Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Baldur's Gate by Philip Athans Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn. dedicated with affection to Turbiales, Khanach, Eldamihr, Hougort, MyD69, Mr. Galamomd, Frau Anja Schubert, Monkey Monkey, The Master's Screen and all the people who accompanied Turbiales in the gameplays of R.P.G. Video Games. of Bioware, in this case I want to dedicate this criticism to the players of the Eternam Forum who preceded me, those who agreed with me and those who happened especially to Kunniotani, Guedicosword, Domino, Driades and Jsuly and also to Deigo, Lafu and Galloglass, I als dedicated with affection to Turbiales, Khanach, Eldamihr, Hougort, MyD69, Mr. Galamomd, Frau Anja Schubert, Monkey Monkey, The Master's Screen and all the people who accompanied Turbiales in the gameplays of R.P.G. Video Games. of Bioware, in this case I want to dedicate this criticism to the players of the Eternam Forum who preceded me, those who agreed with me and those who happened especially to Kunniotani, Guedicosword, Domino, Driades and Jsuly and also to Deigo, Lafu and Galloglass, I also wish to join these thanks to the three writers I have been most influenced by Juan Manuel de Prada, Joseph Pearce and my friend Professor Manuel Alfonseca, who filled with his friendship the deep emptiness that my heart had since 2007 thank you for making me happy and be my light of Earendil in the dark moments and finally I also want to dedicate this criticism to both James Ohlen and his wonderful team for making this such an iconic saga of video games and his successor Swen Vincke president of Larian and all his employees, God bless them. (unfortunately only for people who understand Spanish. I joined Turbiales in video 16 of Baldur's Gates II specifically the chapter titled the eye you don't see). Ladies and gentlemen, after the siege of Dragonspear annex is complete, we proceed to continue baldur's Gates' fascinating experience (the first thing I have to tell you is that the book excuses me to do what I want to talk about the video game. At first my intention was to finish this review for Christmas, and although I concluded it I did not give myself time to translate it into English and I told myself that I did not want to present it incomplete. In fact my plan was modified, because for lack of time I had to give up writing the annex with my impressions about Baldur's Gates III Early Access, which I thought and how it could be improved in my opinion. However Mr Swen Vencke should not worry, as I liked him very much, and there will not be much negative criticism. I'll also try to do one thing compare Baldur's Gates 2 Shadows of Amn with the other Bioware games ( and their expansions, the Icewibd Dales 1, and 2, and since I'm doing the Temple of Elemental Evil gameplay courtesy of my friend Turbiales, there will also be talk of him, even if he does not belong to , but to Grehawk , which is also owned by Dungeons and Dragons). Anyway Baldur's Gates II Shadows of Amn is my favorite by far, and it's such a rich and varied game that it would take not a review, but a Doctoral Thesis, to talk about it). Another thing I want to modify with respect to the original text is that I barely mention Philip Athans' novel or its adaptation, and what the Goodreads user expects is for me to talk about Philip Athans' novel and not the game, so I'm going to try to talk more about the book (in my opinion the book is not very good , but it's improved over Baldur's Gates' first novel, but I think it's because of the wonderful script that the Baldur's Gates 2 shadows of Amn game has. I recognize that I have been more magnanimous with this book, because already the fans of the game have said about this book everything they had to say, and I do not want to repeat what has already been said, but that has disappointed them greatly is the fairest thing, in fact from what I saw in videos did not like the novel to Mr. Swen Vencke either. I personally believe, it has improved compared to the first one, but it is well below what this game deserves and what fans ask for). Anyway I recommend the Goodreads user before reading my review, to previously read my review of Baldur's Gates 1 and the annex dedicated to Siege of Dragonspear because this review would make no sense, if previously the first one has not been read. The first thing is the dedication I still keep Turbiales and his friends, but when on the occasion of the appearance of Baldur's Gates III I thought I would pay homage to the Baldur's Gates saga. At first I just wanted to see Baldur's Gates, but I stumbled upon the expansion, and I never got to play Throne of Bhaal, because I told myself I wouldn't play it until I passed Baldur's Gates 2 Shadow of Amn, but I stayed at the gates (in fact, I got stuck in the grove and never got to face baldur's Gates Shadows of Amn villain. Hence my anger and that my confrontation with Jon Irenicus was as sick as Captain Achab's against Moby Dick ), so Turbiales' Gameplay made it a personal matter. Then I'll join you for Throne of Bhaal. I saw on my own without Turbiales the whole saga of Neverwinter Nights and expansions (which helped me realize how great a person Turbiales is, and how gentlemanly he is. Let's just say that although neverwinter Nights videos I saw them in deferred, don't sympathize with the person who made them. Let's just say I don't like your language or the way you play. In fact, as Turbiales himself has announced that he would like to play Neverwinter Nights I would like to be with him and accompany him, although after reviewing Neverwinter Niths it became repetitive, but I am sure that if the gameplay does Turbiales will make me much more enjoyable. Also, I want to see and its expansions. Since I retired from the games before I could play them) I came to the conclusion that Baldur's Gates was much better than Neverwinter, whose graphics age badly, in fact, in my opinion, it has almost nothing original (although I would lie if I said it's a bad game, in fact, you never get to lose interest in it at any time , because he always surprises you with something and has two very good things. Incorporating the third edition rules of Dungeons and Dragons and incorporating the 3d, which facilitates the mobility of the characters, also has a very good thing that allows you to live your own adventures. In fact, Neverwinter Nights changed his life and made me go from teenager to man. He hadn't been abntes of playing this game.) Most of what I thought a novelty was the work of Baldur's Gates Shadow of Amn, and the Throne of Bhaal expansion also owed 2 a lot of this volume applying the rules of 3rd edition of Dungeons and Dragons, even the time travel, which I thought was so novel also came out in Icewind Dale 2 and the three-dimensional polyeric graphics have aged badly. What has made Neverwinter Nights the great game it is, have been the servers and be able to play the adventures you want apart from the main plot of the game. That's why I met Eternam and that changed my life. That is why I want to dedicate this criticism to all the players, apart from Turbiales I want to dedicate this criticism to all the players who have passed through that server and also to my family and friends, that after my march of Eternam that was very hard they held me I had no right to sink and thanks to them I did not sink. Other than that with Turbiales I saw Icewind Dale 1 with its Heart of Winter expansion, and Icewind Dale 2 (in fact, I booked the viewing of the latest Icewind Dale 2 video for Christmas). I would also like to have a few words for Don Juan Manuel de Prada who I already admired before 2007, in fact, a Polish friend exaggeratedly says that I adore him like a God. Which is not possible because of my religiosity beliefs, which the three writers I will cite share. However I am indebted to him, as I consider myself indebted to Turbiales, or to my friend Professor Manuel Alfonseca . I remember not being able to get over my March of Eternam/Rebellion because of a personal matter and it was Juan Manuel de Prada who pronounced that they helped me overcome it and move on with my life. His wife Maria Carcaba also helped me a lot. That is why I must confess without blush that I will be one of the four ladies who will be happy to bear it until I receive your well-deserved prize. I have always thought that Don Juan Manuel Prada believes that he has the gift and could be a very talented writer, and that his traditionalist theories could be used in a fantasy novel. In fact, I think, he and Michael D. O'Brien would be two great exponents of the fantastic genre. With Joseph Pearce my debt is of another kind. Thanks to Joseph Pearce I became the man I am and the great collector. The writers you've talked about in your wonderful friends are as real as anyone of flesh and blood could actually be more alive than we are, and your books represent everything I believe. Finally, I would like to thank my friend Professor Manuel Alfonseca (in fact anyone who reads this review I recommend the books of the writers quoted, especially those of friend Alfonseca) could praise his wisdom (since he is the wisest person I have ever met surpassing my father). He writes some beautiful books playing many genres (he's also touched the fantasy genre), he's a great scientist, in fact, he could be called the man who knows about all the subjects, but I'll always be indebted to him for being my friend. Their friendship served to make up for the gap it had since 2007. In fact, of the people I thank, it is together with Turbiales the person who has given me the most. In fact, he was also present in the gameplay, because in Haer Dalis' video, when he had to be rescued from planar prison I talked about him, and how he had theorized about the theories of the multiverse, which I shared in a Verkami for it, is also part of this story. Also and I want to thank my friends at La Salle school especially those quoted above, and my family who held me in this ordeal. I also want to have a debt to all Eternam players especially to Driades and Jsuly for being loyal to both of them. Thank you wholeheartedly. As the Goodreads user can see, this is the most personal review I've ever written, and in which I've put the most heart, though I don't think, to be read by many people. But with this review I wanted to pay homage to everything I've loved and share it with all Goodreads users, as a person I love very much years ago reminded me. We take up the action where he left off with the Main Character (even if the real name is Abdel Adrian. In the end we will leave a link counting the vital experiences of this character, so that the users of Gooreads meet one of the capital figures of the Forgotten Realms) suffering an ambush in Siege of Dragon Spear and revealing the identity of the mysterious hooded his name was Jon (Joneleth) Irenicus. In fact, it cannot be said that this character was no longer partially present in the first Baldur's Gates 1. Since in the Centeol Layer Forest a woman who had the misfortune of being his girlfriend was dispatched by this character and transformed her into a spider, transforming into a being full of fat, bile and hatred. (Although we will talk about what happens to him in the end with the characters, there will be almost no references to Throne of Bhaal, since this saga already has its own novel, which unfortunately I have not been able to read ). . more. I guess I could have some fun by trying to explain just how this is the worst book ever. I absolutely adored the computer game. It gave me the chance to be the hero in the fantasy world I knew from R. A. Salvatore's novels, and it had a great deal of depth of character and story. I approached the novelisation with some trepidation. Of course it was not going to be epic like that. But I hoped it would at least be some trashy fun. It started out seeming like that. While none of the changes from the I guess I could have some fun by trying to explain just how this is the worst book ever. I absolutely adored the computer game. It gave me the chance to be the hero in the fantasy world I knew from R. A. Salvatore's novels, and it had a great deal of depth of character and story. I approached the novelisation with some trepidation. Of course it was not going to be epic like that. But I hoped it would at least be some trashy fun. It started out seeming like that. While none of the changes from the original seemed good or to have much point, it went fast and kept me interested. until the point the main character contemplated killing yet another person for no reason and I realised I'd had it up to here with the idiot. It went downhill from there, and soon hit the absolute rock bottom and stayed there for hundreds of miserable pages. I hated how un-heroic the main character was and how everything else was bastardised into indifferent, nonsensical mush with the occasional atrocious scene standing out as a particular "want to kill yourself and everyone else and especially the author" moment. I kept on reading, not wanting to put it down - because then I would have to pick it up again. The protagonist might be the worst thing in this thing, although goodness knows there's competition. Abdel Adrian is an impulsive, repulsive idiot who's completely unable to carry the mantle of the hero - in spite of the horrible Mary Sue admiration the story tries to give him. Why should anyone care what some bumbling, weak-willed, violent idiot does? He can't even fight that well, which makes the fight scenes even more the boring, bumbling gorefests that they are. It would have been more interesting if someone just wrote down the tactics they used in the fights in the game. Given the nature of the original game, the protagonist's nature was up to the author. The rest is already there in the game, but of course needs adapting. Athans's method of doing that seems to be to make everything as bland and petty as possible, although quite a few things are stupid and infuriating as well. Every character and element seems to have been drained of just about everything - be it a huge flaw like the nonexistent characterisation of important characters like Irenicus, who goes from an awesome, chilling villain to someone so generic we aren't even told what he looks like; or downright comical minor details like Saemon Havarian being changed from a roguish, backstabbing captain to a drunk with a rowboat. Every step of the plot is simplified to the point of indifference too. And then there are the horribly stupid kill-yourself scenes like Bodhi falling totally in love and lust with Adrian's Marty-Stuness and Adrian falling for her having boobs. The characters are paper-thin and/or horrible. The plot is thin and stupid. Every single change from the original is for the worse; even the necessary ones (eg. not having so many subplots) are done badly. The fights are boring, the relationships vomit-inducing, the dialogue plain bad. If you liked the original, you'll hate this even more than you would otherwise, in spite of that being impossible. It's like a complete opposite of the game with the specific emphasis of defiling what was good there. I admit I had a lot of fun complaining about and mocking this book. . more. Baldur's Gate. Someone is sabotaging the iron mines of the Sword Coast, pushing powerful realms toward a bloody war, and a young mercenary toward an unimaginable secret. Evil gods, giant spiders, murderous doppelgangers, flesh-eating ghouls, and wicked Zhentarim come to life in the action-packed novelization of the Baldur's Gate computer game form BioWare and Interpl. Bhaal must be stopped! Someone is sabotaging the iron mines of the Sword Coast, pushing powerful realms toward a bloody war, and a young mercenary toward an unimaginable secret. Evil gods, giant spiders, murderous doppelgangers, flesh-eating ghouls, and wicked Zhentarim come to life in the action-packed novelization of the Baldur's Gate computer game form BioWare and Interplay. Get A Copy. Friend Reviews. Reader Q&A. Be the first to ask a question about Baldur's Gate. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. No, I did not just read this book. This is a book that I forgot existed and then recently noticed it was on my digital bookshelf and a flashback to 20 years ago occurred. It must have been 2000, I was addicted to a game called Baldur's Gate which was at the time one of the most immersive RPGs on the PC. So many options, so many quests, SO MANY CDS TO THE GAME! It was huge, it was amazing and while the developer Bioware may have gone on to make better games (debatable) it will always be my favorit No, I did not just read this book. This is a book that I forgot existed and then recently noticed it was on my digital bookshelf and a flashback to 20 years ago occurred. It must have been 2000, I was addicted to a game called Baldur's Gate which was at the time one of the most immersive RPGs on the PC. So many options, so many quests, SO MANY CDS TO THE GAME! It was huge, it was amazing and while the developer Bioware may have gone on to make better games (debatable) it will always be my favorite for nostalgic reasons. One day while walking in a book store, I see this book sitting there. A novelization of "tHe BeSt GaMe eVeR! mUsT bE ThE BeSt BoOk EvEr!" Well young me, first you should have checked that page count. You put how many hours into that game? I do not exaggerate that it had to have been over a hundred as it was very much my obsession for quite a while. Did you think a mere 250 pages would tell that epic? How many characters were in the game? How many had detailed story lines? How many frankly had a complex enough plot that even with 20 years I look back at them impressed? Yeah, this book was not what you wanted. See all those other reviews? See how the majority are one star? Yeah. The book was hilariously bad. Like drinking game worthy bad. Terribly structured, poorly written, poor word choices, and didn't capture a damn thing about the games. This book runs the bad book Olympics and takes all the awards for it. Seriously, I don't know who read the finished product and was like "perfection! Publish it!" but it was an insult to all readers, not just fans of the game. It's been twenty years, I can say I forgot it and that I was happy with it forgotten. but no longer. The memory returned and with it the rage. I sold my copy long ago, I thought it could no longer hurt me. Obviously I was wrong. It is my hope that no one else will be harmed by this book. Stay away. This is, quite possibly, the worst book I've ever read. I ran across this book in a pre-loved books store. With the Forgotten Realms tag, an author I know from the War of the Spider Queen, toss in the game "Baldur's Gate", I figured I might as well give it a go for two dollars. I wasn't horribly disappointed since I had such low expectations - what book based on a video game has ever been fantastic? It took great effort to get to the last page, and some scenes were more grotesque then I would ha This is, quite possibly, the worst book I've ever read. I ran across this book in a pre-loved books store. With the Forgotten Realms tag, an author I know from the War of the Spider Queen, toss in the game "Baldur's Gate", I figured I might as well give it a go for two dollars. I wasn't horribly disappointed since I had such low expectations - what book based on a video game has ever been fantastic? It took great effort to get to the last page, and some scenes were more grotesque then I would have preferred to read. Nobody wants to read about giant spiders and what they do to (INSIDE) people, ick. When the plot wasn't confusing, it was so great in its terrible-ness I read outloud to my sister so we could both have a laugh. Awful book, if I were to pick a "Worst fantasy to recommend", this would be it. Why? Because its THAT terrible, its comical. . more. This is easily the worst book I've ever read. The author takes the amazing plot from the game and absolutely defiles it. has hair, Jahiera is a ditz, Kahlid dies and gives the arrogant bastard Abdel his blessing to have a relationship with his widowed wife. Major plot points are skipped, Abdel is unbeatable, unlikeable, but somehow still beds one of the hardest characters to keep happy. If you have played Baldur's Gate, DO NOT READ THIS BOOK. If you haven't, don't read this book, and play t This is easily the worst book I've ever read. The author takes the amazing plot from the game and absolutely defiles it. Minsc has hair, Jahiera is a ditz, Kahlid dies and gives the arrogant bastard Abdel his blessing to have a relationship with his widowed wife. Major plot points are skipped, Abdel is unbeatable, unlikeable, but somehow still beds one of the hardest characters to keep happy. If you have played Baldur's Gate, DO NOT READ THIS BOOK. If you haven't, don't read this book, and play the game. One star isn't low enough for this piece of garbage. I own the second book (I got both for a whopping $0.02 and feel like I got ripped off), but I'll never crack it's cover. UPDATE (Mar. 4, 2021): Changed some wording. . more. It's been a little while since I played the game, but this book wasn't even accurate to my memory. This is not really a novelization of Baldur's Gate, but rather a story quite loosely based on the game that we love. Sadly, in telling us this story, it also twists around the personalities of several characters that we love. I found the main. I must say that I picked up this book assuming that it would be bad, but I had hope that maybe, just maybe, it might surprise me. Unfortunately, it didn't. It's been a little while since I played the game, but this book wasn't even accurate to my memory. This is not really a novelization of Baldur's Gate, but rather a story quite loosely based on the game that we love. Sadly, in telling us this story, it also twists around the personalities of several characters that we love. I found the main character Abdel boring and Jaheira was struck with damsel in distress syndrome. Other than Jaheira, we only get to see four other companions from the game, all of whom end up killed off when they're no longer needed. Yep, there's no Kivan, no Branwen, no Skie or Shar- teel, no Coran or Garrick or Dynaheir. Imoen, who is a huge part of the story in the second game and the first companion you get, is never even mentioned. Even Minsc, one of the greatest companion characters of all time, doesn't get an appearance. If you take this book as just an adventure set in the Forgotten Realms, I suppose it might be an enjoyable light read for some. For me, it was just a poorly told summary of the game. If you have the time, I highly recommend that you play the game instead. I knew it was going to be terrible, I knew it was going to murder my favourite character, both in characterization and physically speaking (goodbye, Xan's doppelganger), and yet I read it because I wanted to experience just how bad it could be. I deeply regret it. Excuse me, I need to go and start BG:EE to clean my poor brain. I knew it was going to be terrible, I knew it was going to murder my favourite character, both in characterization and physically speaking (goodbye, Xan's doppelganger), and yet I read it because I wanted to experience just how bad it could be.