Specializing Continuations A Model for Dynamic Join Points Christopher J. Dutchyn Computer Science, University of Saskatchewan
[email protected] ABSTRACT joint procedures; in an object-oriented language, the feature By modeling dynamic join points, pointcuts, and advice in might span several methods or classes. a defunctionalized continuation-passing style interpreter, we These crosscutting features inhibit software development provide a fundamental account of these AOP mechanisms. in several ways. For one, it is difficult for the programmer Dynamic join points develop in a principled and natural way to reason about how the disparate pieces of the feature in- as activations of continuation frames. Pointcuts arise di- teract. In addition, they compound development workload rectly in the semantic specification as predicates identifying because features cannot be tested in isolation. Also, they continuation frames. Advice models procedures operating prevent modular assembly: the programmer cannot simply on continuations, specializing the behaviour of continuation add or delete these features from a program, since they are frames. In this way, an essential form of AOP is seen, nei- not separable units. Aspect-oriented programming (aop) ther as meta-programming nor as an ad hoc extension, but is intended to provide alternative forms of modularity, to as an intrinsic feature of programming languages. extract these crosscutting features into their own modules. As a result, the code more closely resembles the design. Aop subsumes a number of different modularity technolo- 1. INTRODUCTION gies, some pre-existing, such as open classes and rewriting Current programming languages offer many ways of orga- systems, and some more unconventional, including dynamic nizing code into conceptual blocks, through functions, ob- join points and advice.