Follow up to the Parish Assembly 13th May 2019 Weston under Lizard Action Group x

Philip Delaloye Tue, May

14, 7:27 PM to david, bcc: ian, bcc: se12lidpj, bcc: Graham, bcc: Vivienne, bcc: glorialo.lofthouse, bcc: allenl7, bcc: malcolmmrbuttler, bcc: moorejoame3, bcc: karencooper1133, bcc: anthony, bcc: burnupcambidge, bcc: Doug, bcc: Michael, bcc: nigel, bcc: Philip

Dear all Following last nights Parish Assembly and the creation of a Weston under Lizard Action Group, under I am presuming, the lead is Ian Davies, I have sent this to all who have supplied their email addresses last night as a bcc, for them to keep with in GDPR guidelines.

Please can you respond back to me that you have received the email, to ensure I have correctly got your email address transposed.

Please also confirm that you are happy for this to be passed to the other members of the group and that you are happy for me to disseminate information and responses to you all.

Please note that to avoid multiple emails, I would suggest that whoever is the lead of the group, just emails Cllr D Maddocks the Chair of the Parish Council and myself.

I have also attached the content of the email from the responsible member Cabinet Member regarding the roads and also response received regarding the Average speed cameras.

I have also attached the notes of the January Parish Council meeting that appeared in the March issue of the Parish Magazine which lays out the timetable for the Parish Council elections and also the way to report Pot holes and other highways issues.

Please also note that below is the email that also asks for a separate notice in the March magazine for the timetable for the election and how you could have put yourself forward.

I have also included the email trail regarding the Average Speed camera request for the A5 through Weston under Lizard and the Letter from the Cabinet Member responsible for Highways.

As pointed out as well as via the action group please raise issues you have with the Parish Councillors directly .

Regards Philip Delaloye Parish Clerk and Weston under Lizard Parish Council

------Forwarded message ------From: Philip Delaloye Date: Sun, Feb 10, 2019 at 4:12 PM Subject: Parish Council Meeting Notes To: Hilary Rodwell < >

Hi Hilary Please find attached the January Parish Council meeting notes.

Can an item be put into the Parish Magazine regarding the Council and Parish Council Elections 2019

If you want to be a Parish Councillor Timetable of key dates: Publication of notice of Election/beginning of the nomination period 18 March 2019 DEADLINE: Close of Nominations and appointment of Election Agents 4pm on 3 April 2019 PUBLICATION: Notice of Statements of Persons Nominated 4pm on 4 April 2019 DEADLINE: New voter registrations 12 April 2019 DEADLINE: Application for a Postal Vote 5pm on 15 April 2019 DEADLINE: Application for a Proxy Vote 5pm on 24 April 2019 DEADLINE: Appointment of Counting/Polling Agents 25 April 2019 Polling day 2 May 2019

For more information visit our ‘Be a councillor’ website:

To view a presentation from the event and the newly launched ‘Be a Councillor’ Workbook and Guidebook please visit: acouncillor.cfm

HIGHWAYS Also can you put in a General item and or change the contact details that are on the inside page for reporting road repair needs.

The best way to report pot holes and other road and highways issues to the County Council is via on their website or where a report can be made or a previous report can be checked on.

Philip Delaloye Mon, Dec 31, 2018, 5:07 PM to Mark, Mark, david Hi Mark As per previous conversations please can you let me know costs for an average speed camera system for the A5 through Weston under Lizard, for both an active system and a dummy system, as potentially the Parish Council may fund this. We have a meeting on the 14th of January and really need to give some information then as discussions and verbal requests have been going on for 12 months. I look forward to your response Kind regards Philip Delaloye Parish Clerk Blymhill and Weston under Lizard Parish Council xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Keeling, Mark (E,I&S) Wed, Jan 2, 1:42 PM to me, Mark, david Good afternoon Philip, Thank you for your email. Whilst technology is moving quickly and getting cheaper we are unfortunately not in a position to allow Parish or community funded average speed cameras on the highway network. The reason for this is that SSRP (Staffordshire Safer Road Partnership) are considering the future supply and management of the equipment and one of the big issues is the back office monitoring and administration. We are unable to manage various equipment and systems around Staffordshire and need to have a single source and operation. Therefore until this is agreed we are unable to accept any applications for this type of equipment. Kind regards Mark Keeling Community Infrastructure Liaison Manager Cannock, South Staffs, Stafford - Gnosall & Doxey Economy, Infrastructure & Skills Staffordshire County Council xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Philip Delaloye Jan 13, 2019, 10:59 AM to Mark Hi Mark Who can we speak to directly at the Staffordshire Safer Road Partnership as we would like to talk to them and maybe ask the to attend a meeting. Kind regards Philip Delaloye Parish Clerk Blymhill and Weston under Lizard Parish Council xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Keeling, Mark (E,I&S) Thu, Jan 31, 10:51 AM to me Good morning Philip, Apologies for the delay in response. I have spoken with SSRP and unfortunately as we do not have anything further to share at this stage regarding community funded speed cameras, a discussion or meeting would not currently be productive. However, the Partnership is aware of your Parish Council’s aspirations and we can bear this in mind when we are in a position to fully consider this type of request. Kind regards Mark Keeling Community Infrastructure Liaison Manager Cannock, South Staffs, Stafford - Gnosall & Doxey Economy, Infrastructure & Skills Staffordshire County Council xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The perceived failing System of Road Repairs in the Blymhill and Weston under Lizard Parish Council area and Staffordshire County as a whole. Philip Delaloye Sun, Aug 19, 2018, 5:45 PM to philip.atkins, mark.deaville, helen.fisher1, gill.heath, mike.sutherland,, Mark, david from: Philip Delaloye to: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], "Sutton, Mark (County Cllr)" cc: david maddocks Blymhill & Weston Under Lizard Parish Council c/o Mr P Delaloye Parish Clerk 1 Bridgeman Court Weston Under Lizard TF11 8QH 19th August 2018 Dear Sirs, At the last Parish Council meeting of the Blymhill & Weston Under Lizard Parish Council, the Parish Council Chairman, David Maddocks and myself were charged with writing to you regarding the state of the roads in our area. This is a key subject at every meeting and although our County Councillor who attends very regularly, Cllr. Mark Sutton, is very proactive in trying to get work done on highlighted complaints, he is working with a failing system. At this meeting it was also our Annual Public Assembly and the attending public only had one topic on their agenda – the state of the local roads. We have had attending a meeting last year Mark Keeling the Highways Liaison Officer but with no real improvements. The current appalling state of the roads in and around the villages of Blymhill, Weston under Lizard, Brineton and Great Chatwell are probably in the worst condition for the last twenty years. Over the last number of years the roads have steadily deteriorated. The majority of the repairs have been holes filled with tarmac which simply comes back out again after a couple of weeks. Some areas have had slightly larger areas of patching done (mainly on the A5) with only the road from the /Brineton crossroads down towards Wyndford Mill and a stretch in Blymhill having been properly re-surfaced. It is in now in places virtually impossible to drive in a straight line and many residents have experienced punctures, wheel, suspension and tracking rod damage. This is also becoming a personal safety risk as one resident observed a cyclist come off his bike after hitting a hole submersed in water. Although priority for Pot hole repairs are the A Roads, for the residents of this community in this area, who have to use these B roads on at least a twice a day basis for going to work or to shop, it is a high priority, especially with the cost of repairs to their vehicles. The reporting system on the Council web site works to a degree. A representative from the Council will come out, mark areas with spray paint and some of weeks later, if the paint is still visible, a temporary repair is made. This system of maintaining our road network Is so inefficient though as these “temporary repairs lasting only a few weeks before needing to be repaired themselves again, thus costing the council more money. Once these temporary repairs are made they are not checked indeed once a pothole has had a proper repair, these are not checked. There does not seem to be a quality control on these repairs or the companies who carry them out. This then causes a massive cost to the Council as temporary repairs and “proper” repairs are regularly being redone at extra cost. The majority of companies are ISO9001 accredited and it is presumed that as part of the County Councils own bid process for a company to manage the repair of its county’s roads this, one would presume, would be an essential requirement. IS9001 – 2015 is the quality standard, and part of that is the Continuous improvement area and the Non-conformance issues (complaints) need to be addressed for the company to maintain and keep that standard. If a company loses that ISO9001 accreditation, they could lose a lot of business and I presume are in breech of the contract that was won. Having heard from County and District Councillors that all have complained about how roads are maintained by the company that was awarded the Highways contract, there should be justification for them to be held responsible, but this does not seem to occur. In business, when a contract is awarded there are normally Key performance indicators and quality levels as well as Service level agreements. This does not seem to be the case as no one seems to check the timing of the repairs from reporting to completion, or the quality of the repair, either by the contractor or the council. Please can you let us know whether we are wrong in these assumptions and if so please can you let us know the actual methods used to control the contractor, their KPI’s, their SLA’s and their results in comparison to them and what is being done to improve the system that does not deliver to the County Council and its electors.

------Forwarded message ------From: Fisher, Helen (County Cllr) Date: Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 4:37 PM Subject: The perceived failing System of Road Repairs in the Blymhill and Weston under Lizard Parish Council area and Staffordshire County as a whole To: [email protected]

Dear Mr Delaloye,

Thank you for your correspondence in regards road repairs undertaken within Blymhill and Weston under Lizard, I hope you can accept my apologies for the delay in responding to you.

Firstly I would say it is fully understandable to me why the Parish Council would have aspirations regarding the maintenance of the road network in Staffordshire.

Staffordshire has one of the largest county council road networks in with a replacement value of around £8 billion and ideally requiring around £38m maintenance investment each year, in order to keep roads and bridges in a reasonable condition.

The capital maintenance funding available to the County Council has always fallen short of what is realistically needed, however, and this historic under-investment by central government over many years has now resulted in significant pressure on local revenue- funded ‘reactive’ maintenance operations provided by the County Council.

The County Council’s Highways and Transport budget from Council Tax allocations for 2018/19 is approximately 6% and around half of this will be spent supporting concessionary travel and home-to-school transport.

Of the remaining funding, almost half is needed each year to finance a 25-year street lighting PFI contract (2004 – 2029): replacing age-expired and dangerous lighting columns; upgrading to energy efficient LED technology; and paying the annual electrical bill for more than 100,000 lighting columns, lit road signs, traffic signals and other roadside equipment.

Our revenue-funded maintenance operations are not limited to pothole repairs and involve the upkeep of over 6000km of roads, 4,500kms of footways and cycle ways, 200kms of retaining walls, 50kms of safety fencing, 1,200 bridges and culverts, 180,000+ highway gullies, an unquantified length of highway drainage systems, around 2.5 million sq. meters of grass verges, a winter maintenance operation (gritting routes and restocking over 4000 grit bins and salt piles) and a 24-hr emergency response service.

Staffordshire’s public highway is crucial to our growing local economy and to our communities and we have already committed to invest a further £5m during 2018/19 to help tackle road defects. However; I am sure you will appreciate that the Local Authority has a wide range of responsibilities including safeguarding vulnerable children as well as looking after our increasing elderly population and, understandably; these essential services require major proportions of our budget.

Turning to the matter of the localised issues. New potholes and defects can appear each day and is an ongoing maintenance challenge. Often our repairs can involve temporary works intended to make the most dangerous defects safe, whilst permanent repairs are carried out at a later time where we will also tackle adjacent lower-risk defects. This might be because the location or scale of the permanent repair requires the planning of quite onerous temporary traffic management such as lane closures or signals or due to the sheer volumes of high category reports at that time.

Making durable lasting ad hoc repairs can be difficult to achieve in some locations such as sites without positive drainage systems. We have made improvements by repairing defects “right first time” by the use of formal patching teams, our Road Master resource and via routine repairs, however, the level of response is based on the current volume of emergencies, cat 1 & cat 2 defects, if the amount is more than we have the resources for then we have no option but to do temporary repairs.

All roads in Staffordshire receive routine highway safety inspections and roads are inspected monthly, quarterly or annually depending on their classification. Any unresolved defects or failing repairs are of course monitored during these inspections. In addition to our routine inspection regime, we have a small team of ‘Reactive’ highway inspectors that respond to publicly generated reports of highway defects.

In terms of quality control measures, the various teams have area based supervision, we also have a small team of compliance officers who take sample inspections against Amey’s agreed performance measures, the County Council also has its own internal audit program which samples across the whole of the delivery areas. ISO 9001 - Quality Management forms part of a suite of ISO standards together with PAS 99 Integrated Management Systems and a number of National Highway Sector Schemes for Quality Management in Highway Works. All of these are, of course, subject to certification by bodies accredited by UKAS, the council itself, like all others relies on the certification process, in Amey’s case BSI are the certifying body.

Finally should you have any specific site examples of poor workmanship then please make County Councillor Mark Sutton aware who will liaise with our local highway teams and provide a response.

I trust the above is of assistance.

Kind regards.

Helen Fisher Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

------Forwarded message ------From: Blymhill Village Hall Date: Mon, Jun 10, 2019 at 11:54 AM Subject: Request for a Parish Councillor To: Blymhill Village Hall

Dear All

Please see the attached, requested by the parish council to be sent to the Blymhill village hall email distribution list.

Thank you

Sports and Social committee

Do you want to be a Parish Councillor? Blymhill and Weston under Lizard Parish Council has 8 places for voting Councillors, but at the recent Council elections only 7 people nominated themselves, so were all automatically accepted. This leaves a vacant seat in the Weston under Lizard ward that needs to be filled to bring the Council to its full complement. If you want to put yourself forward to become a Parish Councillor and work to help your community, please send your application and contact details, stating you wish to be considered for the post, to the Parish Clerk, by email to [email protected] or to 1 Bridgeman Court, Weston under Lizard, Nr Shifnal, Shropshire, TF11 8QH by the 31st of August 2019. After the closing date, the applications will be reviewed by the Parish Council, voted on and the successful applicant will be Co-Opted on to the Council.

------Forwarded message ------From: Philip Delaloye Date: Sat, Jun 8, 2019 at 2:32 PM Subject: Note for the Magazine To: Hilary Rodwell Cc: david maddocks

Hi Hilary

Please can you put this in the Magazine for the next 2 issues please.

Do you want to be a Parish Councillor?

Blymhill and Weston under Lizard Parish Council has 8 places for voting Councillors, but at the recent Council elections only 7 people nominated themselves, so were all automatically accepted. This leaves a vacant seat in the Weston under Lizard ward that needs to be filled to bring the Council to its full complement.

If you want to put yourself forward to become a Parish Councillor and work to help your community, please send your application and contact details, stating you wish to be considered for the post, to the Parish Clerk, by email to [email protected] or to 1 Bridgeman Court, Weston under Lizard, Nr Shifnal, Shropshire, TF11 8QH by the 31st of August 2019.

After the closing date, the applications will be reviewed by the Parish Council, voted on and the successful applicant will be Co-Opted on to the Council. Philip Delaloye Parish Clerk Blymhill and Weston under Lizard Parish Council

Meeting with the Cabinet Member for Highways Staffordshire County Council Inbox x Philip Delaloye Thu,

Sep 5, 7:16 PM to ian, david

Ian As from the Public Assembly, we have been trying to arrange a meeting with the Cabinet Member for Highways Staffordshire County Council and the head of the Staffordshire Safer Roads Partnership. We have just been made aware that she will will attend the next Parish Council Meeting. So as the leader of the Weston under Lizard Action Group we want to invite you to represent the group at that meeting.

It will be held on Monday November 18th 2019 at 7.30pm at the Village Hall in the back room.

Please let me know if you can attend, but if for any reason you are not able to attend, please can you nominate someone else to attend and let me know who it will be.


ian davies Fri, Sep

6, 1:06 PM to me, david

Phil, I have a meeting of the Weston U Lizard Action Group tonight and will discuss this with them. Will revert back to you shortly- but yes there will be someone from the group attending this meeting. Regards Ian

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

Philip Delaloye Fri, Sep

6, 3:01 PM to ian, david


That's great, thank you.


Philip Delaloye Thu, Sep 19,

6:13 PM (3 days ago) to ian, david


As requested the email sent previously to you.

ian davies Thu, Sep 19,

7:24 PM (3 days ago) to me

Thanks Phil

information update following the Parish Assembly Inbox x

Philip Delaloye May 31,

2019, 3:12 PM to seklidpj, Vivienne, gloria, allenl7, malcolmrbuttler, moorejoanne3, karencooper1133, david, Mark, ian, bcc: Graham

Dear All

I am not sure whether this email from Cllr David Maddocks, Chair of the Blymhill and Weston under Lizard Parish Council has been forwarded on to you, if it has, please accept my apologies for duplicating, but I have been asked to circulate this.

Kind Regards

Philip Delaloye Parish Clerk

Blymhill and Weston under Lizard Parish Council

From: David Date: 16 May 2019 at 17:43:40 BST To: Ian Davies Subject: Parish Assembly meeting

Good afternoon Ian I am pleased you have agreed to to receive the Litter board that the district council have allowed us to make use of, we will give them your details

After the meeting of the Parish Assembly on Monday evening which I thought was generally constructive quite a few points were raised which I feel I need to respond to

TRAFFIC As pointed out the traffic situation regarding speed is completely out of our control , the Parish Council have spent more time on this issue over the last ten years than any other of the many aspects we deal with, so the Idea of a public meeting will be an opportunity for all Weston residents to explain their concerns in front of representatives of the Highways department , I hope they have more success than we have achieved

WESTON-UNDER -LIzard VILLAGE The appearance and upkeep of the village I agree is not good, but to describe it “The worst kept Village in Staffordshire “ in my opinion and many others is way over the top Regarding the path on the north side of the A5 it does need attention and to this end we have accepted a quote to have this cleaned up for this year with no obligation for future years, much of this problem is debris from adjoining properties which should be the responsibility of individual owners

PLAY AREAS I and the Parish Council totally refute the suggestion that this equipment is unsafe for local children , it is inspected annually by ROSPA , some of the Woden tables are in need of being renewed , with this in mind we have arranged for extra seating and tables to be installed to make the area more inviting for both children and parents, The contract we have for grass cutting we are not totally happy with and this will be reviewed

FINANCIAL SITUATION We in our parish have been very fortunate in the last twenty years to have a contribution from the V concert, this has enabled us to support many different activities and facility’s to the tune of well over 100k, it was pointed out in the leaflet that we were sitting on a pot of money , most of this came from the sale of our interest in both the school and school house in Blymhill, this was a one off and won’t be repeated so this along with the abandoned V Concert means that this account will no longer have any input, this adds up to the Parish council being very prudent in the projects we support At the same time regarding finance it is worth reminding everyone that at the moment we have one of the lowest precept in the county (Around 4/5k , adjoining Parish 14k) this will mean with the desire for support for upkeep of our villages this figure will have to substantially be increased in future years

ACTION GROUP This idea which came from our district councillor Brian Cox I thought was an excellent one , and I was very pleased that the Weston residents were prepared to take it on, I do hope this will be successful, we the parish council will be keen to liaise with the group to enable the Village to be the attractive place it can be,

COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES I did point out at the meeting that a opportunity was lost with the recent elections , All residents had a chance to put name forward for their preferred choice, to state that there was a lack of notice I find incredible it was notified in many different publications and council website for a long period of time At the moment there is a vacancy in your ward and we will co op in coming months , Our vice chairmen Doug Mcowan one of your representatives is keen to discuss any issues you may have in the future I hope you take advantage of this,

To sum up , While not agreeing with all the points raised I thought it was very worthwhile and constructive meeting and I am sure much good will come from it , with an understanding that parish council do not only have Westen issues to take on board but the many problems that arise in Blymhill and adjoining Hamlets ,

With regards David Maddocks Chairman Blymhill and Weston Paris council

Sutton, Mark (County Cllr) May 31,

2019, 3:22 PM to me


Is Ian Davies the main point of contact for this group?


Mark Sutton County Councillor Brewood Division Cabinet Member for Children and Young People 2 Staffordshire Place, Tipping Street, Stafford, ST16 2DH ': 01785 278445 ': 07740 679570

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ian davies Sep 8,

2019, 3:35 PM to David, me

Dear David,

Just for your information- I did not receive your original email that Philip Delayoe forwarded to everyone so would be grateful if you could check that the Weston Action Team is on your circulation list.

As we agreed at the Parish Council meeting of the 13th May 2019, allowing the Weston Action Group to be able to put ongoing concerns / issues to the Council and referencing your notes below of the minutes of the meeting.

The Weston Action Group convened recently and discussed issues / concerns that we would like to formally raise with the Council.

I look forward to meeting you briefly on Monday evening - 9th September at the Village Hall to discuss.


Ian Davies

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

Begin forwarded message: