The Ukrainian Weekly 1964
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ІАЗНІМОТОІІ ОС Metropolitan Slipy Appointed FORTY-SIXTH ANNIVERSARY OF HON. JOHN A. GRONOUSKl, 70th Jubilee Anniversary Celebra– 'Major Archbishop7 by Pope, UKRAINE^ INDEPENDENCE OB– u. s. POSTMASTER GENERAL, tion of UNA in New York Augurs A Rank Equivalent to Patriarch SERVED IN MANY COMMUNITIES TO TAKE PART 1N U.N.A. FETE To Be A Huge Success (BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH) NEW YORK. N. Y. (Spc– ИИИИРЕГТ"""" ROME. Feb. 5 (UPl).-The j ROCHESTER, N. Y. (Sne– a commemorative observance cial). — From all indications Most Rev. Joseph Slipy, the 'cial) On January 24. 1934 a was held in the Ukrainian Na– and reports the forthcoming Ukrainian Archbishop of Lviv j special observance in honor of tional Home in honor of the observance of the 70th anni– who was freed a year ago af– і the -16th anniversary of U– 40th anniversary of Ukraine's Jversary of the Ukrainian Na– ter 18 years of Soviet impri– . kraine's independence was held І anniversary. The program m– tional Association promises to sonment, has become the first in the premises of "Samopo– 1 eluded introductory remarks be a huge and telling suc– j by M. Lychowat, chairman of man to be granted the rank of mich" under the sponsorship cess. The sale of tickets is pro– the Flint Branch of the U– "Major Archbishop," the v"ati– of the Ukrainian war veterans. gressing very satisfactorily, can announced today. united in the Association of krainian Congress Committee of America, which sponsored and the preparations for the The Sacred Congregation for Former Soldiers of Ukrainian presentation of The Witch, an Eastern Churches ruled on De– Armies, and Soldiers of the the observance, the invocation by Rev. M. Dubytsky of Detroit, opera in concert form by the cember 23 that Slipy is entitl– First Ukrainian Division and late Ukrainian American com– ed to the rank of a 1957 de– the UPA; Dr. Lev Rubingcr Mich., a musical quartet con– sisting of the S. Kniahynytaky poser, Paul Pecheniha-Ougllt– cree of Pope Pius ХП. The delivered an address dedicated sky, are also in full swing. title is confined to Eastern to the significance of the Jan– family, and Ukrainian songs Catholicism and ranks just un– uary 22 national holiday. by the Bandurist ensemble One of the outstanding fea– der a patriarch, it is equiva– from Detroit under the direc– turee of the celebration will be John Zadorozhny lent to the Armenian and Chal– YONKERS, N. Y. tion of Prof. M. Liekivsky. The the appearance of the Hon. dean title of "Catholicos" and YONKERS, N. Y. On Sun- principal speaker at the ob– John A. Gronouski, U. S. Post- Bodnar, Lev Reynarovych, M. the Syrian title of "Mafrean." day, January ЗДМ964 a spe– servance was Walter Dush– master General and a member Rybitsky, Andrew Dobriansky, A "Major Archbishop" g"ov– Metropolitan Joseph Slipy cial concert was held in com– nyck. editor of UCCA publica– of the Cabinet, who will 1. Hosh, 1. Samokyshyn, 1. Za– erns a metropolitan see not de- memorntion of the 46th anni– tions from New York. be the principal speaker at miaty, E. Kaminsky and R. pendent on a patriarchate and riarchs in the Papal Court and versary of the proclamation of this great UNA event in New Osadchuk. has roughly the same right as wears a hat with a white veil. Ukraine's independence. The BUFFALO. N. Y. York City. There will also be a perform– a patriarch in appointing bish– Following the ruling Pope principal speaker at the cele– BUFFALO, N. Y. On Sun- The music of P. Pecheniha– ance by the Chorus "Dum– opa establishing eparchies Paul appointed Slipy a mem– bration .vas Yasyl Mudry. day Tanuary 22, 1964 under Ouglitsky's opera's The Witch ka", accompanied by a full (dioceses) and a permanent ber of the Congregation for Staff Director -of the UCC'A the auspices of the Buffalo has never been sung before Symphony Orchestra and a synod, calling special prayers, Eastern Churches^ under the and a veteran Ukrainian states- Branch of the Ukrainian Con- the Ukrainian public, and ballet ensemble under the di– revising liturgical books, and same terms as patriarch. man. Prior to the observance Tress Committee of America a therefore the arias from this rection of vadym Sulyma. The appointing a personal repre– Slipy has lived in the v"ati– Mayor E. Flynn issued a spc– commemorative obse r v a n c e new Ukrainian opera by this over-all direction of the pre– sentative to the Holy See. He can since his arrival from the cial proclamation whereafter a was held in honor of the 46th outstanding Ukrainian compos– sentation is in the hands of ranks after cardinals and pat- Soviet Union a year ago. flag–raising ceremony was held anniversary of Ukraine's inde– er will be heard in New York John Zadorozny, director ot at City Hal!, which was attend– і pendence. The program in– for the first time. the "Dumka" Chorus, who ed by 200 persons and at which will be assisted by Prof. A. cluded an address by Dr. Nes– The Hon. John A. Gronouski Singing the principal parts UNVEILING OF SHEVCHENKO Mayor Flynn and represcnta– tor Procyk, chairman of the of the opera will be Martha Bernyk of Hunter College. The tives of Ukrainian organiza– UCCA Branch in Buffalo, the Kobryn-Kokolsky, Mary Lesa– text by Leonid Poltava will be STATUE W1LL TAKE PLACE tions delivered appropriate SUMA female choir under the Postmaster General John j linois, employed by an insur– wyer, Hanna Sherey, Mary narrated by lhor Shuhan. speeches. direction of A. Moroz and a Austin Gronouski, who was ance firm. ON SATURDAY, JUNE 27 recitation by Zenon Deputat. confirmed by the Senate on He entered the Army Air PERTH AMBOY ,N. J. September 24 and sworn in to Corps in April 1942 as a pri– UNA Anniversary Program To Be IN WASHINGTON PERTH AMBOY. N. J.—On BOSTON, MASS. his new post at the White vate and later served as a navi– House on Monday, September4 gator"!Rading the rank of First Broadcast 'Live' Over Pittsburgh Tuesday, January 21, 1П64 BOSTON, Mass. On Sun- SHEVCHENKO MEMORIAL COMMITTEE MAKES FINAL r 30, 1963. Was born October 26, Lieutenant. After 24 combat the Hon. J. Flynn, Mayor of day, January 26, 1964, a com– Radio 1919 in Dunbar, Wisconsin, and missions in the European The– PLANS FOB OBEATEST UKRA1N1AN AMEB1CAN Perth Amboy, issued a procla– memorative celebration was was reared and educated in atre of Operations, Mr. Gro– PITTSBURGH, pa.-The UNA of prominent city, county? MANIFESTATION roation designating January held in the Ukrainian Ortho– 22, 1964 as "Ukrainian inde– Oshkosh, Wisconsin. noueki was discharged in Octo– Anniversary Committee of State, and federal public offl– dox Church, auditorium under 4 peridence Day," and a special He attended St. Peter's ele– Western .-.Pennsylvania, has cials of, the tP4t^hurgh^area NEW YORK, N. Y. (Spe– on the opposite side will be a the auspfcee of the Boston ber 1945. .^.v^v honoring "Batko Soyuf" for mentary and high school and made arrangements to have f–) cial).—The greatest and per– quotation from Shevchenko'e meeting was held dedicated to Branch of the UCCA. On Janu– Oshkosh State Teachers Col– І He taught public finance, the program of the UNA Anni– his' 70 years of fraternal eery- hapfl the most significant man– "The Caucasus," translated by the observance of the impor– ary 22. 1964 Governor Peabody it lege. Mr. Gronouski holds three money and banking and relat– ice to the industrial ТЛгаіпіая ifeetation—from the viewpoint v"era Rich of London: tant anniversary, at which Rev. of Massachusetts and Mayor J versary Banquet to be held in degrees from the University of ed subject at the University of community in Western pe^nsyr of the history of the Ukrainian S. Halata. Dr. Yu. Sribny and Collins of Boston issued special Pittsburgh on Sunday, Febru– ... our soul shall never perish. Wisconsin in the field of eco– Maine from February 1948 to lvahja, will also be broadcast, emigration in the United States, M. Fedynyshyn delivered ad- proclamations designating Jan– ary 9, broadcast 'live' from the Freedom knows no dying. nomics with a major in public June 1950; from November to the general public. the unveiling of the Shevchen– dresses. The blue and yellow uary 22. 1964 as "Ukrainian ballroom of the Pick-Roosevelt And the Greedy cannot finance. He received his Bache– 1952 until August 1956, he was WP1T-FM broadcasts'"! ko monument in Washington, Ukrainian national flag was independence Day" in the research associate for the Fed– Hotel over radio station WP1T- harvest lor Degree in 1942; his Masters Pittsburgh on a frequency of D. C. will take place on Sat– hoisted on Perth Amboy's City State of Massachusetts and in eration of Tax Administration. FM. Fields where seas are lying; Degree in 1947, and his Doctor- 101.5 megacycles with p power urday. June 27, 1964, accord– Hall, and a local American the City of Boston. The pro- During part of this time (1953- Cannot bind the living spirit, ate Degree in 1955. Through the committee's ef– output of 20,000 w^tts.,The, ing to the final decision of the newspaper printed a picture of gram included an introducto– 1956), he taught statistics at Not the living word. Mr. Gronouski married the forts thousands throughout hour-long UNA Anniversary Executive Board of the Shev– the flag-raising ceremony. ry address by v. Hanchar, Roosevelt College Evening Cannot smirch the sacred former Mary Louise Metz, a Western Pennsylvania, partic– program will be broadcast on chenko Memorial Committee chairman of the Boston Branch School.