Newsletter of the 56ers Torchbearers Club Inc No 58 March 2017 1 “56ers Torchbearers Club Inc” PO Box 2148, CAIRNS Q 4870 Committee: Patron Margaret Cochrane President Jim Vallely Tel 07 40532150 Vice President Dennis Stevenson Tel 07 40653223 NEWSLETTER 58 Secretary/Treasurer Bill Cummings Tel 07 40312888 Email
[email protected] President’s Comments GREAT ATHLETES OF (early) 20TH CENTURY Greetings once again Club Members and JOHNNY WEISSMULLER Partners. Happy New Year. Weissmuller was born in 1904 at Freidorf in the After quite a busy year in 2016 our radar tells us Kingdom of Hungary now Romania and died in we could be looking at a quieter 12 months. 1984 in Acapulco. His active years were from 1921 to 1930. The highlights of his swimming time As the Athletic Club has kicked off its new season were:- our club will be keeping a keen eye out for young athletes showing exceptional potential as our Amateur Athletics Union 50m freestyle champion previous assisted athletes have continued to 1921, he was unbeaten in 10 years. An Olympic impress on the State and National level. gold medals in the 100m and 400m freestyle in 1924 Olympics and also in the 4x200m relay. He Cairns Athletic Club has been notified they have also won gold in the 100m freestyle event in the been successful with their bid to host the 1928 Olympics at Amsterdam. Australian All Schools Titles in 2018, quite a coup for the city as over 1,000 athletes will compete over a full week. Sydney resident and 56 Torch Bearer, Ralph Schubert, has thrown his hat into the ring to once more compete in the North Queensland Masters Games in late May.