“The All British Car Club” April 2017
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The Spanner April 2017 “The all British Car Club” 2 Meetings Contents The membership of the Boot ‘n Bonnet meets once per month; one in the New Members Page 5 Kingston area and one in the Quinte Club Financials Page 6 area. Club Events Page 7 Kingston meetings are held on the Articles Page 10 second Wednesday of each month. When and Where Page 21 “The all British Car Club” Quinte meetings are held on the last Classifieds Page 23 Wednesday of each month. Boot’nBonnet Executive Guests are always welcome at our President Ken Morgan meetings. We generally gather around Contributors 613-353-7920 5.30 PM for dinner with the meeting Ken Morgan [email protected] starting at 7:00 PM. Please call the club president or any of the club executive for Paul Albanese Vice President Paul Albanese more information. (Contact information Ken Law 613-968-2372 under Club Executive banner to the [email protected] Brian Thomas right.) Linda Thomas Treasurer Linda Thomas 613-385-1947 See When and Where and the Red Keith Foley [email protected] Book for specific dates and locations. Phillip Karam Membership Brian and Linda Thomas Norm Mort 92 Wyona Lane, R. R. #1 Membership Marc Moeys Wolfe Island, ON, Boot ’n Bonnet Car Club membership K0H 2Y0 dues are $30.00 per year. A subscription Neil Campbell Bryson 613-385-1947 to The Spanner is included in the annual [email protected] dues. [email protected] Newsletter(NL) Ken Law The Spanner 613-498-1046 [email protected] The Spanner, published four times a year, is the official newsletter of the Boot NL Proof reader Barbara Law ’n Bonnet Car Club. Members are encouraged to contribute material for NL Distribution John and Gail Kinnear publication. Submissions may be made 613-389-3566 to [email protected] in MSWord [email protected] format. Photos should be in JPEG format. Website Ron Wanless 613-928-2454 Typical submission deadlines are: [email protected] Archives Ila Lawton January edition 26 December 613-353-6111 April edition 26 March, [email protected] July edition 25 June Cover October edition 25 September A 1932 MG J2 that was at Autojumble Lois Logan the 2015 Ottawa British Car Day in 613-545-1952 Britannia Park. [email protected] Classifieds There is an important Members may place ads in the British Car Day Richard Moreau driving aid missing from the cover Classifieds section at no charge (text 613 548 4544 picture! Can you identify what it is? only, no photographs are included). Hint look at page 16, it is there. Regalia Convenor Open Ads are restricted to Club members with Cars for sale or wanted as well Past President Jamie Berry 613-968-6990 as Parts for sale or wanted. E-mail [email protected] ad to [email protected]. Ads will be published in 3 issues. The Boot ’n Bonnet Car Club offers no opinion on the products or services offered. Visit the Club’s website at: www.bootnbonnet.ca 3 President’s Message: Each fall as I put the British cars to bed for the winter I have great plans to complete major work on at least one car over the winter. Every year as spring approaches I find myself in a scramble to get that major project finished. This winter was no different. Great plans foiled by the expected and unexpected events that make up living. Never mind, spring is here after a few false starts. The push is on to get the major projects finished. The Autojumble so capably organized by Lois Logan is almost upon us. The Autojumble has morphed into the unofficial start of the Boot ‘n’ Bonnet driving season. It’s a combination mini British car show; parts flea market supported by commercial vendors and; just a great ad hoc social event. The following weekend is the first motoring event hosted by the Paul and Peggy Hutchison, this year’s winner of the President’s Award. At the end of May is the Spring Tour that’s being jointly organized by Barbara and me with the able assistance of Paul and Sherrylyn Albanese. Stay tuned to your e-mail for more details on the ‘where and what’ of that event. So, there you have it. Three Boot ‘n’ Bonnet events in May alone. Three reasons to get your LBC out of the garage and enjoy it. That brings me to a question for which I need your help to answer. Where are you? The Club has over 200 members plus spouses. Those members, based on a casual perusal of the membership database, own well over 500 cars. Despite these numbers we typically enjoy the company of only fifteen to twenty cars and their owners at driving events. Where is everyone else? Is there something we should be doing differently? You joined the Boot ‘n’ Bonnet for a reason. The common theme amongst members is an interest in British cars. Take advantage of that membership by coming to a Boot ‘n’ Bonnet event or two. You’ll find the members to be an engaging group who speak a common language – British car ownership. If you haven’t been to a Club event because you don’t know anyone, well you do. You know me through The Spanner. Please make sure you seek me, or in my absence VP Paul Albanese, out. He or I will get to know you a little bit and make sure one of us links you up with someone who owns a similar car. That’s how I got involved in the Club twenty years ago. I went to a driving event, asked someone who at the event might own a car similar to mine and was introduced to the owner of a car like mine. It was the start of a friendship that continues to this day. From that one friendship sprang another and another. All of us with the same interest, British cars. Give my idea a try. The year’s events are listed in the Redbook included with this edition of The Spanner. Before closing I’d be remiss in not mentioning the annual election of the Club’s officers at the May monthly meeting. I know there have been a number of primaries held in advance of the election. The list of campaigners has been narrowed to the presumptive nominees. Make sure you’re at the meeting to cast your vote for your favourite candidate. Ken VP’s Message: Well another winter has finally passed and now it’s time to enjoy the warmer spring weather. Hopefully, everyone is itching to get out there and drive! At time of printing, the engine is still not in the Austin, my aches and pains have been a bit too much this winter for any real progress. I am shooting for Autojumble. It will be nice to see members at this year at the Autojumble as it is looking like it will be shelved for future years. We currently have all the BBQs set for the Kingston end but only two booked and confirmed for the Quinte end. The end August BBQ is still available for the west end, although we are working on a contingency plan. Unfortunately, this is now the second year in a row where the volunteers for BBQs has been sparse. We as a club really need to look closely at these events. Most everyone enjoys the BBQs but it cannot be left for the same people all the time to step forward to host them. Are these going to be shelved as well, or the number slashed to only 1 or 2 in the summer? As I have stated many times in the past, they really are not difficult to host, as the club’s trailer has virtually everything that is needed, except the all important location. The Club will only continue to be relevant if members step forward to support the events. It has also been noticed that the number of members attending any event has been steadily decreasing. This Club can only succeed if the members want it to. With some 200+ members, it shouldn’t be as difficult as it is to get volunteers/hosts for events. I realize that with many older members and different circumstances, that there are those members that won’t be able to be fully involved, and that is ok. That being said though, there are still many others that for whatever reason are reluctant to “jump in” with both feet. We were like that at the beginning as well, but after our first BBQ in 08, we found that the next ones were much easier to handle, except for the rain which always found our BBQs! In closing, our club will only be able to continue if we get the members involved and wanting it to succeed. Anyone that has some ideas that may be able to help us, please email any executive member or bring it up at meetings for discussion. Let’s get our LBCs out there for the world to see and for us to enjoy. Paul 4 Editor’s Message: This was another easy Spanner to put together thanks to members summiting articles about their new cars. It has been a long winter for Barbara and myself, but hopefully things will be back to normal by the time you receive your copy of this quarter’s Spanner. Due to health issues we were not able to travel this winter and I was restricted from driving for 8 weeks but as of mid April I will be allowed to drive and that means getting the LBCs out.