

PRESENT: Cllr D Maddocks (Chairman) Cllr V Cook Cllr A Lowe Cllr D McGowan Cllr N Parton Cllr P Maddocks Cllr M Stokes

IN ATTENDANCE: Mr P Delaloye – Parish Clerk Cllr M Sutton – County Council District Council

APOLOGIES: Cllr B Cambidge Cllr B J W Cox – Cllr V Jackson




RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Parish Assembly and the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 18.11.2019 be approved as a correct Record.


It was asked of Cllr M Sutton if there had been any news on the Bradford Estate’s proposal for the new villages by Lizard Wood called Junction 3. Cllr M Sutton said that any information as to whether the proposal was to be taken into consideration along with County Councils 3 preferred sites would be heard on 12.02.2020.

SSDC had sent around communication that BT they had objected to the BT proposal to scrap the Telephone Kiosks in the area, but had agreed for the telephone kiosk in Weston under Lizard to go as it had had any usage.


There were no visitors to the meeting.


Cllr M Sutton reported • £8.51 Million extra funding was going to frontline Children Services to help work with families to keep them together. • That there were 59,000 Engineers and that Staffordshire had an above average of Engineers compared to other counties and that the number was increasing.


Figures that show the number of patients who are in hospital beds, even though they are fit to • The Stafford Weston Orbital road works were on track to meet the completion date.


Cllr M Sutton reported on behalf of the absent District Councilors that South Staffordshire District Council were looking to charge approximately £48.00 per year for the collection of Green refuse. This is because of the cost to the Council when it is not a statutory requirement to provide the service. Cllr D McGowan asked if this action may increase fly tipping in the area. Most Cllrs thought it would not as it was still cheaper and easier to have it collected, than take it to the tip or have the hassle of loading a car and taking it somewhere.

2075 PLAY AREAS It was reported that the Blymhill Play can look at times scruffy, whereas the Weston under Lizard Play area had regular grounds maintenance Blymhill did not. Nigel Parton suggested he could get quotes for regular maintenance. Cllr P Maddocks proposed the idea and Cllr M Stokes seconded it and it was unanimously passed. RESOLVED: That Cllr N Parton would get Optimus Groundcare to do a regular maintenance schedule for the Blymhill Play area.

2076 FOOTPATHS AND HIGHWAYS Cllr N Parton asked Cllr M Sutton what can be done about signs on the road as he and his staff had straightened some themselves. Cllr M Sutton responded that as they had done could right them themselves or report it on the council website as the Potholes can be reported. • Cllr M Stokes said that Highhall Bnk had some bank slippage – Cllr M Sutton said he would check on it. • Cllr M Stokes said that the slipway on the Chester Road was flooded. Cllr M Sutton responded it could be purely be due to all the wet weather and the ground being so waterlogged it just runs, but he will get the gully there checked and emptied if required. • Cllr Maddocks asked Cllr Mark Sutton whose responsibility was it to empty the ditches around farmland, the Landowners or the Tenant. Cllr M Sutton said that it would be the Landowners unless it was in the tenancy agreement that the Tenant would clear them. It was then raised that this could be a Health and Safety issue, but it was pointed out that it was no real difference than when farmers did their hedge cutting with putting out warning signs.


Planning Application considered by Parish Council since the meeting held on 18th November 2019

Application No: 19/00912/OUT Proposal: Outline application for the erection of up to 8 residential dwellings with all matters reserved and comprising of: Demolition of the existing poultry farm and agricultural bungalow; Up to 8 residential dwellings with a mix of size and type; To include 3 affordable (low-cost discounted sale) dwellings; comprising 1 x bungalow and 2 x semi-detached houses, Green infrastructure

80/93 including associated landscaping; Associated facilitating works. Location: Great Chatwell Poultry Premises Great Chatwell Newport TF10 9BJ Please respond with your observations by 8 January 2020 in writing, via ConsulteeAccess or email to [email protected]. Sent 18.12.2019

Planning Applications to be Considered by the Parish Council Nil

Planning Applications approved or refused by South Staffordshire Council since the meeting held on 18th November 2019

SSDC Planning Approvals, Validation and Enforcement Emails sent to all Parish Councillors when received.

Telephone Kiosks I refer to the recent notification that South Staffordshire Council have received from BT concerning the removal of 27 telephone kiosks throughout the South Staffordshire District. Following a consultation period during which BT placed a notice up inside the telephone kiosks requesting residents with objections to write in and comment and South Staffordshire Council contacted the local Councillors and Parish Councils and the issuing of the Council’s first notification / draft decision I now attach herewith a copy of the Council’s final response. Following the consultation period there were no eligible parties who expressed an interest in adopting any of the kiosks so a decision was made by the Council whether to consent to the removal of the kiosks or not, each notification lists the reasons for the decision issued.

The Final notifications show that SSDC has objected to the removal of the Public Telephone in Brineton as we had. They have though consented to the removal of the telephone in Weston under Lizard although we objected to that. Sent 22.12.2019

Cllr D Maddocks asked when the Application for the building of residential homes on the old chicken farm in Chatwell was to be heard by the Planning Committee. Cllr M Sutton did not know but said he would find out.



Balance as at 18th November 2019 £10,033.30

Payments since meeting held on 18th November 2019- to be confirmed Nil

Payment Made as Approved since 18th November 2019 Nil

Payment to be Approved



Income received since Meeting held on 18th November 2019 Nil

Balance as at 13th January 2020 £10,033.30

Blymhill and Weston Under Lizard Parish Council Accounts 1st April 2019 to 31st March 2020 Prepared by Philip Delaloye Parish Clerk


Funds at 31st March 2019 £11,736.02

Income since 1 April 2019 Parish Precept – 6 months £4960.00

Subtotal £4960.00

TOTAL £16,696.02

Expenditure since 1st April 2018 SSDC Interest free loan (Village Hall) (2019) £450.00 Extra Stamps for Parish Council re community shop surveys £40.60 Clerks expenses £131.27 Haven Landscaping for Moss removal Beighterton Lane and Rectory Drive £250.00 Staffordshire Parish Council Association £229.00 SSDC Grounds Maintenance (4th & 1st Quarters) £284.30 SSDC May 2019 Election charges £198.67 Zurich Insurance £353.70 St Andrews Parish (Graveyard fund) £1020.00 St Marys Parish Churchyard fund £350.00 Brewood and District Voluntary Car Scheme £200.00 Blymhill and Weston Parish Magazine £250.00 Parish Clerks Fee Quarter 1 £600.00 Weston Club – Institute rooms £150.00 Optimus Ground Care A5 footpath clean up £1200.00 Weston Sawmill Village sign erection £354.78 Bradford Estates Rent (29.9.18 to 28.3.20) £45.00 J Bent Parish sign cleaning £596.00

Subtotal £6,312.72

Funds for 31st March 2019 £10,033.30

RESOLVED: All Councilors agreed the Accounts


The Parish Clerk reported that the Parish Precept had not been increased for 7 years and that there would be more costs incurred, so should be increased. Cllr D McGowan proposed an increase of the Precept to £5,500 and this was seconded by Cllr P Maddocks and it was unanimously passed. RESOLVED: The Parish Clerk to request an increase in the Parish Precept to £5,500 for the 2020 to 2021 Financial year

The Parish Clerk reported that following the November meeting of the Parish Council where he had been given permission to get a new website for the Council the set up and cost for this would be approximately £700 with hosting and maintenance costs of £240 per annum thereafter.

2078 ANY OTHER BUSINESS • Cllr D Maddocks reported - that he had formed a Community Shop Committee, made up of a 4 Parish Councillors – himself, Cllr V Cook, Cllr N Parton, and Cllr D McGowan and 5 of the local people to help. – - There had been a meeting on the 26th November and in January and it had been decided to hold a Public meeting on the 19th of March. - A letter to each residence would be delivered and a notice would go into the February and March Parish Magazines. - Cllr P Maddocks proposed cost of Printing etc to be covered by the Parish Council – this was seconded by Cllr D McGowan and unanimously passed. - Cllr V Cook reported that the Plunkett Foundation gave grants to Community Shops but needed to see that a survey had taken place, there was an active steering committee and that there had been an open meeting. Cllr C McGowan said that DEFRA also provided grants for community projects such as this. - The Shop’s siting was discussed and would be at the far side of the Play area from the entrance in Blymhill • The Parish Clerk read out the notes from the Parish Councillors meeting with the members of the Weston under Lizard Action Group on Monday 9th December 2019. Prepared by P Dilkes

Notes for Meeting with David Maddocks – Chairman Blymhill & Weston Parish Council – dated 9th December 2019

Weston-under-Lizard – Residents’ Action Group

Petition – November 2019 Campaign for a reduction and extension of the speed limit from 40 mph to 30 mph along the A5 through the village of Weston Under Lizard

1. Petition completed and submitted to Councillor Mark Sutton in late November 2019. 131 signatures were received with the majority of residents in the village signing the petition including all occupied residences in Rectory Drive, Bridgeman Court and The Rectory. 2. The main Reason for this petition is the impact that the volume and speed of traffic on the A5 affects the quality of life for residents in the village of Weston under Lizard. Viz - * SAFETY – Walking or crossing the A5 in the village. *NOISE *VIBRATION *ENVIRONMENTAL – Pollution 3. Government studies have shown – * traffic noise levels can be lowered by over 40% if traffic speed is reduced from 40 to 30mph. * Speed limit reduction by 7 mph or more can lead to a massive 47% in traffic accidents


* There is a direct correlation between pollution and health issues with children * Vehicle stopping distances increase by some 50% between 30 mph & 40 mph. 4. Noise survey completed by Malcolm Buttler. 5. Residents Impact Statements 6. Speed & Vehicle count completed in July 2019 – supplied by Mark Sutton. 12703 vehicles/day ave speed 43 mph. The traffic volume in this survey is very similiar to a report that was done -2015 and yet the residents perception is that traffic volume- especially involving heavy lorries has increased in recent years – therfore Mark Sutton has kindly offered to instruct another survey which will also show type of vehicle. 7. Request assistance from the Parish Council for funding to facilitate the cost of the speed reduction application via the County Council – ref Mark Sutton who has also kindly offered to put in 50% of this cost – believed to be about £8 -£9k. 8. Other villages located on main trunk roads in the vicinity of Weston under Lizard have speed limits of 30 mph and traffic calming measures. 9. Viz - * Bridgetown –on the A5 *Norton – Sutton Maddock on the A442 *Penkridge – on the A449 *Woodseaves – on the A519 10. Guidance to be sought from the Highways Agency regarding appropriate traffic calming and safety measures that can be introduced on the A5 to facilitate the petition. * Pedestrian Crossing by the Weston Park Granary Gate with traffic lights. * Speed cameras in the village as per the instillation at Woodseaves. * Speed Humps etc

Action Points from December 9th 2019 Meeting Weston-under-Lizard – Residents’ Action Group

1. Gary M - to provide video clips of lorries passing through the village and of traffic passing the houses just outside the village (where Kim Mather lives) - these should aim to show lorries going over the white lines, how tight it is when 2 lorries drive past each other in opposite directions. 2. Gary G - to take photos of traffic calming measures on the entry to Penkridge. This ideally should be in both directions - i.e. a) from Gailey where the speed limit reduces from 60 mph to 40mph and then to 30 mph just after the speed camera (where the Co-op is) and b) and the same from the Stafford end. It would be great if the photos could also show the road markings are. 3. Paul Dilkes - to take photos (and video) of the same at 1) Woodseaves and b) Bridgtown 4. Ian D - to take photos of the same at Norton on the A442. 5. Ian D - to send an email to Kim Mather to ask her to take video clips of traffic passing her house in both directions to give a feel for the speed of the traffic and the impact it has when you are either walking along that stretch of pavement or trying to get in or out of her driveway. 6. Graham C - to make enquiries of Woodeaves Parish Council Chairman in terms of how they went about securing agreement and funding for their average speed camera set-up and how much it cost, what challenges they faced, how they overcame them and what their experience has been with the running and maintenance of the system since. Did they contribute to the capital cost of the system? 7. Malcolm & Carol - to undertake desk-top research to see what information can be gathered about fatalities and road traffic accidents on the A5 - both in the immediate vicinity of Weston under Lizard and say, the length of the A5 from Burlington (just the other side of the A41 towards Telford and Gailey (junction of the A5). You may not be able to be so prescriptive with your search so we will likely have to take whatever information is available but we could consider a Freedom of Information request (to the Police) if necessary. 8. Ian D - to procure an LCD projector for the meeting on 20th Jan


9. All - send all of these items to Ian D by 6th Jan at the latest (and before then if you can) 10. Ian D - To try and ascsertain cost of average cameras from his contacts. 11. Ian D - then to draft a powerpoint presentation (which we will discuss at our meeting on 10th Jan - see below) to be used at the 20th Jan meeting

The Parish Council commented on the positive work being done by the Action Group


RESOLVED: That the next meeting of the Parish Council be held on Monday January 13th 2020.

Proposed meetings for 2020: Monday 2nd March 2020, Monday 11th May 2020 and Parish Assembly Monday 7th September 2020 and Monday November 16th 2020.

Signed …………………………………………… (Chairman)

Date: ...... 2nd March 2020......