unfolding not only ronini'iitli 0, They will at least result ing to seek out and crush the seprciit holds tin II,, i i'. st o! tile theatergoer in a more intelligent comprehension that has raised its head so near at ' s'. t pilse after surprise. H of a system that is now lint little un- luind. THEATER I an I convincing, and whili derstood by the public generally as Probe VlHy houses. ELKS' ..deled immberi" to the effects of its operations Declaring that fire nerll . lurks l i e .ti. d sue, ess, one fe. Is thai bout the lobbies of many of the the I. .. sr. "I essential to the mici ess I'resi icnt latt s lec.tit message to aters in town, chler Croker is today It.g '.. . niel tainltig and In- - congress on the interstate commerce setting on foot one of the most to .ii. ine story itself that and anti-tru- laws and federal cor searching investigations that ever dis id M,i. Thursday, ns, witli the musicni porations has done more to increase turbed the amusement men here. ore . r p;a, tt titi-s- musiem j his popularity in the west then any While everybody else has forgotten -- UARY H ran; P. l at ef sin h tun. ct l is K tiie lesson of play- JAN N , - "f administration." declared the two liroadway wll that lite plagoer u , U; y - J Ilallloil of Phoenix. Ariz., tn the houses that fed sudden flames a few B ' w it Ul I r l "!:! nt it a s.agle istt t" Morning J. on nal crres'pondt til to- urs ago. ttie fire lighters are still Miioit.H tr .in ;ru.n1wtt" night. 'orried over the possibilities of some pr, a hi..;... i. turiis th, second and . f "It has convin.-,-.- ! !hc people SUl ll llilleOtia ' boIOe.lllKI Ul.,1 "llolll Mine. 8b, 'I j i t ' , i v i that Mn lone. the prisiu'im is determined to carry Iroy hubdnds of human beings in nsk- out the niogiessiye indicies of his luarter of an hour. Every exit. I.. It folks Ht .ie.l. cess,, r. Everywhere I have bien 'su. wall, floor and corner of each in pi.ui: ii hi re men congregate In tht? niuseuicnt place ,ts throtinbout litis eitv to sle cities or on railroad trains. ( have to be critically inspected und pro-- Hi h u n o 1 - ie vliei'tiinen in- leHilv. .'nerd !!ie president's message dis- ect-- d from most 'tu-.- . the remnt ros.i. il;. " i iiti. V.'v.t . J .ii I Uet. rts cuss. .1. 1 did not hear a dissenting Ilitlett of disaster. This hoiwe-clea- n- sins' i.' c. e M. i u. Kirhy, liiir- - , regarding the paper. ng. , . the firemen say, will now come I i .. ".-- ts y - ,v Jj-.- ' "V.. i in icrttiern ?',, Si .... I'- -r "A" I '.' rraiscd him for tile manner in not an hour too so.,n. Cam- - r. ill:.". Of w i. ilt'it 'i ll'.t Cle i"Hl Shet'P h ti be has - I i . I! , tivatcd the o.tiestions Thieving- l. ! it m sing. ' .Iff' . ' i;t I Thrives. vil; lit per I I".: l that before 1S12 Tan will Following ar.. li. e f Mm. ll tl V the capture of a gentle art !. J ie .it-- " a ii wild U beginning to "f most popular president? man - l'-St th" athlete who - otH-r- , ink to e t't. ' t : has been suecessful- in' t i "! in aw t ha t ha! Ibal Mr O'citpicd the White House. i playing Kaffies u'e.-- I'llisl' t:,e I ! over the roofs of Ktrutn Lit ud I Tt,e ci'le In I hive ,.ith him and his the apartment il.- - - y. of A!a .1'.., houses of ' unocrt'!- Hut a message convinced th. m that ty. or, a n J ihe police are today making des Milliter ictiol Ibuly hi Trunk. a:th is warranted. perate efforts 1 :'' I ef '1 It to check the host of Nili't' It S' e lllsmeltltll Ted W. do Hot ixini't congres to give mail burglaries w il! loak a s. b w and sneak thieves vll .on. ni tutind statehood at this session." eontir-lic- d is - that invading all the sec- Mme. Si but ik en t lu- shun- be-- : tb- - residence Pin nix man. "We know tion. Never In h,.i-i-. .r :.; . r.-- . its bisiore ihr f at the north tey f.,r it and entitled to p., but opt., en.-i- . of Gotham bei n ho bese bv Mr itse The '.tie K .; that can be rop-a- l fur. we r thieves as they are today efdom nine, ; d i and n.e : . J ma i t .1 a had ti bur:, ttiick. i o net giving us authority to U It,, 1(1 FRANKLYN TWINS hav" all efforts of the authorities to teres! high bill liall belli Sv I constitutional convention ' "e i . urb th evil been so ,i h by a nt sr tcho.s!. e may de- - ' tut billev. be Uiwarted. Olily 'pisluU and' Prices S2. $2.50 and S3 Will Happen at Gem Theater Tonight and laved untl! if later teswion of congress eterna! ; e, vigilance' are "now reiiej upon by; tl Arlnr.:, t i! not intrt the CT?l-'- .r f'd the error public to iir-- i, Re?t of Week . prolan ni ra ma ,.i,,j ftc a on- rt. ir bore. THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JANUARY, 20, 1910.

Miniu-tipoli- s slid . Louis ..... 40 Minn., st. p. mid Kault St. Missouri Pacllic 8 "j CLAIMS BROTHER F1II1CE Missouri, Kansas mid Tcxh ... 431 10 do. pfd 7 3 Niittonal HIsclllL 110 National Leftd TOOK ALL THE In These Columns Nat. tty. of Mexico pfd.... bl't Of Bargains lt 11" Lots New York Ccntrtil COMMERCE New York, Ontario and Western 44 U Norfolk and Western SHEEP North Ainerienn 16li Northern Pacific 13114 O..'J0'(,r .tííe Pacini: Mail 131 "4 PERSONAL PROPERTY LOANS STORAGE Wall street. Pennsylvania MONEY TO LOAN .' 1 1 ' PARTNERSHIP CASE ON N'pii' Yoili, Juii. IS. Those concern- People s Gas MOMCY TO LOAN. vt'ANTFD Pianos, household goods 9 money 1 di strabl rl;y anl country at- Pittsburg, C. C. and St. Louis... 4 On Furnlttiiv. rUnns, can, Wo have on hanl promptly make ed In tlif stock market hu'l their JUDGE ABBOTT Hcut. etc., stored Ktlcly at reasonable l.ti i.s In liein.1-lill- o Cnr BEFORE WuRoim aint ottUM' Chnttp!. .n siUiuu-- 510 real estato loan. We make immrucls of tlthi to all diverted today from general Pressed steel n rates. Advances made. Phone tention ' umt Wfti'fhoimt ltrfflvM, l"w ah J in ami N'o.ti.ry Public uid coin ryi.nclfq. hav- Pulacft Car 19 i The Security Wan bouse and improve- coutlly. Fire'. causes affecting values to those Pullman U Muí KiU.üf. I.n:iit nio illcti IliUUti 4 5 'Www Co. offices, 3 4 IÍ ing to ilo with purely speculative ihillnay Steel Spring a ii it utrU-tt- prtvt. oim ni"mli r ment rooms nnd OI.STKI K DlirnVN lltumls i mr , Against tinft yenr kvimi- cmuin m Uiitnt lllock, Third street Oiul Cen- 1 t....-- ,. PIlOllO cause. The collapse in Columhus and Heading Judgment Given Santa rutón ull ...1 IlllCií. n ',s'h ni 'iyff.íi n. ur ah vii.suu.ttii. tral H velllie. Hocking coal uiul irou affected the liepubllc Steel 111,1 V K b'f"l .114. 1 Fe in Favor of Jordon ml jcuiT tliy market in much tli ? wnno way as the do. pfd k"t t' it ii frvm if 40 sinoi.n wi'vny, AUCTION. P.ock Island episode in tin market cf Uoek Island Co.. ai Judgments in niK hoi low 11 PERSONAL K3 Rodgers; Other " FOR SALE Real Estate December 27 iind gave rise to ih do. pfd 1'IUVATK '1 t J i:s. ACC'ilON Tl'.K.UÍNr"llo'sÍ' question whether investigation mid St. LouLs and San Fran. 2nd pM h2Vi Local Court. If you have anything lo sell cull oi SKI; Southwestern Uealty Co., befou discipline by the stock ixcliiinge auth- SIosm ShefficHd Steel and Hon ... 79i write us. Wo bring remit. If you Fol! SALK 00 acre ram h, tlfty acres von buv fen estáte. orities wete to follow us in th (took Soutliem Pacilic 12S need anything la the house furnish level and In fine shape, iicilu ditch Ti.illway -- 0 through place, close to city, only $100. FOUND Island case. Southern Judge Abbott whs occupied part of FOR RENT Storerooms. 'ng line, we havs It, nt auction best a pool in do. per acre, liooil terms, one of the The activities of market old the prices, tu our large tlesroom, - 6 yesterday in chambers in hearing III bargains valley. Hunsaker & U'NH- - r.lcyt 1" coaster brake Hocking stock have, been notor- Tenn. Cotiper , J Ktl in the north the case of the estate of Mariano Montoya STOREHOOM for rent. Apply YVrisht West Oold nvcniio. Phone 451. rhaxioii, L'ilá W. Hold. ot town; owner can hale by paving Pacific 30 k es- ious for months in the course of tvluch Texas and vs. Montoya, in which LMireton, coii-sisli- 4 8 Jose the thta office. Auctioneer. FOl'f SAÍ.K 0 iicro fruit ranch, for this ml. Call fil Journal officii venturesome he iv traders utteoipi d Toledo, St. Louis and West ... de- tille is seeking to recover from the of 7,000 vines, 275 fmlt ti fin hv of iufp do. pfd H5li 11KNT Storeroom opposite ; tur nialeui to profit the evidence lion an in hand of sheep FOR " Male."" 4 ncres ill Taifa, rest inbtcellan-ous- - 190- fendant interest HELP WANTED tros, i s, now oecupieil by lClchOt in the price of th pluck hy short m v I'nlon Pacific alleged two Mon-toya- portol'flce, Irrigation, ml jn In n tr; main in which it is the Apply M. P. Htarnm. r.ood How little genuino demand exist- do. Pfd were part- and Raynolds. M L.N LKA UN .Trude Miori .Hi. ii excellent opportunity Tor riuht 779i who Mere brothers, barber ed for the stock win the striking dem- rnited States Realty ners, 'the plaintiff alleges Unit on lime required; graduates cam ti- pari-,- good returns; for particulars PROFESSIONAL CARDS. it.-- v. College Sandoval, X onstration of action today lieu Cnited States Rubber 4' Mariano Montoya 's death Jose Hon-(ov- a LEGAL NOTICES. to $30 week. Moler Harder apply I" Leon Darías, hold--e- 81 I. os Angeles. M. bankers called loans from the l I'nited States Steel claimed all the shei p as his own. s. The collapse to 5 compeled do. pfd 122 proceeded dur íliiiikrupl'íi í'elllloii lor Ihsi'liargc. WANTFD- - - Thoi oiiglib experienced SAI.i; - cott.-ige- lialli OSTKOIMT.. Alter the hearing had V. 111!. - ST 4 of i: Milhkeii alio and lights; terms. Apply C. II. COWTIt with for the lust prico yester- I.'tah Copper 'l ing the morning an adjournment of In the matter clothing and furnishing xoods electric t. . O. Milllken, Pankrupts; in Ad- owner, (i, block. All Diseases Successfully TreAtiMl day and 92 last week repres.i a Virginia Carolina Chemical .... h2k the case waas taken until February 9. llaisy salesman. Must speak Spanish. lo liniiiu Stern rar,.- - in , 21 Hankruptcy. dress, giving experience and salary ex- SÁLK- timcei N. T. Aiinlji) Itlil., Tel. 655. suddenness of deflation tin' Whash K A Mann and H. P. Owen appeared Foil - modern brick 48 Ira A As- ot history of the New York stick do. pfd fin. the l.lalntilY and IS. V. llobson To the Honorable Abbott. pected. Clothier, cure Journal. cottage, cash or pa. menu; buy 1 4 9 'A of Supreme 1 1 Western Maryland for the defense. . sociate Justice the from owner, 5 N. Hill St. ASSAY FUS. was.pHrtl..'l!'r Klectric 71 of Territory of New Mex- The systematic effect Westinghouse Juti8t Abbott yesterday overruled Court the HELP WANTED Female WANTKD A little home; tint over W. JKNKH n 72 ico Judge of the Second Judic- seVero on slocks open to wy Western I'nlon tj the motion for a new trial in the dam and tl,2no, on e.fv pavmce.ts; pay Assayer. huving been treut-- d in .i Wheeling anil Luke Krie 6 ial t hereof, WANTKD Lady to do repair work of age notion of Jordon Hodgers vs. tin .ldsirlct $15 a month on contract. Address M Ui I ri and Metallm glcal Imlnfitr, ad- 47 O. Milllken, of Amurillo, In on ladies nnd gentleman's clothing k similar way In he course of rnphl Wisconsin Central 'i Santa He railroad, and judgment as llaisy 210 West Silver. HOD Wist Fruit Avenua vances In their market quotations. Pittsburg Coal J97i by In sum id the County of Potter, and Stad; ol mil tend to office. 403 W. t'eimal ü returned the jury the SAI.I-- A one house Postoffice Hox 17S, or at offlc f f. were wme of the stocks with Ame'n Steel Foundry i Texas, respectfully represents that or. ve., liioal Dye W or lot. 'oi! loom lent There $2.150, was affirmed. fiiruisliid; nearly new; at a gre-i- 11. Kent, 112 South Third atrt. .not day of March. A. I)., li'O'.i L" I ) ' óTi I a wider market that eld'Pe Ih, United Dry Goods 119i Judgment, lias been given in the the mil lvT.Ñ T l i p c c n I woman foi bargain If taken soon. C. 1!., at r- 104 4 duly bankrupt nhfnvf t able influent to drawn Laclede Gas Finn of $03.00 In favor of the First last, she was adjudged general housework. Mast he good Journal office APIXlltNKVS. from the day's principal episode. There-wa-s Total sales for day, 1,643,400 shares against New under the acts of Congress relating tc .ink, (Mod wages. Mrs. F. 11 National hank the Mx IVI ft. W. D. PUYAN- - a. noticeable element tor.Uht i Poinds were weak. Total sales, par leo Central mil road, the Dominion hankruptcy; that she has duly sur- Scliwentker, 515 W. lioma Ave. FJ3RSALE iscellaneous f righti vVaNTL'D while woman Attorney at Law. point to the incident as sympathetic value, $4,735,000. company ami Francis J rendered all her property and Competent iTgTi "2 i i id vo! Construction íT" 4 v . o a Offlcs In First National Bank Bullí pursued :n n w'.L; field iff Stiites bonds unohmiised on of property, and has fully complicC cook. Apply Mrs. T. S. Woolsey, iutri t ij ji methods rolled Torrance. 2 Hum- M. e Foil SALK 1HÜ7, cyliuib-- Iní, Albuquerque,N. speculative endeavor through ihe t 11. case of Gosling Hrothers of with all the requirements of suid acti Fast Cold and Hill. In the bler Hood running or-dc- touch- i I automobile Wi J no. A. which was waned last year in Ar'zona v. Gross, Kelly & Co., motion and of the orders ol the court WAN TLI i Oil for" "genera notise-wor- Jno. W. Vhlt fall of price $;ioo. U. W. Lull, Kelly, the stock market. The' violent llOSTOX STOCKS ANH noxivs for 1 new trial was overruled and ing her bankruptcy. Apply S23 West Hold Ave. . I V. M. A prices gave rise to many rumors. The given 111- - Wherefore she prays hat she mu WILSON WHITR, Closing Prices-- judgment rendered us in Attorney at Law. : r.noi'iiecm 'lit t.f two rtock exchanges Money erdlct of the jury. be decreed by the court to have a ful "WANTED Positions." $riOCrowii P.anges now' $35. 114 W failures, directly due to the collapse in i Gionii vs discharge from all provabb Call loans The use f llacueihi and vVAÑ'i'F.I' Posilimi- by uiidille aged P.ooms Cromwell Building Hooking coal naturally stimulated the 4 it f 'a Fe, was dis agalnsi her estate under said bank- EXTRA' "I'KD HtiNKY, 10 pounds for Time loans i Santos Ortiz, of Santa lady In private family. Addreii by pread of such rumors. Another crop missed on stipulation, there having rupt acts, except Hitch debts as are ex tl; 00 lb. can for tD. Order KDWAHD A. .MANN Ilondi 'ommerciii I Until, room x. nail. W. P. Allen, 1, O. Box 203. Attorney tit Law of rumor had to do with the suppos- Atchison Adjustable 4s . 93 been a settlement of the claim of the eepted by law from such discharge be- - - by young Alluiquirque, N. M. 2, N. T. Armi lo Hl.ig Phone 21 ed revenges of powerful capitalists 4s . 99 Dated this 5th day of January, A WA N'l'ICD- Finpliiyiuenl a lloom Atchison plaintiff, t in t'li.r.o. ÍI4W. Uoltl AW. A lbiiqueriue, N. M. one 1 1 man, twenty years old, strong and ing weakened upon another lc Mexican Central 4s . . 93 orce Suit I 'lied. I)., 1910. fostering fall in values of stocks. O MII.I.IKF.V. Milling to work. Kxperiencvd the Railroads Suit for divorce was filed yesterday DAISY FOR SALE Furniture nrcNiisTs The course of events encouraged the Atchison .'.116 hv M.ihlc Snitzer, of A Ibuiiiieniue, vs. Hankrupt- clerk. Address J. A., this -- Dll. J. H. K II AFT hear party to extend their operations . 103 Snitzer, Moines, 20-- 2 22. W. A do. pfd 4 Churl 's J. of Pes la. Jan. WANTKD Furniture to repair. Dental Stiriteon. The final soiling movement in the . .'. 230 work. Miss (loTf Co., phone f(! t. nngtop and Albany The complaint alleges abandonment lltAld'ATK nurse wains tí t-- hour-sav- profes- Rooini Harnett Ivulldlnf. specif.l evidence of . .147 The eotipl M. C. Sullivan, Phone 772. 1 I I W. (iold Ave. Ttm Boston and Maine and failure to support. Order of Notice Thereon. 135 iirass I'.eds t27. 74 4. Appolntriii-nl- by sional bear origin and the very active posi- mads mall. Hoston Fieviued . . . .133 were married in Iowa on Pecemher In the District Court of the Second iV"AN'TKl iimposllor wants Foil SAl7Kita Íy"ll and ciiair, 3ÍK to covet anil the vigor 1 demand shorts Fitehburg pfd .130 22, 1903. Judicial District, of the Territory ol tion on country daily February W. Liad. Pilone 11102. PHYSICIANS AND SUllGUOMM. t.f cloning rally were c.nvii.ciim of the X. Y.. N'. H. and H. . .155 New .Mexico. Vddress It. II. K.. care Journal. fact. Vnion Pacilic .190 On 10th day of January, A. D. K. Q. BHOUTLK, M. D. opening gave good tills FOR SALE Livestock. The market .Misxii'llniit'oii 1ÍH0, on reading the l'nregolnur peti- Practice Limited ! promise of advancing, helped by for- SALlv--tloo- driving and Am' 11 Arge. Chemical . 45 ECTOR tion, it is Kui: team Tuberculosl. eign buying of stocks Induced by the n 10 do. pfd . 102 by the court,, that n hear-I- one single driver. Inquire lted Hours: to It. feeling in fi- nrdered better created Tul'o . . . 7 upon yanie on 10th ilarn. Rooms state Natl. Bank BI5. by day's news Ain'n Pneu. be had the the nancial circles the from .120 Vt D., 1910, bel'on A bay pony, weighs closed consider- Am'n Sugar day of February, A. Foil SALK dark the eductions. Price do. pfd .121 said court, at Old Albuquerque, in salii nine hundred pounds, kooiI VETKKINAIIT ably, c.bove. tli lowest and with an MAY LOCATE about Am'n Tel. and Tel. . . .I35,a district, ten (10) o'clock in tin CLASSIFIED DS for bptli driving and saddle. Inquire rally in progress. The total salv, at Woolen . 33 notice thereof hi it 25 S. Kll'eet. 1.043,400 shares, made Die ltugesl Am'n forenoon; and thai Arito W. J. HTDB, V. B pfd .101 published in Albuquerque Mornini dav'tJ busineís sinci the pnnic of lflu". do...... FOIt SALIO Fin Hluglii driver and Graduats Veterinary. Kdison Klectric Ilium .242 Journal a newspaper printed In said rubber tired buggy, cheap, 'nqulre Phone 71. 101 Wel Geia Closiiir.itoelc: "'"?.'" .153 HERE nil creditor Allls Chalmers ptjtl 47 General Electric .... district, and that known 315 West Slivers MNiss. . I8U may ap- Amalgamated Copper fcHá Klectric and other persons in Interest Strictly iorse, buggy and har- pfd . 80 pear said and placo nnd FOll KALll Agricultural 4 5 do. nt the time ness. 4 20 S. Arno. American . 7 8 any have, whi American Heel Sugar 41 H Mass Gas show cause, if they R. L. OUTNN. .169 petltionni A b;:rg:ilns, 2 genrtlu sad- American Can pfd 77 I'nited Fruit VV. R. Porter, Recently Ap- the prayer of the said FKW real Painter and Decorater. Shoe Maeh . . 6fite be granted. dle horses and saddles; 2 runabouts American Car and Foundry ... 64 H I'nited should not CASH Knglish Hiding Phone lltl. pfd . 29 of by tlu and Hue pair Ladles American Cotton Oil do. pointed Supervisor And it is further ordered early, Hiding . . 8t?4 send by bonis. Call Wright's Hide Lett titer pfd 41 V. S. Steel court, that the clerk shall W. Americun and .121U Schools, to Make Albuquer- ol School, 313 Silver. American lee Securities 23 do. pfd mull to all known creditors copies THE WM. FARR COMPANY 15', í MlnliiK said petition, and this Order, address- American Linseed 7 que His Headquarters, FOR RENT Dwellings Wholesfilo and retail riealera In . . . of residenci- American Locomotive 63 Adventure ed to them at their places Fresh nml Knit Meat i. Sa usage . . . S3 American Smelting and lief'ng 92 Alloue. as stated. 1NJED-ajRsmer- i Agents FOR P.KNT (loiiil eight room brick s(i'clnliy. For encfo and hoge tha Amalgamated .. 81 Vltness the Honorable Ira A. Ah hik'iiesl rirt paid. do. pfd . . 10'J house on North Second street, t40 martini . .. . 45 U W. R. Porter, recently appointed court, tin OPPOllTL'N-IT- American Sugar Ref'ng 121 Arizona Commercial bott, Judge of the said and THIS MAY fiF, month. Inquire strong Pros. . . . 11 supervisor of Indian schools in the "or American Tel. and Te.l 135Í4 Atlantic f..;nl there')'', at Old Albuquerque, ir Wanted Intelligent, ener- L B. PUTNEY . , . 25Vt southwest, arrived in Albuquerque cottage, pfd US Hutte Coalition the said district, on the l'.Uh day ol getic salesmen, willing to work; FOll HKNT brick American Tobacco yisterday accompanied by Superinten- ü DSTAItLlSIIKI 187S. Calumet ami Arizona . . 81 J.uiiriry. A. P., 1 1 1). .splendid opportunily; nalary and with bulb, In Highlands 120. Apply American Woolen, 32 's o'. Wliolcsuli1 ;roecr, I'loiir, Feed . . .680 dent Cramlal! the Santa Fe Indus- VK.N'.l, give itooin 0, lllock. and Anaconda Mining Co., 49? Calumet and Heela JOHN commission. Answering, refer- Stern Sales Agent for Milt lit II Wagons. . . . . 32 trial school. Mr. Porter, although he Denver, 11? Centennial ...... Clerk. ences. Address liox 1700, HKNT Modern six room house l III (,H I litH 10 - - NFAV M I X ICO At'hison . . . 80 Is a veteran of the Indian service, has Copper Range Colorado, Sad-ller- y do. pfd begun In new field and at a bargain. Inquire at Mann Daly West . . 8 Vi Just work Ills 129 head-luiirte- rs Co., 215 West Copper Ave, Atlantic Coast Line 1 ills B. H. BRIGGS & CO. Franklin . . has about decided to make LEGAL NOTICES. llaltimore and Ohio .115 WANTED Rooms. 3 room furnish- . . .105 in Albuquerque. Ife will be Foil HKNT houses 93 Granby - Futn-lle- Druggists do. pfd 9 in this district for some time to come llaiikrupt's Petition fur Discharge. fesponslble want ed or unfurnished.- W. V. 30 Greene Cananea ... SKVIUAf7 couplet Steel U special of com- 111 IS, Denver. ot Isle Royale . . 254 and the purpose his the nuttier of W. Ii. Milllken nnd furnlMhed cottages and rooms Hotel Proprietors Hrooklyn Rapid Transit '2Y mission at is to make O, .Milllken, in Alviir.iilo Phariiincy. Cor. (iold nnd ' Mass. Mining ... here this time Daisy Haiikrupls; Southwestern Ilea It v Co., Phone 257. Canadian Pacific 119 0i study of the manners and ms llr-i- ; Highland IMiarinac.v, Cor. Michigan . . 7 a careful Bankruptcy. FORRJNTj--Roo- V'jit y Central Leather ; . 41 Central nml Itroiiiltt-- , . C9 customs of the Pueblo Indians, their To the Honorable Ira. A. Abbott, As- do. pfd 10G Mohawk WANTED Miscellaneous room, 410 . . 23 Vi tribal relations and relations with the of the Supreme Fl'UNISllKD modern front 3u0 Nevada sociate Justice Central of New Jersey of territory, Mex- I Arno. WANTED 5,000 HATS Hutte . . 4 PÍ population the their Court of the Territory of New WANT K Plumbltig to repair. W South Chesapeake and Ohio MH North rights nnd can done to ad- Dominion . . 47 what 1c ico and Judge of the Second Judic- A. O off Co.. iilutne 56. rnniinry and TO 1ILOCK AXD CI.H.-- Chicago and Alton fiO Old vance Recognizing FOll HKNT The most . . .157 their interests. ial District thereof. WANT KI) Morses'" to clip. WriBht's rooms Nt the Hlo Grande MMii: (oon as new Chicago (ireat Western 81 Osceola re- . . 20 that the Pueblos differ in many W. K. Milllken, of Amarillo, in Hiding School, 315 W. Silver. . Chicago and 156 Parrot jlí Went Central ROYAL DYE WORKS. Northwestern "i . spects from the Indians ol . . 87 reservation the County of Potter, and State 709 Chicago, Mil. tind St. Paul 146 Qulncy mer- WA.NTFD (iciillcmaii desires privati LAUC1K modern furnished room, 401 W fVntrnl AvoniiM, . 15 nnd that their landed and olher Texas, respectfully represents on 7 8 Shannon .. thai iiauein lessons. itooiess j.o.x vi West Huma. C. C. C. and St. Louis its and standing a problem DIO . . . 64 make them the lsth day ol March, A. I)., Cllv Colorado Fuel nnd Iron 42 Tamarack go- rooms. all modern, . . . Ml In New Mexico, the department is last, he was duly adjudged bankrupt SI.L'KPINl! P7.'"J""ln"""T, ""nl Colorado and Southern 51' Trinity investiga- WANTKD Someone who understand! lenicn priferred; also 2 for light . . . 49 ing to make an exhaustive of irhl I'nited States Mining under the acts Con;;ress relating tc of dresr 517 St do. 1st pfd SI tion with a view to solving the more sur- the Works tailor housekeeping, liroadway...... SSM: bankruptcy; he has duly pfd SO I'nited States Oil that cutting will please oblige by address- do. 2nd ... 40 perlons of the Puehlo prohlems. rendered all bis property and rlshti Foil HKNT Furnished rooms for Consolidated Gas . . 1 15 i'tah ing Dressmaker, 210 N. Sixth St. S. . . 4 4 complied lieht housekeeping. 724 Second. Victoria $ I.O11 of properly, and has fully Corn Products 19 U calves, ii $S.7 5; western steers, VV for 5 room turn-i- s . . 11 with all the requirements of said act! - sunny Winona $(.50; cows, i It KNT Furnisiieil, large Delaware and Hudson 17f $4.50íf western $.1.00! n not modern, but last Foil . .143 of the orders of the court touch-In- lied house o 42 Tj Wolverine $4.75. and per.'-on- trout rooms. Hentlemcn preferred. Denver and I'll Grande his bankruptcy. in and never occupied by sick pfd ?8'-.- i Hogs 1 2.000, ten cents lower. Hulk 215 N. 7th. do. Wherefore, he prays that he may Apply liOS South Amo or phon'LjtiS 33 Trade. heavy, $ S.55 4r $ S.C2 '2 ; Securities lilcimo lloiiril of $S20if $s.55; I Distillers' be by the court to have a full : two well ''i I'H n lee v furnished rooms for Ki lo 2 9 ;4 Chieairo Jan. 19. Giain prices fell packers and butchers, $S.4(i ?i SN.tiO ; decreed discharge from all debts provable ventilated rooms on ground Hoot Hi'l'ci lied porches; do 1st pfd 471 off sliai ply in the first hall of the ses light. $S.00ff $8.45; pigs. $0.55 iff $7.75. estate said bank- light housekeeping: souiheast or all mod. i n iiupi oveim ids. 37 on cover- Sheep 4 $ 75 against his under for ias and do. 2mi pfd sion toitav and later rallied 0,000 steady; muttons, I rupt llcls, except such debts MS are ex- tout Invest preferred. Also screened jiply 2 2 S. Kdilh. 152 ing trades. Provisions closed firm. Si $0.00; lambs, f7.OO1i-t3.li0- fed General Klectric by law Irani discbarge. porch for slcc.liiK out. Higblaud)' pfd 131 Si TP.- wheat market clos. d with pric- western wethers and yearlings. $5 25ffi cepted such Great Northern, .".ih A. L. SIX S. Waller. mm -- 8 Dated day of January, preferred. Great Northern Ore Ctfs 72 Vj es I 2c higher. May was at $10 $7.75; fed western ewes, $ 1. 75 ifi f 5.75. this FOR RENT Misceiianeous D., I . Illinois Central 142 7- if Í 1.07 at the close. 010. C ? til (Í 7 W K. M 1 I.I.I K FX, Jntcrhurnugh Met "O" Cnr-- ..1..C...) will. lnv ni 1'. The Meláis. in PMt'i.Mi.M' or Tin: iu:itioii 1CNS TO I ; KNT W. A. & Co. Opt. I l on Ice. do. pfd 5CH 5.8c and other futures a shade to Jk'ew York, Jan. 19. The market for llallkl nltoil Slalcs aod phone r.HS higher. Jan. Sania l''c. New Mexico, January lx, Inter Harvester IIR'4 Standard copper on the metal - ranch, cue Ü10- .- Notice is hereby (Iven that the Fol: HKNT- Improved Inter Marine pfd 19 O.its closed with September was lirm today witli'spnt and Address FOR SALE -- su'-ve- Township No. 2 mile fion, Albuqileripie. 1 ' higher at 41 I 4c. till deliveries up lo Order of Notice Thereon. plat of of - International Paper future the end of I cot- 2 ol New itov i it c I room modern brick V2 $1 3.25 4i of Second North, of ll.iiige the International I'ump 48 April closing at $13.50. In the District Court the -- 111', ot Mexico Principal Meridian has been t.,e. N. 2. el e Ii Iowh Central 2 4 St. Louis Wuui. London quoted at fOO, 12s, (id nnd Judicial Dislrl' t. of the Territory d in ami bind in BUSINESS CHANCES liooil - adobe, good stone Kansas City Southern 38 - St. Louis, Jan. 19. Wool unchanged. futures at 101, Us. 3d. Local dealers New Mexico. lib this office in.' w III be n to entry on and found .ilion, shingio roof, corner , quote 1 $ 13.75 ft f 4 DO; eleetrl-lytl- On litis Huh of January, A D Tow oship opi do. pfd 67 Medium fiaile.-i- combing and clothing. lake 1 1 classified 4 It peti- Mar. h 22. DUO, $1,25 1: WoltD inserts lot, North St. i and Nashville 149' light 27c; fine. tl3.50ftrtl3.75 nnd casting lftlO. on reading the foregoing afier in K. n Louisville 24it2!'e; fine. 22ii Jemey iid.s in 3 0 leading papers Ihe f. $l.-,i- luirle, aim tie and T J 3 2." ifí 3 All of llus townsliip is ill the 12'" ;'lc; tub washed, 25fi37r. 02 W. tion, it is tend for list. The Dake Advertialng fruit trees, latge barn, S. liroad- by court,, a hear- Forest reserve, 4 CAUSES SICKNESS Kxports of copper from the port of Ordered the that Ag' iiey, '7 Soulll Main street, l.os way. LIvehliM-k- . upon the (same on loth MANl'LL U. oTICIt", I 'ii CliicHlio New Yolk today were 3d tons, making ing he had the $l;ii(l - frame, hath, elec- ii .rv . A. D., 191 (I, before Chi.:igo. Jan- - Cattle 20.000; 14.9S2 so far this month. day of Fehi tric lights; Highlands, close In; Good I ni pos.-bl-e Willi I.4 w spot $4 t!7 nt dd in said TABLE. Health a li steady: beeves 15f& $7.0.1; Texas Lead was quiet ith at snld court, Albuquerque, SANTA FE TIME terms. W in ordered Stomach. steers. $ 3 84. western steers, New York and t4.50j district, at ten (10) o'clock Latest hi Silliplill d Spelling. on modern 8, b. i'2.;oii to. frame. There is; ibit will 1 'ii 00 : $4.(10 laisl St Louis London higher and that notice thereof 4.00 $. stot kers tind feeders. A coal mini r in Soiiihein Ohio, who , '..t. s W .id.-- St.. or 'liOrt! ole 1 : i u 13s. 9d. in Albuquerque .Morning .bkliess C:iU.' tiii. $2.9l"i': cows and heifers. $2.00 at 13. published y re-- i lo- nab! eouldn't read nor write, t. u disordered stomach., and I $ 7.50 $9.50. Kpi lti r dull Willi spilt tit 0.15it a newspaper printed in uianv $5.4: calve. Journal w j; Ii, tin bungalow, modern, $.". (10 eived his pay eim-lo- at 'he lo people daily tontract yiieus s ,,.3:;f.,ioili fiv,. lo ten cents low- Í6.35 New York and 95 Ii ifO district, and thai all known creditors; Soii'h st. s - Walter pcr-oii- ap- it was simply through d!sr g.ird i r t biit er. Liubt. íH.ühíi 5: mix.-d- $8. hi. Last St. Louis. London unchanged at and other in Interest in.iv mine. All that war vrill.-- oil $2(l.-.-( brick, mod- of the stomaeh. rough. $.40lít 123. 5s. pear at the s u-- time and place and blghlanda Heavy. iVlOii $0; í No. IB." ern, pood cel'ur, We urge every one suffering ir un $S,55: good to . hoice h.uvy. S.r5 I Silver. 52 'c; Mexican dollars. 44c show cause, ii any they lav., uhvi $2S.".(i bi modern. larfe The miner looked at the writin; f"r ' any dt rangemem. indigestiuu $7.2'C-- $S 25. bulk, $8.60 prawr the said petitioner KS.KO: pisi, the H (in ev comer bt. F Coal '' " .1 ex, l.lillled. "Tll..t 0 l.P'l cilnr flout-- el.ron-ie- , SI. LouK I..- lohK tune, then Ml. 1 ' i r dyspepsia, whether ef 'a Sx.70. Spelter. should not ranted. I Wr.IIHl Atrtt. Iiiirt S27.50 7 room. . story. brick, ' ii.-- ' s I I t ! way lo spell ricorge Primrose, Cal.i..i net M". i' Dysp.'psU Tablets, KhiN-- OOO w.-ak- : native, f 4.00 i St. Louis. Jan. pt Lend. $4 00; it is her ordered th" I ' e,.,.il bu ngs, 4th to try Itexall 20. And C.OO .1 I.illl.-.- "l "C modern oiil ibli $ no. hv Jode... -. . 1 I .vith the distinct unib rstanili.ig thai llfi.tio; western, Í4 .10; yearlings 'P-- lt r. $'i court, that it' clerk shall send M.-- I '.i l.x.r.- I" .l t'ip Hard, near car line. .oi l .11 lr.4 u munev $ 10.15 i ku o n copies of io ol. I ve will refund their without 7r.ii $S uO; lambs, nntite, mail to all creditors -- i Several ((on. pieces of buílnee o t not Mi. re,,s-eiu.M- e address-l- The busi. st nnd nilghliest little 4 (,u or formality. If euer western. $i.S5 ir;. N't'iv York on on. raid petition, nd tliis order, T i 4 "" Lots and liousea In all stion $8.7; .irlt H.i. :. ' ir I.ropcily. 1 in-- tiling i vi r was made Is Cham- ümC-.- use of this medicine .re NeWYi.rU. Jan. la. Cotton closed ed i hem at ir places of residí Hint fin "P '''a of the city. P.ant-he- and lo 1 i.-- - ii - t parts 1 Tablets. l.xei. steady t 4 'a 4ti berlains Stomach and Liver B not satisfied uith the results. We I.lvetdovk. at .t ni tain of points as l l lit 'Í. ,.i i t cr.-- . . 't ici suburban humes. Moiiy lo It)an. Knnns tit ... I , A. Ah- hev do work whenever you I recommend them to oar customers tv-- City. J-- Cattle. 8.(1(10. Witness tb. Honorable Ira the t J'.i. Tritili.. Kansas 1. M- - r,, 12 Steady. Na- Chamberlain's C'oqrh Is not ..; ile- said coiirl, and til-- t their aid. These tablets change n ry day. nnd have yet to hear of any including 300 southerns. Pemnlr boll. Jll'lee K I'."-- I '" A. FLEISCHER y lessnes Ta. w SO 1 common, every-da- t'uiih mixture. i tli.-r- of. A ihirqiit-rque- In weakness into stn nglh. list .: 'il 5 one. ho has not bren te d ' by $4. 4i 7.25. southern nl 'dd ' l'.-i-ut tive steers. Jovous-nm- . A C I I 0- a remedy enemy, K i 'o Keal re Insnranc th.-ni- . It is meritorious or all (I, I. on day of Into gloominess into c. c"f í I Three sizes. 25c. r.r.d II $4 25 ír i!.0"; soiithc-r- Hie "I the tilth l í'tr vtii'K. nnd reus complica-- t Tin-I- I so tl- tine K.M-!- nntl Au..riltii. Surety 'tonda A!lj;i.U'-rqu- l . troublesome dntir ry. A D nction ., . . . r- a box. . Sold in on!; 2.7.". I .".a; natl cows and hellers. Januit fll'l i . t $741 Ir tin rr si Icing in th head, purg- 1 S. St. fiom cold LI .K. don't ieali7" thev have taken a A ,! '"P Í12í Settmd rhttii . The 3, if i'..00; find feetli chi-s- t JiHLV VENA r store. The Rexsll Stur 2.00 s'lK ker r. throat, or lung. Fold by all Mu-l.- U.W.fXI U. - ative, .l.y by all A.ent. a., p nieih- Co. f 3 0fc' IS bolts. $.1 6oi! $5.15; Prugsif-t- . Cbrk. f Drustíta. Í i Ü. 8 THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING "'JOURNAL THURSDAY. JANUARY O. O

MISS MARGARET McCANNA FRENCH & LOWBER INSTRUCTORS OF CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY M GtO W.HICKOX COMPANY ixxf.nL DinrcTon New Mrxl.ti". Pioneer .lenrlm. Licensed UmlHilmer ChrUtn-a- ri,,",i. ' u" leu H Irt's rto..k (if iilnmoiiit little Girl Attend Prtlty hi, I.APY ASSISTANT OUR mi Vlol.-- Mch tie shall ftfer .l very ?uv pro"'. IN Totr Party Tuesday 501 V. Central. Telephone 6 APPRENTICES mnk till; Allt'H I IIiiNt. HX So-nt- Second Street Ailernoon. Mis Margaret ilniiRliter of Mr. Rnd Mrs. P. F. McConna, enter- o í Tag t i a t Green In th vm vou ulJ ivt SESSION tained twenty younK friend Tues- day afternoon, from 4r30 to 7:30. at a CRESCENT HARDWARE CO. r t i nr vir riit AiMrr pretty pink party, nt her home, 617 North Fourth street, the occasion be- Hitfs llar.go. ll.tuve PimiMiliig Í.O.K".. titl.-r- ami TooN, Iron Twenty-On- e Sania Fe Men ing her tenth birthday. The McCanr.a SALE Pipe, Xalvta and tilting-- . I'tuiuli He Ucatinc, Tin ami Coner Work home had been elaborately decornted. Tht ;i tv.v r" rt w ill i r Here From Various Farts of pink streamer and beautiful pink CI i. l j .... H,...i.ii Hli'" elMIH a ata WIST Í IMIIAI. AYUMk PlttJNK rosea of the ornamen- m, m mini i i r " System Attend Important beins features "W.sim.nwtWn. i at M.rniiif Juiudl fiwtu Uia J 'i to tation scheme. Mis M.Canna wore i tf rttr Conference. a pretty pink si'n. which harmon ized n till the decoration and she proved a charming little hostess. STRONG BROTHERS were indulged In by the little WILL CLOSE AT THE END OF THIS WEEK It has A?ouo,iioro,ue tea the dames t; ones b:3U. wnen tney sat aown ; i mu r.r ui ctuti-enrir- until cene one rn -i notable sir- u. i; imiioii, ijut) of of tho to an elaborate spread, which had! been the most successful Sale we ever had and we are YOU LOCAL ; r.t-o- IF NEWS OF INTEREST r. t tuHi Int, t of K:nta Fe instruc been prepared by a connoisseur of l.o Topeka lors to hel.l Mnn'H and especially enjoyed hy Juven-- I giving big in Suits and Overcoats. polioy was dainties values Us You S:üi Friiitlsoo, inoc the ii.s. Were Trading With 'nm-at- . .i.l ipt.'.l hy of odu.'.itlr.g I the railr.vul At the conclusion of the banquet J t .i n.l raising utaiul ir.! of ruction Would Note We Never VahiKtt!i, iii W.'l T.'X is. the the (tUAüt drew for favors, nhirh had f.-- r train-l- I II I A I' I! I s C O 1' A 11 M It apprentices .i.tring their i con- - . - been cleverly and mysteriously ! pet-lo.i- t;ty-- . ro- Charged Over (liutrporatetl) m.'iIi .! Tli,irit.iv n.l Krtiiv. e Tim mítruetors i Schaffner & Marx reading in an immense Jack Horner Hart ;a mi will hut a .liare In the groatfwt ..invrtuil in the .int,i Fe pie. The party broke up at 7:30, the i room purpose considering peufli In the- NoiuliMet an prink GiorUu.t I.-i- t Phone for the of little tots regretfully returning to! por lb. min-.orou- a the future to $18.50, 40c In an alfalfa (arm (or only V McKinley matter their homes. the afternoon SUITS and OVERCOATS are marked down S!:.rlR J, Tn'.lo of s Purine . I i iiiK work of the apprentice hools. The oí tl7.7l ht aero. di ol 20 K'r l'lt IVili I l.Mt.if ill A'.hUif.lO'.VJ' Miss was the recipient (ull meetinar a pnsl l't! over hy F. W. a per and ; overcoat worth For the Best Butter cent wiiivil. lor wrUculiur ; numerous conprratulations and $20.50 and $22.50 suit It'SlClllill Tti.-m.- . a.ldrcM or call on w ho Is of appren-u- number of pretty birthday preswnts 11 M vty. ;i n s A. Ik STHOIT. !.:ijih vil on.l apprenti-- instriutors for M:ss was In en-- 1 $22.50 to $32.50. r,. !. y .M.i'anna assisted lrn. of fu ,,.ni. n Af In .j!.t.Ii tho entire system Tl'.e !iy yester-l.- tertaininc her guests by her mother. iupinlin; to ui;tttt-r- i up the dtacUttion Primrose taken it'i Mrs. P. F McCanna; her cousin. Miss1 It will also pay you to inspect our lines of Underwear, Wallace Hcsscldon Mr n I Mr Pouill S! . M'.oms.1. ot of mstny lm;ori.u!t n.:ter eonnevted . of New York City, and Miss! :s.:.-- f schools. .hmiual S.,n Antonio. N .M . wtv i m uh the betterment the Alice MeMilün. Th present were: j of tricnm ' coadu.-te- :e Shirts, Neckwear and Hosiery. We have lots Brand workmanship count ot-t.l.v- ;ti.-- ! T'oe omevhat Finare anj iho ity thr A' nieetinK - Misses Adele C.irr. Helen McOuire. iXe guarantee morí for mono on the lino of ;i t..tcher- meeting the s ! jour lill.loo Alexanitii i Vaughey, llladj-- Kelly. in GREEN TAG PRICES. any other contracts ; firm I" various apprcnti-- instruí tors ' good things left these lines at 'han U A. from an Myrtle Heaven. Kathryn O'P.ieliy. v.lbmtierqt KiiUr tus r.turii.H! idea conipjirins note. t m - an.l Margaret Sniithers. Frances P'akc, Siitn-rlo- r n.t.ul Irlp points Vtinylan- i at Planing ltll .. .'ipprentUe are We Are Selling ORANGES Office the II." for The msiri.. reall Julia Frances Marrón. Mar-- i - i.i ,ir,i N.'w Y.ok stat. loft -. phom; a::. t, So tl;tr Maud ih, .'j-i- t V:c ho'ui.iis firt a ret Sparg.v Anna McOuire. at Money Saving Prices p.u l lush jrr.i.le tt.Hm nl iiitrucUon caven. Alice Hern Ion. porothy Put- - i oí loa. rpro- - , A i'orn. hn. tw ahk to the M prenln It r. Martha Billiard. Helen H.nkert. nt .ns Its.' l..'s Anieble iúxaminer i Yrterd." nd.-.-l nt 5 - Stella Armijo and un- - iooKlii tnti-rts-t .- CLAUD HUTTO it c: ;iftor tíi :.. k JJi'l at i .i'cl.H the t Amy Chap Lin. , - of lliort ih.iiy 1. r tor . is n lo bíiñ- lit . STERN - t SIMON Aiv-i- ! vvl'iet-- Mt .!. ni- - ol l'!..,- .;t the hotel .t Gem is getting the r ' ids STENOGRAPHER M.i'.o.r.. ili - Ths . lii-ii- u? o;TCi.u- l .i S. .Ml.l tr.-'t- I'll U:l tllZ- l Mr. tviítmater Store Notary Public tt r ..- - m-tr- u ere Central Avenue Clothier Ward's and i. oí A.t '.!. r S. of lor called s.mliarjr Plumbing & Heating Co. The : - at-- J ii. .'I 1 .'. '. r i uj.-- for tnv u.Tatr 101 South 1 T i.l iv's - Rcairiiii svilt.T. Plumea in-.t- al.:.- ,; . UN a eT).. The instruc- 919 or T'u- - Y. V. C A- ph mv.-.- I cultura-c!- ltroalar. ntn. 111. Homer H. Ward. Mgr. will Pe in as .tin this !! itu-.-- t totiigt-.- t tu tor' retaUr morn me. The ioii- - mg jtectiemcn (XXXXXVXXXKXXXXDOCCOCOCOCOC Y. W. A. y mnaaium. XX'hat's the atiswvrl Phone it ni tío C arc to attend tne B9I U 11 't . South Fourth at SJ o'f)i ap-p- r. 8 THP Kl FAW KITCHEN Q F V. i .1. Mirviír oí If you .ectl a carpenter, telephone .... - - o K M K. UlH'itt oí Lv Aa- t ti. . J H. Linn, chief i'r.eMcn: phone 377. y us rtii s. h sfS. s, r.l., lw ha vwitinir tth . ierk I .isit.-n- t iniruv-tor- . Topeka . be - M"sr I i ! . sold H tho cost Q K. Kí-rt- for V. appr-- shop itttrac-tor- HORSES CUPPED T!'t at ir sfMr. tr. Coral K. BIvhI. t.tice early for the otmt toeight. TREES TREES t- - i X st s voril !r!t Crary. tftrt - X iJ Atuiui'riui thr Ailu iu. Thvi.. floors open earlier and sho-- starts í 5 for thf city lt itistru.'t- - r, V.tekm;tn shop. WRIGHrS RIDING SCHOOL r e early to accommodate the boosters J- - I- luii-.-- ..piren-.-c- u Thousands' of Local Grown Shade Trees must be Cleared, yuality. X V. P. jítuhMortvl.1 sm.I of Tcpek. - h boosting th- -t good classic t S lf' !)! XV. C. are 315 W. Silver. North Kourt! St leave on the limited tor. hep. vity happens so gocJ for 1? years. KVXKXXXOCCOOOOCOXOO ce fhow that we want the room. From 35c to 50c Each 3 totuiiS-- t for Las to msKe thtif Ilddmeton. appreri shop instructor. ., pwrentu-- e ct nts. hosno in t?i H etty. Mr rtubUieneld i '.;..!. n. r.obcrt . insjrJl-toT- A I- Gu f- with ti-- Contiacntíl i: .shop Ntwtoa. - N. M. ather. r.vv-t AnJ GARDNER-C0STELL- 0 J.WOODWARD, Old Albuquerque, Standard Plumbing & Heating hii J i". v'iov.s. li..wkor;h. comma:.)-eatto- n Thtre lü be a reiru'-a- j.liop ir.ruct.-r- . Clvtumc; W WEDDING LAST NIGHT WMPAXV. . A. í" FEE'S oí Temple LoJi X. rca-vUi- n i?, instructor, s l.iv apprentice j t!-- ' r. V. At- -. ati,l A M at oVU k XX Central hop. &i3sal Mitf-.t-. t il known Towns People Ui i CvBvx-pt.o- the cere-lgues- ti of Pr. E. N. XXi:on and a li CANDY IS FRESH . J Top'u, Vniteti ulate church, AV. c r. are mvlt-- to e master appret?.Ke iti.trus iv.Achir.e shop., Mama Cek-brat- snor.y the j res- -' iarge party of enthusiastic friends who IVrntipl ami tarrlul attontion to all NY, M . A i.r. l riut rrr:,.rmel in Hy order oí Ce J I).-.- irt-n- Every Topk i. ii. l Mil. tiic jence of a vry few 1- game t;u:n a most cordial welcome. MiHer, awcrrury. Mtit ht. T.i,'ika:. A. R. at the' residence on West: Mr an.1 Mrs. Gardner were Ihe Tri.vritoi: i. Day Korn.-f-t New Mi-k- ;;i,-- inatructvvr. La Mor.;- - j r - Cape Kre4 oí the Oi'.or, a,' v'bt Mr. H. F. Oardner. cf the Ocrpe-- avtr.::- Miss Cof.elio mi f numerous hacisome gifts poUce In the city XX". O U telly. Trust company, Miss f icctra-n!e- ti s and Mounte.l wis J utit. li. t.:ma and .Hnna ty R;yiarn tht-i- dur-ir- .i - Top-t-kA.-; K. from frienJi. Miss Costeüo ytrUy for the djv. C.i t Torr.cS 5i'.w-- H E CoSó ilo. ot X. e,. j H: ci.irt affjr.t r.ii.d the it-- been It (i íAt íor silver City arnl th l.-et- apprrnttMi and for the paaj ar a of her here fcs rm; tu i niht - rideat t c rcK re convkt caaip no J on tSs Sil Shot tor. I XV Rrf?, appreativ- AlbPoiBervjue. were i.t::te-- J in iasr-- terra a. r to the master mechanic XX i - They will ia . C the arty repair! to the tc- Fe shop WALTON CORNER er nsiJ Toi ka ut o'clock koc right bv F.ev Latir t at th" .anta Snstik. ap rettt-.- viiH-- l a4 ho? VI Von f .i'ari the Ir tt! where tV t'l b,.,m .n A!uoi:ertiue. Kivhn-.iai- . XYilUAtti Stw-ar- t. m nr Frattklyn k)U make their f.rst instructor. hi h at the O em thvter toa.sM iti'.r-a.:to- trectief hop. Top.- j. U a;pr.3- - orn:ng Ad . lourn3! Want ik s'r.'p ips;r-..vtcx- F. C. Jr.t: . ! AFREGÁ XViuk'er. at.tir.-uv- sr.siructv-r- SUB JEGT Saa ii- - rieiro. Y . i.i z. Nothing Starts Your B'ood to Circulating these coc! mornings r. tike a Qood American Block Coal fire. We have yc-'-- i.. The Ger.i :.iittt w.l! 't ? OF ADDRESS BÍ S The American Block Coal to l:.Y it :i grow. AZTEC FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 2b1 WA TCH FOR OUR BISHOP TONIGHT SANTA FE PURE FRESH BUTTER MILK VETERAN 'and GOLDEN JERSEY BUTTER J t k u ,f-- BAGGAGEMAN HERE The Matthew Dairy Supply Co. Ex.; cf Ch-- s-j Wh te Goods c ftU.WIOM,' í TW N.lUII UH Kill vflill'l , V ... V. v . - w f... c . ::$! rai'ivx s- - xjr rcf L;r-a5::- A. T. Í. S. F., EVERITT . t r- Leading Jeweler SALE will include the largest Till i t vxjoNp i' vi s. t: tixTiat. wvxii 'T'HIS r .'ft ; '.ii'j' TWayiinrTiriTTrTTi r - 1 -- .'. : i of Muslin Underwear, Laces, T.nkJV. ' C line Í - . s t; i 1 Hreat January Clearance Sale "" "i X I and White Goods by : Embroideries -.r . v- -i I r- ' a 7 c C!o.--- 5vituulay. J.w.uary 2 2d i the yard, ever shown in the city, and Bargains nt RecerJ Breaking Prices everything on sale will be shown for - - -- , c- - :.J ...... S.; Ex. .v V. V w . v s v.i.r the first time. .1 0 LIVINGSTON GOES TO ,- V II On A ! 20 i v? Off txx-- : 'outh's Pant 5;iits COUNTY JAIL GYou will find, too, that the prices

. - bv a . . H Alt h R. w l will be so liberal that the most exacting , T v v. ' . 40c r-i - :v ' - - tte f: " persons wül buy and be satisfied. .. j H4.. : .c t

DC . ' V-- S zt-- ;4" :n:rt - t . 75c Sale will begin Monday, -- CThis : txfif - 'tt 1 i S . i - F - ,- -: .' - V .2.50 ; ; t. J : 3 I It -i - will i- -- x- wait. ti-- XíífVf - : j i : January st pay you to - - -! v í ;t :- -'' liii 5.50 - -- i t 3 A 'i . . c vri --.i.' E. L. - - -- :.- - Washb o i í urn company -- -- i.r:i- :víí.-- - v - s. .i . - i rs i . . is-i-r-- v.;- 1 122 S. Sí;: St H5 V. est -- . 1 i Ferguson & Collister . r? í- - - 5 , o'-jc- - Vi r. t (Incorporated)

it-- - Albuquerque's Dry Goods Shop TTTtX. tu ti I H r-- L5'. -- L Es E FCL; S -- HY sr-- i ixu'V. --. ..lit: - x . rn r n ttt- o. WiC- - E WCRKS x i , l mv - T o?x ti V4 tiTMiK tvn FJFVlT- - HvíE. -- irr titt- - LAS VEulS ur i rr rvv iaix- a?.4 Israw Catr jw; cv. riivM: u if.iwvi.r xi v. lt xn.