Latin Sermon Collections from Later Medieval England: Orthodox Preaching in the Age of Wyclif Siegfried Wenzel Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 0521841828 - Latin Sermon Collections from Later Medieval England: Orthodox Preaching in the Age of Wyclif Siegfried Wenzel Index More information Index Abingdon, Henry, 265, 305 All Saints, feast of, 182, 194, 205, 217, 250, 251, abortion, 187 254, 348, 383 absenteeism, 399 All Souls, feast of, 203, 250, 251, 310 acrum Dei, 241 Almagestus, 549 Adam de Marisco, 113 almsgiving, 32, 33, 59, 185, 329 adaptacio, 167 Alnwick, William, 240, 254, 260, 261 Adelard, 646 Alphege, St., 222 Adisham, 110 Ambrose, St., 93, 106, 113, 250, 316, 317, 319, 320, Ad sacerdotes quomodo populum instruerent, 62 322, 434, 463, 493, 559, 621, 663 Advent, 8, 36, 37, 54, 59, 61, 64, 67, 71, 74, 75, 91, Andrew, St., 1, 91, 113, 191, 250, 251 92, 98, 124, 141, 147, 149, 152, 161, 167, 182, anecdotes, 44, 319, 324 190, 199, 207, 211, 213, 216, 217, 221, 223, 241, Anne, St., 116, 205, 250 242, 243, 254, 255, 337 anniversaries, 310 Aegidius, 523 Anselm, St., 113, 124, 198, 314, 315, 316, 320, 322, Aelfric, 396 331, 365, 410, 493, 541, 544, 665, 666 Aelred of Rivaulx, 278 antetheme: see protheme Aesop, 27 anthology, xiv, 149 affective preaching, 294–296 antifraternalism, 32, 107–108, 121, 157, 176, 289, Agatha, St., 250 290, 387–391 Agellius (Aulus Gellius), 554 Antony, St., 86, 250 Agincourt, 285, 286, 306, 371 apocalypticism, 171, 173, 177, 181 Agnes, St., 94 Apuleius, 317 Alan of Lille, 83, 249, 287, 320 Archidiaconus, canonist, 103 Alban, St., 89, 222 Aristotle, 76, 113, 119, 124, 216, 246, 249, 287, 300, Albertus Magnus, 76, 113, 119, 216,
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