White House Special Files Box 39 Folder 4
Richard Nixon Presidential Library White House Special Files Collection Folder List Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 39 4 09/1967 Report The Development of the White House Office, 1939-1967 by Alex B. Lacy, Jr., Woodrow Wilson Dept. of Government and Foreign Affairs, University of Virginia. 39 pages. Tuesday, May 01, 2007 Page 1 of 1 i$ - : I' (. '-.' 1", / • :'" ." ,(.J"."I I r ' "~ .... t " . t' " /" t : . i ,. , ".. ... :", THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE \iI/HITE HOUSE OFfICE, 1939-1967 ,.' . ~ ... .Qy Alex B. Lacy , Ir , 'I - '. ~ , WcodrowVifilson Department of Government and Foreign Affairs ' .. University of Virginia, ' :. ..... 0~~E~red for delivery~t the 1967 Annua]. Meeting or-the .. !\}n~..!t,q_anI:01iticaLScience Association, Pick-Congress", :: Hotel, Chi~aa~_MRJembe!-S-9. Copyright/ 1967, The , . American Political Scienee Assoc1ation. , . " .. :-.~\ .' .-. '.... ,. ~. ". , ,', '. ' ,. ... 1~ ~ .... .. fJ '. .... .. ." c. ~ ·.. , Abstract: "Tho t~':.\'dopment of the White House Office, 1939-1967" by Alex B. Lacy, Jr. Woodrow \V1150n Department of Government and Foreign Affairs University of Virginia c••, , Prepared for delivery at the 1967 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Pick-Congress Hotel, Chicago, September 5-9. Copyright, 1967, The American Political Science Association. In the first section of the paper the development of White House staff facili ties prior to 1939 is summarized briefly. The Reorganization Act of 1939 and Re , organization Plan NO.1 of that year are discussed as the legal foundation of the .establishment of the Executive Office of the President including an expanded White House Office in that year. The debate over the merits of the "institutionalization" of the Presidency is reviewed and the nature of the study of which this paper is a part is described.
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