January 6th 2019 The Epiphany of The Lord (Year C) THE CATHOLIC CHURCHES OF SS Anthony & George, Duncton The Divine Motherhood & St Francis of Assisi, Midhurst The Sacred Heart, Petworth Sunday January 6th The Epiphany of The Lord (Year C) Parish Priest 8.00am Mass Duncton People of the Parishes Fr Peter Newsam 9.30am Mass Midhurst Betty & Frederick Hedger RIP 11.00am Mass Petworth John Joseph Dunphy RIP Administrator Catherine Moody Monday January 7th Monday after Epiphany (at The Presbytery Tuesday, No Mass Wednesday & Thursday 9am-1pm, or use the email below) Tuesday January 8th Tuesday after Epiphany 9.30am Mass Petworth Celebrant’s intentions The Presbytery, Wednesday January 9th Wednesday after Epiphany Angel Street, Petworth, 9.00am Rosary for Peace & Vocations Midhurst West Sussex GU28 0BG 9.30am Mass Midhurst Mgr James Carter RIP 01798 342169 Thursday January 10th Thursday after Epiphany 9.30am No Mass Petworth Email 12.00Noon Mass Midhurst (Convent) Celebrant’s intentions
[email protected] Friday January 11th Friday after Epiphany Parish Co-ordinator (Midhurst) 6.30pm Mass Petworth Holy Souls Paul Mellings Saturday January 12th S. Aelred of Rievaulx
[email protected] 9.30am Mass Midhurst Alastair Ferguson on his ordination (deacon) 10.00am Confessions Midhurst Parish Co-ordinator (Petworth) Charles Sommer Sunday January 13th The Baptism of The Lord (Year C)
[email protected] 8.00am Mass Duncton People of the Parishes 9.30am Mass Midhurst Website 11.00am Mass Petworth Sid Smith RIP petworthcatholic.org or midhurstcatholic.org Mass Book This Sunday page number: 115 Meeting will be on Wednesday 9 January at 12.30 pm.