2007.02.12 Regular Council Meeting

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2007.02.12 Regular Council Meeting AN AGENDA FOR A REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF INNISFAIL SCHEDULED FOR MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12,2007, COMMENCING AT 7:00P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS. IN A TIENDANCE: MAYOR KEN GRAHAM COUNCILORS DON SHYGERA, PATT CHURCHILL, JASON HEISTAD, GARY MACDONALD, DEREK BAIRD, TRACEY WALKER, C.A.O. DALE MATHER C.F.O. BARBARA SCOTT DIR. OF OPER. TIM AINSCOUGH ADOPT AGENDA: =---~--~----~~~~ AND __________________________ THAT THE AGENDA FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL SCHEDULED FOR MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2007 BE ADOPTED AS PRESENTED I AMENDED. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ADOPT MINUTES: ______________________ AND __~---------------------- THAT THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS REGULAR MEETING HELD ON MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 2007 BE ADOPTED AS PRESENTED I AMENDED. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY DELEGATION: LYLE MARIANCHUK - R.C.M.P. THE l\ IINUTES Ol~' A RI~GULA I CM EETJ NG OF T ilE COUNCIL OF T ilE TOWN OF INN ISFA IL II ELD ON MONDAY, .JANUA RY 22, 2007 COMMENCING AT 7:00P.M. IN TIIR TOWN OFFICE. IN AT'l' l ~N IJ ANCE : MAYOR: KEN GRAHA M OUNClLORS: CAllY MA DONALD, DEREK 11A llm , TRACEY WALKER, DON SIIYGim A, l'ATT CII Un CUJT,L, .JASON liElSTAD C.A.O.: DALE MAT JIIi;R C. F.O.: BARBARA SCOTT 0 1R . OJi' OPER: TIM AINSCOUG II DI<:V. OFFICER: ELWIN WIENS ADOPT AGENDA: SII YGERA & WA LI<ER - TIIAT THE AGEN DA FOR THE REGULA R MEET ING SCIIIW ULED FOR MONOAY, .JANUARY 22,2007 Ill~ ADOPT ED AS AMENDED BY I> F. L I~TlON OF ONE ITEM FROM Oft:VE LOJ>ME 'J' SERVICES, ADD ITION O il' ONE ITEM FOR DEVELOPMENT S ft: RV I CE~ , ADDITION OJi' ONE IT EM FOR PROTECTIVE SERV ICES AND TWO IT EMS FOR RECREATION SERV ICES. CAimTEO UNANIMOUSLY ADOPT MINUTES: Cll URCITI LL & MAC 110 NALO - THAT TilE MIN UT ES OJi' T ilE I' REVIO S MEETLNG II ELD ON MONDAY, .JANUARY 8, 2006 BE ADOPT ED AS PRESENTED. CARRI ED UNANIMO US LY WAT !i:R TOWER MAC110NALJ) & BAIIH> - T IIAT ADM INISTRATION DEMOLITION: t:>ROCEED WIT II T IIF. TEN DERING FOR DEMOLIT ION AND DISl'OSAL OF Ti lE OLD WATER TOWER CARRIED COUNC ILOR IIEISTAD Ol'l'OSED REGIONAL MACUONALO & CII URCIIILL - T II AT INNISFAIL WA TEWAT ER PARTICI PATE IN T ilE PR ELJi\11N/\RY DE ICN OF '!'liE SYST EM: C I<: NTRA L ALilERTA REGIONAL WASTEWAT ER SYSTEM - SOUTH SEGMENT OLDS TO RIW DEER WATER FOR LI FE FUN DING - ALIJERTA INFRAST RUCT URE ANI) T I~A NSPORTATlON . CARntED UN ANIMO USLY CONCEPT STUDY ­ LETTER FROM MAYOR GRAIIAM ACCEPTING SEWAG !i: TREATMENT: PARTICIPATION IN TilE CONCEPT REFINEMENT STUDY AND MASTER SEWAGE TREATM ENT PLAN WAS PR ESENTED FOR JNFORrvJATION. E.l).J1 . BOAR!) COUNCILOR MACDONALD REPORTED ON TilE MINUTES MINUTES: OF Til E ECONOM IC DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING IIE LO JANUARY 16,2007. LI BRARY BOARD BAIRD & MACDONALD - TIT/\T COUNCIL RATIFY TilE APPOINTMENT: Al'POlNTi\'illNT OF MLCII ARL DOWNS TO T ilE JNNl SFAIL UIJUARY BOARD. CARRIED UNAN IMOUSLY REC. llOCKEY BAIRD & WALKI!:H. - Til AT COUNCIL APPROVE TilE llEER GA RD ENS: REQUEST FROM REC. II OCKEY FOR Blc:ER GA RD ENS AT TilE TO RNAMENT FEUIWARY 9-11 ,2007 SUJJ.IECT TO PREVLO SLY ESTABLISifED POLICY. CA I~RtrW UNAN IMOUSLY COUNCIL/ WALKER & SIIYGERA- Tl IAT COUNCIL Pl10CEED COMMITTEE WITil lML'L t-.:MENTJNG TilE CJU EF ADM INISTRATIVE REVIEW: OHICER'S COMMITTEE REVIEW AND I'LAN. CARRI ED COUNCILOR IIIO: ISTAD OPl'OSED LTBRARY BOAfW CO UNC ILOR WALKER REPORTED ON TilE MINUTES OF MINUTF.S: Ti lE LIORARY BOARD MEETING IIELO DECEMBER 14, 2006. 'CONTACT': 'CONTACT' NE WSLErr r.m.S FROM JANUA RY 5/\ND 12, 2007 WERE PRESENTED FOR INFORM/\TlON. 'AUMA' - H.E: LETrER FROM 'AUMA' REG/\ RDLNG TilE PROVINCE GOV'T FUNDI 1G: CONSID ERI NG A PLAN TO I'ROV ID E $ 1.4 BI LLION IN FUN DI NG OV ER 3 YEARS TO MUNICIP/\LJTIES WAS PRESENTED I'OR INFORM ATION. FIRST RESPONDER NOTES FROM A lvrEETlNG II ELD JANUARY 18, 2007 RADIO WER E PR ES ENTED FOR l FORMATION. C.A.O. DALE COMM NlCATlON MATilER UPDATED CO UNCIL ON TilE 13/\CKGROUND OF SYSTE 1: THE SYSTEM AND PROPOSED NEW WIRELESS SYSTEM WI IICI I WOU LD BE PROVINCE WIDE. IMPLEMENT/\TI ON WOULD TAI( E UP TO 3 Yi YEARS AND IS BENEFlCfAL TO ALL EMERGENCY OODlES TIIROUGI lOUT TilE PROVI NCE. DlSI'OSAL OF CII URC III LL & HEISTAD - TIIAT COUN IL PROCEED M U ICIPAL WITH Till~ SA LE AND DISJ'OSAL OF A PORTION 0 1<' HESERVE: MUNICIPAL RESERVE (R- 1 AN I> LOT 81\1 1{) TO Till!: DEV ELOPER FOR TilE SUM OF $10,000.00 I'L OS ALL COSTS FO R SU BDIVISION AND CONSOLIDATION. CA RRIED UNAN lMO SLY O.A. IJ. AI>POTNTMENT: ClllJRCIIILL & MACOONA LI) - THAT COUNCIL RATlFY APPOINTMENT OF Tl~ACY II ARIUS AS SECRETARY FOR TilE DI~YELOPMEN'J' AI'L'EAL BOAR I>. CAIHWW UNAN IMOUSLY AJ>JOURN: II ElSTA D & WALKJW - TIIATTrTE REt;ULA R MEETING OF COUNCIL IJE ADJOURNED. CA HRIED UNAN IMOUSLY TJME: 7:33 P.M. MAYOR CII IEF Ji'JNANCIAL OFFICF,R 2 PROTECTIVE SERVICES COMMITTEE COUNCILOR - DON SHYGERA 1. ACCOUNTS 2. R.C.M.P. MAYOR'S MONTHLY REPORT FOR DECEMBER 2006 - FOR INFORMATION. 3. BYLAW #1453 OF THE TOWN OF INNISFAIL, IN THE PROVINCE OF ALBERTA, A BYLAW TO AMEND BYLAW#1440, THE PARKS BYLAW OF THE TOWN OF INNISFAIL - FOR CONSIDERATION. 4. BYLAW OFFICER'S REPORT FOR JANUARY 2007 - FOR INFORMATION. 5. FIRE CHIEF'S MONTHLY REPORT FOR JANUARY 2007 - FOR INFORMATION. 6. LETTER FROM THE ALBERTA SOLICITOR GENERAL REGARDING NOMINATIONS FOR THE 2007 CRIME PREVENTION AWARDS - FOR INFORMATION. 7. GUARDIAN AMBULANCE REPORT FOR 2006 - FOR INFORMATION. II Section 1: lnnisfail Detailed Crime Report-December 2006 I -~~ ~ n llcluilccl Crime Stu lislics /\ssnulls 75(82) 350 B&E 36(48) 300 Theil Molor Vchick 32(29) 250 Then Over $5000 7(3) 200 The!\ Under $5000 192( 128) 150 Mischief Over $5000 0(3) 1\lischicf Under $~000 177(130) 100 Jluvc Swlcn Goods 12(1 5) so Frnuds 41 (29) 0 Drugs 24(33) Assaulls • Havo Stolen Goods • B&E Frauds 0 1hcr C.C.(minu) mischief) 143(250) Theft Motor Vehicle • Drugs • Theft Over SSDOO Other C.C.(minus mischief) Provincial Sintutc (mcpt trollic) 335(26\1) • Theft Under SSOOO • Provincial Stolltte (except traffic) Mischief over ssooo Mtuliclpal Slatula Municipal Sl!1hllc 92(92) • • Mischief Under $5000 Summary Detailed Crime n 800 Total Person 107(86) 700 600 Total Property 322 ( 2~-1) 500 Toh1l C rimina l Code Other 320(380) 400 7-19(720) 300 Total C riminal Code 200 100 0 • Total Person • Total Property Total Criminal Code Other • Total Criminal Code II Section II: Detailed Traffic Repoa·t- lnnisfail- December 2006 I Speeding Sent 13clts Child Intersection lmpai r~d Total Fatal i\lotor Vchl ~ l c Colllsious 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Speed ing Scm Bells Child Intersect ion Impaired 'rotnl Injun• i\lotor Vehicle Collisions 5 0 () 0 I I 6 800 700 600 Totnl Other i\loviur: Trnffic 55 1(37 1) 500 400 Totnl l' rovincinl Trnflic 706(643 ) 300 200 'l'ollll Other Traflic 155(272) 100 0 Total Other Moving Traffic • Total Provincial Trafnc Total Other Tratric Summary Detailed Traffic 200 Totnl ,\lcllor Vehicle Collisio us 164( 15-') 1$0 Total Crlminnl Code Tntflic 63(-'2) 100 Total Traftic OITru~t'' 76')(685) 50 Yo1~1 Motor Vehicle Colllr;lonfo • Tolitl Crlrnln1l Codt Trolfflc: II Monthly Update II SIGNIFICANT STATISTICS:(NOTE: AS THE NEW POLICE REPORTING SYSTEM IS STILL RELATIVELY NEW THE ACCURACY OF THESE STATISTICS WILL HAVE AN UNDETERMINED ERROR RATE) 2006 Final Stats: Overa ll the total reported criminal code offences increased by 4% in 2006, with 749 reported incidents compared to 720 in 2005. Misch ief has increased by 36% with 177 reported incidents compared to 130 in 2005, as well theft under has increased by 50% for an overall increase in property crimes by 27%. Total person crimes have also increased by 24% however other criminal code crimcs(ic. Disturbing peace, harassing phone calls, breach of probati on, etc) have decreased by 16%. Total traffic offences increased by 12% from last year with 769 offences(criminal code & provincial) reported compared to 685 in 2005. This includes a 10% increase in provincial traffic enforcement. Traffic co llisions have increased by 6% in 2006 with 164 reported compared to 154 last year. The majority of these have been property damage co llisions( l42) wi th only 6 injury coll isions compared to 7 in 2005. COMMUNITY PLAN 2006/07{April 2006 to April 2007): The above noted plan has been a continuance of last year's plan with a traffic in itiati ve added. The community issue wi ll continue to deal with drug abuse by increasing drug enforcement by 33%. Last year there were 9 drug related charges laid in the Detachment area and the goal this year will be to increase thi s to 12 charges. From Apri I to the end of Decemhe r 2006 there have been 24 drug related charges laid(2 charges are possession for the purpose of traffickin g and I charge of trafficking). We have reached 200°/t>o f our target with 3 months left in the fisca l year. The youth issue continues to be mischief to properly with the target being a decrease of mischief related offences by another 5% from 2005.
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    Province of Alberta The 28th Legislature First Session Alberta Hansard Wednesday evening, November 6, 2013 Issue 67e The Honourable Gene Zwozdesky, Speaker Legislative Assembly of Alberta The 28th Legislature First Session Zwozdesky, Hon. Gene, Edmonton-Mill Creek (PC), Speaker Rogers, George, Leduc-Beaumont (PC), Deputy Speaker and Chair of Committees Jablonski, Mary Anne, Red Deer-North (PC), Deputy Chair of Committees Allen, Mike, Fort McMurray-Wood Buffalo (Ind) Kennedy-Glans, Donna, Calgary-Varsity (PC) Amery, Moe, Calgary-East (PC) Khan, Stephen, St. Albert (PC) Anderson, Rob, Airdrie (W), Klimchuk, Hon. Heather, Edmonton-Glenora (PC) Official Opposition House Leader Kubinec, Maureen, Barrhead-Morinville-Westlock (PC) Anglin, Joe, Rimbey-Rocky Mountain House-Sundre (W), Lemke, Ken, Stony Plain (PC) Official Opposition Whip Leskiw, Genia, Bonnyville-Cold Lake (PC) Barnes, Drew, Cypress-Medicine Hat (W) Luan, Jason, Calgary-Hawkwood (PC) Bhardwaj, Naresh, Edmonton-Ellerslie (PC) Lukaszuk, Hon. Thomas A., Edmonton-Castle Downs (PC) Bhullar, Hon. Manmeet Singh, Calgary-Greenway (PC) Mason, Brian, Edmonton-Highlands-Norwood (ND), Bikman, Gary, Cardston-Taber-Warner (W) Leader of the New Democrat Opposition Bilous, Deron, Edmonton-Beverly-Clareview (ND) McAllister, Bruce, Chestermere-Rocky View (W) Blakeman, Laurie, Edmonton-Centre (AL), McDonald, Everett, Grande Prairie-Smoky (PC) Liberal Opposition House Leader McIver, Hon. Ric, Calgary-Hays (PC), Brown, Dr. Neil, QC, Calgary-Mackay-Nose Hill (PC) Deputy Government House Leader Calahasen, Pearl, Lesser Slave Lake (PC) McQueen, Hon. Diana, Drayton Valley-Devon (PC) Campbell, Hon. Robin, West Yellowhead (PC), Notley, Rachel, Edmonton-Strathcona (ND), Deputy Government House Leader New Democrat Opposition House Leader Cao, Wayne C.N., Calgary-Fort (PC) Oberle, Hon.
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